Yumi's Cells (2021) s01e04 Episode Script

Episode 4

[Yumi's Cells]
[Episode 9: Frog]
-Light's back on.
-Light's back on.
Emotion. Are you okay?
I'm okay.
What's this?
It's snow.
-What is this?
Why is it suddenly snowing?
It's sweet.
It's so sweet.
-It's sweet.
-I'm so angry.
Is this sugar snow? How did this happen?
Yu-mi didn't eat anything.
That's not it, Reason.
Why are you standing in the rain?
You will catch a cold.
[There are a lot of sweet things]
[other than sugar.]
Excuse me. Hello.
Excuse me? Woong?
Hello. I'm Ruby.
Oh, hi.
Are you here to meet Yu-mi?
That's surprising.
-Let's talk later.
Where were you going?
Let's go. I'll take you home.
He looks different from last time.
Why does he look neat?
Oh, taxi.
[Taxi Stop]
[Taxi Stop]
There's no taxi available
because of the rain.
I can't even call one.
By the way,
-what are you doing here?
What are you doing here at this hour?
Oh, right.
I was in the area.
In the area?
Actually, I was curious.
You didn't reply.
I was curious
why you weren't replying.
My phone broke. I'm getting it repaired.
I see.
I see. I knew it.
I thought
I got dumped.
It's been a long time
since we had sugar snow, right?
I know. It's the first time in years.
Right. What?
-Who are you?
-Who are you?
Gatekeeper cells. Hi.
I'm from Woong's town.
You're Woong's cell?
What are you doing here?
I wanted to check out Yu-mi's town.
What's the password?
Do you think any man can enter
Yu-mi's heart?
This gate requires a 28 digit password.
A 28 digit password? Why is it so long?
Woong's town is only four digits.
Now you know, beat it.
For the last three years,
no one passed this gate.
-Yu-mi isn't an easy woman.
-Of course not.
Can't you just let me in?
It's going well right now.
-Beat it.
-Beat it.
I will kill you.
[Looking for an available taxi]
[No taxi available]
Yu-mi. It keeps getting canceled.
Why don't we
[Taxi stop]
[It's not rain. It's sweat.]
[A high fever of 38 degrees.]
It's an emergency.
Everyone, focus.
Now our goal is to take Yu-mi
to the hospital.
We don't have much time.
Run the algorithm.
[Woong's algorithm will now begin.]
[Is there a hospital nearby?]
[Is there a hospital nearby?]
Yu-mi. Wait.
[Is there a hospital nearby?]
[Is there a hospital nearby?]
[Is it close enough to carry her?]
[Is it close enough to carry her?]
[Are you close enough to carry her
like a princess?]
[Are you close enough to carry her
like a princess?]
[Is it time for that?]
[Is it time for that?]
[Carry her like a princess.]
[Carry her like a princess.]
[Carry her like a princess.]
[Can you carry the umbrella?]
[Forget it.]
[Now, all carbohydrates stored in the body
will be released.]
[The sprint mode starts.]
[Sprint mode starts.]
[Emergency Room]
Excuse me.
Wait. Over here. Wait.
Can you take a look at her?
She's an emergency patient.
Are you her guardian?
[Are you Kim Yu-mi's guardian?]
[Are you Kim Yu-mi's guardian?]
[You're not her guardian,
but do you want to be?]
[You're not her guardian,
but do you want to be?]
Yes. I'm her guardian.
Her fever broke.
You may leave after the IV.
Thank you.
But her clothes are all wet.
You should get a change of clothes.
It will take about an hour for the IV.
Okay. Thank you.
[The situation has ended.]
[Mission clear.]
[From this moment on,
you are entering conceited mode.]
[Emergency Medical Center]
[-Where are you?]
[Why aren't you coming?]
We're eating pajeon right now.
Where are you?
The hospital?
-The hospital?
Yu-mi? Why?
You punk. I was wondering where you went.
So you went to her office?
She could've been in serious trouble
if I didn't go.
She had a high fever, and she fainted.
[Hey. How did you manage to bring
someone who fainted to the hospital?]
I carried her in my arms.
Of course. She wasn't drunk.
I ran with her in my arms
for over ten minutes!
