Wonderful World (2024) s01e04 Episode Script

Episode 4

[opening theme playing]
[dramatic music playing]
It was a tough day at the show.
[Soohyun] Yes.
Are you okay?
[Soohyun] Yes.
I'm fine.
[music fades]
[thrilling music playing]
[sighs heavily]
[thrilling music continues playing]
[Suho] Honey.
You went through so much today.
You must be tired.
No, I'm fine.
I'm afraid you'll come down
with something.
- Suho
- [doorbell rings]
I think your mother's here. What do we do?
If you're not feeling well,
let's reschedule this.
No, I'm fine. Let's not keep her waiting.
[Suho] Okay.
Mom, how is it?
- [Goeun] You should try too.
- [Suho] There we go.
[Goeun] Why are you bringing so much?
It's not much, but eat up.
[all chuckle]
[Yuri] Wow, it smells great! [chuckles]
- Am I late?
- [Goeun] You said you couldn't come.
It's a historical moment for this couple.
I can't miss it. I rearranged my schedule.
- [Goeun chuckles]
- Suho, it's great to see you.
- It's been a while. How have you been?
- Yes.
- A seat.
- Soohyun.
What did you buy?
This is the bestselling golf wear
in our store.
I brought it for you. You golf, right?
Yes. Thank you.
- I appreciate it.
- Sure.
- Make sure to take her around more.
- I will.
Now, this is for you.
- A scarf.
- You didn't need to get me anything!
Of course, I did.
Take a look.
- [Suho] It's nice.
- [Yuri] Goodness.
- Looks good.
- It's perfect.
- Right, Soohyun?
- [both chuckle]
- Thank you.
- Yes. [chuckles]
- I'll bring more plates.
- No, it's fine.
- [Suho] What?
- I'll get it.
[Suho] Honey?
- It airs tomorrow, right?
- [Suho] Yes.
[Yuri] I can't wait to watch it.
- Have you eaten?
- No.
[Yuri] It looks so good.
Thank you. [chuckles]
[Suho] Thanks for coming,
I know you're busy.
Of course. I had to come.
- [gasps] Wow, it looks so good.
- Why did you buy this?
[Yuri] It's so pretty.
You can just pass it
on to me later. [laughs]
[knock on door]
Soohyun, are you okay?
[Soohyun groans]
I must have an upset stomach.
[Suho sighs]
Can you open the door?
[Soohyun] No, it's fine.
I'll be out after I brush my teeth.
- Go to bed.
- Are you really okay?
[Soohyun] Yes.
[muffled retching]
I'll put some medicine on the table.
Take it when you come out.
[breathes heavily]
[suspenseful music playing]
[dramatic music playing]
[lady exhales]
[Suho exhales]
[lady moans]
[phone ringing]
- [Sujin on phone] Babe, where are you?
- [Seonyul] Stop messing around.
Isn't it your day off?
Let's get something to eat.
[Seonyul] I have plans today.
- [sewing machine whirs]
- Really?
How about a late dinner?
Okay. Fine.
- What plans do you have today?
- [phone disconnects]
Who is he meeting?
[soft music playing]
[Soohyun] I lost my child.
I still break every day
in a pain that can't be healed.
That's why I came to find you.
But I was wrong.
You were living your life well
in your own way.
I am truly sorry.
[Seonyul sighs]
[soft music continues playing]
[audience cheering on laptop]
[Soohyun in English]
Thank you.
[male anchor 1] The son of Eun Soohyun,
the first Korean to win
the Rosaline Literary Award,
has tragically died in a car accident.
[male anchor 2] The driver
who killed Gunwoo
was on his way home after receiving
a suspended sentence, when he was killed.
[female anchor] After a scuffle,
Kang Gunwoo's mother intentionally
[Suho] retaliatory murder
to be unacceptable
and an antisocial crime in our society.
Viewers. Just once, think about why
she had no choice but to do what she did.
Is there anyone out there
who can really judge her?
What are you doing?
[laughs lightly] You're up.
I'm making some porridge.
I don't know how it'll taste.
Why would you do that?
I'm sure you're busy with work.
How do you feel?
I feel much better.
I must've been nervous about the show.
I'm relieved.
Are you going to volunteer today?
Yes, I am.
