Allegiance (2024) s01e05 Episode Script

Homecoming Kings

Previously on Allegiance
[VINCE] What part of a
beat cop in a patrol car
are you in such a hurry to move on from?
There's lots of reasons to not be a cop.
And a Surrey girl
should know all of them.
You wore my scarf.
We got through Mom, we
can get through this.
You need to stop
looking at this bullshit.
[ISHAAN] I'm trying to
get this shit taken down
as fast as I can.
Send me instead.
We don't deploy junior
members of the force
for high-risk operations like this.
[VINCE] This isn't a simulation.
Where are you going?
[VINCE] We almost lost you
today, you know that, right?
You think I don't know that?
It's my job to keep her alive.
You kept me alive.
You're welcome.
I managed to get your dad
released on house arrest.
He's coming home?
No, he is categorically refusing.
Do the laws that apply
to ordinary citizens
not apply to me?
Maybe there's other
reasons to come home?
I know exactly what you need.
Hey, I can't wear
yesterday's clothes to work.
I need to borrow
something, if that's okay?
Yeah, that's fine.
So where do you work?
I'm a dance teacher.
Hey, do you like this hoodie?
When can I get it back?
I am happy to return it,
but if you're asking what
I think you're asking
Don't worry about it.
It's all yours.
Enjoy your breakfast.
Looks like someone had a good time.
Mm yeah.
And you?
Right, no, can't complain.
Hey, you got a phone
charger by any chance?
Um, do I look like I have
a phone charger right now?
You look good.
Last time, it was me
picking you up, huh?
That was 30 years ago,
and we slowed those
loggers down, didn't we?
[TOGETHER] We're not
out of the woods yet.
Yeah, but we're getting there.
Let's get you out of here
before the wolves get a whiff of you.
Hydration is important.
Of course, yeah.
No other reason why you'd be
- What'd I miss?
- You haven't heard?
We got a manhunt.
Sohal, you good?
[LUKE] Oh, yeah
[LOUDLY] She's super good!
See you out there!
Yeah, good.
Ben Collins is back in town.
Ben Collins?
Yeah, he and his brother, Noah,
committed a robbery spree in Whalley
seven years ago.
It ended in a triple homicide.
That's right, a sporting goods store.
There was one survivor.
We did a case study on it.
It's the one where the
father turned them in?
Yeah, we arrested
Noah, but Ben got away.
Not our finest hour.
How do we know Ben's back?
He was spotted at a bus stop
outside town, in Abbotsford.
Why would he come back?
Well, Noah was a minor at the time.
He made parole two weeks ago.
Maybe they're teaming up again?
Yeah, well, his PO's
checking in every hour,
and Bolton just upped patrols
around the city limits.
Look, I know this is a big
day for you and your family
It's, uh nothing
you gotta worry about,
I'm here to do my job.
The Collins brothers,
I want to be part of making it right.
So where we heading?
I volunteered us for community
outreach and foot patrol
in the brothers' old stomping grounds.
We are going to Whalley.
- Poster duty?
- Mm-hmm.
Front-line poster duty.
Okay, so,
no welcome party today,
approved visitors only.
Otherwise, you know how this goes.
Ankle monitor,
you can't leave the house,
and your computer use
is monitored remotely.
Max, I want to talk
to whoever's in charge
of Surrey Remand,
and I
I need to win back support for my bill.
No, there is a reason
that your bill is on hold.
It is a lightning rod right now,
and it's not going to help our optics.
- I
- Listen to me, listen to me,
I know you want to get
back on the horse right now,
but you have been through
something traumatic
Traumatic? Max, listen to me
Ajeet, breathe.
You will give yourself a
moment of grace here, okay?
Be with your kids,
taste real food.
I will update you when
I have more tomorrow.
If you cross the fence
line, it triggers an alarm.
Tamper with it,
it triggers an alarm.
Runs out of juice, same.
Your lawyer's got the charger.
Thank you.
Your family is with you.
I am with you. Parveen is with you.