You ran for over ten minutes?
You have strong arms.
My arms still hurt.
Yu-mi's light. She's like a feather.
But I wonder why my arms are sore.
-Give it to me.
-Just wait a second.
Say something to him.
Hello? You went to see a woman
who doesn't even text you back?
It's not that. She said her phone broke,
so she's getting it fixed.
What else could she say to someone
who showed up?
I bet it's an excuse.
An excuse?
Gosh, you fool.
How is that important
when someone is sick?
You're hopeless.
I followed the algorithm.
[-My algorithm]
said that this was the right thing to do.
Hey, go ahead and have dinner without me.
I need to take Yu-mi home
when she wakes up.
I'll see you tomorrow.
Does he even have a brain?
Why would he go there?
He's really into her.
He's completely head of over heels
for Kim Yu-mi.
Wasn't that place nice?
This will look good on her.
Are you up?
Your boyfriend left it for you.
My boyfriend?
[Your boyfriend went
through a lot of trouble.]
He got completely soaked in the rain.
I thought he might've caught a cold,
but he went out to get you some clothes.
Your clothes are wet,
so it'd be best if you got changed.
Please wait a second.
It's a dress.
How cute.
Should we have allowed
Woong's cells to come in?
But the password is really long.
Right. Yu-mi doesn't open up easily.
She doesn't. She really doesn't.
Who are you?
What? It's a frog.
-What should we do?
-Should we let it in?
If it's cute, it's allowed in
without the password.
That's true. Hold on.
The things that Yu-mi
finds cute are puppies,
pandas, and Wait.
Frogs aren't on the list.
Who cares? Let's open the gates.
It's cute.
Should we?
Why not?
[On that rainy day, a frog]
[entered Yu-mi's heart.]
-Who are you?
[The frog that entered Yu-mi's heart
saved us cells,]
[and it put together Hunger's tastebuds.]
[It cleaned up the village that was
contaminated with stress.]
[And it put up a fence so that
Hysterius couldn't come back down.]
Love. Look at that!
Someone is coming here!
[It even found Love and True Feelings
who were stranded on a deserted island.]
[The frog did all of this on its own.]
I know we just met, but thank you so much.
Love cell, to be honest,
I'm not really a frog.
I used a trick to get through
the gates of Yu-mi's heart.
The password to her heart was too hard.
Then who are you?
Hi, Yu-mi's Love cell.
Who are you?
I'm Woong's Love cell.
How cute.
[Woong's Love cell disguised himself as
a frog and entered Yu-mi's heart.]
Are you up?
How do you feel?
[He came in]
[without Yu-mi realizing it.]
Are you still feeling sick?
No. I'm fine.
where did you get this?
At a place near here.
I didn't know your size,
so I took a guess.
Why? Do you hate it?
I love it.
You love it?
Yes. I like it.
It reminded me of the Frog Festival.
I know. It's cute.
You wearing it is cuter.
You're very good at sucking up.
I'm not sucking up.
I told you I can't lie.
I'm going to go pay the bill.
Do you want to grab dinner together?
You didn't have dinner yet, right?
I'll treat you to something good
in return for this.
In return for this?
Yes. I'm grateful.
There's no need to be grateful.
Anyone in that situation
To be honest,
I'm asking you out on a second date.
Let's have dinner together.
Are you rejecting me?
No, it's not that.
It's really late,
so every place is closed.
They'll be open until nine.
Nine? What time is it now?
What time is it? It's
Seoul time.
I'm a gentleman.
You're good.
[Episode 10: Bulletin Board]
[Late at night,]
[when Yu-mi falls asleep,]
[the Dream Theater begins playing
a late night film.]
What's the movie tonight?
[It reminded me of the Frog Festival.]
[I know. It's cute.]
[You wearing it is cuter.]
Must be nice.
[Today's movie is a romantic comedy.]
It's right there.
That building?
Yes, I live on the fourth floor.
Right, thank you for everything today.
And thank you for walking me home.
Get some rest.
Don't forget to take your medicine.
I'll be off, then.
When you get home,
send me a text.
A text?
It's really late, you know.
It'll take me over 30 minutes to get home.
It's okay.
But you don't have your phone now.
Oh, right.