I'd ask you to stay home today if I could.
Don't overdo it, okay?
See how it tastes.
- Is it okay? [chuckles]
- Yes, it's good.
[Suho] I'm going to see Taeho for lunch.
When we last saw him,
he looked like a complete bum.
I want to buy him
something to eat. [chuckles softly]
[Taeho] I don't even have
time for a shower.
This is my first meal in 10 hours.
I wanted to buy you something good.
At this rate, you'll get sick
while treating others.
Don't skip your meals.
I want to,
but I get called
whenever I try to sit down.
Still, I'm going to make sure
to watch your segment.
[scoffs] No, don't even bring that up.
I regret it so much right now.
I should've done it alone.
- Why?
- [Suho clicks tongue]
Your sister-in-law
threw up all night last night
after the shoot.
It was really hard on her.
But it's not like you forced her to do it.
It's because
she made the appearance for me.
I should've stopped her.
- It's my fault.
- That's awful.
What is this?
Your wife is sick,
and you're upset.
Why am I so jealous?
It feels like I'm experiencing the love
of a real couple.
[scoffs] Seriously.
Stop messing around.
Did you look into what I asked you?
I picked a few best for her.
This and this one.
It covers the respiratory system
and heart CTs.
You just need to add cerebrovascular MRls.
Also, you can find disease characteristics
with genetic testing.
Yes, okay.
I'll take a look. You eat.
You don't have time.
That's right.
[phone vibrating]
[sighs] I have to go.
- Why?
- It's the ER.
- It's a five-car collision TA.
- What?
[exhales] Well
Hey, hey! At least drink some water.
You'll get an upset stomach.
- [gulps] Take care of that for me.
- [Suho] Yes, okay.
- Call me, okay?
- [Taeho] Okay!
It's displayed in the wrong order,
Ms. Han!
Where shall I display the VIP goods?
- Uh, near the window by the entrance.
- Okay.
[emotional music playing]
- I'll bring more plates.
- [Soohyun] No, it's fine.
- [Suho] What?
- I'll get it.
[Suho] Honey?
[Mary in English] Yuri!
- [Yuri in English] Oh my god!
- It's been a while!
Mary and Jazz, how have you been?
- Great.
- Yeah, we just wanted to visit your shop
- while traveling. Yes.
- Traveling? So nice!
- Oh. This is awesome.
- Awesome?
- Yes.
- Thank you. Come here.
- I will show you around.
- Okay.
- Wow.
- Jazz.
- Sorry!
- [all laughing]
[suspenseful music playing]
[Soohyun] The woman.
Who is she?
[Soohyun] Don't come here anymore.
There's no room for you
in my life anymore.
You really
don't need me in your life?
[Soohyun] No.
That's when it was.
Then who sent this to me?
[girl on phone] Yes, I'm the one
who put the envelope
in the waiting room that day.
By chance,
do you remember who you got it from?
It was a deliveryman.
Things were hectic because of the shoot,
so I don't remember anything else.
A man asked me to get it to you.
Okay, thank you.
I'm Gwon Seonyul.
[lady screaming] Why are you doing this?
What are you doing?
Don't do this.
You bastard!
Why did you come back here?
- Tell me. Where's your bank book?
- You took it last time.
- Why do you want it?
- [man] Damn it!
[all gasping]
- Tell me right now!
- [lady] Goodness.
- [man] Where is it?
- [lady] Good grief.
What are you doing?
- Damn it! Move!
- [Soohyun exclaims]
- Goodness!
- [old lady] Yes, take it and sell it!
You worthless punk!
- [man] It's got to be worth something!
- Hey!
- [man] Tell me!
- [Soohyun] Goodness!
- Gracious!
- Goodness, what's he doing?
[lady 2] Goodness!
Tell me!
[all screaming]
[thrilling music playing]
- [man grunts]
- [lady screams]
[man] Wait
Look at me. Right here.
He did that to me.
Wow, I've never seen trash talk before.
You little punk!
Detective, let's follow the law.
[detective] Both of you, be quiet.
Even if it was legitimate,
you'll face criminal charges
if you don't settle.
Is there no one for you to call?
I'm his guardian.
[amusing music playing]
Who asked you to settle
with a creep like that?
Follow me.
Do you always use your fists first?
