Vindication (2019) s01e04 Episode Script

The Gentleman

-[Preacher On Radio] -
But the more I preach it
the more I know it's true.
And the more I let in on (mumbles),
the more I know it's the truth
(thrilling music)
Well come home safely.
From you and I to ignite
and sustain for the distance
our spiritual passion,
the first thing we need to taste
(scissors cutting)
Our personal pattern.
Our personal simply.
(plastic rustling)
(background preacher on radio)
(papers rustling)
(background preacher on radio)
(metal scratching)
(background preacher on radio)
(thrilling music)
(background preacher on radio)
(background chatter)
-This is a waste of time.
-Chief doesn't think so.
There's several influential
people live here.
Apparently it's in the
departments best interest
for us to be here.
Get on up there.
-Excuse me, I think
we can get started now.
My understanding is that
there is a concern for safety
in the neighborhood and we're
here to talk about that,
help out in any way we can.
-Sir, it's not about safety,
it's about one problem.
One person.
-We don't feel comfortable
having our children play
outside, in our own neighborhood.
(background chatter)
-We've sent multiple
complaints to the city
and they do nothing, and
we're sick of the inaction.
Something ugly's gonna happen
if you guys don't start
listening to us.
-We have not read any of these complaints,
but let's step back here for a minute.
My understanding is the
concern is regarding a
gentleman in your neighborhood.
-He's not a gentlemen, he's a pervert.
Tell him what happened sweetie.
Stand up, yeah.
Just tell him what happened.
-So, like, two weeks ago, I woke up
in the middle of the night,
(thrilling music)
and I saw this light flashing
back and forth in my room.
Maybe five or six times.
(thrilling music)
He was standing there, outside my window,
and it was really scary, and weird.
I woke up my parents, but
when they came to look,
he was gone.
-Yeah, he's lucky I
didn't find him out there.
-The same thing happened to Sarah.
She came into my room
bawling about flashing lights
on her wall.
-What he did to my daughter in the park
was awful.
Tell them.
-I was so scared.
I was out for a jog.
I needed to fix my shoe.
There's only one bench and he was on it.
So I sat down as far
away from him as I could.
He started saying these
really gross things to me.
And I all wanted was for
him to leave me alone.
(thrilling music)
-Forgive me for having to ask,
but did he touch you inappropriately?
-No, but it was like really close.
-Is that enough to arrest him?
-Anybody else see this?
-I'm not sure.
-How old are you?
-I mean 19, that's gonna be tough, ya know
maybe disorderly but
-Do we have to stand by
and wait for something
serious to happen?
(background chatter)
-No, no.
We're on top of it.
May take some time but
we'll talk to the man
and then we'll get back to you.
-Well you need to do
something, or we will.
(background chatter)
(keys rattling)
Have something for you real quick.
-What's up?
-I have a new DT coming in this week,
on the chief's mentor initiative.
I'm assigning him to you.
-Ugh, come on Bill.
What about Hernandez.
-Hernandez is about to transfer.
This will be a good set up.
Take a little bit off your
plate, lighten your load
a little bit.
-Look I like the pace
I'm working at and I'm not
a babysitter you know that.
-Decisions been made.
-I swear if this guy calls me an old fart,
or an old man, I will put him down.
-You're gonna be fine.
The name is Kris Tanner.
-I'm serious.
-You're gonna thank me.
Be nice to have some
youthful energy around ya.
-You better warn him.
Not kidding.
-[Bill] Good night!
(doorbell ringing)
(shredder motor)
(doorbell ringing)
(shredder motor)
(birds chirping)
(door closing)
(television background noise)
(thrilling music)
(glove noise)
-What are you doing?
-What does it look like I'm doing?
Need to make sure she's clean.
-This isn't going to
build any trust in her.
You can't start, not this time.
-Long as she's living in this house,
she's gotta abide by our rules.
She's gotta be making progress.
She's gotta be doing something positive.
-Let's just give her time.
-No, there is no time.
She could leave at any moment.
She just goes off.
You wanna wait for that?
Have you even asked her
if she's still using?
-I don't think she is.
-You don't think?
-Just be patient.
She's home.
She's with us.
It's a good thing.
-Okay. Okay.
-Thank you.
(background chatter)
-Hey, I need a favor.
-Sure, what's up?
-I need you to run that.
(phone ringing in background)
-Uh, it's not tagged.
-It's not evidence.
-Then what is it?
-It's a favor.
-So where am I supposed
to file it after I
-You don't.
Put it in the trash, bring me the analysis.
