When the Streetlights Go On (2017) s01e04 Episode Script


The homecoming dance
was a charade--
a forced attempt at fun, normality.
We all tried to pretend like
everything was okay,
like one of our fellow students
and teachers
hadn’t been slaughtered in the woods
only a few weeks prior.
We faked our way through it
with mixed results.
Hey, Becky.
What are you doing here?
My parents forced me to come.
They wanted me out of the house.
Oh, yeah, I hear ya.
look, I've, um
I've been thinking a lot
about the other night
Our walk home together, and
I probably shouldn't have had
so much to drink.
I didn't say anything
Did I?
No, Brad.
Okay, good.
Do you want to dance?
Oh, come on, I'm a--
I'm a really good dancer.
Maybe next time.
think I'm gonna go.
As we slow-danced
to Boyz II Men,
across the town at the police station,
there was the first real break
in the case.
Hey, did you hear the news?
- What?
- Cops arrested Casper Tatum.
Casper Tatum grew up
on the wrong side of the tracks.
He was known by our mothers
as "plain white trash."
He was only a grade ahead, but somehow
he had 3 years and 60 pounds on me.
He was smoking cigarettes
by the third grade
and sleeping with women--
I mean full-grown women--
by junior high.
He was the leader of a trio of burnouts
who took credit for any minor offense
they could.
They were in a band called
the Hillbilly Wolves,
but hardly anyone
had seen them play a single note.
It was also a well-known fact
that Casper hated Mr. Carpenter
for supposedly refusing to pay him
for a large quantity of marijuana
transacted over the previous
Christmas break.
Gonna have that essay to you by the end
of the week, sir, cross my heart.
It's a deal.
Did you know we found tire tracks
from your Honda at the crime scene?
Take a look.
I drive through those woods every day.
The tracks were there before the bodies.
Look, Chief, I got homework to do.
This James Dean bullshit--
that might work with those folks,
but you're not fooling me.
Think if I killed Chrissy Monroe
and that dumb fuck teacher,
I'd be stupid enough to leave tire tracks?
You want to spend the night in jail?
Wouldn't be my first time.
Casper had been released
from questioning,
but he was easily the town's
favorite suspect.
Everyone wanted him to be the killer.
We all knew that kid was trouble, man.
Ever since the fourth fucking grade,
and there's no doubt in my mind he did it.
No doubt at all, and if the cops
are too pussy to pull the trigger
and arrest him,
then we're gonna do something about it
Casper Tatum killed Chrissy
and he's gonna fuckin' pay.
But Casper had bigger problems.
For the first time in his short life,
he was in love.
- Casper.
- Yes, ma'am?
- Did you do last night's reading?
- Sure.
Most of it.
Then maybe you can tell the class
what happens
when you mix sodium hydroxide
and hot water.
It explodes.
That's correct.
You guys seen
this new chick around?
There's dozens of blondes
at Colfax, Casper.
Nah, man, this one's different.
She’s in my home ec class.
I'm telling you, this chick,
she doesn't even look at me.
- I mean, she acts like I'm not there.
- What's her name?
I don't fuckin' know, man.
I'm never there early enough to hear roll.
Yeah, that happened to me once, too.
There was this, uh,
real quiet girl in my math class.
She has really big knockers, you know?
So I was really into what
she was putting down,
and I told her, you know, one day,
and she kind of turned and looked at me
all wide-eyed--
Turns out she was retarded.
Hot fuckin' retard, though.
Yeah, well, uh, how about you just,
like, show up on time there, Tatum?
Nah, man.
It's after lunch.
Uh, hey.
You're that chick
from my home ec class, right?
Yeah, and you're the boy
who stares at me all period.
Hey, Casper.
Hey, hey, uh, do you--
you want to give a quote
for the school newspaper
on the murder of Chrissy Monroe?
Fuck off, kid.
Casper was completely ignorant
to the fact that the woman of his desires
was the sister of the girl
everyone thought he had murdered.
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