Zero Day (2025) s01e04 Episode Script
Episode 4
[ominous music playing]
[crowd clamoring]
[woman] They're not telling us
what's going on.
- I know! I know!
- We need to stop.
- I'm cold!
- Open the fucking door!
Let's go! Let's go!
[Mitchell] This morning,
our eighth-largest consumer bank,
American Homestead,
was the target of an
apparent cyberattack.
As of this hour,
the bank and its customers
are unable to access their accounts.
[clamoring continues]
I know! I know you're frustrated.
We're doing everything we can
to restore your account information,
and we'll open as soon as we can.
[Mitchell] Our first priority
must be to safeguard
the rest of our financial system,
which is why, just moments ago,
Congress passed the emergency measure
I've now signed into law placing
an immediate freeze through the weekend
on all financial activity.
No wire transfers, no withdrawals,
no credit card transactions.
All markets will be closed
until we are certain that we can protect
other institutions from a similar attack.
Let us in and give us our fucking money!
[clamoring continues]
- What happens after the weekend?
- [woman] Are any of our systems safe?
I spoke with former President Mullen
just moments ago.
As of this morning, he believes
that he has a suspect in custody
who may be at the center of both events.
Is that Evan Green?
He has a suspect.
Mullen is driving us all
off a fucking cliff.
You need to take back the wheel.
Let me guess, and hand it to you?
The bank is its own thing,
unrelated to Zero Day.
And Evan Green's
got nothing to do with it.
Yeah? And how would you know that?
I chaired House
Judiciary for eight years.
I talked to more people at the FBI
than the damn director,
and they all say this
is another copycat.
I hired the damn director.
If he has something to tell me,
he'll call me.
[George] Advocating the overthrow
of our banking system,
the erasure of customer data,
redistribution of wealth,
segments you repeatedly aired
three months before the attack.
I'm I'm sorry.
I'm I'm a little confused.
You You brought me down here just
to tell me you're a fan of the show?
Tell us about Leon, Evan.
How he and his Reaper friends
spread the Zero Day malware.
How they attacked
American Homestead this morning.
Tell me about Anna Sindler.
[Evan] You're three weeks in.
Three weeks, and you got nothing.
That's pathetic.
You can keep me here as long
as you like. It's great for ratings.
Every minute I'm here,
my audience grows.
We have texts, emails, dozens of them,
from you to members of the Reapers,
openly colluding.
And you must know
no hard drive is ever truly erased.
So what are we going to find
when we restore yours?
Well. Teens, gang bangs,
CBTs, small penis humiliation
[continues indistinctly]
[ominous music playing]
You just think
this is a big fucking joke, don't you?
Tearing this country apart,
lighting fires just to make a buck.
You're a fucking parasite.
I'd like my lawyer. Now.
As a detainee of this commission,
you are not entitled to counsel.
That's okay, Carl.
Let the man have his lawyer.
[door opens]
[door shuts]
Well, how sure are we
that Green is behind both attacks?
[Valerie] We're following the evidence.
Mullen believes Green
might be hiding something.
[Richard] You need to talk
some sense into him.
You can't still think
that he listens to me.
I just mean,
are we considering other suspects?
Says the guy
who gave us the fucking photos?
Look, this is going south fast.
Come Monday, if we don't
reopen the banks, we're fucked.
And if we do,
and everyone wants their money
because we haven't solved this
- Yes. Then it's a disaster. I know.
- [Roger] I just think
Don't think. Get to your desk.
Call DOD. White House wants to deploy
200,000 additional National Guard.
- We need to coordinate.
- Okay, okay.
It all comes apart.
Your father can't help us anymore,
but he can hurt us.
He needs to understand that.
[Roger] So, how's your day?
[sighs] Peachy.
How I always pictured the apocalypse.
[Roger] Fuck, what time
did we go to sleep last night?
God, I don't even know.
What do you think he'd do right now?
[Alex] Nick?
Not look back.
Why don't we?
Just fucking
run. [chuckles]
We find us
some cozy little place in,
I don't know, Belize?
New Zealand?
Costa Rica?
It's really not that crazy,
considering the fucking shitstorm
that we're in.
If things continue,
and the mob storms the castle
and comes for all of our heads,
everyone's gonna be trying
to figure out where the nearest exit is,
and we could just be gone.
Yeah, I think we'd probably
kill each other in, like, two days.
- [Roger chuckles]
- [inhales]
[Alex exhales deeply]
You've known my dad
a really long time, right?
I mean, you probably know him
better than me at this point, so just
What is going on with him?
He hasn't been himself.
[Tim] The kill chain analysis
is still underway.
Sir, even with the transaction freeze,
people want to be sure
that their balances are intact.
In the last hour,
we've seen the apps and websites
of perfectly healthy banks
crash with all the traffic.
And that has spawned
mass speculation online
that all bank accounts
have been "Homesteaded," zeroed out.
Well, we have to work even harder
on getting the truth out.
[Melissa] It's not that simple.
A lot of the traffic isn't organic.
It's being amplified, along with some
increasingly pointed criticism of you
by Monica Kidder.
She's putting
this second attack at your feet.
So, what are the options?
[Melissa] Change the narrative.
Accept the invitation to testify
at the Oversight Committee.
No, I won't be testifying.
Not until we're done.
Has Green shared anything useful?
Not yet. He's meeting with his lawyer.
Then he's meeting with me.
Good. Thank you. That's all.
Carl mentioned you asked
Green something odd
about someone called Anna Sindler.
I threw a lot at him
just to keep him off balance.
We need him to break,
which is why I have to get back to work.
[Evan laughing]
[Evan] My followers must be
through the roof, right?
And did you check the spike in traffic
to the site? Will you?
And And when you get out of here,
I want you to call Jason.
Let's get that merch going.
Let's get T-shirts. Let's get cups.
Let's get hats. People fucking love hats.
And, you know, let's get my face on it
with with, like, Mandela, MLK.
Evan, I don't think you grasp
how serious your situation is.
Come on, Bob, will you relax?
Okay? Relax.
They can't keep me
in this shithole forever.
And I'm telling you they can.
As you pointed out repeatedly
on your own show,
they threw out the Constitution
when they authorized this commission.
Yeah, but come on.
I'm a prominent public figure
with a grassroots movement behind me.
Who just wiped his hard drives
with no explanation.
- How do you think that looks?
- Now that they hauled me in here?
That looks pretty fucking smart.
You need to talk.
You have to tell them
everything you know
about the whack jobs
you love slumming it with.
That's who they're after.
First thing, Bob,
they're called guests, okay?
Just because I have them on my show
doesn't mean I'm shacking up with them.
- Evan.
- Oh, Jesus Christ, Bob.
Are you buying their bullshit too?
It's still a free country
last time I checked.
No, it's not.
Not anymore.
I'm not here as your lawyer, Evan.
You don't get one.
The only reason they let me in here
was to try to talk some sense into you.
And if I have failed to do that,
then God help you.
Because if you don't
give them something,
I can't tell you what they'll do next.
- [crickets chirping]
- [dogs barking in the distance]
[Valerie] Mr. McKenna?
I'm Valerie Whitesell. I work for
I know who you work for.
