A Shop for Killers (2024) s01e05 Episode Script


What the fuck? Just my luck.
I saw your part-time job ad.
My name is Bae Jeongmin.
I know who you are.
I went to elementary school with Jian.
How does this even work?
I wasn't talking to you.
How many times do I have to tell you?
Do you know how many times I almost died?
Anyway, I'm inside.
You saw the picture of Jian, right?
I'll activate murthehelp's source
and get it to you today.
Handing over this shopping mall
in just three days.
I'm the number one contributor to that.
You want me
to kill her?
You've come this far
and now you can't do it?
Is that all you're made of?
What do you mean?
You locked me in?
That's what you just said.
When we were younger,
you were the one that locked me
in the storage room.
Oh, that?
Jeong Jinman!
Jeong Jinman!
I was just curious
if you were really a mute or not.
So I talked some friends
into locking you in.
I thought you'd be able to speak
in an extreme situation.
You should be thanking me.
You overcame your aphasia, thanks to me.
You're confused, aren't you?
You must be confused
about what's going on.
Am I right?
Something you could've never imagined
is happening. It's understandable.
What the hell are you saying?
Don't you want to know?
About what's going on right now.
There's a place called Babylon.
You moron.
There aren't any killers in our country.
You saw the deep web site.
Weapons were being traded.
An AK-47 was being sold
for 1.2 million won.
So will you buy it if you have the money?
You were discharged from the military
for hardship. What will you do with an AK?
You were in operations.
Can you even shoot a gun?
Jeez. What do you even know?
Hey, I'm serious.
The quality of the site was different.
It was recovered
five minutes after I hacked it.
There's something suspicious about it.
Come on!
The better the quality,
the higher the chance it's a fake.
What's wrong with you? Are you an amateur?
Then, what's a pro like?
We attend a no-name college.
We're not pros.
We're fucking losers.
These days, there are so many hackers
trying to land a sweet job
at a major company.
A true black hat hacker in our country?
They've all given in.
They pretend to be black,
but they're all white.
Wait and see.
I'll show you
what a real black hat hacker is.
Hey, forget it. You'll end up in jail.
Are you scared of going to jail?
Of course!
-I'm so scared!
-Cut it out.
Just live the rest of your life
eating meat on a stick.
What's wrong with that?
What was the name of that site?
My God.
What the hell? What a jerk.
Who smokes inside these days?
The jerk kept giving us dirty looks.
Shall we go down and fight him?
Guys like him need a good beating.
I haven't felt this heated in
What's wrong?
Was it you?
Did you hack murthehelp?
One minute left.
This is crazy.
I did it!
Wait. Hold on. I can do it
if you give me a little more time!
I'm almost there. I really
By the way
Are you going to get rid of the body?
That's when I realized
I was different from ordinary people.
I told you to tell me about my uncle.
-Is this an autobiography?
All of this is connected, you see.
Just be patient and listen.
Do you know this man?
What about her?
I'm so sorry.
I wasn't like this
during my military service.
I haven't worked out properly
since I was discharged.
Sure, rest a little.
I really should work out.
Why is it turned?
What is this?
It's hot as hell in here.
Damn it.
I want to take a shower so bad. Fuck.
What the hell is supposed to be in here?
Oh It's nothing.
Drink this.
Thank you.
How's Jian doing?
We were quite close in elementary school.
God damn it
I have to take a dump.
Can I use the bathroom in the house?
Thank you.
What are you looking for?
Did I scare you?
When Jian's at home
and I'm in the storage shed,
it's a hassle to walk back and forth,
so I had a speaker installed.
I was just taking a look around.
-I'm sorry.
-It's okay. That's no problem.
By the way,
you major in computer engineering?
Yes, computer engineering.
That's great.
I think my computer's broken.
Can you repair it for me?
I'll add the repair fees to your paycheck.
I think it's infected with malware.
I'll format it first and try to save
all the files that I can.
Okay. Thanks.
Then, how much should I pay you
for the repairs?
That's not necessary.
Jian and I were really close.
-I can do this for free
-In what grade?
I've never seen
any of Jian's friends before.
So I was wondering
when you became friends.
Well When we were really young.
In the second grade.
She was so rude as a kid
that she had no friends.
You know, Jian couldn't speak
very well back then.
I helped her out quite a lot.
And I don't know if you remember,
but she was once locked in the school
Yes, that's right.
Then, I'll buy you dinner after.
I'm going to go clean up.
Come when you're done.
I will.
That was easy.
It smells like manure. Fuck.
Who knew I'd go back to that neighborhood?
When will this finish?
Jeong Jinman needs to access it
before I can do anything.