Just give me the diary.
If you don't settle,
will you go to jail?
Would that make you feel better?
I don't think I did anything wrong.
I know.
I think that too.
But the world doesn't.
They'll just remember you as an ex-con.
I'm telling you that
as someone who's experienced it.
I mean it.
I don't want your life to end here.
Think of the settlement
as my investment in your future.
Here's your food.
The settlement money.
I'll pay you back.
Yes, sure. Pay me back.
I know where you live too.
why are you talking so casually to me?
Can't I?
Do whatever you want.
Can I order some dumplings?
[Soohyun] Can we get a plate of dumplings?
[shop owner] Sure.
By chance
If you go through a hard time
after reading this,
call me.
don't try to dull the pain.
Make sure to treat your wound.
It was taken with a film camera.
The photo from earlier.
[suspenseful music playing]
Thank you.
They used a CineColor 800T tungsten film.
The person who took it is a professional.
I know a bit about photos.
You can call me if you need my help.
- Isn't she the author?
- It's the kid's mom.
- Goodness.
- She was released from jail.
Hyegeum, have some tea!
- [lady] Yes, Hyegeum. Come on.
- [Hyegeum] Maybe later.
Get in.
We're going in the same direction.
I'll give you a ride.
Come on.
We took that on our first overseas trip
with Heejae.
Drink it.
I wanted to have a cup of tea with you.
People will talk
if you hang out with me.
It doesn't matter.
You were the same.
Don't you remember?
Heejae's nickname was "Bubble Freak."
He would foam at the mouth
whenever he had a seizure.
So the kids gave him that nickname.
Gunwoo approached him and said,
"Heejae isn't a bubble freak.
"He is the best soccer player
in the world."
He said that's what his mom told him.
[soft music playing]
I cried so much that day.
No one would let their kids
play with Heejae.
You let Gunwoo play with him.
When my friends were
taking the college entrance exams,
I was lying in a hospital bed about
to give birth to Heejae and I thought,
"I shouldn't have had him."
That's who I was,
and I learned so much from watching you.
You really are a good mother.
[soft music continues playing]
am not qualified to hear that.
[Hyegeum] No.
Thank you for teaching me
and taking care of me as well.
I promise to repay
that debt.
- You should go inside.
- Okay, bye.
I was comforted today thanks to you.
- [keys beep, door lock rings]
- [door opens]
- [door closes]
- [door lock rings]
[soft music playing]
I'm his guardian.
I don't want your life to end here.
Don't try to dull the pain.
Make sure to treat your wound.
[soft music continues playing]
[Suho] Honey, I'm home.
Wow, what's this?
I wanted to have some wine with you.
[Suho chuckles]
That's good.
Your favorite. Misty Blue.
It's been years since I got you flowers.
I'm going to go change.
[door opens]
[Suho] I drank this wine in the States.
The aroma was so nice.
I wanted to drink it with you one day.
I can't believe that day has come.
It's nice.
How was your day?
I volunteered.
I had some tea with Heejae's mom
at her house.
Heejae's mom?
The next door neighbor.
Yes. I ran into her by chance
on my way home.
She said
I was a good mother.
Of course.
You are a good mother.
A good wife too.
Did something happen today?
You're being strange.
To be honest
I have something to talk to you about.
Really? What is it?
[melancholic music playing]
[Soohyun] Someone sent me this.
What have you been doing?
Why did I get something like this?
[melancholic music continues playing]
[Soohyun] I once thought that
while you were apart from me,
you could meet another woman.
you were in love with someone else,
I'd have to let you go one day.
What are you saying?
You know how I feel
and why I came back to you.
[Suho sighs]
I'm really sorry.
It was my mistake.
Anything I say will sound
like an excuse right now,
but the truth is
it was brief and happened
while we were apart.
But this
It meant nothing.
It's not even worth remembering.
I just
It's all in the past.
Before and now,
you're the only one for me.
Believe me.
that's what I wanted to hear.
You said it's in the past.
I won't blame you.
Let's bury it.
We agreed to start over.
I'm so sorry.
I will never
disappoint you again.
I promise.
That photo
you can throw that away.
The day we did the broadcast together,
a man came to the station
and asked to relay that photo to me.
By chance,
do you have any idea who it could be?
