Who's Still Standing? (2011) s01e04 Episode Script

What About BOB?

As the who's still standing? Four night holiday event Continues with not one, not two, not three, But $4 million of christmas cash on the line.
It's time to see who's naughty and who's nice On the who's still standing? Holiday marathon.
Ho ho ho! [hip-hop music.]
Ho ho ho! This is high-stakes trivia.
This is who's still standing? One hero versus ten total strangers In a series of intense head-to-head trivia battles.
Miss just one question, And you'll fall through the floor.
[woman screams.]
If the hero drops all ten strangers, He will win $1 million.
Ho ho ho! Now, someone who's always on santa's nice list, Ben bailey.
- Tonight on who's still standing?, Bob glouberman, A video game reviewer from phoenix, arizona, Will be competing to win $1 million! [cheers and applause.]
- yes! - That's a lot of money, bob.
- I'm very excited.
- All right, you feel good? - I feel great.
- You're a video game reviewer.
- Yes, I have every little boy's dream job.
- That does sound like a great job, though.
- Oh, it's awesome.
It's awesome.
Whoo! - All right.
So do you think that qualifies you to win Some big money here tonight? - That by itself might not, ben, But, uh, I'm also very smart.
I was the valedictorian of my high school.
I have the highest gpa in the history of my high school.
- Well, that explains the outfit.
Just kidding, bob.
I'm just kidding.
I'm just kidding.
All right.
Can't play the game from here.
You want to play the game, you got to step on the trapdoor.
What do you say? You ready to step out there? - I'm ready.
Let's do this.
- Are you sure? - Yeah.
- All right, get out there.
Let's go.
[cheers and applause.]
- Whoo! - Okay, so here's what has to happen For you to walk out of here with a million dollars, bob.
You have to take down every one of these ten people That are surrounding us.
Each one of them is a stepping stone Between you and a million dollars.
Who are these people? Take a look at them.
What do they know that you don't know? Some may be highly educated.
Some may be self-taught.
Others may be masters of pop culture.
But they all have one thing in common-- They're here to take you down.
If they do, they win $10,000.
- I got it.
- All right, bob, are you ready? - I am ready.
- You are ten drops to a million.
Who's first? - All right.
Well Okay.
I think I have my decision.
After looking around, The one that scares me the most, Only because this is the one person Who could physically eat me, Uh, would be number nine.
- Me? Eat you? - All right.
All right, opponent number nine, Tell us about yourself.
- Hello.
My name is kali muscle.
I'm from oakland, california.
And I'm a bodybuilder.
- Wow.
- Well, kali muscle, you have lived up to your name.
Anything you want to say to him, bob? - Uh, yes, I've got great respect for you, Just great respect, you know? And, uh, I--I didn't want to pick you, But, you know, there's ten of 'em, And you had to be first.
- Oh, I love it.
Thank you.
- He's--he's going down, But I'm just being friendly before he goes down.
- I totally respect you, giant man, But you're going into the floor.
Bob, you are looking to knock down Your first stepping stone toward a million bucks.
Kali muscle, you're looking to walk out of here with 10,000.
It's round one.
It's kali versus bob.
Let's do it! All right, remember, guys, 20 seconds on the clock for each question.
Guess all you want.
You say it, you got it.
All right, kali, this first question is to you.
Good luck to both of you.
Here we go.
Ten drops to a million.
20 seconds on the clock.
- February, March, April February, April, January.
- Work it out.
Ten seconds.
Uh, November.
[alarm beeping.]
uh, January.
- Name the other months.
- April.
- Oh, my god.
- Whoo! Hoo, hoo.
Whoo! - This is for you, bob.
Here we go.
- Sumo.
Sumo wrestling.
[cheers and applause.]
- 20 seconds on the clock.
Back to you, kali.
- Uh, anne-- Anne harold delger.
Uh [laughs.]
Bun - Ten seconds.
- Bun hepper tepper.
Uh, annie-- annie may henny.
Uh, ah Mary - Two seconds.