Sweet dreams.
I have my laptop.
I have the messenger
downloaded on my laptop.
Are you sure I can wake you up?
Yes, I said it's fine.
I'm slow-witted, so
I'll actually do it if you say it's fine.
Go for it.
Go inside.
My gosh, every single scene was so good.
[When the late night screening ends]
[And after all the other cells
fall asleep,]
[this cell starts working.]
[The cells put up comments
on the bulletin board throughout the day.]
[Ruby is so annoying!]
[There have been
too many expenses lately.]
[We need more masks.]
[And these comments would affect
Yu-mi's daily routine the next day.]
[What is love?]
[By Emotion cell]
[The Bulletin Board cell
would throw away useless comments.]
[The pork cutlet restaurant we went
today was amazing!] [By Hunger cell]
[Woong lives near Jeongbalsan.]
[By Reason cell]
[And the comments Yu-mi should remember
are moved up.]
[Woong lives near Jeongbalsan.]
What is this?
[There are times
when old comments from who knows]
[are discovered randomly.]
How long has this been here?
There's no name.
No wonder Yu-mi was stressed out.
"Chae Ugi is your destiny"?
Give me a break.
Your destiny is a matter of choice.
[I'm almost home now.]
[Goo Woong]
[It took a while.]
[I couldn't hail a cab.
Are you still awake?]
[Yu-mi: I'm going to bed now.]
[Good night.]
[Good night.]
[Wait, tomorrow]
[Goo Woong]
[Can I call you tomorrow?]
[Good night, for real this time.]
Sorry, I want to put this up.
Wow, this is a nice one.
[By Love cell]
[Another date tomorrow!]
[Everyone has their own bulletin board.]
[Of course, Woong has one too.]
[Yu-mi is cute.]
[Yu-mi likes pork cutlet.]
[Kim Yu-mi looks adorable
with short hair.]
[The hoodie dress looks great on Yu-mi.]
[Yu-mi lives on the fourth floor.]
[Yes! Another date tomorrow!]
Stop putting up comments about Yu-mi.
I want to sleep!
I'm home.
Where did he go?
She's cute.
[Sorry about our first date.
Frog Festival.]
Kim Yu-mi.
[I like romance novels and food.]
She is Woong's type.
[Goo Woong]
Did you just get in?
Where are you?
Your bags are here, but you guys aren't.
[We're still at the fritter place.]
Are you guys still eating?
[How did it go?]
With Yu-mi. You said she wasn't well.
Is she okay now?
[Yes, she's better now.]
I'm glad to hear that.
And what?
[So are you seeing her again or what?]
Right, her phone is actually broken.
It wasn't an excuse.
She must've agreed to go on a second date
because she felt bad.
No. She asked me out on a second date.
-No way.
[-For real.]
Does this mean you're finally dating,
-Thank you.
[I was actually just about to call you.]
[Come here and take Louis home.]
-He's totally passed out.
[Wake him up.]
I've tried, but he just won't wake up.
All right.
You're here.
Did he drink a lot?
A little.
-Because you've got a girlfriend now.
Hey, Louis. Let's go home. Wake up.
-Have a seat.
We should go home. It's past midnight.
But we still have booze left.
I don't want to waste it.
-Let's finish this, okay?
Thank you.
Excuse me.
Could we get another green onion fritter?
Why? I'll leave in a minute.
You like the fritters here.
It's on me. Don't you worry.
Is it nice to be dating?
I've only seen her twice.
Right, so it must be nice.
A second date. How exciting!
It was worth shaving your beard
which took three years to grow.
I'm suddenly reminded of that time.
-The two of us
having rice wine together
with Louis being fast asleep next to us.
Doesn't it remind you of the old days?
The rice wine place in Hapjeong-dong.
The rice wine place
where we used to go often.
You remember, right?
[Danger detected.]
Danger detected.
Sae-yi is talking about the old days.
No. Whenever Sae-yi got tipsy
and brought up the old days in the past,
she always had an ulterior motive.
-That's right!
-That's right!
This is dangerous. We must switch Woong
into defense mode at once!
-Got it.
-Got it.
[Switching to defense mode.]
[Bear mode on.]
[Woong is now a bear.]