They're such morons.
He's on.
There you go.
It worked.
What is this?
Listen carefully.
If you kill me like this,
it'll all be in vain.
That's how I set it up.
It's me, Lee Yonghan.
You've got some balls, kid.
I needed my insurance.
If you kill me,
murthehelp will reset,
and you won't be able to access it.
I made it so that only I can do it.
Take care of him.
Wait! Wait a second.
You saw me in action.
I'm good at this.
I'm smart, and I'm good at hacking.
What is it that you want?
Jeong Jinman?
Or these weapons?
I have
a really sick plan.
Let's hear it.
In the end,
it all went according to plan.
So embarrassing.
Why does it have to start here?
What the hell?
So that stuttering moron was bluffing.
I thought there'd be something on here.
You can't find out the truth of that day
with that.
Aren't you curious, Jian?
Watch closely,
how I killed your uncle.
Save me, Uncle.
I don't know where I am right now!
Fuck, let me go!
Save me, Uncle.
I don't know where I am right now!
If you kill me,
your niece, Jeong Jian
Save me, Uncle.
-Babylon will kill her.
-I don't know where I am right now!
Untie me while I'm asking nicely!
Damn it!
Save me, Uncle.
I don't know where I am right now!
I'll do as you say.
Let Jian go right away as you promised.
Yes, of course.
Trust is so important
in this line of work.
As you know very well. Right?
Untie me now.
You don't have to pay me back.
Jeong Jinman!
You have to put me down!
Hey, fucker!
Hey! Shit.
Tell Babylon
to keep their promise.
Nod if you understand.
Damn it.
A work of art, right?
How did you get my voice?
I've never said that before.
That's a deepfake. It's so common now.
I can make it in less than ten minutes
with your voice clip.
And your convenience store boss helped
with the voice recording.
Jeong Jian has shit for brains
Jeong Jian has shit for brains
And your uncle was so
Jeong Jinman was supposed to be amazing.
But he fell for such a lame trick
and killed himself.
When the almighty Babylon was
being so careful,
I was quite scared to be honest.
But it turned out, it was nothing.
It was so lame
and so easy.
But then, it means
I'm that capable, right?
I got something so difficult done
so easily.
Maybe they chose me for a reason.
What is it?
You're just a minion
pretending to be clever.
Are you talking about me?
I doubt they'll keep you alive.
They'll kill you
as soon as you get out of here.
No, wait.
If you kill me,
I bet that woman will kill you first.
Will you be okay?
I don't think you're in any position
to piss me off.
Babylon just told me
to kill you.
Don't you remember?
You're the one that told me.
"Everyone with a code
has a duty to protect Code Green."
Since my uncle's dead,
I'm the only Code Green left.
I don't know what my uncle has been up to,
but judging by the scale,
I bet there are more people
who will try to protect me.
What the hell are you saying?
Think if you've got a brain.
There's no one from Babylon here.
They don't care if you die.
Didn't you see the drones
that tried to kill us?
You're just
expendable to them.
The only Code Green is me in front of you.
They aren't the ones you need
to make a deal with.
It's me.
Watch it!
You're tied up. Who are you to lecture me?
why would I make a deal with you?
Jeong Jinman is dead.
Are you trying to act like
murthehelp is yours now?
You didn't even know who your uncle was
just a few hours ago.
Look at that.
They can fly their drones,
send in all those old morons,
and shoot all they want.
But I'm the one that made it here
and captured you. Me!
You were wailing and crawling
around our hallway for this?
Thank God you didn't wet yourself.
You only got this far to save yourself
because Babylon had a gun to your head,
you coward!
What are you on about, you mute.
Scared assholes
bark like little bitches in groups!
Just like you and the assholes up there!
I dare you to keep talking.
That crazy bitch.
Jeong Jian!
You didn't become a mute again, did you?
You need to use everything
around you in times of crisis.
Use whatever means necessary to survive.
I have to do whatever I can.
What the fuck?
I almost killed Jeong Jian so many times.
You don't want me to kill her now?
What if I actually killed her earlier?
Is this the best you can do?
You little
They want face recognition now?
Are you kidding me?
Why are you so late, you punk?
Are you late because of that?
I wanted to get this for you,
but there's nothing but mountains.
-It wasn't easy getting it.
-You little punk.
Don't hate me too much.
Your uncle wasn't that great
of a person either.
Jeong Jinman
probably killed a lot of people.
And Jian.
This world we're living in
It's not about being good or bad.
It's about being strong or weak.
And Jeong Jinman, who was
at the top of the food chain,
died from the trap I set.
That means
I'm stronger than Jeong Jinman.
