Zombie Detective (2020) s01e04 Episode Script

Witness Attacked

Mr. Kim! You're in there, right?
Open the door, please!
Sir, please open up!
Go back home for today.
You should have called me
if you made it out. I was worried.
It was you who ran
from the retreat earlier.
You saw something in there, right?
It doesn't concern you.
Then, what about Yoon-ju?
Sir, we must get to the bottom of this.
It's not a simple disappearance case.
A cult organization is involved.
We have to find her quickly!
Who killed me?
Was it someone I knew?
-Mr. Kim!
-Damn it.
She's so loud.
Please open up!
I know you're in a rough spot.
Especially for someone
with anthropophobia.
It must've been really hard.
I can't even imagine it!
So loud.
It's amazing
you made it out alive from there.
That's strange.
I definitely heard a sound,
coming from inside.
Mr. Kim Moo-young!
Aren't you going to work?
What's that?
Why do I suddenly hear her so well?
What kind of detective
can be so irresponsible?
If you're a detective,
you should act like one!
Solve the case you've been hired for!
Solve the case!
Solve the case!
Mr. Kim Moo-young!
Aren't you going to work?
How can a detective be so irresponsible?
If you're a detective, act like one!
-That nut job.
-You were hired for a case.
Solve the case!
-Solve the case!
-Solve the case!
Solve the case!
If you're a detective, act like one!
Work on your case to the very end!
He's disgracing everyone in our field.
Mr. Kim, say something.
It's obvious
that she was ripped off for a case.
Look how nothing gets in her way.
I need someone like her.
Solve the case!
Seeing a strong woman like her
reminds me of my mother
back in my hometown.
-She would catch cows with her bare hands.
-Solve the case!
I want an answer!
Gosh, what's wrong with her?
She watches too many dramas.
Mr. Kim!
What is this crap?
What's this smell?
Am I smelling beef tripe?
Damn it.
You love beef tripe. Right?
This wonderful smell of beef tripe.
Your chewy, tasty beef tripe is here!
There's a lot of beef tripe here!
Would you like some?
It looks so good!
It's hot!
I must resist.
Devil, be gone. Smoke, be gone.
Smoke, be gone!
It's the beef tripe you love so much.
It's so good.
It's really good.
A cult is not a religion. It's a scam.
How could anyone scam
innocent people like that?
Is that news to you?
You humans were always like that.
That place is like hell
that you can't escape from once you enter.
Don't you have a family?
You must have a family of your own, too.
How about Yoon-ju's family,
waiting for her to come home?
Think about their feelings, too!
Forget it. Just forget it.
Fine. I'll get to the bottom of this
even if I have to do it alone.
do you have a plan?
-Of course.
-Don't come close. Talk from there.
Before that…
I have one condition.
A condition?
He can't take a single step outside
the office without any makeup?
Why all the fuss?
I'll take one, please.
I guess this is also popular
among men these days.
It's selling like hotcakes.
It even conceals pores. It's so good
that it can even cover monsters' skin.
Don't come in. Give it.
-This is number 23, right?
And the other one.
By the way, you must really like chicken.
Well, it is important to take care of
your health to work as a detective.
To get your energy up, samgyetang is
the best. Can I come in now?
Stop acting silly, and wait outside.
Does he think he's an actor?
What's up with all the secrecy?
It was him, right?
In God's name, I order
the devil to be gone. Devil, be gone.
What about Yoon-ju? Did you find her?
She was completely absorbed in praying.
Show me the miracle.
Please rescue me!
I knew it. I knew she was in there.
If only members could go in
and they stayed at the retreat together,
they must have converted her illegally
at the retreat.
Was there anything unusual
at the diet retreat?
I'm not sure.
I don't know.
Hold on.
What's this?
A weight-loss pill. They gave this out
frequently to the people there.
Ms. Kim, are you ready?
I have to get ready
to open the restaurant.
Must I go now?
I'm meeting with the director
of Live Info Show next week.
The director asked
for a good beef tripe restaurant.
What a hassle.
What are you waiting for? Let's go.
Bo-ra, I believe in you.
I am Gangrim's booby trap.
Once any guy falls for me,
he'll never be able to leave me.
I'm sorry to say this.
but this isn't the Ministry
of Food and Drug Safety.
I don't think I can help.
Let's see.
It definitely looks illegal.
-Don't you think so, Ms. Kim?
That's great.
But you know,
when you were locked up
for habitual use of propofol,
do you remember who wired the money
to your prison bank account?
It was me. Even when I was
struggling to make ends meet
while working as a nurse
at a coloproctology clinic,
I deposited the money on a regular basis.
