24: Legacy (2016) s01e05 Episode Script
4:00 P.M. - 5:00 P.M.
1 CARTER: The terrorists got away with the list.
One of the men was Jadalla, Bin-Khalid's son.
JAD: We have the list.
It's a sign we're on a righteous path.
Rebecca, the list of sleeper cells the terrorists have it.
My God.
- Have you gotten anywhere with Nilaa Mizrani? Right now, she's our best hope to stop Jadalla from activating - those sleeper cells.
- You're coming with us to CTU.
REBECCA: You better speak up before any more Americans lose their lives.
I didn't leak the identity of those Rangers.
AMIRA: There's a problem with Drew.
I know I have to kill him, Khasan.
I just need you to tell me how to do it.
You need to get your hands on a syringe.
[grunts, groans.]
NICOLE: Isaac, Royo's not there to make a deal he's there to kill you.
He planned this with Aisha.
Get out of there, Isaac.
ISAAC: You need to let her go.
FERNANDEZ: I already put her in the system.
She's important to me.
Son, I made a terrible choice.
So you sacrificed those Rangers' names.
To save your campaign.
I weighed all the good that your presidency could do against those six lives.
It's not just six lives.
God knows how many people could be lost if Jadalla Bin-Khalid launches those attacks.
- I can fix this, Eric.
- What? I can fix this.
I can make it right.
BEN: You ever heard of an arms smuggler goes by the name Gabriel? He's a ghost.
I can get us to him.
See if he knows where Bin-Khalid's people are, Carter, you're an Army Ranger You're not a CTU agent.
And I cannot authorize this mission.
- What are we doing? - Exactly what we talked about.
- [alarm blaring.]
- Let's go.
You better be telling me the truth about Gabriel.
I am.
'Cause if you're not, I'm-a kill you myself.
[tires screeching.]
[door opens.]
We took a closer look at the security tape from campaign headquarters.
It looks as if it may have been tampered with.
You mean it was faked.
Like I told you from the beginning.
That appears to be the case.
It's over.
You're in the clear.
Was someone else arrested? That's classified.
You accused me of doing some terrible things.
You really believed it.
I was just following the evidence.
People inside the campaign were already whispering about me before the Gage ad.
Now they'll never stop.
My reputation's destroyed.
How do I go back to my job now? How do I just go back to my life, knowing what you and John really think of me? You should know that John never thought you were guilty.
In fact, he was the one who uncovered the additional evidence.
I'll have someone start to process you out as soon as possible.
Nilaa, I'm sorry for everything you've been through.
[door shuts.]
Mariana, can you track Carter's SUV? No signal.
He must've disabled the transponder.
Rebecca, I have to ask.
Did you know anything about this? No.
Carter's operating on his own.
I want your team ready to intercept once we locate Carter and Grimes.
It's him.
Put him on speaker.
Eric, I'm here with Keith Mullins.
MULLINS: Turn around now before this gets any worse for you.
Ben is taking me to Gabriel, and I'm using the Onyx missile schematics as bait.
And hopefully we can find out what he knows about Jadalla Bin-Khalid.
You stole those schematics.
When I've identified Gabriel, I'll look for a chance to lock him down.
Have a TAC team standing by.
Carter, you're predicating this entire plan on what Grimes told you.
He's proven he can't be trusted.
This is the only chance we have right now to find Jadalla.
I'm sending you the location where the TAC team should stage.
He's wrong about me.
[phone beeping.]
Everything I told you is the truth.
You can trust me.
Shut up, Ben.
This is where he wants us to stage.
Locke can chopper his team there and back Carter when the time comes.
Keith, it's the only play we've got.
Be ready to move as soon as we get Carter's signal.
I've been trying to reconstruct the list.
So far, I've been able to recover the contact information and activation code for one of the cells.
What's the time frame on recovering the rest of the list? Honestly, I don't think I'll be able to do it.
Too many of the partitions are corrupted.
- It's impossible.
- Then we should activate the one cell.
Have them launch their attack right away.
My father's plan was to have all 15 cells launch their attacks at once.
That's how we bring this country to its knees, - how we change things.
- But Hamid said he doesn't know if we will recover the rest of the list.
We have to have faith.
Every minute we wait, we show kindness to these people There were 15 cells, Kusuma.
We'll launch 15 attacks.
If we can retrieve one, we can retrieve the rest.
Keep working.
I know that was hard, Amira.
But you had to do it.
You had no choice.
You and I are going to be part of something greater than ourselves.
We are changing the world.
And when it's over, everyone will know our names.
[shuts engine off.]
- [crying.]
- Oh.
Don't cry, little one.
I'm happy to see you, too.
Khasan, how are you, son? What are you doing here? I'm just here on business.
And you? How is work? It's fine.
You're not there now.
An early day? I always try to leave in time to pick up Amira from school.
MIKAIL: Uh-huh.
And how is school, Amira? You're studying hard? - Of course.
- Good.