Level-headed Canadians are with you.
We will get through this.
I promise.
Thanks, Max.
Wow, they'll just let anyone
out of jail these days, huh?
Good to have you home, Pops.
- And Sabrina?
- She'll be back right after her shift.
Now, Pops, uh
when the aunties found out
that they couldn't visit,
they left a literal cauldron of saag,
and, uh, I called my jalebi guy,
hooked us up with the good stuff
straight from the motherland
right now I just need a
shower and a cup of cha.
Peda? Huh?
Of course.
This is good.
This is good, we'll put the flyers up
in high-traffic areas,
do the rounds,
make sure the neighbourhood's aware.
Whalley doesn't talk to us.
That's why we're here.
Is this really the best
use of our manpower?
This neighbourhood was hurt
by the Collins brothers,
and we need to step it up,
let them know that when they call on us,
we'll be there for them, all right?
It's all about the bond of trust.
Who's putting these up?
[GIRL] Hey, Matt, pass me the ball.
[SABRINA] Uh, hey,
any chance you guys
seen this guy around?
[SCOFFING] Beats me, pig.
Hey, Jasmine, right?
You're Adam's baby sister.
How's he doing?
Tell him to stay out
of trouble, all right?
I helped her brother
out of a little bind
a few years ago.
He's a good kid, took a bad rap.
Yeah, really feeling that bond of trust
you were talking about.
Very snug.
Ooh, hey, look at this.
Church is having a fundraiser.
[SABRINA] What are you doing?
Check this out, it's all high-tech now.
- My phone's dead.
- Oh, they're not even halfway yet.
[DISPATCH] Available units,
10-65 at Highridge Mall,
106th Ave and City Parkway.
That's right down the street.
You see? We can be useful here.
Come on. 6103, 10-17, over.
So I came to the store
to use the washroom,
and this random guy wanted my money.
So I told Mr. Random, "No,
you can't have my money,"
then he pulled a knife
out and took my last 20,
and when I tried to tell
this fascist dickhead here,
he dragged my ass out.
You didn't try to
look for the other guy?
Well, I called you, didn't I?
Sir, do you want an ambulance?
Just find the guy who
desecrated my jacket, man.
The man with the knife,
what did he look like?
[MAN] Brown hair, black
pants, velour shirt
- Hey!
- [MAN] That's the guy!
Hey, stop!
[VINCE] Hey!
[SABRINA] Drop the bat! Drop the bat!
[VINCE] Stay down, stay down.
Stay down. Stay down!
[ASAD] That's Noah Collins!
[VINCE] Go, go, go, go!
I got this, I got this!
- [SABRINA] Hey, stop!
- 6103, patch me to Command,
we've got a possible
10-72 on Noah Collins,
last seen at the Highridge Mall!
Hey, stop!
He's heading southwest
toward 76th, on a bike.
Lost visual.
We're on foot.
[DISPATCH] Copy that.
Sending units to the area.
You let him get away?
We've got officers on the way.
[VINCE] Can I ask what your
intention was today, sir?
how you doing?
What the hell's going on?
It's a little late to ask
me how I'm doing, isn't it?
I've been counting the days
till this psychopath gets out,
making sure everybody
on the streets knows,
putting up posters,
doing everything I can.
Then I get a tip from the shopkeeper,
saying that he's seen Noah at this mall.
And you came running with a bat?
[VINCE] My partner, Constable Sohal.
Yeah, what's with the bat?
I like baseball.
The neighbourhood's
calling you instead of us?
It's Whalley.
There's a reason that
I'm gonna get tipped off,
and that you're out here
tackling the wrong guys.
And now he's on the run, so can I go?
We advise that you, uh,
think twice before using that.
That, uh, triple homicide
at the sporting goods store,
there was one survivor
that was him. He called 911.
What's his beef with you?
I don't know.
Come on. Let's figure
out what Noah's up to
before we can't catch him again.
[VINCE] Command, Noah Collins
was gathering supplies,
food, maps, and tools.
