Vividred Operation (2013) s01e04 Episode Script


Watch out!
Impossible, impossible, impossible!
This defies all reason.
Why is a monster attacking the Incarnate Engine?
What is this?
A person?
"Episode 4 - Promise"
Vividblue Operation!
Isshiki Akane and Futaba Aoi
successfully docked to form Vividblue.
They then defeated the Alone using their Vivid Impact.
Thereupon, the danger rating for the
Blue Island area was lowered from 3 to 1.
We are currently hurrying to collect samples of the Alone.
This isn't good for an old man's heart.
Is that really Professor Isshiki Kenjirō, the inventor of the Incarnate Engine?
We've called you here today, Professor,
because we discovered signs of a hacker
accessing our classified data on the Alone.
The intruder managed to bypass the Bureau's security.
They what?
Nice control as usual, Akane-chan.
Good morning, Granny Suzuki!
Our weakness?
When we dock.
It's a good thing I was able
to cover for you back there.
True, that was a close call.
Which is why I think we need to improve our defensive abilities.
And I know how!
This is a Tengen Rishin style training technique.
You won't get results if you just dodge!
You have to deflect them!
Th-That's easier said than done!
Here you go.
You're up next, Aoi-chan.
Squad 2 to HQ.
Unable to find any traces of the Alone.
It appears to have completely disintegrated.
Terminate your search and return to base.
All right. That's all for today.
My butt is sore
Aoi-chan, hang in there!
Don't think, feel!
I-I'll try.
Next period is gym, huh?
Play ball!
L-Let's shut 'em out!
You just keep that mitt steady, Aoi-chan.
I'll fire these pitches right at you!
All right!
Batter up!
Isshiki-san, you're holding it the wrong way.
Nice pitch, Wakaba-chan!
Strike two!
I'm finally free to move around.
Akane's classroom must contain clues about the hacker who broke through my firewall.
Now which of you is responsi—
By the name of the Tengen Rishin style,
I'm gonna put you down in three straight pitches!
A-A camera?
What is that?
What just happened?
Home run.
Oh no, Himawari-chan!
What have I done to Himawari-chan?
Calm down, Akane-chan.
That's just a camera.
You don't think glue would
be enough to fix it, do you?
It'll be fine. I'll go with you to apologize.
I'll come too, Akane-chan!
Thank you so much!
It'll all work out.
That camera
I guess she's not home.
Let's come back later.
There's no point if she's not home.
I'll wait for her here.
It's best to apologize as soon as possible.
She has to come back by tonight.
Don't tell me she's gonna stick around all—
Sheesh, the girl's not here?
What are you doing here?
Come in.
Um, don't you think the AC's on a little too high?
It's the perfect temperature for my electronics.
That explains the heated blanket.
Er, here.
I'm sorry.
Once I get my paycheck next month, I'll pay you back!
No need. I'll forgive you this time.
In return, let me see your stuffed animal.
A-Ah, he's
What's this?
Er, he's
Mr. Made-it-up!
She admitted it!
Well, it's accurate.
She told it like it is.
I'd like to take a look inside.
Er, I'd rather you didn't
Y-Y-You can't!
Mr. Made-it-up is a dear friend of mine!
Who needs friends?
You have a very unique room!
Shinomiya-san, do you like factories?
I guess.
What's that building for?
It's an outflow plant.
It transmits Incarnate energy all over the world.
It's pretty!
I guess.
It's most beautiful at sunset though.
Wow, really?
I'd love to see that.
Hey, we should go check it out tonight!
I'd like to see it too.
I agree. It's pretty close by, after all.
Let's go, Himawari-chan!
Aw, why not? Come on!
But I'll get hot, tired, and bug-bitten.
And I'd have to go outside.
Are you sure?
Even though you said that it's the prettiest then?
A-And I don't have any casual clothes.
No problem!
How lovely!
Himawari-chan, you look cute!
I knew she'd look good in this!
My eyes don't lie.
Where'd you get this outfit?
W-Well, you know
That's not important.
Shinomiya-san, your hair is so pretty.
I guess.