Don't want you to drop out like your brother.
Why didn't you tell us you were coming? I just wanted to surprise you.
Why? Can't a father surprise his children anymore? Are you hungry, Papa? Always.
I'll make you something.
What are you doing? Feeding our father.
He shouldn't even be here.
Something's not right.
This isn't the first time he's come here on business.
He would have told us.
He always tells us when he's coming.
He knows something.
How could he? He just wants to see us.
Feed him.
But once he's done eating, we need to get him to leave.
[birds chirping.]
You got everybody inside? Yeah.
[indistinct chatter.]
Oh, y'all just chillin'.
I almost got killed today.
Right? Royo tried to play me.
And he got help from Aisha and Jerome.
More of y'all got to be involved.
Here's how we gonna do this.
Bring Kevin in.
Jerome tried to sell me out.
And you're his little brother.
So don't tell me you know nothing 'bout it.
- I-I don't.
- No, listen, Kevin, you gonna tell me who Jerome - was working with.
- But I don't know anything, man.
You still don't know anything? I swear.
Jerome never said nothin', man.
I don't know what you're talking about.
- Take him downstairs.
- No.
No, Isaac! Isaac, no! No, please! Please Please, Isaac! No, you got to believe me! No! Please.
- Please! - The rest of y'all, get your phones out, right? I want to know who you been talking to.
I said get your phones out! [door slams.]
BEN: Yeah.
Yeah, I'm gonna see you then.
Just calling ahead.
Gabriel's people have real hair triggers.
You don't want to show up unannounced.
Here's your stuff.
[starts engine.]
Gabriel and his men, they they like things high and tight.
Besides, my mom never liked me with a beard anyway.
Just hurry up, Ben.
You think you get to see them, when you die? See who? The people you love.
The ones you lost, like my mom and sister? I don't know, Ben.
Like, maybe you get to say the things you meant to say - when they were around.
- Or maybe this life's all you got.
So maybe you shouldn't waste it with what-ifs.
Let's just do what we got to do.
[phone ringing.]
Hello? Eric, it's safe for me to get out of here, right? - Leave Isaac's? - Yeah.
Why? You okay? I just, I don't want to be here anymore.
Okay, listen, uh I want you to go to Christine's.
Christine's? Well, why can't you just pick me up? I want to.
More than you know.
But I just, uh - I'm still in the middle of this.
- Still? I thought it was almost over.
Yeah, I I thought so, too.
Eric, what is going on? Listen, I want you to go to Christine's, and I'm gonna come get you as soon as I can, okay? I love you, Nicole.
I love you, too.
[siren wailing in distance.]
Hey, Nicole.
Can I come in for a minute? [sighs.]
You got to talk to Isaac.
This is none of my business.
I left to get away from all this.
I just want to get back to my husband.
You think anybody here wouldn't kill to get out like you did? We don't have that choice.
We're here.
Trying to do what we got to do, but Look.
I'm asking you to talk to him.
And say what? I've never seen him like this before.
That's 'cause he wasn't like this when you and Eric were around.
Once you two bounced, everything changed.
I know Eric leaving was rough for him.
It wasn't Eric.
It was you leaving that broke him.
And now you're the only one who might be able to set him straight.
Is that kharcho? [Mikail chuckles softly.]
It smells just like your mother's.
- [chuckles.]
- Always reminds me of home.
: Mmm.
So good.
And what about you? How is work, Khasan? Work is good.
Is it? I said it's good.
Because before I came here, I stopped by the construction site, and your boss said that you haven't been there in weeks.
They didn't need me.
Don't lie to me, boy.
What are you talking about? Your friend Timur, the one with the drunk father? He was arrested two weeks ago trying to plant a bomb in Grozny Square.
The police never got anything out of him.
But in the village, people talk.
There were rumors he trained in Pakistan.
That he wasn't alone.
You were there with him.
Tell me what you're doing here.
I already told you I told you don't lie to me.
[Khasan groans, coughs.]
Tell me what you two have done.
You don't want to talk, then pack your bags You're coming home with me.
You, too, boy.
We're not going anywhere.
You think you're a man, because you can shoot a gun? Huh? I fought the Russians while you hid under the bed in your pajamas crying like girl! - Papa, please, leave it alone.
- You're not a soldier! You're not a man! You're nothing but a coward! [growls.]
Khasan! No! [growls.]
Help me, Amira.
Get the duct tape.
MIKAIL: Princess! Help me! Amira, now! [Mikail grunting.]
MIKAIL: Please Bind his wrists.
Bind his wrists.
Don't let your brother control you.
I raised you to be better.
It's your father, Amira! [grunting.]
Amira! Please.
[muffled grunts.]
What are you going to do to him? We just got to the staging area Carter gave us.
Team's ready to go when we get the signal.
You wanted to see me? I know you helped Carter access the Onyx schematics.
You have no proof of that.
Only because you're good at what you do.
Which means I can't fire you for cause yet.
But I don't trust you.
