Winning Time: The Rise of the Lakers Dynasty (2022) s01e04 Episode Script

Who the F**k Is Jack McKinney

(mariachi music)
Stop it.
Stop. Stop!
Cut it out
or no fried ice cream.
(music continues)
Jerry Buss:
Hey! What do you know!
- Dad.
- Dad!
Of all the bean joints
in this wide world,
what are you guys doing here?
- Oh my gosh,
are these your kids?
- Jerry: Yes, indeed.
- What a bunch of
little sweetie pies! Hi!
- Jerry: Uh
Kids, this is Ginger.
Uh, Ginger,
this is JoAnn.
- How are you, Jo?
- (sarcastic laugh)
I could use a margarita.
- We'll scooch in,
you can join us!
- JoAnn: No, no, no.
We'll make room for you!
Let Daddy and his friend
enjoy themselves.
Come on, we have
our own table.
Alright, well,
I'll see you later.
- I got the tab!
- Yeah. (forced laugh)
Come on. Go wash up.

(sighs) Well heh!
Your wife seems nice.
Yeah, she's great.
You're a good dad.
- I don--
- Bet you're a great daddy, too.
- Am I?
- I think you could be.

(restaurant chatter)
What are you doing?
- Ginger: Having
a little fun, daddy.
- Jerry: Okay.
Show me how much
fun you wanna have.
- (heavy breathing)
- Jerry: Like that?
- How you want it?
- Oh yeah
(heavy breathing)
(Ginger gasps)
(heavy breathing)
Yes, like that (panting)
- Oh my god No.
- Oh, that was fast.
Oh shit. Jeanie Bean!
Jeanie Beanie,
what are you doin'?
Something happen?
(distant sirens)
("My Favorite Mutiny"
by The Coup playing

There it is ♪

Check it out ♪
Move, if you got the nerve ♪
Lash out for
your just desserts ♪
It's not just the worth ♪
Some of y'all heads
up in the clouds ♪
I'ma bring y'all
back to earth ♪
It's Black back to burn ♪
Bullshit y'all talkin' 'bout ♪
Out ya mouth ♪
I'm not concerned ♪
'Cause y'all got to learn ♪
It's y'all turn
like Detroit Red ♪
When his head
had a Ultra Perm ♪
The long walk'll
burn your bare heels ♪
So throw on your boots ♪
The game camouflaged
like army suits ♪
But I can see it
more clear ♪
'Cause I came with
The Coup in here ♪
Ring the alarm
and form the troops ♪
Send 'em out into the world
Go to war in a fluke ♪
Eye to eye with the enemy
you sworn to shoot ♪
Now comin' at ya neck
sick o' hearin' ♪
Something wrong with me ♪
Motherfucker somethin'
wrong with you ♪
When the chief just
way too smart to question ♪
The enemy the brothers
of a dark complexion ♪
The governments of the world
is shark infested ♪
They heavy on weaponry
like Charlton Heston ♪
Man, yeah,
it gets low here ♪
Real low
Know what I'm talkin' 'bout? ♪
Yeah, yo, it gets low ♪

- (static)
- (siren wailing)
Jesus Christ, Jerry.
What the fuck have
you gotten me into?
Listen, I'm gonna
introduce you as my wife,
not my ex-wife,
(sighs) Any time
you wanna remarry,
- it's not a problem.
- Can we just get through
- the ceremony without
arguing, please?
- (Jerry clears throat)
(somber music playing)
You said owning a team
would be exciting.
What's next, a horse
head in the bed?
Would you stop?
We need this.
- I appreciate you coming.
- Oh, you kidding?
I wouldn't miss it.
Tell Bill I owe him
a call about the roster.
I'm just, uh
having a real hard time
focusing on basketball.
No rush, okay?
I'll run training camp
if you need me to.
We're family now, so
I want you to meet
my wife and my daughter.
This is JoAnn.
This is Jeanie
- Lois: Thank you for coming.
- My heart breaks.
I can't imagine.
Hi, Lois.
You must be Rose.
Your husband was a saint.
We're all gonna miss him.
- (gunshots)
- (police siren, radio chatter)
- (slap)
- (crowd gasping)
You pushed and you pushed.
You couldn't just leave
well enough alone?
Dad, Dad,
did she just hit you?
LOIS: I'm so sorry.
- I'm so sorry.
- Jerry: Uh, we should
go out the back here
You talked to Jerry Tarkanian,
and you're sure he's out?
Not his wife,
not some other bozo.
- You're absolutely sure?
- Dr. Buss, what I'm sure of
is we're out of time.
Alright, so who the fuck
is Jack McKinney?
You met him last week.
He's the assistant coach
for Portland.
You know, glasses,
looks like a CPA.
I know who he is, Bill.
I'm saying,
who is he? Fucking nobody.
- I met the guy. Can't even
remember his fucking face.
- He's a visionary.
Basketball guru.
All sorts of big ideas.
- Uh-huh.
- Bill Sharman: Hell,
he's the reason Ramsay
won that title up there
with a bunch of nobodies!
Bill, you're sure
this is the guy?
- You're absolutely sure?
- If we don't hire someone,
we're gonna open
training camp without a coach!

