When the Devil Calls Your Name (2019) s01e04 Episode Script

Episode 4

When the Devil Calls My Name
Episode 4
Hey. Hey!
Look at me.
Hey, come to your senses.
He may be hard to get along with but he has a tender heart.
Look how he saved me from dying on the road.
He even named me Kang(River) Ha(Lower) for finding me at the lower Han River.
- I don't want pity.
- Don't take pity and just take the wages.
Ahjussi, is he really going to hire me?
That person sways like reeds in the wind and lives
at the lower level of the world of consciousness.
It's because he is very timid.
Still, staying out of the owner's sight is a bit
That is for your own mental health.
I'll double it and double it again.
I don't think this is right.
But why?
Because I might be swayed
I pity you trying so hard to make a living, so I gave you a few lines of music.
Don't think you have talent with that.
It looks pitiful. Even if you come, you'll fail anyway.
You are just second fiddle. That pride of yours is
If you think this isn't your path, then it's better to decide now.
You think you have no path other than this, right?
There are many who said they quit music then
are humming in their dreams. That's ugly to me.
Kim Yi Gyeong. What are you afraid of when you quit music already?
It's a good opportunity.
Let's not avoid it and face it head-on.
If I can overcome the desire to continue with music by him,
then I can do anything.
Yes Ahjussi, it's me. I'll take the part-time job.
I'll do it.
- Don't move.
- What?
Don't turn around.
Please, please.
Thank you, for hiring me.
What coincidence? I called the employment agency and they sent her over.
Isn't this such a huge coincidence?
Yes, that's right. I'll work hard!
This is the resume I talked about.
- Get out.
- I really didn't see anything.
I said get out.
Why are you being like this?
You keep saying get out. Are you exercising a property owner's right on us?
You're the one who told me to look for a housekeeper. Why are contrary things coming out of the same mouth like a dummy?
- Do you want to leave too?
- No.
You want to save a few bucks on part-time wages. So petty.
I'll pay for it, I will!
- Please, Sir.
- Then you both get out.
No, never.
That young kid is trying to make a living. Why are you being so harsh to save a few bucks?
It's not like she is begging. She is going to work for her wages.
With that attitude, you won't go to heaven when you die. No way.
Why on earth are you taking care of her?
These days, I've started to recall the past.
- Everything happened after meeting Gyeong.
- Good for you!
- Oh, Jeez.
- Can't I ask a favor of you?
When you remember, get out.
Hey, Kang Ha!
I told you I'm on strike.
You, get out.
Get out again? You keep saying that.
Stop wielding your power.
Get out!
You crazy bastard!
- What do you want?
- Quadruple.
First. You work when I am not home. Second—
Never go near the studio in the basement.
Thank you, I'll do my best!
Coffee is from beans grown in Chile.
Of course, it should have the Fair Trade Program Mark.
Nut products must be kept in the refrigerator. I won't eat them if they smell old.
Always be aware of my route. You must never run into
Always wash the towel after one use.
If I use it twice, it smells like a rag.
Now, just hold it in.
Mahabanyabaramilda (Start of Buddhist Heart Sutra)
Double, double, quadruple.
It's a vain hope.
If you turn vain hope upside down, it always awaits despair.
It's been rough for you, hasn't it?
If I could only get married, I'll do anything.
It's so unfair when people look at me as the elevator beeps even when I got on the elevator first.
I have no decent pair of socks because I can't cut my toenails.
This is a very common case.
Slimness. Hair. If I must rank them, it's number one among women and men.
Don't worry about it and sign it.
Humans agonizing in the fantasy of hope is
the fault of God for planting vain hope.
Hope is the cause of hideousness in the human.
- Someone has fallen into the water!
- Someone has fallen into the water!
Someone fell into the water.
She needs to be rescued!
Save me!
I'll save you!
Did you get back safely last time?
You're not upset at me, are you?
Hey you f son of a b
I'll f grind them up and eat them, I'm Joo Ra In!
Really? At first, I was really embarrassed,
but the more I think about it, that was the first time I let go and let it all out.
How should I say it? You know that really cool and refreshing feeling?
It was kinda like letting a fart out in front of someone I don't know.
Sometimes humans like these really make me flustered.
You really know how to make a person feel comfortable.
How should I put it, this feeling of freedom?
it's kind of like having no bra on.