I understood siding with Rebecca when all this started, but Carter's gone off the reservation, and you - helped him do it.
- I'm revoking all your clearances, effective immediately.
Turn all your files over to Mariana.
You're benched.
[trembling exhale.]
This is Andy.
What happened with Keith? He knows I helped Carter.
I thought you covered your tracks.
I did.
He doesn't care if he can prove it.
He took away my clearance, and he'll fire me as soon as he figures out how.
I shouldn't have gotten involved.
Andy, you did the right thing.
Listen, I have to go and interrogate Henry Donovan.
I'll talk to Keith.
I'll get you reinstated.
It'll work out.
[engine turns off.]
If there's something you want to tell me, now would be the time.
Let's do this.
[weapon cocks.]
You got some balls coming back here again.
I got business.
Something for Gabriel.
You think he's gonna do business with you again? He'll want what I got.
It's just my phone.
FERRO: Who's this guy? Eric Carter.
We served together.
He brought me those.
These real? - I took them from DoD myself.
- Where's the rest? - Locked with an access code.
- So unlock it.
Only for the guy who can - green light the deal.
- Gabriel.
If you're screwing with me, I promise you I will splatter your brains all over this asphalt.
Let's go.
What the hell do you want? To talk.
Well, I'm busy.
Just for a minute.
Make it quick, Nicole.
You gonna go through every call on every one of those phones? Uh-huh.
If that's what it takes.
Isaac, look, I know you don't trust anyone right now.
You think? But you can trust me.
Oh, really? Can I? - I just saved your life.
- And you let Aisha and Jerome bounce.
What were you gonna gain by killing them? Set an example.
And what about the example you're setting right now? What's that supposed to mean? Isaac, these men - They respect you.
- Yeah.
They revere you.
But you're losing them.
You're out of control.
You'll end up making them do something they'd never think of doing.
Like what? If you keep going like this they're gonna turn on you.
What, did someone say something? Somebody No.
- Who you talking to, hmm? - Nobody! - Nah, you lying.
Who you been talking to? - Nobody, Isaac! You're no better than the rest of 'em.
What y'all looking at? Nothing, man.
We cool.
We all good.
Come here.
[door opens.]
[door closes.]
Ben Grimes.
Didn't expect to see you again.
But I'm delighted you decided to stop by.
Gabriel, Gabriel I came here to make things right.
Mr Carter, is it? Something tells me your partner here hasn't been entirely forthcoming about our history.
Ben bring him up to speed.
Gabriel fronted me some money for an arms deal.
Tell him how much.
But I was robbed before I could make right.
I was.
They knocked me out.
I swear.
When I came to, the money was gone.
Right into your veins.
That's not true.
That's not true.
Gabriel, this deal will net many times that.
Look, I won't take a cut.
Not a penny.
Carter, a man is entrusted with a significant amount of money, and that money disappears.
Doesn't matter how.
The man's responsible for his money.
It's gone.
What do you think the consequences should be? I'm here to make a deal.
So whatever happened between you two doesn't matter.
Well, it matters to me.
Quite a bit, actually.
Stand up.
Now I'll never do business with him.
The question on the table is can I do business with you? I just need to know we're on the same page.
Kill him.
Then we can talk.
Ben and I fought together.
And we swore an oath - to our country - No.
and to each other.
I'm not doing it.
No, Eric, no.
You might want to reconsider.
That's what I like to see.
Maybe we can do business.
We'll run background on you.
Everything checks out, we'll continue the conversation.
If not Where you going? Anywhere but here.
- No, Nicole, I'm sorry.
- Excuse me.
Come on.
Look, I mean it, all right? I'm sorry.
I put my hands on you.
That was wrong.
I shouldn't have did that.
You done? Oh, come on.
Everything's been crazy.
My business is falling apart.
I got dudes out there that's trying to kill me.
I'm losing my mind here.
Let's Let me say it again.
I'm sorry.
And I'm glad you let her go.
I didn't want to kill Aisha, - not really.
- Yeah, well, I'm glad that worked out - for you.
- And you coming to me like that, right? Telling me I'm buggin', I'm out of control You're right.
What about Kevin? I'll let him go, too.
Like, he probably don't know anything anyway.
Listen thanks for saving my life earlier.
You're welcome.
It's just been real hard lately, you know? I know.
Hasn't been the same since you left.
So, what, he's waiting for you now? He's not quite finished yet.
So, um look, why don't you stay here? Let me make it up to you.
At least till your man's done saving the world.
You see how things are.
I need you.
Don't you ever touch me again.
Have a seat, sir.
[door opens.]
Are you okay? Did he say anything else to you? Anything I should know before going in? Um just what I told you over the phone.
That he gave up the Army Rangers to the terrorists.
And that he framed Nilaa for it.
He said he's doing it all for me.
To protect my campaign.
I'm so sorry.
He's ready.
[door opens.]
[door closes.]
[clears throat.]
REBECCA: Can I get you anything? Something to drink? I would just like to understand what's going on.
