Women in Blue (2024) s01e04 Episode Script


[phone ringing]
Who is it?
Don't fuck around, Díaz.
It's four in the morning, dumbass.
Don't move. I'm coming.
What's up? Where are you going, Gerardo?
[car door opens]
Wait right here.
[car door closes]
[Gerardo] Have you spoken
with anyone else about this?
[Vaca] No, Detective.
I thought you'd wanna see this right away.
[Gerardo] Tell me what happened.
I was off already, on my way home.
And this farmer here stopped me,
out of nowhere, really, even scared me.
[Gerardo] Did he speak to anyone else?
[Vaca] No.
I told him that we'd take care of it.
[Gerardo] Great.
[Vaca] I found her just like the others.
Undressed. Tied up.
With marks on her neck.
As if the fucking Undresser
somehow came back from the dead.
Nah. Some sicko saw him on TV
and wanted to imitate him.
[Gerardo] Yeah.
Wouldn't be the first time.
[Vaca] What kind of maniac
would wanna copycat The Undresser?
[Gerardo] Did you touch the body,
to see if she was alive?
[Vaca] Alive? No way, man.
She's deader than a doornail.
- [victim coughs]
- [Gerardo gasps]
Díaz! Get me an ambulance right now!
What's going on? What time is it?
It's still pretty early.
Are you going to keep sleeping here?
María, I don't wanna talk now, please.
I'm very tired.
I'm very tired,
and I need to get more sleep.
- Well, I have insomnia.
- Okay.
I went to the funeral for Paola Machado.
Who's Paola Machado?
The Undresser's most recent victim.
Why'd you go?
No idea.
We met her sister at the station,
and I spoke with her.
The ceremony was at Pantheón Dolores,
just like Natalia's was.
Recently I've been thinking about her.
On the job, it's as if she were the reason
for every decision that I make.
It seems almost like
[inhales shakily]
Jessica, good morning.
What do you want?
Pardon, but I just went to the restaurant,
and your boss told me where to find you.
I just need a few minutes. May I come in?
Why even show your face?
Why'd you go to the funeral?
Because I understand the pain
that you're going through.
- Hey, where are you taking her?
- Excuse me. Who are you?
Detective Herrera.
I'm in charge of this case.
Is this the girl
that was strangled with a rope?
But it wasn't with a rope.
They used their hands.
Doctor, tell me something.
How in the world did she live?
There's a tumor in her neck
that could have hidden her pulse.
He likely checked it, felt nothing,
and believed she was dead.
[Gerardo] Will she make it?
We'll know in a couple of hours
when she's out of surgery.
Do we know who she is?
Alma Álvarez. Her friend identified her.
Her friend? What friend?
Is the friend here?
Yes, in the waiting room.
- Let's go.
- Thank you, Doctor.
[Gerardo] We're gonna talk to her
when she wakes up.
Lucas Otero from The Independent.
Where's Nacho?
They sent him to Congress.
Now I'm on the police beat.
Ah, it's good to know.
I received a report of a woman
who was found in a drainage ditch
by the highway.
Don't know if you could tell me about her?
No, not yet.
But I heard that you were both there.
- Not sure if she's here in the hospital.
- Let's see.
- Lucas, yeah?
- Yeah.
Man, I don't know
where you're finding your information.
If there's any important detail we can
tell you, we'll be in touch with you.
Don't let him through, Vaca.
[Gerardo] Was there anyone
who could have or would want to hurt her?
Want to hurt her? No, no way.
How long have you known her?
Well, since she began working
at the shoe store.
She's been in the city about a year.
She's from San José del Pacífico.
It didn't treat her the best.
- In other words, she's on the run?
- No.
Well, she never told me.
Maybe it's just that life wasn't great.
Do you know any of her relatives?
Friends? Boyfriend? Partner?
She didn't want any of that.
- Well, there was one guy.
- A guy?
Yes, one guy who constantly made passes.
But she always ignored him.
Frequently visited the shoe store.
Remember any details? Describe him.
- He had a brown beard.