[mysterious music playing]
[female anchor]
Congressman Choi Juseok said
he'd support Congressman Kim Joon today.
He officially announced that he'd give up
running for the primary.
Therefore, the candidates who have passed
the preliminary rounds have now
been reduced to three candidates
and an intense three-way competition
is expected to take place.
- [phone vibrating]
- [on TV] According to a recent poll,
Candidates Kim Joon and Son Hyeonmin
are in a close race.
Congressman Choi Juseok's supporters
could be absorbed
- Yes.
- It's going according to plan. Good job.
- Do you want to go on vacation?
- No, I'm fine.
[on TV] It has been raising a lot of
questions. Kim Joon had normally been
- called an internal sniper
- You coming?
[on TV] but has shown
a completely different side.
[Sujin] Did you break
all the plates I made you?
Why is this all you have?
What's this?
I got it today.
Where did you get it?
- [sighs]
- [opens a can]
Shall I sleepover tonight?
Why not?
I feel like I should protect you today.
[chuckles softly]
[chuckles softly]
Still, I got to see you smile.
That's good enough.
- [Sujin opens can]
- [Seonyul sighs]
That woman said
she was my guardian.
She said to call if I ever need to.
Are you talking about another woman
in front of me?
[Seonyul chuckles softly]
[Sujin groans softly]
Is it good?
[on TV] Gonggam Talk Show
will be starting after this,
with anchorman Kang Suho
and writer Eun Soohyun.
[thrilling music playing]
Today on Gonggam Talk Show,
the new face of ABS's 8 O'clock News.
We have Anchorman Kang Suho and his wife
here with us today.
I really wanted to meet you.
you won the grand prize for journalists.
- [Suho] Yes. Thank you.
- [female anchor] Congratulations. Yes.
As for Ms. Eun Soohyun,
you took quite the difficult step.
[Soohyun] I was
the mother of a child
[voice breaking] whose life was
more precious than mine.
I lost that child overnight.
[Yuri] Great job.
[Soohyun] He was a child
who loved the stars,
and he became a star to us.
[thrilling music continues playing]
[voice breaking] I try
to accept that every day,
but there are times when I can't.
A parent who loses a child
still hurts
no matter how much time passes.
[door opens, bell rings]
- [door closes, bell rings]
- [Soohyun] Still
I think it's time [sniffles]
to let everything go and forget.
[Suho] My wife and I
have endured a hard time together.
It has made us stronger.
- The comments are good.
- our feelings for one another
have strengthened.
That will never change.
To all the parents out there
who have been through the same pain
This is it.
It has to ferment to taste like this.
you can endure it.
Thank you.
[thrilling music continues playing]
- Director Kang.
- Sir, hello.
- Hello.
- Yes.
The response from the segment was good.
I feel at ease now.
I'll put my faith in you.
- I'm leaving.
- [Suho] Thank you.
- [all] Goodbye.
- Bye.
- You two looked great.
- [girl 1] So impressive.
- [man 1] You were great.
- [man 2] Congrats!
[all cheering]
[man 3] How is he like that?
[Suho] Yes?
It's the security footage
of the day you asked for.
Great job.
[suspenseful music playing]
[phone vibrating]
[lounge music playing in background]
[Suho] I checked the security footage,
but I couldn't find him.
Soohyun, try this.
This place is famous.
The pastry chef here's dating my employee.
I put in a good word. [chuckles]
Is something wrong?
It's just, before
you didn't seem well
at the barbeque party at your house.
You didn't text me back either.
- Yuri.
- Yes?
When I
gave you my divorce papers.
I was
really going to let Suho go.
I know.
How could I not know that?
I told him to get out of my life.
That there was no place for him anymore.
I said awful things to him.
I hoped he'd meet someone else
and live a happier life.
To forget about me and start over.
a person's feelings are so strange.
It felt awful knowing
that he actually met someone else.
[suspenseful music playing]
Someone else?
What are you saying?
was seeing another woman.
Did he say that?
Someone sent me a picture of them to me.
Then you know who the other woman is.
I don't know.
Her face can't be seen in the photo.
It's for the best.
If I had seen her,
it would be on my mind forever.
What did Suho say?
Did you talk to him?
Last night.
He said she meant nothing
and wasn't even worth remembering.
