Wakefield (2021) s01e04 Episode Script

Episode 4

TREVOR: Alright. Come on.
Come on, Seanie. Come on!
So softer. Softer. Softer.
That's good.
That's good. Oh! Oh! Oh!
Rookie error, mate. No, no, no.
Rookie error.
Alright? You got to keep your eyes
on me, not the ball. Right? Go again.
Yeah, come on. Yeah, good.
Good. Better, Seanie. Better.
(LAUGHS) That is it!
You got it! Whoo!
Go again. Alright.
What'd I tell you? Eyes on me.
Eyes on me. Feel the ball.
Muzzman. How are ya?
We're about to eat.
Yeah. Yeah, sorry, sis.
We're just, uh, gonna head out.
Hey, I'll pick it up
tomorrow again, eh, Seanie?
Well, you were out last night
and you know you need to eat.
Yeah, I will. Yeah, later.
Love ya.
See ya, Trev.
See ya.
TREVOR: Hey, hold up.
Alright, come on.
Get out of the rain.
Righto, Trevor, where is it?
Where's what?
Did you bring a lighter in?
Nup. Wasn't me.
'Cause someone did.
We're thinking it's probably you.
Oh, you always think it's me!
Yeah, 'cause it's usually you.
Look, this is bullshit, man!
OK. Alright, yeah, yeah, yeah.
Uh, mate, come on.
How you ended up back here
Sit down for me.
..you idiot.
Got nothing.
..messed up, you know.
I'm chemically unbalanced
and you just come in here threatening
me with shit that I've never done!
I'm asking
if you gave Tessa a lighter.
No, I didn't.
She burned herself with it.
I'm not lying.
I can feel it in my brain.
Mate, you know
lighters are contraband.
OK. Well, we can do this
one of two ways.
We can lock everyone out of
their rooms, empty everything out
and just really piss everyone off,
or you can just make it easy
on everyone
and just show me where it is.
What'd you drop me in the shit for
..you stupid bitch?
Come on. This isn't helping, mate.
The last time I do anything for you
ever again!
Trevor, out. Come on.
Thanks a fuckin' lot, man.
So how was I supposed to know
she was gonna burn herself?
You know she self-harms.
Just thought she wanted a smoke.
We're looking
at a ward change for you, mate.
No, no. S-s-security's gonna come.
They're gonna tackle me.
Security's not gonna come.
Take me down and move me.
Calm down for me, OK?
We're just having a conversation.
I'm drug-induced, man!
I'm I'm bipolar
and all that other shit as well!
Yeah, I know, but you need
to start making better choices.
Yeah? Yeah?
I mean, your psychosis,
it was triggered by meth use,
even though
you know you, of all people,
can't afford to be doing drugs.
I know. It messes with my head.
But don't move me, man.
I like it here.
I'm doing good here.
Everyone shut up!
I'll talk to Dr Wells
about keeping you in the unit.
Start reaching
for the good things in life, Trev.
You've got a sister.
She cares about you.
Seanie. Your nephew. (LAUGHS)
He looks up to you.
..lean into that.
WOMAN: So aggressive.
They couldn't cope with it.
Thought you wanted a smoke.
WOMAN: They said
he's flying under the radar.
Yeah, nup,
AFL is two hours of giant psychos
trying to jump over each other.
So League is 90 minutes of pure
skill and bashings. No comparison.
Hey, Nik.
Yeah, where's the sign-out book?
I've gotta get to the gym.
No can do. Your category's changed.
Oh, no way!
That sucks, man.
How am I supposed to stay fit?
Huh? Hey, this rig
doesn't work itself out.
There's a gym here.
That dogbox? Nup.
I've gotta get to the one in town.
You gonna head over
to music therapy?
Seriously, mate, are you listening?
I've got to get to the gym!
You can't go out unsupervised.
And no-one here has the time
to take you to another gym.
Yeah. Man, I I need to get out.
You said before, you were
going into town in your lunchbreak.
Where are you going?
I got to buy a shirt.
Yeah? So take me with you.
I'm good at that shit.