- [Díaz] Mm-hmm?
What else?
Appearance-wise that's not enough.
Thousands of people have beards.
Was he tall, short, fat, or
- Well, kind of tall and maybe strong.
- Uh-huh. What else?
- And rich.
- Rich? Describe rich.
- Rich. You know, well-dressed.
- [Díaz] Mmm.
- [Gerardo] Mm-hmm.
- And
And he cleaned up well, for example.
And I told Alma to go out with him.
Do you remember the guy's name?
Are you sure? You don't recall his name?
It's a fundamental point required
to help your friend. Do you understand me?
Would you recognize him
if I showed you a photo?
Look, any information
would be very helpful.
If there's any information
that you think might be useful,
don't hesitate to contact Agent Díaz.
I already told the police
everything I know.
And I have to finish packing,
or they'll charge me another month.
I just need your help
so I can identify the car
that you saw in the alley that night.
They already caught Tito Flores.
And he's smoldering in the grave
as he should.
Tito Flores couldn't drive.
What are you saying?
Look, I don't wanna
jump to conclusions yet, but
there's a possibility
that Tito Flores wasn't The Undresser.
So you all grabbed the wrong man.
We're analyzing all possibilities.
Would you help me?
Will you have a look?
At the cemetery,
I saw a car with a white roof.
I froze and couldn't see the plate
very well, but look.
I cut these out to see if it's the same
type of car you saw that night.
[María] Captain.
Captain, I went to see Jessica.
I showed her all these cars,
and she chose this one,
which is the same make and model
that I saw at the funeral.
It's this one,
with the round lights on the sides.
Why are you still talking about this?
Because both of us saw the same car.
I thought it was dark red
and that she saw a brown vehicle.
But she probably saw it poorly
since it was night.
How many cars with a white roof
do you think there are in this city?
You know what I call this?
A fucking coincidence.
But if the owners of this very model
had a criminal record,
- wouldn't that say something?
- No!
By the way, you were late this morning.
That's your job now.
Do your fucking job, María.
Or I'm the man who'll be firing you.
Go file with Chela for the rest
of your shift, plus three extra hours.
And answer the phones while you're at it.
Take your clippings with you.
[door closes]
[knocks on door]
Excuse me, sir. Mr. Cabos
is going to make an announcement.
[Cabos] Your attention, please.
Please gather in the main hall.
I have an important announcement to make.
Well, I wanna tell you
that for the first time in the 27 years
since I started this business,
I'm finally ready to appoint a partner
who will help me to manage it.
Somebody who shares my vision
of the future.
Somebody who has the talent,
the drive,
and the necessary leadership,
built to push us farther than
I possibly could have gone all alone.
I'm going to ask you all
to join me in congratulating
Miguel Ballasto.
[employees applauding]
[Miguel] Me? Uh Uh Uh, really?
[muffled] We can do this.
We'll build this company together.
- And I'm glad you're on our team.
- Thank you.
[muffled] Thank you all very much.
I didn't expect this privilege.
- I I won't let you down.
- All right. Congratulations.
[Miguel, muffled] I can't believe it.
What an honor.
Uh, Alex, I had no idea. Hey
- Thank you.
- Congratulations.
I couldn't have done it without you.
- Happy for you. Happy for you.
- Thank you. Thank you.
- [Miguel] How we doing?
- Well done.
[colleague] Congratulations.
[Alejandro] Mr. Cabos just finished
announcing that Miguel got the promotion.
I'm so sorry, but
I mean, I never thought
That wasn't my intention.
I told you what would happen.
But there's nothing that can be done here?
There has to be a solution, right?
Maybe you can talk to him.
What should I do?
Stop by and see Mr. Cabos,
and kneel on the ground,
and beg him to go ahead and reconsider,
as I'm a much better architect
than Miguel,
and I deserve the promotion
instead of him?
Is that what I should do?
He just got done announcing it.
Just now in front of everyone here.
Motherfucker just said it.
[exhales sharply]
I don't know what to say, honey.
No need to say anything.
