Vinland Saga (2019) s01e04 Episode Script

A True Warrior

Don't get cocky.
Who is he?
He's coming.
What are we going to do, Bjorn?
This is bad. Bjorn's gone mad.
Stop him. He'll destroy the ship.
You're crazy.
How are we supposed to stop a monster like that?
Run. No one can stop him now.
He's eaten a berserker mushroom.
All with his bare hands
He's stronger than a monster.
The Troll of Jom.
All right. One more ship.
They're here.
-What are we going to do?
Damn it. Come on.
I'd rather die fighting than be a slave.
Listen. Capture the kids alive.
If they get hurt, they won't sell for a high price.
Be careful.
We're going to have some fun with you.
Listen. You've already lost half of your forces.
Leave now, and I won't take your life.
Be gone, pirates.
You cannot defeat me.
-That bastard.
Don't shoot until Askeladd gives the signal.
What are they doing?
We've got the high ground.
What are they stalling for?
What a crazy man.
He's not afraid to take on two whole warships alone.
Let's fight too.
Fool. You amateurs will make things worse.
Their archers are waiting up on the cliff.
He's the one who knows how to handle this.
Don't you understand?
Except for Thors,
we're just a bunch of kids and amateurs.
All we can do is let him handle this.
It looks like they're not
the type of men to leave when I say so.
The archers up on the cliff aren't firing yet.
There's 30 men to the front.
I know I could kill that many myself.
But our ships are close.
If they all jumped over to our ship,
it'd be a free-for-all.
I'd be fine if I was alone, but
Are you the leader?
In the name of Odin, the Almighty,
I challenge you to a duel.
If you win, you can do whatever you want.
If I win, you must withdraw at once.
If you refuse,
then you're going to lose three times as many men
to capture a mere 12 slaves.
Can I ask you something?
Why do you think I'm their leader?
I can smell it.
All right. I accept the duel.
I, Askeladd, son of Olaf, swear in the name of Odin.
Stay back near the ship's bow.
I too
can smell something about you.
You have the same smell as me,
Troll of Jom.
He knows who I am?
Did Floki do this?
You're quick. I like smart men.
My father isn't a bad man like you.
Hey. Stay back.
My father is strong. Die, you pirate.
You idiot. You idiot. Your armor looks weird.
What an energetic boy. Is that your son?
Stop. You fool.
Askeladd. Do you have a wife and children?
I see.
Let's begin.
He's closing up the distance carelessly.
Too shallow.
You're amazing.
No one can beat Askeladd.
He dodged it. My moment of opportunity
A surprise attack won't work on him anymore.
Coming all this way was worth it.
He's an incredible man.
You're strong.
Forgive me, Askeladd.
I can't go easy on you.
I'm happy to hear that, Thors.
Hey, hey.
Amazing. It's a one-sided fight.
Askeladd is in trouble.
But he's able to block all his attacks.
Father. Kill him.
Oh, no.
He's going after my sword. It won't hold up for long.
That must mean
His sword is also
This is it.
Since I know his target,
I can predict the arc of his sword.
This is it. A wide swing.
I fell for his trap.
He was waiting for me to get careless,
and swing wide.
He was planning to have me snap his sword,
all along.
Everything went according to his plan.
I can't believe I fell for it.
You did it.
-Thors. You did it.
-That was amazing, Father.
You won.
What's wrong? Kill me.
I don't need to.
Say you surrender. That's enough for me.
I'm their leader.
I can't say that in front of my men.
What's wrong? Kill me.
If you don't kill me,
this duel will never end.
Ouch, my head hurts.
What? What's going on?
He lost?
Admit it. I won this duel.
Withdraw your troops at once.
You really are strong, Thors.
You could lead a whole army.
But why?
Why did you stay in Iceland for 15 years,
even though you're such a strong warrior?
Don't you think you're wasting your skills?
I must rely on a sword like this,
because I am not yet a master.
A true warrior
doesn't need a sword.
Thors, you
Why don't you become our leader?
Just kidding. Hey, hey.
Why isn't anyone laughing? I was just joking.
What? He was joking?
This is no time for
joking around with a straight face.
Don't move.
I'll cut the kid's head off.
Let go of your sword.
Hurry up.
Askeladd. You bastard.
Come on. You're such a good man.
Did you think we were going
to follow the rules of the duel?
I was just playing around with you.
I wanted to find out
how good the famous Troll of Jom really was.
I had a good time.
You broke the rules of the duel.
I won this match.
Who cares?
I'm after your head.
I know.
I accept.
The winner of this duel
is you.
I won this duel.
Keep the promise you made as a warrior.
I know.
In the name of my ancestor Artorius,
I shall withdraw my troops at once.
Leif. I have a favor to ask you.
Bring my head to Sigvaldi,
the leader of the Jomsvikings.
If he suspects that I disappeared
to avoid his summons,
he'll take his revenge by punishing the village.
You're a crazy man.
You bastard.
I'll give you my life. Just like you wanted.
Let that child go right now.
Father. Father.
I'm glad.
For now
Damn kid.
You should start valuing your life.
You should be grateful to Thors.
He was a man who was worth more
than a hundred bratty kids like you.
Father died.
Father was so strong.
Why did he let go of his sword?
How could he say a warrior doesn't need a sword?
That can't be true.
Why did Father?
He lost to Father.
Damn it.
Why was my father the one who died?
Why is he the one who's still alive?
Damn it.
Damn it all.
I'm surprised they abandoned these nice ships.
It must have been a big decision.
They can't move the ship without Thors.
Thors could row as hard as five men.
Things worked out well.
I was wanting to get a third ship.
Twenty-eight men injured.
How many died?
None? Not even one? Impossible.
Come to the stern. Askeladd.
What do you want? Shut up already.
It's Thors' kid.
He was hiding inside the ship.
Look at him. The kid's got a dagger.
He's going to kill us.
Oh, no. I'm so scared.
How dare you?
How dare you?
How dare you kill Father?
I'm going to kill you.
I'm going to kill you, no matter what.
I'm going to kill you!
I'm going to kill you!
He's just a kid.
But that look in his eyes
What do you want to do, Askeladd?
Shall we throw him overboard?
Leave him.
He will die soon anyway.
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