Why are you bringing up the past?
Did you think if you open your clinic
after taking it easy for a year
with your rich parents' money,
no one would figure it out. Right?
I could upload on the clinic's website
that you're an ex-convict.
You want me to do that?
My gosh. Why are you
doing this to me, Ms. Kim?
You should fix that temper of yours.
When do you want the analysis report by?
It may take a while. When?
Don't do that on your nice phone.
You want it by tomorrow?
If we find evidence that the pill
is illegal, we could get a search warrant.
Then we could bring Yoon-ju out, too.
But I don't know how long that will take.
That skinny guy scammed Yoon-ju, too.
Right. That skinny jerk.
But where's Yoon-ju?
Not her.
Not her.
That's where you jumped, right?
Are you okay?
That's nothing for a tough guy like me.
Anyway, when you enter the diet retreat,
there's an underground tunnel
that leads to the chapel.
It's the last stop for the people
who were brainwashed at that retreat.
Of course, the door
that leads to that chapel
is through the main entrance.
what exactly is your plan?
In that case, my plan is…
It's to go back in there.
Go back in there?
Are you telling me to go back?
No, I can't. Never.
-Aren't you going to save Yoon-ju?
-Why don't you go back in there?
You're the one who knows that place best!
Sir, at times like this,
you must go at it
as if you have no tomorrow.
What? No tomorrow?
How can you beat those lunatics
unless you take some risks?
So we must go at it
as if there's no tomorrow for us.
I think she's insane.
Anyway, I'm not doing it.
So you can handle this alone.
Don't you like beef tripe?
Once this case is solved, you can eat
as much beef tripe as you want.
If you find and bring back my daughter,
I'll double the fee I paid you last time.
If she doubles my fee,
I can get at least
9,824 servings of beef tripe
and 28,571 servings of chicken?
I know a really
good beef tripe restaurant.
It is high in protein and low in calories.
It's rich in collagen
and is good for your skin too.
The more you chew, the savior it gets.
And this fatty tripe
has such a clean flavor.
-Is that Korean beef tripe?
-Of course.
So what's the plan?
I found the plan at your office.
What are you doing?
-What's this?
-Why do you look so surprised?
It's like you've never seen it before.
I've never seen it before.
Detective work is no joke.
How's this?
Every day at 5:30 a.m.,
a produce truck enters the diet retreat.
I know the owner of the produce company,
so I asked him for a favor.
If you dress up as one of the workers,
you'll be able to enter the diet retreat.
Be still, my heart.
Right. I don't have a heart.
The delivery truck stays
at the diet retreat
for exactly five minutes.
You must bring Yoon-ju out
within five minutes no matter what.
Mr. Kim, you are to stay
with the other workers
and go through this entrance.
You will have to be careful because
Mr. Choi will be watching like a hawk.
Now, we just need to get Yoon-ju out.
Then, when you're with the other workers
and head to the cafeteria,
I'll try to locate Yoon-ju
in the main building.
Where are you, Yoon-ju?
Mr. Kim!
I found Yoon-ju.
There's an exit outside the door
across from the one you entered.
Follow that hall.
And you'll see a red-brick building.
Enter that building and take the stairs
in the center to the second floor.
She's in the second room on the left.
Go to the left,
and find the second room.
I'm sorry. Sorry.
It was my left. Sorry.
Sir, Mr. Choi is going in your direction!
Please help me to see…
Excuse me.
-Let's get out of here.
-Be gone.
Your family is waiting for you at home.
Let's go.
The people here are my family.
And the president is my parent.
She's not in her right mind.
Mr. Kim, you have 2 minutes
and 30 seconds left.
Do you think that I don't know you're
trying to take me to hell, you devil?
The president won't forgive you.
He will throw you
into the fiery pit of hell!
No way. How did I do that?
What's taking you so long?
Get out of there.
I got her out.
You just have to get on the truck.
You, take your mask off for a moment.
Have you been well?
-The weather is very nice, isn't it?
-That's right. It is.
-Are you okay?
-Gosh. Let go of my hand for a second.
You're that nut job with raw meat. Right?
Of all people, why this unpleasant jerk…
What is this?
The more I find out about myself,
the more impressive I am.
Mr. Kim, you have 30 seconds left!
Danger always
comes from unexpected places.
We don't have much time.
What's taking him so long?
Sweetie, are you okay? Get up.
-Oh, no. Poor thing. Are you okay?
-Yes, I'm okay.
-Oh, no.
Why were you in there?
Who is this woman?
-Let me explain.
-Hey, what is that on your wrist?
