Was It Love (2020) s01e04 Episode Script

Episode 4

What is it? Are you not confident?
If that's not it
Then work with me.
If this isn't a rejection, pull me up.
-What the hell?
-I got completely wet from head to toe.
What are you doing here?
I was here for a job
and I'll be heading home now.
What happened to your clothes?
I should go and get cleaned up.
What? Hey, wait!
Why did the fountain
have to turn on then and there?
Damn it.
Then work with me.
He always seems to say important things
when there's water nearby.
You should take it.
It seems like an urgent call.
It's fine.
So you said you work with her.
Are you a movie director?
No, I'm a writer.
You'll probably know my name
once you hear it.
-That's right.
You can type in my name online
and the search engine will find--
Mr. Cheon Eok-man?
You're the writer who agreed
to speak at Hanbak Middle School.
What? Hanbak what?
I'm the teacher who arranged it
and I couldn't be more grateful.
Thanks to Ae-jeong,
we're able to hear from you.
Is that what Ae-jeong said?
You guys must be close
for you to speak like that.
I see you don't know.
Well, we go way back.
I don't think I introduced myself.
My name is Oh Yeon-woo
and I live with Ae-jeong.
You live with Ae-jeong?
It's a pleasure to meet you, Mr. Cheon.
Sure, it's a pleasure to meet you too.
Sorry about that.
I took too long, didn't I?
Not at all.
We just shook hands and said hello.
Anyway, I'm off, then.
What? Wait. We're not done talking.
What the hell?
May I serve the main dish?
Yes, of course.
Goodness, he had sent me a text.
Oh, dear!
The mother-in-law of his school principal
passed away.
I knew it.
It's not like my son to stand people up.
My son works as a teacher
at a school ran by our foundation,
so I guess he couldn't
get out of attending the funeral.
How about I invite you over
for dinner at our house some other time?
Maybe the assemblyman could join us--
There's a rumor
about how much you lack
at controlling your son.
I guess it's true.
-Don't feel sorry about today.
I don't intend
to put in a bad word regarding
Cheonmyeong Entertainment to my husband.
That's how he always is.
He says his piece and then leaves.
How can he leave me hanging
when I have much to do as the producer?
Maybe he had somewhere to be.
No way. He's not the type
to act according to logic.
He toys with people any way he can.
For as long as I've known him,
-he's been a pain in the ass--
You two must be close.
You just said,
"for as long as I've known him."
I mean, he's been that way
since we first met.
He also said that you two go way back.
Is that all he said?
We talked about his guest lecturing.
I expressed my gratitude.
Right, the guest lecture.
I forgot about that.
I know it's shameless of me to ask,
but can you find someone else
to guest lecture?
As you just witnessed yourself,
he can be downright rude.
Someone that uncivil
shouldn't talk in front of young kids.
What does fame matter
when he's as rude as they come?
Are you sure that's the reason?
Of course.
All right.
I will if it bothers you that much.
Really? Are you sure?
Yes, of course.
Thanks, Yeon-woo.
-Thank you so much.
-Are you coming home together?
Goodness. Don't tell me
you two were on a date.
Are you off to take a bath?
You were heading to the sauna without me?
No can do, Mom. Take me with you.
-Let's go. I'll come with you.
-What? Oh, sure.
Come on. Let's go.
Ha-nee, what is it?
-Why were you together?
Do I consider this as the two percent?
Two percent?
It's nothing, Mr. Oh. Good night.
-Wait for me.
-What was that?
Isn't it your day off today?
Yes, and I came here to relax.
-Go back to your job, guys.
-Ha-nee, Grandma's back.
-Here you go.
-Everything looks great.
Ha-nee, here's yours.
Ae-jeong, when you nearly bit my head off
for asking Yeon-woo to move in with us,
I blamed myself for acting irrationally.
But what I saw today
made me certain of something.
Mom, go and pick up a shift
if you're going to spew nonsense.
I'm heading inside to sweat.
Don't exhaust yourself
by staying too long.
What am I certain of, you ask?
I am certain
that I made the best choice ever.
Mom, I need you to stop.
You're making him uncomfortable.