So clear. Not the soul but her brain.
Then, I'll be leaving.
But your fantasy about me isn't broken, right?
- I never had a fantasy in the first place.
- Oh my.
Because you're so innocent as you are.
Oh my, Sunbaenim.
Anyway, thank you, Sunbaenim.
I guess I've been living my life with my bra stuffed with pads.
I feel so at ease now.
I'll see you next time, Sunbaenim.
I'm warning you as a CEO
to watch out for scandals.
A scandal won't break out just because we grab one meal together.
You must be giving bra consultations while you guys eat.
Scandals will break out just by eating one meal together.
Always have a manager with you.
He eats with everyone else, but why won't he eat with me?
CEO Choi.
Weren't you going somewhere?
Hello, CEO—
Did something happen? What's wrong with her?
Let's grab a meal.
I came to apply for the new songwriter position.
Didn't you see that you have to submit it by email?
Why did you come all the way here to stop by—
Oh my.
Welcome. Shall we sit for a moment?
Luca Alexievich?
- He must be from Russia.
- My dad is from Serbia so please just call me Luca.
Where is Montenegro?
There were six nations established independently from the former Yugoslavia.
Slovenia, Herzegovina, Serbia,
Macedonia, Bosnia and Croatia.
They also call it Montenegro.
Were you born there?
We immigrated when I was young.
The University of Paris. I see you majored in business.
That was my mother's preference which didn't suit me.
When I was younger, I was obsessed with Kpop.
Out of all the composers, my favorite is Harib.
He's so good looking. Why would he like that mannerless ba—
I ran away because I really wanted to learn under Harib.
Ran away? You just came from Montenegro?
Yes, I'm still jetlagged,
and I'm hungry. Ah, there's also pickpocketing here.
They're really fast.
You are really reckless? What makes you so confident that you ran away from home?
That's being brave. He's a man.
- And you have no career, and your age.
- So what if he's young?
It's the perfect age to start.
CEO Lee Choong Ryeol
- Yes?
- CEO Ji,
that kid, you need to sign him no matter what.
Just, without saying anything,
just hire him, okay?
I understand.
Would you like to go out to eat?
Yes! I'm hungry.
This was given by the girl muse with braids.
What was this again?
Ah, the gray-haired male muse.
And this is the kid muse and this is the cheesy young muse.
You are the grandmother muse.
How could this happen?
For ten years, none of my songs existed.
Where on earth did my music go?
Look at you. You just got here.
I thought he quit.
Good thing you came.
Who did you steal from this time?
What are you doing? Don't be like this!
I see this is an American muse. American muse!
Wait! I'm your fan! Fan!
- What? Fan?
- Yes, my name's Luca.
- Luca?
- Luca.
It's nice to meet you, Teacher! I really wanted to meet you.
It's right next to Italy.
Montenegro means black mountain in Serbian.
People think the Alps
are only in Switzerland, but they're in our country too.
It's really pretty. There are a lot of old buildings and—
My father is an environmental activist but he majored in classical music.
But he is from an old noble family.
His ancestors were all knights.
He looks scary but he's a really nice guy.
My mom said she fell for my dad's song,
although my father doesn't tell me why he fell for my mother.
But don't you think it would be better to move that table over there?
My mother left Korea for the first time and stayed in Franchesca and met my father there.
She said I was there, too. But I don't remember that.
But what's this?
What's your real identity? You said you're my fan?
My fans are all over the globe.
But a real fan wouldn't just come in rudely like this looking for me.
Tell me the truth. Mo Tae Kang sent you, right? To spy on me.
No, if he wanted to do that he would do it himself.
Lee Choong Ryeol sent you, didn't he? Am I right?
Answer me!
They look alike. They really look alike.
Speak Korean! You know how to speak Korean.
Do you ever hear that you look like Seo Dong Cheon?
Look alike, my ass. I'm better looking.
But how do you know such an old singer like him? He's probably just some grandpa to you.
My mom was his fan.
You have a wise mother, I see.
- Are you by chance,
- Go look
for a desperate grade-one soul.
Are you desperate about anything?
Jeol Bab?
Kang Ha, just feed him and send him off.
- Jeol bab?
- Jeol bab.
Why do guys have so much hair?
He clogs the drain. Wonder if he'd go bald—
What are you doing here?