"Arggh! Ugh! Ugghh!
Why don't you love us anymore?"
Hey, uh so, what's it for?
The wedding?
Uh, no, no,
my sister's got that one covered.
Think I should try it on?
Try all you like, mate,
but you can't polish a turd.
(LAUGHS) Yeah.
But you can roll it in glitter.
You guys right?
Oh, yeah, I'm just looking, but
..he could, uh,
do with all the help he can get.
I'll just try this on.
Yeah, no problem.
Holy shit! It's that song.
Hey. Um, do you mind
turning it down a bit?
This song spins him out.
So you guys from Wakefield?
Yeah. Yeah.
Oh, don't worry about him, but.
He's harmless.
Hey, nice tatt.
Yeah. I was gonna get a rose,
but I changed my mind.
Good choice.
Yeah, I knew a guy
that got one on his eyelid.
Are you serious? (LAUGHS)
You'd have to be crazy.
Oh, no. Don't worry about it.
You know, you got to laugh.
Hey, uh, you want one?
Hoo-hoo! Oh!
She's hot, man.
You got to admit, she's fuckin' hot.
Yeah, OK, but you
Did you see the way
she was looking at me?
And she put that extra gift
in the bag. That's mine, by the way!
What is it? Aftershave sample.
Yeah, give it.
Knock yourself out.
Yeah. Yeah, what what else?
Not the only thing she gave me. Look.
10% off my next purchase!
It's her way
of getting me back in there.
Mate, I'm not sure
Not that she needed to anyway.
Guess what.
I asked her out and she said yes!
How's that gonna work?
You can't go out on your own.
Oh, details, man. Details.
Yeah, but the other small detail is
that you're a patient, not a nurse.
I was thinking the
the coffee lounge on Short Street.
..you can't go.
That's bullshit, man. Why not?
Come on.
She's expecting me, man!
And whose fault's that?
Move aside for Colin.
Uh, Mr Mr Invisible.
Mr Invisible.
Where? Can't see anyone.
PETE: Uh, focus and hard work.
Come on. Look, I can't stand her up,
man. It's not cool.
Were you always invisible
as a child?
Happy to give her a message.
You're supposed to be the patient!
Nik. Come on. Hey.
Come on!
Come on!
Too-ra-loo-rye, aye ♪
I'll tell you how you're NOT gonna
change my mind - with THAT song.
The channel the channel is
and it's an odd number.
TREVOR: She really dug me, Nik.
NIK: Not working?
Right. Please don't touch it.
I I only need a quick look.
Nik. Nik.
It was still working at 12:40.
You can make it happen.
Uh ooh!
Someone's borrowed the batteries.
You can do it.
You're a player, man. You get it.
I'll get some new ones.
Come on!
..even Omar's got a girlfriend,
and he's a fuckin' vegetable!
OK. I'm sorry. I'm sorry.
Just you you told me to reach
for good things, make good choices.
Well, th-this is a good choice.
Yeah. I did.
But right now,
you can't go out unsupervised.
She really likes me, man.
Well, he's got game,
I'll give him that.
Cheeky little shit.
I mean, I didn't think
he'd get a date out of her.
You know, I just
wish he could actually go.
So do I. Something like this
could be really good for him.
Yeah, but not if he's pretending
to be someone he's not, though.
Never works.
Well, no. He'd have to front up
and explain the situation.
Yeah. I mean,
he could go and meet her.
And then if she was
still interested
Well, IF she's still interested.
He'd need to work towards
getting his category changed first.
Of course.
Unless he wants me
on every date with him.
(LAUGHS) He'd love that.
Whoa-ho-ho! Hey.
You fucking rock, Nik!
Hey, hey. Hey, hey. Wait.
Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa.
It is not a date, right?
I'll go with you so you can meet her
and explain what happened.
Yeah, yeah, yeah.
This is about
setting this girl straight,
telling her the truth.
Yeah. Definitely.
The truth. I'll tell her. For sure.
Yeah? Alright. Alright, good.
Ooh! Whoo!
TREVOR: Whoo-hoo-hoo-hoo!