It's a matching bracelet with him.
Who the heck are you?
He's wearing a matching bracelet with me.
-What are you talking about?
-Honey. Hold on.
-How dare you talk down to me?
-Calm down.
-Let go on the count of three.
-One, two, three!
-One, two, three!
Mr. Kim, we have a situation!
People are headed your way!
Retreat for now! Retreat!
You! You, stop right there!
-Where do you think you're going?
-Damn it.
We are switching to plan B.
Mr. Kim.
You should tell me what plan B is.
-Now, I've seen everything!
-Hey. Hold on a second.
What happened?
Hey. Honey!
Please spare me.
-Gosh. Yoon-ju. No.
-What's this?
-Sorry. I am really sorry!
-Oh, no.
The analysis report of the pill is out.
Please visit World King Detective Agency!
Our boss will find anything
and everything for you!
I will find your baby dog, baby cow,
and even a baby pigeon.
We are open 24 hours,
so come visit anytime!
-World King Detective Agency
-World King Detective Agency
-World King Detective Agency
-World King Detective Agency
Future of Gangrim!
Our future of Gangrim.
If you need anything, tell me.
Hey, it's candy!
Hey, don't take it.
If you talk to him, you have to pay him.
No way. Really?
We are Mr. Kim Moo-young's regulars.
-Hey, let's go.
-Okay. Let's go.
Give up trying to impress the kids.
Kids these days are too smart.
You can win them over with candy.
I, Lee Sung-rok,
can't hold back any longer.
Hey, Kim Moo-young!
Listen up!
I, Lee Sung-rok, am warning you!
If you mess around by price dumping
or stealing clients again,
I will put an end to you! Got that?
Sir, don't you think
you are being too harsh?
This is all for Gangrim. Okay?
Don't provoke me!
I don't hear anything.
Maybe, Detective Kim isn't inside.
What are you talking about?
He's so scared that he can't face me.
How dare he mess with the market price?
What a bad influence.
Who's a bad influence? You or him?
I mean him of course.
-You're criticizing me, right?
-Isn't that obvious he's bad and I'm good?
It seems there has been
some kind of commotion here this morning.
You don't need to worry about that.
It's all been taken care of.
Make sure my disciples aren't disturbed.
Yes, sir.
Mr. Choi, how long do you think
they will believe me?
Making a crippled man stand
and healing illnesses…
People will get sick of this.
We need to think outside the box
to come up with a novel idea.
If I can show that during the testimonial…
it won't matter if there are
100 or 1,000 people.
I can get the entire world to believe me.
That will be a piece of cake.
Sir, there is something
I need to tell you.
What is that?
A zombie always needs
to watch the back of his head.
A hallucinogen?
They must be crazy!
It's all in the analysis report.
-You are telling me that it's a narcotic?
It causes severe hallucinations.
That crazy bastard.
-I need to go.
-What? Hey!
There she goes again.
These nasty bastards from the New Truth
used this hallucinogen
to completely brainwash people.
Come on, sir.
You must search their building
and seize everything now.
-Ms. Gong,
Where's the evidence
that this pill is from the diet retreat?
If you at least have anyone
who can testify or an eyewitness,
we can raid the building.
A witness? That's all you need?
You have one?
That witness…
cannot be reached right now.
Come on!
When I took your word for it
and arrested Lee Gwang-sik before,
I got into trouble with my boss!
Lee Gwang-sik has ties to politicians,
the press, and law enforcement.
They are all in on it together!
-Let's talk outside.
-Come on, sir!
Come on. I thought we were friends!
I am really disappointed!
Disappointed? Gosh.
I'll look into it, so just go home.
What is this?
A pepper spray for self-protection.
It works really well. So always carry it.
Why now?
If the people from the New Truth find out
what you're up to, you'll be in trouble.
So you believe me.
Give me some time.
I'll try to get the search warrant.
-You are the best! Hey.
-Hey. Let go of me. Gosh.
-I will use it well.
-My gosh. Hey.
You don't go around doing this
to just any guy, right?
Hey. Be careful, will you? Gosh.
What is this place?
The smell that is most familiar
to a zombie. It's the smell of a corpse.
That place is like hell. Once you enter,
you cannot get out even when you are dead.
Rumor has it that they even covered up
the deaths of their disciples.
What the hell have they been doing here?
Mr. Kim Moo-young.
Your father, your only family,
passed away three years ago.
You only get one or two cases
per year at your office.
It must've been tough
to support yourself with just that.
The deceased Kim Moo-young must've
also had a hard time making ends meet.
You don't have any more sources
for income.