If he's trying to make a run for it,
we're on borrowed time,
and if we're lucky,
they're planning to rendezvous.
He could lead us to Ben.
Copy that, we'll get
drones up right away.
Sir, if we want to go by both sightings,
this should maximize the overlap.
Get this out to all available units.
Okay, listen up!
We're in pursuit of both brothers now.
Send all available units to Whalley.
Get on that right away.
Look, use extreme caution, okay?
They're aware we're in pursuit by now,
their plans will be accelerating.
Folks here are going to love
being flooded with Uniforms.
They'll love it more if
we're actually useful,
so let's get it done.
Uh, there's a ravine a
couple blocks from here.
It's a good place to stay out of view.
That's good, let's check it out.
Wait, how do you know the local ravines?
Like I said, I got cousins,
including some who would
go to the ravines to smoke weed.
And they'd tell you this?
Sometimes, I would go with them.
- To watch.
- Yeah, to watch.
Don't tell me you never
watched minor transgressions
in your youth.
I never said that.
[DISPATCH RADIO] 73-5, Code 6.
[VINCE] You still spend
time with your cousins here?
[SABRINA] Some of them.
Some of them moved away.
Too many cops, too many traffic stops,
profiling because of
matching descriptions.
Yeah, that happened after
the Collins brothers fiasco.
I'd prefer to not strut
around like a Terminator,
but those aren't my decisions.
[SNIFFING] Is that smoke?
Yeah, here we go.
Burner phones, change of clothes.
I think this was the jacket
that Ben was wearing at the bus stop.
Yeah, they know they've been spotted,
and they're definitely together.
[VINCE] 6103,
we found a burn bag
with the Collins
brothers' discarded clothes
at Whalley Creek Trail.
They were just here.
We'll need K-9.
Brambilla, Sohal,
you're directly behind the
Collins parents' residence.
2013 York Crescent.
told the other officers
we'd call if our boys showed up.
[VINCE] The situation
has changed, Mrs. Collins.
Noah hasn't reported in
to his Parole Officer,
and we have reason to believe
that he and Ben are
together in the vicinity.
So neither one has come by?
No, neither of them.
Noah hasn't made contact
with you since he was paroled?
[MR. COLLINS] He tried.
I told him not to.
I said we want nothing to do with him.
We were just doing some cleaning.
Noah was here,
a little bit earlier,
to say goodbye,
said he didn't want to get
dragged into Ben's life,
wanted to make a break
across the border.
I told him to get out,
- and I said
- He's innocent.
Noah's a good boy,
an altar boy.
It was Ben who was the bad influence.
Wait, Ben didn't come inside?
Noah was alone.
They were together.
[SABRINA] You own any guns?
- Yes.
- Where do you keep them?
Gun cabinet.
Locked. Solid.
No one's got a key but me.
[VINCE] How many were in here?
- Just one.
- What kind?
- A .308.
- I'll call it in.
Hey, 6103 to all units,
the brothers are armed.
It's a .308 hunting rifle.
What was Noah wearing?
Sir, we need to know now!
Uh, a blue jacket, denim.
[SABRINA] Noah was last seen
wearing a blue jacket, denim.
- Black t-shirt.
- Black t-shirt.
- Black shoes.
- Black shoes.
[DISPATCH] Copy that.
2216, got a match on 106A Ave.
Both brothers heading into an alley.
In pursuit.
[FEMALE OFFICER] Stop! Police!
[MALE OFFICER] Get down!
Get down! Right now!
Officer down! Officer down!
Right, come on, come
on, come on, come on.
Okay, sidearm out.
Now, remember,
stay small.
Clean shots only.
- This is a residential
- Residential area, I know.
There they are.
- I need a hand!
Paramedics are on their
way, but she's bleeding out.
You stay with them. I'll check the back.
What's her name?
- Robin.
- Robin?
- Clean through?
- Yeah.
Hey Hey, look at me.
Hey, keep your eyes open, okay?