I want nothing to do with it.
No, no, no. Please.
I came to talk to you about Proteus.
[mysterious music playing]
Looks like somebody's brought it back.
I need your help,
and I'm running out of time.
- [McKenna] How'd you find me?
- [Valerie] It wasn't easy.
You were the only scientist
from the original team
that I was able to track down.
- Well, the others are all dead.
- So you're suggesting
Well, we were secretly designing
neurological weapons
for the United States government.
Complete violation
of the Geneva Convention
and every single other international
arms control treaty that there was.
So, yeah.
We knew the risks.
I need to know
what Proteus would do to a person
if somehow it was revived
and the weapon was completed.
The idea behind Proteus
was to inflict a traumatic brain injury
from a distance with surgical precision.
An injury whose origin
could never be definitively traced.
So if someone somehow has perfected it,
and they are using it right now,
what would the symptoms be?
[anchor] I'm beginning to wonder
if George Mullen's approach
to this investigation
has been entirely ineffective.
We were told
the entire point of this commission
was to guarantee
another attack wouldn't happen again.
[George] What did I always say
during the campaign?
Don't forget the Purell.
Ignore the noise.
You came through.
You always have.
You've always come through.
Oh, come on. Please, sir.
The next few hours, you watch.
We're gonna solve this thing.
Green is gonna break.
[drill whirring]
[clamoring continues]
- [man] No cash, no groceries.
- [woman] No cash, no groceries.
I can't get cash.
How am I supposed to eat?
[indistinct chatter]
Where you from?
- That's not what I mean.
- I know what you mean.
[Evan] Otieno.
I'm gonna guess Ethiopia.
- Kenya.
- Kenya.
You know about
the Mau Mau rebellion, right?
What the British did there to quash it.
Real nasty shit.
Concentration camps.
Well, Mr. Otieno.
I guess the shoe's
on the other foot now, huh?
My dad came here when he was a kid.
Lost his parents,
his sister everyone.
Still wakes up screaming
all these years later
until he remembers he's in Queens.
In the United States of America.
I get it.
You were born on third base.
Take all this for granted.
Have no idea what happens
if it all really falls apart around us.
Not me, Evan.
My dad never let me.
So, yeah, the shoe's on the other foot,
and the foot's on your fucking neck.
This. This is real.
So who hacked Homestead,
and what's the plan for Monday?
- I don't know.
- Yes, you do.
I don't know who hacked it,
and I don't know the plan.
I do know that "Grigori,"
his name is Guy Starkman.
"Phenex" is a guy named Mickey Grondahl.
"FourthSeal," his name is Josh Simon.
And, yeah.
Yeah, they were all guests on my show.
But if they are who you say they are,
why don't you haul them in and ask them?
Run the names.
Round them up and everyone they've
interacted with in the last six months,
and tell Carl not to let up.
Green's still holding out.
- [Angela] Yes, sir.
- [Valerie] What's this?
Complete inventory of the Reapers' farm.
Data recovery failed.
Servers were all toast.
ChameleonMini, Ubertooth One,
a long range AM radio.
O.MG Elite cable
[continues indistinctly]
[ominous music playing]
Sir, you're gonna want to see this.
Could you pull up that clip, please?
It was
the great Benjamin Franklin who said
those who would give
up essential freedom
to purchase temporary safety
deserve neither freedom nor safety.
Now, I'm told Mullen isn't online.
But if people share my concern,
I suggest they find a way
to make their voices heard,
you know, in the real world.
Okay, thanks.
Local news caught her
coming out of her office.
This clip has gone viral again
with her help,
and now there's a protest being organized
for tomorrow outside of your house.
[Tom] There's also
been a significant bump
in personal threats against you
that we're tracking.
It's mostly lone crazies
jumping on the bandwagon.
But not to worry, sir.
They won't get close.
This has to stop.
[Melissa] Sir, I know Monica.
She's not unreasonable.
She just wants respect.
She wants to be invited in.
You could make her an ally.
- So, what are you saying?
- Thirty minutes. One-on-one.
You're seeing how much damage
she's doing as a thorn in your side.
Imagine how much she could help.
Fifteen. That's it. No more.
I will call her team at Panoply
and set it up.
I need to speak to you.
- [door locks]
- [mysterious music playing]
You mentioned it at
your press conference,
but it was never a cyberweapon.
It's neurological.
You should have known that.
I met with one of the people
who developed Proteus
before we shut it down.
He described
everything that it could do.
[mysterious music continues]
[breathes deeply]
Well, I
I've had episodes
with symptoms like this.
And sometimes
I I hear sounds that aren't there,
or I might see faces
that may or may not be there.
Anna Sindler?
She did die.
I spoke to the coroner myself.
The one you sent Roger to.
you're saying Proteus could be
being used on me?
I think it's possible.
[loud bang]
[cop] Here you go.
Long-range AM radio
from the Pocatello raid.
[Roger] Great, thanks.
[mysterious music playing]
[George] What do we do?
Well, the engineer I spoke to said that
the weapon targets specific locations.
My house. Well, that's where it started.
So then,
I don't think you can go back there.
You can sleep here?
- And what about Sheila?
- Well, she's not who they're after.
And she's not exhibiting any signs.
Well, I I'd need a portable SCIF
for my office. Something secure.
And your circle around you is tight,
but we're gonna make it tighter.
People like Roger
- I know you love him.
- All right.
Everything will go through you
from now on.
[mysterious music builds, fades]
Mullen was a fine idea. Safe, unifying.
I may not have liked it,
but I never said it wasn't smart.
We all hoped it would work out.
I'm here to offer you a pivot.
A chance to change direction
while protecting yourself
from any blowback.
Hmm. You'd do that for me, Dick?
I get it. You hired him.
You damn well can't fire him
without looking like a fool.
But he could resign,
and that would be on him and not on you.
George Mullen, resign? Now?
There is precedent, of course.
George Mullen walked away from
this office when no one else does.
Would anybody really be surprised
if he quits again?
Not the same. Back then it was personal.
Everyone knew that his family
was coming apart, and so was he.
And everyone knows
that history tends to repeat itself.
[pensive music playing]
[reporter] All banks
and savings and loans have been ordered
to cease the financial freeze.
People are reminded to line up
in an orderly fashion.
It is anticipated
that once the banks reopen,
there could be quite a rush.
They're queuing up outside
Manhattan Financial Institution.
We do not know
Hi, Mom.
No, I'm I'm fine. I just
I'm worried about Dad.
[pensive music continues]
[music fades]
[static continues]
[crowd] Free Evan Green!
Deep-state George!
Free Evan Green! Deep-state George!
Free Evan Green! Deep-state George!
Free Evan Green! Deep-state George!
Free Evan
[sirens blaring in distance]
[phone vibrating]
- Hey.
- Hi. I didn't think you'd pick up.
Well, no, actually
I was just about to call you.
The protest.
Tom said you can't even hear it.
Just stay in the house.
Yeah, George, I just had
a long talk with Alex about you.
Oh, okay. What'd you talk about?
You told me that you were fine and
this episode with Wayne was a mistake.
She says that that's not the case.
