All That Glitters (2023) s01e05 Episode Script

Episode 5

That damned Jintiao!
Okay, I know.
I'll be right there.
Central Narcotics Bureau. Open the door!
Open up!
Sir, I'm a valet driver here.
What's the matter?
I'm Bryan Loo, an investigator
from the Central Narcotics Bureau.
We want to inspect your bag.
-I was just taking a dump!
-Hand it over!
Turn around.
Hey, Liu Mu. Where did you go?
To the john.
Where's that packet?
Flushed down the toilet!
Hey! Then what should I give them
when they ask for it?
Your fists!
If I hadn't flushed it down the toilet,
those CNB guys would have nabbed me.
Why would they have done that?
Do you know what that packet contained?
Ecstasy and other drugs!
If they catch you with those,
they'll throw you in jail and cane you.
You nearly became their scapegoat!
If there's any trouble, you run off first.
-What "huh"?
Where's my stuff?
You made him peddle drugs for you.
I've got a score to settle with you.
Don't you dare be cocky!
What drugs? They're herbal pills.
As if! You think I don't know?
You suspected the CNB was on to you,
so you pushed the blame to us.
Don't accuse me.
You jerk! We nearly
ended up ja jailed and ca caned.
"Ca caned."
What do you think you're doing?
We don't want your filthy money!
Are you joking? You owe me at least S$50K!
S$50K? Want me to give it to you now?
Yeah, me too. I'll give you S$100K.
What took you guys so long?
I'll stall them. You go first.
I won't leave you to die alone.
I can't live on with you dead.
Don't be gross.
Enough chit-chat.
Don't just stand there and gawk. Attack!
-Don't come here!
-Slow down!
Little girl, it's dangerous here.
-Leave now. Go!
I kept calling you, but you wouldn't stop.
Boss Mo.
Oh, it's you.
Don't cause trouble.
-Thank you, Boss.
-Thank you, Boss.
-What about me?
-Thanks, little girl.
Who are you calling "little girl"?
Would you rather he called you "Miss"?
You should be in bed at this hour,
but you're out causing me trouble.
It's your fault for being a vampire.
How am I a vampire?
You sleep in the day
and only become active at night.
This is the only way
I can spend time with you.
Fine. Didn't you say you wanted supper?
Let's go!
Come on.
Thankfully, Boss came,
or we could have been beaten to death.
What? I could have taken on three of them.
The other two were all yours.
I'll prove to myself, to you, to everyone
that I, Huang Jintiao, can do it!
After I've mastered Muay Thai,
no one will dare call me "Dumbo"!
They'll learn to fear my fists!
Auntie, you could have phoned me
if you wanted to see me
I didn't want to interrupt you at work.
It's all right.
My next client
isn't for another half hour.
Great. Then I'll make this quick.
Zhenyu says you've broken up.
Is this true?
Weren't things going fine between you two?
-Zhenyu didn't tell you?
-She didn't say anything.
It wasn't till I asked
that she said you two didn't get along.
George, I know
my daughter is a little stubborn.
-But she
It's not that I wanted the break-up.
She's fallen for someone else.
Zhenyu spends all her time at home
and at the coffee shop.
-Otherwise, she's with you
-I saw it with my own eyes.
The lorry's on the right, here.
Get in the lorry.
I was worried he might
have evil designs on Zhenyu,
so I followed them in a taxi.
Turns out I was being paranoid.
Lady Boss, you okay?
-It's you.
-I'm all right.
Be careful when you're walking.
I do Muay Thai here.
Want to go in and rest? Come
Sit here.
Can you do me a favor?
Sure. Anything you want.
-Ask your friend
-Which friend?
I've two friends.
The one who always orders kopi gah dai.
Liu Mu?
Ask him to leave my daughter alone.
My daughter already has a boyfriend.
They're getting married soon.
But she suddenly said
she wants to break up with her boyfriend.
You know my eldest daughter.
She's visually impaired.
She can't see things clearly.
As her mother, of course I hope
she can find a good husband
who can take good care of her
and give her a better life.
Huang Jintiao, don't you agree?
You're right.
My daughter's boyfriend
is quite a good catch.
He's a university graduate
and works as a manager
at a real estate company.
Most importantly,
he doesn't mind my daughter's condition.
But alas
my foolish girl
actually wants to break up with him.
Lady Boss, don't cry.
Oh! It stinks of my sweat.
Sorry about that.
It's all right.