But why did I, your God, let you live?
There are many ways
to show your gratitude to me.
However, I do not believe in
intangible things.
Your God is…
much more doubtful
than what the humans believe.
What is it that you want from me?
I think
we'll see eye to eye.
You got hit by a car
that was going 70km per hour.
But you got up in one piece.
You broke the window to escape,
but you did not shed a drop of blood.
Is that possible with a human body?
What on earth are you?
Is he onto something?
Actually, I can't feel
any sensations in my body.
You can't feel anything.
You don't feel any physical pain.
Is that right?
Would it be okay
if I confirm it myself?
What are you doing?
A miracle is always around us.
It seems that you have found the best way
to express your faith, my brother.
What kind of bullcrap is this now?
Kim Yoon-ju.
Isn't Kim Yoon-ju what you want?
If you help me,
I will give you what you want.
Help you?
Forget about logic for now.
Just go inside.
Mr. Kim?
Hello? Mr. Kim, are you okay?
I'm okay for now.
But they got to me.
It's about that weight-loss pill.
It was indeed a hallucinogen.
I saw it, too.
People here have gone mad completely.
What should we do?
I did report this to the police,
but it may take some time.
A testimonial meeting will be held
next Tuesday at 8 p.m. in the chapel.
I'll distract them,
so find Yoon-ju at all costs.
What's your plan?
I'll take care of this.
Find her and get her out of there
no matter what.
How am I going to find Yoon-ju…
Hello? Mr. Kim?
Are you okay?
I don't feel anything.
Zombies don't feel pain
or have any sensations.
We seem to work well together.
Joon-woo, you are good at this!
Land it on my hand.
-What did you say?
-It's cool.
Please. Come on. Just this once.
Our spiritual leader is making
his entrance!
Let there be wild miracles!
-Wild miracles.
-Wild miracles.
-I am here.
-Let there be wild miracles.
-Please help us be wild.
-Let there be wild miracles.
Let there be wild miracles.
-Let there be wild miracles.
-Let there be wild miracles.
Our leader!
Let there be wild miracles.
Do you believe in miracles?
What is today?
It is the day the earth will perish!
But there is not a drop of rain
coming down now,
and the weather is perfectly fine. Why?
It's all because you've prayed hard
and gave a lot of offerings.
I, your God, changed that plan!
Let there be wild miracles.
Wild miracles.
If you believe in me,
pray, and give a lot of offerings,
I, your God, will save you!
Let there be wild miracles.
If I stay here any longer,
even I will go insane.
Are you okay?
Please help me.
Please help me.
Hold on.
It's okay. You're okay.
Can you get up?
Get on my back.
Let me, your God, get the devil
out of this body.
Leave his body.
Come out!
Devil, you can't stay in there.
Come out! I order you in the name of God!
Devil, come out!
Come out!
Come out!
It hurts.
He said it hurts. He can talk! Oh, God.
You saw it, didn't you?
There's been a miracle.
Let there be wild miracles.
-Okay. Now, let's get out of here.
I will show you a miracle
that's even bigger than this!
He came from hell.
Please welcome him. Cheers!
Oh, my Lord.
But this isn't what I wanted.
I must hurry and get out of here.
aren't you curious as to
why this man here came from hell?
-Yes, I am!
-I'm curious!
Look at this man here. When he was young,
he was deathly sick for ten days
after taking the wrong medication
and had a near-death experience of hell.
Afterward, he had a high fever, vomited,
and suffered from diarrhea every day.
He was so weak
that a breeze was enough to shake him
and he fell just after taking a few steps.
That's how frail he was.
As you can see, he is no different than
a corpse. He could die at any moment.
A corpse?
Today, I, your God, will let you escape
from the physical pain!
Do you believe?
-I believe!
-I believe!
Give up the control of your body to me.
Let there be wild miracles.
-Let there be wild miracles.
-Let there be wild miracles.
Brother, how are you feeling now?
Are you in pain?
It hurts. It hurts so much!
I am in so much pain!
Brother, what are you doing?
An eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth,
and a scam for a scam.
If you want a show, I'll give it to you.
Sir, the police are on their way.
I did it.
Sir, it looks like a trap.
The police are on their way.
You need to get out quickly!
-This ends today's testimonial meeting.
-What about that poor man?
I'm coming with a search warrant,
so wait a bit.
They are all dead meat!
Dead meat!
Lee Gwang-sik, stop right there!
That wench. How did she get in here?
Lee Gwang-sik, stop right there!
Hey, let go!
When should I get up?
What do we do?
Are you okay?
He's no longer our God. He is.
