Welcome to Utmark (2021) s01e04 Episode Script

Flesh and Blood

Life is not always easy, Marin.
I understand that it's hard on you, this
thing with your mom, your dad and me.
You know, Marin,
every tree starts out
as a frail seedling.
It's the harsh wind and the stony ground
that makes its roots take hold.
It's the same way with childhood.
A child must clench its teeth
and make sure it gets enough protein
to grow big and strong.
You're but a tiny sapling
in need of hardening trials.
You must weather many storms.
But I can promise you this:
One day you will be strong as a tree.
Fucking hell!
Fix & Move. How may I assist you?
It's Kari Hungerholt. Again.
Hello, Kari.
How may I assist you?
There are quite a few boxes
and things outside my house.
-But they're not mine.
-Do you have a customer number?
I do, and thanks to you,
I have it memorized.
It is 247 87 134.
That's the estate of a deceased person
from Stavanger, Karl Hungerholt.
Sure, but I don't know
any Karl Hungerholt.
My name is Kari Hungerholt. K-A-R
No need for sarcasm, Kari.
We're all doing our best.
That won't do.
I've been waiting forever.
-Let's keep a civil tone, now.
First you misplace my things, and now
I'm left with someone else's estate!
You have a lot in common,
you and Bilzi.
You keep sheep, Bilzi keeps reindeer.
You loved Siri, now Bilzi loves her.
You're Marin's father, now Bilzi's
her stepfather. A whole lot in common!
The things that happen in life,
usually happen for a reason.
Maybe Siri ended things
in order to fix the imbalance
between you.
An imbalance that was apparent
to most of us.
Siri has a decent business going,
and earns a lot more than you.
And she's a fine woman.
Former Miss Midnight Sun, huh?
Perhaps a bit "out of your league",
as an American might say.
Maybe she wanted to give you more space.
To set you free.
Live life, Finn. You're a free man,
remember that!
What's with the face?
You promised not to tell anyone
about Horagallis, yet you did.
Dad is furious with me.
He called me a snitch.
Okay, come with me.
-I'll straighten this out.
Marin, I think you should apologize
to your dad for snitching to me.
Sorry for snitching.
Now you apologize to your daughter
for calling her a snitch.
She's just a child who told her mother
about something that bothered her.
Come on now, Finn.
Yeah Sorry.
For calling you a snitch.
And I'd also like to apologize, Marin.
I promised not to tell,
but I happened to mention it to Bilzi,
and that
That was not okay.
Then you two spend the afternoon
together, father and daughter.
Play a game of Ludo,
do some shooting
Whatever you like.
My class was asked to sing a hymn
at the church bazaar.
But I'm afraid I'm not that into hymns.
-So we'll go for a pop song this year.
Something a bit more modern.
-Well, good luck.
-What's her deal?
-She's new here.
-I've prepared the basket.
-Oh, the basket.
Some of the items are past their
expiry date, but still perfectly fine.
-Big one this year, huh?
Best to stay on good terms
with the powers above.
We thank you.
I'll make a note of that.
There's nothing wrong with you.
It's the scope.
Bilzi has a Model 1500 Deluxe.
He promised to let me try it.
We can't remove the stitches yet.
-But she wants to go back to work.
-Some men like that stuff, you know.
-What stuff?
Some men like being with women
who are a bit worse for wear.
Women who've lost an arm or a leg.
Some men like that.
In Norway?
Try googling "amputation" and "porn".
Lots of fun stuff.
Or so I've been told.
Clearance sale?
Maybe you should take a break
from the poker table?
It's like you're cursed.
Those earrings you brought last time
They had more panache.
This is 16 karat.
That won't make you rich.
I need to use the toilet.
This isn't a train station.
It's a jewelry shop.
I'll be quick.
Four words, Willman:
toilet brush, air freshener.
Alright, alright
This is Elena. Ready to rumble.
Some men pay extra for that.
From what I hear, you're on all fours
with a gag ball in your mouth, ass up.
-Does it matter what she looks like?
-It does.
Fuck you.
Elena? Elena? Hey!
-Hi. Hello there, Håvard.
-Hi, Willman.
Well, how's it going?
People are dying. Good times.
Sickness and death
are always in fashion!
What did I have on my mind again
When's the next game?
Last time you said
you'd never gamble again.
But I do have money.
I won't run up debt.
Willman, you expressly asked me
to never let you play poker again.
Shit. You must let me try
to win back all the money I've lost.
Have you heard of AA?
-Alcoholics Anonymous.
They help people quit drinking.
But I'm not exactly an alcoholic.
If you drink every day, you are.
Technically speaking.
I can quit whenever I want to.
They know how to quit.
I do too.
I can quit drinking.
I can, and I will.
From this day forward.
Do you promise?
-I promise.
-Thank you.
See you this weekend.
Let me put some powder on it.
My wife always knew what to do.
How to treat people.
And how to make the girls feel at home.
-I'm sorry.
-Okay, stop. Just
I can buy you a ticket home.
Come in!
-I was just passing by.
-Håvard's at work, so
I just wanted to give you this.
Perhaps you could consider it
a sort of peace offering?
You look amazing. You're glowing!
Isn't that what people say?
Bursting with life.
Congratulations. And I mean that.
Thank you.
Let's hope your genes
are stronger than Håvard's.
Excuse me?
It's no secret that the genetics
in Håvard's family are a bit
-I was in the middle of something, so
-Congratulations, again.
And fingers crossed for your genes.
Okay, bye.
This is Drita.
Knowing you, there's no need
for a speech on how to behave.
-Just be respectful.
-I want two hours.
Two hours.
I'll be back.
This is what she looks like now.
Her passport. Do what you want with her.
What do you mean?
