Veronika (2024) s01e04 Episode Script

The Hypnosis

Alexander Östberg?
Did you know Hanna Hagman?
Um, no
You know something about Oskar,
don't you?
I have to contact him.
This weekend, I need to be
sure everyone is 100% there for it.
You'll have to skip this one.
You were right, I think we should
get Simon an evaluation.
Bengt hasn't been in an accident.
I would know if he had.
Did I see a psychologist
when I was little?
Cold, confused, hallucinations.
Why are you bringing this up?
Good morning.
Good morning.
Are you okay?
You have to let me know
if something is wrong.
Hey, have you seen my new
No, no, no, what are you doing?
You're really old. No.
-Ugh! Have you seen my new jeans?
Yeah, they're in the laundry,
I can get them.
-Bye, see you soon.
Yeah, at the school,
we've got a meeting.
I'm sure I can do it without you.
No, no, I'll see you later.
Hello, are you okay?
-Take it easy now.
-Yeah, you know I will. Hey there.
Drunk tank?
Yeah, as usual.
If it weren't for the fact Tommy
beats his wife all the time,
I'd feel sorry for him.
You know, with his upbringing.
Child psychiatrists,
social services, all that shit.
And the resources back then
were limited, to say the least.
What's this?
They had gotten stuck
in the printer.
I thought you wanted them
since you were logged in.
I'm sure she'll be here soon.
Veronika, can you come here?
Three years ago,
a girl was killed in the
neighbouring region, Josefin Forss.
A man was convicted.
Niklas Borsén,
I looked him up already.
Look what I just got.
There are more. They've already
taken him in, they're waiting.
Come on.
Alright, we'll leave it
at that then. Take care.
-Thank you.
-Simon, this'll be great.
I'll see you this afternoon, we'll
talk more, when Mum is home, right?
Can't I come home with you?
I'm going to work.
And you have to back to class.
This'll be good. Bye.
I love you.
Simon and I have been to the meeting
at school, where the hell are you?
When you said you didn't have a
relationship with Hanna,
or I think the words you used were,
"I'm sorry, I don't know her",
you were lying.
Yes, I lied.
Andrea was there.
And you didn't consider getting in
touch after, to tell us the truth?
It's like this, Hanna and I,
we had sex occasionally.
It wasn't a big deal.
Andrea would be very sad
if she found out.
Maybe I'll sound a bit liberal here,
but you're saying your current
girlfriend would be upset if
We're engaged.
Okay, apologies.
Would your fiancée
be upset that you had sex with
another girl, five years ago?
Andrea and I have been together
since high school.
Of course.
Where did you have sex?
We were always
in my dad's hunting cabin.
Where is that?
It's by Jalmossen.
Where Hanna was found murdered.
So you met there,
and had strangulation sex.
Things like that can easily
go too far, right?
I'm sorry, why are you asking
that type of questions?
To try to determine your
client's relationship to the victim.
Is my client a suspect
for the murder?
I think we have what we need, right?
Mm. You'll stay in the lockup until
we've talked to the prosecutor.
-You're joking, right?
-Don't worry, we'll sort this out.
Yes, of course we'll sort it out.
Listen, yes, Hanna and I had sex.
We had sex, I didn't murder anyone.
Ask whoever you want.
It's 11:46am, we'll finish here.
We're from the police,
we need to ask some questions,
regarding Alexander Östberg.
Yes, right, I figured.
We need to confirm his whereabouts
on Saturday, October 15, 2017.
We probably had a game.
As far as I know,
he's never missed a game.
Okay. Can that be
confirmed in any way?
Do you have any documentation
of the games?
Yeah, but it's many years go,
so I'd have to look it up.
So do.
Matte, can you check
where we were on Saturday
October 15, 2017.
Saturday, October 15, 20?
That's right, away game,
left on Saturday, lunchtime,
got back Sunday morning.
What does that mean?
It means he wasn't playing,
injured or something.
But that doesn't matter,
because he was there.
Are you sure he was there?
Ask one of the other guys.
Or ask Matte, the second coach,
or the bus driver.
Do you need more?
No, that's okay, thanks.
I might be in touch.
And please send that to me.
I don't believe that coach.
No, but he's got
an entire hockey team
who can confirm
Alexander Östberg was there.
Yes, but she doesn't have to
have been killed on the 15th.
He might have held her captive
and killed her later.
Are you superstitious?
Yeah You never know.
Okay, I'm going, bye.
Hey, wait, where are you going?
I'm sleeping over at Molly's.
Did you forget?
That was today?
-Mm, okay, bye.
-Wait, wait.
Can I have a hug?
-Have a nice time.
-Call me tomorrow.
-I'll call.
Hi, the daily special, please.
Anything to drink?
Just water.
Oh, there you are.
We're going home now, Simon.
We're going to Denmark.
No, not today.
I'm going to the bank.
I have to get there
before they shut.
Why can't you go another day?
No, that won't do. I want things
in order before I go away.
But the bus isn't coming.
I'm sorry I didn't come
to the meeting today.
That's okay, Mum.
Something came up.
Dad was there.
Why are they so different?
-Grandma and Ninni.
They're sisters.
I don't know, actually.
Sometimes it just
turns out that way.
Like you're in different worlds.
Are we?
You and I, we're the same.
Are you kidding, it was crazy.
Shit, my swim coach lives here.
Fuck him, you can have fun
on your own time, right?
Are you coming?
This is where the party is!
-Ooh, here, here.
-A toast?
There, some for you, some for you,
some for you, okay.
-Let's do it.
Dad, when are we buying new shoes?
Um, soon Very soon, okay?
Simon, can I have the water?