I can't talk about it now on the phone.
Well, we'll talk about it
when you're home.
Well, that's why I was about to call
you. I'm not gonna be coming home.
[pensive music playing]
[faint indistinct chatter]
[indistinct chatter continues]
[horns honking]
[sirens wailing in the distance]
[mysterious music playing]
[phone ringing]
- [line beeping]
- [electronic whirring]
[faint static]
[voice 1] Red Rooster,
this is Blue Hawk.
Axis Falcon, LD, Alpha India November.
En route to 7-8-9-0-1-2-3.
[voice 2] Current status
is Yankee Bravo 32 Lima.
[Leon] Red Rooster, this is Blue Hawk.
Confirm Yankee Bravo 32 Lima.
Next status update
November Echo one-two-hundred.
Ms. Kidder, thank
you for coming to talk.
Well, thank you for inviting me.
I must admit, I assumed
you'd have more important things to do
than worry about a little bad press.
No, I don't mind bad press.
I don't even mind
the crazies camped outside my house.
Well, it doesn't much matter
if you mind or not.
If we're still pretending
that the Constitution is intact.
Well, what I do mind, though,
is the intentional spread
of dangerous disinformation.
I'm told that there are levers
that you can pull.
Levers that, until now,
have been used to sow panic and fear.
This country would be grateful,
I would be grateful,
if, instead, you would use
those levers to encourage calm.
Now you want my help.
You'll recall, three weeks ago,
I offered precisely that.
To be part of the solution. You chose
instead to rely on government employees
to resolve this mess.
Men and women who
no doubt are as well-intentioned
as they are severely limited
in their actual talents.
And so here we are,
on the brink of total collapse.
Ms. Kidder, your offer to help
with the investigation was gracious,
but hard to accept due to the fact
that the DOJ is investigating you
for 19 violations
of the Sherman Antitrust Act.
Every aspiring autocracy begins
by insisting that the private sector
bend a knee.
And who's the one trying to stop a run
on the banks to secure your billions?
You tech people,
you all want government to be hands-off,
until you don't.
Mr. President, I have no idea
how secure my billions are.
I have an entire floor of accountants
who cannot log on and find out.
Well, okay.
Thank you for coming.
Of course.
By the way, the Franklin quote?
I think you got it wrong.
It's "liberty" we shouldn't sacrifice
for safety. Not "freedom."
What's the difference?
"Freedom" is what allows people like you
to do whatever you want.
"Liberty" is what protects the
rest of us from people like you.
[Monica] Thanks for the tea.
[crowd] Free Evan
Green! Free Evan Green!
Free Evan Green!
Free Evan Green! Free Evan Green!
Free Evan Green!
Fry Evan Green!
Keep him off the street!
Fry Evan Green!
Keep him off the street! Fry Evan Green!
[indistinct chatter]
[man] You can't do that!
- [indistinct yells]
- [grunts]
- [cop] Hold it right there!
- [clamoring]
[crowd] Where's my fucking money?
Where's my fucking money?
Where's my fucking money?!
Where's my fucking money?!
[George] These men Green named, now
in custody under active interrogation,
traded dozens of emails mentioning "bank
attack" in just the last few weeks.
Have any of them
acknowledged actual responsibility
for either American Homestead
or the Zero Day attacks?
- They will.
- By sunrise tomorrow?
Can you guarantee that?
Worst case, we extend the freeze.
People can't buy food, George.
Green knows more.
We're close. I'm telling you
Unless he is just
another fucking blowhard
who has nothing to do with this.
You're aware that American Homestead
was hacked last spring?
No. There was no mention
of anything like that.
They didn't report it because they paid
a ransom in violation of FBI guidance.
Dreyer has a friend on the board
who tipped him off.
Same exact target, similar method.
This could easily be
just another shakedown.
I need to know
that you have this under control.
I'm worried that you don't.
There's too much at stake
not to be certain.
Extend the shutdown and give
me the time to find out for sure.
The National Guard is maxed out.
They say we'll be lucky
if we make it to morning
without widespread civil unrest.
If it's not a one-off, the same malware
could be on the verge of spreading
to 1,000 banks.
You got enough troops for that?
[pensive music playing]
Twenty-three hours, 17 minutes.
I can't hold Congress off any longer.
That's all you got.
[Carl] Starkman and Simon
may have been pen pals,
but they never met.
Never met Leon,
were never even in the same zip code,
and I'm not sure either of them
knows how to update an iPhone,
let alone orchestrate
a wide-scale cyberattack.
I'm gonna go back to Green.
I hate to say it, sir,
but we've hit a wall there.
- You're gonna have to break through it.
- I don't have the tools to do that now.
We will not surrender
our moral standings.
Moral standing?
Sir, we've played by the rules till now,
and we're losing.
Want to protect
your conscience or this country?
Okay, well, Carl's right. You know?
Uncooperative subject,
ticking time bomb,
enhanced interrogation methods,
precisely what the situation needs.
And one of the reasons you were tapped to
do this job was to prevent this scenario.
You know what it looks like
when we cross this line, sir.
[pensive music playing]
[Richard] I'm here to tell
the American people
that Congress will not be extending
this shutdown.
There were cyberattacks before Zero Day,
and there will be
cyberattacks in the future.
But in the absence of hard proof
that the hack of American Homestead
was anything more than a isolated event,
the likes of which
we've dealt with before,
we must be prudent.
Our constituents have to eat.
They have to pay their bills.
And people need to take a breath
and stop this hysteria.
Mr. Speaker, how can you be
so sure it was an isolated event?
[journalists clamoring]
I actually worried
that I might be overreacting.
Sheila, we have reason to believe
that George is being targeted
by a neurological weapon.
[Sheila] Is that why my husband
is sleeping in a tent in his office?
Sleeping in the SCIF was my idea.
Forgive me,
but I don't find that reassuring.
It's called Proteus.
Whoever's responsible for Zero Day
may also be using this weapon
to try to impede the work
of the commission by attacking George.
It causes memory loss,
temporary confusion.
How about a sudden affinity for fascism?
- Is that on the list?
- That's what this is about?
I told you to take this job,
not because you're perfect.
The three of us know
that you are far from that,
but the one thing
I thought I knew about you
is that you would
always put your country first.
If you're not fit to lead
because of this weapon,
anything else, then
you have to step down.
- I'm fine.
- [Sheila] Prove it.
[George] What? How? What?
I don't know. A doctor.
Take a psych evaluation
and then pass it tonight.
I don't have time for that.
Well, I'm out of patience.
You prove to me
that you are of sound mind,
or I will tell the country
that you are not.
[pensive music playing]
[Alex] All right, Costa Rica.
Costa Rica.
I pick Costa Rica with the ducks.
Chickens. They're wild chickens, Alex.
Sorry, sorry. They're wild chickens.
Ten minutes, and I'll be outside
your apartment with a full tank of gas.
Just say the word.
I might be counting on that.
And tonight, are we meeting up?
Yes. Give me give me an hour.
[Roger] All right.
[faint indistinct chatter]
Macallan neat.
[bottle opens]
[drink pours]
[slurps, gulps]
[man exhales deeply]
[chuckles softly]
Could you do me a favor?
