Vampires (2020) s01e04 Episode Script

One Blood, One Rule, One Mother

[inaudible dialogue]
[speaking indistinctly]
[Simeon] Your name?
Doina Radescu.
Date of birth?
September 20th 2003.
Let's make sure we have some margin.
Put 2007.
It's not possible. I need to be
the right age for the high school diploma.
Then 2003 it is.
[Simeon] Put your hair up. Don't smile.
Hold your head up.
I'm doing you a big favor, you know.
In a hurry like that.
I know. Thanks a lot.
So, it's agreed?
You come tonight.
You'll meet the Elder.
It's a great opportunity.
- And
- Thank you.
Everybody wants to meet you.
[Doina] I'll be there. I promise.
[students chattering]
Where were you? I've been waiting for you.
- Don't worry.
- Come on.
Miss Radescu. Come with me.
- Hurry up.
- It's exam day.
Come with me.
[Doina] It can't wait?
Come on.
Come in.
- My daughter.
- What are you doing here?
[Martha] Are you ready?
You slept well? At Moji's house?
- What the fuck is going on?
- Stop it.
Stop it. It's not the right time.
I have my exam.
It's going to be quick.
We found a solution.
[Martha] So We
Us. [chuckles]
[Bibadeau] Your mother and I.
A theft report.
Just say that your ID has been stolen
and it's okay. Sign there.
I've got what I need.
Can I go now, please?
What is it? Where did you get it?
Have you lost your mind?
You're totally crazy.
I know what I'm doing.
It's every man for himself.
- [Martha] Excuse me?
- Give it back.
You know who they are?
- Stop it.
- What did you pay for that?
A party. My future is worth it.
[Martha] Which party?
I'm sorry.
[teacher] Again for the latecomers,
put your ID
where I can see it, on your table. Okay?
- Hi.
- Hi.
Thank you.
Come on.
[Martha] Come on.
What are you doing?
I wanted to talk to you.
You're making me go outside at noon
to talk to me?
[Martha scoffs]
Dad used to come here.
My only memory.
Why are you telling me that? What is it?
Why didn't you come home?
Did you meet someone?
Dad was taking your DNA
to reproduce your genes.
[Martha] What?
Did you know he was stealing your genes?
He didn't want to cure us.
He wanted us to be like you.
He wanted everybody to be that.
[Martha] You're wrong, Andrea.
[Andrea] You used to say he wanted us
to be normal and to take the drugs.
If he was alive, I would be like Doina.
Who said that? That bitch?
Elise told you that?
It's Elise who saved my life.
I'm the one who saved you.
I'm doing everything for your own good.
I'm leaving. For my own good.
[Martha shouts]
[Martha] Troublemaker.
It's over. You can't come to my place,
I'm not at your service.
Why are you saying those things to my son?
I saved your son's life.
You could thank me.
It's not my concern.
You had to tarnish Redouane's memory.
You still can't accept the fact
that you can't succeed without him.
Is that it?
No, but Redouane
has manipulated both of us.
I don't think so.
That's what you want to believe.
What's the most important thing now?
To cure your daughter? Here.
[Martha] What is it?
It's a DNA sample kit.
I want ten of them with age and name.
- Ten people of your Community.
- Are you kidding me?
It's not complicated. Scrape the inside
of the cheek with a cotton swab.
That's right. I'm going to do that
to my kids. What am I supposed to say?
That this will save their sister.
I can't.
I can't do that.
It's give and take.
I help you and you help me.
If you want a cure for your daughter,
come back with the ten samples.
[phone line ringing]
[Andrea] Hi, it's our voicemail.
Leave a message. Thank you.
Andrea, I'm trying to reach you.
Why are you doing this to me?
You've been angry at me
since I told you about it.
It's not my fault. I didn't do anything.
Please. I'm lost. I need you to tell me
what to do. I don't know.
Love you, bro.
See you.
[Moji] He has to tell you what to do?
About what?
I can help you if you talk to me.
But you don't.
You've been at my house for three days.
You come home, you sleep, you leave.
We don't talk to each other.
I have a sixth sense when it comes to you.