Seriously? When have I
ever made people uncomfortable?
TODAY 5:27 P.M.
Hello, Ryu Jin speaking.
It should've been Mr. Oh's number.
Wait, so was this the Ryu Jin
that answered the phone?
If that Ryu Jin is the famous Ryu Jin,
My mom has serious connections!
Your grandma's killing me, you know.
Have you ever had a fling with someone?
Celebrating 100 days, 200 days,
going to the movies,
and holding hands together.
Have you done that before?
Of course I have.
Really? With whom?
A younger man?
Hold it.
You have a boyfriend, don't you?
The first thing you do at a new school
is get yourself a boyfriend?
Is he younger than you?
That's not it, Mom.
If he's younger than you, doesn't that
mean he's in elementary school?
I want to know his name, number,
favorite food, and the number of siblings.
That'll tell me if he's good for you.
You know how good my hunches are.
Actually, you're the worst
at reading people.
What? Is this how it'll be?
Then here. I'll tickle it out of you.
No, don't. Stop it.
-Tell me.
-Stop it, will you?
All right, then
I'll turn it up a notch.
-Who is it?
-Stop it, Mom!
-But I'm dying to know.
Or maybe not.
Do you happen to know Ms. Noh Ae-jeong?
I'm her daughter, Ha-nee.
-We'll begin, guys.
We're on.
Welcome back to part three
of Hong Yun-hwa's Afternoon Greeting.
It's time for The Ranking Master,
and joining us today
is the one and only nation's sweetheart.
Soon, he'll be heading overseas
to conquer Hollywood as well.
Please welcome Ryu Jin!
We've been trying to
get you on the show for a year now.
-What took you so long?
-Sorry about that.
The timing couldn't be better
because you'll be too busy
once you're in Hollywood.
Anyway, that's just how precious
this time to invite him over.
So we prepared a special episode today.
Bravo! Bold and loud like Hollywood.
All right.
That was great. Thanks for chiming in.
Before we begin the segment,
let's listen to a song first.
Bold and loud, right?
Thank you.
Thanks. Here's today's script.
What's today's ranking?
The top five scenarios that terrify men.
Sounds like fun.
Can you excuse me for a second?
Are you Ryu Jin, the actor?
Why aren't you responding?
Don't you know a Noh Ae-jeong?
Mr. Ryu, check this out.
How scary is this scenario?
Only those who are guilty
would be truly scared.
Mr. Cheon, why are you being like this?
Why would you sign that obscene deal
over a chance to make it in Hollywood?
Don't you want to climb higher?
You wished to reach the top
so that you could have your revenge.
I know what I'm doing, so stop yapping.
My name is Oh Yeon-woo
and I live with Ae-jeong.
Why did her husband have to be there?
And he's younger than her.
Arrogant jerk.
How can he not take any action though
when his wife owes
over a billion won in debt?
Who the heck is this guy?
Hi, Tae-hwan.
It's Oh Dae-o from year six, class two.
How long has it been?
I heard that you joined the police force.
Digging up information on someone
must be a piece of cake for you.
It's illegal?
Hello, ma'am.
I'm Chang-sik's friend, Oh Dae-o.
From middle school. You don't remember?
Anyway, I heard he works
at Statistics Korea.
He lives in Seoul and
his name is Oh Yeon-woo. He's a teacher.
No, not a preacher, but a teacher.
A teacher, ma'am.
Ma'am, once again, he's not a preacher,
but a teacher.
Come on, brother. Have you forgotten
about the friendship we built
playing soccer in the mornings?
Your father works at the NIS, right?
He passed away?
Gosh, may he rest in peace.
What the
What is it this time?
I won't sacrifice my sleep nor my health,
so reimburse me for gym memberships,
massages, and physical therapy.
Agree to a ten percent incentive
for all tickets sold.
Revision requests
will be limited to three.
My meals should be organic
and I won't work
when dust levels are high.
I added your requests to the contract.
Did you? Let me check.
I should've known
when you ran off like that yesterday.
-What do you mean?
-I know you.
I bet you thought
that you agreed to the deal too fast.
So you spent all night coming up
with requests that would irritate me.
