You Cannot Hide (2019) s01e04 Episode Script

Evidencias del crimen

What can I tell you
that you don't already know?
You have a textile empire.
In the end, that's what's it's all about.
Getting the client to trust you.
Or voters in my case.
When it comes to trust,
Alberto's an expert.
I trust him implicitly,
especially as of recent.
Right, honey?
How was that? Did I do that well?
Yes, very well.
How's Pilar?
What is wrong with you?
Nothing, Albertito. You?
Goddamn it!
I've told you not to do this,
not in front of people.
-Don't fuck with me!
-Worried about appearances?
You're always concerned with appearances,
but you know what the problem is?
I can't pretend anymore.
Know what I can do?
Tell you to go fuck yourself.
Don't worry, sweetheart.
This is just an insignificant
marital spat.
If they're arguing, it's Beatriz's fault.
She's making poor Torres' life
a living hell.
She didn't seem so bad.
Don't be fooled. She's a whore.
Another one?
No, that's OK.
We'll start having too much fun
and I've got school tomorrow.
I'm going to call a cab.
OK. Bye.
Can I talk to you for a sec?
I don't bite.
Come with me.
Are you Eli's friend?
Look, Natalia,
I need to ask you something.
I need you to not tell anyone
what you heard earlier.
Whatever it was. Can you do that for me?
You know how politics work.
Public image is everything.
I need to keep a simple,
far-reaching image
that can be defined in a single sentence.
If someone like me makes a mistake,
if anything regarding their
private life becomes public,
then their personal life
becomes a part of the conversation.
Do you get me?
Sure. You can be yourself around me.
I do want to be honest with you.
It's what you deserve.
I'm sorry.
I said it'd take five minutes and look
I'll take you home.
All right, Eli. Don't worry.
Let's meet tomorrow. Same place as usual.
Sound good?
Jihadist terrorism.
We have the first images
of the prime suspect.
According to the police
We're here to see Tipi.
Your informant is here?
You again?
What are you looking to buy now, partner?
We're looking for a friend.
That could be anyone.
You see these sorts of tattoos
in Eastern European gangs.
I know. We need more.
I'll see what I can do,
but I'm going to need time.
No. We don't have time.
I see. The faster I have to work,
the harder it is.
The harder the work,
the more it'll cost you.
So, tell me, sweetheart,
how fast do you want me to be?
I see. Very fast.
Don't worry. I'll be as quick as I can.
You need to put these clothes on.
Can I ask you a question?
Why are you doing this?
I have friends who've had it worse.
No, but why are you here?
Bad decisions, kid.
I was a normal girl just like you.
What happened?
I fell for the wrong man.
That almost happened to me.
I'll take you home.
Get ready to leave.
Where are you taking me?
What are you going to do to me?
Who do you work for?
I can't answer that question.
Come in, please.
Anything to drink?
No, thanks.
How long till he gets back to us?
Soon, I'm sure.
Is it Tipi?
No, it's not him. Don't worry.
I'll call you as soon as I know something.
Is everything all right?
Yeah. Get some rest.
If there's any news, I'll call you.
Daniel. Thanks.
Ow. It's really bad, isn't it?
There's a lot of tension.
You're not getting enough rest.
I know Daniel's a little weird,
but I think he knows what he's doing.
I'm glad we found him.
I guess.
You fucker, Danny!
Carlos is dead
because of you, Goddamn it!
I told you to stop drinking
before you left!
I fucking told you!
Good morning.
What's up?
You spent the night here.
I'm worried you might think
Monica isn't safe here.
But the worst part is that
I think you know something
and you're not telling us.
I'm just being careful. That's all.
By helping Monica. What do you want?
Nothing. I owe her. You know this.
All right.
Let's keep this conversation between us.
Monica's right.
Someone took Natalia.
How do we know that someone
won't come for her now?
Why do you think someone
will come for Monica?
I'm not saying someone will.
I just want to make sure
it doesn't happen.