Do you think you can run away from
Fuck! Seriously?
Jeong Jian!
Jian Jian, wait.
You can't compare to my uncle at all.
Jian Jian.
You have to think this through.
You should take my side.
If the strong fight the strong,
they break like your uncle.
The weak
must know their place and choose wisely.
You dummy.
Yeah, right.
Still, how could you leave
Jian there alone?
She needs to solve
all the problems by herself.
That's how she'll learn to survive.
It's what the boss wanted.
Don't worry.
Jeong Jian isn't weak at all.
They'll start to attack again.
Is this all you brought?
Only 12 bullets?
After what happened with Bale,
the boss said
an attack like this
could happen at any time.
Also, in order to defend ourselves
at any given time,
he remodeled the house.
What are you doing?
It's so refreshing.
This hits the spot during times like this!
But you didn't have to get this for me.
I've been craving sweet things lately
for some reason.
Have you saved up?
Working at a company
fucking sucks these days.
So I'm thinking of
starting my own business
like you.
You know, they say that
the office is a battlefield,
but outside is hell.
I can relate to that completely.
Fuck, since I'm on my own now,
I have to pay for every bullet
with my own money.
It's fucking awful.
While you belong to Babylon,
nothing you do is illegal.
That's true.
Stay there for as long as you can.
You're right. I should.
I had the wrong idea. Damn it.
By the way,
it seems Mr. Kim's dead.
I think Minhye got him.
That wretched bitch.
You tuned your ride. Does it run well?
Well, I bought it used.
It drives so well.
And it's nice and rugged.
They're here.
"Bubble Car Wash"
That looks so cheap.
Why does it have to be a car wash?
Are you sleeping?
It's smaller than I thought.
Is it warming up or something?
These things are a problem.
You shouldn't approve of these things.
They're going to steal our jobs later.
It's not as great as I thought.
It's kind of lame. Don't you think?
I'll start the attack.
Damn, I think it can steal our jobs
right this minute.
What are you all doing? Get to it.
All right. Group 2, can you hear me?
Don't kill Jeong Jian. Capture her alive.
It's fine if you break
an arm or a leg, though.
All right.
Beware of Minhye.
I'll see you all alive!
On the surface,
it may look like an ordinary house,
but each space can be used for defense.
If we use this well,
no one will be able to enter.
What's that?
Hurry up.
Run! Enter the house!
Unless we're hit by a missile,
we're going to survive.
Darn it.
Then, how will you stop that?
Come inside, Minhye!
We'll be able to get inside at least,
thanks to you.
Great job.
Go in or not?
For fuck's sake, can we go inside or not?
Go inside.
Why the hell did he have to cuss?
What the hell kind of shutter is this?
Hold on.
How did you get in here?
What the hell?
Shit, are we trapped?
Don't worry.
Hey, don't be scared.
Don't be scared.
Shit, when did Jeong Jinman prepare
something like that?
Of course.
You would never
make things easy for us. Right?
Do something about that.
Are you just going to do nothing?
Damn it.
What's that?
They're hiding in there.
Jinman wouldn't have called me here
if they could be stopped this easily.
From here on, you're on your own.
Don't die.
What do you want me to do?
Jian, I'm sure you're confused.
But there's no time,
so I'll give you a chance to choose.
if you want to run away
from this situation,
go to page 87.
Use the back door of murthehelp
that leads to an escape route to run away.
At the end of the route
are your new identity,
enough money for your new life,
and the phone number of the person
who will help you completely start over.
You'll have a new identity.
You'll be able to forget everything
about this life and start over.
if you want to join the people
who are fighting for you
or those who will fight alongside you
to overcome these difficulties
and protect this place,
turn the page
and read this guide carefully.
I'm sorry I let you fall
into this whirlwind,
but the choice is yours, Jian.
Damn it
Hey, it's gas! Gas!
- It's gas! Gas!
- Gas!
This is suicide.
Guys, stay alert.
Minhye! Over here!
Oh, fuck.
What the hell?
What was that?
What exploded?
Are you okay?
Do you have more clothes?
-So you're Jeong Jian.
Let me go!
Let go!
What now?
You really do take after your uncle.
Damn it. Look what you did
to my handsome face.
Kuma, what happened?
Did you get Jeong Jian and Minhye?
Yes, I got them, but
Fuck, I'm the only one who survived.
you can't kill Jeong Jian yet.
Okay, I won't kill her.
I'll just cut off half of her face.
She needs to be recognizable.
There's no time.
Let's get ready.
Bale's coming.
The one who killed your parents.
What was that?
A slingshot?
It looks like
you two should handle it.
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