White Wall (2020) s01e04 Episode Script

Problem solved

Maybe they were looking for gold.
- 700 meters underground?
It's not a UFO.
- No one knows what it is.
It's a kind of gate.
What are we?
It's a miracle.
What do you know?
- That we need you.
I'm sorry I couldn't let it come out
What do you know about the wall?
- That it's made of some kind of carbon.
- Eggs are made of calcium which contains carbon.
Gates of hell dinosaur eggs make up your mind!
- Why?
So I can tell them when they
lock you back away.
But seriously, you can't go around
screaming at people get a grip.
Who knows about it?
- You, me, Said, Helen, Henrik
Also some Russians and Polish.
- Not that many.
The big shots in Stockholm?
- No.
You think you could go back down?
Do you know whose car is this?
Do we know each other?
- No.
Maybe at some ball?
- I doubt it.
Christopher, this is Lars.
Lars. Christopher.
He runs the "hole", as you call it.
Your car is in my spot.
- Is that important
Security matter.
If they don't know the car, they tow it.
Well I better move my car then.
There's a guest spot it says "guests".
So now I work here and
he's the one in charge, you say?
A meter of stone is enough to stop
the radiation leaking into the environment.
And we talk about almost
an entire kilometer of rock
on top of capsules
cemented into the bedrock.
What about the changes in the bedrock?
Is it possible to predict those?
Yes it is. The final disposal site
was selected based on these predictions.
You're saying the structure you're building
will remain intact for 100.000 years?
I can guarantee the bedrock
has been stable for 2 billion years.
It'll remain stable for
a long, long time to come.
Long enough for 100.000 years
to seem like a week in a human lifetime.
So, what's your thing?
- What you mean?
I was thinking time-off.
Fly-fish, work women?
Don't worry, I'm not one to judge people.
I'm too old.
I don't have any "thing" with women.
- Perhaps with men then?
I guess you're too busy with yourself.
You're full of denial, young man.
- Am I?
Helen says you're one of the most respected
materials scientists in the world.
Does she? There's probably
a Chinese kid somewhere better than me.
Look at that.
So why couldn't you identify
the samples we sent you?
I did.
- No, you didn't.
What are you talking about?
I did identify that.
"Unknown material", I wrote,
'cause I'd never seen it before.
Why are they still there?
Those old trucks.
They need to be cleared away.
They'll keep mining for 70 years
even if we start moving the waste capsules now.
The opening ceremony is about
giving people peace of mind.
Everything needs to support that message.
Clear away all those rusty old trucks and
everything is going to be neat and clean
so we can focus on one of those beautiful,
shiny capsules disappearing into that hole.
Problem solved, solution sold worldwide.
Right. I'll talk about it with Lars.
Where the hell is he?
Why isn't he here?
It's ironic, isn't it?
Every consultative body advised against
giving the green light to the project.
It's simply impossible to make reasonable predictions
over such a long period of time.
I don't worry much about the bedrock or
the underground water, I worry about men.
Sooner or later someone will dig
It's all yours.
- Hello.
You have to do that here?
You'd like me to leave?
- Maybe.
How was your day?
- I didn't study, if that's what you ask.
Why not?
I couldn't decide what to study
and that broke my concentration.
If you just sit and wonder what might interest you,
you'll never find anything.
You must start with something and try it.
That way you'll find something interesting.
We talk about something that
will stay with you the rest of your life.
It must be something that interest you
and thrills you.
Don't you answer?
- It's ok. You understand?
Ruud family.
What can I help you with?
Yes, it's Lars.
- Hi it's me.
I should have warned you
Christopher can be a bit difficult.
But I need his help anyway.
No problem.
- Good
I will have to bring Axel along tomorrow.
No problem, just fill out a visiting form.
You sound very strange.
Can you round up the whole team
for 9 o'clock tomorrow?
So it's gonna be 9 o'clock
see you.
- See you.
There do you understand?
So, what does thrill you?
- Clean it up when you're done.
It's on the house.
Aim a little higher next time.
I want to pay.
- Your money's no good here.
Why are you so popular?
- I don't know.
You're not in some boy-band?
- No.
I shot someone.
It's a shame.
- It's my job.
Come again?
- It's my job!
I think I've read about it.
A terrorist, wasn't it?
More like an activist.
She's escaped now.
