White Lines (2020) s01e04 Episode Script

Episode 4

["Una Furtiva Lagrima" by Donizetti plays]
Una furtiva lagrima ♪
Negli occhi suoi spuntò ♪
Quelle festose giovani ♪
Invidiar ♪
[muffled shouts]
Sembrò ♪
[muffled yelling]
Che più cercando io vo? ♪
Che più cercando ♪
[in Spanish] What's going on, son?
I've done something terrible, Mum.
Something terrible and irreparable.
- Io vedo ♪
- [muffled techno music]
[muffled whooping]
[muffled grunting]
[Conchita] How irreparable?
I just wanted to show Dad
that he was wrong.
That I didn't kill Axel Collins,
and nor did you.
Has something happened?
Can you hear me?!
What's wrong with you?
[Oriol] Twenty years ago,
Cristóbal Martínez went around bragging
that he'd got rid of him.
I just wanted him to confess, Mum.
But I lost control.
Did anyone see you?
[techno and opera overlapping]
When I'm feelin' down ♪
When I'm feelin' down ♪
Your love is a pick-me-up ♪
And what comes around went that way ♪
[door closes]
[house music playing outside]
[Zoe, in English]
The police had to let us go.
The only thing they can prove
is the attack on Marcus.
There's no sign of the Romanians
or the coke,
so as crazy as this all sounds,
we're now the good guys,
Marcus is a victim,
and he's got police protection.
- So I think things are looking up a bit.
- [Joanna] I'm glad to hear that, Zoe,
but there are still charges against you.
- Disobeying the authorities.
- I know.
But I tell you what, telling the truth
feels like such a weight off.
[phone chiming]
[house music outside continues]
[Zoe] I'm here to find out what happened
to my brother. Nothing else.
[door opens]
[door closes]
What are you doing?
I'm just going through my brother's case.
I'm trying to find a lead.
The librarian investigator.
There's a series in that.
- [chuckles]
- Don't make fun of me.
Oh, no. I'm serious.
Difficult case? Call the librarian!
She'll find the culprit
by looking through her sources.
Checking the encyclopedia! [laughs]
Do you know what "royal turkey" is?
- No.
- It says here in the autopsy,
"In samples of lung tissue, we found
chlorine molecules, flocculant,
washing-up liquid
and a trace of bird feather,
specifically albino royal turkey."
Pavo real.
It's a literal translation.
It means "peacock."
- Can I?
- No, no
[Boxer] What's going on?
You won't let me read it?
Look [chuckles]
I'm trying to find out who killed him too.
We're in the same team, remember?
Like Starsky and Hutch.
The librarian and the bouncer.
No. I don't want you to read it.
Why not?
Because you're head of security
for a family that, for all I know,
might have had something to do
with Axel's death.
They found his body on their land.
The oldest brother burned down his club.
What would you do if you found out
that Oriol Calafat killed Axel?
Would you tell me,
or would you cover it up? Because
I think you're the kind of guy
who wouldn't grass on his boss's son.
So, no.
We can't be on the same team.
Okay. I get it.
when you asked me for help
with your problems, I said yes.
Do you know why? [sighs]
Because I'm someone
who says yes to everything.
And you're someone who says no.
- What's that supposed to mean?
- It means I take a risk.
I'm willing to trust you. [laughs]
I mean, I put you up in my house.
I say yes to all.
I I jump into the unknown.
And maybe I'm wrong most of the time,
but do you know what?
I survive.
What do you do with your "No, no, no"?
Can you ever enjoy yourself?
Can you ever trust anyone?
This isn't about a yes or a no.
This is about doing the right thing.
Now, where does that get you?
Does it make you happy,
or does it make you fucking ungrateful
to people who help you?
[Boxer] Get out.
Take all your crap, and get the fuck out.
- [door slams]
- [laughter and conversation]
[house music playing]
- Hey. Can I help you with anything?
- [Kika] Zoe!
Could you open it?
- [Zoe] Hey.
- [Kika] Hey! How are you?
Good to see you. So tell me,
what's the adventure for tonight?
I've got nowhere to stay tonight.
Oh! Well, maybe that means
- you shouldn't sleep, then.
- What are you doing?
[in Spanish] Put this away for her.
[in English] Where's she gonna take it?
[in Spanish]
Have some tequila, sweetheart.
[in English] Cheers!
Look, before you go, I just wanted
to ask you some questions about Axel.
