Actress (2023) s01e05 Episode Script

Mi Amor!

Really? Are you really watching me?
Don't be ridiculous. I just got up.
It's been about 42 minutes, give or take.
For fuck's sake. Jesus.
- Who is it?
- Ateş.
He was supposed to come
for Sunday breakfast. I forgot.
Ah, does his mother
actually look after him from time to time?
Come on, you get up too,
if you want.
Calm down. I'll get dressed.
My goodness. Were you still sleeping?
No, of course I wasn't sleeping.
Oh! Did Yasemin Derin
stay here last night?
Shh. She'll hear you.
Whoa! Look at this!
My dad and Yasemin Derin are together!
Hey. Ateş, I'm going to kick your ass now.
Go wash your face. Go on.
- Yes, yes, yes!
- Take off your shoes.
Where's the fucking phone?
What are you doing?
Okay. We're making eggs. Do you want some?
- Would love some.
- Super.
We're in the garden.
- Dad.
- Mmm?
How long would it take
for me to learn to play the drums?
Where did this come from?
Defne really likes them.
She asked if I knew how to play them.
- And?
- I said I did.
Boy, are you an idiot?
I mean, is it a good thing?
Do you think it's okay to lie?
Oh, fuck.
Excuse me?
Your father is telling the truth.
It's not nice to lie, my dear Ateş.
You should always tell the truth,
like your father, okay?
- Tea?
- Okay.
Do you swear a lot?
- Why?
- Don't you know?
Social media is going nuts.
Yesterday at the aquarium there were
people who wanted photos with you,
and you swore at them.
Nothing's wrong.
Stop calling me all the time.
I'll tell you if anything happens.
Just stop calling me.
Why did your mom and dad get a divorce?
Why are you asking me this?
Just because-- I just asked.
- Your dad had an accident--
- I really don't like talking about this.
Excuse me.
- Are you okay?
- I'm very well.
- Well too.
- Good.
We need to meet urgently!
CerenBilgi - How dare you curse
those fans who brought you here!
Deniz Üstün - They wanted a photo!
As if they wanted your life?
Mete Koral - Look what that btch said
to the kids! #yaseminderin
For the first time
in all my years of work,
I'm putting my phone
on airplane mode. Bravo.
Look at me.
We're making a video now.
You'll be apologizing to everyone.
Yasemin, do you hear me?
We need to talk!
Do you know how many people
have been calling me since the morning?
Are you trying to ruin your career,
Even shooting commercials
is in jeopardy right now.
Can you say hello to my sister,
Ms. Yasemin?
Then if you could--
Oh, fuck off. Out of my way.
When I was researching this asshole
Cihan's companies, I came across a murder.
It happened last year.
Who did it?
Yusuf Ramin.
He takes care
of the company's financial affairs.
Cihan's vault.
Who did he kill?
An escort girl.
It happened at a residence
registered in the name of the company.
They covered it up immediately, of course.
The guy fled to Paris in a hurry.
he came back here a week ago.
He's staying at the Karmen Hotel.
This is how the pimp spends his days.
- When are we doing it then?
- No, Yasemin.
No killing this time.
Look, this guy could lead us
to Cihan, okay?
Let's go for a visit.
Let's see what happens on the way.
This is a big hotel.
We can't just walk in
with other people's IDs.
Then we'll enter as ourselves.
- How?
- It's like this.
No one likes the venue
for tomorrow's shoot anyway.
I think this is a very suitable place.
- Hmm.
- It makes sense, doesn't it?
By the way,
what is this swearing thing all about?
- Huh?
- The swearing drama.
Well, me, Fatih, his kid, the kid's friend
went somewhere, okay?
Then Fatih said to me,
"Can you look after the kids?"
I couldn't say no, and of course
I lost them. The children disappeared.
So I went after them
and was trying to find them.
I was surrounded all of a sudden.
I must have panicked.
Strange. What's going on?
Are you falling in love?
Who were you talking to?
No one. I was talking to my mom.
You were talking to your mom.
In secret.
You weren't speaking to your mom.
Why are you lying to me?
Why would I lie to you?
I don't know.
I'm joking, I'm joking.
You took it seriously. It's a joke.
I'm going out.
Got anything to say?
Nothing. No.
"You have the right
to remain silent," huh?
Does your screenwriter live in this world?
- Does he even know what we are doing?
I'm really sorry to have kept you
like this most of the night.
Forget about that.
What's wrong with you?
