Witness Number 3 (2022) s01e04 Episode Script

Episode 4

Now that you have successfully
identified our suspect,
you've become what we call
a significant witness.
Was he killed? He is dead, right?
Neither man was holding anything,
as far as you could see?
We are your team. Do you understand?
You can't change sides.
Only way anyone gets in here is if
someone lets 'em in.
No-one is gonna save you.
You can't help me, Jodie. Get up.
There's no escape from me now,
I killed him, Dee. I killed him.
I didn't mean to, but I think I
killed him. Jodie, what happened?
The boy in my house.
I think he's dead.
It was the police, it was Ivan,
he was with me last night
and then
Oh, God.
Yeah, he must've deactivated
the alarm and taken my phone.
Jodie, slow down.
They're not going to stop, Dee.
When they find out what happened,
they are not gonna stop.
We need to get out of here now.
Me and Kyle, we need to get
somewhere safe, OK?
I don't know where she is.
She text last night saying she was
with Ivan,
but now her phone's going to the
And so with everything that's going
on, I'm just a bit worried.
OK. Leave it with me. Don't worry,
I'll find her.
OK, thanks.
Remember, somewhere safe today,
See ya.
No-one's here.
The door was open when I arrived
and the panic alarm has been
How long have you been here?
Ah, five minutes.
It's on my route in. I thought
Have you called it in?
No. Like I said, I just got here.
But I found a phone.
What time did you leave here
last night?
Ah, I don't know, 15 minutes after
I checked the warranties
and then I left.
And you didn't see anything
OK, call SOCOs, get them down here,
I'll get onto Richards to authorise
a sweep.
Once they're here you can get
started on a house to house.
Let's just hope she's OK.
Don't make me come looking
for you, Po.
Po, you know I'm gonna find
you, innit?
Where you at, Po?
I know you're here.
He's gonna find you, Po.
You know I'll be back, yeah?
She gets it, Jodie. She's gonna
We searched the house. It was empty.
PC Barkas found your phone
this morning.
Found it? I searched everywhere.
This is what I'm trying to explain.
I need you to take me
and my son away from here now.
I know and I will.
He gave them the key.
OK, we don't know that yet.
He had deactivated the alarm.
So this boy says, but there are
Dee, help me, am I not making sense?
All I'm saying is,
I can't jump to any conclusions.
Now that doesn't mean
that I don't believe what you're
I've heard what you said about
PC Barkas
and we will look into it, urgently.
He tried to kill me.
Are you saying it's not urgent
enough to take me somewhere safe?
Of course it is. Then let's do it,
let's go.
OK, look, there's a procedure
with these things.
They take time.
I have to get clearance from CPS.
I can't do anything without their
I can't stay here.
I need your help.
OK, there is somewhere that
I can take you.
Just until we get something more
official sorted.
Just pack an overnight bag
and meet me by the car outside, OK?
Thank you.
Are you sure you're all right
to get Kyle?
Hang on to him till they come pick
him up, yeah? Yeah, course.
Thank you. I'll see you soon, yeah?
Don't worry, OK, love? You don't
need to worry.
So why they taking us away then?
Listen, I know it's confusing.
My battery's about to die, but I
I will explain everything later.
What happened last night?
Nothing. Nothing happened, it,
it all got straightened out
and I'm absolutely fine.
Why can't we go home?
We will. We will, OK?
I don't know.
I just want to see you.
I don't know what's going on.
I know, I know, love.
Me too.
And that's why they're coming
to get you this afternoon, OK?
Dee's coming to get you now
and the police will drive you
to me from there.
Damn it.
Everything OK, love?
Don't worry, love. It will be all
Give me your hand.
Love you. You too.
Is me mum there?
Look, I just want to talk to me mum.
Please, I need me mum.
Don't call again.
There's no fault with the box.
The fuse is good,
CPU's running fine.
Nah this, this is sending the
the problem's at the other end.
Back in a minute.
His name was Nelson Souza.