(crowd cheering)
Jack McKinney:
Run it!
How was the call?
I don't know, I think I
overplayed my hand.
Full control of
the roster, cuts,
trades, hires
I'm pretty sure
I scared 'em off.
No, not if they have any sense.
(panting) It's probably
the wrong fit anyway.
Claire McKinney:
Oh, is that what
you're running from?
- Be another move.
- Like Portland.
And Milwaukee.
At least LA has sunshine.
And a damn good team.
That's the problem.
It's perfect.
Oh. Sounds like a catastrophe.
It will be, if it fails.
I've been an assistant
for so damn long, Cranny.
This is my vision.
This thing has
been in my head
for 20 years.
If I can't make it work
with guys that good,
- it doesn't work.
- Claire: Well
it's a good thing
you blew the interview.
- (car rumbling)
- Dad!
- It's for you!
- Someone from the Lakers.
(funky bass riff playing)

(woman laughs)
(woman laughs)
- Jeanie Buss:
Is that about Tark?
- (hangs up)
He's gonna stay in Vegas
where he belongs, so.
Oh, I'm sorry.
Hey. You know
- Onwards and upwards.
- Jeanie: It wasn't fair.
What she said.
It's not your fault, Dad.
I know. I know, honey.
Sweetie, do you think we could
take a rain check on Monopoly?
- Sure.
- You sure?
Yeah, I have work.
- Anyway, so.
- That's my little Jeanie Pie.
Alright. I won't be too late.
(Jerry sniffs)
Laurence Olivier:
Whether 'tis nobler
in the mind
to suffer the slings
and arrows of
outrageous fortune,
or to take arms
against a sea of troubles
and by opposing
end them.
(school bell ringing)
You give out any A's this time?
- No one deserved one.
- Well, you know
what they say, Paul.
Students are only as
good as their professor.
- Which, on the subject, we still
need to discuss those syllabi.
- (phone ringing)
- Frankly, your insistence
on including--
- Yeah. Can I-- Can I just--
Jack? Hey.
Holy cow.
No, um
Cassie and the kids
will be thrilled.
And I will see you there.
Are we finished?
Fuckin'-a right.
- Where are you going?
- Palm Springs.
(heavy breathing)
Training camp.

Host (on radio):
Well, the Lakers are about
to open training camp
under a new head coach,
and all kinds of questions.
But maybe, maybe,
just maybe the biggest
right off the bat,
who's gonna run this offense?
Magic Johnson or Norm Nixon?
Who is the fucking--
Me! Stormin' Norman.
Oh, I'm gonna be running
point. Best believe that.
I'll show his happy ass
some magic!
Norm, you better get ready.
I got some tricks
up my sleeve, too.
I'm gonna be on
that ass. (laughs)
- (radio host continues)
- (car revving)
Hey. Can't this thing
go any faster?
if you put him on the court
with professionals
- (ding)
- a six-foot-nine rookie
at point guard?

Which brings me to
my next question which is,
who the heck
is Jack McKinney?
One day, we hear
it's Tark the Shark.
Now it's Jack the nobody?
He's supposed to be the guy
deciding on the lineup,
- and he's never made
a real decision on this own.
- (boys arguing)
- Host 2: You said it, pal!
- Gimme it!
No, let me try again!
- (arguing continues)
- (radio hosts continue)
- Host 2:
won a championship
- (boys go quiet)
supposedly off of
his X's and O's.
And what happens if
McKinney just can't hack it?
with 21 guys,
Hand me the screwdriver.
Host 2:
fresh meat like
Michael Cooper.
Yeah, my guess is the last
thing he'll hear this week?
- "Hey, Coach wants
to see you. Hit the road."
- You hear that?
They're talking
about me.
I should call myself
Shit Luck Cooper.
Now, I'm gonna roll
into camp late,
- new coach doesn't know my ass.
- Woman: Hand me the screwdriver.
I'm telling you, God is
sending me a message.
Take your skinny Black ass
back to SavOn.
Basketball ain't for you.
I'm supposed to die
and rot out here
like buzzard food.
It ain't in here.
What's this look like?
- Love you, babe.
- (car zooming)
Host (on radio):
You wanna talk about
big question marks?
The biggest unknown is Kareem.
32 years old, 10 seasons
on those skinny bones.
His best days
are way behind him.
I don't even know
if he wants to be here.
- I'll put on some music.
- He may be the best center
ever to play the game
of basketball
- Leave it.
- but if you look in
the encyclopedia
under "checked out,"
you're gonna see a picture
of his frowning face.
(smooth '70s music playing)
(pool chatter)
Paul Westhead:
Some kind of joint, huh?
Glad the wives are
getting settled in LA.
'Tis one thing to be tempted,
another thing to fall.
Yeah, where
we going here?
Oh, just-just this way.
Hey, Jack,
I just wanna thank you.
It's been a real rough year.
One bad season,
those alumni turned on me
like Senators on Caesar.
Took my whistle,
stuck me teaching
freshmen philistines
who still think Brutus is
a character from "Popeye."
Well, had me thinking
basketball was done with me,
and then
I heard from you.
True hope is swift and flies
with swallow's wings.
Sort of surprised they
went for me, actually.
- You know, the-the team.
- Yeah, they didn't want to.
I insisted. I told them
my system isn't easy,
and neither am I.
And that you were
an expert on them both.
Thanks, Jack.
I won't let you down.
There he is!
You made it. Jack.
Welcome to The Ocotillo,
my little oasis in the desert.
Come on over.
I wanna introduce you
to some friends of mine.
We're gonna have a little fun
tonight, if that's alright.
We're gonna get started with
a little swimsuit competition,
you know, break the ice.
Bill! Jerry!
You remember these guys.
- Great to have you.
- Jack.
- Welcome. Paul.
- Jack.
When can I meet the team?
When can you meet the team?
I figure we'll do that
tomorrow morning.
You know,
when the boys are fresh.
That way, you and I can,
you know, break some bread.
Talk turkey.
Dr. Buss wants me to,
uh, get you settled in.
The Logo here has
staked his name on you.
Fuck it!
I'll stake my fuckin' name--
I'd rather jump right into it,
if that's alright.
- Now?
- McKinney: If that's
alright, yeah.
- Yeah, sure.
You're the boss.
- McKinney: Great.
Can we get a room
with a projector?
Meeting on the hour.
- Okay.
- Jerry Buss: So, get him
whatever he needs.
Get a fruit basket,
some champagne
Dr. Buss,
h-he's the assistant coach.
- That's Paul Westhead.
- Who?
- Sharman: Paul Westhead.
- Jerry Buss: Oh.
- Kick back and enjoy yourself.
- Sharman: See ya, Paul.
- Westhead: Thank you!
- Jerry Buss: Excuse me, girls.
I'm not sure if you recall.
Um, St. Joe's?
G-guarded you my junior year.