- Oh, no! Oh, kali muscle, what happened? The right answer was Tony the tiger.
- Oh, no! Come on.
- Tony the tiger.
Kali, sorry, man.
Not so great.
You're going through the floor.
- Mind lock.
- Anything you want to say before you go? - Bye-bye - Oh! - Is he okay? - Kali is okay.
The people he landed on are all dead.
Let's go see what a bodybuilder is worth these days.
Could be anywhere from $1,000 to $20,000.
1,000 bucks.
You're on the board with 1,000 bucks.
- Ho ho ho! Bob has a total of $1,000 And has dropped one stranger.
He must drop nine more to win $1 million.
Ho ho ho ho ho.
- All right, bob, you've got $1,000.
But you can't leave with it Until you drop a total of five strangers.
More importantly, you are one step closer to a million.
That means nine drops to a million.
Who's next? - All right.
[cheers and applause.]
- Right here.
Right here.
Right here.
Right here.
- Right here, bob.
Right here.
- Come on! - Again, I'm just going by appearances.
And by appearances, I've got to go with number six.
- Opponent number six.
All right, number six.
You are bob's next opponent.
Introduce yourself.
Say hello.
Who are you? What do you do? Where are you from? - My name's kylie speakman, I'm from woodland, california.
And I'm a psychology student.
- Psychology student.
All right.
What do you think about that, bob? - It's a pleasure to meet you, and you're going down.
- Kylie, what do you think? You think you can take bob out of the game here? - I think I can.
I think he's underestimating me.
- Okay.
- All right, let's get to the game.
Bob, you're working your way to a million.
Kylie, you're playing for 10,000, If you can take bob down-- here we go.
- Kylie! [cheers and applause.]
- All right, this is a specialty round.
It's called "mo' money.
" The questions and answers in this round Have to do with money.
Best of luck, guys.
First question is to you, kylie.
Here we go.
Nine drops to a million.
20 seconds on the clock.
- Money, money.
Oh, man.
More money, more problems.
Uh - Ten seconds.
- Ugh.
- You say it, you got it.
- Ho ho ho! Stay tuned as the who's still standing? Holiday marathon continues.
It's time for the who's still standing? At home holiday challenge.
Here's your first question Do you know the answer? If you guessed "lords a-leaping," You're still standing! Ho ho ho ho! More holiday trivia is coming up.
Who will be the last member of your family still standing? Now back to the game.
Ho ho ho ho! - Bob, you're working your way to a million.
Kylie, you're playing for 10,000 if you can take bob down.
Here we go.
- Go, kylie! - Money, money Oh, man.
More money, more problems.
Uh - Ten seconds.
- Ugh.
- You say it, you got it.
- Money, money - Think out loud.
- Oh, my gosh.
- Clock's ticking.
Five seconds.
- If you had asked me what theme Ugh.
- Oh, no! Kylie.
- I don't know.
- Kylie, what happened? - I - Let's look at the real answer.
The right answer was the apprentice.
- I was thinking of a song.
- You were looking for a song.
- I was thinking of a song.
- You were looking for a song When you should have been looking for a tv show.
- I was so nervous, I was thinking of a song.
- Congratulations.
You just won a one-way ticket home.
Kylie is gone.
Let's see how much she was worth to you, bob.
Let's take a look.
Could be $1,000.
Could be $20,000.
- Come on.
Money, money, money.
- Oh.
Mo' money, mo' money.
Another 1,000 bucks.
Another 1,000 bucks.
All right.
- Ho ho ho! Bob now has a total of $2,000 And has dropped two strangers.
He must drop eight more to win $1 million.
Ho ho ho! - All right, bob.
You're going strong.
Two down.
Just three more and you'll have the option Of going home with what you've earned.
You got 2,000 bucks.
You still have your three passes.
And you're eight drops to a million.
Who's next? - Yes! - Think long and hard.
Come on! - I think of everyone here, The one that's the most unkempt, The most not put together would be number one.
- Opponent number one.
All right, number one, Bob has chosen you as his next victim.
Who are you? - My name's andrew medina.