Thanks buddy.
-Detective Travis?
-Hi, I'm Kris, well it's
Kristie, but I go by Kris,
but you can call me either.
Sargent Tomlinson said
to come find you in here.
I'm your new trainee.
-You're Kris Tanner?
-Yes, sir.
And let me say sir that it's an honor
to have the opportunity
to train with somebody
so seasoned and experienced
in our line of work.
Well I'm sure not as seasoned
and aged as some may think.
-I completely understand.
Just know that I'm here
to do whatever I can
to assist you.
Anything to make your life easier.
Anything, so, do not hold back.
-Oh, don't worry, I won't hold back.
I'll go get my things and get settled.
So great to meet you.
You knew about this didn't you.
What am I a steak?
-How's your spaghetti?
-He wants me to quit, or retire.
That's the only explanation.
-That is silly.
-Ya know, he is afraid
that I will take his job,
that's what it is.
Maybe I should just quit.
-I don't see why it
matters that she's a girl.
-It doesn't.
I mean it shouldn't, it's
just unusual in my profession.
-Sounds kinda sexist if you ask me.
-I am not sexist.
Just gonna be different.
-I think it's gonna be good for you,
and good for the city too.
I mean maybe she can
teach you guys somethings.
-Ohhh (laughing)
Such as?
-Such as, how to use
your intuition instead
of your intellect.
-Women are great with intuition.
-I agree with Mom on this one.
-That's just stupid.
(water running)
(dishes clattering)
-What do you want me
to do when she opens
I'll tell you.
-Hi, Can I help you?
-Good afternoon ma'am,
I'm detective Travis
with the East Bank PD.
This is Kris T. hoping
I could ask you a couple
of questions.
-Yes, sir.
Is everything okay?
-It's about your neighbor
across the street, Mr. Phelps.
-Yeah, you know him well?
-My husband and I talk to him quite often.
Is he in trouble?
-There have been some concerns from
the neighborhood about his behavior.
I'm just here on a wellness check
and find out exactly what's going on.
-Okay, well, Billy is
different, obviously,
but I'm blessed every time
that I get to talk to him.
I bet he's home right now.
If you want we can go over and
-Well I tried his door
yesterday, he didn't answer.
What was your name?
(typing on tablet)
-Uh, Marisa, what's your last name?
-What else do you know about him?
-Well I can tell you that
on Monday some teenagers
came through the neighborhood
knocking over trashcans
but most of the neighbors never noticed
because Billy went up and down the street
picking up people's trash.
(rustling of trash)
-Sounds like a nice guy.
What about his personal life?
You know anything about that?
Does he live with anyone?
(car alarm beeping)
Hey babe, it's me, I locked
my keys in my car again,
and my phone.
So just call this number back
when you get the message.
I love you.
Okay thanks, bye.
-I brought you two.
My favorite is the cola, but I don't know
what your favorite is.
-Oh I'm not picky.
-I have some more soda
pops if you want me to make
you another glass.
-No, that's not necessary, but thanks.
-We've lived nearby for so long, I'm glad
to finally meet you.
My husband and I haven't met
many of the neighbors really.
-I can put two napkins
under your glasses for you.
-One is fine thanks.
-You are my first
neighbor friend I've made.
I live here alone.
-It's a beautiful home.
-A beautiful woman in a beautiful home.
-I don't know about
that but you do a really
wonderful job taking care of it.
-Yeah, my mom and dad moved away.
This is my home now.
-They moved away and left you a house?
Wow, that is really nice.
Where'd they move to?
-They moved to Heaven.
-Oh, I am so sorry.
-I'm going to move there to someday.
Are you moving there?
-I plan on it.
So you believe in Jesus?
And I read the Bible three times every day
and I pray after each time.
-That's impressive.
I wish I did that.
-And I love people, all
people, big and small.
-Me too.
Or at least I try.
-I can get you some more
napkins for under your glasses
or another, some more soda pops.
-You've been a wonderful host, thank you.
I felt led to keep visiting him.
So I did and each time I learn more about
how he sees the world
and how big his heart is
for other people.
-I see.
Are you concerned about
your personal safety?
Being a woman alone in the home of a man
that's, well to use your words, different.
-You would think so,
but my husband has spent
a lot of time with Billy,
we've had him for dinner.
And to be honest, Billy
cares way too much about
other people to ever harm anyone.
It's debilitating how much
he cares for other people.
Hmm, how so?
-Well okay, like, one
night our cat got out
and Billy went out looking for
her and he couldn't find her.
