ACMA:GAME (2024) s01e05 Episode Script

Hide & See

Whatever danger awaits,
I will crush Gungnir's ambitions.
Yoo-hoo, Terurin.
You gotta be kidding me!
There's really no signal out here?
What a joke!
Is that Mori, the shogi Dragon King?
What have we here?
We gotta fight someone like him?
Shit, this is gonna be intense.
Welcome, my friends.
I'm the organizer of this tournament.
My name is Inoru Hoshin.
No need to get carried away.
Our time will come.
But I wonder if you'll get that far.
You're up against some fierce opponents.
Here he is. Someone very important.
Why're you here?
Now for the real fight.
The ultimate ACMA:GAME begins.
Ladies and gentlemen,
as chosen by the devil,
each of you holds a key.
Here, and all over the world,
tournament trials are underway.
The total number of keys distributed
among the players is 49.
In other words,
the winner has the chance
to take all 49 keys.
There may also be
some additional rewards for the winner.
Why are you doing this?
You'll understand sooner or later.
But for now,
who wants to get their hands on
all 49 keys?
I do.
Me too.
I have an endless list of desires
I want to fulfill.
Too bad.
I'm gonna take the keys for myself.
And you, Teruasa Oda?
Suit yourself.
Either way, now that you're here,
there's no turning back.
Let me explain the principles of the game.
The rules are extremely simple.
The loser's life will fall into
the hands of the winner.
Give up our lives?
The loser's life belongs to the winner
for all eternity.
Toying with your life until death,
choosing to kill you at any moment.
The loser can never defy the winner.
But you'll have no idea
what demands get made
during the games, will you?
If you disobey the rules,
there will be no additional reward.
What do you want from us?
We aren't your playthings.
Don't you ever shut up?
I'm trying to listen to him.
First, we need to decide on pairs
for the first round of the tournament.
Please choose one card.
The person with the same mark
will be your first opponent.
I'm first!
It's me, the idol Yukari Shikibe.
I'm so happy to see you again.
Nice to meet you.
I'm a psychologist. Shunichiro Date.
Hi! I'm the famous YouTuber, Mitsuru Asai!
I'm sure you've heard of me.
Am I left all alone?
Wait! This sucks.
Senya Uesugi,
your opponent will be revealed later.
Keeping me guessing? I like your style.
First up, we have
Teruasa Oda vs. Yukari Shikibe.
And Ui Saito vs. Shunichiro Date.
The first round starts in one hour.
Will they really hand over their lives?
Mark my words.
Humans are just creatures
pulled by the strings of desire.
What the hell happened?
I never wanted you two wrapped up in this.
I've changed.
My luck is going up.
This guy was trying to buy us out too.
What? Really?
We're lucky he was arrested.
Guess our luck is going up, huh?
Did you pick up a devil's key somewhere?
Stop it. You're scaring me.
It was just an AI joke!
Your mom's been
teaching me all about jokes!
Hello, this is U.U. Engineering.
Really? Our loan was approved?
Thank you very much.
That's not all.
After I got the key,
my true feelings were finally clear.
Your true feelings?
Deep down,
I've always wished I could fight you.
What is it, Teruasa?
You think I can't make it
through the tournament?
-I'll make sure I win.
Then I'll take you on next.
Now leave me alone.
The first round is about to begin.
Players are asked
to move to the game room.
If you lose before you get to me,
I'll never forgive you.
Well, go get 'em.
I'm gonna get in the zone
by checking out the area.
I'm going to fight with all I've got.
Let the ACMA:GAME tournament
So, we meet again,
Teruasa Oda, Yukari Shikibe.
Gado! You're in a good mood.
That's because you humans invent
such cruel yet delightful games.
An ACMA:GAME tournament.
Let's get started straightaway.
I have a question first.
A question?
Ui found a devil's key.
Who dropped it?
I'll explain.
The one who let a devil's key
fall at Ui Saito's feet
was me.
Why would you do that?