I'm from valley village, california, And I'm a co-owner of a trivia company.
- Oh! Oh! Oh! - Ouch! - Oh! - Bob, it's okay.
It's okay, bob.
It's all right.
Don't get psyched out.
- That one hurt a little.
- That one hurt? Don't get psyched out.
- Mano y mano, baby.
Let's do it.
- Yeah, "mano y mano" means "hand and hand.
" You mean "mano a mano," which is "hand to hand.
" [audience ohs.]
- All right.
- Sorry there, bob.
- Hope it's soft down there.
Bring it on.
- All right.
Bob, you're looking to get one step closer To a million bucks.
Andrew, you're looking to walk out of here with 10,000.
Let's get to the game.
Here we go.
Bob, do not forget your passes.
You have three passes.
Andrew, first question is to you.
Here we go.
It's eight drops to a million.
20 seconds on the clock.
- It's a great magic word.
- Yes.
[cheers and applause.]
Next question to you, bob.
- That would be seltzer or salsa.
- Seltzer? - Seltzer? - It was a seinfething.
- Seltzer, bob? - It was a seinfething.
- Oh, it wasseinfeld reference.
Back to you, andrew.
- Ding-dong.
Avon calling.
- You guys are both looking strong.
This could go on a while.
Back to you, bob.
- Someone standing in my light.
Christian bale.
- All right.
All right.
- I paraphrased.
That was a paraphrase.
- Gonna keep 'em coming.
Back to you, andrew.
- That would be hawaii.
- Bob, back to you.
- Uh, valentine's day.
Um Really? - Yes.
- Okay, well - Back to you, andrew.
- Crocodile hunter.
Croco-- the crocodile hunter.
- Back to you, bob.
- Uh, howard stern frequent guests, the dixie chicks.
[cheers and applause.]
- Back to you, andrew.
- Uh, I won't attempt to say it In this language, but I believe it's klingon.
- Yes, it is.
Back to you, bob.
- Ugh.
Irene cara.
Uh, vera wang! Vera wang, baby! Yes! Yeah! Yeah! - Yes, bob! Yes! - Yeah! Oh, I'm excited.
Yeah! - All right, bob.
- Got a wedding dress question! Yeah! - Yes, you did, bob.
Well done.
Back to you, andrew.
- William clinton.
Um Let's go barack obama, uh, george w.
George herbert walker bush.
Um Where dropping ten strangers can win you $1 million.
Ho ho ho! - All right.
Bob, you're looking to get one step closer To a million bucks.
Andrew, you're looking to win 10,000 bucks.
- I'm ready to do it.
- Bob, do not forget your passes.
You have three passes.
And the game continues.
Back to you, andrew.
- William clinton.
Um, let's go barack obama, Uh, george w.
George herbert walker bush.
- Um - Five seconds.
- Jimmy carter.
Richard nixon.
- Oh! Whoo! [cheers and applause.]
All right, still anybody's game.
Bob, back to you.
- Um, uh Yellow spice - You say it, you got it.
13 seconds.
- Yeah, uh, diamond zirconium.
Uh, it's, uh - Three passes left, bob.
- Yeah.
Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah.
Uh - Five seconds.
- Pass.
- Pass.
Back to you, andrew.
- Coriander.
Um Coriander mustard.
It's yellow.
It's a spice.
Um, I have no freakin' clue, ben.
Bob, I wish I had more - Five seconds.
Say something.
- I don't know.
- Oh, no! Oh.
- Sorry, guys.
- All right, what yellow spice Is a major ingredient in curry powder? Turmeric.
- Turm--turmeric? Turmeric? - Turmeric? Turmeric? Whatever it is, it's delicious.
- Sorry, guys.
I-- - Oh! - Whoo-hoo! - Congratulations.
That's three.
Three down on your way to a million bucks! - That was a tough one.
That was a tough one.
- That was a tough one.
You used a pass.
You only have two passes left.
It was a lot of hard work.
Let's see what it's worth to you.
Could be $1,000.
Could be $20,000.
