A Sign of Affection (2024) s01e05 Episode Script

The Answer

I-I'm at Itsuomi-san's home
We're somehow
going to eat dinner at his place.
You can relax.
My family is living abroad right now.
Abroad? So Itsuomi-san lives alone.
I can't think straight anymore
I'm too nervous!
Our breath is white under the blue stars
In the scenery reflected in your eyes
Even if the color is different
In the world you're in
And the world I'm in
There are no such things
As borders anywhere
Our hands shiver in the swirling
Falling snow
But if they touch, our fingertips warm
It is embarrassing but I want
This feeling of our beating hearts
To remain like this forever
I've been searching for
How to express my love
That confession that
Only the two of us understand
Find me in the world you see
I chant it silently in my heart
This is the first time
I've seen him drink alcohol.
Calm down, calm down, Yuki!
Did you have fun today?
I think I wrote the sign for "fun"
in the notebook.
I had fun.
I see. Me too.
I had fun.
He's hugging me.
Oh, he was just
reaching out for his phone.
Did anyone ever tell you
that you make people sleepy?
I wonder what he means by that.
Because you make me feel relaxed
I don't feel relaxed, but
If people could be on the same wavelength,
I wonder if that's the case right now.
It'd be nice if it were.
I'll check that day to see
which tickets are still available.
Hope you get a good one.
I saw his screen.
I wonder what language that is.
Even though he feels
like someone from a far-away world,
I'm in his arms right now
Wrapping me around his big hand.
When I'm with Itsuomi-san,
my mind goes blank.
It makes me want
to bathe in his affection.
Hey, you're being too clingy.
Here, some toys and stuff for Mint.
Give my regards to your mother.
Sure. She did say she was jealous
of your family trip.
What should I get for a souvenir?
Nah, don't worry about it.
Have fun over there.
I'll see you in two days, Mint.
Be good over there, okay?
Man, I'm an idiot.
That idiot.
We're probably going to be stuck here
for a while.
I know, right?
I've gotta liven things up somehow.
Feel free to doze off if you're sleepy.
I-I'm doing fine!
What's your favorite furikake flavor?
What in the world am I saying?
I like salty flavors,
but I guess my favorite is bonito.
He actually gave a serious answer!
What a nice guy!
How about you?
Me? Cod roe, I guess?
Yeah, they're great.
I know, right?
When is this traffic gonna end!
This is my little sister when we
celebrated her shichi-go-san in Japan.
She's cute.
She's a lot younger than me.
This pic is from three years ago, though.
You and Rin-chan are gonna be
juniors next year, right?
But Rin-chan said you're older than her
Oh, yeah.
Did you read my lips?
I'll write it down.
I studied abroad and
went on a working holiday
Working holiday?
That program where you go abroad?
I'm 22 now
So he's 22.
He's three years older than me.
He's close as usual!
What's wrong?
Where is your family right now?
The sign language notebook.
Itsuomi-san really took the time
to read it.
So his family is in Germany.
I used to live there too
wow, that's amazing! - Germany
The beer over there is great.
Our words are on the same page,
mingling and dancing with each other.
Although I can't hear Itsuomi-san's voice,
I can feel the tenderness radiating
from his words.
I want to know more.
I want him to know me more.
So you know German
because you've lived there
How about you, Yuki?
Is your family good at sign language?
My family doesn't use
sign language.
That so?
How do they talk to you?
By text, writing, or gestures.
And by mouthing.
Is that when you read their lips?
It's not just lipreading.
Pronunciation is part of mouthing, too.
I see. You mean vocalizing?
Do you do it, too? Or not?
A little, and only to my family.
How did you practice?
I studied people's expressions,
the way their mouths move,
and how they pronounced vowels
when they spoke.
That must've been a lot of work.
But it's only for your family?
If I tell him that someone told me
my voice sounded weird in the past
It'll probably ruin the mood.
He remembered our promise
about showing me foreign currencies.
Wow, so many!
It's got hearts on it! So cute!
My voice!
Did you get Yuki-chan home safely?
She's at my place right now.
Who's place?
What the heck are you thinking?
So, what's up?
What's up? No, I
-So, anyways
-Is it good?
Don't do anything weird to her, okay?
Yes, it's good.
No, I mean, I know
you're not that kind of guy, but
What do you mean "weird"?
Are you messing with me right now?
I'm gonna end the call now. Bye.
I'm trusting you on this, all right?
looks like he dragged her to his place.
"Dragged" makes it sound like
I've been meaning to say this,
but isn't he a bit too clingy to Yuki?