Slam fucking dunk.
Hey, you think
I should do some manscaping?
Yeah. Too early.
You OK?
Oh, you're dirty
'cause I got in there first?
Well, you never know.
She might have a friend.
NIK: She's here.
She's here. Remember.
If she's not into you knowing the
full deal, she's not the right girl.
Yeah? Yeah?
Got it. Yeah.
And I'm gonna talk about my feelings.
Chicks LOVE talking about feelings.
And I got heaps of them.
Just don't give 'em to her
all at once.
Yeah? Alright?
Just piss off or what, man?
I'll be keeping an eye on you
from a close distance
till you set her straight, yeah?
Hey! Oh, don't worry about him.
You know. Yeah. He won't bother us.
How you going?
Yeah, good. You?
Yeah? Yeah, pretty good.
Nice day, eh?
He's a good little bloke, Seanie.
Um, he's shithouse at soccer.
But, you know, we have fun.
Um, I'm coaching his team
at the moment, and
..some of the other kids
don't totally suck.
So you're a coach?
Do you play too?
Nah. Um I play music, but.
Yeah? I love music.
What do you play?
Uh, guitar, mostly.
Yeah, I write stuff as well.
That's so cool.
I used to play sax, but
..my dad told me I was crap.
Fuck him!
Shit, sorry.
No, that's OK.
No. No. I didn't mean it.
Um I meant that, you know, he
should have supported you and that.
No, I bet you were awesome.
Uh, Flight Facilities.
Touch Sensitive.
Uh, what
what about, uh, Horrorshow?
Their early stuff? Man.
Oh, my God, yes. The Grey Space?
Fucking awesome! (LAUGHS)
Um, do you want some water?
Have you told her?
No, I'm building up to it.
Sorry, mate.
Don't sweat it. I'll do it.
No. Look.
Just give me five minutes.
I'm gonna do it. Alright?
Just wait. Man, just No!
No! Please!
Trevor, let go.
Let go, Trevor.
Give me five minutes, please.
Hey, get off him!
I'm a nurse from Wakefield.
Don't listen to him! He's crazy!
Get off me!
MAN: Hey!
Hey, I'm a nurse
from Wakefield Hospital.
I need you
to call for assistance, now.
(SHOUTS) Get off! (GROANS)
It's alright. It's alright.
Hey. Hey. Come on. Come on.
Trev. Trev.
(SOBS) Get off!
It's OK.
It's fuckin' ruined.
Calm down.
No! Fuck!
It's OK.
Please. (SOBS)
It's OK.
WOMAN: Are you afraid?
No, I'm angry.
WOMAN: At her?
OK. Shit.
Uh uh
..at myself.
Where am I? (SIGHS)
It doesn't make any sense.
..she'd done her exams.
She'd dressed for it.
She she was stable.
Let's stay with the anger right now.
Where is it? Where do you feel it
most in your body?
Call the cops.
I mmm, sorry.
Are you uncomfortable
with your eyes closed?
No, I just don't feel like
this is the right approach.
These are very painful feelings,
and the thing to remember is that
this is not an intellectual process.
Yes, I know I know that.
But if you can give yourself over
to the emotions
around losing your patient,
you'll have a better chance of
I understand how this works.
I know you do.
What I'm not sure about is whether
you're prepared to go there,
because it might mean
relinquishing control.
And that
..seems to be
a particularly uncomfortable thing
for you.
Am I right?
Is it just me? (SIGHS) Just feels
like we're being extorted.
Well, we haven't
committed to anything yet.
I thought lawyers were thieves,
but this
..this architect, fuck me!
Well, we could just scale it back.
I mean,
do we really need THREE bedrooms?
So, uh, what, we
we have kids and, uh
..what, they sleep in tents?
You know? Is what you want?
Until they start school.
I really want to pull the trigger
on this before I get on the plane.
Yeah, OK.
DAVID: God, is that Nik?
He's looking a bit rough.
Too many night shifts.
So, what do I tell Andrew?
You tell him that you have a tender
in Perth and I have to get to work.
MAN: Come, Omar.