I know what's good or not. You know it.
It's nothing. It's a party.
I don't know if I should go.
What kind of party?
My mother's family.
What are you scared of? It's your family.
Worst case scenario, it's going to suck
and there will be weird food.
I'm scared to meet them.
So, you're like that?
You're afraid of others?
Because they're from somewhere else,
you're scared to meet them?
You're a fucking racist.
You're afraid to meet people
[both laughing]
You're a bitch.
I'm just being paranoid.
Get out of here.
You're right.
And that's why you're weird lately?
Tell me what we're going to do
once we've graduated.
- Once we've graduated?
- Mm.
Tell me. Please.
We'll move to Nantes.
We'll have a huge apartment.
With a huge fucking Jacuzzi.
We'll be doing our veterinary training.
We'll be the valedictorians.
We'll go to the beach every weekend.
We'll be fucking tanned.
We'll play video games all day long.
We'll have parrots.
No dogs. I can't stand yours anymore.
My mother will kill it.
You have to put it somewhere else.
[Doina] Wait a minute.
[dog barks]
Are you okay?
You want to see Moji?
That's right. I'm going to see him.
I'm leaving.
[dog barking]
Wait a minute, Nacer.
- Can you take my dog?
- Are you nuts?
Please. Look, he already likes you.
His name is Shogun. He's sweet.
Just take him.
[Doina] I can't keep him. Moji refuses.
You're crazy.
It's my dog.
My favorite person in the world.
I know you hate me,
but it's not his fault.
It's too dangerous for him at home.
He's been bitten.
I can't leave him like that.
Here. I won't ask you for anything else.
Thank you.
[opera music playing over speakers nearby]
"Csilla Nemeth invites Martha and her kids
to the reconciliation party."
[opera music continues]
She's angry.
She refused to drink
the blood sent by Csilla.
But we didn't starve ourselves.
Are you ready?
You'll be there?
I've been waiting for so long.
I left an outfit on your bed.
[Andrea chuckles]
- So?
- What's up?
[Doina] I was worried.
I've been calling you.
Why you didn't answer?
I've missed you.
- Where were you?
- [chuckles]
And you?
I was at Moji's place.
I got in a fight with Mom.
Welcome to the club.
You're moving out?
It's time for me to leave.
Shogun has moved out, too.
Let's have a drink. On me.
I can't right now.
You can't have a drink with me?
I can, but I need a cram session.
What for?
Well, you know Oral exam.
Which exam?
The one in two weeks?
Don't sweat it. I've seen the invite.
You're like Mom. You think I'm stupid.
- I'll help you.
- Let it go.
She's getting ready.
She's dressing up for them.
I can stop her.
The more we try,
the more she'll want to go.
I can lock her up.
- Rad.
- What? Please.
I'm staying with you, Mom.
[Martha chuckles]
[loud electronic dance music
playing over speakers]
[Doina] Shit. I wasn't thinking.
- I need to think a little bit.
- Huh?
Stop it.
[Xavier] Honey.
You haven't aged a day.
- [Irina] Xavier.
- I'm happy to see you.
[Irina laughs]
Don't stay there. Come in.
[elevator bell dings]
[inhales audibly]
Come on.
[Irina laughing]
[gothic trance music
playing over speakers]
[chattering and laughing]
[inaudible dialogue]
Our Elder. She's 490 years old.
That's her current lover, Auguste.
An asshole.
And the little miracle.
The future of our race.
I have to introduce myself?
[Ladislas] Don't go near her.
It's best for you.
- Come on.
- What?
- What?
- Come on.
- I don't know this dance.
- Swirl.
- Here.
- I don't know this dance.
I don't know.
[Martha] Redouane.
They say you betrayed me.
But you weren't like that.
We're going.
- Hi.
- Hi.
Come in, please.
Am I bothering you?
No, no, please. It's just
It's a bit messy in here.
Settle in. I'll change your bandage.
No, actually, I'm here to thank you.
I have a gift for you.
It wasn't necessary, but that's nice.
- Here.
- Thank you.
- Here.
- Arak. How original.
Let's open it.