Watching humans suffer
at the mercy of their desires
is a devil's greatest pleasure.
Are you devils
being manipulated by Gungnir?
Time to start the game.
What do you want to bet?
The loser will give his life
to the winner.
Same here.
I'm gonna be on the edge
of my seat to the very end.
Now take your oaths.
I will fight for my desires.
I will triumph for my desires.
-I swear on the devil.
-I swear on the devil.
Oaths accepted.
Let the game begin!
"Hide & See."
"Hide & See."
Now for the rules.
One player is a Hider
and the other is a Seer.
The Seer must sit in the chair on stage.
The Seer cannot leave the seat
until he or she gives an answer.
The Hider takes this coin
and hides it somewhere
in the designated arena.
Once hidden, the Hider says, "I'm ready."
Basically, the Seer has to find where
the Hider has hidden the coin?
However, you don't need to give
specific details as to where the coin is.
The Seer must simply declare
which of the six tables
is closest to the hidden coin.
You may choose several tables if you wish.
Naturally, the fewer tables you choose,
the higher the score for a correct answer.
You switch roles each turn,
with three sets in total.
What happens if the coin changes position
while the Seer is wondering
which table to choose?
What if it falls, or rolls somewhere else
after you've hidden it?
The coin location is decided
once the Hider says, "I'm ready."
It makes no difference
if it moves after that.
Got it.
Yukari Shikibe used her devil's key,
which means she gets a devil power.
We'll toss a coin.
What will it be? Heads or tails?
Teruasa Oda,
which role do you choose first?
I'll be the Seer.
I bet she wanted Seer first too.
Now I can see what the arena looks like
from the stage, and check for blind spots.
With that, Hide & See begins!
Crap, no signal.
Come on.
Come on, signal.
I'm waiting.
Who are you again?
Famous YouTuber Asai!
We literally just met!
The first Hider is Yukari Shikibe.
Hide the coin.
There are more blind spots than I thought.
I need to keep my eyes peeled
for any unnatural movements.
Is she trying to make it look
like she's hidden it at every table?
That's a solid approach.
I'm going to have to rely on a luck alone.
If I choose five tables,
there's still a one-in-six,
17% chance I'll be wrong.
Even if I win, I'll only get ten points.
I'm ready.
Teruasa Oda, as the Seer,
you must choose the closest table
to the hidden coin.
Since she didn't go near table six,
it makes sense to choose
from tables one to five.
But why didn't she go near table six?
That's the only strange thing she did.
There it is.
An unnatural movement.
Can you get on with it?
How much time do you need to think?
But I wasn't thinking.
I was observing.
Come again?
Yukari Shikibe,
while you were waiting,
I was watching for unnatural movements.
You didn't notice me looking.
Your gaze shifted in many directions.
But you didn't look at table six once.
Humans tend to subconsciously avert
their gaze from something they're hiding.
In other words, table six,
the one you wouldn't look at,
is exactly where I should look.
Stop blurting random crap.
I didn't even go near table six.
How could I have put the coin there?
What if you rolled it
from behind table five?
There's a blind spot,
so I wouldn't have seen you do it.
Teruasa Oda, what is your answer?
I choose table six.
Table six.
The correct answer is table four.
I knew you were "observing" me
from the very start.
When people are watching,
I never stop
paying attention to how I look.
That's idol life.
There's seriously no signal at all.
Not a soul in sight either.
Gives me the creeps.
The creeps?
Mog chocolate? Gimme.
Hands off. My friend gave this to me.
-So what?
Don't hog it all.
Okay, fine! Sorry.
Next, the Hider is Teruasa Oda.
Hide the coin.
Why's he checking
the curtains and pillars?
Is he going to hide it there?
What now?
What's he up to?
He still hasn't hidden it?
I'm ready.
That's gotta be table four, right?
Gado, are the table numbers
fixed at the start?
Or do they change
if you move the number plates?
The current number plates are valid.
What a shame.
Your plan wasn't just to move the tables.