Okay. What do you wanna know?
How you met,
and how your brother knew him,
and what made them fall out.
[in Spanish] What the fuck have you done?
- Wait, Dad. Listen to me.
- Come here. Get out. Get out!
- Wait, Dad!
- Get out of my house!
[in English] Axel was everything
a posh family like mine didn't want.
Rude, talented, so handsome.
A rebel!
My parents couldn't stand
that he loved me.
And when he got his first club,
he named it after me.
Isn't that romantic?
Is that why Oriol burnt it down?
Maybe. Maybe it was my mother.
Or my father.
[Andreu, in Spanish]
Get out of here! Out!
[Conchita] Andreu!
You've broken a truce
that's lasted 20 years!
Leave him alone! We'll fix it.
Fix it?
How will we fix it?
Why don't you ask your sister?
I didn't kill Axel Collins, Dad!
This is all your fault!
- Why, you little
- Don't you dare touch that boy again!
If you had believed me,
if you hadn't thought I had killed Axel,
I would never have gone after Cristóbal!
You're to blame
if the truce is broken, Dad.
What blame? Blame is a bucket of shit
that mediocre men throw around.
Real men carry blame on their shoulders.
Have some fucking balls for once
and take responsibility!
I'll fix it, Oriol I'll fix it.
[Kika, in English] That's my family.
They infect everything they touch,
like cancer.
That's why I live
so many thousands of miles away.
You run away from your family?
Why are you running away from yours?
I'm not running away.
I'm not brave enough
to do something like that.
I mean, I've come to Ibiza,
- and I haven't even been to the beach.
- What?
Okay, here's the deal.
I'm leaving tomorrow,
but I'm gonna take you to the most
beautiful beach before I leave.
You'll love it. I promise! Come on!
I do wanna keep asking you things,
though, about Axel.
You can ask me
everything you want, tomorrow!
- I'm not wearing the right clothes.
- Come on, librarian!
Stop thinking about everything so much.
Your brother taught me that. Come on.
[in Spanish] Come on.
[in English] You don't have to worry
about every little thing. Let yourself go.
Enjoy it!
[crowd cheering]
[in Spanish] That's it!
I'm gonna have you spinnin' round ♪
There go my senses
Got my feet off the ground ♪
You've got me turnin', turnin' ♪
Spinnin' around ♪
You've got me turnin', turnin' ♪
[in Spanish] Okay.
What's going on?
There's a problem,
and Boxer hasn't come down.
They don't know where he is.
- [in English] What's wrong?
- Problem with Boxer. He hasn't come down.
I don't know. Weird!
You've got me turnin', turnin' ♪
Spinnin' round ♪
You okay?
We had a fight.
- [door slams]
- [Boxer] Where does that get you?
Does it make you happy,
or does it make you fucking ungrateful
to people who help you?
Get out.
Look, if if this is about the Romanians,
then you don't have to worry. I sorted it.
I told the police everything.
The boats, the drugs, the threats.
They said they'd protect us.
[glass smashes]
You go through life
feeling sorry for yourself.
Begging for help.
Saying, "Oh, oh, I'm so depressed.
I take lithium." And I
I believe you, like a fucking moron.
Okay. I'm really sorry
if I gave you that impression.
And now, you're all about
doing the right thing.
Take all your crap and get the fuck out.
[door opens]
[door slams]
[Boxer sighs]
[club music playing]
[Zoe] Boxer
Look, I
I never meant to manipulate you.
Or trick you into helping me.
I also don't want you to think
that I say no to everything.
Down there, just now in the club,
I said yes,
and I had a dance, and it felt
It felt great.
- What did you do with your shirt?
- [both chuckle]
Did you go to a belly dance contest?
- Oh!
- It was the girls.
- But I said yes.
- [laughing]
Oh, Lord! [laughs]
Aren't you tired?
We haven't slept in two days.
Oh, no, no. Don't worry about me. I'll
- I'll sleep out here.
- No, no, no, no, no. Mm
I'll take the couch. [sighs]
Thank you.
I think I know why there were
peacock feathers in Axel's lungs.
It means he was killed
at his birthday party.
[Zoe] At his party?
It was wild.
Yeah, his friends told me about it.
There were parrots [sighs]
white fucking peacocks
[muffled cheering]
[man] Whoo!
[camera clicks]
- Were you there?