With me?
Do you want to talk about it?
Ask the man.
If you think he's lying.
Maybe there's an explanation.
And if not?
Then we'll be murderers for nothing.
I think it should be a crime
to treat a person like an idiot.
I mean, I think you should get
at least a year or two.
What do you say, Commissioner?
- Nice.
- Nice.
Although, this idiot did time and got out.
Why? What did he do?
Um, so, it was something like an accident.
Someone's dead, but he's not guilty
of anything. He's clean.
I never would have guessed, you know.
- What?
That a big star like you
would be fussing like this
over a guy who has a coffee shop,
just like teenage lovers.
- And you?
- Me?
Are you being honest with him?
Oh, am I honest with him?
- What does that mean?
- I don't know.
Everyone has something to hide. Don't you?
Do you think there is?
I think there is.
But I haven't found it yet.
Were you looking for it?
- It's what I do.
- Oh!
Here's to you, Commissioner.
Here we go. Down it.
What the hell are you, man?
- What's going on?
- What the fuck are you?
Girl, don't act crazy. What's going on?
What's it to you? What's it to you?
What's it to you?
Whatever's happening is happening.
- What the fuck is it to you?
- Just come in.
What the fuck is it to you?
What's it to you?
What the fuck is it to you?
And you stink.
What have you been drinking?
Do I need to ask you?
Do I have to ask your permission? I drank.
I-- Why the fuck are you lying to me? Huh?
- Why are you lying to me?
- What's your problem, girl?
You're my problem. Okay?
You bothered me, so I drank.
You pissed me off, so I drank.
And you know who I drank with?
I drank with my commissioner friend.
Raside Gunes Yılmaz.
She'll fuck any guy over.
She'd fuck anyone over.
She's that kind of woman.
High five! Hey! Oh.
If you lie to me, I'll kill you.
Really nice.
Chin up.
You're wonderful. It's beautiful.
- Come on, let's go.
- Okay.
Uh, shall we take a short 15-minute break?
Okay. Let's not lose the light.
No more than 15 minutes.
Super. See you soon.
Yasemin. Yasemin, we need to talk.
Yasemin. Yasemin,
you still haven't apologized.
The problem is getting bigger.
Hurry up. They are about to enter.
- Not now.
- You don't realize
- the lobby has so many tabloids, do--
- I'll do whatever you want! Not now.
Goddamn it.
Not now, not now, not now
Yusuf's suite
is the second door on the left.
Who are you?
Hello, mon amour.
Who gave you permission
to come in here?
Uh, I don't know Turkish.
Where are you come from?
From France.
Just for you.
Take your mask.
There is always time. Not now.
You look very-- actress.
Famous actress, right?
Oui. I hear that often.
I was waiting for your call.
Everything is fine.
I'll bring it myself this evening.
Since it's a sum of money
I don't trust anyone else with,
I wanted to deliver it
to Mr. Cihan myself.
Hasanpasa garage.
I know.
See you at three.
Yasemin, do what you need to do.
Get out of there. We got what we came for.
- Shh.
Let's play a little before.
I am coming right now. Wait for me.
Why is she wearing a mask?
Excuse me, can you wait a second?
Are we ready?
Yes, we are very ready. Let's do it.
- Very nice.
Let's lift the chin up again.
You're great.
- Guys,
guys, Ms. Yasemin
will make a statement, just not now.
Guys, guys, listen to me. Please,
I'll give you the necessary explanation.
Guys, both a written
and an oral explanation will be given.
We just need a little bit of time.
Okay? Is that okay?
Yes. We'll wait for tonight.
Let's see who this Cihan asshole is.
Are you okay?
Is there a new message?
Can you look more into this Fatih guy?
Something happened, right?
I told you to stay away. What happened?
What are we going to do
with this grandmother syndrome you have?
Look him up.
- Let's go.
- Wait.
Happy birthday.
I bought it myself.
- Come on, blow it out.
- Ah
Should I make a wish?
And this is your present, ma'am.
I can't believe it. You got me a present?
Fuck you, Taner.
What's going on?
It was my idea.
Is it that bad?
I'm sorry.
I actually wanted it to be just us,
but I couldn't stop Taner.
Nice T-shirt.
Who's that?
Hello, hi. Are you here?
Yes, yes. It's the big house
at the end of the road.
Yeah. Okay.
Don't be mad at me.
I looked up his café on the Internet.
That's what it said.
He has his number on the website.