You wanted to switch the number plates,
to make table five
appear to be table four.
But you heard him.
I can use the current number plates.
That was a little clumsy.
I choose table four.
Table four.
The correct answer is table one.
Are you kidding me?
It's right here!
a fake?
Was this your plan from the beginning?
You misled me into thinking
I'd discovered your number plate plan.
You tricked me?
He's good at this after all.
I'm starving.
This is exhausting.
Can we go now?
A radio tower?
What? You mean there's signal?
What's that?
What the hell?
Shit, shit, shit!
It's coming!
What the heck was that?
A self-destructing drone.
Looks like we were the targets.
You can't be serious.
Those guys aren't messing around.
They really want us dead.
Neither of you scored points,
so the first set is a tie.
Fingers crossed for more treachery
in the second set.
You're very good at this.
But there's someone
I'm even more scared of playing.
The psychologist Shunichiro Date.
The first set's score is 20-0.
Shunichiro Date wins.
He can read people completely.
No one can beat him.
That's just the beginning.
He is cruel.
To him, people are just research subjects.
If you put your life in his hands,
who knows what horrible things he'll do.
You must be worried.
His opponent is a dear friend of yours.
I wonder how he must be suffering.
Is it painful to imagine?
But wait.
Didn't you guys have an argument?
Perhaps it's kinda convenient then!
You're a malicious creature.
My favorite.
The Hider is Yukari Shikibe.
Hide the coin.
I'm ready.
Well, Teruasa Oda,
which table do you choose?
What was she doing?
She didn't go near
tables one, two or three.
Then at first glance,
if I guess tables four, five and six,
I'll win thirty points.
But is that really it?
Why would she risk
not going near three tables?
I used a devil power?
That's what you're thinking.
I'm sorry if my words upset you earlier.
I'll give you a hint to make up for it.
My devil power is called
Double Invisible.
She can create
a double of herself that I can't see?
Was she moving weirdly
because she was controlling her double?
Was that why her gaze was out of focus
when she fell down?
Then where did
her real self hide the coin?
Table one, two, or three?
But the whole thing could be an act.
Which is it?
Teruasa Oda,
make your choice.
I choose tables one, two and three.
The correct answer is table four.
This time you put on an act,
only pretending to use your devil power.
I love people like you
who are easy to trick.
Idols trick their fans for a living.
Well, well. Let's continue the game.
At this rate, she's going to win.
I need to take back control.
Awaken the devil power.
I'm ready.
Shit, I missed it.
Yukari Shikibe, you are the Seer.
Choose your table.
I can't panic now.
That's exactly what he wants.
It's fine. I can do this.
As it stands, my best bet is to
choose four tables and secure 20 points.
Then he'll be under pressure
in the third set.
The problem is which tables to choose.
I have a devil's key,
so I should be lucky
Yukari Shikibe, time to answer.
I choose table one, three, four and five.
Yukari Shikibe,
since you chose four tables,
you gain 20 points.
At the end of the second set,
Yukari Shikibe is in the lead at 20-0.
You are totally cornered,
Teruasa Oda.
At the end of the second set,
the score is 30-30.
A tie.
He's more clever and decisive
than expected.
Above all, his unwavering
determination to win is formidable.
I wonder
What kind of experiment
shall I use him for?
Then now it is time
for the third and final set.
Teruasa Oda, your turn to get on stage.
Yukari Shikibe,
I've figured you out.
It's my turn to win.
The third set of Hide & See begins.
Why would Teruasa Oda say that?
Was he just lashing out
because I'm winning?
Why's he not watching?
He should have his eyes glued to me
at a time like this.
What's wrong?
Haven't you hidden it yet?
How did he know I haven't hidden it yet?
I can't miss a thing.
I have to beat him.
I've got to.
His phone?
There's no signal here.
What's he looking at?
No way. There's a camera.
Was he trying to connect to the camera
when he was touching the curtain?
Is he really capable of that?
I wouldn't put it past him
after he used that phony coin.
What do I do?