- [Boxer laughs]
Everyone was there.
Six hundred people. More.
So whoever killed Axel
was at his party, then?
[Boxer tuts] Yeah.
But if you're thinking of playing
Ten Little Indians, huh
you're going to have a problem,
harpoon girl.
It's not a plane crash.
There wasn't a black box.
[chanting] Jump! Jump! Jump!
Jump! Jump!
Jump! Jump! Jump!
[cheering fades]
[wasp buzzing]
- [woman speaking Spanish]
- [house music plays through headphones]
[speaking Spanish]
[in Spanish] I'm so sorry, Pepe.
My son's eardrums have been burst.
I don't think your compassion
can make up for deafening someone.
I'm here to apologize. And to sort this
out like the civilized people we are.
All right.
And what do you propose I do?
Should I beat your son?
- Break his legs? Paralyze him?
- No.
- You can't do that to Oriol.
- Why not?
Your son is not an athlete.
He won't compete at the Olympic Games.
My son is a DJ.
A mediocre DJ, perhaps, but we're not
talking about the quality of his music.
We're talking about
the quality of his dreams.
Twenty years ago, one of your family
drove my sister off the road.
She fell into the sea
and was without oxygen for 12 minutes.
She was left with the brain
of a two-year-old.
I didn't retaliate.
You've just retaliated.
Ding, ding, ding, ding!
The game begins.
He did it for his father!
He forced him, Pepe.
That's funny.
So who is more guilty?
The guy who pulled the trigger,
or the guy who told him to pull it?
["Cumbia de Donde" by Calexico plays]
[Kika, in English] Look at you! How cute!
So expat.
I'm not from here ♪
- [Zoe] Whoo!
- I'm not from there ♪
¿A dónde vas? ♪
- Where am I going? ♪
- ¿De dónde eres? ♪
- Should I care? ♪
- ♪¿A dónde vas? ♪
- When will I get there? ♪
- ¿De dónde eres? ♪
- Can you even say? ♪
- ¿De dónde eres? ♪
- I'm on my way ♪
- ♪¿A dónde vas? ♪
I'm on my way ♪
[Axel] Whoo!
See you tomorrow.
Sleep tight.
[Clint] Bedtime.
- Hey.
- [exhales]
- What's going on?
- My, uh
My my head is a mess.
I need to, uh
[sighs] I need to empty it.
Then you have come to the right place.
[Zoe] So, how did you meet my brother?
It was at my house.
He was all wet,
and wearing a swimsuit.
And holding a Mozart record.
[Conchita] This is my daughter, Kika.
[Kika] And he was flirting with my mum.
[laughing] Oh!
[laughing] Yeah.
Typical cocky English guy.
[muffled cheering and laughter]
[Kika] Cool, egocentric.
Thinks he's better than everyone else
because he's from the UK.
That's not a great start
for your first love, though.
Those are the worst!
The ones that kill you!
Just don't see it coming,
and they just
take you by the guts.
How did you meet your husband?
The normal way. [laughs]
- You don't wanna talk about it?
- No!
[all laughing]
[sighs] Yes.
Um [clears throat]
He worked at a hospital near my house.
A a psychiatric clinic.
- [laughs] I was 18 or 19.
- That's cute.
First love, no?
Lasts through everything.
[in Spanish] But this lady's
fucked other people, right?
[in English] She wants to know
if you've, um been with anyone else.
Not for 16 years.
Oh, my God!
- [all laughing]
- [Kika] Don't listen to her, okay?
There's no such thing
as a normal couple on planet Sissy.
But I admire you.
[in Spanish] Seriously? You admire her?
You? Miss Can't-Make-Up-Her-Mind-2020?
First, you're prowling after a guy,
then you're getting it on with me.
- And how about those Hungarian twins?
- Hey!
[in English] Two girls with her.
- Sisters! Yeah.
- Don't don't listen to her, okay?
- She's just provoking.
- Wow!
- Don't listen to her. Don't listen to her.
- [laughs]
You lot on this island worship sex.
There's more to life.
- [laughs] I know you think I'm a prude
- [Sissy] Oh!
but I'm not.
I took ecstasy when I was 15.
[house music playing]
[Zoe] I've been to illegal raves.
Maybe more than most.
But it was all just empty
until I met Mike.
Mike was the volunteer who looked after me
when I was discharged.
You were at the clinic?
About three months
after my brother disappeared, I, um
I threw meself out of a window.