$15,000! - Yes! Yes! - Ho ho ho! Bob now has a total of $17,000 And has dropped three strangers.
He must drop seven more to win $1 million.
Ho ho ho! - All right.
- Not bad.
Not bad.
- Oh, feeling good.
- Remember, bob, drop just two more, I'm gonna give you a chance to walk away with what you've got.
You have $17,000.
You have two passes left.
Let's take a look around.
Let's see who's left.
[cheers and applause.]
- Number ten! [all shouting.]
- Come on, bob! - Number two--number two wants me to come to her, But I don't think I'm going to, Because she wants me too badly.
I sense a little bit of fear in the eyes of number eight.
I'm picking number eight.
Number eight.
- All right.
Opponent number eight.
Who are you? Tell us about yourself.
- I'm lauren mora, a substitute teacher From san miguel, california.
- All right.
- All right.
Bob, what do you think about that? - Uh, she's a substitute teacher.
She's not a teacherteacher.
She's a substitute teacher.
Therefore I'm feeling pretty good right now.
- Wow.
- Feeling pretty good.
- All right, bob.
Are you ready to go here? - I'm ready.
Let's do it.
- Feeling confident? - I'm feeling good.
- All right, as always, You're looking to get one step closer to a million.
Lauren, you're looking to win 10,000 bucks.
Here we go.
Let's do it.
All right, this is a specialty round.
It's called "put a 'ring' on it.
" This round is all about rings.
Lauren, this first questionis.
Here we go.
It's seven drops to a million.
20 seconds on the clock.
- Green.
- Bing! Back to you, bob.
- That would be saturn.
- Lauren.
- Jay-z! - Substitute teachers have changed since I was in school.
Back to you, bob.
- Ring around the rosie.
- Whoo! - Lauren, back to you.
- Cucumber.
- Back to you, bob.
- Uh, jonas brothers.
[cheers and applause.]
- Back to you, lauren.
Work it out.
Look at the puzzle.
- It's a wonderful life.
- Yes.
Back to you, bob.
- And then they broke up.
Can you believe it? The bachelor.
- [laughs.]
Keep in mind this is a specialty round, Where all the questions Have something to do with rings.
Back to you, lauren.
- And a great johnny cash song.
Ring of fire.
- Yes, indeed.
Back to you, bob.
- Uh, color and Color and cost.
Color and carat.
- Yes.
- Whoo! - I guess now that you said "cost," I think it should be five "c"s, really.
Back to you, lauren.
- Uh, quasimodo.
- Yeah.
Back to you, bob.
- Uh, hermes, aphrodite, um, uh Orenthal james simpson.
Uh, uh - Ten seconds, eight seconds.
- Statue of a greek god.
Uh For your next who's still standing? At home holiday challenge question.
Think you've got it? If you said "rockefeller center," You're still standing and still in the game.
Ho ho ho! Remember, last family member standing At the end of the show wins! Now more of who's still standing? - Whoo! - All right, bob.
Are you ready to go here? - I'm ready.
Let's do it.
- You feeling confident? - I'm feeling good.
- All right, as always, You're looking to get one step closer to a million.
Lauren, you're looking to win 10,000 bucks.
Remember, still in a specialty round.
This round is all about rings.
Back to you, bob.
- Uh, hermes, aphrodite.
Um, uh Orenthal james simpson.
Uh, uh - Ten seconds, eight seconds.
- Statue of a greek god.
Uh - Two passes left, bob.
Five seconds.
- Pass.
- Pass.
Back to you, lauren.
- Zeus, apollo, poseidon, uh Rats.
Other greek gods.
- Ten seconds, lauren.
- Oh - Greek god.
- Ornithology.
Uh Criminy.
- Two seconds.
- And it's - Oh, no! - Lauren, what happened? He passed, and you-- put on the spot there, huh? - Did not know it.
- Do you know it now? Can you think of it now? - I don't.
- All right.
Let's see what it was.
- Prometheus! Of course.
- Prometheus.
- Of course.
- Lauren, thank you very much for playing.
- Nice to meet you, ben.