She's pretty!
- No way!
Don't you think?
- I think not.
- Oskar.
- Cheers.
Where are you from?
- Stockholm.
You can't walk around here.
I told you to stay in your room.
What is this?
- It's just rocks.
What kind of rocks?
- Old rocks now we have to go, it may loosen
You heard that?!
- Now it's silent again. I'm hungry.
You said everything was ok.
- It is ok.
You're acting very weird.
Ever since Nicola got here.
Should I send her back home?
- I didn't say that.
No but what you want me to do?
I don't know be your usual self.
What the hell is going on?
Why are you preparing an explosion?!
I thought you would help me,
not make my work harder.
I don't want to help him and the company
destroy that amazing treasure.
You think that's what I do?
I'm trying to give you enough time to study that thing
We can't study it and blow it up at the same time.
Such analysis will take years
Next week, two tons of nuclear waste
will be buried there.
Then five tons the week after.
You're only here because Helen
thought you could help
I couldn't even get my equipment out
'cause you're making explosions every fucking day!
So we should take a break
so you can be left alone down there.
I'd love to
- You have 2 days.
That's what you must do,
not go around complaining.
I'm only interested in what's down there.
- Just focus on how we can take it out.
In one piece or in bits I don't care.
Help us with that and
we'll be happy and content.
Where are you?
Where are you?
His reading skills are much better.
But what he really improved
is his writing.
He used to write 2 or 3 phrases tops
but now he's at the same level as the others.
Although I barely understand what he writes.
Space science and Mars
I have the same problem.
- His focusing ability is also better.
There have been no other accidents
with the other students.
I feared it would be the opposite.
- Have you noticed changes at home too?
I think he's a bit more relaxed maybe.
He's now ok with being touched
he even wants me to hug him sometimes.
I'm only worried that it's something temporary
A reaction for having been frightened.
I don't know what happened down there
but it's been hard for Magnus.
I don't think it'll go away.
- No it's
Can we go now?
- Yes, we're going
Or I can go by myself.
- No, we go together.
We'll talk more later.
Don't take it.
- The robot? It's very nice
It's no robot, it's cardboard.
We could start from the other end.
- What you mean?
I mean what you do NOT want to do.
Then coming to work with you
is a good start, isn't it?
Where are we going?
- Here.
- You're here!
- Hi.
Right, you know each other from the airport
- He's Axel, Helen's son.
Will you say hello to Nicola?
- Hi, Axel.
Have you ordered already?
What would you like, Axel? Pancakes?
Sounds good.
How do you like it here?
Did you make friends?
It's quite deserted.
- Jelly is very good here.
I want more!
Axel, are you gonna eat that?
Axelyou want more jam?
'Cause I'll eat the whole thing myself!
Is he always this funny at home?
- He's never home.
Is that why you came here?
- I'm not sure what we came here for.
I know that feeling.
She has to prepare her entrance exam.
You forgot about it?
No not at all.
I need more.
- Is it good?
- I need more pieces.
I can get more.
How many do you need?
A thousand.
Rods are stored in temporary containers
before they are buried underground.
You brought cheese and wine or?
- Of course I did.
A bit more to the left.
Helen, you stand still.
- A bit more.
It's just rebound.
- I know.
At first I got very curious.
But then when we didn't found
edges or borders, I got tired.
I couldn't sleep, thinking what it could be.
I was going insane.
I know it sounds weird
- No, there's no danger.
Lars may seem sullen
but he's a good guy.
I was like that myself.
I wanted to control people.
There are so many things in the world
that we'll never understand.
Like black holes.
We can only keep working and
do the best we can. Ok?
Let's try again.
Mom is tired of running the hotel chain.
She wants to buy her own place
and stay in peace.
Dad has always been here.
Work, work, work and more work.
He always says how important his work is.
I always thought he should come home
but something new always happens.
Now they can't accept the fact
that I don't wanna live such a stressful life.
What about yours?
- My what?
Your parents.
- My dad took off when I was a kid.
And your mother?
She's disappointed because I'm not married
with three kids and a house of my own.
And why aren't you?
- 'Cause I'm 21!
I have to agree with your mom on that.
You should start working on it.
But sometimes I wonder why
they can't leave us alone a bit.
I'm glad I met you, Oskar.
Now I know someone who shot someone else.