He was 39.
Came over from Portugal when he was
This is his little son, Nuno.
I'm sorry it didn't work out, Jodie.
The trial.
I know we all wanted to see it
What do you mean?
Last night was a completely
different level.
We were talking about
a credible threat to life,
proof that the situation is
I'm saying you're in the clear.
Even if the prosecution barrister
kicks up a fuss,
there's no way the CPS is
going to say anything if you ask
to back out now.
Why would I ask to back out?
What? Why would I ask to back out?
Because After everything they've
put me through?
I know, but Jodie,
you do have to think that through.
And let this all be for nothing?
After what's happened.
They've got to you.
Even with what we put in your house,
they've got to Kyle, your mum.
And Jodie, this is a chance
to just walk away.
And no-one would think any less
of you if you give up now.
I am not going to give up.
Trust me, I'm not giving up.
It's alarm box Sierra 40285.
Sierra 40285.
Here we are. Yes, 19.38 yesterday,
one of your team called in
a deactivation due to a planned
power out.
Sorry, who made that call?
Hold on. It's on another log.
Bear with me.
Erm Right so the call was made by
collar number WN 849,
PC Ivan Barkas.
What was the address Whelan's taken
Jodie to?
We don't know, why? What do you
mean? Is it not on the log?
It's restricted to Whelan and DCI
Security concerns, apparently. Why?
What is this place?
It will be a safehouse,
we just took possession of it.
Still needs to be fitted up.
But I knew it would be empty
at least.
Can we send for Kyle now?
How are you feeling. You must be
Why don't you rest?
There's a bed inside.
Yeah. Yeah. Sounds good.
Thank you.
I'll make that call.
I thought we were going back to
the flat?
Where are we going?
Po, why you stressing? Eh?
What do you think's gonna happen?
You already told me you tried your
best, innit?
So what's the problem?
She came out of nowhere, yeah?
Fucking ninja moves coming
out of nowhere, yeah?
Bitch proper clocked you round
the head, mate.
That's it wee man, you chill.
Nearly there now.
Hey, you've reached Jodie's phone.
Sorry I can't answer right now.
But leave your name
and your number and I'll
Hey, you've reached Jodie's phone.
Sorry I can't answer
Hey, you've reached Jodie's phone.
Sorry I can't
Jodie, please, what's going on?
Jodie, it's me, love.
You changed the locks?
I need you to go, Benji, OK?
But I can't get in.
I know, love.
I can't let you in this time.
I'm sorry I upset you.
Benji, please. I just, I need
I needed to mess up
to know what I need to do now.
You've been gone for six weeks.
We didn't know where you were.
I know, babe. I'm sorry.
My phone got stolen.
I'm sorry, love.
We can't, Benji.
We can't do this again.
Can I say hi to Kyle at least?
It's five minutes, that's all.
I'm just asking for help.
Just a bit of help
to get me back on my feet, yeah?
We can't help you this time, Benji.
It would only be for like
a night, or whatever. No, love.
This is the end.
Feeling better?
Is Kyle on his way?
Yeah. He is. Yeah.
When will he get here?
Is that who were you talking
to on the phone?
Why are you doing all this?
Do you really care
that much about Nelson Souza?
I mean, after they attacked your
Filmed your son?
After what happened last night.
You've seen what they're capable of.
Why do you keep going with this?
Benji was an addict, just like
I gave up on him and
I won't do that again.
You should've pulled out when
I gave you the chance.
It's Kyle.
What are you doing?
I need to see Richards.
Not now. She's in
No, it has to be now.
She's in the middle of I'm going
in now.
I'm sorry, Jodie.
Have you seen
the fucking gash on my boy's head?
You're a fucking ninja, girl, trust
I gotta say though, yeah,
you've made our life a right hassle,
you know that? Fucking stubborn
bitch, innit?
Still, all good now, though, eh?
Wait, not out here. Oi, shut up.
Who the fuck asked you?
Wee man? You did your best last
night, eh?