You paid for her.
Do whatever the fuck you like.
-But I don't want to do anything.
-Not my problem.
-But I don't want her.
-You men disgust me!
Just up for a bit of fun, eh? Buy some
piece of ass for 900 kroner an hour?
Wham, bam, thank you ma'am!
They are actually human beings,
you know. Real flesh and blood.
People who've left homes and loved ones
for a life of prostitution.
People with dreams, Finn!
There you go, a woman
who's had her dreams crushed by you.
Fuck you.
You are
free to leave
Now too late.
But tomorrow
To the right.
This is my daughter's room.
Her name is Marin.
She's not here.
My father gave me this knife.
That's bone, and that's antler.
-Now this knife is yours.
-Thank you.
But I need something in return.
It's part of the tradition.
The one who gets the knife,
gives back a coin.
I don't have any coins, but
I can Venmo you?
Give me your number,
and I'll type it in and transfer.
I think it has to be a coin.
I don't have any coins.
I'm sure you'll find one.
He who drinks before breakfast
is an alcoholic.
The house is freezing cold.
-I had breakfast.
Never switch feed or shear a pregnant
ewe, as they easily get stressed.
That's why wolves are a problem.
The sheep sense them and get stressed.
-Hi. Is Helene in?
What are you doing, sneaking around
my house and breaking my windows?
How dare you approach Kjersti like that?
Do it again,
and I'll punch you in the face!
I thought you were better than this.
Move on.
The Department of Education
has set up a national curriculum.
Among the mandatory parts
is sexual education.
Some of you may have noticed
certain changes in your bodies.
That your bodies are changing.
New emotions, new sensations
And some of you may feel attracted
to others in a new way.
Boys tend to feel attracted to girls
But there are many kinds of attraction.
Some boys will be attracted
to other boys,
and girls attracted to other girls.
This is called being gay or lesbian.
Then we have men
who like to dress up as women.
That's called cross-dressing.
And none of these are wrong.
What if you're attracted to animals?
According to the Animal Welfare Act,
that's illegal, and hence wrong.
What about adults
who want to sleep with children?
That's wrong as well.
It's called pedophilia.
Pedophilia and sex with animals
is wrong, but everything else is fine.
-What about rape?
Rape is very, very, very wrong.
A sexual relationship
must be consensual.
So if the animal is okay with it,
then it's not wrong?
Let's leave the sexual stuff for now.
Let's discuss the song we're performing
at the church bazaar.
But animals have sex
with animals.
Stop it, Eilif! That's enough!
And we're not picking a hymn,
but a pop song! Something funky!
-Are you standing there ogling my ass?
I'm looking at my bathtub.
Checking if it's getting clean.
Last time it could've been cleaner.
I could still see some grime.
I always leave the tub spotless.
No, not always. And I'm paying you well.
-You've never mentioned invoices
-Alright, fine!
Scrub your own grime for as long as you
fucking well please. Have a nice day.
It's my mom's.
She doesn't use it anymore.
We'll answer in kind. I'm not letting
this go until the score is settled.
I found a coin.
Then the knife is yours.
Alright, what do you see?
A former cleaning lady!
It's over! I quit.
It's absolutely fantastic!
-Yay, congrats.
I'm never scrubbing other people's
shitters again. What a relief!
Finally, I can breathe again.
In Sámi culture, everyone in the siida
plays an equally important part.
Everyone pulls their weight.
Men, women, children.
-Even the reindeer and the dogs.
What do you bring to the table
if you're not cleaning?
I think you should keep on cleaning
until you find something else to do.
There's no room for freeloaders
in my siida.
Ingrid? Ingrid?
Oh, there you are. I found your bag.
You had put it in the freezer.
I've misplaced my wedding ring too.
Oh, my dear.
Don't worry about the ring.
-But where's your ring?
-Right It's at the jeweler's.
It was a bit tight,
so he's enlarging it.
You know what?
He can just keep it.
If you don't have yours,
I don't want mine.
You're so good to me, Nils.
Love doesn't require jewelry.
Hey, we need to talk.
About what?
I'm a modern woman, Bilzi.
My opinion counts just as much as yours.
We live in Norway, in a welfare state.
In a welfare state,
you receive unemployment benefits.
It's not like
I'll be living off your money.
If I don't want to clean,
then I won't clean.
End of story.
My woman will never live off handouts
from this nanny state.
Once you've found yourself a new job,
you're welcome to throw out
the toilet brush.
And just so you know it
I don't slap just anyone.
I am your man.
And you are my woman.
You and I are going to fight and fuck,
argue and laugh and love
until all is dust.
I'm taking a shower.
Eighteen years in the business,
yet death still fascinates me.
Three hundred.
Rigor mortis is the first to occur.
The so-called "death stiffness".
The muscles don't receive
the chemicals needed to relax.
After a day or two, the muscles relax,
then the body slowly decomposes.
-How about we play some cards?
The bacteria and enzymes
of the bowels
Håvard! Give it a break.
He's trying to psych you out.
It's a game.
-I'm going all in. Raise to 900.
-No thanks.
You know what? I'm in.
I'm out.
Alright, boys.
Show me what you've got.
Here we have three little queens.
Right. And here's
a little flush.
Stein is well enough
to join us again, by the way.
I have cooked.
It was a buck
of 120 kilos carcass weight.
A godawful shot.
Some would even call it unsporting.
Well, there have been
a lot of animal deaths of late.
I'm stronger than you. I'm richer.
Your daughter lives under my roof.
I've got my cock inside your wife
breakfast, lunch and dinner.
You don't stand a fucking chance.
I had to stop that mongrel
from taking more sheep.
It was no accident.
Sooner or later I'll break you.
You're welcome.
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