I am so sorry, Zoe.
But Mike was amazing.
Got me back on my feet.
- And it's not like we rushed into it.
- [all laugh]
When he finally kissed me,
we'd been to the cinema about three times
and the park about 50.
- [laughing]
- [Zoe] I'm serious!
I choose to be with him every day.
We share everything.
So why isn't he here now?
[phone rings]
Hi, Dad.
Where are you?
Um, I'm just at the beach.
I'm having a a walk and a think.
Uh, listen, I'm sorry about the other day.
I I was out of order.
Which beach?
Um I I think it's called Cala Conta.
Right, wait there. I'll be 15 minutes.
Your dad?
[Marcus chuckling]
- Does it really hurt, Dad?
- Why would it hurt?
It's a ro bot leg.
I don't get it.
How can you fall off a ladder
and break the bone in two places?
Well, at least it's the same bone, right?
I mean, it could be worse.
Tanny, why don't you take your sister,
go get yourself a milkshake?
A milkshake? I'm not eight years old.
All right. A vodka orange, then.
Come on. I need to speak to your dad.
Zzzz [clicks tongue]
That money wasn't for the pool, was it?
[Marcus] No, it was for the pool.
And a couple of other things.
So why have I got two police officers
sitting outside my house
and another one in the corridor out there?
I owe money to some guys.
In the last few months, I've
I've been dealing a little bit
on the side.
- You what?
- I know. I know. Fuck, Anna, I
- I needed the cash.
- Why would you do that?
You've got two daughters!
I just I sort of slid into it.
I didn't wanna lose the house!
- Why haven't you sold it?
- Well, for the girls.
For you.
In case you come back.
Look. Zoe, she found out about it,
and she went to the police.
I told them the names of the guys.
They're protecting us.
It [sighs]
It's under control. I swear.
So what are you gonna do
when you get home?
Have you got someone
who can look after you?
I'll cope.
- The brace makes it look worse than it is.
- Well, what about the kids?
No. Look, it doesn't make sense
that we're apart.
George is going to Ireland to work
for a couple of weeks,
so why don't I come and stay with you?
Uh, I'm gonna go and find the girls.
Tanny's quite capable
of finding vodka orange in a hospital.
[Marcus chuckles]
[door closes]
[crickets chirping]
[David] Bufo alvarius.
A Mexican toad.
Contains a lysergic bufotenine.
To give you some respite
from all the noise in your head.
It's not cheap.
A thousand euros.
It's a ridiculous price to pay
- for a bit of peace.
- I don't give a fuck what it costs.
It's not regulated. I will need you
to sign something so that I'm not liable.
And I must warn you,
you can lose your way
on any kind of trip.
I don't want anyone to know I'm here.
- Okay?
- Of course.
Who would I tell?
- [sizzles]
- Ow! What the fuck?
It's the quickest way
to get it into your veins.
Use a fucking syringe. Come on!
[sighs] So now what?
[Oriol sighs]
[sighs deeply]
- What the hell do you think you're doing?
- I've come to take you back.
Just grab your things and jump in the van.
I don't know why
Mike let you come out here on your own.
[scoffs] I don't know
why you think it's okay
to come out here without any warning.
Like you're picking me up from school.
I'm an adult.
I'll tell you for why.
Because you don't belong here.
You're playing at being a policeman,
and you're forgetting
your responsibilities where you do belong.
- Where's that?
- At home.
What about your daughter?
You just upped and left
with no explanation.
She's 14 year old.
How did you feel at her age
when your brother did the same to you, eh?
Time to come home.
I can't.
[clears throat] They've got my passport.
- I'm waiting on a court hearing. I
- [sighs]
I was caught driving away from the police.
[Kika] Mr. Collins?
Hi. Hola.
Um, I'm sorry for your loss.
I I'm Kika.
I was your son's girlfriend.
[in Spanish] I'm sorry for your loss too.
[in English]
Are you gonna be here for a few days?
Looks like it.
I'll be over there, Zoe,
when you're finished at the beach.
[Clint] Bloody hell!
[car door opens]
[Pepe chuckling]
[in Spanish] I started out
picking almonds for the Calafats.
Back then, if you were one of them,
you were entitled to everything:
houses, land
[shouts] I can't hear you, Dad!
I know, son.
I know.
Yesterday, I told someone
you were mediocre.
An embarrassment to me.