That's what you told me, innit?
And you weren't lying,
right, you did your best?
So, we're all good then.
Cos now you can make it right. Eh?
See that's the thing, innit, copper?
It's fine to make a mistake,
so long as you clean up the mess.
Enough fucking about now, wee man.
Time to fix up.
On your knees.
No, you don't want to do this.
On your knees!
Don't think too much, wee man.
Just pull and it's done.
There we go.
That's it, bro.
You're one of us now.
Just like jumping off a wall, eh?
Three, two,
It's OK.
Listen to me. It's gonna be OK.
Just give me the gun, yeah?
Can you drive, yeah?
Good, good.
I want you to get in the car now
and drive as far away from here as
Do you understand me?
It was never meant to end like this.
I promise.
It was just little favours from one
gang to another, that's all.
It was never meant to get this far.
Please, Jodie.
I am Detective Chief Inspector
from the criminal
investigation department.
I'm turning now to evidence number
a document obtained from
the desktop computer you share
with your husband at home.
This document is
a letter from Westex Capital,
confirming repayment of
a £90,000 loan.
The letter came eight days after you
received confirmation that papers
were being prepared
to take possession of your home.
What changed in those eight days?
No comment.
Evidence number 382.
A series of deleted messages
received from your mobile
phone provider.
Do you recognise these messages?
No comment.
They're from a phone number that
can be attributed to
a man named Sean Delkin,
confirming an offer of £90,000 cash
in exchange for planting evidence
on a rival drug dealer.
Four days later you arrested
this rival
for possession of heroin
with intent to supply.
Your husband's business was
going under,
the bank was
going to take your house.
That's what made you accept
Delkin's offer.
No comment.
Having done this first job
for him, he was now able to control
You knew you'd crossed the line.
No comment.
Then, when Delkin was arrested
and charged on suspicion of murder,
he came to you again.
You provided him with the names of
three witnesses who could identify
One of those was Jodie Packer.
You gave them her son's school,
her business address
and her mother's address.
You furnished them with
the information necessary
to coordinate a sustained campaign
of intimidation.
You disabled the panic alarm that
had been installed in her flat.
You passed a key on,
so that they could gain entry.
I have something.
Excuse me?
I have something for you.
She kept the murder weapon.
The lab found fingerprints,
DNA, everything they need.
So does that mean you don't have
to testify?
And he'll still go down.
But, you know,
when you think
of what those guys did to us,
what are they going to do to her
for this?
And why didn't she just keep
it hidden? I don't know.
Maybe she knew it was all over
for her? Or
..better to tell the police than let
them find it?
Or maybe?
Maybe if you feel guilty enough,
you'll just,
you'll do anything
to make yourself feel better.
I am so, so sorry, Mum.
Sorry? What for?
What they did to you, imagine if
Oh, stop it. Stop it. It's all
So I had to have
a couple of nights of hospital food.
I'm a big girl, I can take it.
I'm proud of you.
Nah. I am. I am.
Nan, have you got any more crisps?
Oh, yes, love. In the cupboard.
I've been trying
to work out what to say.
It's fine.
I'm so sorry about what happened
between us. Ivan, it's all right.
I want you to know I'm gonna make
it right. I'm gonna tell my boss
and take the consequences.
I was supposed to be looking after
you. Yeah, you were and you're
It should never have happened.
But I knew what was going on.
I did. I mean, I wanted it to
Hey. There's some good news.
We have a boy in custody,
a suspect for the shooting.
Are you OK to come in tomorrow
to do an ID?
Yeah. Yeah, sure.
Hey. Hi.
As I said, we have a young man in
custody who we believe is
responsible for
the shooting you witnessed.
Detective Whelan's agreed
to make an ID,
but as her testimony is
severely compromised,
we really only have you.
You've seen them all
a few times through now.
You must have got
a good look at him.
So? What do you think?
Any of these him?
If you can't make an ID, we're going
to have to let him go.
Jodie? Yes or no?
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