We're right here. We got you.
- You're going to be okay.
Got it.
Hey, you're gonna to be okay.
You're gonna be okay.
We were told that the
other identified officer
has been taken to hospital
in serious condition.
If you see the Collins brothers,
do not approach.
Consider them armed and dangerous
More later as the story unfolds.
Have you heard from your sister?
She's still not answering her texts.
She'll be okay, Pops.
Of course she will.
[VINCE] How you doing? Okay?
[OFFICER] I don't know, it
all just happened so fast.
Go to the hospital,
stay with your partner.
Make your report later, all right?
Hang in there.
[GILLIAN] Uh, 6124,
update on the K-9 trail?
4598, you can pause on 72nd Ave,
we've got enough units there already.
Get me Sohal.
[BOLTON] How's she doing?
she's in shock. She
lost a lot of blood,
but it missed her neck.
Okay, good. We're
putting Whalley under lockdown.
Cops, choppers, and dogs on ten blocks.
Stay-at-home order in effect.
I want you and Brambilla knocking doors.
We're gonna shake this
damn neighborhood down
till we flush them out!
Look at me.
- I'm sorry.
- No, look at me.
Nothing to apologize for,
and this is actually a good outcome.
No one died.
Now we make sure that the brothers
never hurt one of us,
or anyone else, again.
Hey, Vince
Those really the right tools right now?
Come on.
I'm not going nowhere.
Sir, put the bat down.
Asad, let's get outta here.
Listen to your friend, all right?
There's a "stay indoors" order.
These are my streets, not yours.
Okay, well, we're trying
to keep your streets safe,
and in order for us to do
that, you can't be here,
especially not with that.
Are you gonna use that, kid?
'Cause that's the only way
you're gonna stop me from moving.
- Asad!
- Hey, Sir, we've been patient,
so I'm gonna ask you one more time,
- for your own protection
- Hey!
- keep your distance!
- Whoa, whoa, whoa, hey! Take it easy!
Everybody, just take it easy, come on!
Just relax, for a second here.
Asad, please, just take a step back.
Sarge, Luke, let's take a breath here.
You giving me instructions, Brambilla?
Sergeant, I have a history with him.
Asad, look
what do you hope to achieve
by being here right now?
Come on, what do you want?
What do I want?
I want to protect my community.
How do you not see what's going on here,
right now?
And you're out here talking
to me like I'm the problem.
I get it, I get it.
We're trying to be better here.
We're really trying to
do right by you here,
I promise.
Maybe it's time to go.
We have some friends
meeting us at the church.
Maybe that's a better place
for us to be right now.
A day like today,
you won't want to keep
them waiting, right?
Jesus Christ.
What is this, vigilante day?
Capes and masks?
These goddamn people.
He's survived a lot, Sergeant.
I don't recall asking you
for his life story, Sohal.
Sergeant, can I speak to you a minute?
Did you see that officer?
How serious was it?
Shot in the shoulder.
She lost lot of blood,
but seems like she's gonna be okay.
Well, at least there's that.
[GABBY] Hey, Tucker.
We got an ungrateful
neighbourhood to pacify.
You coming?
stay safe out there.
You too.
- Police!
People are home,
just no one's answering their doors.
[GABBY, ON RADIO] All units,
we've cased 72 block. No joy.
"No joy."
- Get down! Get down!
It's not the right tool right now.
Hey! Stop!
[VINCE] Let it go.
Hey, Command, we're hearing
a lot of whistle out here.
- What's going on?
- There's two men with a rifle.
It's them!
At the credit union at 1417
They're holding up the
Burrard Credit Union
at the edge of Whalley!
We're a few blocks away,
we'll head there right now.
[BOLTON] Hang back, it's
a hostage situation.
- TAC will handle it.
- Sir, no!
[BOLTON] I don't have
time for this, Vince!
Hey, Vince.
What is it about this one?
I helped Asad onto the
ambulance that night.
The bodies were already covered.
Three of them.