But it's not true.
[speaking Spanish]
I'm not going to let anyone go on
believing they're better than we are.
[Axel, in English] Hey, man.
Why are you telling everyone
Cristóbal killed me?
That's what he said.
He was the first to leave the party.
Totally fucked.
Never saw him again.
Who was it, then?
You really don't know?
[snorts and giggles]
What's so funny?
I can't remember anything.
Just tell me who it was.
Please tell me it wasn't me.
[Conchita] Axel!
Are you coming?
Shall we go?
I'm sorry, man.
I've gotta go.
I've got a date.
[Conchita, in Spanish]
Sleep well, my darling.
[kisses, blows]
[Oriol whimpers]
[in English] Welcome back.
[in Spanish] What was our first date?
You took me to the cinema
to see 55 Days at Peking.
[Andreu chuckles]
How long ago was that? Forty years?
All this time, I have loved you
more than anything, Conchita.
I'm just sorry
I didn't make you feel the same.
What is that?
A summons,
to test me for legal disqualification.
To see whether I'm still fit
to run the company,
or if I've gone mad.
You've left me no choice, Andreu.
I don't know
if all this is because of King's death,
or some midlife crisis.
No, you're right.
I'm tired.
And probably mad too.
But I'm not going to see an expert.
I'm retiring. I leave it all to you.
You've won, my love.
I'm off to the airport
to say goodbye to Kika, and then
I'm going to sleep
at my parents' old house.
Good luck with the casino.
[whispers] Andreu, don't go.
[car engine starts]
[in English] So that's his plan. Just
to follow me around in his camper van.
He's more like a bodyguard than a father.
[Kika] Axel said he used to control him
all day, every day.
Until one day he just kicked him out.
I didn't know that.
I'm going to Ibiza for a while,
little sis.
I've come to say goodbye.
I had no idea.
I thought he went to try his luck.
[Axel] Zo, Ibiza's where it's at.
House music, dance, all the best DJs.
It's the place to be.
[Zoe] I thought he came to Ibiza
for his music.
[door closes]
[laughing] Hey!
- Oh! Zo, how you doin'?
- Good.
Hey, has a night in the cells changed me?
- [laughs]
- Do I look different?
Oh, hey, I came up with this banging beat.
It's like [beatboxing]
[Clint] Come on, Zoe, love.
It's late. Bedtime.
I'll see you tomorrow.
- Yeah.
- Glad you're back.
[kisses] Sleep tight.
- Night, Dad.
- Yeah, good night, love. See you tomorrow.
[door closes]
[clicks tongue]
You've come back
like you've been on holiday.
I should probably look a lot worse,
considering it was my fucking dad
who arrested me.
[Clint] You took your sister
to that party.
Screw your own life up if you want to,
but you're not taking Zoe with you.
it was a fuckin' party.
People havin' fun.
That's it. You should try it sometime.
I want you out of this house.
Or better still, get out of Manchester.
You're kicking me out?
- If I'm going, Zoe's coming with me.
- Zoe's 15 years old. She's my daughter.
She's not goin' anywhere.
Do you wanna get yourself
arrested again?
And it won't be a night in the local nick
this time.
Is that what you want
for your little sister?
Talking to her brother
every Sunday morning
through a sheet of fucking glass?
When I get back in the morning,
you'd better not be here.
[Zoe sighs]
I want you to leave.
I'm making some dinner.
Have you seen how much they charge
- over that place?
- No.
Dad, you're not making any dinner.
[sighs] I don't need you here
with your depressing views on life.
I might not be the best mum in the world,
but I am certainly
not taking lessons from you.
Axel was right.
You can't see what's beautiful about life.
Oh, and Axel knew all about life, did he?
Dad, at least he smiled.
Every time you were with him,
he was smiling.
That's because he was off his head
on bloody ecstasy!
Seriously? You haven't come here
to slag him off. It's been 20 years.
Do you know anything at all about Axel,
except whatever rubbish he told you
on the phone?
Yeah. All right.
It's easy to trash him when he's not here.
And what's all this
about you kicking him out?
You let me think that he left
because he wanted to.
What else haven't you told me, Dad?
Maybe if you hadn't kicked him out,
he wouldn't have come here,
and maybe he wouldn't have died.
You can't blame me for that.
Well, what did you do, Dad?
What did you do when you found out
that he went missing?
Did you look for him?
No, you didn't.