I wonder what Liv and Molly
are doing.
Yeah, what do you think?
Maybe they're watching TikTok?
Yeah, or a movie.
You got hold of so much tonight.
You know what, I'm good.
-Oh, come on.
-No, drink, come on!
You only live once.
-Okay, let's do it.
That was a good one.
Alright, let's play
Never Have I Ever or something.
-We have to catch up.
Um Alright, I'll start. Um
Never have I ever looked at porn.
Oh come on. Alright then.
This is really very good.
Okay, that was a lie.
You know that, right?
Okay, okay.
I'm sorry, I'm so clumsy.
That's okay, it's only water.
Hey, it's fine.
Hey, it's okay.
Are you alright?
It's cold.
Have you seen Molly?
No, not for a while.
-Do you need to throw up?
-Hey Jack!
Where have you been? We've been
looking for you all night.
-I've been here.
-The whole time?
The whole time.
For fuck's sake, forget about
Let's party.
Come on
What he hell, Liv?
I'm sorry.
Go home, Liv.
-I was gonna sleep at your house.
-No, just go home. Okay?
I'll be there later, okay?
Had a bit too much tonight?
Calm. I'm just trying to
warm you up a bit, okay?
You're not in the mood
for some cuddling?
-Stop it
-First time you're drunk?
Stop it, I don't want to.
I'm sorry there won't be
any kissing,
I don't really want to,
I'm sure you understand.
We can do other things.
Let me go!
Hey, bro, let her go,
she's just a little girl.
It was just a joke.
Hey, this is Martin.
I've got Liv with me,
I found her outside my house
and, well, she's vomited.
How is she?
She's asleep in there. Go on in.
She said she was sleeping at
a friend's house.
Yes, well, that's what
we all used to say.
this really isn't my place, but
since I know Liv
It's unlike her
to party like this, right?
I hope it's not because
she was taken off the relay team.
Was she taken off the team?
She didn't tell you?
She's been unfocused during
There's a lot going on
when you're that age, I get that.
But during practice we need full
Some may think I'm harsh, but
considering what happened to my
sister, Monica
It was at that age things
started to go downhill for her.
I get it.
Look, Liv has a good chance of
getting her spot on the team back.
That's her jacket.
-Oh Oh
There's a bathroom upstairs
if you want to wash up.
-Yes, thanks.
-I can get a bag.
Yes, please.
I knew it.
He contacted you.
What does he want?
You have to help me.
I'm sorry.
She's asleep now.
Isn't that a bit harsh?
Martin taking her off the team.
I don't agree.
I think he knows what he's doing.
Yeah, but there are different ways
of doing it.
Punishment isn't really my thing.
Right, so no rules
and no consequences?
-Even though she was out drinking.
-And lied.
-That's not what I said.
You know you can talk to me, right?
There isn't anything.
Are you sure about that?
I just love you.
And I love you.
Simon? It's time to sleep.
Come on.
Let's go to bed.
-Hey, I want to pay my tab.
Yes, of course. All of it?
Hey, Tommy.
Hello, what
What's up?
What did I do this time?
Listen, I'd like to
talk to you for a minute.
Yeah. Go ahead and talk.
You saw a psychologist
when you were little, right?
Go to hell.
Did you? Who?
What is this rubbish?
If you need a psychologist,
sweetheart, it's no use asking me.
Good luck.
There we go, debt free.
-Thank you.
-Thank you.
-Hi, Veronika
-Hi, Bettan.
How's Tomas?
Did it hit him hard? I mean,
about the murdered girl, Hanna.
I remember, he was so
dedicated with her.
He did home visits and really wanted
to get the girl to go to school.
He didn't tell you?
Maybe he forgot
how hard he fought for her.
It's not easy, all the students
who come and go.
It's not easy
to remember everything.
And it was a while ago.
I was so impressed
by his dedication.
He really wanted to help her.
It's sad, what happened.
Say hi to Tomas.
-Hi, are you Sten Ljungman?
-My name is Veronika Gren.
Can I come in a minute?
-Call if there is anything.
-We will.
We didn't get anything from the
summer house. It was clean.
-We don't have anything on Östberg.
Hey, how are things?
How is it, to work with Veronika?
We don't really
know each other yet.
But it's working well.
There, what can I help you with?
I was wondering if
I came here as a child.
As a patient, you mean?
What was your name?
I'll have a look.
Back then, my name was Veronika Löf.
Um Löf
No. I'm sorry,
there's no Löf in our records.
I haven't had you as a patient.
Could you have had some employee,
or someone renting a space?
Mm You know, I'm something of
a lone wolf, so
My dad
He died in a workplace accident when
I was little, and I was there, so
Wouldn't it make sense if I had been
offered someone to talk to?
Absolutely. Definitely.
Do you know if there were any other
child psychologists in the area,
other than you?
I can't find any others.
No, I don't think so.
Unfortunately not.
I've been here before.
No, you haven't been here before.
If you had, you'd be in the records.
I know I've been here before,
I remember it.
Alright, I think it's time
for you to leave.
You know who I am, don't you?
-You know who I am.
Why are you lying?
Tell me the truth.
Why are you lying?
Okay, it was like this,
you claimed that you could see him.
Your father, that is.
Even though he was dead.
-Did my mum know?
-Yes. That's why she came here.
She said you were manic
and difficult to connect to.
She wanted some quick fix,
I don't think she was
really interested in therapy.
I don't understand,
why was I here if not to get help?
No, she wanted you to get help.
She wanted you to be back to normal.
She wanted you to have pills.
Um yeah
It wasn't ethically sound,
but she was very decisive, your mum.
And she gave me a sum of money.
It's not something I'm proud of.
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