Number 32.
That's right.
That's me. Yes.
I hope you make
a better fuckin' coach.
I shall endeavor.

Hey, I love Palm Springs, man.
Put your tongue
back in your mouth!
Baby, I wasn't
looking at no girls.
Well, you were about to.
Focus on basketball.
You got this.
- I got this.
- It's the dream.
- (kiss)
- Love you.
Bye, Mrs. Cooper. I'm gonna
take good care of your husband.
You want me here, too?
Could take a week off of school,
keep you relaxed.
I wish, but no girls allowed.
- No?
- Mm-mmm.
Basketball is all it is
from here on out.
- Just basketball?
- Mm-hmm.
- Be good.
- I will.
- Good my middle name.
- (woman laughs)
Michael Cooper:
So, basketball is all
it is out here, huh?
You know I gotta say somethin'.
You see that girl
over there?
- Hoo-wee!
- Oh. Yeah.
Earvin Johnson?
- Michael Cooper?
- (papers crinkling)
I'm Pat Riley.
Welcome to camp.
So you got your team rolls,
practice schedule in there.
First meeting's in 10 minutes.
Date Palm Room.
You know where that is?
Just cut through there,
through the lobby,
make a hard right.
- You good?
- Earvin Johnson: Thanks.
- Alright, you got it.
- Wait, wait!
- I know you from somewhere.
- Yeah?
Kentucky vs. Texas Western.
That's right! Pops got me
out the bed for that one!
Big Daddy D went up
and dunked it on you
right there--
(crowd cheering)
Hangin' all up on the rim
like crazy, tongue out
and everything.
Yeah, well
- (buzzer)
- (shutter snaps)
I still see it in my nightmares.
But hey, that's part
of the game, right?
- It makes you tougher.
- Yeah.
So what, you, like, a coach
or somethin' now?
Assistant announcer
and, uh, travel secretary.
- (buzzer)
- What's up, Kenny?
I like that tracksuit, baby.

What up? Yo, Price, Carter.
How y'all doin'?
AD, man, why you always got
the freshest threads on?
Y'all shoulda saw him
at the premiere!
- 'Sup, fellas?
- EJ, you really know how
to work the room, huh?
Man, I'm just doin'
what the Magic Man do.
Okay, well
No, no, no, not yet.
Vets first.
Well, what they
waitin' on?
You'll see.
Just play it cool.
Don't look him
too long in the eyes.
You talkin' about him
like he the Boogeyman.
What's up, Cap?
Like this dashiki.
I take a glass of orange juice
with my morning paper.
Separate it out by section.
News first,
arts and leisure,
sports last.
Have it at my door at 6:00.
You in for it.
I was his rookie last year.
I'm telling you,
outside his door
every day at the crack of dawn,
he still ain't
like my juice.
"Too warm, too cold,
too pulpy, not enough pulp."
- Well, he gonna like
my juice. (laughs)
- I hope so.
- I got you, Cap.
- (fake laugh)
Take it easy, cowboy.
Back of the bus,
rookie section.
Don't be no Rosa Parks.
- Get this to my room, rook.
- I'm actually not
a rookie this year--
Norman Nixon:
Oh shit!
- Ron motherfuckin' Boone!
- What's up, Black man?
- Hey, you guaranteed this year?
- Man, fuck no.
But after this camp,
I ain't giving them a choice.
- Nixon:
Yeah, you know how it is.
- What's up, fellas?
- How y'all doin'? Y'all good?
- Oh shit. Landsberger!
- Hey! What's up, baby?
- Hey, still ain't right
- Player: So, who the fuck
is this McKinney?
- but you still white.
Alright, fellas,
let's settle in. Come on.
Right. I'm gonna hand
the keys over to Jack here.
I want y'all to show him
the same respect
y'all showed me.
Okay. Take it away.
- (click)
- (projector whirring)
This is from last season,
your base set.
There's Nixon.
Walks the ball up, calls it.
Dantley with a screen.
Wilkes in the corner,
fakes his man, sinks a jumper.
Smooth as silk, baby.
Twenty seconds. Next.
This was the play you
ran most frequently.
Kareem in the post,
receives the pass
six to eight dribbles
23 seconds.
And then there's this
from the same game.
(projector continues whirring)
Nineteen seconds.
That's three plays,
two conversions,
62 seconds of game time,
for four points a minute,
which, at a roughly
66% conversion rate,
that's close to
a hundred points a game.
In line with the league
average because this
is how everybody in
the league plays basketball.
predictable, and slow.
But a few times every game,
this happens.
(no audio)
Five seconds.
Three sets of hands.
One easy basket.
So, why do you guys
only do this six or seven
times a contest?
Ron Boone:
Because it ain't a choice.
They miss, we get the rebound,
maybe a steal, we get out
ahead, and we go for it.
Ain't no way we can
do that all the time.
- Why not?
- Breaking ain't something
we can count on.
Not when you're only running
off of other teams' mistakes,
misses, and steals.
That's why, from now on,
we won't wait for anyone
to give us breaks.
We'll make our own.
Constant motion offense.
Don't stagnate in positions.
Pass. Keep our
opponents chasing us.
appropriating street ball.
- What's that, Kareem?
- I said
sounds like street ball.
It is.
So, here's the thing.
A classical offense is
a lot like classical music.
- (classical music)
- Coaches put a bunch
of notes in place,
X's and O's,
and all the players
are supposed to do
is hit their cues.
It makes a pretty melody,
but it's the same song
every time,
and everybody in the building
knows exactly where it's going.
So, how does an offense
go from classical
- to jazz?
- (jazz music)
You put the music
in the players' hands.
The point guard is your melody.
He sets the tempo.
He keeps the pace up.
Your wings, they harmonize.
Your big man on the trail,
he's your bass.
Instead of
chaining them to spots,
you keep them moving,
improvise, so they can flow
like flocks of birds
and butterflies.