Now, dispatch.
Oh, that's not the way.
You. Didn't I tell you not to get involved with her?
That that Montenegro! What exactly is his identity?
How would I know?
Now you even bring her home? What are you going to do with her?
He said with his own mouth that CEO Ji told him to assist Harib.
I never told him to come to your house.
For sure, he'll cause trouble.
Then how did he know to come here? Look at him, he's useless!
And more importantly, he's not desperate!
Can you please listen? For how long will you keep doing whatever you want?
I told you not to get involved with her!
Let's not be like this.
Just keep making her do chores. Do whatever you want.
Yeah, she's just a temporary housekeeper so I'll kick her out soon.
Let's solve this one by one.
Lee Choong Ryeol had you hire him, you said?
Why would he?
CEO Ji. We are not just simple entertainers.
The work we need to do is nation vs nation.
We must adopt a sense of mission in cultural diplomacy.
Montenegro is like the Bauxite that makes aluminum.
They are planning to focus on the tourism industry.
They are looking for a foreign partner to help with that now.
That's why I am connecting the prime minister of Montenegro
and the Korean government and businesses.
Now what is my plan at this point?
Filming with the background of undeveloped land in Montenegro for
Soul Entertainment's dramas and variety programs there.
It's enticing tourists.
So I'm saying that we'll conquer the Balkans with the Hallyu Wave.
"Balkan over Flowers." "A Night in the Balkans." "Incredible Balkan!"
Wow, this is nice, this is awesome.
So you are saying the prime minister of Montenegro is Luca's father?
- That's it.
- That's what it was.
What a joke?!
What the— You don't actually believe that, do you?
Wow! It's the moment of a snake oil-selling conman advancing into a cultural diplomat—
Of all the things he'd said in the past,
I think this makes the most sense.
What did you say?
I'd ignore it if it was complete nonsense.
Let's watch over Luca for now. He's cute.
I got my hands full with my problems already.
And now you want me to manage the relative who parachuted in from the prime minister's office of Montenero?
It's Montenegro.
Whatever, I said no!
Do you have something against CEO Lee Choong Ryeol?
You have a tendency to be rude.
What else?
Forget it. We're going to carefully watch over Luca
and send him home without a hitch.
That atrocious bastard. Why not serve him directly?
Do I have to cheer on a runaway boy now?
I heard his demo in the office earlier, but he does have some weirdness.
Is this land cursed?
How can I get the kids filled with positives?
Don't do it!
What's the matter with you, really!
So you came from Montenegro. Then what's your name?
Alexievich. Luca Alexievich.
I'm 21 and year of the rabbit.
Year of the rabbit?
Yeah that's what my mom said. This is how you say your age in Korea.
I'm Kim Lee Gyeong. My age is year of the monkey.
Ohh, Yi Gyeong. What a pretty name.
Then, how old are you?
Just call me Noona.
I don't want to, Kelly.
Why do you keep calling me Kelly?
Can I borrow that?
I saw the initial K on your guitar and tried guessing what your name would be.
It probably isn't Korea.
Yeah. I go this way, I'll see you next time.
Kelly, Kelly. This is my place. My place.
- Here?
- Yeah.
Charcoal Sauna
Cheers! Welcome to Korea!
Wow, this is fascinating. Of all places, I'm meeting you here.
So fate does exist. I didn't believe it when my mother told me.
I see.
It's true, right? We met like that and
lived together for a week in the same sauna.
So, did you really come to Korea without any plans or a place to stay?
It's just like when you stay under someplace for a moment when it's raining.
About a worm's level of a place where he can hide in the rain. A level of a bird or a cat.
Humans need a place to rest as well. A microhabitat.
We call it microhabitat.
Of course, that's not coming from me.
Someone left this in the locker room. In this book, there's a wildlife primate scholar.
That's what the scholar said.
You can have it, Kelly.
[Private lives of the geniuses]
My house in Montenegro was over a thousand square meters,
but I usually stayed in a three square meter attic.
To me, music was the eaves.
Now that I am in Korea, I feel like this is my habitat.
There's a lot of good food, and the people here are nice.
And the saunas here are really the best!
What's so good about Korea? Living is the same for everyone.
There's someone I want to meet, and I also have a dream.
Right. Dream.
A human can be the eaves for another human, too.
The first person I met in Korea already showed me that.
