Zorro (2024) s01e04 Episode Script

La venganza

You're still alive?
I should flay you
and bury you in the mine
for treating my people like slaves.
But I don't have that much time.
You have to see something.
I missed you.
I warned you
that this wasn't for you.
It got personal.
Were you willing to die
for my people?
Sooner or later, our time comes.
It didn't seem like a bad way to die.
I'm Zorro now.
You only wear his uniform.
And we both know that's not enough.
You leave me no choice.
Give it up.
-You've done the right thing.
I can't do it.
As you said,
it's personal.
Leave him there.
Prepare the horses
and bring Tornado. We're going.
We all die in the end.
You're going with a big finish.
You'll be remembered.
Today the era of the new Zorro begins.
Take it easy.
Take it easy, Tornado.
Don't you remember me?
I'm Nah-Lin,
Po-mahn-kwakurr's sister.
No one who tries to kill me lives.
Don't talk. Save your strength.
I know.
I'm dying.
You saved me. Now it's my turn.
Hood man.
Hood man?
-Hood man.
-Hood man?
Hood man
Hood man.
We must tell about this!
Are you sure about publishing it?
Until now, Zorro has never acted
with such violence.
This isn't justice, ma chère.
This is vengeance.
Besides, the signature
doesn't leave much doubt.
It could be a trick.
Ramírez had many enemies.
Blaming Zorro is easy.
No doubt.
However, the absence
of native corpses
and, above all,
the recent incident at the mine
lead me to think it was him.
Still, he's never acted
with such rage.
I don't understand.
We light the gunpowder
and whatever happens, happens.
The wick was already lit
with Ramírez's blood, ma chère.
We're only the echo
of the explosion it caused.
People of Los Angeles
Zorro, this man you consider a hero
has killed a rancher
and many innocent men.
If anyone believes that
these deaths will go unpunished,
they are wrong.
All those who defy the law
in California
are enemies of the Republic of Mexico,
and as such will be hunted down
and executed.
You may be sure that
I will not stop until he
and anyone who gives him aid,
man or woman,
old or young,
ends up at the end of a rope.
You have been warned.
Let's go, Captain.
We have a visit to make.
I came in person to give you the chance
to show you're on the side of the law.
Where is Zorro hiding?
I know that some of you know.
If you collaborate,
you'll be rewarded.
Even if they know,
they won't tell, Governor.
Very well!
If your loyalty to the killer
is greater than
your love for Mexico,
let Zorro give you food and shelter!
Burn it all.
But, sir, I don't think that's
Do you want to catch Zorro?
Destroy his den
and he'll be forced to come out.
With all due respect,
this is inappropriate punishment.
-There's no evidence
-I gave you an order.
Do it.
You asked for it!
Clear the village.
I said clear the village!
Burn it all down.
Don't take it so hard, Captain.
After all, they're only some sticks
covered in skins.
Do you know what great power
such as mine entails?
Great responsibility?
The courage to do whatever is needed.
I have it.
Do you?
And the people?
The people need order.
Tell me, Captain.
Do you wish to marry?
As soon as possible.
Then listen to me.
Zorro will soon have no support
and will fall into your hands.
Consider it an early wedding present.
Pick up the body.
They killed them, then set fire
to the wagon, sir.
They were after food for their people.
We must protect the grain
to avoid further deaths.
Everyone look out!
They left some time ago.
Gather the bodies and tell Don Antonio.
We've just started a war.
Do you still think our measure
against the Indians was excessive?
The people aren't responsible
for what Zorro does.
They aid him. That's enough for me.
A witness isn't necessarily
a collaborator, sir.
But if you punish them,
you may push them to be so.
Your idea to distribute the grain
has saved the supplies,
but not solved the problem.
What do you suggest, Captain?
Let me form a group of men
and hunt him down.
Find him and kill him.
I have to stop this.
Help me.
You'll have to do it then.
Did you know anything about this?
I'm worried that it was my father's.
And what he was involved in.
Ramírez was one of ours.
We must do something.
Excuse me.
Excuse me.
Until now,
Zorro has served our purposes.
But he has become an enemy.
Zorro attacked Ramirez over what
occurred in the mine with the Indians.
His only enemy is the Governor.
We should support the Governor.
Zorro is being unpredictable.
Let them kill each other.
When it's all over and they're weak,
we will act.
I see you received my message.
What do you want of me?
What do I want of you?
I want you to stop Nah-Lin.
I'm still in no state to do so.
She has usurped Zorro's position.
Zorro must fight and prove
why he's the chosen one.
Don't complain, act.
Then you're not going to do
anything to stop her.
I can't turn my people
against each other.
Go up the mountain and you'll see
beyond the reach of your vision.
Does she know I'm alive?
And waiting for the right time.
Although the snake chose her,
she's claiming to be Zorro.
Yes, I know.
She left it for me in writing.
So you're not going to do anything.
The governor destroyed
our village, Diego.