Aren't I right?
Hi, Tae-hwan. Come on, brother
Hello, ma'am.
Why does it feel like
I'm the one being tortured?
That's insane.
Why would I waste my time
thinking about you?
So the jerk in you didn't even
have to think about these terms?
Why haven't you thanked me yet?
What did you just say?
Don't you see this?
I haven't signed it yet.
We'll be working together now,
so why don't we show gratitude
when it's needed?
Sure, I'm sorry about that.
I was late to thank you.
You were.
I'm truly grateful
for you signing this contract,
mighty Mr. Cheon.
-Are we good?
-Is that it?
Of course. What else do you need?
Think. There's one more thing
you should thank me for.
And what's that?
You signed me up as a guest lecturer
at some cutesy middle school.
Do you have any idea
how irritated I was to hear it?
Well, I'll do it.
It's the least I can do
since the guy who lives with you
thanked me--
That won't be necessary.
Why not?
Forget whatever you heard yesterday.
Someone else will do the guest lecture.
But I can do it, you know.
It's a private matter.
I don't want you
I mean, I'd rather not involve you
in my private business.
Our relationship should stay professional.
Right, of course.
Good luck with your work, Mr. Cheon.
I'll see you at our next meeting.
-Which is when?
When will you call?
I have to know in advance
I'm a busy man, you know.
I'll have to arrange my schedule.
Right, of course, you're super busy.
However, I have a lot
on my plate right now,
so I'll call you when I have the time.
What is it that you need to do anyway?
Hire a cast, find investors,
search for a director and staff
Like I said, I have a lot to do,
so don't be pushy.
Okay, fine. By the way though,
who will direct this movie?
You're only going to write
the screenplay and move on,
so what's it to you?
Who says I'm moving on?
I'm the author of the original novel.
I'll discuss with the investor today
and let you know.
You're off to meet the mobster?
I don't care how rude you are,
but you can't call an investor that.
You must be insane to go to him alone.
As promised,
here's our contract with Mr. Cheon.
It was worth the wait,
and you even brought a surprise guest.
Well, Mr. Cheon is quite interested
in the investment.
More than he should.
I wouldn't say I'm intrigued.
Despite how I may seem,
I'm actually a self-made man.
I wanted to know what kind of money
is being invested into my work.
I'm sure you understand.
Keep quiet, will you?
Don't you worry.
I'm never one to invest with blood money.
By the way, it seemed like
you were hellbent on turning us down,
so what changed?
It's simple.
It struck me
that my story could
turn into someone else's.
While we're at it,
I'd like to make a proposal, too.
-It looks like I'll
not only write the screenplay
but also have to direct the movie.
Hold on.
What did you just say?
This story is about me, you see.
That's why there's no one
in the Korean film industry
who will be able
to successfully direct this movie.
Ms. Noh, what are your thoughts?
As far as I can tell,
you seem to know him well.
So answer me.
Can I trust Mr. Cheon
to direct this movie to success?
Three, go.
Mr. Cheon
-Will you marry me too?
-Of course.
-Dae-o, my gosh!
We used to have the same dream once.
Oh, gosh.
We were friends
who were driven by our passion.
-Are you all right?
-Hold on a second.
Thank God it was still recorded.
Can you take this?
-This isn't what's important right now.
-Should we call an ambulance?
Damn it. I thought I had ruined the scene.
You idiot.
His passion for movies.
-Ten more minutes.
-Let's wrap this up.
A sense of responsibility as a director.
Ae-jeong, can't we go
and get drinks instead?
-Wait, the lights just went on.
-The lights are on.
-They're on!
-That's Dae-o!
-Is that Dae-o?
Thank you, sir!
A man who made the impossible possible.
-Good one!
-Oh Dae-o.
-Oh Dae-o!
-Oh Dae-o.
-You're the best.
-Oh Dae-o.
-Let's get this over and done with!
You're the best.
If he's still the same as he was then,
you can trust him.
At least, in my memory,
he was quite
a competent and capable film director.
Does that leave you
with one last mission, then?
Casting Ryu Jin.
This must be a joke.
How do you expect to cast an actor
who's on his way to Hollywood?