Oh, right
I am sorry. I wore your clothes.
Ah, me too. The soap smelled really nice.
Thanks for this too, Kelly.
- You keep it.
- No I think it recognized its owner.
I keep tuning it, but it stays a halftone off.
It should go back to its owner.
Is this necessary?
Raise your voice. If you sing with that on, your voice will be heard better.
- It's the public bathhouse effect.
- Is it?
This is fascinating.
Let's start.
But you
You're not trying to screw me over, are you?
What are you talking about? Renowned singers used this to get to their level.
Obtaining the best singing ability.
Are you making any progress on finding a grade-one soul?
- Not yet.
- You haven't made friends with a grade-one soul in your life?
Look at people around you. Around you.
My near proximity
Ah they are too positive.
How about if you give me a hint?
Lower it just a bit.
If it's grade two or grade three—
I have never even been close to a grade-one, not even in my school grades or credit score.
Don't be like that.
- What the
-Oppa, help me practice— Oh my, Sunbaenim,
I see you were here. What a coincidence.
You two must be very close.
I have a concert tomorrow,
so I'm here to check my performance since I'm close to Rib, too.
Did you see? She's crazy with positivity. She doesn't get defeated.
Acting won't work for her.
Excuse me, but you have a guest.
♫ Why are you hesitating when I'm right here
♫ I know how girls feel.
♫ I am cheering you on so why so tense.
♫ Who are you?
♫ For you.
♫ How could it not work? Just trust me.
♫ Okay.
♫ So good.
♫ so good, oooooh
♫ I will work for sure. Just good as how it feel.
♫ BICY Oh, my girls.
♫ Ta ta ta ta ta ta
♫ BICY Oh, my boys.
♫ Hooooo
Take the Hongdae Line?
Kelly. She's awesome.
I'm leaving. Okay, I'm leaving.
How about a cup of tea since he's here?
Why would you drink tea inside? There are a bunch of cafes if you go out. Go there.
Sunbaenim, how about an acting lesson—
You're perfect, Ra In. I have an appointment, so I'll be off.
You really are perfect. You are good. You are good enough to get on stage tomorrow.
I know I put it somewhere.
It was here.
What is an amazing singer like you doing here?
Wait just a second.
The best. It was really cool.
Do you know it? Heart and Soul?
Yeah. Try it.
Try it just once.
I don't sing anymore.
- Why?
- I just don't.
It's my wish.
I heard in Korea you listen to a dying person's wish.
I'm a living person, shouldn't you listen to my wish?
- That's not what it means.
- Just once, please?
Just once. Come on.
Just once.
Kelly, just once.
Just once.
♫ I can't see your beautiful smile.
♫ You who were the desert's oasis
♫ The soft voice which made me laugh
♫ I'm the only one who knew everything as it was
Oppan, just help me with him.
♫ The streetlight shines
♫ on unhappy me.
Hey, what are you?
What are you doing? How dare you sing here?
She's my housekeeper.
It's not like that. Kelly's a singer.
Why are the new kids like this?
I apologize.
Wow, I really
- Section Chief Kang.
- Yes.
Should I not have made that appointment?
Let's grab a meal.
I mean I just asked to eat for the purpose of eating—
Acting. You need to act well.
Ji Seo Yeong knows the real Mo Tae Kang better than anyone else.
Well, I'm the god of acting.
This won't do. Cancel the appointment. Eating with humans is so boring.
It's boring because you're only eating.
Well, what else are you supposed to do when you're going out to eat?
Okay I admit it. I wasn't able to keep any appointments because I was busy. You were probably mad.
Did I get stood up?
Compliments. Humans like compliments.
People compliment you on your drive, but I disagree.
You have your own delicate way.
Why? Are you uncomfortable? Is it because there might be a scandal?
Should I bring a manager? Or should I send everybody out?
Jokes. Humans like jokes.
I was joking.
I guess you have no problem eating. You couldn't eat if you were even a little uncomfortable.
This must be comfortable for you. There were so many things I wasn't able to hear from you,
so I waited for your call.
Fine, I acknowledge the reality. I sorted my feelings now. The end.
I won't make you uncomfortable. I'll be here as your company's CEO.
Eat your food, comfortably.
What was that? One might think I starved her.
And tact. You need to be tactful.
- Gyeong, don't worry too much. Okay?