[He cannot pick up clues or take hints.]
[He's dull-witted,
and his memory is terrible now.]
Okay, great!
Remember the day when I got totally drunk
at the rice wine place?
You came to pick me up.
You remember, right?
-I did?
-You know, it snowed a lot that day.
It snowed?
When you saw how drunk I was,
you got all angry at me.
Why were you so angry that day?
When you still had that office job.
Office job?
When you lived in Hapjeong-dong.
The rice wine place in your area.
Don't you remember?
A rice wine place in Hapjeong-dong?
Where was it?
It's fine. Forget it.
[Defense success.]
[You liked me, didn't you?]
That's it!
I'm getting all the cold breeze
sitting here.
Are you okay?
[She has launched her second attack.]
[Sae-yi's ulterior motive:
I want to sit next to you.]
Can I sit next to you? I'm cold.
You should've told me sooner.
I was so hot. I'm glad.
I didn't mean to change seats.
Never mind.
[Defense success.]
-Thank you.
Oh, that looks good.
Aren't you eating?
I'm full.
It's a lot.
[Her third attack begins.]
[Sae-yi's ulterior motive: Drunk Speaking]
Do you want to hear a secret?
-Come on.
It's a secret. You don't have to tell me.
You know, back in university,
I had a crush on someone.
Do you know who that was?
-It was Jin-soo.
-No. I hate him so much.
-It was Jin-soo.
Do you know how much I suffered
because people thought I liked him?
Everyone knows that you liked him.
No. Who spread that rumor?
It was me.
It was Jin-soo. Everyone knows.
-Louis is up.
-Oh, it's a feast.
-Let's go.
-It smells good.
Hi, Woong.
You haven't even touched the pajeon.
-Excuse me. Can I get this to go?
-I'll get it to go.
-I'm full. Let's go.
-Let's go.
Get the food.
-It's fine.
-I'm sorry.
[Defense success.]
It's so hard to get a taxi.
It's getting cold at night.
[-Her fourth attack begins.]
[Sae-yi's ulterior motive:]
[A physical touch]
It's cold, isn't it?
Is it that cold?
Let's cross arms since it's cold.
Try this. You'll feel less cold.
[Defense success.]
Don't stay up and go home.
I'll see you tomorrow.
Aren't you going to the office?
No. I'm tired. I'm going home.
-Have a good night.
[Mission clear. The bear mode is off.]
[Everyone has a bulletin board
in their hearts.]
[So does Sae-yi.]
[To be the best art director.]
[-Let's be the legend in the game field.
-I can do it.]
[We are three eagle siblings.]
[We are three eagle siblings.]
[I'll never get married.]
[I'll never get married.]
[But one day,]
[if I do get married]
[I'll never get married.]
[It will be Woong.]
[Episode 11: Lust versus Lustsaurus]
It's 9 a.m.?
That's crazy.
Why did the alarm go off at 9 a.m.?
What do I do?
[Yu-mi. It's Saturday.]
That's right. It's Saturday.
[Yu-mi. You're meeting Woong today.]
Yes. That's today.
Did she go back to sleep?
Is everyone sleeping?
Fashion. She's meeting him at noon.
We can sleep for more.
Aren't we going shopping?
I don't even remember the last time
we went shopping.
Are you going to wear the same clothes
and meet Woong?
Woong finds everything Yu-mi wears cute.
That won't last forever.
How long do you think that will last?
We need new clothes!
Yu-mi. Get up.
We have to buy new clothes!
Dear deity. I pray desperately.
Please wake Yu-mi up.
Please allow Yu-mi to go shopping.
Your prayer woke me up,
Fashion cell.
Dear deity.
You have come, Shopping Spree deity.
As a return for your earnest,
I shall sing a song.
A song?
♫ C, D, E ♫
♫ C, D, E, F ♫
♫ What ends with onion is ♫
♫ Onion, scallion, green onion ♫
♫ I want to buy these all ♫
Repeat after me.
The song
will wake Yu-mi up.