So went the sun went
down, he got a flashlight
and he searched all night.
(calm music)
-Kitty, hide and go seek is over.
-We didn't even realize
he had done it until
our cat had already come
home the next morning.
How long ago was that?
-Maybe a couple of weeks.
-What about the young
women in the neighborhood,
he ever talk about them?
-Okay, there was this incident at the park
that he was trying to explain to us.
-I don't know, I just
like, never had to deal with
insurance before, it's so annoying.
-Well whatever you do, don't
tell your dad, cause you know
he's like crazy.
-Tell me about it.
-You ever talked to that guy?
-On the bench?
-No, why?
-He's so creepy.
-Every time he sees me, he
asks if he can be my friend.
-Yeah. Uh-huh.
-He's never said a word to me.
-Maybe you're not his type.
-I'm every guys type.
Excuse me.
I'm sorry, but could you
help me with something?
-No thank you.
-It's fine I just, I think
I have something that's
scratching me, but it's under my shirt
and I can't reach it, so I
though maybe you could check.
-No thank you.
-Why won't you look at me?
You know it's actually, it's really rude
not to look at someone when
they're talking to you.
You should be happy that someone like me
is even talking to you.
-I don't know who it was or
why she was acting that way
but we didn't see him for days.
It really bothered him.
-Any chance he made the story up?
I mean just to get attention,
something to talk about.
-There's no way.
Later he told us that he
found a picture of her
so that he could put it on his prayer wall
so that he would remember
to pray for her every night.
(papers rustling)
Well Mrs. Turner thank you for your time.
I think we have enough.
-So Billy's not in trouble.
-No I think it's just a misunderstanding.
Have a great day.
Oh, one more question.
Yesterday I saw you
delivering a bag to his door,
what was in that?
-Papers for him to shred.
The business owners at the church,
they pay him to shred documents
so that he has a job of sorts.
-Got it.
Thank you.
-What are you thinking?
-I'm thinking he's not the problem.
-We're ready for you
guys to come back now.
-Thank you, right this way.
I got this one, all right.
-Oh, but I can relate
to the daughter though.
I'll get her to talk.
-I just want you to
watch it on the monitor.
-But I thought you said that
-We both know the tough
guys gonna be in this
and I don't want him leveraging you.
No, that's it.
That's it!
(phone ringing)
Thank you for coming in today.
There have been some
interesting new developments
regarding the situation
in your neighborhood.
-Did you lock him up?
Cause I can point him out
in a lineup right now.
If you need us to press
charges we're more than happy
to do so, whatever you need, let's do it.
-Not exactly.
But I am interested in
the time he was outside
your daughter's window.
-And what about it?
-You live in an affluent
gated community, Mr. Martin.
And you happen to be the President of
the homeowners association.
-It's a great community.
And yes, I run our HOA.
-But Mr. Billy Phelps doesn't
fit into that community,
does he?
Doesn't conform.
-What does that have to
do with him being outside
my daughter's window.
-Oh you know, I looked into
that, just like you asked.
Interviewed the neighbors,
even the gentleman himself.
And it turns out that all
the accusations against him
have gone away, every one of them.
Except the one right here.
-Are you insinuating my
daughter fabricated her story?
You know maybe we need to
get our attorney in here
before this goes any further.
-Maybe you should.
I can get the phone for you
and why don't you ask your
attorney about discrimination
laws while you are at it.
I mean you are the President
of the HOA after all.
-Dad, please.
Leave the guy alone.
Let him stay.
We're leaving.
Don't say we didn't warn you.
(calm music)
-Hey detective, the results came back
with the sample that you gave me.
Why did you have me run
an analysis on sand, lint,
and acesulfame potassium?
-What is that?
-Artificial Sweetener.
(thrilling music)
If we get to where we're going, ♪
then where will we be? ♪
It's a fallacy to think we're ♪
living awfully. ♪
We got so much religion
and low spirituality. ♪
It's a malady that keeps
us from smiling joyfully. ♪
Take a long breath in, ♪
breathe out, my friend. ♪
Well chariots and
horses are not things ♪
in which we should
trust, let the g in lust. ♪
Tend to grow as things do rust, ♪
When those with
different views get this ♪
messed and cursed, oh respect must, ♪
Rain does not fall on just the unjust. ♪
Take a long breath in, ♪
breathe out, my friend. ♪
Take a long breath in, ♪
breathe out, again. ♪
Take a long breath in, ♪
breathe out, again. ♪
Take a long breath in, ♪
breathe out, again. ♪
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