Could you please tell Lyndon,
or whoever the fuck sent you,
to fuck off?
Thank you very much, and Roger
Carlson is closed for business.
You don't get to decide that.
You know that.
And why is that? Because you're going to
tell the whole world what a scumbag I am?
No, no.
Just Alex.
[Roger grunts]
Trust me.
Don't do that.
We hear Mullen isn't right in the head.
Time's come.
It's best for everyone if he handed over
the reins of this commission
to someone else.
He admits to mental health challenges.
He quits.
These days, no one will think twice.
You want me to say
Mullen is sick publicly?
I want you to get us proof.
[Roger sighs deeply]
[Roger] I may have something.
I'd encourage you to be more specific.
[ominous music playing]
[dramatic music playing]
You'll have three minutes
to observe this figure drawing.
Now, draw it from memory.
Ready? Go.
[dramatic music intensifies]
I'm going to read you a list of words.
Face. Velvet. Church. Daisy. Red.
Select the colored button that
corresponds to the color of the word.
Place the pegs in the shape
that you see in the picture.
Go. I read some words to you earlier.
I'd like you to repeat as many
of those words as you can remember.
Ready? Go.
[George] Face.
[stopwatch ticking]
[ticking continues]
[clicking stops]
And what day of the week is it?
[George] Sunday.
And right now,
how many people are in the room with us?
Just you and me.
And what music am I playing?
["Who Killed Bambi?" playing]
Who killed Bambi? Who killed Bambi? ♪
Oh, oh ♪
Describe the music, Mr. President.
There isn't any music.
[faint ringing]
[box beeps]
[tense music playing]
[tense music continues]
Hey, Allison, how's it going?
Hey, I'm good.
I just left some paperwork
in there that I need to grab.
- [Allison] Okay.
- All right.
[breathing shakily]
[tense music continues]
[tense music continues]
[elevator chimes]
[woman] I should caution.
Testing of this kind is inexact.
In this case,
I do think the results are conclusive.
I can't speak to
your state of mind prior to tonight,
but as for this moment, I see no
cause for concern, Mr. President.
[tense music ends]
Well, okay. Thank you.
[woman] Thank you.
I guess this means your choices
in this job have really been yours.
- [George] Sheila
- Deal's a deal.
I'll see myself out.
[George sighs]
[inhales deeply]
[George] There's still time left.
Let's get to work.
[door opens]
[dramatic music playing]
I gave you names.
I gave you email addresses.
[breathing heavily]
Come on, guys.
It's just a fucking TV show.
It's like you said, I'm just a
scumbag trying to make a buck.
What are you Ow.
Okay, you're hurting me.
You You gotta let me out of here.
Okay, I cooperated.
I I I got nothing
on the malware or the Reapers
or whatever the fuck else it is
you think I know.
Okay, look.
My speaking fees.
I take most of them under the table.
And the merch.
The merch goes to offshore accounts.
It It's 50 kinds of tax evasion.
That's what was on the hard drives.
All right?
Are you fucking satisfied now?
- [dramatic music intensifies]
- [grunts]
[Evan screaming]
[Evan gagging]
[dramatic music ends]
[knocking on door]
I thought we said an hour.
[door closes]
Why didn't you answer your phone?
Jesus, what now?
I love that lake.
That What lake?
Your dad's friend's place.
In Tahoe?
That first August after everyone started
to figure out that we were together?
- Y Yeah.
- We took the boat out. I lied.
Told everyone I could drive it.
[exhales] And then Nick got me drunk.
And we jumped in the water,
and we nearly froze to death.
Yeah, then I put you guys in the sauna.
I loved that. [chuckles]
And then right after that,
your dad asked me to come work for him.
And, uh
he said it was his idea,
but but I knew it was your idea.
Are you, like, writing a memoir?
Wh What are you talking about?
What is going on?
Will will you come sit down?
- Just tell me what's going on.
- Please.
Please come sit down.
[breathes deeply]
I have to tell you something.
There's going to be some things
that come out about me
in the press tomorrow.
Or maybe tonight, even.
And I'm telling you because
I want you to know that it's true. Okay?
A couple months ago,
when I ran into you at the hearing,
after all the stuff came out
about your ex in the Post.
- That wasn't a coincidence.
- What wasn't a coincidence?
The the emails on the front page
or you running into me?
You hacked his phone?
I I saw it as a way to get back.
To get us back.
I was I was not supposed
to even be at the hear
You hacked my fucking phone too,
didn't you?
[pensive music playing]
- Roger, did you hack my fucking phone?
- There's more. There's more.
[Evan gagging]
[Evan gasping]
[Evan gagging]
[anchor] as uncertainty lingers
over what will happen
when the U.S. financial system
soon comes back online
with still no answer as to who was
behind the American Homestead hack.
Many estimated that President Mitchell
would extend the market freeze
into the coming week.
But as chaos spread at banks
and businesses around the country,
Mitchell has decided to hold firm
to her initial plan of reopening
all American financial institutions
this morning.
Across the country,
American Homestead customers
wait anxiously
Sorry, man, I changed my mind.
I I can't help you.
[both grunting]
[tense music playing]
[Roger screams]
[Roger struggles]
[breathing heavily]
[water running]
[water halts]
[Roger gasping]
[dramatic music playing]
[music fades]
[Sighs] Tell me it's good news.
It is, ma'am.
Is it Green? Did he break?
It's Roger.
[indistinct chatter]
[Mitchell] Good morning.
[journalists] Good morning.
I'm pleased to report
that the FBI has
identified the criminals
behind the cyberattack
on American Homestead Bank.
They call themselves "Sinecure"
and have no apparent connection
to the Zero Day attack.
In fact, they are the
same ransomware gang
that targeted the bank
in a previously unreported breach
last spring.
Thankfully, under fear of prosecution,
one of their members is now cooperating
to help unwind the malware.
And when markets open shortly,
depositors will find
that their accounts are fully intact.
Speaker Dreyer can answer any questions.
[journalist 1] Speaker
Is it true President Mullen was advocating
for an extension of the financial freeze?
- Is Evan Green still being held?
- [Richard] These are reasonable questions.
Unfortunately, President Mullen
has refused our request to answer them
before the House Oversight Committee,
which is why later today
we will be subpoenaing his wife.
We have strong reason to believe
that the former First Lady
possesses important insight
into her husband's decision-making
these past several weeks.
What if she refuses?
Then she'll be held in contempt
of Congress the same as anyone else.
As you know, Mrs. Mullen has aspirations
to serve on the federal bench.
I have high hopes that she has more
respect for the law than that.
[journalist 2] Speaker Dreyer
[dramatic music playing]
["Who Killed Bambi?" playing]
Who killed Bambi? ♪
Who killed Bambi? ♪
Who killed Bambi? ♪
Who killed Bambi? ♪
["Who Killed Bambi?" continues playing]
Who killed Bambi? ♪
Who killed Bambi? ♪
Who killed Bambi? ♪
[music fades]
[somber music playing]
[somber music continues]
[somber music continues]
[somber music continues]
[somber music continues]
[somber music continues]
- [music fades]
- [high-pitched ringing]
[somber music playing]
[somber music fades]
[ominous music playing]
[crowd clamoring]
[woman] They're not telling us
what's going on.
