X-Men (2011) s01e04 Episode Script


Charles, Hisako is safe now.
We have rescued all the other
mutant children as well.
Organs. Organs.
What's going on?
What's happening to me?
Give me back
my organs!
Emma, you're transforming!
Is this your first time?
What the hell is he?
We'll take care of him.
Where the hell did he go?
My organs.
Nobody takes those
organs from
What just happened to me?
Are you okay, Emma?
Numbers definitely confirm
the transformation.
Luckily, it doesn't look that serious.
Emotions can sometimes trigger what
causes some people to transform.
That would explain why it happened when
Emma was fighting to protect Hisako.
However, once you've transformed
there is a greater chance that
you will lose control
and become a monster.
It's a disease for mutants
called the Damon-Hall Syndrome.
The Damon-Hall Syndrome
The transformation doesn't always cause
the symptoms to appear
but you need a vaccine to treat them.
Thank you so much.
We thought that we'd lost her forever.
Thank you.
Mr. and Mrs. Ichiki, forgive me
for not getting in touch with you
the minute I got to Japan, but
We were delighted when Mr. Beast
told us that you'd come.
We're just happy to know that you're safe.
We were relieved to hear that
you were with Hisako.
I was so worried about you.
I'm so happy to see you.
Her best friend.
She's a mutant too?
No, she just has a big heart.
She doesn't care if you're a mutant.
Even here.
I thought everyone here hated mutants.
There won't be any more
children disappearing.
Words can't express our gratitude.
We're preparing a meal for you.
It shouldn't be much longer.
Would you lend me a hand?
In my opinion, it's essential
that we take you to New York
as soon as possible.
To New York?
Yes, I'd like to run full tests
on you at the Xavier Institute.
No way.
I can't let you bring her
to the Institute.
There was nothing in the U-Men hideout
that could jam
our mutant detection system.
What does that have to do with me?
It means that someone else
was blocking Cerebro
from detecting mutant activity.
You're saying
that I was responsible for that?
Enough! I've already told you.
I'm not involved with
the Inner Circle anymore.
Besides, I'm not a strong enough telepath
to jam a system like that.
-But your
-Excuse me, lunch is ready.
Cyclops, I believe Emma.
Look, she transformed because she was
trying to protect Hisako.
They say that every mutant transforms
differently depending on its abilities.
All mutants are concerned
about this transformation.
Okay, I guess Beast is right.
I will take the tests.
Honestly, I still can't believe
it happened to me.
But those tests can only be done
in New York?
Yes, and the Xavier Institute
is the only place
where we can get the vaccine that
I developed for the Damon-Hall Syndrome.
If that's the case,
then I'm coming with you.
I just began to learn
how to use my powers.
I'd be completely lost
if Emma left now.
Mr. and Mrs. Ichiki
would you allow Hisako
to accompany me to New York?
Well, we
I'd like to be with her so that
I can teach her more about her powers.
Moreover, there is always a possibility
that she could transform too.
I suppose it's not a bad idea
to get the vaccine now.
All right, then.
As long as you're with Emma, okay?
I'm glad, Hisako.
Thank you. Me too.
Is that a problem, Cyclops?
Do you think I can see
a Broadway musical
while we're in New York?
Well, it is a short drive to Manhattan
from the Xavier Institute.
We can certainly try to do that
once we've completed Emma's tests.
Can we?
An unidentified object is
approaching us from behind.
It passed us!
I didn't see anything.
I got this!
It's all yours!
Are we going to die?
We'll be fine.
I can't hold it any longer. Hurry!
He is a mutant.
Judging from how out of control he was,
he may have transformed
and developed the Damon-Hall
That would be my guess.
Wait, he was one of the kids from the
Inner Circle's mutant training academy.
Hey, remember me?
His body is back to normal,
but he's still not fully conscious.
These are all typical symptoms
of the Damon-Hall Syndrome.
Poor thing.
He was such a sweet boy
when I first met him.
If I remember correctly,
he said he was from northern Japan.
Do all mutants turn into
monsters like him?
Is that going to happen to me too?
The X-Men will find a way to help us.
I'm sure of it.
We'll do our best to find out why this
is happening at the Xavier Institute.
Emma Frost. Hisako Ichiki.
Welcome to the Xavier Institute.
I'm Professor X.
Pleased to meet you, sir.
I hope you'll come to think of this
as a second home.
You're both part of the family now.
Thank you, Professor.
It'll take me about four or five hours
to examine the boy.
I'm sure you're all tired from the trip.
Why don't you get some rest?
Sounds good to me.
Thanks, Beast.
Hang in there!
Oh, God.
I can't.
Calm down, Hisako.
What did the Inner Circle do to him,
Nothing, really.
Except reinforcing his mutant powers
and mind control abilities.
Are you sure about that?
We didn't conduct the same type of
experiments that the U-Men conducted.
Although I'm not sure what happened
to the mutant training academy
after that battle in which Jean died.
I heard that the Inner Circle disbanded
after the battle.
He may have gone back to his hometown
in northern Japan.
If so, there is a good chance
that he was in a U-Men facility.
But when we examined his body
there was no evidence
of experiments on his body.
You're right.
No experiments were conducted on him.
I've got the results from
the tests on his cellular tissues.
I couldn't tell
if he was at a U-Men facility or not
but his transformation wasn't caused
by an experiment.
It had been suddenly triggered
by an unknown cause.
Suddenly triggered
by an unknown cause?
Man, whatever it is,
I have a bad feeling about this.
Okay, Emma. We'll begin
when you're ready.
All right.
No, no, no. Don't go in there!
Hey, no cheating!
Three wins in a row, Scott.
Thanks! I get free meals
for the next three days now.
Damn it! One more time.
I'll bet my motorcycle.
If you wish, we can bet the Blackbird.
I tried using the Cerebro
to detect mutant activity
in northern Japan
but it is still blocked out.
Damn it!
Okay, let's run an MRI next.
I suppose you're anxious to hear
about Emma, aren't you?
By the way,
there is something I wanted to ask you.
Sure, anything.
Have you ever heard of
the Sasaki Academy?
Well, it sounds like
something I might have heard
but I don't really remember anything
about it. I was little.
That's okay. Thanks anyway.
Is she okay?
Emma has the same X-Antibody
that poor boy had.
What? Then
are you saying that the same thing's
gonna happen to her?
You don't have to worry about that.
He said mine is benign.
Thank goodness.
You must be hungry.
We haven't eaten anything.
Why don't we all go grab a bite?
Just as I suspected.
Both Emma and the boy transformed
in northern Japan.
And Cerebro still can't
detect mutant activity.
There is still something going on
in northern Japan.
Things aren't over for us just yet,
are they?
Emma and Hisako became
the X-Men's newest members.
As the training begins
Hisako sees that she still
has a lot to learn about her powers.
Meanwhile, in order to resolve
the misunderstanding
between her and Cyclops
Emma agrees to undergo a
telepathic examination with Professor X.
The X-Men witness the truth
that lies in Emma's heart.
Next time on X-Men: "Power."
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