- Thank you.
- Joo Ra In, that wench, is always—
- That sound system was awesome.
Oh, there's too much, Ahjussi.
Because you worked so much, I told the owner
that quadruple is not enough.
Thank you, Ahjussi.
We're closed today.
Why did you close the store?
Your dad's going to the hospital tomorrow.
What about the money?
You borrowed from Ahjumma Ya Gwan Moon A again, didn't you?
I told you not to do that again. She is a loan shark—
Then what should I do? There's no money for the hospital bills.
I said I would give it to you.
I guess he's feeling better seeing that he can recognize me.
It's like staying under someplace for a moment while it's raining.
About a worm's level of a place where he can hide in the rain. The level of a bird or a cat.
Humans need a place to rest too. Microhabitat.
We call it microhabitat.
♫ The fragments of my thoughts ♫
♫ are gathered by my foot ♫
♫ Is my fingernail too long? I can't pick any of them up. ♫
A human can be the eaves for another human, too.
♫ The memories I forgot ♫
♫ On an unexpected trip ♫
♫ Will I shed another tear tommorrow? ♫
♫ Will I happen to get it? ♫
It grew a lot.
♫ Should I tell you how I feel? ♫
♫ Should I tell you my story? ♫
♫ Even if you are sad, smile. Even if you are in pain, be happy. ♫
♫ They don't know it well enough ♫
♫ Say the words that you know well ♫
♫ Talking to yourself like a habit
.♫ will be fine. It's okay
♫ Someday it will make me laugh
♫ I tried even though it's more awkward
♫ than in the mirror
♫ All things must pass
♫ I held back while counting the stars
♫ Even the soft tears
♫ Oh all
♫ will they all pass?
♫ Both what happened yesterday and
♫ my weary spirit which
♫ I want to set aside.
♫ At the head of the bed
♫ a small doll
♫ waits as though for sleep
♫ While patting it gently
Do I really have no talent?
When we first met, when I was your designated driver,
you liked my singing. You even came looking for me at the cafe.
Will I really not make it?
You got pretty cocky just by holding a microphone once.
- Didn't you say you quit music?
- I thought I could quit.
I mean, I never really started, so I thought there was no need for me to quit.
I thought it would be easy to give up,
but it's hard.
Seeing that I'm having such a hard time,
it makes me think that music was the reason I was able to get through everything.
I think it was like somewhere I could rest from hot sun
and a shelter from rains.
I think the music was like the eaves to me.
Singing was like that to me.
If you need that sort, then build a house with the eaves.
When I hear you sing, I feel dirty.
♫ All things must pass ♫
♫ Both the long long roads and ♫
♫ the unfamiliar tomorrow ♫
I see.
♫ Over the days even my dreams ♫
♫ will seem to be slowing down ♫
♫ Will they all pass?
♫ Both what happened yesterday
♫ and my weary spirit which
♫ I want to set aside.
♫ At the head of the bed a small doll
♫ waits as though for sleep
This really feels crappy.
Why? Did Harib tell you to quit?
No, Ahjussi.
It's hard to work without being seen at night, too.
Should I raise your pay?
No, Ahjussi.
I've been thankful and apologetic all this time.
Gyeong, why are you being like this?
To be honest, staying here always makes me want to do music.
I thought I gave it all up, but I keep thinking about it.
I got cocky on quadruple pay.
I'm really going to quit music for real this time.
That's why I'm quitting.
But I'll work hard through this week, as I promised.
But, Gyeong..
Let's wrap it up nicely.
I'm pretty sure not appearing before me was in the contract.
I'll be going.
How can you be so cold?
She's not like an invisible person. How can she be not visible in the same house?
Do you have that ability?
If she couldn't, she shouldn't have signed the contract.
How can a person be like the letters in the contract?
Gyeong's life is all messed up because of that damn contract.
Because of those people who ran off with her deposit,
she is in a desperate situation with no place to go now.
In a desperate situation?
Gyeong, that nice and naive girl
got conned and lost her house deposit.
I couldn't bear to see her like that, and that's why I called her here.
I thought she was reckless and now I see she is stupid, too.
She is at the end of desperate—
We pick that sort of human as a candidate for soul dealing.
The humans at the very end of the desperation.
From now on, don't step on worms with your money or words.
I am asking, Sir.