It's your birthday, huh, hm?
Don't, Fahid. Don't force him.
Just one, mmm?
WOMAN: He won't eat it!
He must eat.
He must!
Omar's not responding to the EC
in the way that we had hoped.
I told you it wasn't working.
You did, but often we don't
get a response straightaway
and then it can come quite suddenly.
I told you weeks ago,
nothing's changed.
What I'm proposing
is that we adjust his treatment
and start him on bifrontal ECT.
Bifrontal? What is this?
Isn't that just more of the same?
Bifrontal's a step up
from what we've been doing.
You want to do more of something
that's not working?
I completely understand
why you feel like that's the case.
No, you don't,
otherwise you wouldn't
have let it go on this long.
But it's actually quite different.
See, the electrodes are applied
to different areas of the brain.
We need to try something different.
I've been looking into it.
Into what?
Getting a second opinion.
You don't talk to me about this?
KAREENA: Tamara, of course,
if you want a second opinion,
we can organise that,
but I have to stress
that Omar's depression is
I can't listen to this anymore.
No, I'm not gonna wait around and
watch you try to figure this out.
Something's gotta change.
Forgive her.
Oh. No, it's understandable.
we had to let the wedding venue go.
All their plans.
It's very difficult.
Two days this week,
she doesn't come to see him.
She says she's
Has to work back.
..if she leaves my son
..what reason does he have
to get better?
So do you want to talk about
why you hurt yourself?
OK, let's start with
..what was going on, what
you were feeling when you did it.
Do you WANT to feel something?
I think that you do
and that's why you hurt yourself.
Maybe underneath that nothing,
you're feeling anger and hurt
that your mum isn't
What I'm feeling
..is that you don't have
a fuckin' clue.
It was, uh, Trevor's mate, Muzz.
The source
of the contraband lighter.
Well, he won't be coming back, then.
No. We won't be encouraging it.
Uh, which
which track are you doing?
The 10 k rim.
I just, uh
..I just need to
run this morning out.
Yeah. I heard it was a rough one.
Sometimes I wonder
if I'm in the wrong profession.
You're not, you know.
You see rhythms.
You've got an instinct for this.
Coming from you,
that's a big compliment.
It'll come.
You know, there are shrinks
who hear the music
and there are shrinks who don't.
You hear the music.
Darling, I feel like I might break
Darling, darling
Take my breath away
Take my
Breath away
Breath away
Breath away. ♪
Oh, hey.
Oh, hey. Oh.
Um, did you do that referral?
Yeah. Should be in your inbox.
Great. Thanks.
Uh look, uh
got something to give you.
It's the ring.
I thought you couldn't find it.
I had another look.
Oh, Australia's first,
but the whole world's gonna go.
Well, I hope not.
It's God's providence.
And he's doing it with a comet.
Can't say why he chose me,
just, uh, that he did.
Uh, well, let's talk about that
in our next session, OK?
Vivienne Noor -
is she here in an official capacity?
Not as far as I know.
Um, Dr Wells. Excuse me.
Um, we have an appointment
in about
..oh, my gosh, less than a minute
Thank you, Cath.
Will you wait for me upstairs?
Oh. Yes.
Why? Who is she?
She's a clinical psychologist.
Who's she seeing?
Vivienne Noor? Maybe she's a friend.
The family were talking about
getting a second opinion.
Let me look into it.
Apparently, she specialises
in dynamic psychotherapy and EMDR.
Sounds like a bit of a fruit loop.
Neither of those
are froot loop territory, Linda.
Still, she's a psychologist,
not a doctor.
She has no business
undermining your treatment plan.
It's it's OK.
I'll handle the situation.
She's not authorised
to consult here.
I'm happy to ask her to leave.
That won't be necessary, thank you.
A friend of mine was in a bad way
and Vivienne helped her a lot.
Well, I don't doubt that.
Dr Wells, I am so sorry.
EMDR won't work for Omar
in his current state.
She knows what she's talking about.
She specialises in trauma.
So with Omar's accident,
losing his mum, it's all related.