Why John would do this to me.
I know he's told you some story about my working with terrorists, but I swear to you, I don't have the least clue what he's talking about.
But I keep going over it in my head.
I know that John is under pressure.
I don't know, maybe he overheard a conversation I had, misinterpreted something, I just I don't know.
You told John you gave the identities of the Army Rangers to Jadalla Bin-Khalid I swear on my wife's grave, I've never even heard of this Jaballa person.
And how would I get the identities of those Rangers? Rebecca, you know me, we're family.
We've spent Christmases together.
You and John were married in my backyard.
Now do you honestly think that I would cooperate with terrorists, that I would help them to kill servicemen? Does that make any sense to you at all? - What the hell are you doing? - Son, please.
DONOVAN: You have signed those Rangers' death warrants, you understand? You have a chance here to make this right, to save people from dying, and you're pulling this?! I don't know what you're talking about.
Tell her the truth! - Son of a bitch! - REBECCA: John? Don't.
You should leave.
[buzzer sounds.]
GABRIEL: Looks like you check out.
It's a good thing.
Give me the phone.
So how do you know they're genuine? Because I know where I stole them from.
Let me ask you something.
What's to stop me killing you, keeping the plans anyway? Someone who I trust told me you were a stand-up guy.
All right, let's take a look.
What's the code? Three, Seven, Alpha, Tango, Four, Four, Hotel, Six, Two.
Yeah, it looks like the real deal.
I'll have to have someone authenticate them.
Of course.
Put your hands behind your head and move over there.
Hands above your head now.
You have a gun around your waist.
Put it on the floor and slide it over to me, slowly.
[Carter kicks gun on floor.]
What do you want? You sold guns to a terrorist named Jadalla Bin-Khalid.
I also think you helped smuggle him and his men into the country.
I need to know where they are.
I don't know what you're talking about.
You're lying.
[phone clicking.]
[line ringing.]
MULLINS: It's Carter.
Carter, what's your status? I have Gabriel.
Lock onto my GPS and send your men in.
Got him.
Sending choppers now.
Tell the tac teams they'll be dealing with at least six highly-trained ex-military.
Approach from the East.
Locke's ETA is less than ten.
Copy that.
[door opens.]
[gasps, sighs.]
My blood sugar.
I am diabetic.
Ooh - Please.
- Here.
- Mmm.
- Diabetic? - [sighs.]
- Why didn't you tell us? I didn't want to worry my children.
What does it matter anyway? Of course it matters.
- Here, take some more.
- How can you do this to your own father? We don't want to hurt you.
If you go through with this, whatever you're thinking of doing, my life will be over.
Amira, do you not remember your childhood? How we played together? How I used to sing you to sleep? What would your mother say if she were to see you treat me like this? [sighs.]
Please? Untie me.
Khasan would never allow it.
Just call the police.
The police? Yes.
Untie me, - I'll talk to Khasan again.
- No, no.
Amira, please! Amira?! [door closes.]
Jadalla? I don't understand.
An activation code was sent out.
Meaning what? The sleeper cell who's information we received from the list.
Someone in our system sent out the code.
- I swear it wasn't me.
- Can you stop it? [keyboard keys clicking.]
It's been encrypted.
You did this? Stop the activation code.
Now! HAMID: It's too late.
The code was received.
At least this way, we strike a blow.
You've never taken a man's life, Jadalla.
You would start with mine? You're a good man, Kusuma, but you lack faith.
And a man without faith is dangerous.
How can it be a great work, Khasan, if it makes us do this to our own father? What does that mean? It means maybe we should think about this.
[phone ringing.]
Khasan! There's nothing to think about.
We've gotten the activation code.
We're launching the attack.
- No.
Khasan - Call Harris.
Tell him to be here with the rest of the material.
- Khasan? - Do it right away! Now! You should know, I don't do business with terrorists.
I'm a patriot.
So those modified semis that you sell Jadalla just found them lying around? You'd have to ask him about that.
Son of a bitch.
L-Listen up! Move! Move! Move! We got an alert.
[door opens.]
[gunshot, groaning.]
[gunfire, groaning.]
[rapid gunfire.]
LOCKE: Hostiles ahead.
Prepare to take fire.
Here we go.
[rapid gunfire.]
Stay put, or I will shoot you in the other knee.
- Go right.
- Copy that! [explosion.]
- Clear! - Clear! MAN: Clear! - Carter, it's Locke! - I'm in here! I got Gabriel! No, you don't.
Son of a bitch.
No - On me! - CARTER: Medic! Over here! Come on.
Medic right here.
All right, let me tend to him.
[muffled groaning.]
[indistinct chatter.]
He cut the artery.
He's gone.
- What about his computer? - He's already on it.
Okay, well, his men might know something.
Most went down fighting.
We're interrogating the others now.
I'm in.
No, no, no, no, no! Data wipe! [buzzer sounding.]
Move! Okay.