- You're on your way out of here.
Anything you want to say to bob before you leave? - Oh, god, that was terrifying.
- That was a battle.
That was - That was tough.
She was good.
- That went on and on.
- Yeah.
- On and on, but you took her down.
- Great respect for lauren.
- Let's see what you're adding to your total.
Let's check it out.
- Come on.
Come on.
Come on.
- 3,000 bucks.
- 3,000, yes! - 3,000 bucks.
- Ho ho ho! Bob now has a total of $20,000 And has dropped four strangers.
He must drop six more to win $1 million.
Ho ho ho! - All right, bob.
If you drop just one more, I'm gonna give you a chance to walk out of here With what you've won.
But you did use another pass, bob.
- I did.
- That means you only have one pass left.
All right, bob.
Six drops to a million.
Who's next? [all shouting.]
- Right here.
Right here, bob.
- Right here.
Right here.
Right here.
- I want you, bob! I want you! - I'm picking him.
- Opponent number five.
All right, opponent number five, Let's find out who you are.
- My name's ryan katz.
I'm from snowmass, colorado, And I own and run my own pro wrestling training school.
- Whoa.
- Very nice.
[cheers and applause.]
- Pro wrestling training school? Really? - Yeah, man.
- What goes on there? - Lots of slams, lots of action, Lots of hurt, like the hurt I'm gonna put you through, bob.
You're going down! - Okay, baby.
Bring it on.
Bring it on.
- Bob still on his way to a million bucks.
Ryan looking to win $10,000.
Let's start the game.
[cheers and applause.]
Remember, bob, you only have one pass remaining Before we start this game.
But if you survive this round, I'm gonna give you a chance to leave With the money you've won so far.
- Okay.
- Ryan, first question is to you.
It's six drops to a million.
20 seconds on the clock.
- Sandra bullock.
- Boom.
All over that one.
To you, bob.
- A mile.
[cheers and applause.]
- All right.
Back to you, ryan.
- Kentucky.
- Bob.
- Yahoo! [cheers and applause.]
- Ryan, back to you.
- Poison.
- How did I know he was gonna know that one? - Could there be a more perfect question For the wrestling teacher? Back to you, bob.
- Intelligence quotient.
- Ryan, back to you.
- Cherry chapstick.
- Back to you, bob.
Still anybody's game.
- Bruce jenner.
- Ryan.
- Uh, photosynthesis.
- [whistles.]
You don't learn that at wrestling school.
- Color me impressed.
- 20 seconds on the clock.
Back to bob.
- [scoffs.]
My daughter will kill me.
- One pass left, bob.
Ten seconds.
- Pass.
- Back to you, ryan.
- It's not j.
It's not Uh, oh, my gosh.
- Ho ho ho! Stay tuned for more Of the who's still standing? Holiday marathon.
Where taking down ten strangers Can win you $1 million.
Ho ho ho! - Bob still on his way to a million bucks.
Ryan, looking to win 10,000.
Ryan, back to you.
- [scoffs.]
My daughter will kill me.
- One pass left, bob.
Ten seconds.
- Pass.
- Back to you, ryan.
- Oh, this is It's not j.
It's not, uh Oh, my gosh.
I've known every question asked Just about so far, And this is the one I don't.
- Sound it out.
- Sound it out.
Twilight was written by I don't even have a blank word in my head.
- Two seconds, ryan.
- G.
Money is going down.
- Oh, no.
- G.
Money is going down.
- The audience knows this one.
Let's see what it was.
- Oh! - Stephenie meyer.
I had no clue! - Yes! - Bob, man, not bad.
You were good.
You were good, bob.
- Yes! Yes! Whoo! - All right, you beat the wrestling school owner, And he was a tough opponent.
Now, in just a minute, You're gonna have a big decision to make But first, let's see what he was worth.
- Yes! Oh, man.
- Bob now has a total of $35,000 And has dropped five strangers.
He must drop five more to win $1 million.
Ho ho ho! - You're halfway there, bob.
You're up to $35,000.
