Wind Breaker (2024) s01e04 Episode Script


We've got a problem.
Yeah, I know.
He already knew?
Just who in the world
We don't have enough seedlings!
We've got one extra planting spot left.
Is there anything you wanna eat?
Not that. I'm talking about Shishito
Shishito peppers? But you got
a weak stomach! Sure you can eat that?
They're not on the same page
I see. So that's where Hiragi-san
got his stomachaches.
That is Umemiya?
You mean "that man" is Umemiya-san!
Shut up!
Oh? What brings you all here?
This one is a tomato plant.
This one's a green pepper.
Then we've got eggplants,
cucumbers, and okra!
They're all unique and cute!
It's all right.
For Pete's sake.
He never listens to other people
and once he opens his mouth,
he never shuts up.
They're all just some grass, aren't they?
What? Look closer!
They're all so different!
Though, still
He was acting like this during
the announcement, too.
It's like he loves to goof around.
But he was able to change
the atmosphere with just his voice.
I hope we'll get lots of veggies
from this little guy.
Just what makes people flock to him?
Please allow me to explain myself!
It must be hard for him
to just stay quiet in this situation.
I saw a shoplifter
in the shopping district.
So I went after him, but before I knew it,
I was already in Shishitoren's turf.
And when they started chasing after me.
I thought I was done for
But these two saved me!
I looked up to Bofurin,
and got ahead of myself
But in the end, I sparked
a fight with Shishitoren
I'm so sorry!
How do you know my name?
Thanks, man.
You said you sparked a fight with them,
but that was only because you wanted
to protect the town and its people, right?
Then you don't have to
apologize for anything!
Just leave the rest
to your big brothers here!
How did these guys save you?
They kicked the other guy into orbit.
They kicked him into orbit?
Man, I pity that other guy!
It's no use talking anything
through with them.
I see. They kicked them into orbit, huh?
I was there, but I couldn't stop them.
I'm sorry.
There you go again, always trying
to shoulder the blame all by yourself.
I was the one who asked you
to look after them.
See? Your stomach's acting up again.
But it was all Sakura-san's fault
for pushing the guy's buttons.
Shut up already!
Keep your comments to yourself!
What? You picked a fight with them?
Those punks call themselves
the devotees of power and all,
but get off on beating up a weakling!
It's so lame, so I said it
to them
You said it?
I see, I see.
Well said!
Me too. I think
they've been pretty lame lately.
Sakura, I heard what you did
on the main street yesterday.
And you saved Sasaki today.
Thank you for protecting my family.
I'm happy to see we got ourselves
another reliable little brother!
What is this hot feeling
I feel up to the tips of my ears?
I feel so relaxed, it kinda pisses me off.
I feel like I somewhat understand
why they're all so attached to him now.
They must feel safe with him.
Why are you treating me
like your little brother?
I consider everyone in this town
as family.
Kaji? What's up?
Shishi toren
Hey, Kaji? Kaji? What's wrong?
What is it? Is something happening?
Helloo! Helloo! Helloo!
I am the leader of Shishitoren!
Choji Tomiyama.
I'm here to challenge you
to a fight! Fight! Fight!
The leader? Why is the leader here?
For revenge? For war?
Shishitoren's second-in-command,
Jo Togame!
That means
he's stronger than that guy!
What was that just now?
Huh? Sakura-san?
Suo-san! Sugishita-san!
Sasaki-kun? You too?
Wait for me!
You guys stay here.
Not a chance! Let me fight!
Don't make me repeat myself.
I can't make my legs take another step
He's acting nothing like before!
Is it really the same guy?
Hey, Tomiyama.
Look what you've got there.
That belongs to us.
Yeah, I know.
You mad? You mad?
You seem happy.
He's facing that Umemiya up close,
but still smiling.
What kind of monster is he?
All right, Ume-chan!
Fight! Fight!
You're the one who struck us first!
That's a good enough reason
to brawl it out, right?
Fight me! Fight me!
-Fight me! Fight me!
-This guy just won't shut up.
You're right. We're the ones
who struck you guys first.
But you mowed down
a ton of our guys, too.
You've got your fill now, haven't you?
Now we're even.
You're right.
Is Is he satisfied, then?
Now, turn around and go ba
Sheesh, you're just as impatient as ever.
C'mon, Ume-chan! I just struck you!
Now's your turn!
Come on! You gotta pay me back, right?
Why do you want to fight that badly?
Rather than fighting
I want you, Ume-chan.
It's been somewhat boring
since I made my way to the top.
But even though you're also at the top,
you're always smiling like
you're having fun.
That's unfair.
That's why I'm going to take
all of Furin and you, for myself!
That's just ridiculous.
I see.
You've got it hard, huh, Tomiyama?
Hey, hey!
What kind of silly bullcrap
are you feeding our general here?
Huh? Why are you all here?
You see
If we let our general go raiding
enemies on his own
it won't look good on us, okay?
You rushed out right the moment
I told you what happened.
I've always said you gotta wait
until someone finishes talking
Hello, Othello-kun.
Short time no see.
Yo, scraggly.
Hey, I told you guys to sta
Shut up!
I won't get in your way
if it's one-on-one.
But I don't like people
ganging up on one guy!
I'm gonna fight him one-on-one,
so all of you need to back off!
I think it'll be a bit difficult
to do that now.
Take a look around.
Wha This is getting out of hand!
All of you, don't you dare come down here!
I'll take you on, one-on-one.
Tell your men to step back.
Got it! I just wanna fight you, anyway!
Oh, come on.
Your general sure is a softy.
Or is he just scared?
Hey. Shut up or I'll crush you!
Don't get pissy just 'cause I'm right.
Hey, wasn't that
one of the kids from earlier?
Oh, I knew it!