The mobster presented unreasonable terms,
but you accepted them!
He's not a mobster, but an investor.
He's putting his faith in me,
-and I don't want to disappoint him.
I can't back out without giving it a try.
Are you seriously taking his side?
Would you stop being childish?
We're all on the same side.
You sure are ditsy, aren't you?
What? Ditsy?
He's the enemy who'll torment us
using the power that comes from his money.
Still, I have some kind of power though
since I have a chance at persuading Jin.
Are you still in contact with him?
And you tell me this now?
I didn't know of a good way
to reach out to him.
Anyway, call him and set up a meeting.
Hurry. Do it now!
It's me who's on your side, not him.
The sky looks beautiful.
Listen. You should tell me when you have
meetings with that guy. Got it?
Especially when it's night.
-Be quiet.
I have to take a photo
to remember this moment.
It's April 20, 2020.
This is how the sky looks on the day
of Producer Noh Ae-jeong's beginning.
I'm so excited.
I thought producing a movie
would only be a dream to me.
-It's good to have you.
It's a surprise to see you here,
Teacher Oh.
Will you quit being a teacher
and take over your family business?
No, I just came out tonight to see
if you could do me a favor.
I heard your company has
a lot of famous YouTubers.
-Can you introduce one to me?
Mr. Oh, is there a YouTuber you like?
No, it's not that.
I want to ask the YouTuber
to give a lecture at our school.
-I knew it.
-I saw it coming.
-Do you want to go on a date?
-A date?
My cousin saw my high school yearbook.
It's been over a year
since she called dibs on you.
She's the only daughter of
the second most powerful
assemblyman, Ma Dong-sik.
Your mother will like her.
I'm sorry, but can I return
the favor in another way?
You'll regret it, man.
My cousin is so pretty.
-Do you want to see her photo?
-Let me see.
There's someone I like.
-What? Who is it?
-Who is it?
-Who is it?
-Next time.
-Show me her photo. Is she hot?
-She's pretty.
Show us her photo.
-No, next time.
-Fine, next time.
It will take forever to save up money
enough to run a DNA test. You know?
I hate being poor. I hate it.
What about the guy
you called the other day?
Is he still ignoring your texts?
Yes. He's totally screening my texts.
I thought I was going to score
nice intel. What a piece of junk!
-Darn it.
Hey, coward.
But who knows? There could be other leads.
There's none. That's just a piece of junk.
But still, if we still keep looking,
we might be able to find something.
What? What is it?
Jin, I need to tell you something.
This is the same phone number
from yesterday.
What does she need to tell him?
Do you think he could be your dad?
Should we call that guy and ask him again?
I bet he knows something about this.
Ask him what?
Well, you know,
he likes a girl in another class.
He's going to make a move on her.
Hey, what are you talking about?
Are you sure the girl you like
is in another class?
Of course. Yes. You bet.
Anyway, come inside and eat tteokbokki.
Oh, right.
If you sell those empty bottles,
I'll take a ten-percent cut.
It's my commission.
No way. Aunt Sook-hee.
Aunt Sook-hee, you won't get
a lot for that. Please reconsider.
Aunt Sook-hee. Come on, that's not fair!
Are you just getting home?
Did you eat? Did you have dinner?
Yes, I ate it with my friend.
By the way, how do you know Ha-nee's mom?
I have a favor to ask you.
Please don't bully her.
She's my best friend's mom.
Hey, don't distract me and leave me alone.
I'm turning my exercise into art.
One more, Jin. One more.
-Here you go.
Come on, man. What is this?
What's this?
It took up all of my time last night
to look for that. Seriously.
That's the scenario for my debut novel.
So what?
"So what?" You sound so indifferent.
You're disappointing me.
Wipe off your sweat.
You know, I don't have to write
the scenario from scratch.
I already have the first draft.
And I wrote the novel myself.
I have given this some thought.
I don't have a good excuse
to turn down Ae-jeong's offer.
So are you telling me
that you're going to work with her?
What about the offer from Hollywood?
You said you wanted to hit it big there.
You even said you were going
to make her beg.
Weren't you determined to break
her heart and make her eyes bleed?