[grunts, panting.]
CARTER: This might be our only lead.
Get what you can and quickly.
One of the men was Jadalla, Bin-Khalid's son.
JAD: We have the list.
It's a sign we're on a righteous path.
Rebecca, the list of sleeper cells the terrorists have it.
My God.
- Have you gotten anywhere with Nilaa Mizrani? Right now, she's our best hope to stop Jadalla from activating - those sleeper cells.
- You're coming with us to CTU.
REBECCA: You better speak up before any more Americans lose their lives.
I didn't leak the identity of those Rangers.
AMIRA: There's a problem with Drew.
I know I have to kill him, Khasan.
I just need you to tell me how to do it.
You need to get your hands on a syringe.
[grunts, groans.]
NICOLE: Isaac, Royo's not there to make a deal he's there to kill you.
He planned this with Aisha.
Get out of there, Isaac.
ISAAC: You need to let her go.
FERNANDEZ: I already put her in the system.
She's important to me.
Son, I made a terrible choice.
So you sacrificed those Rangers' names.
To save your campaign.
I weighed all the good that your presidency could do against those six lives.
It's not just six lives.
God knows how many people could be lost if Jadalla Bin-Khalid launches those attacks.
- I can fix this, Eric.
- What? I can fix this.
I can make it right.
BEN: You ever heard of an arms smuggler goes by the name Gabriel? He's a ghost.
I can get us to him.
See if he knows where Bin-Khalid's people are, Carter, you're an Army Ranger You're not a CTU agent.
And I cannot authorize this mission.
- What are we doing? - Exactly what we talked about.
- [alarm blaring.]
- Let's go.
You better be telling me the truth about Gabriel.
I am.
'Cause if you're not, I'm-a kill you myself.
[tires screeching.]
[door opens.]
We took a closer look at the security tape from campaign headquarters.
It looks as if it may have been tampered with.
You mean it was faked.
Like I told you from the beginning.
That appears to be the case.
It's over.
You're in the clear.
Was someone else arrested? That's classified.
You accused me of doing some terrible things.
You really believed it.
I was just following the evidence.
People inside the campaign were already whispering about me before the Gage ad.
Now they'll never stop.
My reputation's destroyed.
How do I go back to my job now? How do I just go back to my life, knowing what you and John really think of me? You should know that John never thought you were guilty.
In fact, he was the one who uncovered the additional evidence.
I'll have someone start to process you out as soon as possible.
Nilaa, I'm sorry for everything you've been through.
[door shuts.]
Mariana, can you track Carter's SUV? No signal.
He must've disabled the transponder.
Rebecca, I have to ask.
Did you know anything about this? No.
Carter's operating on his own.
I want your team ready to intercept once we locate Carter and Grimes.
It's him.
Put him on speaker.
Eric, I'm here with Keith Mullins.
MULLINS: Turn around now before this gets any worse for you.
Ben is taking me to Gabriel, and I'm using the Onyx missile schematics as bait.
And hopefully we can find out what he knows about Jadalla Bin-Khalid.
You stole those schematics.
When I've identified Gabriel, I'll look for a chance to lock him down.
Have a TAC team standing by.
Carter, you're predicating this entire plan on what Grimes told you.
He's proven he can't be trusted.
This is the only chance we have right now to find Jadalla.
I'm sending you the location where the TAC team should stage.
He's wrong about me.
[phone beeping.]
Everything I told you is the truth.
You can trust me.
Shut up, Ben.
This is where he wants us to stage.
Locke can chopper his team there and back Carter when the time comes.
Keith, it's the only play we've got.
Be ready to move as soon as we get Carter's signal.
I've been trying to reconstruct the list.
So far, I've been able to recover the contact information and activation code for one of the cells.
What's the time frame on recovering the rest of the list? Honestly, I don't think I'll be able to do it.
Too many of the partitions are corrupted.
- It's impossible.
- Then we should activate the one cell.
Have them launch their attack right away.
My father's plan was to have all 15 cells launch their attacks at once.
That's how we bring this country to its knees, - how we change things.
- But Hamid said he doesn't know if we will recover the rest of the list.
We have to have faith.
Every minute we wait, we show kindness to these people There were 15 cells, Kusuma.
We'll launch 15 attacks.
If we can retrieve one, we can retrieve the rest.
Keep working.
I know that was hard, Amira.
But you had to do it.
You had no choice.
You and I are going to be part of something greater than ourselves.
We are changing the world.
And when it's over, everyone will know our names.
[shuts engine off.]
- [crying.]
- Oh.
Don't cry, little one.
I'm happy to see you, too.
Khasan, how are you, son? What are you doing here? I'm just here on business.
And you? How is work? It's fine.
You're not there now.
An early day? I always try to leave in time to pick up Amira from school.
MIKAIL: Uh-huh.
And how is school, Amira? You're studying hard? - Of course.
- Good.
Don't want you to drop out like your brother.
Why didn't you tell us you were coming? I just wanted to surprise you.