Because what seems
or sounds like chaos
is actually the symphony
of Mother Nature.
Everything unpredictable
has underlying patterns,
and when those patterns
become reflex,
individuals become
an unstoppable force.
Or that's the theory, anyway.
Until now, nobody's ever been
dumb enough to try it.
Who brought their tennis shoes?
- (insects chirping)
- (panting)
Man, Wanda's gonna kill me!
These are Stacy Adams!
- 'What's up, Storm?
Thought you was fast.
- Nigga, you can't spell fast.
Westhead: They're called
McKinney miles, gentlemen!
You can't keep up with McKinney,
you run another mile!
Player 1:
This motherfucker got us
runnin' north to freedom.
Player 2:
Starting to regret that
second rib-eye, man.
- (panting)
- Player 3: Brad,
how long's a mile?

Linda Zafrani:
Times are tough.
People are waiting in line
for hours to get gas.
The smog's so bad, they can't
even take their kids outside.
But when customers
buy tickets to the Forum,
they'll be buying
an escape.
At the Forum,
your family's taken care of.
Something for everyone,
starting with
the Forum clubhouse.
And our other
entertainment won't take
time-outs just
because the team does.
Family-friendly halftime shows.
A marching band,
our own spirit squad,
- and the cherry on top?
- (slide crinkling)
A mascot.
What, we're going to dress
someone up as a lake?
Lon Rosen:
No, what goes
on top of a lake?
- Algae.
- Rosen: Ducks.
But, not just any duck.
- (loud bang)
- Fuck!
- Shit! Fuck!
- Oh my god.
Duck! Duck! Slam Duck.
Lon, you okay?
Slam Duck.
The details we're
still, uh, adjusting,
- but we took the broad--
- Kill the duck.
- Done.
- What?
Shoot him, stuff him,
eat him, roast him.
I don't care.
Just get rid of him.
The rest of it, I like.
Jeanie, why don't you
introduce these two
to the marching band
and cheer squad at SC?
Uh, yeah. Sure.
- Nothing, if you think this is--
- You said he liked
this kind of stuff.
He does, at college games.
But it's sort of the same,
isn't it?
I just know he's
after something new.
Never mind, this is good!
I, um, I like it--
No, how about
an actual suggestion?
Then, um
This is Disneyland stuff,
And I think we need that,
but maybe, uh,
we also need something
like the Hollywood Bowl,
or-or the Oscars,
the-the Playboy Club.
Oh, that's all?
Let's throw, uh,
- Mickey Mouse an orgy
with Bob Hope--
- Claire Rothman: Alright.
- Okay, okay.
- Sorry, I shouldn't
have said anything.
Don't apologize.
Just bring us an idea, okay?
No fucking ducks.
Thank you for your thoughts.
(alarm buzzing)
("Shave and a Haircut" knock)
(curtains slide)
Morning, Cap.
Got your OJ, got your paper.

You don't want the juice?
Is there somethin' in it?
(door opens)
Yo! Here he is!
Hey, happy first day, Jack.
Listen, we still
haven't had a chance
to have that, you know,
little chat we wanted.
Just wanna make sure you
got everything you need.
- Thanks, Jerry.
I believe I do Almost.
- Good.
- We're running
a closed practice.
- Okay.
(blows whistle)
Oh! Okay!
- Your, uh, your show.
- He's out.
Here when you need me.
Two squads!
- A and B.
- A in gold, B in purple.
Johnson, you're on B.
Chin up, Country.
B is almost A.
Magic Man!
Hey, let's get these
motherfuckers, man.
Run, pass,
push the tempo
fast as possible.
Let's get it on its feet.
- (blows whistle)
- (chattering, clapping)
- (blows whistle)
- What are you doing?
- Setting up for the inbound.
- No, no, no.
No setting up.
Kareem, hit him on the go.
Don't let the defense
get its feet.
Come on, Norm!
You're known for all this speed!
Let's see it!
- (blows whistle)
- Player: You heard him,
let's go!
Don't slow it! Run it!
- Right there, right there!
- Let's go, A.T.
- Nice!
- Nixon: Eat that, Country!
- You gettin' fat!
- (blows whistle)
- The fuck? I ran, Coach!
- Right into traffic!
Pass the ball
and trust the flow!
No more one-on-one!
What is this about?
- Come on, fellas!
- Cap.
Hey, I got him.
(blows whistle)
(ball dribbling)
That was a skyhook.
That's always going to be there.
Keep your teammates moving.
Every time you stop the ball,
they take a break
and watch you work.
Let's go again.
Alright, Johnson.
Let's see what you got.
Come on, B,
let's go to work!
- (sparkly music)
- Johnson: So look,
you about to watch
the magic happen.
A point guard's job
is to run the offense.
Hey, I'm open!
But most guys
lookin' out to get they own.
- I know you see my hands!
- Johnson: Baskets,
- stats glory.
- Announcer: They score again!
(crowd cheering)
Me though? All my life,
I'm tryin' to share the love.
Magic is hot and he knows it.
Dishing passes out
like Cupid arrows.
Hit you in the heart
in style.
Call me if you really
wanna score!
But I get my numbers, too.
Even when I'm passin'
I be scoring.
Ain't seen that comin'!
While everybody
else is out there
- gettin' rich by taking.
- Man: What the fuck?
- Gimme my ball back!
- Johnson: I'ma have it all
by giving it away.
See, I'm a giver.
- (woman moaning)
- Damn!
- Country about to drown!
- (blows whistle)
- Oh, I got you.
- Come on, back up!
You remember this!
(sparkly music)