Now, I'm gonna give you an option To take the $35,000 and walk away.
Or you could stay, take on these five, One at a time, and go for the million bucks.
If you do stay, I'm gonna give you this option again After each one from here on out.
You look like you're having a hard time making the decision, So I'm gonna sweeten the deal a little bit.
I'm gonna give you a pass.
I'm gonna give you another pass.
Now you have one pass.
- Oh.
Ho, ho.
- Want to take the 35,000 and walk? It's $35,000.
- Yeah.
- Or are you gonna stay and play? What's it gonna be? - I'm gonna play.
- He's gonna stay and play! - I'm gonna play.
- All right, bob.
Five drops to a million.
Who's next? - I might regret this, but I'm going for number four.
- Opponent number four.
- Bring it.
- All right, opponent number four.
Who are you? - Greetings and salutations.
My name is keira henderson.
I'm from whittier, california, And I'm a product developer for men's accessories.
- Our next round is up.
Let's do it! - Let's do it! - It's a specialty round called "we will 'rock' you.
" So this round is all about rocks.
- Okay.
- Glad it's not fashion.
- All right.
It's keira against bob.
Keira, first question is to you.
Here it is.
It's five drops to a million.
20 seconds on the clock.
- Okay.
- Hmm, well Think this woman was married formerly to tommy lee, But that might be pamela anderson.
[bell rings.]
- might be.
- I saw the movie.
- 20 seconds.
Back to you, bob.
- Um, abdominal.
[bell rings.]
- Yes.
- [grunts.]
- Keira, back to you.
- Well, you know, I really enjoy this game.
I actually got it for my birthday.
I think it's called rock band.
[bell rings.]
- Bob, back to you.
- Alcatraz.
Whoo! - Keira, back to you.
- Hmm.
I've actually been here.
Is it philadelphia? [bell rings.]
- yes, it is.
- And the game continues.
Back to bob.
- I was alive during the '70s, ben.
Pet rocks.
[bell rings.]
- yes.
Keira, back to you.
- Ugh.
Get a piece of the rock.
Is it prudential? [bell rings.]
- yes.
Back to you.
- The rosetta stone.
[bell rings.]
- yes.
Keira, back to you.
- Ooh.
Not rolling stone.
Um - Ten seconds.
- Wha--wha--kind of rock.
- You say it, you got it.
Sound it out.
- It's an "e.
" - Five seconds.
- Jade.
- Oh, keira! Oh, no! That went on for a long time.
Let's see what it was that finally took somebody out.
- Slate, oh.
- Didn't know it.
- Slate.
- What do you think, keira? - Didn't know it.
- I hope you had a good time.
Are you a little nervous about what's about to happen? - Aah! - Whoo-hoo-hoo-hoo! Oh-ho-ho-ho! - When it happens next to you, it's frightening! - Yes, it is.
- oh, man! - Now let's find out what keira was worth to you, bob.
Let's see what you're adding to your total.
- $10,000.
- Ho ho ho! Bob now has a total of $45,000 And has dropped six strangers.
He must drop four more to win $1 million.
Ho ho ho! - If you do choose to continue and you lose, You're going home empty-handed.
- Nothing.
- Or you can stay and play with your one pass And go for the million bucks.
[audience shouting.]
- I know what I want to do.
- What's it gonna be, bob? - I know what I want to do.
I have a pass.
I'm going for it.
- Bob's gonna go for the million! [cheers and applause.]
All right.
All right, bob.
You are four drops to a million dollars.
Who's next? - Right here.
Right here.
Right here.
- Think long and hard.
- Number seven! - Number seven.
- All right.
Opponent number seven.
Introduce yourself to us.
- My name's eric van leer, And I'm a ghost hunter from los angeles, california.
- Okay.
How do you feel about your choice, bob? - Think I'm good.
He's crazy, so [audience groans.]
- No offense.
No offense.
Just saying.
No offense.
- No offense? "no offense, but you're crazy.
" Eric, would you like to rebut that comment? - I'm good at what I do.
That's what's important.
- Okay.
- Fair enough.
