Welcome to Wrexham (2022) s01e04 Episode Script

Home Opener

Wrexham, Wrexham, Wrexham!
The noise is terrific
here at the Racecourse
as Wrexham look to start off
a new era at the club.
The referee
gives the go ahead.
And away Wrexham go.
[upbeat rock music]
Listen to that.
Jones with a great ball.
Mullin round the back
of the defense.
Hyde's in the middle.
Feeds him in
and puts it behind him.
What a chance that was.
And I gotta say, I'd normally
bet my house on Mullin
making the most of that.
That's two shots
in the first 80 seconds.
Cross comes in
from Davies now.
Looking again for Mullin,
who brings it down easily.
Left-footed shot is blocked.
It'll spin to Young!
And Young puts it over!
We almost made the goal.
ANNOUNCER: Notts County's
defense is hanging on
for dear life.
Shoot! Get it in, Hydey!
MARK: And it's a great ball
dinked in the box.
Mullin across the face!
Oh, what a brilliant piece
of defending.
Mullin drove it in.
Hyde looked to have
an open-goal tap-in.
Wrexham battering away
at Notts County.
The breakthrough
surely will come.
Quality first half.
I've never seen
so much adrenaline
pumping through them nil-nil
in the National League.
Get in the space, eh!
Get in the space, would ya?
MARK: Controlled on the edge
of the area
by French!
He gives that away.
Now Wrexham are left
vulnerable here.
That was a poor pass.
Swinging in the cross
of the far post.
It's a good cross.
Wooton heads it.
And it's in!
Notts County score.
Massively against
the run-up play,
but what a cross.
[dramatic music]
[crowd shouting]
You can hear the reaction
from the Wrexham fans.
It was a great noise there.
Right. Well done.
You've done great, boys.
You've done great.
Don't let the goal lift them
and knock us.
Just keep playing the way
you've been fucking playing.
Keep putting the ball
in the box.
If it's not on,
we come out and we move it
really quickly,
keep switching the play.
PLAYER: Come on then, let's go!
Come on!
- Worry about performance.
PHIL: What separates teams
from winning and losing,
drawing and winning
is moments of quality.
And in any team, you're only
as good as your front players.
MARK: Mullin cuts inside,
edging him off,
sweeps a great ball.
Oh, what an amazing piece
of defending by Taylor.
PHIL: When you sign a player
like Paul
you know,
he's one of those players
he can produce moments of
of real quality
in games of football.
He's got a bit of magic
and goals win games.
MARK: Hyde does well
on the sly to work it wide.
French feeds it inside.
A wicked cross, and it's in!
Yes! Mullin gets a goal in!
[cheers and applause]
And Mullin has headed it home!
[upbeat music]
Mullin gets his first goal
of the season
at the Racecourse.
Gracefully done!
Sensational cross.
Keeper Kean to bounce it.
Mullin just got there ahead
of him.
CROWD: Wrexham, Wrexham,
Wrexham, Wrexham!
Listen to this. Wow.
Wrexham, Wrexham!
MARK: Well,
we've had our homecoming,
and it was spectacular.
If we're gonna do that to
the strong teams this season,
the rest of the division's
got a problem on its hands.
CROWD: Wrexham, Wrexham,
Wrexham, Wrexham!
BUDDY HOLLY: Every day,
it's a-getting closer ♪
Going faster
than a roller coaster ♪
Love like yours
will surely come my way ♪
A-hey, a-hey-hey
Every day,
it's a-getting faster ♪
Everyone said,
"Go ahead and ask her" ♪
Love like yours
will surely come my way ♪
A-hey, a-hey-hey
Love like yours
will surely come my way ♪
Fuckin' wind.
[both laugh]
We redid the pitch
in the summer.
And basically,
the short and long is,
the pitch has failed.
[bright orchestral music]
It's just tooit's too dry, innit?
The rest of the season's gonna
be a big challenge
for me personally
and I'm going to cry.
[dog barking]
So I've got some bad news.
We re-laid our pitch
this summer,
um, at no small expense.
And it looks great,
but there's something wrong
with it.
And, um, we
- It's made of burlap.
[both laugh]
- We hadbasically yes.
The roots of the grass
are very short,
so whenwhen someone steps
into it and thethe top of it
sticks to the bottom
of the boot,
when they pull up,
the whole top layer of grass
comes off with it.
So we got an independent expert
on this stuff to come out.
He said
- Is this the kind of thing
you thyou thought
you'd be talking about
or thinking about?
- I'm actually fucking riveted
- I am, too, but
I can't wait
to find out what happens.
What we've been told
by this
this independent expert
is he said,
"You need to drown this pitch.
"You need to overwater it
the whole time.
That will help the pitch
hold together."
As we speak,
Ewen is out there with a hose.
Is there a more likelihood
that someone could be injured?
- Jesus fuck.
- Now the overwatering
is what reduces
that possibility.
I'm gonna hit my head
as hard as I can
against this right now.
- [laughs]
HUMPHREY: And it's gonna cost
us a lot of money.
How much
how much money have we spent
on the first round of it?
HUMPHREY: I can look it up.
- Approximately?