You've already said enough.
I'm calling because there will be a party
tonight celebrating Miguel's promotion.
Well, I need you to be there with me
for the party.
- It's tonight? It's just that I work
- Work again, María?
Work again, María?
I have to stay at work
until late tonight filing papers.
Some other day or time will have to do.
File your papers another time,
but tonight you have to be here with me.
[sighs] I know how important
this is to you.
And I want to go. But I have
You could at least
make a little effort, right?
We're in this situation
because of you, María.
Party's at seven.
- I It's fine.
- Please.
I'll see what I can do.
I'm sorry.
[knocking on door]
Mrs. Vitse.
- Hello.
- Hi there.
I'm here for a few days.
The hotel never seems as good without you.
But that's not why I came.
I'm here to ask
if you're doing anything tonight.
[exhales sharply]
I have things to do.
This evening.
Trying to save your marriage,
I suppose. Is that it?
You can find me in the boardroom
with that imbecile they left in charge.
It's good to see you.
[people chattering]
[both chuckle]
- The Pilarica.
- Mm-hmm.
You thought I'd go somewhere else?
Thank you for coming.
And Clara? She's working?
Doesn't work.
Oh, she's more domesticated. Is that it?
- Hmm?
- Mm-hmm.
She volunteers at a children's hospital.
- How about a stroll?
- Mm-hmm.
The police are pushing me away.
Tell me who, and I'll make sure
they know who they're messing with.
Last night, they found a woman
abandoned in a drainage ditch.
Was she dead?
Intensive care.
I tell you, the detectives
didn't wanna tell me absolutely anything,
but I found a nurse yesterday
who confirmed the woman was there.
It seems she was strangled.
And listen to this.
The woman was found in her underwear.
It must be the fucking Undresser.
- It's The Undresser.
- Not necessarily.
- Yes, necessarily.
- No.
- What do you mean, no?
- Because it might have been a copycat.
The idea is that when a killer like this
captures all the media attention,
plenty of degenerates begin doing
the exact same horrible thing.
It's happened
since Jack the Ripper's days.
No, no, no, no. We all fucking told them.
We told them,
and they didn't listen to us.
I know, I know, I know.
We just can't assume it.
We are not making assumptions.
The police are,
ever since they arrested Tito.
- Who'd you speak to?
- Detective Herrera.
[Valentina] We need to see that file.
And Gabina is the only one who can get it.
[Gerardo] Hello. Sofi.
I need the Alma Álvarez rope analysis.
Soon as possible, please.
Thank you.
[knocks on door]
How's the brother who brought safety
back to our city streets?
- [Gerardo] Fine.
- [giggles]
I'm busy, okay?
[Gabina sighs] You look tired.
You know what happens
when you're not sleeping.
That's not your problem.
Hey, that's not fair.
[chuckles] If you came here in pursuit
of fair, you're in the wrong place.
I think you should talk to someone.
Well, we'll stop discussing your health.
Tell me about your cases,
like before. [giggles]
Before what?
Before you started gossiping?
Because everything that happens
and everything you pry into
ends up told
to your little friends, right?
Gabina, what are you?
You a Herrera or a cop?
[knocking on door]
She woke up.
Think about the question.
Get out of my office.
[phone ringing]
[Valentina] Good work, Gabina.
Let's see what we have here.
Alma Álvarez. See how it all fits?
She was strangled, found in her underwear.
Rope tied around her hands and ankles.
The lab report on the rope
is already requested,
and if the results look like
the ones before
then there's no doubt.
The Undresser's still alive.
Sofía would be doing that analysis.
How good of a friend is Sofía?
She might end up in trouble.
I don't know how good a friend she is,
but she's the only one
who has access to the information.
My brother thinks it's someone
who wants to imitate The Undresser.
- No way.
- [Valentina] Lucas thinks the same thing.
Apparently it's what happens
when serial killers get super famous.
- [electronic screeching]
- [Valentina] Got stuck.
I can fix it.
- Go ahead. Go ahead.
- Be careful with the originals.