Find a blind spot
that's also hidden from the camera?
Instead, I'll use it against you.
I'm ready.
The Seer is Teruasa Oda.
Choose your table.
Teruasa Oda,
I already have you in my trap.
If you're not monitoring the camera,
you need to choose
between tables one to six
purely on the basis of luck.
And if you are monitoring the camera,
you'd have seen me
hiding the coin at table four.
But what you don't know is that
it's the fake coin you used earlier.
Either way, you can't win.
Teruasa Oda, time for your answer.
I choose table five.
I noticed you holding the fake coin.
So I misled you into using it.
I knew it.
I knew you'd be sharp enough
to suspect I was watching the camera,
and then use it to your advantage.
I'm not a bad actor either.
Teruasa Oda,
since you chose one table,
you win 100 points.
It's not over yet.
I still get one turn to be Seer.
The last turn.
Keep up the entertaining work.
I'm gambling everything on this game.
I need to concentrate, so keep quiet.
Especially you and your loud voice.
It hurts my ears.
Hurts your ears?
I really wanna win this.
So don't distract me.
Only because the game is heating up,
you can have it your way.
Please, let me win.
Praying to the devil
in times of distress, huh?
He's doing the same thing at each table.
The best way to make it difficult.
I'm ready.
Now Yukari Shikibe, as the Seer,
choose your table.
But I'm going to win this.
Just watch me take 100 points.
She's taking longer than usual.
This is the last chance.
It makes sense to be extra careful.
her expression.
What does it mean?
She's waiting for something,
quietly confident.
Is she acting again?
No. There's no point acting
when she's the one searching for the coin.
What's she waiting for?
Could this be
her real devil power?
Then where is her real body?
I need to concentrate, so keep quiet.
Especially you and your loud voice.
It hurts my ears.
That's it.
All Timer?
That's right.
Focus your attention
on an object of your choice,
and it will make a noise for 30 seconds.
That's my devil power?
But it won't kick in until ten minutes
after the power is unleashed.
Isn't it just perfect for this game?
Ten minutes?
Please, let me win.
Now I can't hear the timer.
Where is it?
Just as I thought, a power
that uses sound to reveal location.
I've always been alone.
Abandoned at an orphanage
as soon as I was born.
I've lived my whole life
without letting anyone in.
But I've always wanted to be seen.
That's why I wanted to be an idol.
I dreamt of being loved
all over the world.
Yukari Shikibe, what is your answer?
My choice is
table one.
The correct answer was table six.
The final score is 100-20.
The winner of Hide & See is Teruasa Oda!
Teruasa Oda,
from now on,
Yukari Shikibe's life is yours.
I look forward to seeing
what you do with her life.
Why did I have to lose?
The flames of desire ignite conflict.
Try to become someone who can save those
who become consumed by desire.
Yukari Shikibe,
you're a tough player.
You should have trusted your own strength
instead of relying on luck.
The power to win was already in you.
Teruasa Oda
I hate your guts.
Now for the results of Hide & See.
The final score is 80-50.
Ui Saito wins!
It's an honor to entrust my life
to someone of such caliber.
Teruasa Oda managed to win.
He's very strong-willed.
I see why The Guide had high expectations.
let's see what happens
in the second round.
Who won?
You're my next opponent.
The next game
will be a tough one for Teruasa Oda.
Is it time yet?
I can't wait for a fight.
The anticipation is killing me!
What happened? You guys look miserable.
What a roller coaster that was yesterday.
Today, another game begins.
The genius shogi player, Akira Mori,
will face famous YouTuber Mitsuru Asai
in a special show down.
I have high expectations.
Hey, who am I playing?
I'm sick of waiting.
Yes, yes.
You opponent has just arrived.
For real?
Senya Uesugi's opponent is Yuki Manabe.
Show us a good game, okay?
What do you want us for?
"Gold Gun & Silver Gun."
The person who shoots first
wins the money.
To shoot or not to shoot.
There's only one thing she can do.
Win the game.
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