Look, Daniel.
If I find out you're hiding
something from me,
if anything happens to Monica
or if I find out you've been lying to us,
I'll be the one spending
the night outside your house.
I can protect Monica.
Now, if I'm wrong
and I'm just being paranoid,
it's better to be safe than sorry, right?
We're very grateful for what you're doing.
Monica trusts you.
I have to go.
Don't you get it?
Natalia's missing
and her mother and my father
are pressuring me.
Calm down, all right?
I'll remind you that we're in a hotel.
We don't know who's in the next room.
What do you want me to do?
I don't know! This is so weird.
Natalia wouldn't just disappear like that.
Maybe she snapped
or maybe she fought with her mother.
-What do I know?
-No, it doesn't make sense.
Alberto, if they keep pressuring me
I don't know.
I should tell them everything.
You're going to expose me
just because Natalia and I
had too much to drink one fucking time
and ended up in bed?
I didn't say I was going to do it.
I said that if they keep pressuring me
You think I have something to do
with Natalia's disappearance.
Look at me and admit it.
Look at me!
I'm a piece of shit. I can admit it.
I am a piece of shit.
My marriage sucked and I cheated.
And yes, there are tons of women
my age I could be with
instead of risking it all
for an 18-year-old girl,
but I just don't know
what it is about you.
You're a fucking brat
who's messing with my head
and who I can't stop thinking about.
I keep telling myself
I need to forget about you
because you'll only get me in trouble,
but then I also tell myself I can't.
And do you know why?
Because I don't want to.
Because you give me
what neither Bea nor Natalia could.
Look, I'm certain of two things.
That I had nothing to do
with Natalia's disappearance
and that you drive me crazy.
Goddamn it, Alberto.
Can't you keep it in your pants?
You think you're still 20?
Well, you're not!
Who the hell would've thought
someone would kill Beatriz?
I'm not the first
and I won't be the last man to cheat.
Your wife was murdered. Murdered!
You're the prime suspect.
The police
must be breathing down your neck
and you're still acting the fool.
Can you not think with your dick for once?
I'm not guilty of my wife's murder!
Right now you are
and that won't change if you keep this up.
And if at some point
all this shit gets out,
you will be definitely.
If not in the police's eyes,
then in the public's.
And that'll be it for you and for me.
Is that so hard to understand?
You're running to be the fucking mayor!
Why the fuck do you think
I'm taking the risk
-of staying with her?
-Don't make me repeat myself.
She's very anxious. She could do anything.
You've got to be fucking kidding me.
She's not going to talk, is she?
You just worry about making me mayor.
I'll handle the rest.
I hope I don't have
to remind you of this again.
Grow up.
Tipi, go ahead.
Where is that?
Are you sure?
All right, we'll talk later.
Hey, Monica.
Daniel, please tell me you've heard back.
Yes, I was going to call you.
Tipi gave me an address.
Someplace the guy
with the tattoo frequents.
That's great. Let's go, right?
I can't right now.
I'll call you in a few hours.
We have to go now. Give me the address.
-I'll go alone
-No way.
It's dangerous.
You're not going there alone.
Where do you think I'm from?
I promise nothing's going to happen to me.
Monica, I understand your impatience,
but I'm not crazy enough
to send you to those people.
I promise I'll call in a few hours.
What's more important than this?
I have to go.
So, the guys photographed
everyone coming in and out
-around the same time as Torres.
-What about him?
He used the service entrance.
I'm guessing he took
the service elevator to the room.
I don't know who he met,
but he obviously didn't
want anyone to know.
Oh, come on. Torres is a politician.
He went to a hotel.
Politicians have meetings at hotels.
And they commonly use service entrances.
What do you have?
For now, just faces.
Now we need to investigate everyone.
Who's handled this?
Surely multiple people.
-Just the guys and us.
-Keep it that way.
These pictures cannot come out.
I don't want any leaks.