Why is living so hard for me?
I really don't have it?
I thought I could quit.
I thought it'll get easier if I give it up, but it's hard.
Search around you.
At the end of desperation? Near me?
I found her.
Hey! Hey!
Let go!
This is sponsored. Use your words.
Just why do I need to go in there?
No. Like this, this.
You said it's grade one if it doesn't curse when poked like this. Poke her once for me.
Are you going to do this every time?
She fits the conditions.
She is pitiful, shabby, hopeless, and desperate.
It's a small chance she'd be a grade one, but still take a look at her.
You are more tiresome than I thought.
I just want to check.
Please poke at her. Just once.
- Come.
- Ah seriously
It won't take long.
She is coming.
Look at her.
What brought you here when you told me keep out of your sight?
We came to the cafe to drink coffee.
Would I come to poke, no come to see your face? Is this place yours?
You know him, right? A superstar, Mo Tae Kang.
He'll sign and take a photo with you as we go out, so bring two of your most expensive coffees.
You order at the counter yourself.
You do it.
I am paying you quadruple of your wages, but you can't buy two cups of coffee?
- Do you have a favorite—?
- Bali—
Just bring it.
I'll bring you something tasty.
It's her.
What do you think?
Enjoy it.
This is on me, too.
Now. Now. Now.
Be quiet.
Now. Now. Now.
Stay still.
Please eat quickly and leave.
Just seeing your face is making me crazy.
She didn't curse.
She is now, now.
Every time I see your face
I keep wanting to do music.
- Uh?
- I said I want to do music.
What did you say?
I said I want to do music!
You are not cursing?
I said I frigging want to do music!
Did I scream?
I'll be the savior of your soul.
You are grade one.
Please let go.
What's with you?
Enjoy it.
She is, right?
She is grade one, right?
She did curse.
What curse? When?
Are you saying frigging is a curse?
Right, it's is a curse.
Ah seriously where are you going? You need to finish this conversation.
Who told you that?
Frigging is not a curseword at all.
It's a curse but only putting it mildly.
Originally, it's to curse the size of a male's genitals.
Don't take photos.
You must not upload it.
That is just a prefix that anyone uses nowadays.
It's used to emphasize desperation.
What's important is her core.
Isn't her core wanting to do music?
Your shoelace.
Start the car!
What are you trying to pull?
Tell me she fits grade one before you go. Hey! Hey!
Frigging is a curse! End of discussion.
That bastard.
No way
Any problem?
A grade-one soul doesn't exist.
♫ Hello
♫ You know me
♫ You got me so why hesitate again
♫ I know how girls feel
I found a grade-one and you deny a grade-one exists.
One thing is for sure. You said you do standby or whatever, and the person who doesn't curse is grade one.
So that kid is grade one for sure.
You spat that out of your mouth, so go according to the contract.
♫ You
Good rehearsal.
Good job.
Good job.
Good work.
Yes, Sunbaenim. Hold on.
Ra In, it's Sunbaenim.
Yes, Sunbaenim.
Sunbaenim. I was just passing by.
Why a meal?
You know I have a concert tonight, right? Aren't you coming?
I sent an invitation to you.
You shine so brightly here.
I worry I might go blind seeing you on stage.
Sunbaenim. You know how to make cheesy comments like that, too?
Still, it feels good.
Ah, that
We can't have your makeup smear on pretty face.
You called for me?
Must I go this far?
What should I do?
What else? Take her to the hospital.
She'll need to stay in the hospital for about two weeks, right?
- Perhaps three weeks.
- Four weeks at the most.
Studio in the basement.
Never go near the studio in the basement.
The bottle of detergent dropped.
Where is the detergent?
Today's first stage is the rising stars best girl band,
♫ Straighten up your shoulders and get up
♫ Look at the world through the window that's been hiding you
♫ How shining
Now you have to make a choice, right?
Come on, Harib!
What are you thinking about so much?
It's like playing the lottery.
It's a golden opportunity to save a struggling child in that despair.
You will be her savior.
Don't you want to give the poor kid a nice person's life?
You can do that.
That's what you will do.
No, let's not do that, Harib.
Don't do that.
You did so much. But if you do that to that pretty kid, you'll become an evil—
Not at all.
I'm a savior.
He is not a kid.
Why do he have a secret room?