- I know! I know!
- We need to stop.
- I'm cold!
- Open the fucking door!
Let's go! Let's go!
[Mitchell] This morning,
our eighth-largest consumer bank,
American Homestead,
was the target of an
apparent cyberattack.
As of this hour,
the bank and its customers
are unable to access their accounts.
[clamoring continues]
I know! I know you're frustrated.
We're doing everything we can
to restore your account information,
and we'll open as soon as we can.
[Mitchell] Our first priority
must be to safeguard
the rest of our financial system,
which is why, just moments ago,
Congress passed the emergency measure
I've now signed into law placing
an immediate freeze through the weekend
on all financial activity.
No wire transfers, no withdrawals,
no credit card transactions.
All markets will be closed
until we are certain that we can protect
other institutions from a similar attack.
Let us in and give us our fucking money!
[clamoring continues]
- What happens after the weekend?
- [woman] Are any of our systems safe?
I spoke with former President Mullen
just moments ago.
As of this morning, he believes
that he has a suspect in custody
who may be at the center of both events.
Is that Evan Green?
He has a suspect.
Mullen is driving us all
off a fucking cliff.
You need to take back the wheel.
Let me guess, and hand it to you?
The bank is its own thing,
unrelated to Zero Day.
And Evan Green's
got nothing to do with it.
Yeah? And how would you know that?
I chaired House
Judiciary for eight years.
I talked to more people at the FBI
than the damn director,
and they all say this
is another copycat.
I hired the damn director.
If he has something to tell me,
he'll call me.
[George] Advocating the overthrow
of our banking system,
the erasure of customer data,
redistribution of wealth,
segments you repeatedly aired
three months before the attack.
I'm I'm sorry.
I'm I'm a little confused.
You You brought me down here just
to tell me you're a fan of the show?
Tell us about Leon, Evan.
How he and his Reaper friends
spread the Zero Day malware.
How they attacked
American Homestead this morning.
Tell me about Anna Sindler.
[Evan] You're three weeks in.
Three weeks, and you got nothing.
That's pathetic.
You can keep me here as long
as you like. It's great for ratings.
Every minute I'm here,
my audience grows.
We have texts, emails, dozens of them,
from you to members of the Reapers,
openly colluding.
And you must know
no hard drive is ever truly erased.
So what are we going to find
when we restore yours?
Well. Teens, gang bangs,
CBTs, small penis humiliation
[continues indistinctly]
[ominous music playing]
You just think
this is a big fucking joke, don't you?
Tearing this country apart,
lighting fires just to make a buck.
You're a fucking parasite.
I'd like my lawyer. Now.
As a detainee of this commission,
you are not entitled to counsel.
That's okay, Carl.
Let the man have his lawyer.
[door opens]
[door shuts]
Well, how sure are we
that Green is behind both attacks?
[Valerie] We're following the evidence.
Mullen believes Green
might be hiding something.
[Richard] You need to talk
some sense into him.
You can't still think
that he listens to me.
I just mean,
are we considering other suspects?
Says the guy
who gave us the fucking photos?
Look, this is going south fast.
Come Monday, if we don't
reopen the banks, we're fucked.
And if we do,
and everyone wants their money
because we haven't solved this
- Yes. Then it's a disaster. I know.
- [Roger] I just think
Don't think. Get to your desk.
Call DOD. White House wants to deploy
200,000 additional National Guard.
- We need to coordinate.
- Okay, okay.
It all comes apart.
Your father can't help us anymore,
but he can hurt us.
He needs to understand that.
[Roger] So, how's your day?
[sighs] Peachy.
How I always pictured the apocalypse.
[Roger] Fuck, what time
did we go to sleep last night?
God, I don't even know.
What do you think he'd do right now?
[Alex] Nick?
Not look back.
Why don't we?
Just fucking
run. [chuckles]
We find us
some cozy little place in,
I don't know, Belize?
New Zealand?
Costa Rica?
It's really not that crazy,
considering the fucking shitstorm
that we're in.
If things continue,
and the mob storms the castle
and comes for all of our heads,
everyone's gonna be trying
to figure out where the nearest exit is,
and we could just be gone.
Yeah, I think we'd probably
kill each other in, like, two days.
- [Roger chuckles]
- [inhales]
[Alex exhales deeply]
You've known my dad
a really long time, right?
I mean, you probably know him
better than me at this point, so just
What is going on with him?
He hasn't been himself.
[Tim] The kill chain analysis
is still underway.
Sir, even with the transaction freeze,
people want to be sure
that their balances are intact.
In the last hour,
we've seen the apps and websites
of perfectly healthy banks
crash with all the traffic.
And that has spawned
mass speculation online
that all bank accounts
have been "Homesteaded," zeroed out.
Well, we have to work even harder
on getting the truth out.
[Melissa] It's not that simple.
A lot of the traffic isn't organic.
It's being amplified, along with some
increasingly pointed criticism of you
by Monica Kidder.
She's putting
this second attack at your feet.
So, what are the options?
[Melissa] Change the narrative.
Accept the invitation to testify
at the Oversight Committee.
No, I won't be testifying.
Not until we're done.
Has Green shared anything useful?
Not yet. He's meeting with his lawyer.
Then he's meeting with me.
Good. Thank you. That's all.
Carl mentioned you asked
Green something odd
about someone called Anna Sindler.
I threw a lot at him
just to keep him off balance.
We need him to break,
which is why I have to get back to work.
[Evan laughing]
[Evan] My followers must be
through the roof, right?
And did you check the spike in traffic
to the site? Will you?
And And when you get out of here,
I want you to call Jason.
Let's get that merch going.
Let's get T-shirts. Let's get cups.
Let's get hats. People fucking love hats.
And, you know, let's get my face on it
with with, like, Mandela, MLK.
Evan, I don't think you grasp
how serious your situation is.
Come on, Bob, will you relax?
Okay? Relax.
They can't keep me
in this shithole forever.
And I'm telling you they can.
As you pointed out repeatedly
on your own show,
they threw out the Constitution
when they authorized this commission.
Yeah, but come on.
I'm a prominent public figure
with a grassroots movement behind me.
Who just wiped his hard drives
with no explanation.
- How do you think that looks?
- Now that they hauled me in here?
That looks pretty fucking smart.
You need to talk.
You have to tell them
everything you know
about the whack jobs
you love slumming it with.
That's who they're after.
First thing, Bob,
they're called guests, okay?
Just because I have them on my show
doesn't mean I'm shacking up with them.
- Evan.
- Oh, Jesus Christ, Bob.
Are you buying their bullshit too?
It's still a free country
last time I checked.
No, it's not.
Not anymore.
I'm not here as your lawyer, Evan.
You don't get one.
The only reason they let me in here
was to try to talk some sense into you.
And if I have failed to do that,
then God help you.
Because if you don't
give them something,
I can't tell you what they'll do next.
- [crickets chirping]
- [dogs barking in the distance]
[Valerie] Mr. McKenna?
I'm Valerie Whitesell. I work for
I know who you work for.