Why? Can't a father surprise his children anymore? Are you hungry, Papa? Always.
I'll make you something.
What are you doing? Feeding our father.
He shouldn't even be here.
Something's not right.
This isn't the first time he's come here on business.
He would have told us.
He always tells us when he's coming.
He knows something.
How could he? He just wants to see us.
Feed him.
But once he's done eating, we need to get him to leave.
[birds chirping.]
You got everybody inside? Yeah.
[indistinct chatter.]
Oh, y'all just chillin'.
I almost got killed today.
Right? Royo tried to play me.
And he got help from Aisha and Jerome.
More of y'all got to be involved.
Here's how we gonna do this.
Bring Kevin in.
Jerome tried to sell me out.
And you're his little brother.
So don't tell me you know nothing 'bout it.
- I-I don't.
- No, listen, Kevin, you gonna tell me who Jerome - was working with.
- But I don't know anything, man.
You still don't know anything? I swear.
Jerome never said nothin', man.
I don't know what you're talking about.
- Take him downstairs.
- No.
No, Isaac! Isaac, no! No, please! Please Please, Isaac! No, you got to believe me! No! Please.
- Please! - The rest of y'all, get your phones out, right? I want to know who you been talking to.
I said get your phones out! [door slams.]
BEN: Yeah.
Yeah, I'm gonna see you then.
Just calling ahead.
Gabriel's people have real hair triggers.
You don't want to show up unannounced.
Here's your stuff.
[starts engine.]
Gabriel and his men, they they like things high and tight.
Besides, my mom never liked me with a beard anyway.
Just hurry up, Ben.
You think you get to see them, when you die? See who? The people you love.
The ones you lost, like my mom and sister? I don't know, Ben.
Like, maybe you get to say the things you meant to say - when they were around.
- Or maybe this life's all you got.
So maybe you shouldn't waste it with what-ifs.
Let's just do what we got to do.
[phone ringing.]
Hello? Eric, it's safe for me to get out of here, right? - Leave Isaac's? - Yeah.
Why? You okay? I just, I don't want to be here anymore.
Okay, listen, uh I want you to go to Christine's.
Christine's? Well, why can't you just pick me up? I want to.
More than you know.
But I just, uh - I'm still in the middle of this.
- Still? I thought it was almost over.
Yeah, I I thought so, too.
Eric, what is going on? Listen, I want you to go to Christine's, and I'm gonna come get you as soon as I can, okay? I love you, Nicole.
I love you, too.
[siren wailing in distance.]
Hey, Nicole.
Can I come in for a minute? [sighs.]
You got to talk to Isaac.
This is none of my business.
I left to get away from all this.
I just want to get back to my husband.
You think anybody here wouldn't kill to get out like you did? We don't have that choice.
We're here.
Trying to do what we got to do, but Look.
I'm asking you to talk to him.
And say what? I've never seen him like this before.
That's 'cause he wasn't like this when you and Eric were around.
Once you two bounced, everything changed.
I know Eric leaving was rough for him.
It wasn't Eric.
It was you leaving that broke him.
And now you're the only one who might be able to set him straight.
Is that kharcho? [Mikail chuckles softly.]
It smells just like your mother's.
- [chuckles.]
- Always reminds me of home.
: Mmm.
So good.
And what about you? How is work, Khasan? Work is good.
Is it? I said it's good.
Because before I came here, I stopped by the construction site, and your boss said that you haven't been there in weeks.
They didn't need me.
Don't lie to me, boy.
What are you talking about? Your friend Timur, the one with the drunk father? He was arrested two weeks ago trying to plant a bomb in Grozny Square.
The police never got anything out of him.
But in the village, people talk.
There were rumors he trained in Pakistan.
That he wasn't alone.
You were there with him.
Tell me what you're doing here.
I already told you I told you don't lie to me.
[Khasan groans, coughs.]
Tell me what you two have done.
You don't want to talk, then pack your bags You're coming home with me.
You, too, boy.
We're not going anywhere.
You think you're a man, because you can shoot a gun? Huh? I fought the Russians while you hid under the bed in your pajamas crying like girl! - Papa, please, leave it alone.
- You're not a soldier! You're not a man! You're nothing but a coward! [growls.]
Khasan! No! [growls.]
Help me, Amira.
Get the duct tape.
MIKAIL: Princess! Help me! Amira, now! [Mikail grunting.]
MIKAIL: Please Bind his wrists.
Bind his wrists.
Don't let your brother control you.
I raised you to be better.
It's your father, Amira! [grunting.]
Amira! Please.
[muffled grunts.]
What are you going to do to him? We just got to the staging area Carter gave us.
Team's ready to go when we get the signal.
You wanted to see me? I know you helped Carter access the Onyx schematics.
You have no proof of that.
Only because you're good at what you do.
Which means I can't fire you for cause yet.
But I don't trust you.
I understood siding with Rebecca when all this started, but Carter's gone off the reservation, and you - helped him do it.