This man is truly our God from hell!
-He's our God!
-He's our God!
-He's our God!
I warned you, did I?
That I will throw you into the fiery pit
of hell if you mess with me again.
Do you think I'll go down there alone?
This crazy girl.
Come here.
You are done for!
That hurts. Damn it.
What's this?
That hurts.
What's this? This hurts. Damn it.
-Mr. Kim!
-Stop it.
It's not like I practiced
for this moment but…
Hey, stop that.
Hey, stop it!
That hurts!
Stop it! I told you to stop it!
Lee Gwang-sik!
Give it up now.
It's over now.
Says who?
I am the Alpha and the Omega.
I decide when it's over!
Mr. Kim.
Sir, are you okay?
Oh, no.
You must get out of here, sir!
I will take care of this!
Mr. Kim!
Since this operation is ruined,
why don't we start over together?
I have some land
in Gyeonggi Province as well.
You are special!
You are a special being
that I, your God, have chosen.
That's why you're special.
That's right. I am special.
But I don't want to be special.
I want to be like everyone else.
I might not feel any physical pain,
but seeing a bastard like you
gives me psychological pain.
Just accept your fate.
You know it too.
That you cannot go back to being human.
That's right. Yes.
This is the real you.
You are not human. You are a monster.
What is this?
Satan? No!
Mr. Kim, where are you?
Mr. Kim!
Mr. Kim!
Okay. Take them to the station.
-Hey, hold onto them tight!
-Yes, sir.
-Are you all right?
-Oh, no.
Let me take a look at you.
Are you all right?
I am sorry. I am sorry, my daughter.
Don't just stand there.
Detective Kim, did you know?
You're my God.
And your new employee is good at her job.
Do I also have a family
that's waiting for me?
How is your injury?
I'm fine.
Let me take a look. You can't be fine.
I said it's okay. There is no need to see.
You're fine
after getting stabbed with a cane
and broken window glass.
What? Are you a zombie or something?
I am just kidding!
No need to look so serious.
Don't ever joke about that from now on.
It's not funny at all.
And text me your bank account number.
I'll wire you your pay.
Really? Does that mean that I proved
to you I am worth 100 million won?
No. Work and settlement money
are two different matters.
I am not a thug who bosses around
his subordinate. That's all I am saying.
Since we're talking about work…
I think detective work suits me better
than working as a writer for a TV show.
Think of it as I'm paying
that 100 million won in installments.
Would you consider working together
from now on…
No, I won't.
Breaking news.
The leader of the New Truth Church,
Lee Gwang-sik,
who had committed embezzlement,
assault, and attempted murder
five years ago was arrested with
his subordinates from his organization.
They illegally manufactured hallucinogens
and forced the victims to take them
in order to extort their money…
After getting fired from the TV network,
this is what you do? You're a detective?
I told you not to go
around wasting time, didn't I?
Honey, why is that wasting time?
She caught that awful criminal.
You should be proud.
Sun-ji you are amazing.
You have my respect.
-You little…
-I agree. I think you are super-cool.
Thank you, Joon-woo.
-Eat a lot.
-The Gangrim Police have…
By the way, tell me about your boss.
How old is he? Is he married?
What about his family?
Does he pay rent for his office?
Or did he put down a deposit?
-Honey, why are you asking her that?
She must at least know a bit about
the man who signs her paycheck.
Or does he own the building?
-He owns the building?
-I was about to ask her.
Why are you so impatient?
-I don't know if he owns it.
But I know one thing for sure.
That he is a good person.
We don't care about that.
Does he own the building?
No? Well, everyone is nice.
So does he own it or not?
I'm just kidding.
Who else?
Damn right! Our team got them all!
-Who's the best?
Yes. That's right!
Hey, hear me out!
He was perfectly fine after getting hit
by a car and stabbed by a cane.
He can't be human. I'm telling you.
He's not like us!
We can talk again when the drug wears off.
What are you talking about?
Why would I do drugs?
Drugs are bad for you.
I got paid.
I won't have to worry
about money for a while.
This truly is Heaven.
What's wrong with that jerk?
Why the hell is he eating raw chicken?
Don't come near me!
Stop right there!
What are you?
Zombies certainly do exist somewhere
in the 21st century in Korea.
What's wrong with being a zombie?
Before I died, I was a human
just like everyone else.
You're Kim Moo-young, right?
If you let him get away,
there could be a bloodbath here.
Mister, are you going somewhere far?
Kim Moo-young from the detective office
across the street?
I don't know. He came from hell,
so I suppose he went back there.
I'm alive and back in hell
as Zombie Detective.
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