Why is Ra In not answering the phone again?
- Why isn't she answering the phone?
- What?
- What?
- Huh? Yeah.
Hurry up and bring cheongsimhwan (traditional Korean medicine) and my sunglasses!
Hurry up and bring them right now!
Yes, immediately, right now!
Boss, what should I do?
I'm sorry.
Okay, I get it. Hang on.
- I'm going to go crazy.
- What?
Joo Ra In is hurt?
What is this? So fortunate that I came for support.
Da Bin, can you do Si Ho's makeup?
Yes, CEO.
Do you know my style?
- Let's chew on the stage today.
- Yes.
No, you can never do that!
There's an old saying, "Cheong Ja is the best cigarette and Choo Ja is the best singer."
Kim Chu Ja was Patti Kim's replacement.
Bu Hwal and Lee Seung Cheol were Kim Hyun Shik's replacements.
That was then.
You can't do that today!
I'll go up there myself.
And Si Ho?
Take care of it.
I was the original idol, Unni.
- You know this, right?
- Yes.
Unni, can you dig deeper into the upper eye edge here?
To look more charismatic?
Yes, I understand.
I'm doing this for your and Harib's sake.
Yes, of course.
Stand by, five minutes.
Noona, I love you.
Where is the waiting room?
Thank you.
Don't run. You will be breathless.
Don't even ask me to do this. It's not even in the contract.
I'm going.
Joo Ra In! Joo Ra In! Joo Ra In!
Joo Ra In! Joo Ra In!
Joo Ra In! Joo Ra In!
Harib! Harib! Harib!
Harib! Harib! Harib!
Harib! Harib! Harib!
Harib! Harib! Harib!
I told you about this a while ago.
Today, I will reveal her.
The singer of this song, my new muse. Kelly.
Kelly! Kelly! Kelly!
Kelly! Kelly! Kelly!
Kelly! Kelly! Kelly!
Kelly! Kelly! Kelly!
Kelly! Kelly! Kelly!
Kelly! Kelly! Kelly!
Kelly! Kelly! Kelly!
Kelly! Kelly! Kelly!
What the hell is this?
I thought you wanted to sing.
So let's do it.
I'm not going to sing.
If you tell me to sing or quit, I have to? I am easy for you?
Oh, today you're here with your pride.
I'll be an elevator. Don't climb the stairs one by one like everyone else.
Just climb to the top directly.
As much as you can get up there.
I told you I wanted to quit.
Well, you can quit. Sing once and quit.
I won't ask you to do this again.
Go up and sing your song.
And if you still want to quit, then you can.
Do you hear?
Your song.
Kelly! Kelly! Kelly!
Kelly! Kelly! Kelly!
Kelly! Kelly! Kelly!
Kelly! Kelly! Kelly!
Kelly! Kelly! Kelly!
Kelly! Kelly! Kelly!
Kelly! Kelly! Kelly!
Kelly! Kelly! Kelly!
Kelly! Kelly! Kelly!
Kelly! Kelly! Kelly!
Kelly! Kelly! Kelly!
Kelly! Kelly! Kelly!
Hold my hand.
I'm afraid now you will climb to the top and never come down.
You are a grade-one soul. You are my soul.
♫ All things must pass ♫
♫ Both the long long roads and ♫
♫ the unfamiliar tomorrow ♫
♫ Will they all pass? ♫
♫ Over the days even my dreams ♫
♫ will seem to be slowing down ♫
♫ Everything must pass ♫
♫ Both the long long roads and ♫
♫ the unfamiliar tomorrow ♫
When the Devil Calls Your Name
Do you believe in me?
We believe in you! We believe in you!
My grade-one soul, I will make her climb to the top quickly.
There is no grade-one soul.
Are you now telling me that there is no grade-one soul?
You can do the contract. But, I will prove you that she is not a grade-one soul.
You are a scheming and evil bastard.
I've never seen anyone like this before. I've got nothing on his past.
I'm trying to find traces of Seo Dong Cheon.
I found some mail.
Is this your first time in my house?
You Your home?
In three months, make Yi Gyeong a star.
She is already viral on the internet.
But you can't ignore her past.
Are you crazy? I told you to live a quiet life.
I'm not going to become a singer.
Then, you'll live your whole life like you are now, a loser.
What is this?
"The singer will give her soul to the producer"?
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