We have to put it all back the way it was.
We know that Tito didn't murder anyone.
So why would there be a copycat?
I'm only saying that it's a possibility.
It's not just my brother.
Lucas says so too.
[Valentina] Exactly.
It's happening since Jack the Ripper.
What? That's what they say.
Here's something.
They spoke with a Bertha Coura,
who worked with Alma.
She stated that there was a man
who visited her in the store.
[María] So, how many times
has he stopped by here?
Not many.
Last time he left really bothered.
Well, it was obvious
he didn't like being told "no".
I saw him grab her arm with some violence.
You think it was him?
Sorry. I've I've been crying a lot.
No, no, don't apologize to us.
None of this is your fault. Hmm?
- [Gabina] Would you like a cup of water?
- Yes, please.
[sobs] Alma's gonna be fine, right?
The doctors are doing their very best.
[Bertha sobs] She was always
such a very good friend to me.
What do you mean by "good friend"?
Maybe you could give an example?
Well, I have two children at home,
and and when I had problems,
she subbed for me on my shift
so I could go home.
[breathes shakily] Thanks.
[Ángeles] Thank you.
Bertha, do you know
if this man had a car like this one?
No, I never saw him in any car.
Would he have left his name
on a piece of paper or receipt?
- Paid with a check?
- No, he paid in cash.
Oh, wait. He gave me
his business card for Alma.
Of course. I'll give it to her.
Let's see.
Based on the face she made
when he walked up,
she certainly threw it in the trash.
- Juan Domingo Callos Robles?
- Yes. Yeah, yeah.
- May I look at your white pages?
- Sure.
[María] We have to bring
this information to Gerardo.
So it'll go the same for us
as last time? [chuckles]
Well, what do we do?
Call in an anonymous tip?
The vast majority of anonymous tips
are fake.
They're not gonna follow up on it.
[María] We have to do something.
You all agree that they'll never
believe us, don't you?
But you know who they will believe?
Bertha can call the station
and say that when the man came around
to buy some shoes,
he left his business card for Alma.
Oh, I like it.
About time you liked one, baby doll.
Our lunch break is over.
Are you going back to the station?
[María] I'm going home to get ready.
I have Alejandro's event.
Keep skipping and you're fired.
This is important for him.
And your job is important to you, María.
Call him and tell him you have to work.
It's my fault he didn't get the promotion.
[scoffs] So, then, you get fired from
your job and it's his fault? Is that it?
How does that work?
Then you're back to even?
- No, you're not getting me.
- Oh, I'm not getting you?
- No.
- No?
Obviously not.
'Cause it seems like you want to abandon
everything that you've worked for.
Head to your house,
sit on your ass, and patiently wait.
You've been there all this time
for that bastard.
He should be there for you.
- [car door closes]
- Think about it, María.
[engine revs]
[car horn honks]
[tires squeal]
I remember that he gave her
a business card.
I dug it out from the trash.
[phone rings]
Hello? Herrera.
Detective, I have the results.
[sighs] Sofi,
tell me what you found, please.
You won't like it. The rope was handmade.
It's the same synthetic fiber as before.
And braided, just like the others.
Okay, but how many types of rope
could have been produced
with the same exact fiber?
In this case, just one.
Sofi, are you saying
it's exactly the same rope we have,
that we found
on the other victims' bodies?
What I'm telling you
is that The Undresser is still out there.
[door opens]
I wanna see the report.
- Of course.
- Thank you.
What do we do?
- [Gerardo sighs]
- Here's some good news.
Bertha Coura, the drain ditch
victim's friend, just made a statement.
We have the name of the bastard
who's been harassing her friend.
Juan Domingo Callos Robles.
Seven assault complaints.
One attempted rape.
And the motherfucker always got off.
- Is this his address?
- Mm-hmm.
Let's go. Let's get this son of a bitch.
[car engine starts]
[gate opens]
["Wild Thing" by The Troggs
playing on car radio]
[mouths song on radio]
[music stops]
[Juan] Stop following me!