- (ball thuds)
- Johnson: Of course,
- we ain't all ready
for love at first sight.
- What the fuck?
- Johnson: Hey, you was open.
- You see me lookin' at you?
Be mad at your hands
for not catching the ball.
keep your eyes up.
Ever seen a pass
like that before?
It's not a pass
unless they catch it.
- Making new friends
already, huh?
- Whatever, man.
Get your head up, go again!
Who the fuck is Jack McKinney?
All of a sudden,
she knows basketball.
I read the paper.
I know he's a nobody
- who looks like
a tax accountant.
- Mom
did you come here
to get a suntan,
or do you have some
good news for me?
Great news. Great news.
You're not gonna like it,
though. Refill me.
When that loan comes due,
whoever owns this albatross
is on the hook.
Well, I'm not selling the team.
No, no, no.
I would never dream
of that. Uh-uh.
(soft laugh)
You're giving it away.
(buzzer blaring)
- Jerry: No.
- Jessie: Yes.
No fucking way.
My ex-wife?
Well, who else?
You've been saddling her
with liabilities
- for the last 30 years.
- I'm not giving her
my team.
It's paperwork.
You put the sports thing
in her name.
The balloon loan stays
in yours with Mariani-Buss.
That way, when Great Western
comes collecting, you and Frank
can pay them some pocket lint
and file for bankruptcy.
Forget it. I'll pay the loan.
You're broke!
- (quietly): Mother!
- You knew this silly league
was sinking,
and you bought it anyway.
You tied up
every dime you've got.
I'm your mother, goddammit.
I'll drag you on the lifeboat
if I have to hogtie you
to do it.
Well, thanks, Mom,
but I think
I'll take my chances.
That was the good news?
- You already have her
name on the paperwork?
- I did the paperwork.
- You asked me to do
what you asked me to do.
- Let me tell you something.
- Don't even
mention it to JoAnn.
- I wouldn't--
- (shoes squeaking)
- (blows whistle)
Jamaal! Dantley!
What are you doing?
- I'm posting up!
- This is my corner.
You don't have a corner!
Nobody has spots
or corners! Right?
Flow means water.
Flow means finding
the empty spaces.
If you're standing still,
you're just a pebble
in the stream.
- Let's go again!
- (blows whistle)
Fuckin' embarrass
your-fuckin'-self here
Oh shit.
- McKinney (muffled): Go again!
- (muffled whistle)
Let's go, fellas.
- Oh, fuck me! Fuck, Jesus!
- Pat Riley: Shit!
- Fucking hell!
- Oh, Jesus!
- Jerry, Jerry.
I didn't see you, man.
- Shit! Fuck!
What happened?
They lock you out?
Fuck no. Hell no.
No. Just, you know,
I'm, you know
I'm just, you know, giving Jack
a little time with boys.
- That's all. That's it.
- Oh.
- The fuck is that anyway?
- Oh, it's a videotape camera.
Chick said I could put
a little thing together,
and we'll show it on KCAL.
- Which by the way,
if you're up for an interview
- You got the practice on there?
Yeah. Yeah, some of it.
Yeah. Keeps coming out
a little green, though.
What, wanna see?
- Wanna see?
- Yeah, I do.
- Huh?
- (Jerry laughs)

- (drops fork)
- That was bullshit.
It's my contract year.
How I'm supposed
to raise my price,
some punk-ass coach
won't let me in the post?
Maybe you can buy your ass
a jump shot while you at it.
Our bigger problem
is sitting over there.
Smiley-ass bitch
making everybody look bad.
He hit me with
that ball again,
I'm gonna bust his ass.
Player: Hell yeah!
How's it goin' out there?
- You know, the guys
look a little beat.
- McKinney: Mm.
(clears throat)
"No profit grows
where pleasure is taken."
That how you feel, Jack?
Have you ever levitated, Jerry?
Uh huh?
Some Buddhists in Tibet
say that that's what happens
to them when they meditate.
They legitimately levitate
above the ground.
I've only ever had that
feeling in basketball.
Like, you're one with
the flow. Like-like, uh
time stands still.
Floating Yeah.
Anyhow, that's my opinion.
I'll keep you posted.
Ticket sales are down
around the league.
We need a way to--
- (shoes clicking)
- Rosen: I think I ruptured
I don't know if I ever--
- Fuck! Shit!
- Jeanie: Hey.
You-you can relax.
I've smoked grass before.
(bong water bubbling)
Who are you?
- Jeanie: What?
- The intern or
the boss's daughter?
'Cause one of them's a narc.
I'm the intern.
Fuck it. Give her a light.
(mellow music playing)
Can I ask you
an honest question?
- Why are you here?
- Because you offered
me a joint, so--
No, no, no. Not, like,
"here" here. I mean
why do you work here?
- why do you work at all?
- Yeah.
Yeah, if I had daddy money,
I'd buy me a drop-top DeVille
and cruise down the PCH
with the finest foxes in LA.
Her daddy's not that rich.
Be honest.
Do you have some deal
with your dad
where you work for a semester,
and he buys you
a Benz or something?
No, it's nothing like that.
I look at my mom, and, you know,
sh-she has all her charities
and her lunches at the club.
And honestly,
that's all she's ever been.
I mean, I love her
more than anything,
but nobody needs her.
Not like people need my dad,
and all those years
she spent raising us,
my dad, he-he spent
chasing what he wanted.