[sighs] Don't look it up.
It's not gonna help us.
HUMPHREY: Probably about
- Fuck.
And it'll probably cost us
that again
if not more to relay the pitch.
Yeah, it's
it'sit sucks.
- [laughs]
- Mm.
That's pretty bad.
[dark melancholic music]
HUMPHREY: So running a football
club is expensive.
Issues like we're having
with the pitch
and the expenditure we had
to do over the summer
to improve
some of the concourse area
and things like that,
those have to be paid for
and, you know,
a lot of National League clubs
are essentially relying
on the tickets they sell
and very small amounts
of sponsorship
from local businesses.
Well, we're looking
for new ways
to bring fresh eyeballs
onto what we're doing
and increasing
our revenue streams.
And we'll take
whatever we can get.
And I swear
By the moon and the stars
in the sky ♪
I'll be there
So much of the endeavor
is based on growing
the exposure of the club.
And I knew
that having somebody like Ryan
was gonna be really important
because of social media.
Because between the two of us,
we have something like
45 million Instagram followers
and 20 million, uh,
Twitter followers,
so we could directly engage
with them.
So I thought we were good
good partners in that way.
Uh, it's close. Yeah, I've
[upbeat music]
This is where you're gonna
put up a graphic
that shows the actual numbers.
Aren't you? Yeah.
I would never do that to you.
[bell dinging]
This is our new away shirt
for next season.
It's Philadelphia Eagles
Meantime, need that money
You ready?
Hey, guys.
Get that money
SHAUN: We've gone
from AEC Engineering
to Expedia.
with me Ryan Reynolds
and Rob McElhenney.
You feel like you know
what you're doing?
Absolutely not.
SHAUN: From Ifor Williams
Trailers to TikTok.
So there it is, eh?
because ofofof obviously
Wrexham football club.
I'll give it a go.
Well, I can't work it.
- Tick tock, ya don't stop
- Stop.
To the heart, tick tock,
ya don't stop ♪
- Stop.
- Like, casually just
just push me and I'm gonna dive
likelike, yeah.
[lively music]
Should I flop around
or is better to just go
- Oh, yeah, no, like
- Just to go limp?
No, 'cause theythey all
- Yeah, they, like, go
- They're like, "Oh, God."
Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah.
ROB: Yeah.
We have to remember
that we're Wrexham
in the National League,
but we've also got to utilize
that celebrity asset
to maximize the potential
for the club.
PERSON: We opened the online
shop and it's gone up
to about 50 grand compared
to this time last year,
where we was about 3 grand.
To the heart, tick tock
Ya don't stop
- Stop.
So what do you do now?
Oh, Wrexham AFC.
SHAUN: The more we maximize
their celebrity status,
the more income
can be generated.
That puts more money
into the club,
which means we can do more
to deliver
that community benefit,
which was all part
of the mission statement.
So much time gone by
So much time,
so you need a little ♪
Aah! [laughs] You fuck!
Yeah, I need a little money
So you better get my money
This grass is like cashmere.
Is this real?
To the heart, tick tock
Ya don't
- Stop.
You are a middle-aged
Whoo ooh ooh
[repetitive clicking]
[indistinct chatter]
And then some people
How much is it?
Can you fuck off?
There is a bullet
in there somewhere.
[gun clicks]
Just guessing
where it's gonna be.
[players talking indistinctly]
[bright orchestral music]
Oh, you got it there?
PLAYER: Yeah, facts.
Money, money, money!
I don't even know.
Weno one knows, but
Here we go.
Here comes the money
Here we go, money talks
Here comes the money
- [laughs]
Money, money, money
Money, money, money,
money comin' ♪
Dolla dolla, dolla dolla
Ching ching, bling bling,
cut the chatter ♪
You ain't talking money then
your talking don't matter ♪
Ching ching, bling bling,
pattin' pockets ♪
Albs, do you want some juice?
Come on.
[Paul grunts]
WOMAN: Do you want some?
- [laughs]
Where's Daddy gone?
- Blah, blah.
I'm gonna get ya.
[imitates monster grunts]
[soft music]
Can you reach?
There it is!
- Good boy.
You want to go and dig?
Dig in the mud
so Daddy clean it.
You diggin'? Other way.
Turn it over. That's it.
Daddy help.
[squeals, giggles]
Here comes the money
Here we go
Money, money, money, money
Money, money, money,
money comin' ♪
Dolla dolla, dolla dolla
Ching ching, bling bling,
cut the chatter ♪
You ain't talking money then
your talking don't matter ♪
Ching ching, bling bling,
pattin' pockets ♪
You take the dolla dolla,
can't a damn soul stop it ♪
[soft music]
Oh, easy.
- And then you go
Do you know what I mean?
[upbeat music]
SHAUN- Our football season
comprises 44 games.
You get three points
for a win,
one point for a draw,
and obviously,
zero points for a loss.
The team that has most points
at the end of the season
is the champion club
and are promoted to the EFL.
We're going into this season
to get promoted.
That is our goal.
That is our job.
He ordered a medium donner
SHAUN: The good news
is that we have the support
of the town.