This is the last time I'll tell you!
If the permits were all unauthorized,
it was all your fault!
- [screams, shrieks]
- You hear me?
- [shrieks]
- [grunts] Yours!
[María breathes heavily]
Do you even hear what you're saying?
- That the police
- Yes, I know what I'm saying.
That the police
hauled the wrong bastard in.
I need a favor. Lucas, look at me.
- Tell me.
- Look at me.
I need you to go to Detective Herrera and
ask him to reopen the case. Do it for me.
You don't understand
what they do to journalists
who mess with the police here in Mexico.
- I don't understand?
- Uh-huh.
You don't understand
being a woman out on the street
and being aware
that this bastard is still free, do you?
Okay. I'll speak to him.
What is it?
I know you have a girlfriend.
That's okay with me. I respect it.
Look me in the eye and tell me
you don't wanna see me anymore.
I have a girlfriend.
I don't wanna see you anymore.
[tires screech]
Listen, gentlemen, we want him alive.
Because we'll fucking beat
the information out of him.
- If he resists, you know what to do.
- [officer] Yes, sir.
It's the police! Anyone in there?
What do you want?
[grunts] López, cover me.
Run. Come on. Let's go!
Are you okay?
[María] Yes.
What the fuck were you thinking?
How could you
How could you follow him by yourself?
No idea.
I d I don't know.
I I wasn't thinking.
You weren't thinking?
You get that
he could have killed you, right?
Yes. No. No.
I didn't wanna follow him, obviously.
I just wanted to know
if he had a car with a white roof on it.
And then he left, and I saw him leave.
I don't know what came over me.
Promise me you'll never do
something that stupid alone again.
Yeah, okay, fine.
Swear it, damn it.
I swear.
We better go.
Your car won't be ready till tomorrow.
[sighs] But I have to get back
to the station.
No. Not anymore.
When Ángeles found out,
she said she'd cover for you
so you can go with Alejandro.
- She did?
- Yeah.
It's ten minutes till seven.
- Come on.
- Let's go.
- She got into a dark-brown-colored car.
- Mm-hmm.
- With a white roof.
- With a white roof.
Yeah, you already told me. But you don't
remember the make or anything else?
- It was like this one.
- This one?
- The same exact model?
- It was like this one.
- Okay.
- They're bringing the suspect now.
Regarding the woman we found last night.
Is that him? Oh, my God. It's him.
- Calm down, ma'am. We'll see.
- María told me that you'd catch him.
It was you, asshole!
Have you gone mental?
Get away from me! Get away!
- You bastard!
- Get her out of here! Get her out of here!
- Hey! Hey.
- Calm down. Calm down, ma'am.
- Calm down. Calm down.
- Hey!
He's the witness in a fraud case.
- Vaca, bring me water.
- Okay.
Linden tea.
Are you okay?
We know you went to see her
at the store at least four times.
You were harassing her, asshole.
The last time you went,
you threatened her.
That's no crime, is it?
It isn't.
That's no crime.
But this is, motherfucker.
[slams photos on table]
What's that got to do with me?
You tell me.
You think I did this?
Where the fuck were you
back on Tuesday evening?
At my home in Cuernavaca with Ana Nuñez.
And who the fuck is Ana Nuñez?
- My fiancée.
- Your fiancée?
[Juan] Mm-hmm.
She know about Alma?
Nothing to know.
Tell me one thing, fucker.
Did you get your rocks off,
seeing them all tied up?
[sighs] I'm tired of this.
I wanna go back home. Hmm?
You think you're so slick.
Because you think she's dead.
But let me tell you something, baby dick.
She survived.
She is alive.
And she'll identify you.
I'll watch you wither in a fucking jail.
[laughing] Don't fuck with me.
She's not even dead.
But, you know, you're the asshole
who's gonna unravel.
I'm going to get you fired.
- [valet] Good evening.
- [passenger] Hello. Here.
[valet] Thanks.
Not a single scratch, okay?
[car door opens]
- Give me a kiss.
- All right, then.
- You look fantastic.