- Fuck.
- Jeanie: What?
I don't hate
the boss's daughter.
- Rothman:
They did a beautiful job.
- Jerry: Looks great.
- Rothman: Yeah, I agree.
- Jerry: These look like
a winter social
what they got on there.
- I see, yeah.
- Jerry: They're athletic girls!
They're dancers!
They like to show their body!
- Yes.
- That's going to have to
change a little bit.
Just give me the overview.
Um, you know,
this is just
- a-a jumping-off point,
of course.
- Yeah.
Uh, but, we are thinking
the Playboy Club
at the Oscars.
(shutters snapping, chatter)
Hey! Now, you're talkin'!
Now, if you throw in
a little Hollywood Bowl
in there to spruce up the joint,
- then we're solid gold.
- Yeah!
Great. Great.
Claire, while,
I got you here,
- I wanna pick your
brain a little bit.
- Mm-hmm, please.
I was talking to my accountant
about the books, and
- Well, d-don't worry,
it's no big deal. It's just
- Right.
I was wondering if you
could give me a ballpark
What's your guesstimate about
what a yearly profit
might look like?
- Like a banner year
for the Forum?
- Mm-hmm.
Yeah, hard to say,
you know, without,
uh, an idea of
- the team's success, you know.
- Y-yeah.
Of course. Hypothetical.
I know. I'm not
Believe me, I'm not gonna hold
you to the number. I just
If you had to guess.
You know, what?
Three million?
- Pie in sky
- Why not?
assuming we keep
costs low, sell out
- half the year,
which no one's ever done
- Mm-hmm.
If the team could
make a playoff run,
- add extra home games?
- Two.
Yeah? Two million?
1.25, 1.3
- in that range.
- (exhales)
- Uh-huh.
- But I, um
- I wouldn't count on that.
- Yeah.
Of course not. (laughs)
Not gonna count on it.
We're just try-- Like I said,
just trying to get a
You're doin' a great job.
- I love all of this.
- Oh.
- Oh! Watch your head!
- (gasps)
- Alright, Claire.
Keep working on the show.
- Alright.
- That's what's gonna
pack 'em in, alright?
- Great.
- Thank you.
- I gotta get this butter
off me! I'm goin' in!
(laughs) Enjoy.
(water gurgling)

(paper crinkling)
(upbeat music playing)

(alarm ringing)
- (alarm stops)
- (birds chirping)
- (jazz playing)
- (alarm buzzing)
'Sup, Cap? I got the kitchen
dude to make it right there
in front of my face--
He made it right fresh!
(curtain rod clinks)
Tastes fine to me.
B squad?
Man, this shit is fucked up.
Y'all got your letters switched.
We're trying out
different combinations.
You're on B today.
Johnson, you're
running point on A.
Player: What? Him?
You hear that, Norm?
That's B as in bench,
as in what yo ass
gonna be sittin' on.
(players chattering)
(bodies thud)
Motherfuck, what was that?
- Should we, uh--
- No, no, no. Learn by doing.
What the ruck, rook?
- Boone: This shit
ain't gonna work, man.
- Nixon: Come on, Boone.
You know how it go, man.
You want the ball,
- you gotta get out.
- (blows whistle)
- Oh, come on!
- That's right. Let's go.
No more one-on-one!
Let's go!
(ball bouncing)
(laughs) Good pick.
Too bad nobody called
it out for you.
- Good though work, Young Buck.
- (blows whistle)
Alright, guys, bring it in.
I know you're all tired,
but we have to
train our bodies
to push past that.
When crunch time comes,
the other team is tugging
on their shorts,
we'll be lacing up
our track shoes,
run them off the court, right?
(players grumbling)
- Right? Yeah, right.
- (murmuring agreement)
Let's hit the baseline
for suicides.
(shoes squeaking)
Come on, y'all!
Just a few more drills, Cap.
Not me, Jeff.
Oh, no, no, I-I'm Paul.
I mean, call me Jeff,
but I'm My name is Paul.
- Uh
- (drops shoe)
- (shoes squeaking)
- Look alive, look alive!
- (showers running)
- Player: No, we have not
been here before, man.
Y'all acting like he ain't
got us out here
runnin' suicides like slaves.
Suicides? Man,
I'm thinking homicide.
Man the whole damn thing
is just an experiment,
- and we the guinea pig.
- I can't feel my feet.
Somebody gotta hit
the brass what's going on
before one of us get hurt.
Y'all see West hanging around
here like a goddamn fruit bat?
He ain't sold on
this McKinney, either.
- He ought to hear
it ain't working.
- Heard that. You with it, Cap?
(slams locker)
(Kareem Abdul-Jabbar sighs)
I'll pass.
He'll pass. You really gonna
leave us hangin'
like that, brother?
Aight, look.
Cap too dignified
to do him-damn-self,
- but somebody gotta do it.
- Don't look this way, jack.
(overlapping denying)
I like the exercise.
Fuck all y'all bitches!
Norm, what you say, brother?
Don't look at me. I got
a ménage à trois lined up,
- so
- Hey, I can speak on it.
Me and Buss cooler than a fan.
Y'all think McKinney
pushin' too hard,
boss should know
about it, right?
Is that a rookie?
In grown folks' business?
See me when you
put in some time.
If I'm just a rook,
how come I'm the one
that got the guarantee?
More bread than all y'all,
besides Cap.
- This motherfucker. Really?
- Johnson: Look,
- all I'm saying is I'm cool
to be the one to rap to Buss.
- (Boone laughs)
And what you gonna
tell him, huh?
Your Black ass out here
tomming like a slave
on a plantation.
"Yeah, I-I sho's likes
what you doin', Coach!
- I runs as fast as you can!"
- (laughter)
That's right, Young Buck!
That's right.
You can't speak for a team
that don't want you on it.
You should've seen them, Cook.
- They hate me.
- Cookie (on phone):
Stop the presses.
Somebody somewhere
- isn't worshiping
the ground you walk on?
- (scoffs)
It ain't about that.
It's about the game.
How I'm supposed to spread
the love if I can't feel it?
But, Kareem won't
even talk to me.
Norm's scared
I'ma take his spot.
They all busy
worrying about them.
When they should be
worrying about you?
I don't want 'em
worried about nothing!
I want them having fun.
Cook, I could get
these dudes the ball
in spaces they ain't
never seen before.
We could all just be
one happy family,
just like it was at State.
If that's how you
remember it
That's how it be.
My team be my boys.
You recall the night
you met me, Earvin?
- Yeah, that Bama-ass
church party.
- Cookie: Uh-huh.
Where I was on a date
with Londell Owens.
Your boy, Londell Owens?
Me and Lonnie still cool.
Cool wasn't how he sounded
when he called me the next day.
"Earvin ain't shit.
Don't trust him
far as you can see him."
- And that's just for starters.
- Ah, he just talkin' shit.
About you. To me.
Because you were
the star on the team,
and he needed that.
And you can bet he wasn't
the only one biting his tongue.
Hey, Cook, you don't know
what you talking about.
Those dudes and me,
we won it all.
Yes. You did. And what
difference did it make?
What they thought or what
they said behind your back?
Just because you want
everyone to love you,
Earvin, doesn't
mean you need it.
You know, you makin' me sound
like a real bad dude right now.
Just tellin' you the truth,
how real friends do.
We ain't friends! You just
some chick I used to hit!
Wow, oh my
- Cook--
- Don't.
Call. Again.
- Johnson: Cook, I didn't--
- (slams receiver)
- (smack)
- Fuck
- McKinney: Run it!
- You ain't got shit.
McKinney: Pass the ball!
- (blows whistle)
- What the fuck? I ran!
Right into traffic!
- (blows whistle)
- What's the matter?
You tired, sweetheart?
- Keep your heads up,
pass the ball Again!
- (blows whistle)
and trust the flow!
No more one-on-one! Again!
- Flow means water. Again!
- (blows whistle)
No more one-on-one!
Again! Again!
- Again! Agai--
- (shouting)
- (knocking)
- Yep?
What's going on?
We was hoping we
could talk, Coach.
Uh-- No. Jerry. Just Jerry.
Fuckin' coach is down the hall.
Yeah, that's the thing.
Alright, you got a minute?
Ah, come on in. Come on in.
What the fuck? Oh shit.
Oh, you too,
Norm, huh?
- Yeah
- Alright then.
What's on your mind?
Coach, we got a bone to pick
with this McKinney motherfucker.
Yeah, th-this run-and-gun
method he got us doing, man,
- we can't keep doing
this every game.
- Norm, you feel the same way?
- Come on. Get it off your chest.
- Nixon: I don't know.
Maybe this McKinney
is onto something.
We could just try some new shit.
If it doesn't work, then
- Player: Nah, fuck that, Norm!
- Boone: Motherfucker, you was
just on our side a minute ago!
- (overlapping yelling)
- Landsberger, where you at?
He called me fat.
(smooth music playing)
I saw your father in the desert,
happy as a rotten clam.
Shouldn't you be
out there with him?
- (dice rattling)
- He asked me if I wanted to,
but I've been working
long days with the team.
Don't let yourself
get too close.
- They'll expect you
to be honest.
- (rolls dice)
Honest about what?