- I'm revoking all your clearances, effective immediately.
Turn all your files over to Mariana.
You're benched.
[trembling exhale.]
This is Andy.
What happened with Keith? He knows I helped Carter.
I thought you covered your tracks.
I did.
He doesn't care if he can prove it.
He took away my clearance, and he'll fire me as soon as he figures out how.
I shouldn't have gotten involved.
Andy, you did the right thing.
Listen, I have to go and interrogate Henry Donovan.
I'll talk to Keith.
I'll get you reinstated.
It'll work out.
[engine turns off.]
If there's something you want to tell me, now would be the time.
Let's do this.
[weapon cocks.]
You got some balls coming back here again.
I got business.
Something for Gabriel.
You think he's gonna do business with you again? He'll want what I got.
It's just my phone.
FERRO: Who's this guy? Eric Carter.
We served together.
He brought me those.
These real? - I took them from DoD myself.
- Where's the rest? - Locked with an access code.
- So unlock it.
Only for the guy who can - green light the deal.
- Gabriel.
If you're screwing with me, I promise you I will splatter your brains all over this asphalt.
Let's go.
What the hell do you want? To talk.
Well, I'm busy.
Just for a minute.
Make it quick, Nicole.
You gonna go through every call on every one of those phones? Uh-huh.
If that's what it takes.
Isaac, look, I know you don't trust anyone right now.
You think? But you can trust me.
Oh, really? Can I? - I just saved your life.
- And you let Aisha and Jerome bounce.
What were you gonna gain by killing them? Set an example.
And what about the example you're setting right now? What's that supposed to mean? Isaac, these men - They respect you.
- Yeah.
They revere you.
But you're losing them.
You're out of control.
You'll end up making them do something they'd never think of doing.
Like what? If you keep going like this they're gonna turn on you.
What, did someone say something? Somebody No.
- Who you talking to, hmm? - Nobody! - Nah, you lying.
Who you been talking to? - Nobody, Isaac! You're no better than the rest of 'em.
What y'all looking at? Nothing, man.
We cool.
We all good.
Come here.
[door opens.]
[door closes.]
Ben Grimes.
Didn't expect to see you again.
But I'm delighted you decided to stop by.
Gabriel, Gabriel I came here to make things right.
Mr Carter, is it? Something tells me your partner here hasn't been entirely forthcoming about our history.
Ben bring him up to speed.
Gabriel fronted me some money for an arms deal.
Tell him how much.
But I was robbed before I could make right.
I was.
They knocked me out.
I swear.
When I came to, the money was gone.
Right into your veins.
That's not true.
That's not true.
Gabriel, this deal will net many times that.
Look, I won't take a cut.
Not a penny.
Carter, a man is entrusted with a significant amount of money, and that money disappears.
Doesn't matter how.
The man's responsible for his money.
It's gone.
What do you think the consequences should be? I'm here to make a deal.
So whatever happened between you two doesn't matter.
Well, it matters to me.
Quite a bit, actually.
Stand up.
Now I'll never do business with him.
The question on the table is can I do business with you? I just need to know we're on the same page.
Kill him.
Then we can talk.
Ben and I fought together.
And we swore an oath - to our country - No.
and to each other.
I'm not doing it.
No, Eric, no.
You might want to reconsider.
That's what I like to see.
Maybe we can do business.
We'll run background on you.
Everything checks out, we'll continue the conversation.
If not Where you going? Anywhere but here.
- No, Nicole, I'm sorry.
- Excuse me.
Come on.
Look, I mean it, all right? I'm sorry.
I put my hands on you.
That was wrong.
I shouldn't have did that.
You done? Oh, come on.
Everything's been crazy.
My business is falling apart.
I got dudes out there that's trying to kill me.
I'm losing my mind here.
Let's Let me say it again.
I'm sorry.
And I'm glad you let her go.
I didn't want to kill Aisha, - not really.
- Yeah, well, I'm glad that worked out - for you.
- And you coming to me like that, right? Telling me I'm buggin', I'm out of control You're right.
What about Kevin? I'll let him go, too.
Like, he probably don't know anything anyway.
Listen thanks for saving my life earlier.
You're welcome.
It's just been real hard lately, you know? I know.
Hasn't been the same since you left.
So, what, he's waiting for you now? He's not quite finished yet.
So, um look, why don't you stay here? Let me make it up to you.
At least till your man's done saving the world.
You see how things are.
I need you.
Don't you ever touch me again.
Have a seat, sir.
[door opens.]
Are you okay? Did he say anything else to you? Anything I should know before going in? Um just what I told you over the phone.
That he gave up the Army Rangers to the terrorists.
And that he framed Nilaa for it.
He said he's doing it all for me.
To protect my campaign.
I'm so sorry.
He's ready.
[door opens.]
[door closes.]
[clears throat.]
REBECCA: Can I get you anything? Something to drink? I would just like to understand what's going on.
Why John would do this to me.