Fair enough.
- Bob, you're working your way closer to a million bucks.
- Yeah, I am.
- Eric is looking to walk out of here With 10,000 and take him down.
I think it's time for our next round.
Let's go! It's four drops to a million.
20 seconds on the clock.
- Friday.
[bell rings.]
- bing.
Bob, here it is.
- Mardi gras.
[bell rings.]
- Eric, back to you.
- I Know - Sound it out.
It's time to play our final who's still standing? At home holiday challenge question of the night.
Think you got it? If you said "snoopy," you're still standing.
Ho ho ho! Are you the last member of your family standing? Then you're tonight's winner.
Ho ho ho! Now back to the game.
- Welcome back.
Bob, you're working your way closer to a million bucks! - Yeah, I am.
Yeah, I am.
- You're looking to get one step closer.
You have one pass left.
You're four drops away.
Your opponent, eric, Is looking to win $10,000.
You are one step closer to a million.
20 seconds on the clock.
- I Know.
- Sound it out.
- I don't know.
I, uh [bell rings.]
- Well done, eric.
Back to you, bob.
- "we the people.
" [bell rings.]
- Whoo-hoo! - Eric, back to you.
- Anchor.
[bell rings.]
- Yes.
Bob, back to you.
- Mushrooms.
[bell rings.]
- Eric, back to you.
- Super bowl.
[bell rings.]
[cheers and applause.]
- Bob.
- Amtrak.
[bell rings.]
- This is a grudge match.
Back to you, eric.
- Angry birds.
- Bob.
- Bones.
[bell rings.]
- Eric.
- Uh, dodge, uh Pontiac, um Honda accord.
Uh, honda Um - Seven seconds.
- Honda accord.
Um, toyota Corolla.
[bell rings.]
- Oh! Wow! Wow! Wow! Wow! Wow! Oh, man.
- Still anybody's game.
And we continue.
Back to bob.
- Game-show-based movie.
Um, uh - Still have one pass.
- Yeah, yeah, yeah, um - Ten seconds.
- Oh, my god.
- Five seconds.
- Two seconds.
- Pass.
- Pass.
It goes to you, eric.
- Um The, uh - You say it, you got it.
Think out loud.
- True - Eight seconds.
[alarm beeping.]
I don't know.
Um I don't know.
- Oh! Oh! Oh, eric, you did great.
You did great.
Let's find out what it was.
Slumdog millionaire.
- Of course! Of course! Oh! - Slumdog millionaire.
Whoo! That was a great match.
Give it up for eric, everybody.
- Oh! - What eric doesn't know Is that our basement is haunted.
That was a battle.
You were sweating your choice, but you made it through.
You dropped another one.
Could be anywhere from $1,000 to $20,000.
Let's see what he was worth.
- Come on, baby.
Come on.
- $10,000! - Yeah! Yes! Oh, man! - Ho ho ho! Bob now has a total of $55,000 And has dropped seven strangers.
He must drop three more to win $1 million.
- Oh! This is torture.
- All right, bob.
Used your pass in the last round.
If you get there again, then you're done.
- Yeah.
- You just lost 55,000 bucks, And you're going home with nothing.
- That's not a good feeling.
- It's time to make a decision.
You gonna stay and play, Or are you gonna take the $55,000 and walk away? [audience shouting.]
- If I had a pass, this would be a no-brainer.
But I am gonna make a kick-ass arcade for myself.
I'm taking the money.
- All right.
He's taking the money.
- Whoo! - Congratulations, bob.
- Thank you.
- Great game.
- Thank you.
- You're going home with $55,000.
- Yes! Yes! - That is fantastic.
- Ah! - You're leaving here with 55,000 bucks.
I'm gonna give you one last decision to make.
You can take it and walk through the door, Or you can fall through the floor.
- Drop me, baby! - All right.
You heard the man.
He wants to go through the floor.
- Aah! - Whoo.
- Ho ho ho! Tune in Monday at 8:00, 7:00 central, For an all-new - Who's still standing? [cheers and applause.]

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