Oh yeah!
I've got these, too.
S-S-So cute
It's too tight around my chest.
It's beautiful.
What an stunning view.
The buildings aren't the only beautiful part.
This entire facility is automated and runs without human supervision.
That's what I call true beauty.
I bet you think I'm just some creepy girl.
That's not true.
I like the Incarnate Engine too.
You shouldn't say that so casually.
Do you truly understand the
significance of the Incarnate Engine?
Are you aware of how rich the boon it
bestows upon the people of the world?
That's the reason for my admiration.
It's nothing like what you feel.
But it is.
Science and technology are
meant to make people happy.
That's what my parents and my grandpa always said.
And I agree with them.
That's why my feelings are just like yours.
As I suspected, that girl was the hacker.
She's got unbelievable talent.
Nothing compared to mine, of course.
Your name was
Akane. Isshiki Akane.
Isshiki? Are you?
An evacuation order?
Could it be?
The outflow plant!
The emergency control system is offline.
Energy levels are out of control!
We have to stop it now!
If it breaks down, it'll stop transmitting energy to the rest of the world!
That'd be horrible, but there's nothing we can do.
I even know how to fix it
If I could just get inside the control module,
I'd be able to do something about this!
Aoi-chan. Wakaba-chan.
Texture on!
You girls are
I'll take Himawari-chan to the plant.
Got it. We'll hold it off.
Be careful, Akane-chan!
Come on.
Let's go!
You were the ones fighting the monster?
I'll come back for you later.
I promise!
A promise
Naked Blade!
Naked Impact!
Naked Rang!
Sorry I'm late.
You're here!
Didn't we beat this Alone before?
It seems stronger than last time.
It must have evolved.
This is the end of the road for you.
You're not getting past!
Please, don't be too late.
What a relief.
Please, Himawari-chan.
Can you do something about the bullying?
If you could make it show who wrote the message, I think they'd stop.
But what if they find out that I did it?
Don't worry. It'll be our secret.
You swear you won't tell anyone?
Yeah. I promise.
You're a piece of work, you know that?
That was totally uncalled for!
You did it, didn't you?
What a witch.
No, it wasn't me!
The one who did it
was Himawari-chan!
You said you'd come back, you liar
I knew it.
Promises are no more than
Sorry I'm late!
Why did you come back?
Because I promised, silly!
What's this?
Your key, Himawari-chan!
My key?
Can I do it?
Can I Can I fight too?
Of course you can!
Texture on!
Oh no!
It's heading straight for Blue Island!
Naked Collider!
Were you the one who just
She's our new teammate!
No, our new friend!
It powered up again?
Ew, it's all pimply!
Can you hear me, Akane?
I'm getting a massive energy reading from that thing!
If you don't take it down soon, we'll be in trouble!
But how?
Hold on. I'm thinking of something right now.
It's fine.
I can do this.
and Shinomiya-san
have docked?!
That girl already understands how to use the Vivid System?
Watch out!
Vivid Collider!
Vivid Engine, safety off!
Vivid Engine output: 120%.
Output: 150%.
Final Operation!
I can't believe you're the granddaughter of the great Professor Isshiki.
I guess genius isn't hereditary after all.
You couldn't even fix that camera.
I don't think many people could.
I'm sorry.
It's fine.
I don't need it anymore.
I'll start going to school tomorrow.
You what?
I even fixed it for you.
Now you say you don't need it?
Professor Isshiki, right?
The one and only!
Isshiki Kenjirō, at your service!
Um, you've been my hero forever!
"Isshiki Kenjirō"
"Introduction to Incarnate Energy Engineering"
Um, could I have your autograph?
That's my book, I see.
It's been an inspiration to me!
Your theories on the interactions of
Incarnate energy with vacuum energy
I can't understand a word she's saying.
Himawari-chan looks like she's having fun!
An excellent observation!
According to my projections, the classical model
"To be continued"
Kuroki Rei.
I have a duty to fulfill.
That's why I have no need for friends.
Next episode:
"Episode 5 - The Other Key"
"The Other Key".
Don't be so kind to me.
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