♫ What ends with onion is ♫
-♫ Onion, scallion, green onion ♫
-♫ Onion, scallion, green onion ♫
-♫ I want to buy these all ♫
-♫ I want to buy these all ♫
-♫ Onion, scallion, green onion ♫
-♫ Onion, scallion, green onion ♫
-♫ I want to buy these all ♫
-♫ I want to buy these all ♫
-♫ Onion, scallion, green onion ♫
-♫ Onion, scallion, green onion ♫
-♫ I want to buy these all ♫
-♫ I want to buy these all ♫
That's right.
Is it still on sale?
It looks great on you.
How did you find it at once?
I've been eyeing it.
I'll take this.
Okay. You should get changed.
I'll actually wear it now.
Can you take the tag off?
Sure. It's perfect for the weather today.
-Give me a sec.
Thank you.
Here are the clothes you wore.
Is there a locker nearby?
I can't carry it with me.
We can keep it for you.
Can you?
-Can you give me your phone number?
Thank you.
[Goo Woong]
Of course I'm up.
I'm already out.
Really? Did you stay up all night?
Then I'll go to your house.
I'm nearby.
It's okay. I'll be having coffee.
[I'm leaving now. Where are you?]
[I'll see you there.
It won't even take five minutes.]
[It's perfect.
It was a good idea to buy it.]
[Yu-mi. Loosen up two buttons.]
[So your collarbone shows.
Your collarbone is attractive.]
Who's there?
Yu-mi has a sexy collarbone.
You Lust!
Let's loosen up.
[Yes. That's it, Yu-mi.]
Don't give unnecessary advice.
What do you know about fashion?
You don't even wear pants.
Don't do that!
Does fashion matter?
When are they kissing?
-My goodness.
-I'm getting nervous.
Lust. What are you doing?
Don't provoke the other cells.
It's time now.
She should do it today. A kiss.
Stop making a fuss.
They've only met a few times.
A kiss isn't a coupon.
You don't have to fill up numbers.
You do it when you feel like it.
-That's true.
-That's true.
What's true?
Yu-mi's been starving for years.
I've had it enough.
-He's right.
You can loosen up three buttons, Yu-mi.
Unbutton everything.
It's not time for you to step up yet.
Come here.
Loosen up other things too.
[What's this?]
[What now?]
[I was worried she'd spill coffee.]
[This is expensive.]
What's wrong?
Did you fall?
I spilled coffee.
It's all over you.
Why did you call Shopping Spree deity?
Do you want to die?
-Cheapskate. Calm down.
It will be okay
if she washes it right away.
She has to get changed for the date.
What? She left her clothes
at the clothing store.
-Yes. That's right.
What should we do?
It's okay. I actually left
Let's go to my house.
Go to your house? Let me go.
-Lust. Stay calm.
-Let go.
If we wash it right away
Your house?
Yes. My house.
Going to his house is too much.
She can get changed
at the clothing store
and take her dress to a laundry.
I'm glad we have spare clothes.
What was that?
Let's go.
Let's go to Woong's house. It's a chance.
What chance?
A kiss.
It's right there.
But I left
[Yu-mi. Let's go to Woong's house.]
What did you say?
Come in.
-Wait here.
It's clean.
How can it be so clean?
I don't have anything small.
These are the smallest.
Go get changed. I'll wash your dress now.
[Yes! This is where Woong takes a shower.]
Do you want some coffee?
Yes. Sounds good.
[He must've showered just now.
I can smell it.]
[It's a sexy musk scent.]
[I like it.]
I like how Woong is so sexy.
[Yu-mi. What are you thinking?]
It's big.
Someone take him away.
Stop making Yu-mi weird.
-Let me go.
-Sorry, guys.
I meant the tree. The tree is big.
Guys. Woong has nothing on his mind.
He invited her with no other intention.
Let's not make a fuss.
-Right. Let's not.
Aren't the clothes too big?
Yes, a bit.
They're the smallest.
Lustsaurus. Calm down.
Yu-mi is wearing my clothes.
Her collarbone is so sexy.
Everyone. Pull him. Stop him.
-Pull him.
-Pull him.
They're a bit too big.
But they're the smallest.
Still, you look cute.
I look cute again?
I must be a cute incarnate.
Give it to me.
Calm down.
Act like a gentleman.
You've been doing well so far. Good boy.
Let's not ruin it.