Once we have the murderer
and their motive,
we'll figure out what to do.
In the meantime, I want total discretion.
-Yes, sir.
Yes, sir.
I want to know everything
you're doing with this case.
And in advance. Is that clear?
Get to work.
You heard him.
You're leaving?
I have things to do.
Hello, sweetheart.
What are you doing here?
I told your buddy Daniel
what you wanted to know.
I want you to tell me what you told him.
Sorry I'm late.
Don't worry.
I got some work done. Come in.
So you believe him?
What? Am I so unlovable?
Obviously, they can.
But you know he slept with Natalia
while he was married.
Then you.
His history doesn't exactly inspire trust.
Look, I don't think he is,
but even if he were a son of a bitch,
I'd still believe in his mission
and what we've all been fighting for.
Sure, that sounds nice and everything,
but open your eyes.
He's a liar.
He cheated on his wife with both of you.
He's a politician.
What makes you think
Torres isn't taking you for a ride?
Or worse, what makes you so sure
he's not involved
with Natalia's disappearance?
Stop saying that, damn it!
Natalia tried to warn me about him.
I thought she was jealous,
but maybe she was just
genuinely worried about me.
I don't know what to think.
Hey, hey. It's OK, sweetie.
I miss Natalia.
So do I.
Let's hope she turns up soon.
Cover her face, Dasha, for fuck's sake!
-Where are you taking me?
Don't make me hit you.
Hold still.
The authorities still don't know
Beatriz Prats' whereabouts.
The wife of the
social-democratic candidate
left her house one afternoon
and never returned.
The authorities are working together to
Hey, Alberto.
Any news yet?
No, nothing.
Like I said, this is strange.
Bea wouldn't have left like that.
What are you doing?
Why don't you come over?
I don't want to be alone.
The thing is
with everything going on,
I think it's best if we stopped
seeing each other.
I had a good time
the other day, but that's it.
I'm sorry.
Everyone's gone.
Do you need anything else?
No. Thanks.
See you tomorrow, then.
I'm sorry,
but I need to tell you something.
Well, not really
because I don't dare tell you,
but I did write something for you.
I'm super scared and embarrassed,
but I can't leave
without giving it to you.
We're all here because we believe in you.
I believe in you.
Well, read it. How embarrassing.
See you.
Eli, wait.
You're brave to give me this.
Or crazy.
Let's have a drink.
Thank you for coming.
Take a seat.
Don't worry. Go ahead.
I'm aware of everything that's happening
between you and Alberto.
I also know that
your relationship notwithstanding,
you've always been loyal
to the party and to our cause.
You're one of the best here.
But we can't let our personal lives
get mixed up
with our true objective,
which is to help others,
to make this city a just place,
and to help youths like you
who want to be independent.
Gabriel, I've heard this before.
I don't need to hear it again.
What do you want?
The election is close.
After this whole issue with Beatriz,
he's the perfect widower.
He's sad and destroyed
because of what happened.
He's going up in the polls every day.
We can't fuck things up now
because he fell for one
of his campaign volunteers.
Did he tell you he fell for me?
Yes, he fell for you.
How did I do? Think I fooled her?
You're good. I'll admit it.
What are you doing?
This shouldn't be here.
There's something I'm still wondering.
Where do you find
these terrible photographers?
I'm sure you would've done a better job.
You know it.
I do.
Can you hear me?
I've got you, fucker.
Shit! He's got a gun.
Stop! Police!
I need backup. Santa Clara and Amnistia.
Freeze! Police!
Put your hands up! Let me see them!
Hands on your head!
Don't move.
Don't move!
Get down, son of a bitch!
Don't move!
Hands on your hand.
I'm one of you. Goddamn it!
Don't move.
What the fuck is this?
Get up.
Come on!
Leave your message
after the beep.
Daniel, where are you?
You're not answering my calls.
I'm outside the bar.
I can't wait any longer.
I'm going in.
Hi, I'll have a beer, please.
What are those?