I was the last one on scene
I should have been the first one.
Look, two robbery calls
hit at the same time.
I could have gone
left to Whalley, or right,
and seen the sights at
a Panorama Ridge B&E,
so I turned right,
even though I was closer to Whalley,
because it wasn't my turn.
Wait, what what do you
mean it wasn't your turn?
What is "your turn"?
What does it mean?
It means that we all
hated going to Whalley,
and the brothers were
on their third robbery,
and Asad called 911, and
and no one came.
No one came!
Except the shopkeepers.
Yeah, just the other shopkeepers,
and we found them, there,
shot multiple times,
left to die.
we blew it.
I blew it
and now I've got a chance
to help make it right
at the Credit Union,
and the TAC team is handling it,
and there's nothing I can do.
Well, here's something we can do.
we can call this number.
We can tell Asad that the
brothers are surrounded,
we've got 'em.
We're gonna make it right.
Build that that bond of trust?
I know days like this can
be difficult for all of us,
but keep trusting the meetings,
take our being here together,
right now, as a sign
- to keep your strength in
in each other.
- Sorry.
Sorry, I've gotta take this.
- Hello.
- Hey, Asad, it's, uh, Vince.
Uh, Vince Brambilla.
Yeah, what do you want?
I know what you're going through today,
what it means knowing that
these guys are still out there,
after all these years,
and I just want you to know
that we have them
surrounded at a credit union,
and we're closing in on 'em, buddy,
and it's the end of the road for them.
[WHISPERING] Thank you, God.
[VINCE] Asad, you there?
[VOICE FLAT] Yeah, that's
great. That's great news.
Listen, I gotta get
back to my meeting, babe.
I'll be home real soon.
What the hell?
That was weird.
I don't know what was weirder,
the "babe", or "I'll be home real soon"?
It might be worth a wellness check.
Thanks for your share.
That was really brave
Church hasn't changed much, huh?
All done at the Credit Union?
Damn, word travels fast.
We swatted ourselves,
and they took the bait.
Who's in charge here?
I can help.
Just need your keys
to the safe and a car,
and we'll be gone.
It took the community seven months
to raise that money
- Steve
just give them the keys.
In the cupboard over there.
Just take whatever you want,
and leave.
Phones and wallets,
out and on the ground now.
[SHOUTING] Phones! Out!
Phone out! Now!
We're good.
Were you just calling someone?
No, no,
I-I couldn't find it.
You can even check it, please!
- Hey, hey, hey!
[ASAD] Come on, Ben
- Ben?
- [ASAD] you got what you wanted
just go.
not going to hurt anyone,
you're just going to take
the money, take the car,
and leave.
Know what happened to the last
people who tried to tell me what to do?
Yeah, I do.
We gotta do something.
Backup's on the way.
Don't do anything, Ben. Come on.
We can book it, make daylight.
We got their phones.
What's gonna stop 'em from
using the church phones, huh?
- Or running and finding a cop?
me first.
Okay, look, just take me.
Take me as your hostage.
I'll drive you wherever you want.
Noah, you believe this guy?
[BEN] A hostage
is less predictable than a body.
- Hey!
Police! Stand down! Stand down!
Gun, down! Now!
[VINCE] On your knees, on your knees!
Hands on your head!
- [SABRINA] Gun down! Now!
- I don't think so!
If you don't want anyone to
get hurt, you'll let us go!
Noah, maybe we'll take that hostage
- Hey, Noah, look at me!
- [BEN] Shut up!
[VINCE] Nah, you don't have
to listen to him. You don't
you don't need any part of this, buddy.
You're-you're a good kid, come on.
- Hey, stop! Shut up!
- [NOAH] Yeah.
Y-You know, I thought about it,
but what's the point?
I did my time, and I'm still just shit.
I'm being tailed by
a neighbourhood posse,
seeing posters up everywhere
with my face on 'em.
Even my Dad doesn't believe in me
but he's got me.
He came back.
On your knees, do it now!
On your knees, right now!