SHAUN: These fans feel like
after 15 dark years,
the sun's finally come out
to shine again.
Totally gone
[cheers and applause]
RYAN: I wanna get there soon
before anything's
really happened
because everyone
likes us still.
- I know.
- [laughs]
Like, if somebody
- I know.
If this shit goes south
all of a sudden
Well, it's gonna go south
at some point.
- Of course.
- Like, already you see
Hopefully, it's in 25 years
and they're
in the Premier League.
We are Wrexham, super Wrexham.
We're gonna win the league.
[cheers and applause]
His foot
he's got movement in the box.
Good ball, and oh,
it's too easy for Dalby.
Wrexham's gotta watch.
Poor defending, that.
Phil Parkinson will be fumin'.
Well, Wrexham got their line
wrong again here.
Murphy, he's goal side,
he's on side, and he scores!
Oh, Wrexham. Two down.
And Wrexham have clawed
their way back somehow,
but it's only one point
against the side
we should be beating.
We're seventh
in the table now.
[mellow ringtone playing]
Hello, Mr. Co-chairman.
Hi, Ryan.
Some game, huh?
Gettin' real sick
of these draws.
Yeah, yeah,
it's hard to get, um
it's hard to get excited
about a draw.
ROB: I'm finding football
to be very weird.
Some draws are considered wins,
some are considered losses.
This is a loss, I think.
Yeah, we, uh
I can't wait to get over there.
It's so weird not
It's so weird
not actually being there.
ROB: Yeah, it'd be nice
to see 'em win, though.
[sniffs] Yeah.
This is kinda feeling like
the draw of phone calls.
Hanging up now.
ROB: See ya Tuesday.
Love you!
[upbeat percussive music]
It's Wrexham against Grimsby,
a fissure
that goes back to 1922
between two storied clubs
who really shouldn't be down
in the fifth division.
Good ball by Young!
Jake Hyde scores!
Hyde puts Wrexham ahead
early on!
The perfect start.
Young did ever so well.
JORDAN: The owners
and the money you're spending,
we're gonna have a target
on our back
and that's how it's gonna be.
Oh, it's a great finish.
Taylor puts Grimsby level.
Wrexham have only been
in the lead for four minutes.
And that can be relatively
daunting going to away games,
knowing that you're gonna
get battered for 90 minutes.
Here comes the corner.
Luke Waterfall, he's unmarked!
And he scored!
The ex-Wrexham defender
- Oh, fucking hell.
Has put Grimsby ahead.
[dramatic music]
Oh, it's too easy, too easy.
Wright taps it in.
Wrexham have collapsed here.
PERSON: That's three points
that we won't know
until the end of the season
just what impact it will have.
PERSON: Can't win the league
in the first eight games,
but you can lose your chance
to win it.
PERSON: If the team is really
struggling to click
Ha, welcome to Wrexham, boys.
You could have the best
11 players on the pitch
PAUL: I do feel a bit
of pressure from the fans
as if it's my fault
when we don't win.
The next nights are horrible.
You're sitting there thinking
what could you have done?
PERSON: It's not working.
It's not balanced.
It's up to Parkinson
to find a way
to make these two work
or change it.
PLAYER: Fans pay their money
and they wanna see results.
Make no bones about it,
if Ryan and Rob are not doing
what Wrexham fans perceive
to be in the best interests
of Wrexham Football Club,
there will be a loud voice
that lets 'em know
it'sit won't be accepted
because we've been trodden on
too many times.
[dramatic music]
ANNOUNCER: Paul Mullin's there
in the area, unmarked.
And Paul Mullin
has set Wrexham
one-nil up here
at Edgeley Park!
Fans are on the pitch
and that man has done it
Paul Mullin has set Wrexham
one-nil up here
in the opening stages!
If I had to sum football up,
it'sit's like
a roller coaster.
It's up and down.
ANNOUNCER: Rooney swings it
into the area.
Madden gets there,
and it's in for Stockport!
Paddy Madden gets the goal
as Stockport level.
[cheers and applause]
Great cross from Whitfield.
Alex Reid's header
across goal.
Paddy Madden
near the back post
and Croasdale's there,
And it's gone in
for Stockport.
Stockport have scored.
And that is back-to-back
defeat on the road.
Fantastic traveling support
from Wrexham,
and they will be disappointed
to see their side
go down here.
PERSON: Wrexham fall
all the way into 12th place
and they're heading decidedly
in the wrong direction.
Watching the biggest load
of crap
I've seen in a long time.
PERSON: No, it was a really
disappointing night from us.
PERSON: Abject, disgraceful,
9 points from a possible 18.
Questions will be asked about
everything and rightly so.
[Claude Debussy's
"Claire De Lune"]
RYAN: I've only been owner
of a football club
for a short time.
But so far,
I've found it
to be very time-consuming,
emotionally exhausting,
financially idiotic,
and utterly addictive.
ROB: I'm used to being able
to go into a writers' room
and come out at the end of it
knowing what's going
to happen.
And I don't know
what's gonna happen here.
At least the pitch looks nice.
Indeed it does.
Goodnight, Ryan.
Goodnight, Rob.
Someone should probably
yep, there you go.
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