I know it's weird, but
Can I stay here for a few days?
We can talk about my father.
I still have a lot of questions.
Does your mother know?
Why should I tell her?
[gothic rock music playing over speakers]
Close the door.
What is it?
Deer blood.
[in English] What else?
It's not human blood?
A few drops.
Undetectable, but they'll be high.
Shit. We can't do that.
You've just joined
and you're already obedient.
You know the rooster of the village?
The what?
You don't know?
No, I don't.
Teach me how to talk
like in the 16th century.
It's someone who has potential
but keeps it small.
You could go far, if you wanted to.
You could do great things.
In broad daylight.
Instead, you come here.
You're stuck in the Middle Ages.
Seeing the same faces.
The same damn old rituals.
Everybody has sex with their cousins here.
If you don't like it, why do you stay?
Maybe I was waiting for you.
Be careful.
It comes quickly.
The musty smell.
[laughing and shouting]
What's going on with Ladislas?
- You drank something?
- No.
Don't hang with him. He's a junkie.
Don't worry. I got it.
You see these people?
You'll spend the next centuries with them.
Choose your friends carefully.
Just don't get a bad reputation.
Ladislas is the Nemeth son.
We can't say anything.
You're the pariah's daughter.
[music stops]
[crowd murmuring]
We were waiting for you.
Welcome, Martha.
I'd like to give a toast
to the Community reunited.
One blood.
One law.
One mother.
Hi, Belen.
Hi, Martha.
Who is one of us
is always one of us.
[all] One mother.
[slow nocturne playing over speakers]
[upbeat synthwave music
playing over speakers]
[Auguste] The Elder.
She wants to see you.
[in English] You're making
a fucking fool of yourself.
[Rad] Is there a problem?
Don't touch her.
Don't you fucking dare!
Who do you think you are?
I've decided it was time
for you to say hello.
That's the least you can do.
Come here.
Come closer.
[Belen humming]
[Belen chuckles]
You and I, we have something in common.
Something that sets us apart
from everyone in here.
I've lived in the sun, too.
You don't understand.
[Belen chuckles]
So, you don't know anything?
Where do we come from? Who we are?
Why we are what we are?
Martha hasn't told you anything?
She didn't say anything
about our struggle for survival?
The plague.
You don't know anything.
[Belen laughs]
Where is your sister?
I don't know. Which one?
Doina. Go get her.
How old are you?
- 17 years old.
- 17 years old.
At your age,
I already had two kids.
You'll need to catch up.
[Doina] What's going on? Stop it.
I'm checking your fertility.
Let me go. You're hurting me.
Don't resist.
I'm your Elder.
Obey me.
Let me go.
[Belen growling]
[grunting and gasping]
[Doina shrieks]
Doina. What's going on, honey?
That's the Elder's pick.
What did you do?
What's wrong?
Come on.
What happened?
- I found her like this.
- [man] It's the girl.
Find the Radescus.
[woman 1] What's going on?
[woman 2] Hey!
[man] Oh, calm down.
Come on.
Follow me.
Come on.
Go through this door.
What's going on?
I don't know.
There's a shitstorm up there.
Did you see Mom and Doina?
No. They're not with you?
[man] Get them.
The sun.
They're here. Hurry. Come on.
[Irina] Doina!
What happened?
[Rad] Where is Mom?
Where is she?
Just go. It's too late.
- [Rad] I don't give a fuck!
- Mom!
We wait for Mom. Okay?
[Irina] No!
[birds twittering]
Did you sleep well?
I did. Thank you.
[Redouane on recording] April 27th 2002.
Third phase of research. Day 27.
About accelerated aging.
It's my father?
That's all I have left of him.
Cellular lifespan extension.
Slowing down the aging process.
How does it work? Genetically.
I don't know.
We don't know. It's driving me crazy.
We've studied the DNA sequences
of patients with progeria.
We've discovered an anomaly.
A substitution in the LMNA gene.
The mitosis is defective
and cells die prematurely.
I can tell you everything. Wait a minute.
Listen to me.
Search her.
Leave my kids alone.
[in English] Get out.
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