My daughter is acting this way
because of your friend.
You mean Liu Mu is wooing your daughter?
Why didn't I know?
Lady Boss, don't worry!
I'll ask Liu Mu to leave your daughter.
If he refuses,
I'll give him a taste of my fists!
Let me go. I said let go!
Stand right there!
-Jianzhi, help me.
-Keep an eye on him.
-You're crazy.
Keep an eye on him!
Ignore him.
He's gone out of his mind again.
-What are you doing?
-Move aside!
For real?
That's enough.
You'd fall out with him over a woman?
Tell him to leave Xiaomei's daughter,
and I'll stop.
Over my dead body!
Liu Mu, stop aggravating him!
Let him go. I'll make him know that
no one can force me to
leave "You're-so-Pretty."
-All right, I'll destroy you.
-Bring it on!
Enough, you two!
Strike again,
and I'll help neither of you!
Lin Musen, you mega villain!
Me, a villain? You're a sicko!
Hey! Did you not hear what I said?
Make yourself clear.
What do you mean by "sicko"?
There's nothing wrong with
me seeing her daughter.
But you have
a sick obsession with the mother!
I'm a sicko? I'm sick?
Xiaomei is 41. I'm 28.
She's only 13 years older.
-You even checked her age?
-I didn't.
I overheard her disclosing her age
to the cleaning lady.
Jianzhi, let me ask you.
Is it sick of a man to like
a woman 13 years younger than him?
Then why I am considered sick for
liking a woman 13 years older than me?
He makes sense.
You're in the wrong
for calling him a sicko.
Okay, I'm in the wrong.
I'll say sorry to you.
But this fellow threatened and hit me
over the woman he likes.
Isn't that sick?
We're bros.
How can we fall out over a woman?
-You sicko!
-You're still calling me a sicko?
You're too much!
Uncles, sorry. Don't mind them.
How so? Tell me!
I'll tell you, jerk!
They were going to get married,
but you ruined things.
You're too much!
He's an elite graduate and a manager!
Xiaomei says
he'll give Zhenyu a good life.
You ruined her chances
of marrying a good man.
You're too much!
Nonsense! He won't make a good husband.
You've met him.
He kept honking impatiently
at that granny crossing the road.
Would a man like him
treat "You're-so-Pretty" well?
He's only after "You're-so-Pretty"
for her good looks.
Someone like him will dump his wife
soon after getting married.
-And you won't?
-Of course not!
When I love someone, it's forever.
And when I hate someone, it's forever too.
Anyway, Xiaomei says
it's bad to ruin someone's marriage.
And it's wrong of you to
fall out with your bro over a woman.
-You damned sicko!
-You're still calling me a sicko?
I care for Xiaomei.
What's wrong with that?
You claim that guy's a jerk.
Are you any better?
You're only a tiny bit better than me.
You finished primary school.
You're better than me
because you're a supervisor.
To put it bluntly,
you're nothing but small fry.
If I were Xiaomei,
I'd want my daughter to
marry a capable man.
So what if I only finished primary school?
I can't make her happy?
Yes, I'm just a furniture mover now.
But does that mean
I won't make it big someday?
You will!
Jianzhi, what's the time now?
So late already?
-What now?
-Buy a lottery ticket.
If you win, your problem is solved.
Hey, did you hear me?
Hear what?
Didn't I tell you to go home,
take a shower and get changed?
George will be picking you up from home.
Where are we going?
You'll be the death of me.
Fine, I'll tell you.
I looked George up.
I told him you got taken by that punk
in a moment of folly,
and that
you proposed a break-up on a whim.
-You're regretting it now
-I'm not.
-You are
-No, I'm not!
-I won't go out with him again.
I'm not breaking up with him
because of someone else.
I don't want to force myself
to be with someone I don't love.
Even if no one falls for me from now on,
I'd rather remain single forever.
Stop making me angry!
Hello, "You're-so-Pretty."
-What are you doing here?
-I'm here to tell you.
Jintiao did what he promised to do.
He's already given me a lesson
by beating me up.
But even if he hits me till I vomit blood,
and I can't get up on my feet again,
I won't give up on your daughter,
Li Zhenyu.
-I want to be with her.
-Dream on!
I know I'm neither
a university graduate nor a manager,
but I'll work very hard
so your daughter won't live a hard life.
Talk is cheap.
You're nothing but a furniture mover.
Your salary is miserable.
When will you ever make S$10K per month?