I called him yesterday,
but I panicked when you showed up.
Maybe I don't want him here.
Why are you inviting him here
without asking me?
Why wouldn't you want him here?
Welcome. Hello.
I'm Ekin. Nice to meet you.
Fatih. Likewise.
I was going to buy the same one,
but you already have it.
So, I thought
I'd get something more useful.
Oh! Just what I needed.
Congratulations on your birthday.
Thank you.
- I'm very happy. Thank you very much.
I love surprise parties.
Thank you very much!
Thank you so much.
Time to blow out the candles.
Here we go. Making a wish.
- Bravo!
Then let's have fun. DJ, hit it!
Ah, I need to mingle for a while,
so please excuse me.
That's okay.
Do what you need to do. I'm fine.
So, how are you? Welcome.
- Maestro?
- Yes?
- Congratulations on your new film.
- Oh, thank you so much. Thanks.
Ha! New discovery, huh?
Yes, yes. She's going to be our superstar.
Just be careful, he has his way--
- Come here!
- Wait a second.
- You have to see this. Come! Just come!
- First you become his lover,
then his actress.
Maestro, look at this one.
Maestro, look at this one too.
This one can also do it. Huh?
You look a bit tense these days.
- Uh-huh?
- Never mind, it'll be forgotten.
So much can be forgotten in a week.
- Right.
- Oh, my dear.
You should have said "shit."
I mean, saying "fuck"-- I don't know--
That's a bit too incorrect, my love.
Exactly, my love. You're so right.
I was thinking the same thing.
That's why--
It doesn't matter.
- We'll figure it out.
- Don't worry about it.
Never mind. Let's just, uh--
I have to interrupt
this lovely conversation.
I'm so sorry. I'll be right back.
See you later, darling. We'll talk later.
- She's so sweet.
Do you know what sacrifices I've made
to survive in this industry?
I gave up being myself
so these people would notice me.
I've kissed the asses
of men who are worthless.
By the way, I wasn't alone then.
There was someone else.
Where is she?
Her name is Yasemin.
Oh. She didn't have 50,000 followers,
you know. Mm-hmm.
We started together.
Then we made a fucking summer series.
Can a person's life be completely changed
by a fucking summer series, huh?
It can. In this country,
everything can change. Yeah.
I mean,
I'll fuck your Yasemin.
- I'll fuck your Derin.
Yeah. I'll fuck everybody.
- Oh.
Stop, okay. Take it easy. Easy.
Easy does it. Slow down.
- Shh, let go. I'll be fine.
- Yeah, okay.
I'll make my hand bleed,
and lick my own wounds. Okay?
- Okay, come on. Let's bandage your hand.
- Fuck it. Let go.
Oh, isn't this Yasemin?
You're going to ruin me, huh?
You can't ruin me.
Why are you trying to ruin me?
How could you ruin me?
- What's going on?
- It's all good.
- He's just had a little too much.
Where's Fatih, have you seen him?
No. Last I saw him, he was in the garden.
You cannot ruin me because I am a creator.
- Because I created you.
- Okay, hey. All right, come on.
- I am a creator. Who is ruining me? Ah.
- Okay.
Who is ruining me?
- Okay, where were we?
- Oops.
- Wait.
- Where?
- Okay, where were--
- I'm here.
- Ah!
- Where were--
How was my speech?
Huh? Did I talk too much?
Really well.
I've done a boo-boo.
It doesn't look so bad.
What are you doing?
What happened? Didn't you want it too?
Are you looking for something?
I got a little bored upstairs.
I thought I'd wander around.
Was I not supposed to come in here?
It's a bit late, isn't it?
It is.
I should leave now.
Happy birthday again.
I'm so sick and tired of people
trying to make fools out of other people,
so I'm not going to do that to you.
I'm having weird days.
My life seems to be
spinning out of control.
I'm tired, I'm sleep-deprived,
and I know
you don't care about any of this.
I realize that all I've been through
doesn't give me the right to do this
to the people who love me just because
I've been in a couple of shitty TV shows,
even though I didn't add a damn thing
to their lives.
I wouldn't accept this apology,
but I'm still going to try.
I apologize from the bottom of my heart.
Good night.
Here, put this camera on.
What the hell is this? It's tiny.
Does it record?
Okay. See you later.
What the hell?
Oh, fuck.
Do you remember me,
mon amour?
Ah, fuck.
Yusuf has been taken care of.
Spread out, spread out, spread out!
Did you get anything from the house?
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