Was I that brutal?
Yes, you were brutal, man.
You were out of your mind.
You were dying to take your revenge.
You were going to strangle her.
But what's the deal with you?
-Why are you so worked up about it?
You don't want me to work with her?
No, it's not that.
I don't care whether you work
with Ae-jeong or not.
You should join us, too. Please?
Your last project in Korea
before going to the States!
Are you serious? Why would I work with
I mean, this is too small of a project
for me. Come on, be reasonable.
Join our project, please.
To tell you the truth,
no other actors can understand my script
as well as you do.
You know how hard
it had been for me to write this.
"Loyal Actor Ryu Jin
Decides to Star in a Movie Produced and
Written by Hankuk University's Alumni."
This will totally polish up
your reputation.
Don't you remember?
Ae-jeong used to be your favorite?
I guess you do remember.
Come on, Jin. The three of us should
make an awesome film together.
Join us.
Is that the only reason?
Do you have any other reasons
than your desire of completing your work?
I'm not sure.
Oh, right. Ae-jeong is in a tight spot.
Her investor said he wouldn't invest
unless you play the lead role.
If we don't help her,
she would never be able to fulfill
her lifelong dream of producing a film.
What do you say?
Should we just forget about her?
Jin, join us.
You were so eager to take your revenge.
Do you sympathize with her?
What are you talking about?
This isn't sympathy. That's not it.
Do you still have feelings for Ae-jeong?
What feelings? I told you that's not
why I'm doing this. Stop asking me that.
Ae-jeong didn't disappear like that,
what do you think
would've happened to you?
By the way,
why did the building owner
let us back into the office?
The owner just called and said
we could just use the office.
-So I came back here.
I don't think the owner would let us in
out of the goodness of the heart.
Let's just use it.
Is this Thumb Film?
Who is it?
Is there Ms. Noh Ae-jeong?
It's me.
Let me.
-Can you sign here?
You can just use your finger.
-Thank you.
-Wait, who sent
Excuse me. Who sent this?
-Who sent this?
-Who is it?
-What is this?
-There's a card.
Wait, there's a card.
-Read it now, please.
-My gosh.
There's a card.
"You and I".
No, it's not what you think.
You have three days until your time is up.
I sincerely hope you can cast Ryu Jin.
You're here.
My gosh. Why are you rushing me?
I didn't have time to
take a shower or wash my face.
Listen up, Mr. Cheon.
I wasn't done talking.
We are going to come up
with a fantastic plan
to compete against James Caramel
and win over
the best Korean actor, Ryu Jin.
What plan?
As the scenario isn't ready yet,
we can only rely on
the original writer's proposal.
What is this? Why are you smirking
in that annoying tone?
This is what sets you and me apart.
The difference between
a pro and an amateur.
-What is it?
-If you're curious, open it.
My gosh!
No way. What just happened?
Did you finish it already?
Actually, this work started off
as a movie scenario. You know?
I added my deep emotions into my writing
and expanded it to a novel.
Hey, this is amazing.
I was really worried that
I had to do this without a script.
What do you think?
Can you see the difference
between a pro and an amateur?
Gosh. Look at you.
My gosh.
This is great.
We can just polish it up here and there.
What? Do what?
I wrote the numbers here.
Scenes 8, 13, 37, and 55.
Just fix these scenes.
Let's work on the male protagonist.
I can't believe this.
Hey, Ae-jeong.
You know what? I don't like
this kind of last-minute writing.
I prefer to write in solitude.
I can't write when there's someone else.
Okay. I know that.
I do, but the male protagonist isn't
that attractive in the script you gave me.
The male protagonist isn't attractive?
In what ways? How?
Personally, I think the male protagonist
is perfect and awesome.
Why are you getting so worked up?
I was just speaking
from a woman's point of view.
Don't take it personally.
The success of movies like this depends on
how attractive the male protagonist is.
You probably don't know
since your specialty is being a loser.
A loser?
I don't believe this.
Don't you know I have good eyes
when it comes to finding attractive men?
So trust me and let's fix
these scenes just a tiny bit.
Oh, right.