-You, shut up.
How can you say that about him?
I know I'm materialistic.
But we all need to put food on the table.
After your dad died,
we had such a hard life.
Don't you remember?
Kopi Gah Dai, you go.
Stop calling him "Kopi Gah Dai".
Don't you dare give him
extra condensed milk from now on.
No, wait, don't you dare
sell him any more kopi!
Auntie, you're right.
won't be selling me any kopi.
Because she'll be giving me free kopi.
Is that funny?
You're so pretty
Your smile is so perfect
You're hopeless!
what's so great about being a graduate?
So what if he earns S$10K per month?
I scored 275 marks for my PSLE, you know.
If I had studied hard,
I would have become
a Master's and PhD holder!
Stop boasting and get lost.
if I had a PhD, I wouldn't have met you.
"You're-so-Pretty," I promise you,
I'll do better than that jerk.
I'll make more money than him.
-My salary will be many times his
What are you doing?
Hey, Auntie?
Kopi Gah Dai!
Kopi Gah Dai, you okay?
Are you all right?
I'm fine. Just putting on an act
to please your mom.
I'm going off.
Oh, right! "You're-so-Pretty"
I like you
I love you
I really love you
You're so pretty
Your smile is so perfect
That's quite enough. Get lost. Go, now!
Mom, don't be angry.
You grow old easily when you're angry.
All the wrinkles
Let me help you.
No need. Go away.
Where's the bra I just bought?
Isn't it in the wardrobe?
No. Help me look for it.
-That's not your only bra.
-This one is different.
It makes me feel like
I've grown a cup size.
Li Zhenting!
Don't you feel any shame at all?
But there are no outsiders here.
Your little brother is grown up!
He's wearing earphones.
Can't hear a thing.
Then why are you looking for your bra
so late at night?
Last I checked, it's not even 11 p.m.
How is it considered late?
Stop being sassy!
If I catch you sneaking out
late at night again to drink and smoke,
I'll give you a good spanking!
I'm going to wear it to sleep
so I can "overcome gravity"!
-Stop it!
-Let's go look for it.
You can stop looking for it.
I was redirecting Mom's anger to myself.
She needs an outlet for all that rage.
Otherwise, she'll get depression.
do you think I was in the wrong?
You regret it?
I just feel really guilty.
You think you've let George down?
You've let Mom down?
I've been trying hard
to prove to Mom that
I can lead an independent life
and take care of myself.
But Mom remains worried.
Meaning she's
not helping you find a hubby,
but a nanny.
That's because she cares for me.
I made her angry and hurt her feelings.
Better to be upset for a short while
than forever.
If you marry someone you don't like,
will you be happy?
If you aren't,
will you be able to cheer yourself up?
Mom will be upset forever
if she sees you unhappy.
You have the right to choose
who you want to be with.
No one can interfere with your decision.
No one can change your mind!
Because only you yourself
know the kind of life you want.
And you, Zhenting?
What kind of life do you want?
As my sis, you should know!
I want a life of luxury.
Who wouldn't want to be rich?
But that's just a pipe dream.
Then fight for it!
Besides having the brains,
women must also have
the "goods"!
You're always thinking of such nonsense.
There's nothing more important
than being practical.
What era are you living in?
Who cares about being practical?
-You're so outdated!
-No, you're the outdated one.
When I become rich,
the first thing I'll do
is to help you regain your vision.
Do you know?
The first thing I do
when I wake up every morning
and the last thing I do
when I go to sleep every night
is to pray that
you'll wake up soon.
I pray that
if one of us has to be
lying here in a coma,
it should be me instead of you.
How I wish I was the one
in a coma instead of you.
Then I would be
oblivious to what's going on.
Sometimes I wish this was all a dream
and I'd just wake up from all this,
back to how things were.
I'd still be making breakfast for you
in the kitchen.
Zhenting! Wake up.
Then, I'd go to the room
and wake you up, you lazy bum.
Zhenting! Time to wake up.
I'd hurry you to go to school.
Zhenting, come out now!
We'd fight for the toilet.
Hurry up.
We'd bicker.
Don't be cheeky!
You said you'd help me regain my vision.
But I'd gladly live
in a world of darkness forever
if only I could bring you back.
Here to see Zhenting?
I asked the doctor about her condition.
What's wrong?
I'm all right.
You get upset
each time you visit Zhenting.
I feel so sorry for her.
I know.
But we must believe in miracles.
What did the doctor say?