Oh, come on.
Those doe eyes work on Daddy.
I know better.
My girl pays attention.
(soft chuckle)
I heard you talking
about some money stuff.
But, he won't talk to me.
And every time I try
and ask him what's wrong,
he just pretends
everything is okay,
and he jets out with some bimbo.
Well, believe me, whatever
he's doing with them
has nothing to do with talking.
Well, then how about
you talk to me?
Just somebody tell me something.
Grandma, how bad is it?
Falling apart.

So, what do we do then?
We hold it together.
(women laughing, chatting)
You really own this
whole entire place?
Mm-hmm. Every inch.
That's a lot of inches.
- (laughs)
- Tell me what else you own.
Yes, please tell us, Jerry.
What, what are you doing?
Pam, this is my ex-wife, JoAnn.
Don't worry. You can keep him.
I just need five minutes.
Hiya, Jo!
What can I do you for?
My own daughter
shows up at my house,
trying to sell me
like the Avon Lady?
"Daddy needs you to
sign this. Please!
It's for the family.
It's only paperwork!"
I had nothing to do with this.
My fucking mother!
Jessie brought me this crap
and I said no, never.
I would rather lose everything
than get my family
involved in this.
You don't have family.
You have fallout.
(sarcastic laugh)
- JoAnn--
- Just save it.
You're a silent partner now,
so start listening.
What's that mean?
I signed it.
You signed it.
- (buzzer)
- JoAnn: If I get so much
as an inkling that this
black hole of bullshit
- is going to suck me in.
- Okay.
- Or, God forbid, our children
- I'm saying okay.
If I ever have to choose between
your ego and my family
You know I will always
choose this family.
Sell it to another sucker.

(insects chirping)
Jerry Buss:
The first time
I came out here,
it was for the A-bomb test.
Lit up the night sky
like a second sun.
Just for a blink
of an eye, and then,
Nothing left but radiation.
And the only thing I've found
that's anything like that
is the look in their eye
when you first meet 'em.
When they first look at you.
Yeah (laughs)
Then they get to
know you better.
- (gasps) Oh my god.
- Jerry: That was fast.
- (Ginger panting)
- Oh Jesus.
Jeanie Bean!
And then what's reflected
in their eyes is
who you really are.
We all got somethin',
Dr. Buss.