They're shocking but they're cool.
The framing and the lighting are amazing.
I thought you didn't see Monica
until you got to the hospital.
I did see her, but
when I saw she was OK, I
Do you know what was the first thing
I did when I got there?
I started taking pictures with my phone.
I didn't have my camera.
The visual was so powerful
I didn't even worry about
the people who were injured.
I left before Monica saw me.
What would she have thought
if she'd seen me there?
That you're the most interesting guy
she'll ever meet.
Why are you stroking my ego?
What do you want?
What is it? What?
The pictures of Beatriz Prats'
body have leaked.
The images you're about
to see are disturbing.
Viewer discretion is advised.
According to the authorities,
the heinous nature of the murder
indicates that this has been the work
I have to go.
Several experienced police officers
and criminology experts agree
that these chilling images
are proof that Beatriz Prats' murder
could've been lasciviously premeditated.
In other words,
with extreme sexual desire or
Turn that off.
I'm calling that commissioner.
Wait for what? This is degrading.
Turn it off.
Everyone's looking.
I wonder what they think.
How horrid.
Who would do something like that?
Who could be so monstrous,
so cold to do that?
Who could inflict No.
Who could cause such pain and have peace?
I can't believe someone would do that
to someone as amazing as Beatriz.
Who could've done this?
Who's the monster?
Who has been so cold
as to do something like this?
Who could cause such pain and have peace?
I didn't want to talk
about this most sordid crime
But sadly, now that these images
are public,
I feel obligated
to share how I feel about them.
My phone is ringing. May I have it?
It's in that tray over there.
I just want to tell them I'm here.
What do you think I'm going to do?
I just want to let my wife and kids know.
They must be worried.
My wife won't stop calling until I answer.
She doesn't know where I am.
Come on, man. Is that so hard?
Come on.
Give it.
Are you going to shut up
or make things worse for yourself?
You assaulted an officer,
you resisted arrest,
and you were carrying
a non-registered weapon.
I think you're going to be
staying here for a while.
Let's take you to your cell.
How's it going to be?
The easy way or the hard way?
Alex, listen to me. This is important.
I think I'm in trouble.
I'm at a bar called J.L. in Entrevias.
Daniel has information about Natalia,
but I've been calling him
and he won't answer.
If he calls you,
please tell him where I am.
I need my phone.
Someone might be in danger.
Get in.
Now behave.
Daniel, I found him. He's at the bar.
What the fuck are you doing here?
Sorry. I got lost.
That's the way out, right?
This place is private.
It said so on the door.
It was a mistake.
I'm not here to steal anything.
-I really have to go.
-You're not going anywhere.
What's going on,
This is the bitch I told you about.
I don't know what's going on,
but I really have to go.
Goddamn it, Dimitri!
I told you that you couldn't stay!
Shut up. You want everyone to hear?
Forgive my friend. He's nervous.
I already told him it was a mistake.
Can I go now?
Why are you here?
It's a simple question.
What brings you to this bar?
I'm not feeling well.
I'm not feeling well.
I don't know who the fuck you are,
but your time is up.
You should tell us what you know.
It'll be the last thing you'll ever say.
How long until she wakes up?
Any minute now.
We need to give her another dose
before putting her in the container.
Here you are.
Daniel Romero, Homicide Detective.
Decorated Dismissed
Recklessness and imprudence
Death of a fellow officer.
I'll say it again.
I'm helping that woman find her daughter.
I got a tip about a Russian
who might be involved.
That was hours ago.
We might still have time.
Who are you? A cop?
I'm not a cop.
No, please!
The entire party
will find out you're garbage.
Listen to me, you brat.
Think this through.
It wouldn't be the first time
someone tested me
and found out what I'm all about.
It's better that she's afraid of me.
She won't do anything now.
What the fuck do you know?
We're really in trouble now.
If anyone had heard you,
they'd have thought
you'd killed your wife.
I'll make sure she doesn't say anything.
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