I want nothing to do with it.
No, no, no. Please.
I came to talk to you about Proteus.
[mysterious music playing]
Looks like somebody's brought it back.
I need your help,
and I'm running out of time.
- [McKenna] How'd you find me?
- [Valerie] It wasn't easy.
You were the only scientist
from the original team
that I was able to track down.
- Well, the others are all dead.
- So you're suggesting
Well, we were secretly designing
neurological weapons
for the United States government.
Complete violation
of the Geneva Convention
and every single other international
arms control treaty that there was.
So, yeah.
We knew the risks.
I need to know
what Proteus would do to a person
if somehow it was revived
and the weapon was completed.
The idea behind Proteus
was to inflict a traumatic brain injury
from a distance with surgical precision.
An injury whose origin
could never be definitively traced.
So if someone somehow has perfected it,
and they are using it right now,
what would the symptoms be?
[anchor] I'm beginning to wonder
if George Mullen's approach
to this investigation
has been entirely ineffective.
We were told
the entire point of this commission
was to guarantee
another attack wouldn't happen again.
[George] What did I always say
during the campaign?
Don't forget the Purell.
Ignore the noise.
You came through.
You always have.
You've always come through.
Oh, come on. Please, sir.
The next few hours, you watch.
We're gonna solve this thing.
Green is gonna break.
[drill whirring]
[clamoring continues]
- [man] No cash, no groceries.
- [woman] No cash, no groceries.
I can't get cash.
How am I supposed to eat?
[indistinct chatter]
Where you from?
- That's not what I mean.
- I know what you mean.
[Evan] Otieno.
I'm gonna guess Ethiopia.
- Kenya.
- Kenya.
You know about
the Mau Mau rebellion, right?
What the British did there to quash it.
Real nasty shit.
Concentration camps.
Well, Mr. Otieno.
I guess the shoe's
on the other foot now, huh?
My dad came here when he was a kid.
Lost his parents,
his sister everyone.
Still wakes up screaming
all these years later
until he remembers he's in Queens.
In the United States of America.
I get it.
You were born on third base.
Take all this for granted.
Have no idea what happens
if it all really falls apart around us.
Not me, Evan.
My dad never let me.
So, yeah, the shoe's on the other foot,
and the foot's on your fucking neck.
This. This is real.
So who hacked Homestead,
and what's the plan for Monday?
- I don't know.
- Yes, you do.
I don't know who hacked it,
and I don't know the plan.
I do know that "Grigori,"
his name is Guy Starkman.
"Phenex" is a guy named Mickey Grondahl.
"FourthSeal," his name is Josh Simon.
And, yeah.
Yeah, they were all guests on my show.
But if they are who you say they are,
why don't you haul them in and ask them?
Run the names.
Round them up and everyone they've
interacted with in the last six months,
and tell Carl not to let up.
Green's still holding out.
- [Angela] Yes, sir.
- [Valerie] What's this?
Complete inventory of the Reapers' farm.
Data recovery failed.
Servers were all toast.
ChameleonMini, Ubertooth One,
a long range AM radio.
O.MG Elite cable
[continues indistinctly]
[ominous music playing]
Sir, you're gonna want to see this.
Could you pull up that clip, please?
It was
the great Benjamin Franklin who said
those who would give
up essential freedom
to purchase temporary safety
deserve neither freedom nor safety.
Now, I'm told Mullen isn't online.
But if people share my concern,
I suggest they find a way
to make their voices heard,
you know, in the real world.
Okay, thanks.
Local news caught her
coming out of her office.
This clip has gone viral again
with her help,
and now there's a protest being organized
for tomorrow outside of your house.
[Tom] There's also
been a significant bump
in personal threats against you
that we're tracking.
It's mostly lone crazies
jumping on the bandwagon.
But not to worry, sir.
They won't get close.
This has to stop.
[Melissa] Sir, I know Monica.
She's not unreasonable.
She just wants respect.
She wants to be invited in.
You could make her an ally.
- So, what are you saying?
- Thirty minutes. One-on-one.
You're seeing how much damage
she's doing as a thorn in your side.
Imagine how much she could help.
Fifteen. That's it. No more.
I will call her team at Panoply
and set it up.
I need to speak to you.
- [door locks]
- [mysterious music playing]
You mentioned it at
your press conference,
but it was never a cyberweapon.
It's neurological.
You should have known that.
I met with one of the people
who developed Proteus
before we shut it down.
He described
everything that it could do.
[mysterious music continues]
[breathes deeply]
Well, I
I've had episodes
with symptoms like this.
And sometimes
I I hear sounds that aren't there,
or I might see faces
that may or may not be there.
Anna Sindler?
She did die.
I spoke to the coroner myself.
The one you sent Roger to.
you're saying Proteus could be
being used on me?
I think it's possible.
[loud bang]
[cop] Here you go.
Long-range AM radio
from the Pocatello raid.
[Roger] Great, thanks.
[mysterious music playing]
[George] What do we do?
Well, the engineer I spoke to said that
the weapon targets specific locations.
My house. Well, that's where it started.
So then,
I don't think you can go back there.
You can sleep here?
- And what about Sheila?
- Well, she's not who they're after.
And she's not exhibiting any signs.
Well, I I'd need a portable SCIF
for my office. Something secure.
And your circle around you is tight,
but we're gonna make it tighter.
People like Roger
- I know you love him.
- All right.
Everything will go through you
from now on.
[mysterious music builds, fades]
Mullen was a fine idea. Safe, unifying.
I may not have liked it,
but I never said it wasn't smart.
We all hoped it would work out.
I'm here to offer you a pivot.
A chance to change direction
while protecting yourself
from any blowback.
Hmm. You'd do that for me, Dick?
I get it. You hired him.
You damn well can't fire him
without looking like a fool.
But he could resign,
and that would be on him and not on you.
George Mullen, resign? Now?
There is precedent, of course.
George Mullen walked away from
this office when no one else does.
Would anybody really be surprised
if he quits again?
Not the same. Back then it was personal.
Everyone knew that his family
was coming apart, and so was he.
And everyone knows
that history tends to repeat itself.
[pensive music playing]
[reporter] All banks
and savings and loans have been ordered
to cease the financial freeze.
People are reminded to line up
in an orderly fashion.
It is anticipated
that once the banks reopen,
there could be quite a rush.
They're queuing up outside
Manhattan Financial Institution.
We do not know
Hi, Mom.
No, I'm I'm fine. I just
I'm worried about Dad.
[pensive music continues]
[music fades]
[static continues]
[crowd] Free Evan Green!
Deep-state George!
Free Evan Green! Deep-state George!
Free Evan Green! Deep-state George!
Free Evan Green! Deep-state George!
Free Evan
[sirens blaring in distance]
[phone vibrating]
- Hey.
- Hi. I didn't think you'd pick up.
Well, no, actually
I was just about to call you.
The protest.
Tom said you can't even hear it.
Just stay in the house.
Yeah, George, I just had
a long talk with Alex about you.
Oh, okay. What'd you talk about?
You told me that you were fine and
this episode with Wayne was a mistake.
She says that that's not the case.
I can't talk about it now on the phone.