And now I know someone who can talk
about herself for 30 minutes straight.
Stop it!
I'm only with you 'cause I don't like to be alone.
I stay with you 'cause your charming and polite.
A mountaineer who knows irony!
How impressing!
Lars! Any news?
- Not so far.
How's the old guy?
I heard he's an expert.
Academic takes his time.
- Gina is worried, you missed all meetings.
You must slow down a bit during inauguration.
I thought everything was fixed already.
- I did too.
No doubts now, Atte.
No panic, ok?
You mind listening to this?
"This has been a long journey
since I started here 15 years ago".
"I would like to take this opportunity
to thank the board at ECSO"
"and our investors and the community
for taking good care of us".
"I would also like to thank my coworkers here,
all my colleagues."
"Some of you have even worked here
from earlier than me. You have been great."
"Thank you".
Is that it?
- Yes.
It's very short and boring.
Thank you
That's a fact you usually like it
when it comes to facts.
It's no fact, it's your opinion.
- It's a fact that it's my opinion.
That's a fact alright.
Thanks for the tour, by the way.
- What tour?
The Apocalypse tour.
- You've been to the plant?
On the hills around it really.
- Ok.
Oskar said you asked him to show me
- Oskar? The guard?
I didn't ask him to do it.
- Ok
Maybe it was an excuse to snag a date.
People here are really strange.
- Maybe they just look strange to you.
You seem to like them.
- Yes.
Like Helen, for example.
She's nice
a regular girl but very smart.
She's obviously your type
- I don't talk that way about colleagues.
You don't need to talk it shows.
Is it difficult?
- What's difficult?
Are you afraid mom will notice?
- There's nothing to be noticed!
I don't want my daughter to insinuate I'm unfaithful!
I'm not doing that.
- I think you are.
"End of story", right?
- Yes, end of story!
The number you called is not active.
Sorry I'm late.
Ok, let's start from what we know.
Based on the bedrock around it,
the object has not melted or changed mechanically.
After it was built
- It's older than the rock around it.
At least 1.8 billion years.
- We don't know that.
We haven't seen the whole thing yet.
- It's been here since the beginning.
It comes from the center of the Earth.
- Ok, thank you.
This is what we know for sure.
- For sure?
The object is round and symmetrical,
so it appears
Whatever the shape,
we'll take it out in bits.
That's not going to be easy.
It's got a diameter of 43 meters and it's
200 or 230 meters high, depending on the poles shape.
It'll take a lifetime,
with the final repository right above it.
It'll take a lifetime.
At least 10 years
provided we learn what it is first.
The final repository will be opened next month
after several delays.
According to ECSO, the accident
will not affect the schedule.
The opposers though
have more water to their mill
- You got a visit.
Who is it?
- It's her, the woman.
- Yes.
What a shitty plan to save the planet!
He'll create a nuclear wasteland!
- He's very ill.
Now he's gone, he never leaves the cabin.
All that shit about bombs and people inside
you think you can set me up?
Why would I do that?
How much of the area did you search?
Why are you staying in the cold?
Come inside.
She's just leaving.
If you don't find it, get out of there.
Don't go to work tomorrow.
What does she mean by that?
- I don't know.
I heard the police is looking for her.
I think Cristopher knows what he's saying
most of the times, but
A 200 meters egg? Really?
- I know.
But it's a calculation based on the lines
we can see so far, given that it's symmetrical.
- Hi, I thought you might be here.
I'm sorry but I'll have to leave this project.
Because there's something I have to tell you
I don't want to say it in front of everybody
I don't want to spread any panic.
I came to the conclusion that
this wall is hollow.
Wait what are you saying
we studied that thing a lot.
You and Henrik assumed it's solid
but it isn't.
You're saying it's kind of a capsule?
- Also there's something inside.
Behind a wall 4 meters thick.
How do you think we can know what's inside?
This time you have to stop and think.
Do we really need to know?
Must you absolutely know?
Yes, I must know.
But can it even be opened?
It might open by itself one day!
But why you want to leave?
- I'm no longer of any use to you.
It's irrelevant what's inside that capsule!
- How can you it's not like that!
Yes, compared to what's inside and why!
We did agree
- I'm scared, don't you understand?
Scared of what could happen!
I have a family!
You can do without me.
What you need are archeologists and anthropologists.
Or a theologist.
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