If Yu-mi finds out about you,
she'll hate
Be calm.
Isn't that fabric softener?
[Fabric Softener]
That's fabric softener.
A kiss. Kiss now.
Stay calm.
Calm down.
[Danger detected.]
[Entering the CO2 zone.]
[He can feel CO2 emitted by each other.]
[When he enters this zone,
Lustsaurus goes out of control.]
Get off her, Woong!
A call.
You're getting a call.
I'll do it.
[Leaving the CO2 zone.]
Yes, I'm home. What's up?
[Can you come over?
I can't open this file.]
Something must've gone wrong
during the update.
Louis can't seem to fix it either.
Tell him to hurry over.
No, let me talk to him.
Hey, Woong. We've got a problem here.
[Can you hurry over?]
Is everything okay?
I'm sorry.
Looks like I have to go to the office.
It sounds like there's a problem.
It's urgent.
I just started the washing machine.
Do you want to stay here? I'll be quick.
How long will it take?
I'm not sure.
I think it'll take some time.
If I'm here alone
Will you be uncomfortable?
Yes, a little.
But you can't go out
dressed like this anyway.
You need a change of clothes.
There is something
I can wear instead of this.
Excuse me.
A young lady stopped by in the morning
and left her clothes.
-What's her name?
-Kim Yu-mi.
Yes, here you go.
-Thank you.
-No problem.
The taxi is here.
Get going, then.
Come with me.
I'll drop you off on the way.
It's okay. You're running late.
You should hurry. I'll just take the bus.
Go on, hurry.
I'll call you.
Hey, Lust. The date is over.
Get some sleep now.
They could've totally kissed.
Gosh, it's finally calmed down.
Home is a dangerous place.
We almost let it run wild.
Let's not invite her over again.
You fixed it!
Did he?
I think so.
There, it's fixed.
My gosh. Thanks, Woong.
If it weren't for you, Woong,
everything would be gone now.
What time is it now?
You must be hungry. Let's go out.
Let's go eat
something super delicious, okay?
I have to go. Just eat without me.
What? Aren't you hungry?
-No, I'm fine.
-He left in the middle of his date.
-Get going, sir.
-I'm off.
See you on Monday.
Thanks again.
[What did I do so wrong?]
[It's all out in the open anyway.]
[Fine. Let me say something.]
[Look. Jang Do-yeon's signature dance.]
[-You see this in the show.
[-So what about my dance?
-Come on.]
[Why can't I do it?]
[Goo Woong]
Yes, I'm home. Are you done?
I just got home.
I'll drop off your dress now.
It's okay. Just give it to me next time.
I'll come by now.
[Just give it to me next time I see you.
You must be tired.]
I want to come by now.
Can I come and see you now?
Okay. You can come by now.
I'll call you when I'm there.
[There's something strange
about what Yu-mi did earlier.]
She had left a change of clothes
at the clothing shop.
The shop is just a three-minute walk
from where she spilled the coffee.
It was even closer than Woong's place,
which was a five-minute walk away.
[But she came here]
[and changed into Woong's clothes.]
[Why did she do that?]
[Goo Woong: I'm in front of your place.]
What took you so long?
I wanted to iron it for you.
You ironed it? You didn't have to.
Did you have dinner?
No, not yet.
Really? Then let's go eat something.
My treat.
But I'm just curious.
You had a change of clothes,
so why did you come to my place?
The clothing shop was closer
than my place.
That was
I forgot.
You did?
Yes, I was too flustered.
I only remembered it later.
That I had bought clothes.
Oh, really?
Then what were you thinking?
I'm only asking
because I didn't know what to think.
Like I said, I forgot.
What's with that smirk?
I just think you're cute.
You're weird.
You say that all the time.
What do you feel like eating?
In this area, there is a restaurant
that's famous for braised kimchi
[Yumi's Cells]
[There's something
I really want to do with you.]
[I don't know whether or not
you'll like it.]
Then let's go to my place.
Lust, don't get too ahead of yourself.
[This is so good.]
[Who made this?]
A man and a woman can't be friends!
[Why? It's just not possible.]
[This girl is Sae-yi? She's pretty.]
[I have to stop by the office.
Shall we go together after this?]
By the way, you know my name.
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