Well, we'll talk about it
when you're home.
Well, that's why I was about to call
you. I'm not gonna be coming home.
[pensive music playing]
[faint indistinct chatter]
[indistinct chatter continues]
[horns honking]
[sirens wailing in the distance]
[mysterious music playing]
[phone ringing]
- [line beeping]
- [electronic whirring]
[faint static]
[voice 1] Red Rooster,
this is Blue Hawk.
Axis Falcon, LD, Alpha India November.
En route to 7-8-9-0-1-2-3.
[voice 2] Current status
is Yankee Bravo 32 Lima.
[Leon] Red Rooster, this is Blue Hawk.
Confirm Yankee Bravo 32 Lima.
Next status update
November Echo one-two-hundred.
Ms. Kidder, thank
you for coming to talk.
Well, thank you for inviting me.
I must admit, I assumed
you'd have more important things to do
than worry about a little bad press.
No, I don't mind bad press.
I don't even mind
the crazies camped outside my house.
Well, it doesn't much matter
if you mind or not.
If we're still pretending
that the Constitution is intact.
Well, what I do mind, though,
is the intentional spread
of dangerous disinformation.
I'm told that there are levers
that you can pull.
Levers that, until now,
have been used to sow panic and fear.
This country would be grateful,
I would be grateful,
if, instead, you would use
those levers to encourage calm.
Now you want my help.
You'll recall, three weeks ago,
I offered precisely that.
To be part of the solution. You chose
instead to rely on government employees
to resolve this mess.
Men and women who
no doubt are as well-intentioned
as they are severely limited
in their actual talents.
And so here we are,
on the brink of total collapse.
Ms. Kidder, your offer to help
with the investigation was gracious,
but hard to accept due to the fact
that the DOJ is investigating you
for 19 violations
of the Sherman Antitrust Act.
Every aspiring autocracy begins
by insisting that the private sector
bend a knee.
And who's the one trying to stop a run
on the banks to secure your billions?
You tech people,
you all want government to be hands-off,
until you don't.
Mr. President, I have no idea
how secure my billions are.
I have an entire floor of accountants
who cannot log on and find out.
Well, okay.
Thank you for coming.
Of course.
By the way, the Franklin quote?
I think you got it wrong.
It's "liberty" we shouldn't sacrifice
for safety. Not "freedom."
What's the difference?
"Freedom" is what allows people like you
to do whatever you want.
"Liberty" is what protects the
rest of us from people like you.
[Monica] Thanks for the tea.
[crowd] Free Evan
Green! Free Evan Green!
Free Evan Green!
Free Evan Green! Free Evan Green!
Free Evan Green!
Fry Evan Green!
Keep him off the street!
Fry Evan Green!
Keep him off the street! Fry Evan Green!
[indistinct chatter]
[man] You can't do that!
- [indistinct yells]
- [grunts]
- [cop] Hold it right there!
- [clamoring]
[crowd] Where's my fucking money?
Where's my fucking money?
Where's my fucking money?!
Where's my fucking money?!
[George] These men Green named, now
in custody under active interrogation,
traded dozens of emails mentioning "bank
attack" in just the last few weeks.
Have any of them
acknowledged actual responsibility
for either American Homestead
or the Zero Day attacks?
- They will.
- By sunrise tomorrow?
Can you guarantee that?
Worst case, we extend the freeze.
People can't buy food, George.
Green knows more.
We're close. I'm telling you
Unless he is just
another fucking blowhard
who has nothing to do with this.
You're aware that American Homestead
was hacked last spring?
No. There was no mention
of anything like that.
They didn't report it because they paid
a ransom in violation of FBI guidance.
Dreyer has a friend on the board
who tipped him off.
Same exact target, similar method.
This could easily be
just another shakedown.
I need to know
that you have this under control.
I'm worried that you don't.
There's too much at stake
not to be certain.
Extend the shutdown and give
me the time to find out for sure.
The National Guard is maxed out.
They say we'll be lucky
if we make it to morning
without widespread civil unrest.
If it's not a one-off, the same malware
could be on the verge of spreading
to 1,000 banks.
You got enough troops for that?
[pensive music playing]
Twenty-three hours, 17 minutes.
I can't hold Congress off any longer.
That's all you got.
[Carl] Starkman and Simon
may have been pen pals,
but they never met.
Never met Leon,
were never even in the same zip code,
and I'm not sure either of them
knows how to update an iPhone,
let alone orchestrate
a wide-scale cyberattack.
I'm gonna go back to Green.
I hate to say it, sir,
but we've hit a wall there.
- You're gonna have to break through it.
- I don't have the tools to do that now.
We will not surrender
our moral standings.
Moral standing?
Sir, we've played by the rules till now,
and we're losing.
Want to protect
your conscience or this country?
Okay, well, Carl's right. You know?
Uncooperative subject,
ticking time bomb,
enhanced interrogation methods,
precisely what the situation needs.
And one of the reasons you were tapped to
do this job was to prevent this scenario.
You know what it looks like
when we cross this line, sir.
[pensive music playing]
[Richard] I'm here to tell
the American people
that Congress will not be extending
this shutdown.
There were cyberattacks before Zero Day,
and there will be
cyberattacks in the future.
But in the absence of hard proof
that the hack of American Homestead
was anything more than a isolated event,
the likes of which
we've dealt with before,
we must be prudent.
Our constituents have to eat.
They have to pay their bills.
And people need to take a breath
and stop this hysteria.
Mr. Speaker, how can you be
so sure it was an isolated event?
[journalists clamoring]
I actually worried
that I might be overreacting.
Sheila, we have reason to believe
that George is being targeted
by a neurological weapon.
[Sheila] Is that why my husband
is sleeping in a tent in his office?
Sleeping in the SCIF was my idea.
Forgive me,
but I don't find that reassuring.
It's called Proteus.
Whoever's responsible for Zero Day
may also be using this weapon
to try to impede the work
of the commission by attacking George.
It causes memory loss,
temporary confusion.
How about a sudden affinity for fascism?
- Is that on the list?
- That's what this is about?
I told you to take this job,
not because you're perfect.
The three of us know
that you are far from that,
but the one thing
I thought I knew about you
is that you would
always put your country first.
If you're not fit to lead
because of this weapon,
anything else, then
you have to step down.
- I'm fine.
- [Sheila] Prove it.
[George] What? How? What?
I don't know. A doctor.
Take a psych evaluation
and then pass it tonight.
I don't have time for that.
Well, I'm out of patience.
You prove to me
that you are of sound mind,
or I will tell the country
that you are not.
[pensive music playing]
[Alex] All right, Costa Rica.
Costa Rica.
I pick Costa Rica with the ducks.
Chickens. They're wild chickens, Alex.
Sorry, sorry. They're wild chickens.
Ten minutes, and I'll be outside
your apartment with a full tank of gas.
Just say the word.
I might be counting on that.
And tonight, are we meeting up?
Yes. Give me give me an hour.
[Roger] All right.
[faint indistinct chatter]
Macallan neat.
[bottle opens]
[drink pours]
[slurps, gulps]
[man exhales deeply]
[chuckles softly]
Could you do me a favor?