Tamara, Omar is dangerously unwell.
If you want an appropriate
second opinion, I can organise that.
I want Omar back.
I can't keep doing this anymore.
Doing what?
Going on and on like this.
That's what marriage is -
forgiveness, patience -
through everything.
Did you know
that Omar was my patient?
Not until I got there.
But you just went ahead anyway.
I was asked by his family
for a second opinion.
They were quite desperate.
I'm aware how desperate they are.
They seem to think
that Omar's condition
could be linked to the trauma
of losing his mother, so
Right, so you just waltzed in there
unannounced to see if
I was not in an official capacity.
..he was a candidate for EMDR.
Which, by the way,
he is far too ill for.
It can be disorienting to
see your therapist out of context.
That is not the issue. The issue
is your poor professional boundaries.
I think it's prudent to remind you
that not everything
is about control.
And the sooner
you let go of that means
the sooner you'll be able to connect
with what you're actually feeling.
I think it's prudent
to tell you to fuck off!
You have no treating rights.
You come anywhere near Omar
or any of my patients again
and I will have you removed.
Where's that fucking key?
MAN: Help!
Call the cops!
It's devastating
having to cancel everything.
I don't even care about that
I just want (SOBS)
Omar to get better.
I know.
You know what I want?
I want to see the photos
from your wedding.
I am not giving up on Omar.
Or you.
Do you understand?
You won the tender? Oh, my God!
Thank you.
This calls for champagne, I think.
I'll go you one better.
How about some, uh
Well, we're gonna have
a lot more money coming in,
which means we can go ahead.
Oh, that's great!
The only downside is
..I am going to have to
oversee production,
which means spending
a lot more time in Perth.
But, uh I I can't manage
renovations on my own.
We keep dragging the chain on this.
How is trying to find an architect
we can afford dragging the chain?
I want to move forward
with our plans.
You're not the only one
with good news.
The Australasian Psychiatric Society
emailed me an hour ago
about the conference.
Oh, you got a speaking slot?
That's great, but
Can you can you
can you not answer that?
I want to talk about this.
No, I have to. It's work.
NIK: You were right.
About what?
About facing my dread.
..listen, I still think
that you should see somebody.
I AM seeing somebody.
I'm seeing you.
A proper shirt is a sign
that you are serious about the job.
Just give us a break, Dad.
They need to see you
as you could be, Nikhil,
not as you are.
Believe me when I tell you
it will make a difference.
You need to feel
like YOU are in control.
I AM in control, Dad.
You know what?
Just just give me that again.
You really think a birdcage is
the right present for Reni and Kiran?
They kill house plants.
It's not a cage.
It's a home.
Birds are attracted to it.
They will build a nest in it.
It's a symbol of family, son,
of renewal.
You are handsome, son.
Not that handsome.
Uh, you'll need to secure that
with a clamp.
It's important
to be mentally prepared.
If you're prepared, then
you can manage whatever is ahead.
Being best man
isn't that complicated.
Oh, I'm not talking
about the wedding.
I'm talking about your job.
I'm not practising the interview
with you, Dad.
Are you worried about
being at the wedding on your own?
Are you?
I won't be on my own.
I'll be with you.
We have so much to be happy about.
Reni's wedding. Your promotion.
I haven't got it yet.
Just promise me one thing.
You will wear a shirt with a collar
to the interview.
He could, uh,
do with all the help he can get.
I'll just try this on.
WOMAN: Yeah, no problem.
Holy shit. It's that song.
TREVOR: Hey. Um, do you mind
turning it down a bit?
This song spins him out.
So are you guys from Wakefield?
Yeah. Yeah.
Oh. Don't worry about him, but.
He's harmless.
Yeah, I knew a guy
that got one on his eyelid.
WOMAN: Are you serious? (LAUGHS)
You'd have to be crazy.
(LAUGHS) Thanks.
Oh. Hang on.
You've just got a bit of a
Yeah. There you go.
That's better.
You OK?
I'm just tired, you know.
Still not sleeping.
(SIGHS) Do you want me to do
a little bit of reiki,
just, like,
a speeded-up version, or
I'm good, thanks.