I know he's told you some story about my working with terrorists, but I swear to you, I don't have the least clue what he's talking about.
But I keep going over it in my head.
I know that John is under pressure.
I don't know, maybe he overheard a conversation I had, misinterpreted something, I just I don't know.
You told John you gave the identities of the Army Rangers to Jadalla Bin-Khalid I swear on my wife's grave, I've never even heard of this Jaballa person.
And how would I get the identities of those Rangers? Rebecca, you know me, we're family.
We've spent Christmases together.
You and John were married in my backyard.
Now do you honestly think that I would cooperate with terrorists, that I would help them to kill servicemen? Does that make any sense to you at all? - What the hell are you doing? - Son, please.
DONOVAN: You have signed those Rangers' death warrants, you understand? You have a chance here to make this right, to save people from dying, and you're pulling this?! I don't know what you're talking about.
Tell her the truth! - Son of a bitch! - REBECCA: John? Don't.
You should leave.
[buzzer sounds.]
GABRIEL: Looks like you check out.
It's a good thing.
Give me the phone.
So how do you know they're genuine? Because I know where I stole them from.
Let me ask you something.
What's to stop me killing you, keeping the plans anyway? Someone who I trust told me you were a stand-up guy.
All right, let's take a look.
What's the code? Three, Seven, Alpha, Tango, Four, Four, Hotel, Six, Two.
Yeah, it looks like the real deal.
I'll have to have someone authenticate them.
Of course.
Put your hands behind your head and move over there.
Hands above your head now.
You have a gun around your waist.
Put it on the floor and slide it over to me, slowly.
[Carter kicks gun on floor.]
What do you want? You sold guns to a terrorist named Jadalla Bin-Khalid.
I also think you helped smuggle him and his men into the country.
I need to know where they are.
I don't know what you're talking about.
You're lying.
[phone clicking.]
[line ringing.]
MULLINS: It's Carter.
Carter, what's your status? I have Gabriel.
Lock onto my GPS and send your men in.
Got him.
Sending choppers now.
Tell the tac teams they'll be dealing with at least six highly-trained ex-military.
Approach from the East.
Locke's ETA is less than ten.
Copy that.
[door opens.]
[gasps, sighs.]
My blood sugar.
I am diabetic.
Ooh - Please.
- Here.
- Mmm.
- Diabetic? - [sighs.]
- Why didn't you tell us? I didn't want to worry my children.
What does it matter anyway? Of course it matters.
- Here, take some more.
- How can you do this to your own father? We don't want to hurt you.
If you go through with this, whatever you're thinking of doing, my life will be over.
Amira, do you not remember your childhood? How we played together? How I used to sing you to sleep? What would your mother say if she were to see you treat me like this? [sighs.]
Please? Untie me.
Khasan would never allow it.
Just call the police.
The police? Yes.
Untie me, - I'll talk to Khasan again.
- No, no.
Amira, please! Amira?! [door closes.]
Jadalla? I don't understand.
An activation code was sent out.
Meaning what? The sleeper cell who's information we received from the list.
Someone in our system sent out the code.
- I swear it wasn't me.
- Can you stop it? [keyboard keys clicking.]
It's been encrypted.
You did this? Stop the activation code.
Now! HAMID: It's too late.
The code was received.
At least this way, we strike a blow.
You've never taken a man's life, Jadalla.
You would start with mine? You're a good man, Kusuma, but you lack faith.
And a man without faith is dangerous.
How can it be a great work, Khasan, if it makes us do this to our own father? What does that mean? It means maybe we should think about this.
[phone ringing.]
Khasan! There's nothing to think about.
We've gotten the activation code.
We're launching the attack.
- No.
Khasan - Call Harris.
Tell him to be here with the rest of the material.
- Khasan? - Do it right away! Now! You should know, I don't do business with terrorists.
I'm a patriot.
So those modified semis that you sell Jadalla just found them lying around? You'd have to ask him about that.
Son of a bitch.
L-Listen up! Move! Move! Move! We got an alert.
[door opens.]
[gunshot, groaning.]
[gunfire, groaning.]
[rapid gunfire.]
LOCKE: Hostiles ahead.
Prepare to take fire.
Here we go.
[rapid gunfire.]
Stay put, or I will shoot you in the other knee.
- Go right.
- Copy that! [explosion.]
- Clear! - Clear! MAN: Clear! - Carter, it's Locke! - I'm in here! I got Gabriel! No, you don't.
Son of a bitch.
No - On me! - CARTER: Medic! Over here! Come on.
Medic right here.
All right, let me tend to him.
[muffled groaning.]
[indistinct chatter.]
He cut the artery.
He's gone.
- What about his computer? - He's already on it.
Okay, well, his men might know something.
Most went down fighting.
We're interrogating the others now.
I'm in.
No, no, no, no, no! Data wipe! [buzzer sounding.]
Move! Okay.
[grunts, panting.]
CARTER: This might be our only lead.
Get what you can and quickly.