Could you please tell Lyndon,
or whoever the fuck sent you,
to fuck off?
Thank you very much, and Roger
Carlson is closed for business.
You don't get to decide that.
You know that.
And why is that? Because you're going to
tell the whole world what a scumbag I am?
No, no.
Just Alex.
[Roger grunts]
Trust me.
Don't do that.
We hear Mullen isn't right in the head.
Time's come.
It's best for everyone if he handed over
the reins of this commission
to someone else.
He admits to mental health challenges.
He quits.
These days, no one will think twice.
You want me to say
Mullen is sick publicly?
I want you to get us proof.
[Roger sighs deeply]
[Roger] I may have something.
I'd encourage you to be more specific.
[ominous music playing]
[dramatic music playing]
You'll have three minutes
to observe this figure drawing.
Now, draw it from memory.
Ready? Go.
[dramatic music intensifies]
I'm going to read you a list of words.
Face. Velvet. Church. Daisy. Red.
Select the colored button that
corresponds to the color of the word.
Place the pegs in the shape
that you see in the picture.
Go. I read some words to you earlier.
I'd like you to repeat as many
of those words as you can remember.
Ready? Go.
[George] Face.
[stopwatch ticking]
[ticking continues]
[clicking stops]
And what day of the week is it?
[George] Sunday.
And right now,
how many people are in the room with us?
Just you and me.
And what music am I playing?
["Who Killed Bambi?" playing]
Who killed Bambi? Who killed Bambi? ♪
Oh, oh ♪
Describe the music, Mr. President.
There isn't any music.
[faint ringing]
[box beeps]
[tense music playing]
[tense music continues]
Hey, Allison, how's it going?
Hey, I'm good.
I just left some paperwork
in there that I need to grab.
- [Allison] Okay.
- All right.
[breathing shakily]
[tense music continues]
[tense music continues]
[elevator chimes]
[woman] I should caution.
Testing of this kind is inexact.
In this case,
I do think the results are conclusive.
I can't speak to
your state of mind prior to tonight,
but as for this moment, I see no
cause for concern, Mr. President.
[tense music ends]
Well, okay. Thank you.
[woman] Thank you.
I guess this means your choices
in this job have really been yours.
- [George] Sheila
- Deal's a deal.
I'll see myself out.
[George sighs]
[inhales deeply]
[George] There's still time left.
Let's get to work.
[door opens]
[dramatic music playing]
I gave you names.
I gave you email addresses.
[breathing heavily]
Come on, guys.
It's just a fucking TV show.
It's like you said, I'm just a
scumbag trying to make a buck.
What are you Ow.
Okay, you're hurting me.
You You gotta let me out of here.
Okay, I cooperated.
I I I got nothing
on the malware or the Reapers
or whatever the fuck else it is
you think I know.
Okay, look.
My speaking fees.
I take most of them under the table.
And the merch.
The merch goes to offshore accounts.
It It's 50 kinds of tax evasion.
That's what was on the hard drives.
All right?
Are you fucking satisfied now?
- [dramatic music intensifies]
- [grunts]
[Evan screaming]
[Evan gagging]
[dramatic music ends]
[knocking on door]
I thought we said an hour.
[door closes]
Why didn't you answer your phone?
Jesus, what now?
I love that lake.
That What lake?
Your dad's friend's place.
In Tahoe?
That first August after everyone started
to figure out that we were together?
- Y Yeah.
- We took the boat out. I lied.
Told everyone I could drive it.
[exhales] And then Nick got me drunk.
And we jumped in the water,
and we nearly froze to death.
Yeah, then I put you guys in the sauna.
I loved that. [chuckles]
And then right after that,
your dad asked me to come work for him.
And, uh
he said it was his idea,
but but I knew it was your idea.
Are you, like, writing a memoir?
Wh What are you talking about?
What is going on?
Will will you come sit down?
- Just tell me what's going on.
- Please.
Please come sit down.
[breathes deeply]
I have to tell you something.
There's going to be some things
that come out about me
in the press tomorrow.
Or maybe tonight, even.
And I'm telling you because
I want you to know that it's true. Okay?
A couple months ago,
when I ran into you at the hearing,
after all the stuff came out
about your ex in the Post.
- That wasn't a coincidence.
- What wasn't a coincidence?
The the emails on the front page
or you running into me?
You hacked his phone?
I I saw it as a way to get back.
To get us back.
I was I was not supposed
to even be at the hear
You hacked my fucking phone too,
didn't you?
[pensive music playing]
- Roger, did you hack my fucking phone?
- There's more. There's more.
[Evan gagging]
[Evan gasping]
[Evan gagging]
[anchor] as uncertainty lingers
over what will happen
when the U.S. financial system
soon comes back online
with still no answer as to who was
behind the American Homestead hack.
Many estimated that President Mitchell
would extend the market freeze
into the coming week.
But as chaos spread at banks
and businesses around the country,
Mitchell has decided to hold firm
to her initial plan of reopening
all American financial institutions
this morning.
Across the country,
American Homestead customers
wait anxiously
Sorry, man, I changed my mind.
I I can't help you.
[both grunting]
[tense music playing]
[Roger screams]
[Roger struggles]
[breathing heavily]
[water running]
[water halts]
[Roger gasping]
[dramatic music playing]
[music fades]
[Sighs] Tell me it's good news.
It is, ma'am.
Is it Green? Did he break?
It's Roger.
[indistinct chatter]
[Mitchell] Good morning.
[journalists] Good morning.
I'm pleased to report
that the FBI has
identified the criminals
behind the cyberattack
on American Homestead Bank.
They call themselves "Sinecure"
and have no apparent connection
to the Zero Day attack.
In fact, they are the
same ransomware gang
that targeted the bank
in a previously unreported breach
last spring.
Thankfully, under fear of prosecution,
one of their members is now cooperating
to help unwind the malware.
And when markets open shortly,
depositors will find
that their accounts are fully intact.
Speaker Dreyer can answer any questions.
[journalist 1] Speaker
Is it true President Mullen was advocating
for an extension of the financial freeze?
- Is Evan Green still being held?
- [Richard] These are reasonable questions.
Unfortunately, President Mullen
has refused our request to answer them
before the House Oversight Committee,
which is why later today
we will be subpoenaing his wife.
We have strong reason to believe
that the former First Lady
possesses important insight
into her husband's decision-making
these past several weeks.
What if she refuses?
Then she'll be held in contempt
of Congress the same as anyone else.
As you know, Mrs. Mullen has aspirations
to serve on the federal bench.
I have high hopes that she has more
respect for the law than that.
[journalist 2] Speaker Dreyer
[dramatic music playing]
["Who Killed Bambi?" playing]
Who killed Bambi? ♪
Who killed Bambi? ♪
Who killed Bambi? ♪
Who killed Bambi? ♪
["Who Killed Bambi?" continues playing]
Who killed Bambi? ♪
Who killed Bambi? ♪
Who killed Bambi? ♪
[music fades]
[somber music playing]
[somber music continues]
[somber music continues]
[somber music continues]
[somber music continues]
[somber music continues]
- [music fades]
- [high-pitched ringing]
[somber music playing]
[somber music fades]