(door shuts)
I sure don't miss
that feeling.
And yet, you can't stay away.
Yeah, believe me, Jack.
I'm trying.
But you see, I made
a promise to this franchise
not to leave it hanging
till you have it on its feet.
We're making progress.
Well, that's funny.
It's not what I'm hearing
from the guys.
It's human nature
to resist change.
These men are being asked to buy
into a new way of doing things.
Some can't.
Some won't.
That's why we'll be making cuts.
I've been working up a list.
My guess is whoever
came to you is on it.
Got the whole team on
that list then, huh, Jack?
- I've seen some tape.
- You spying on me?
Oh, come on, Jack.
I mean, shit,
I went to the fuckin' mat
to get you hired on this job.
Look, hell, I know
better than anyone
that what you got inside of
that head of yours is genius.
But you gotta open
your eyes. I mean,
we're two weeks out
from the season.
You run this wagon right off
the trail outta the gate,
well, that genius shit of yours
is gonna stay
right in your head,
right where it is,
right on that page.
You hired me to change
the way we play!
You ain't fuckin' God, Jack.
You don't got to
do it in six days
and sleep on a Sunday.
(laughs) I mean
You got to work
with human beings,
who've been playing this
damn game the same way
their whole lives.
They can't change on a dime.
- You can't change it once
the season starts.
- Meet the men halfway.
Build gradual.
Keep some things the same.
I mean, just, I mean, come on,
let 'em hit their spot
Little safety comfort zone.
Th-they'll work with that.
Are we negotiating now?
Is this a negotiation?
Only if you want
to make it work.
Fuck, I want this
team to levitate
just as much as you, Jack.
But the shit part of being
a head coach, like it or not,
you got to be the one
with your feet on the ground.
(paper crinkling)
That's not my system.
And if you really want
to help me, Jerry,
take my list to Bill
and Dr. Buss
and tell them to build
the squad I need.
No more closed practices.
We'll be there tomorrow.
Me, Bill, and Dr. Buss.
(echoing slam)

(panting, coughing)
I used to see these guys,
these brilliant guys
that get these coaching jobs,
and they'd swear they're going
to revolutionize the sport.
- (panting)
- And then,
you wonder just how they got
as dull as everybody else.
Man, I get it now.
Give up the dream or die.
Are those the only options?
- What else is there?
- Claire (on phone):
The dream could work.
It isn't.
That's what I'm telling you.
When I close my eyes,
I can see it. And then,
I open my eyes.
Nobody else can see it.
- (alarm blaring)
- Johnson: Cap think he can
get rid of me that easy.
He must not know
I'm from Lansing.
Man, he better
love this juice.
He gonna love this juice
He gonna love this juice.
Morning, Cap.
I got your orange juice,
and I got your paper.
(jazz music playing)
- Nah, Cap!
- (shoe squeaks)
Nah, Cap.
Look, I may be a rookie,
but I been
bustin' my ass off
to get up before the crack of
dawn to get you this here juice,
and you ain't even
tried it yet.
Done squeezed this shit myself.
All I'm asking is that
you just take a sip.
(jazz music stops)
That's not bad.
I know. Right on, right on.
But I asked you to
bring me a newspaper.
That's the "LA Times"
right there--
This is not a newspaper.
So what newspaper I'm
supposed to bring you, Cap?
The fuck is wrong
with this nigga?
Let's go. Come on.
Of all people, he late.
- Paul?
- Yes?
(players grumbling)
(door opens)
Oh, finally! Here he come.
A and B?
Let's mix it up.
Johnson. Stay on A.
No. Nixon, you too.
Plus Wilkes, Kareem
- and Cooper.
- Player: Coop. Coop?
Boone, Dantley,
keep your spots on B.
Hey, Coach, who running point?
Whoever has the ball.
Let's go, jump it up.
What the fuck
you talkin' about?
This my spot right here. Move.
- You in my spot, Magic!
- I'm point right now, man!
Get over there!
Yeah, we'll see
who gets the ball.
Go! Set up!
Let's go, Rook.
(soul music playing)

- (clapping)
- Johnson: Told you!
- Good shot, baby!
- Nixon: That's fast, baby!
(players chattering)
- Come on! Come on!
- Get the fuck off me, Midnight.

I'm right here with you, Norm!

- Oh!
- (cheering)
See that vertical? Bill?
Okay, cool! Let's go!
Let's go! Get back on D!
Back on D!

There we go, Magic, let's go!
Run the ball, y'all!

Come on! Let's go!
Run the fire, y'all!
All: Oh!
Let's go, cool!

- (music stops)
- Cooper: Come on, man!
Come at me, rook.
Come on!
- Whoa, whoa, whoa!
- Nixon: Hey, hey, hey!
(players shouting)
I'm a rookie,
but I ain't no bitch!
Fuck you, motherfucker!
It's like that, Norm?
- Fuck off!
- Boone: And fuck you, Norm!
Fuck you, too, rookie!
- Fuck outta here, man!
- (players chattering)
(heavy breathing)
- Sharman: Jerry?
- Jerry West:
Listen, I've seen enough.
No, we like this guy,
we like this guy.
What you have to do is get him,
get the team that he wants,
and get 'em under control.
- Johnson: Goddamn, man.
- Jerry Buss: We're almost there!
It's on you.
It's still on you.
Looked beautiful
for a second.
Take care of it, okay?
Alright, thanks.
Jerry West:
Give me the list.
I'll see that
it gets done.
Closed practice.
(light piano playing)
(quiet chatter)
(door shuts)

(indistinct chatter)
Coach wants to see ya.

(Wanda laughing)

Ms. Rothman,
do you have a minute?
Maybe this is what
we should be doing.
(chair creaks)
(cover thuds)
Collecting bimbos?
Selling a fantasy.
Two hours a night
where you escape real life
and step into the world
of Jerry Buss.
Where every night's a party
put on just for you,
and everywhere you look,
there's something
to distract you.
Or excite you.
Let you pretend you're him.
Like he does.
- How?
- (spotlight clicks on)
A cheer squad is a good idea.
For 1963.
Our girls
are tailored for the '80s.
They're sexy, cool.
They won't cheer.
They'll dance.
(provocative music playing)
Anyone can get a hot dog
at concessions.
We'll have a nightclub
more exclusive
than Hugh Hefner's grotto.
Every team's got fans.
We'll have celebrities
sitting in the best seats
in the house.
A new right, right on the floor,
for all the cameras.
Stars of the show.
- (crowd cheering)
- (shutters snapping)
So, what do you think?
It's showtime.
("Right On" by Carleen
and The Groovers playing)

Right on! ♪

Feel so nice, right on ♪
Feel so nice, right on ♪
Feel so nice, right on ♪
Feel so nice, right on ♪

Carleen ♪
The preacher daughter ♪
Feels so nice, right on ♪

Feel ♪
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