The doctor said
Zhenting's in stable condition.
The same answer, as usual.
That's not a bad thing.
Sis, can you tell me more about Lin Musen?
I was just a kid when you were seeing him.
I remember Mom being very angry with you.
I guess she didn't approve of
your being with him.
I found you adults annoying,
so I wasn't interested to find out more.
Are you working on this case?
No, I'm no longer working on this case.
Why not?
My supervisor has
assigned me to another case.
It is because of me?
I've already told them that
I haven't been
in contact with Lin Musen for a while.
Sis, it's really okay.
I hope I didn't get in the way
of your career progression.
You didn't.
I just want to learn more about Lin Musen.
Just what kind of person is he?
He Jianzhi was his good friend.
They were close buddies.
Why did he have to kill He Jianzhi?
Was there some kind
of vendetta between them?
I won't force you
if you don't wish to tell me.
it's not that I don't want to tell you.
It's just that I've finally
managed to convince myself
that I really,
really hate him.
It's you?
I'm the only one who knows about
that email address.
I don't trust anyone else.
You fool!
Do you know I'm now a wanted man?
Aren't you worried
I'll get you into trouble?
You know me,
I love taking risks
and challenging the unknown.
Besides, if it hadn't been for you,
I would've died a long time ago.
Isn't that right?
Don't worry.
I asked to meet here because it's safe.
No one notices anyone else here.
Lin Musen!
What's going on?
Someone recognized me
and probably called the police.
My photo is all over the newspapers and TV
I've got to be constantly alert.
It's me.
Miss Mo?
I rented this house via a foreign website.
They can't track me down.
There's food and drinks.
You can stay here for a few days.
No problem at all.
You must be exhausted.
We haven't had any proper rest for days.
It's very safe here. Have a good rest.
That's impossible.
Liu Mu wakes up ready to flee
even at the sound of a dog barking.
I didn't know
it was this tough being a fugitive.
You regret it now?
Of course not!
Even though we may or may not die,
if we go on like this,
you'll definitely go crazy.
He's right.
You've been on edge the entire time.
When someone gives you a second look,
you think they've recognized you.
When they start using their phone,
you think they're calling the police.
Here, a new phone.
And these are anti-anxiety pills.
They'll help calm you down.
You need this.
I'm not ill.
If you go on like this,
being paranoid about every little thing,
you'll have a nervous breakdown
even before you reach Thailand.
Liu Mu, you should listen to Miss Mo.
-She's a doctor.
-I'm not a doctor.
I'm a clinical psychologist.
What we need now is passports.
Give me two days,
I'll send the passports to you then.
Thank you, Miss Mo.
If it hadn't been for you,
I would've died long ago.
Isn't that right?
Hey, little girl.
All your friends have left.
Aren't you following them?
Who are you calling a little girl?
What should I call you, then?
You should call me "Miss".
Okay, then. Goodnight, Miss.
Why are you following us?
We're going home.
Why are you tagging along?
Since your grandpa doesn't own this road,
anyone can walk on it.
Why do you say I'm following you?
That's true.
All right, it's late. Go home.
There are many nightclubs here.
Be careful of drunk drivers.
Got it? Bye!
Little girl!
-What are you doing?
-Saving her!
Liu Mu!
Liu Mu
Liu Mu you all right?
Are you okay?
It's okay. We'll take you home.
-Does it still hurt? Bear with it.
-What happened?
-What happened?
-Daddy, someone tried to kill me.
Huh? Kill you?
What nonsense. Who would want to kill you?
You've been watching too many movies.
He can be my witness.
He's the one who saved me.
Step outside for a while.
Come. Let's have a little chat, Xuemin.
Don't be afraid.
Tell me exactly what happened.
My daughter said
someone wanted to kill her.
-What do you think?
-Of course it's true.
When I saw your daughter,
there was a car tailing her.
I felt something was wrong,
so as I walked, I kept looking back
and keeping an eye on her.
To my surprise, the car suddenly sped up.
Thankfully, I reacted fast.
I saw a car next to me,
hopped into it at once.
-I reversed it, and with a boom, I
-Okay, enough I got it.
You may go now.
Good night.
I'll investigate this.
Be careful.
Why don't I have a rich dad?
Why don't I ever win the lottery?
Why don't I have any gold bars
even though I'm Jintiao?
You do!
This is considered a gold bar?
Hey, it's very heavy. Can we hurry up?
Stop looking at it. Let's continue.