Nah-Lin is robbing the ranchers
to give food and hope to our people.
Nah-Lin is robbing and killing.
There's a difference.
Some see it as a just punishment.
Bear that in mind
when you wish to return.
Come and see me.
You won't face her alone.
-What's wrong? Are you OK?
-What are you doing here?
-Does it hurt?
-No, no No, no, don't touch!
That's what I say,
what's she doing in my bed?
Doesn't he like me?
What's she saying?
That I don't like her?
So I don't have to sleep with him?
Can I stay here?
I can cook very well.
we have a housekeeper.
What kind of life has she had?
I think we can fix this.
Take those sacks and hand me the hammer.
It's all good.
What's wrong?
Zorro and his men
are heading for Diego's ranch.
Get the guns!
-You, prepare a covered wagon!
-I'll get my rifle.
-No, you stay here.
-No, I'm coming.
-It's very dangerous, my girl.
-I shoot better than them.
Please, listen to me.
We haven't heard from him in days.
So you'd better stay here.
Besides, weren't you quarreling?
I don't want him to be killed.
I'm coming, please.
Go, quickly!
Are you sure they were heading
for Diego's ranch?
-Are you alright?
-All good!
They're going to circle us.
Give her the gun.
We're trapped.
There's no time and no ammunition.
But they don't know that. Let's go!
Don Tadeo!
Let's go!
Are you alright?
Now we are.
I'm fine.
No, you're not fine.
Your shirt is soaked in blood.
It was just a dizzy spell.
Lolita, relax. Go with your father.
Bernardo will take care of it.
No, I'm not moving from here
until I know you're alright.
My father went with Román
to take Antonio's body to his family.
As you wish,
but it won't be pleasant.
Careful, careful.
A gift from Zorro.
I didn't lie to you.
And these wounds?
Zorro attacked me a few days ago,
but he didn't achieve his purpose.
I think he has something
personal against me.
I'm thirsty. A glass of sherry
would do me good.
Please. Thank you.
-Lolita will attend to me.
-Yes, of course.
-Thanks a lot.
-I'll do it.
Tell me if I'm hurting you.
I'm sorry I didn't believe you.
Don't worry.
Even I find it hard to believe.
But if you love someone,
you should trust them.
I reread your letters on the ship home.
I recalled everything we did
when we were children.
Do you remember?
And I realized how much I missed you.
It's a shame you didn't realize
when you were in Spain.
Lolita, I know I didn't do
the right thing.
But I'd like to start again.
Why must you always ruin everything?
Because I love you.
Even though it hurts.
And it does hurt.
Lolita, wait.
OK, I'll stop, please.
I'll go tell Bernardo I'm done.
Do you want to talk?
Your father told me what happened.
How is Diego?
He'll pull through,
he has more lives than a cat.
Perhaps I was hasty.
Enrique is a good man.
He is.
Diego also thinks highly of you.
Sometimes he acts like
a selfish coward, and others
like a hero.
I don't know what to think
of him anymore.
I understand.
But there's something more important.
What do you feel?
Since I was a boy.
Capable of firing several times
without reloading.
You change the cylinder
and start again.
The perfect weapon
to carry out your mission.
A gift from Mr. Vanderveen.
Captain Rogers awaits us on the Nomad.
Have you ever been to Panama?
Does it matter?
Not really.
Have you come to kill me?
Despite my recent reputation,
I only kill if it is essential.
I've come to offer you a deal, Governor.
What kind of deal?
If you want the attacks to cease,
stop harassing the Indians
and the peasants.
And let you keep killing
innocent ranchers?
Ramírez got what he deserved.
Slavery is over in California.
And the other ranchers?
Nothing would've happened
if you hadn't razed the village.
But since you did
Do as I say and in one week
it will all have ended.
What if I refuse?
The next will be in your heart.
And that's not a warning.
It's a promise.
I was expecting you.
I know.
You said when I was ready
you'd help me stop Nah-Lin.
And so shall it be.
The Governor has made many
join her cause.
Some see her as the real Zorro.
It won't be so easy to find her.
My people have been searching
for her for days in vain.
She's elusive because she knows
the way they search for her.
If we want to find her
we must think differently.
What was that about
vision and the mountain?
I was taught in the military academy
that in war it's essential
to consider the battlefield.
Where did she attack?
And here.
And she did so several days in a row?
No one saw her?
That means she's less than
half a day from these three points.
She'd have no time to return
without exposing herself.
Here's where we must look for them.
Let's go.
Tell Nah-Lin I want to see her.
This is between you and me.
It you wish to claim the right
to be Zorro, fight me.
You don't understand at all.
You were born here,
but you don't belong to this land.
If you're so sure,
Give up and I'll let you live.
Like at Ramirez's ranch?
Give up and I'll let you live.
I never give up.
Soldiers! Soldiers!
There are two.
Don't let them get away.
We will meet again.
Let's go, Nah-Lin!
We lost them, Captain.
Never mind.
I will catch them.
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