They're so plain, but I could tell
right away! I'm good, aren't I?
You've got one craggy-looking face,
but you talk like a little boy.
How cute.
You say what?
There, there. Calm down, guys.
Hey, Choji.
If you wanna face him off,
it might be better to pick another day.
See? It's about to get dark.
If you end up fighting in the dark,
we won't get a clear view
of all the swollen, beat-up faces.
Right, Othello-kun?
How do you plan to look
at your own face here?
Huh? Everyone here know each other?
In that case, Ume-chan
Why don't we all go at it?
Oh, I don't mean doing a brawl.
But we can all face off against
each other, one-on-one, in turn!
Like a festival! It'll be fun!
Oh, like a kendo team match?
Sounds fun.
I know, right?
-While we're at it
-Nice! Nice!
-We should invite them to our
-Yay! Yay!
Let me finish, okay?
Then the matches will be
Choji and
Me and Othello-kun.
It's Sakura.
Let me beat that long mop over there.
I'll take that eyepatch guy, then.
Aww, a cutey chose me!
Hey! If we're facing off,
we don't need to get others involved.
But it's more fun if everyone joins in!
would prefer it that way, too.
Jeez, the first years
this time around are handful.
May I join, too?
I want to fight Hiragi-san.
Sako? You
Sorry, Umemiya.
I'm in.
All right, then it's decided!
In the name of our teams
let's all have fun and duke it out!
Is it okay for me to be here?
Of course.
Crap, crap, crap! We're screwed!
We're totally screwed!
Shut your yappin'.
Whose fault do you think it is?
There's no point crying about it now.
Fill yourself up. It should calm you down.
You don't understand at all, Kotoha-san!
If If If tomorrow
Umemiya-san ends up losing
to that Choji Tomiyama guy
Bofurin will be taken over by Shishitoren.
Bofurin might just disappear!
But still, crying about it
won't change a thing.
It'll be fine.
You already know that those guys
aren't that weak, don't you?
I'm done eating. Can I go home now?
Whoa, so fast!
Oh, you left your veggies.
But Umemiya-san and the others
aren't here yet.
They're taking forever.
They told us to wait,
but they aren't coming.
Well, I bet it'll be a lot of work
to calm all those other guys.
But, still
Umemiya said we'd all
go out for a meal, right?
But why are we here?
You say that after you
gobbled up Omelet rice?
This place is well-known as
the usual hangout spot for Bofurin.
I heard they'd gather here before a fight.
More importantly
Your hair looks so cute today!
It suits you well!
Is that so?
Oh, right! Remember that seedling
I talked about the other day?
It has gotten so big!
I'll send it here once summer hits!
I'll look forward to that.
What's up with that?
As you can see, he really likes her.
What? Is she his girlfriend?
Oh, you take it that way?
No, I'm not!
Good grief. Don't be stupid.
Yeah! Don't be stupid!
What do you take her for?
-She's my little sister!
-That's not true either!
What does he mean?
We were raised in the same orphanage.
And he just calls me that on his own.
That's all?
Hold up
-Little sister? Not big sister?
How old are you?
Sixteen. The same as you.
You liar! You look
way too old for sixteen!
No matter how you cut it,
you're over twe
That was dangerous!
What the hell are you doing?
That's right
Kotoha is very mature.
Goodness, Sugishita!
Don't go tossing things around like that.
Umemiya dotes on Kotoha-chan a lot.
If he finds out that Kotoha-chan
got into any danger
you know what'll happen, right?
So good!
Kotoha's omelet rice is
the best in all of Japan!
Just shut up and eat.
Huh? You're not eating, Hiragi?
No, I
I was thinking about what
Shishitoren was like in the past.
Me too. I think
they've been pretty lame lately.
They were different before?
Devotees of power
Shishitoren was a team that
simply sought strength in fights.
They are a lot of hotheads
there, yeah, but
they were never a team that would
chase around some middle school kid.
There was one time when
we had an all-out clash with them.
It was a fierce brawl,
but it was a feel-good fight.
grisly rumors began to spread
ever since Tomiyama became their leader.
What happened today wasn't anything new.
I've heard a ton of stories about
how they'd force their way into a fight.
Both Tomiyama and Togame
were like symbols
of their devotion to power,
who cared about their team the most
Just how did things change so much?
Well, it all probably changed
because of Tomiyama.
Because of him? How exactly?
I don't know much myself.
But we'll get it when
we talk to them tomorrow.
Talk to them?
But we're going to fight them, aren't we?
No, no.
Fighting is a type of
communication, Sakura-kun.
Sometimes, fists serve as a language that
allows you to understand your opponent.
But well, it's a language that
only we know how to speak.
Kotoha, seconds please!
It's way past the time
for the last orders.
All right, guys! Don't be late tomorrow!
Kotoha! I'll come again!
I never got the chance
to tell you all, so
Thank you so much for saving me!
I wish you luck on your fight tomorrow!
Don't you worry. We'll be fine.
We'll give it our best.
It's not like we're fighting for your sa
You're a real idiot.
All you gotta say is,
"You can leave it to us."
Just leave the rest
to your big brothers here!
Leave it to us
Sakura-san, your face is bright red.
Shut up!
Fighting is communication
Fists are a language.
I never thought of it that way.
All right, now then
Let's go!
I've never
gone into a fight for someone else's sake.
although I'm not sure why
I feel more invincible than ever before.
Welcome to our turf!
Thanks for having us.
Sakura-san, I had my suspicion,
but do you hate vegetables?
What? You got a problem with it?
It's not like I'll have any problem
by not eating them.
But since our boss Umemiya-san
is raising vegetables,
maybe vegetables are
his source of strength?
So you're saying
I'm weak because I don't eat
my vegetables?
No! Of course not!
That's it! I'm taking you down!
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