You have good eyes
when it comes to finding attractive men.
That's why you live
with such an attractive man.
You know, your attractive husband
has a unique charm.
What are you talking about?
What kind of attractive man
does he have to be
to just sit back and watch
his wife borrow 1.05 billion won?
That is just beyond me, you know.
No. I'm just bringing this up
because you said you had good eyes.
I was just wondering how a woman
with good eyes ended up here.
What about me?
What do you know
about the life I led so far?
I meant you are in a tight spot right now.
In a tight spot?
I mean
That came out wrong.
That's not what I meant. Let me explain.
I've had worse things
happened to me than this.
But I had never thought
that I was unfortunate.
Well Gosh.
You should let me finish.
Don't take this the wrong way.
The wrong way?
How did I take this the wrong way?
I walk my kid to school
in the morning on my way to work.
We sit around our table
and talk about our days at night.
I spend time with her on weekends
and talk about our future.
That's the biggest joy in my life.
How dare you judge me and my life?
Why did I say something like that?
Damn it.
Forget it. I'm leaving.
-I'll stay up and write the proposal.
I'll send it with the script to
Jin's agency tomorrow. Just so you know.
Wait, Ae-jeong. Let's fix those scenes.
-No, you're the writer.
I've overstepped my boundaries.
Forget about the revisions. Don't do it.
Wait, let's fix the scenes. Ae-jeong!
We can fix them.
That's what I would like to do, too,
you asshole!
Damn it.
Ma'am, is this absolutely necessary?
Do you think I enjoy doing this?
But still, I don't think
you should revise your will.
I'm not saying that I will.
I'm just saying we should at least pretend
that we're revising it. That's all.
If he thinks I'm terminally ill,
he will do what I want him to do
out of pity for me.
To make sure he never moves out,
I bought all of the studios in Seoul.
And I even bought the school foundation
he's working for.
Do you think
I'll mess up this little show?
Ma'am, your son is here.
Hold on.
You're here too, Mr. Yoon.
I got a call that
your mother was gravely ill.
My son.
-You're here.
How are you feeling?
I didn't feel good since yesterday.
So I ended up
Can you bring me some water?
Mr. Yoon.
Now that he's here,
could you tell him
the revised will?
All right.
Now, I will announce
Ms. Joo Bo-hye's will
-which was revised as of today.
-There's no need.
I'll be happy
with whatever decision you make
even if you decide to donate
all of your money to society.
Hey! Why would I do such a thing?
You almost had me this time.
I'm sorry about the blind date.
But I came today.
Could you please stop being upset at me?
Why don't we all go out and have a meal?
This is too bad. I have to get going soon.
Let's take a rain check.
-Mom, I'm sorry.
Is it because of her?
Are you doing this to me
because of that woman?
What did you just say?
All right.
Yeon-woo, did something happen?
No, nothing happened.
This smells so good.
I wanted to prepare
an invigorating meal for my family.
What's wrong with you?
The concern I had just doubled up.
Are you behind on your homework?
Where's Ae-jeong?
Ae-jeong? She's coming home late today.
Should I deliver
some late-night snacks for her?
What? Can you?
Me, too. I want to go, too.
Who are you to judge my life?
How long has she been
cooped up there without any food?
Gosh, why do I care?
Gosh, this is bad timing.
Did you have a good day at school?
I had a good day.
I just have a lot of homework.
-You have a lot of homework?
I fixed the scenes. Read it.
Ha-nee. Yeon-woo.
Why are you guys here?
You didn't eat yet, right?
My princess.
My princess.
I haven't had meat in so long.
Just know that I purposely ate less
so that you could have more.
No one cares for me
as much as my own daughter does.
You're the best.
There's no daughter like our dear Ha-nee.
You must be so happy
that there are two people
who care about you.
I walk my kid to school in the morning
-on my way to work.
-Ha-nee, you can do it.
-I can do it.
-Me too.
-We can do it.
-We can do it.
We sit around our table
and talk about our days at night.
I spend time with her on weekends
and talk about our future.
That's the biggest joy in my life.
How dare you judge me and my life?
You can't even drink to begin with.
Did something happen?