Well, you got this.
Or you'll smash it, as my kids say.
I mean, but if you don't,
that's fine too.
(LAUGHS) No, it's not.
Yes, it is.
Linda's not that bad.
(SCOFFS) Since when?
I just feel for her right now.
She's she's got to fork out
another $4,500
for a new bed for Beth, and
..she kind of relies on
the extra salary for her care.
Aren't you late for your interview?
No. It's at two.
That clock's
a quarter of an hour behind.
Nurses need to be freed up
to spend more time with patients.
WOMAN: That would be ideal.
You can't give real care
from behind a computer.
The primary role of nursing unit
manager is to supervise the team,
in line with our policy
of recovery-oriented care,
so there is
a high degree of reporting,
monitoring and financial management.
Would that be at odds
with your view of the role?
NIK: What I want
..my priority is caring
for patients and their families
in a direct way,
from one human being to another.
As a manager,
that's where my focus would be.
There's no doubt
you're a popular candidate.
We appreciate your time.
You'll have an answer quickly.
Hey, uh
KAREENA: Yep? What?
I, uh
..uh, I need to see you.
Um well, I've I've got
an appointment in five minutes.
No, I d I don't
I need your help.
Sit down. Sit down.
Talk to me. What's happening?
Yesterday, um
..I was in my backyard at home,
and that's when it started.
When what started?
I saw my reflection.
And then I had this this feeling -
it's it's it's
It happened when I was
out buying a shirt this morning,
and then just now,
in the interview, it it
It's like I'm outside my body
watching myself.
..is the feeling still there?
No. No. It's it's gone.
Well, it sounds like
some kind of depersonalisation.
Probably stress-related. Right?
I mean,
you're applying for a new job
and you have the wedding coming up.
So, it would be
bringing stuff up for you.
You've had other symptoms as well.
You can't sleep.
And you you had that song
stuck in your head.
You said that had disappeared.
It comes and goes.
How are you feeling
about Reni's wedding?
I'm happy for her.
Your family are coming together,
but it's not your whole family.
There's one person missing.
Do you think there might be
some trauma around that?
Whatever this is,
I just need it to stop.
I think you need to go home
and get some proper rest, and
..then you call me later and
you let me know how you're doing.
I mean it, OK?
You call me or I'll call you.
That's it?
That's all you've got?
Uh I um
Look, if I had to guess, I'd say
it's some kind of anxiety response.
There's something
that you're dreading.
And if you can identify
what it is, then
..you might be able
to take away its power.
Well, you can add delusional
to Trevor's list of symptoms.
Said you two were, uh,
going on a date.
Get off me!
I'm a nurse from Wakefield Hospital.
I need you
to call for assistance, now!
(SHOUTS) Get off!
Easy. Take it easy.
TREVOR: Fuckin' ruined.
(SOBS) Oh, fuck.
LINDA: Let me understand this.
You let a client impersonate a nurse
while allowing a young woman
to think you were mentally ill,
all so the client could
make a move on the young woman?
I think we both know
what's required here, Nik.
You need to withdraw
your application for the job
before this gets any worse.
For all of us.
We can lock away the bad memories
together ♪
Close the doors to the past
Watching you touch
We're past this much
I'm alone with you tonight
I'm alone with you
I'm alone with you tonight ♪
I'm alone with you
I'm alone with you
I'm alone with you
I'm alone with you ♪
Hi, Mum.
DAVID: Can you can you not answer
that? I want to talk about this.
No, I have to. It's work.
NIK: Hey. Hey.
Um you were right.
About what?
About facing my dread.
Yeah, I, um I think that was it.
Really. Yeah, yeah.
The depersonalisation thing's gone.
Oh, well, that's good.
So you know what it was?
Yeah. Yeah, I've got a fair idea.
Great. OK.
..listen, I still think
that you should see somebody.
I AM seeing somebody.
I'm seeing you.
Look, I don't think
that that's a good idea.
Well, um
..that depends on your point of view.
Goodnight, Nik.
Goodnight, Kareena.
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