Is it so he can look at her phone
and use sign language?
Or does he treat other girls like that
at school, too?
Maybe I've never really known him
all this time?
Nah, can't be.
But I do see him stand shoulder
to shoulder with other guys.
I see. He never clings to Emma-chan,
I wonder if he thinks
of Yuki-chan as "his."
As in his girlfriend?
No, more like a guy
getting possessive over a cute girl.
That's just my personal take on it,
of course.
Do you feel possessive
over someone too, Kyoya-san?
Sorry, that was a weird question!
Shouldn't have sprung
that out of the blue.
It's okay.
Guys can be like that sometimes.
I see.
You hungry, Rin-chan?
Yeah. A little.
Then, wanna grab a bite somewhere?
Okay. Let's look for a place
to eat on the way home.
I recommend
a Vietnamese restaurant
that just opened in my neighborhood!
I wanted to make you laugh again.
So that's how you laugh.
Wasn't it weird?
Nah, it was cute.
Tell me more about yourself, Yuki.
I have a lot I want to show you, too.
I want to teach you.
A world where all sounds are jumbled up
What kind of world is it?
Do people think you can hear
with your aid on?
I know it's a bit late, but are you okay
with these kinds of questions? Or not?
If it's Itsuomi-san
I don't mind
You said you don't mind if it's me, right?
What exactly don't you mind?
The hands that gripped mine roughly
when we first met
are slowly learning how to speak.
"What exactly don't I mind?"
What does that sign mean?
"Av?" No
Is someone at the door?
Am I overstaying my welcome?
Are you leaving?
Okay. I'll see you off then.
Doesn't he have a guest?
I wish I could've stayed a bit longer.
I wonder
how we'll continue our talk just now.
Who are you?
You go on ahead, I'll be with you shortly.
You here to return the key?
Wait, what? What's going on here?
I can't believe I just saw a girl
at Itsu-kun's place.
Thanks for letting me
stay over the other day!
I'm sure she must've heard that.
Wait, Itsu-kun's gonna
get mad about this.
I don't remember ever doing that.
He's looking at me
with dead-fish eyes!
Are you still mad about that time?
Not really.
Do I really have to give it back?
But if I don't give it back,
Itsu-kun will think I'm a pain!
I'll give it back! I'm sorry!
She had his key on her.
Could it be that Itsuomi-san is already
dating Emma-san?
Are you leaving?
Okay. I'll see you off then.
He's seeing me off
even though Emma-san's here?
I should ask him about that.
Yuki, can I see you tomorrow?
Tell me all about it
Want to meet up today?
Yeah, see you tomorrow
She's clinging onto him even now.
I'm heading off now
I think she left already.
See you, Emma.
His key?
What key?
I don't know
Really makes you want to ask him.
too scared
Oh, yeah!
I've been meaning to tell you this.
Itsuomi-san's eyes are so tender
when he looks at you!
He's not like that with everyone?
His voice when he talks to you
is just full of tenderness!
I Being with Itsuomi-san makes me
want to bathe in his affection
Like the winter snow fluttering freely
from the boundless skies.
What am I to Itsuomi-san?
Whoa, that was fast!
Come in!
I'm off to the convenience store now!
Where are you going, Rin-chan?
Not gonna sing?
I don't feel like it anymore.
Wanna drink some alcohol, Shin-chan?
You're not drinking?
Is that model coming
for a haircut tonight?
Did something happen with Itsu-kun again?
Nothing happened, precisely why it stings.
You know, Emma
Aren't you trying a little too hard?
Let's grab some drinks
after the shop closes.
What hour, minute
and second do you get off work!
How many times
does the Earth have to turn?
You're like a grade-schooler.
Last night,
I got worried and called Rin.
Why did you go home yesterday?
Well, never mind.
Can we continue our talk?
Continue our talk the other day?
Before that, can I ask you a question?
Why are you learning sign language?
Isn't it obvious?
It's so I can talk to you.
Regardless of what I am to Itsuomi-san
I want to be the snow
that flutters freely from the sky.
And if that boundless sky is you
If it's you, Itsuomi-san,
you don't even need to ask.
Every time
Your tenderness touches me
My heart thumps like crazy!
The warmth lingering from your hand
Fills me in every way
I've always been waiting
Shaking more than the fluttering snow
I've never felt this way before
I meet another "you"
A side I've never known before
I'm liking you more and more
I'm gonna burst!
I meet another "me"
A side I've never known before
If I end up liking you even more
I want you to hear it
Gently through my fingertips
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