You see,
I think I really,
truly made a mistake.
What are you talking about?
I revised the script,
allowed her to be the producer,
and even delivered her food.
I did everything,
but I shouldn't have. Damn it.
I shouldn't have met Ae-jeong once again.
Had I known
I'd develop feelings for her again,
I wouldn't have met her.
Why do you think we've become this way?
What had happened
to Ae-jeong and me?
Why do you think we've become this way?
Why do you think
Dae-o and I have become this way?
You know why, right?
Please tell me. Please.
By the way, why are you so quiet?
Because I had nothing to say.
Who are you staying quiet for?
Is it me or Dae-o?
Do you not care about me?
Hello, Ryu Jin speaking.
Okay. All right.
What? Did you guys hang up?
What did that man say?
He wants to
meet tonight.
I can pick the place.
Yes. Currently, there are two candidates.
One of them will be disqualified
by the end of tonight.
Hello. Excuse me
Hello. Do you know where
Ryu Jin's manager is?
Go ask the Management Team.
Got it. Thank you!
Management Team
-Hello. Excuse me,
-Hold on.
-but do you know--
-What are you saying?
Do you know where Ryu Jin's manager is?
-It's me. Who am I speaking to?
-Oh, my! Hello, sir.
You must be very busy these days.
I've brought some drinks
to rejuvenate you.
Drink up first.
-Here you go.
-Thank you.
I'm Noh Ae-jeong,
the producer of Thumb Film.
I've brought the perfect script
for Ryu Jin.
This one is just outstanding.
So if you could
-just take a look--
-You can leave it here.
Thank you for this.
It's a very interesting script.
Ryu Jin is just perfect for the role.
-And the writer is--
but I'm busy right now.
I'll look at it later.
-Why are you--
-Just take a look,
and I swear you'll change your mind.
It's a very fun script.
I'll be going now. Thank you, sir.
Excuse me.
Please tell Ryu Jin
that Noh Ae-jeong was here.
You must.
Noh Ae-jeong.
Thank you.
Thank you. Good luck, everyone.
-I'm Noh Ae-jeong.
-Noh Ae-jeong.
That's my name.
Thank you.
-I'm Noh Ae-jeong.
-Noh Ae-jeong.
-I'm Noh Ae-jeong.
-Noh Ae-jeong.
I'm Noh Ae-jeong.
Oh, hello.
My gosh.
Is Ms. Noh not in?
No, she's participating
in her daughter's school event.
I see.
-Thank you.
You should wait.
Sit there.
Well, sure.
Here you go.
Oh, dear. I haven't introduced myself.
Hello, I work with Ms. Noh.
My name is Choi Hye-jin.
I was at your book concert as well.
I see.
I'm a fan.
It's nice to meet you.
Gosh, I feel so lucky.
I got to work on a famous work of yours
as soon as I started working here
and have a wonderful person like Ms. Noh
as my superior.
Excuse me. It seems like
you're close with Ms. Noh.
Well, it's only been a few months
since I've started working here.
But we stood by each other
through thick and thin.
And now, we have quite a strong bond.
Then you must've met
her family members as well.
Such as her husband.
I have, but not her husband, of course,
since she doesn't have one.
I've met her mother and Ha-nee
a few times, though.
She doesn't have a husband?
I'm pretty sure I saw him.
That's odd. That can't be.
She raised Ha-nee alone.
She's an amazing woman.
She's a working mom and a single mom.
But she never complained about it
and worked hard
as both a producer and a mother.
I truly respect her.
Hold on.
She doesn't have a husband?
Are you sure?
I went to Ssong Entertainment
and handed over the script.
Okay. Let's wait for now.
Okay. Bye.
I pity our kids.
Why are you all outside?
Is something wrong?
Look, here. How could you be so barefaced?
What? I don't quite understand.
Why did you tell us you'd invite him
if you couldn't?
Why did you act like you knew Mr. Cheon?
I really have no excuse to give.
I'm sorry. But I--
Then you should've found a substitute.
We're the only class
that doesn't have a speaker!
What? What do you mean?
Exactly. She betrayed our trust.
I thought it was odd
when Ha-nee's grandma joined in.