Hands on your head!
Hands on your head, hands on your head!
You just have to look the other way,
just like you always do.
I have seen your face
every time I close my eyes
for the last seven years
you and the people you killed.
No one will care.
So you just need to look the other way.
[SABRINA] I can't!
I can't let you do that.
Come on, Asad, please.
Why did you give us the clue, Asad?
"I'll see you back at home"?
Because you trusted that we would come.
So trust us to finish this.
Trust us, so you can move on.
[SABRINA] Hey! On your stomach!
I got him. I got him, I got him.
[SABRINA] Turn around.
Hands behind your back.
[VINCE] 6103, we had a
a 10-18 in progress.
We, uh, had to engage.
Both suspects in custody.
you turned left.
Okay, so tell me again,
what happened after they took
the money out of the safe?
Then those two cops
they showed up,
really took care of things.
[GABBY] Okay.
Well, thank you for your time,
you're free to go, be safe.
Mop-up's almost done.
- You're relieved, gentlemen.
- Thank you, sir.
Bud, you doing okay?
Maybe it's time for a little self-care.
Light up a pumpkin-spice candle?
Draw yourself a bath,
listen to a little Enya?
Hey, kid, look
the bad guys are getting
put away, you did good.
Let's get a beer.
- Yeah?
- Yeah.
Come on.
It's good to see you
out in the field, sir.
Well, there's coordinating something,
then there's cleaning it up.
Look, uh
the press is going to be all over this.
The shit Serious Crimes
has taken for seven years
in not catching this guy.
We busted our asses.
I know. I know, but they need the win.
They're going to take
credit on this, okay?
Good work today.
I didn't know there was,
uh, "winning" going on.
Never mind winning.
We saw what you did.
We were lucky you were there.
Baseball season's over anyway.
[SABRINA] Don't knock
it till you've tried it.
[VINCE] What do you
mean? I'm not gonna hike.
After today? I'm not I'm not a hiker.
Right? And on the
weekend? What about Helena?
No, forget it. I mean, if you wanna
I think Helena likes a good hike.
She likes a hike, but I don't hike.
She hikes on her own.
SHOUTING] There we go!
- Sabrina
- Yeah?
- Well, I think they meant, uh
- I know what they meant.
Well, you know what?
At least spell it right.
Oh, you can't do that.
Anybody watching?
You know, days like this,
we got five people
to maybe-sorta trust us?
What about the next 500?
All right, let's wrap it up.
We still got time on shift,
and, uh, paperwork waiting for us.
Yeah, or how about we, uh,
do that paperwork tomorrow,
and use our time to work on the
what was it that you called it?
That, uh
[TOGETHER] "Bond of trust"?
[SABRINA chuckling] Yeah.
We can't do 500 tonight,
but how about another five?
You know what? I got this.
You clock out.
Go be with your dad.
I'll hike home.
[JASMINE] You got it!
Whoa, I got this!
I got this, I got this, Jasmine!
Your brother's a great baller.
Think you're better than him?
Gonna check, or what?
We're a team.
You, me, and her, come on, let's go.
- Nice!
- [VINCE, PLAYFULLY] What's up!
- [♪♪♪]
What, old guys can't hoop?
How was your day?
Oh, you know
How was yours?
Oh, uh
you know.
Pappa, I'm so sorry about
not being here earlier.
My phone died, and
I'm just happy you're safe.
And I'm happy I came home.
I need to show you something.
What is it?
The Truthbolt Media
gremlins found some old clip.
They've been playing it on repeat.
It's already trending on every platform.
It's got over 10,000 views
Ishaan, just show us.
"A nation of peacekeepers"?
Well, I think we need to take a
cold, hard look in the mirror.
Our nation has supported illegal wars.
We have spied on our own citizens.
We have illegally detained them.
Our nation has committed genocide.
I am ashamed to be Canadian.
ashamed to be Canadian.
I am ashamed to I-I am ashamed
- I am ashamed to be Canadian.
- [♪♪♪]
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