We agreed to bury it.
I don't think I meant it.
I understood it in my mind.
I know he went through a hard time
after we separated.
What can I do about someone
he met during that time?
Not to mention,
he says it's all in the past.
But I can't help but wonder
about who sent that photo to me.
I can't stop thinking about
who the woman in the photo is.
Just because you get hit by lightning,
enduring a rain shower
doesn't get any easier.
Why am I letting this bother me?
Aren't you a woman too?
Although it's the past,
it'll still bother you.
But, Soohyun,
just bury it.
Don't look back.
Suho told you.
That she wasn't even worth remembering.
The person he really loves
is only you.
I can guarantee that.
I've seen it for myself.
[phone vibrating]
I'll be right there.
- Something came up at work.
- Go ahead.
- I'll call you later.
- Okay.
[suspenseful music continues playing]
[music fades]
[phone vibrating]
- Mom.
- [Goeun] Hey.
You called.
I didn't know. I was grocery shopping.
I just wanted to hear your voice.
Then come by.
I want to see you too.
Yes, the farmer's market.
They have fresh goods.
I bought a few things while I was there.
I guess I lost track of time.
That's too heavy for you.
Your wrists are bad.
You should've gone with me.
[Goeun chuckles]
My daughter's too precious for that.
Shall I
come see you now?
Do you want to? I'd love that.
What shall I make you?
Tell me what you want to eat.
What's this?
I just got some mail.
There's no return address
and nothing's written on it.
[dramatic music playing]
[Soohyun] Mom.
[Goeun whimpers]
[dramatic music continues playing]
How did you find me?
[voice breaking] I am
I'm okay.
[Goeun sniffles, whimpers]
I didn't want to
let him get away with this.
I wanted to go see him.
But I couldn't bring myself to go.
I didn't want to hurt you more.
You did well, Mom.
He said it's all in the past.
It happened while we were apart, Mom.
That bastard.
He should've held back.
My daughter loses her child overnight.
While she was enduring
on that cold prison floor
He should've held back.
Did someone send you that photo too?
Who did it?
Was it the woman in the photo?
I don't know.
How dare they mess with my daughter?
I'm going to find them
and teach them a lesson.
Just as Gunwoo was the world to you,
it's the same for me.
There's nothing I wouldn't do for you.
[Soohyun] Mom.
I'm so sorry.
I'm sorry to worry you again like this.
Why would anyone do this
to my poor daughter?
Mom, I'm okay. It's fine.
[male photographer]
Good. Smile just a little.
[camera clicks]
[lady] What a picture.
You look great.
- Great job.
- [Suho] Are we done?
Great job.
[man] Good work.
[female anchor] It's more of a pictorial
than a newsletter.
How can an anchorman
look better than an actor?
- It wasn't easy.
- [female anchor chuckles]
- Good luck.
- Okay.
- Great job. Thank you.
- [man] Wonderful work.
[phone vibrating]
[suspenseful music playing]
I wanted to check something with you.
Was it you?
Did you send the photo?
Let's talk in person.
[phone vibrating]
[sister] Here it is.
It's the last picture
before you left the orphanage.
[suspenseful music playing]
Yes, anything new?
He must not even go to a hospital.
There are no medical insurance records,
and his current address is unknown.
Go through criminal records.
Aren't you working me too hard?
[exhales] Still, I'll do everything
you ask me to.
You owe me chicken and beer.
[suspenseful music continues playing]
[engine starts]
St. Andrea village
[phone ringing]
Hey, Soohyun.
[Soohyun] When will you be finished?
I think my meeting's going
to run late today.
I'll call you as soon as it's over.
[Suho] I think my meeting's going
to run late today.
[dramatic music playing]
[dramatic music continues playing]
[dramatic music continues playing]
[music fades]
[suspenseful music playing]
[door closes]
[suspenseful music continues playing]
[dramatic music playing]
[music fades]
[closing theme playing]
[Soohyun] I know
who you're with right now.
There was a tail today.
Things like this
don't hurt at all.
[Joon] Seeing as you thought I sent it,
it must've been very expensive.
[Soohyun] What does this
have to do with the photo?
[Myunghee] Words can be a scary thing.
It can get so inflated.
[Soohyun] What
are you doing here?
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