I'm sorry. I really am.
Don't you feel sorry for the kids?
I'm truly sorry.
I really have nothing to say.
-Is that so?
-I'm truly sorry.
No. "Hello.
I'm Noh Ha-nee, Ms. Noh's daughter"
"I'm Noh Ha-nee.
The reason why I wanted to meet"
Your mom is in big trouble.
Our class' speaker didn't show up,
so both the moms and the kids are enraged.
They're bashing her!
-We shouldn't have trusted you.
-I know.
I'm sorry. I'm really sorry.
Why did you make a promise
you couldn't keep?
-How shameless of you.
-I'm sorry.
-I'm truly sorry.
-What are you going to do?
-We're not done talking.
-How will you take responsibility?
What will you do about this?
-Full tank, please.
-Please fill it up to the brim.
It's time for your radio.
It's airing now.
My gosh.
What a strange woman Noh Ae-jeong is.
-She was some producer.
She kept emphasizing her name.
-She told me to tell you
-Soon, he'll be heading overseas
-that she had visited.
-to conquer Hollywood as well.
-Please welcome Ryu Jin!
-Is she a big shot or what?
-Today's topic is interesting.
-My gosh.
-"Noh Ae-jeong"?
-The top five scenarios
that terrify men!
Repeat after me.
-It's an interesting topic.
What do you think about these?
Personally, I think the third one
among them
-Sir. I'm sorry,
-is the scariest.
-but can we meet right now?
-Third one? "Confronted by
a child I didn't know I had."
Exactly. Imagine them
-That's ridiculous.
-in front of your house
Just once. Please come to Classroom 1-3
at Hanbak Middle School.
Right now.
Well, I've never imagined
such a thing before.
Then which one
Are you not feeling well?
-What is it?
How old are seventh graders?
Seventh graders? They'd be 14.
-Why do you ask?
-Ex-girlfriend's wedding invite.
So 14 years old? And 14 years ago
Right? That's it, right?
What are you looking for?
Are you going to the toilet?
Jin! What's wrong? Jin!
Where are you going? Wait!
Hey, we have a shooting to go to!
Where are you going?
I should've found a speaker myself.
-I know.
-Let's just take the kids home.
-I'm sorry.
-Let's go.
-I'll take care of this.
One minute. Please give us one minute.
-Hey, you.
-Who is he?
Excuse me.
What are you doing? Are you insane? Hey!
You can't do this.
I'm sorry I got the dates confused.
I completely forgot
that I had filming to attend.
Okay, I'll call you next time.
Hey, let me go.
I said, let me go.
Gosh, hey! What are you doing?
Hey, Dong-chan. Try to buy more time.
I'll find a way
to bring in another speaker
Hey, do you know where Classroom 1-3 is?
Let me go.
Hey, let me go!
Damn it! Let me go!
Have you gone insane? What are you doing?
Do you even know that I'm in a pickle
thanks to you?
Things are already difficult as is,
so why are you pestering me all the time?
Why did you appear out of the blue
and bother me?
That's exactly what I want to say to you.
-You're the one who came to me.
My gosh.
Leave if you're going to spew nonsense.
I already have a lot on my plate.
You appeared out of the blue
and swayed me. Do you understand?
What are you doing?
And who are you?
Are you her husband, boyfriend,
relative, or a family member?
If not, step aside.
I'm sure I've saved the script somewhere.
I have over 50 folders
named Brown-eared Bulbul.
This one has 50 Cuckoo folders?
They're all Brown-eared Bulbul folders.
What? I think this is it.
Hold on.
What? I found it.
Love Is Nonexistent
I found it.
Let's see.
This is it.
Which of them do I take after the most?
My first love is the one
who helped me to become an actor.
I won't be going to Hollywood.
You say you're sick and tired of her,
but you're actually
worried about her, right?
What if we fail to meet her demands?
So there was something going on
between you and Mr. Cheon?
I, Joo A-rin, will go meet Cheon Eok-man.
It took me 14 years to give you this.
Everything about you
for the past 14 years.
I heard he's not even your husband.
He's my dad.
Subtitle translation by Hye-lim Park
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