- Yeah?
- You like that?
- I like it.
Thank you.
- Why are you doing this?
- [chuckles]
He's still probably a son of a bitch,
but if you think he might change,
that's good enough.
[Valentina] María! Come on.
[jazz music playing]
[guests chattering]
- María.
- Esme.
- How nice to see you.
- Likewise.
Congratulations on Miguel.
Thank you, beautiful.
The truth is that it was a surprise.
I swear, when he called me,
I dropped the skillet from excitement.
I imagine so.
Miguel swore
it was going to be Alejandro, really.
Ending up as his mentor's boss
isn't something he imagined.
Oh, well.
I really like how you've done your hair.
Very pretty.
Thank you. Have you seen Alejandro?
No. No. We got here on time,
and I haven't seen him.
That's odd.
[phone ringing]
Do you need help?
Does it bother you if I stay?
Your brother is interrogating Juan Callos.
[sighs] He is.
He doesn't seem to enjoy being wrong.
He also doesn't listen to others.
You don't seem like him.
No, I suppose I'm not.
You're very honest.
That's pretty rare.
You're not honest?
Not as much as I'd like.
How tragic.
It's that
I don't always say what I really mean.
What I'm really thinking.
And pretty soon I'm having problems.
I end up having problems
because I say what I'm really thinking.
My grandmother says
that not everyone wants to be aware
of what's happening in my head.
Knowing wouldn't bother me.
What do you think?
Let's see.
Oh, man. I love it. Mmm.
It's perfect. If we're going to a fair.
It's the only thing I have.
You can borrow something of mine.
- [sighs] I spoke with Ángeles.
- [Valentina] Mmm.
They're still interrogating
the guy who attacked María.
You're worried that this guy
might be The Undresser, right?
Why am I going to be worried about that?
'Cause it would mean
that your brother isn't perfect.
Maybe now you'll tell me for real.
Where the fuck were you on Tuesday night?
Do you think that you can continue
to question me about the same thing,
expecting a confession?
Motherfucker, you'll talk.
- Get off me.
- [Lozano] Come out a minute.
What is it, Zano?
Come out a minute.
[Gerardo sighs]
[Lozano] His alibi checks out.
Ana Nuñez confirmed they were
in Cuernavaca from 6:00 p.m. onward.
Don't fuck around with me like that.
She's gotta be telling lies
to cover for that motherfucker.
No, because they weren't alone.
His father was also there.
So what?
Who's his father?
None other than Judge Callos.
I think you should release the guy.
[phone ringing]
[Gerardo] Motherfucker!
What is it?
Detective. Lucas Otero.
We met in the hospital.
Yeah, I know who you are.
What do you want?
I have information
that I would like to review with you.
The woman that I mentioned,
the one you found in the drainage ditch,
she absolutely was in the hospital, true?
How about you tell me
exactly what you want.
I have information that the victim
was found with her hands and feet bound.
[Gerardo] Uh-huh.
That sounds like
The Undresser's still out there to me.
Listen, if you reveal
that information now,
you would be obstructing
an investigation in progress.
- You get that, right?
- But people have the right to know.
This kind of story could catapult
your career. Am I wrong?
With all due respect, sir,
you don't know me.
Listen, pal.
All due respect, you don't know me.
Is that clear?
[band playing "Do You Love Me"
by The Contours, in Spanish]
Pardon. Excuse me.
Excuse me.
- Hello.
- [bartender] Hello. How are you?
- Fine. You?
- Fine.
- You okay?
- Everything's fine.
- Do you remember me or not?
- Yes, of course I remember.
- Yeah? Liar.
- [giggles] Hey, don't be like that.
Hi. Uh
- [Valentina] I'm having fun.
- Oh, yeah?
I don't wanna disturb you, but you
Were you in a magazine, Gran Hogar?
- Yeah? Yeah?
- Yeah.
[chuckles] I just now read the article,
and, well, I recognized you.
[Gabina laughing]
It was a very interesting article.
I've never met anyone, uh anyone famous.