You chucked him out,
and you gave up on him.
[phone rings]
[Zoe sighs]
- Yeah?
- [man] Uh Hello. Mrs. Walker?
Uh, speaking.
Hello. This is Lieutenant Gonzalez
from the Guardia Civil.
We have located, uh
the traffickers' ship.
[megaphone announcement in Spanish]
[Gonzalez] It was abandoned,
uh, about 90 miles from the coast.
It looks like they have escaped.
They were probably tipped off.
Uh Okay.
[Joanna] Do you know what I reckon, Zoe?
You're in a hole,
and it's getting deeper and deeper.
You ask for help,
but you just keep on digging.
[Zoe] Don't say that.
[Clint] Where you going?
Hey! Where are you going?
My heart beats in patterns
To the broken sound ♪
All this talk about going back to normal.
It sounds to me
like you're trying to convince yourself.
Convince myself of what?
Hey, you've reached Boxer.
Leave me a message.
[sighs] Fuck! Where are you, Boxer?
[Joanna] You say you want
white lines marking out your life,
but I think you're gonna destroy
these white lines.
I think you're gonna cross red lines.
Free animal ♪
I'm a free animal, free animal ♪
Free animal, free animal ♪
My heart beats in patterns
To the broken sound ♪
Free animal, free animal ♪
You're the only one
That can calm me down ♪
[Joanna] You want to live the life
you haven't lived.
You want experiences, feelings.
You want to take risks.
You get what you came for ♪
What you stayed for ♪
I only know how to ♪
[in Spanish] Is Mum here too?
Satisfy your craving ♪
No, my love.
[Joanna, in English] But just remember,
sooner or later,
these choices you're making,
you're gonna have to own them.
- What you're made of ♪
- [phone ringing]
Flesh and bones won't lie ♪
They won't lie ♪
[in Spanish] We're getting closer.
Kilometer 26.
My heart beats in patterns
To the broken sound ♪
Free animal, free animal ♪
You're the only one
That can calm me down ♪
Free animal, free animal ♪
My heart beats in patterns
To the broken sound ♪
Free animal, free animal ♪
[tires screech]
[distorted] You're the only one
That can calm me down ♪
Hey ♪
- [in English] Boxer
- [Boxer] Mm
The Romanians are coming.
- What are you talking about?
- The police called me.
They found a boat in the middle
of the sea with no one on it.
So, what's the problem?
There was a hundred kilos of cocaine
on it!
Which means someone's tipped off
the traffickers.
Which means they know about Marcus,
means they know about me.
- Which means they'll come after us.
- [laughs]
- Nobody's coming after you. Calm down.
- Don't tell me to calm down!
- They're gonna kill us.
- No one's going to kill you. Jesus!
- They're drug dealers and murderers!
- They're dead.
Guys like that,
they don't negotiate.
What do you think I was going to do?
Have a cup of tea with them?
I I didn't tell you to do that.
I did not tell you to do that.
Fuck! Does that make me a murderer?
You're not a murderer, for fuck's sake!
You weren't even there!
- Just try not to think about it. Jesus!
- How can you tell me to forget about it?
You've just killed two guys!
- Is that what saying yes means?
- What are you talking about?
I do say no. I say no to killing people.
I say no to breaking the law.
- I say no to being out of control
- Oh, God.
and fucking everyone and anyone.
- You're having a panic attack, okay?
- You all think
that I'm the odd one out on this island,
but I'm sorry, my life
is so much more simple than yours.
[gasping] Shit!
- I feel really dizzy.
- Ah, sit down.
[sobbing] Oh, I think I'm gonna
I think I'm gonna pass out!
Don't close your eyes
Look at me. Look at me.
- [Zoe exhales]
- Breathe with me.
My chest feels really tight.
I think I might need a tranquilizer.
[Boxer] Wait wait
- Mm. Smoke this.
- I don't want any of your fucking drugs!
What do you think a tranquilizer is?
Huh? Fucking pharmaceuticals.
At least this is natural.
Take a drag. Count to 15.
Take another drag. Relax!
- Jesus!
- [breathing shakily]
[Zoe] One, two, three, four,
five, six, seven,
eight, nine, ten, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15.
Come on.
Lie down.
Just breathe.
Everything will be okay.
They'll never find the bodies.
They'll close the case.
Everyone will forget.
- [sighs]
- Yeah.
Fucking hell.
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