Two cartons of evaporated milk,
please. Right.
And two cartons of condensed milk.
-Hello, Lady Boss.
I want kopi gah dai.
I want an iced Milo dinosaur.
-Make sure it's gah dai.
-Take a seat.
Her eyes look so fierce.
You mean her expression.
It's all your fault!
Now Xiaomei is angry with me too.
You knew she was angry,
so why are you here to irritate her more?
Are you disobeying me?
I always obey you.
Then why are you still making the drink?
He says the kopi I make is the best.
Mum, make the Milo dinosaur.
Jintiao says the Milo dinosaur you make
is the best in Singapore.
You're totally useless.
Why are you throwing yourself at him?
What? Cat got your tongue?
I'm listening to your lecture.
As if you'd obey me.
You're the most
disobedient one in our family.
You say the same thing to
Weihao and Zhenting when you scold them!
The three of you love provoking me
I shouldn't have given birth
to any of you!
All right, Mom.
I understand your anger and frustration.
Yeah, right! You know nothing.
I do.
You scold us because
you want us to have a good future.
But you guys find me naggy,
and ignore everything I say.
Mom, when you decided to be with Dad,
Grandpa and Grandma
nearly disowned you, right?
That's right!
And I regretted not obeying your grandpa.
I could have married
a business owner's son
and would be living a good life now.
You think it was easy
bringing you three up?
Your dad was just a taxi driver!
He could barely feed us.
But let's say you could go back in time.
You'd still make the same decision, right?
-Your drinks are ready.
-All right.
-Be careful
I will
yours and mine.
Free drinks,
thanks to the future Mrs. Lin.
Hey! What "Mrs. Lin"?
My future wife.
Knock it off.
Zhenyu, sorry.
We're not here to make your mom angry.
It's all Liu Mu's fault.
We suggested going elsewhere,
but he insisted on coming here
-I told him to come here.
-Hear that?
Come more often,
and my mom will get used to it.
We'll get used to seeing
Lady Boss's fierce expression?
Auntie! Here, let me help you
Auntie, I'd like to
take Zhenyu to see the night view.
-See what?
-The night view!
Can she even see it?
She can see it.
Right? "You're-so-Pretty."
Yeah, Lin Musen is right.
He can tell me about it,
and I'll visualize it in my mind.
Let's go.
Be careful.
Auntie. Don't worry.
I'll see her home by 10 p.m.
I promise.
Let's go.
I brought sunglasses for you. Here.
A pair for you, a pair for me.
Why are we wearing sunglasses at night?
I can tell you why,
but don't be too touched.
Wait, you're allowed to be touched,
but you may not cry.
Because I can see things you can't.
But you can feel things I can't.
Why are you so nice to me?
Because you're nice to me.
And my gut instinct tells me
you'll become
someone very important to me.
Our love will be everlasting.
We'll be together forever.
Even if you choose
someone else in the end,
I won't hurt you or disappoint you.
But ideally, we'll grow old together
and have lots of kids and grandkids.
Made you smile, didn't I?
Come, put on the sunglasses.
You're so beautiful.
We're here.
Whoa, so soon?
I'll walk you up?
No need.
I can go up myself.
-Hey, "You're-so-Pretty."
I want to kiss you goodbye.
I said I want to kiss you goodbye.
-"I want to"?
I want to.
Does anyone say it this way?
Of course!
Yours truly.
Can't you say, "May I"?
May I?
"May I" what?
May I kiss you, then say goodbye?
You're closing for the day?
Business was great today.
The satays are sold out,
so I'm closing for the day.
So early? The nightclubs
are just opening for business.
Never mind then, bye-bye.
Hey, wait!
I've got a few sticks of satay left.
Let me grill them for you.
Never mind.
I'll just get some food
from the convenience stall.
I'll be quick. Just take a seat.
Okay, then. Quickly.
Hello, Arthur?
Sorry, I was chatting with a friend.
We just finished doing our project,
and I'm going home now.
Right now?
But I'm almost home.
I'm at the hawker center near my house.
Right, that's the one.
All right. Bye-bye.
Jianzhi, sorry.
I won't be eating the satay.
But I've already grilled them.
Nah, I'm good. Here's the money. Bye-bye.
-Did you wait long?
-Nope, just arrived.
That's great.
-You must be hungry now.
-A little.
-Let's go for some good food.
-How about Thai food?
Dad, are you in there?
Subtitle translation by: Zhou RC
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