[laughs] Like who?
Well, like you. Can I buy you a drink?
Thank you. But no, thank you.
Okay, then. Excuse me.
Good night.
That wasn't very nice of you.
[clears throat] Rule number one.
Never accept a drink
from the first guy who tries.
- Why?
- Don't know.
Everyone has their rules,
and that's one of mine.
- Cheers.
- Cheers.
[both laugh]
Mother. Is Alejandro there?
No, of course not. He's at the party.
Where are you?
At the party.
I've been here a while, and he's not here.
But he told me
that you weren't going to go.
Well, it ended up working out,
and I can't find him.
Oh, he's not there yet.
So, then, he must be on his way.
- Tell him I had to go work at the station.
- Hey, kids, enough.
[band playing Mexican rock and roll song]
And you two are really police officers?
- We're trying.
- What do you mean, "trying"?
Come on, more respect.
You guys are in front
of Officer Gabina Herrera,
who is, without any doubt,
the best police officer in this city.
And And how
How do you put cuffs on someone?
You grab the individual,
- you bend him, and
- No, no, don't explain it to me.
Instead, show me. Cuff me now.
- Are you sure?
- Yeah, of course.
- Move right there. Give me your hand.
- My hand?
There. Relax, and
Calm down. That's how they play.
[friend] Be careful
what you wish for, Dario.
All right, enough! You're good!
- Wanna dance?
- [Dario] Let's dance. Let's dance.
[band playing Mexican rock and roll]
- I'm going to the bathroom.
- Okay.
I'll be back.
- [Gabina yelps]
- [laughs]
- Are you okay? Did you hurt yourself?
- Yes. No.
Do you want a little air?
Let's go outside.
- Yes. Yeah!
- Yeah, come on.
- Feels good!
- It's very hot inside, right?
- Yeah.
- [sighs, chuckles]
Hey, you're a good dancer.
- No.
- Yeah.
- [laughs]
- Yeah, you dance real good.
- Thank you.
- Mm-hmm.
Ah! [chuckles]
[Gabina] Hmm.
- No.
- Mmm.
Calm down, all right? It's all good.
Hey, wait. Stop it.
- Calm down. It's okay. It's okay.
- Okay.
Okay, wait. Hey, listen
But Wait. No!
- [Dario] It's not a problem.
- No! No! No!
What's your problem?
What's wrong with you?
Hey. Leave her alone!
What, asshole?
[grunts, groaning]
What's wrong with you?
What happened?
- What did you do to her, asshole?
- Nothing! Nothing, nothing!
- She punched me.
- Man, what's the deal?
- Are you okay?
- It's nothing.
- Thank you.
- Shall we go?
- Are you okay?
- Go fuck yourself, asshole.
- But what happened? I didn't do anything!
- Let's go, man.
[Dario] Stupid bitches.
[grunting, panting]
It wasn't him. He had an alibi.
So we're right back to the very beginning.
Is your husband's event over?
[sighs] Yes. In fact, it was much shorter
than I thought it would be.
Thanks for covering for me.
That's what good friends do.
Ángeles, you're the best.
- Thank you.
- [phone ringing]
Do you want me to answer?
No. Get some rest.
You've done too much already.
Bye, now.
This is the police. Good evening.
Yes. Tell me.
Uh-huh. Very good. Of course.
- Hello.
- Well, hi. How are you?
And you?
Fine. Better now.
[phone rings]
This is the police. How may I help you?
[distorted voice]
I wanna talk to a police officer.
Go ahead. I'm listening.
You're police?
Shouldn't you be at home with your family?
Who are you?
They call me
The Undresser.
[The Undresser breathing heavily]
[Ángeles] In the next episode
It appears we were wrong about him.
What do you mean, "we"?
We know you're trustworthy.
[Ángeles] I scraped the files we had
on possible owners,
but only one name caught my attention.
[Gerardo] Then we've missed something.
[Gerardo] We'd like to announce
that we have entered
into what we are calling phase two
of the investigation.
[people clamoring]
Previous Episode