Angry Birds: Summer Madness (2022) s01e05 Episode Script

It's Raining, It's Boring

[Mighty Eagle whistling]
Camp Splinterwood ♪
Our summer home ♪
[hard rock music playing]
For catapultin’! Slighshottin’!
Getting thrown! ♪
Campers rocket through the trees ♪
Cannonballing where they please ♪
Zip’n in the air ♪
Crashing everywhere ♪
Archery, Dodgebird, Borb tennis
It's absurd ♪
Here they come!
Red, Stella, Bomb, Chuck ♪
Flying fast!
Look out, Duck! ♪
All your life you'll be glad
you had this ♪
Angry Birds Summer Madness! ♪
[thunder crackles]
Hmm. I think one
more piece ought to do it.
[tape crinkling]
Sorry, Chuck old buddy,
but this is for your own good.
No, no, that's fine, Red,
I completely understand.
Hey, one quick thing, though.
Could you let me out of here?
I can't do another rainy day
watching Saving Private Flyin'.
I won't do it. You can't make me.
But, Chuck, it's a classic tale
of sacrifice and friendship.
Yeah, the first ten times you see it,
but the next 190 times not so much.
Everyone on your tail feathers.
The movie is starting and, Chuck--
you're on your final warning.
Any nonsense and I'll--
Be a little teensy bit
slightly disappointed?
Send you home without a refund.
And that goes for the rest of you.
[dramatic music
and birds shouting on TV]
[Chuck straining]
Psst! Red, you sure this'll work?
Bomb, of course.
Look, it might seem over-the-top
to tape our friend to the floor,
-but trust me. This is foolproof.
-[wood splinters and cracks]
He's gone, isn't he?
Chuck better hope that Lynette
finds him first
because when I see him, I'm gonna--
Yeah, let's just get him back before
Lynette realizes he flew the coop.
[Chuck] Whoa! Ack!
Found him!
Come on, Chuck.
We gotta get you back inside.
If Lynette catches you out here,
you're in deep trouble.
Oh, I can't go back in there yet.
I've got a case of the jimmy legs.
The antsies?
Fidget feet!
[Chuck chittering and warbling]
You know I can't sit still
for hours and hours and hours.
I just need to blow off
a little steam.
I don't think that's a good idea.
[Chuck laughing]
How is he getting up
and down the slide so fast?
Usually, the line takes forever.
Ohh! Because there's no one there!
Hello, anybody?
We have the whole camp to ourselves.
[Chuck laughing wildly]
-Good thing too.
No one to catch us
before we get Chuck back inside--
Well, yeah, sure, we could do that. Or…
[Red] I don't know.
Come on, Red. When are we ever
gonna have this chance again?
It would be a crime against birdmanity
not to enjoy it, just a little.
Can we, Red? Can we please?
[Red laughing]
[Chuck whooping]
[Stella] Whoo-hoo-hoo!
[Bomb yelling]
[all laughing]
Okay, Bomb, do your thing!
[all laughing and yelling]
[all hooting and cheering]
This has been great,
but we really have to get back.
So, if there's one thing
you've dreamed of doing
while no one's around do it now.
There is one thing.
[toilet flushes]
That was beautiful.
Chuck, sometimes you're
a splinter in the butt feathers,
but this ain't half bad.
You are welcome.
And whoever came up
with dojo froyos is a genius.
Oh, yeah. That was me, too.
[laughing and hooting]
Chuck! Chuck! Chuck!
[loud thud]
Uh, Chuck?
[air hissing]
I'm sure that's not going
to be a problem.
[air bellowing]
[all screaming]
[thunder crackles]
[screaming continues]
[electricity sizzles]
Ooh! We're alive! I think.
[Chuck panting like dog]
Where are we?
I don't recognize anything.
I see a pig dock and a pig boat…
and that pig sign on that post over there.
So, I got nothing.
Ahh! Birdfeed!
We're at… The Pig Camp!
[thunder rumbles]
Really? What makes you say that?
Well, this is just great.
Now, we're all gonna get
chucked out of camp.
I don't want to get chucked out of camp!
Chuck! Chuck! Chuck!
No more chanting "chuck," Chuck.
We're in big trouble.
It couldn't get any worse.
[pigs grunting and oinking]
The heck is that?
It's literally the sound
of things getting worse.
[all grunting and snorting]
[Pig squeals]
Ugh! There's something
I'll never unsee.
Ugh! My eyes! My eyes!
Get a hold of yourself.
Come on, Chuck. We're trapped behind
enemy lines and we need you to focus.
[pigs oinking]
The only way out is through those pigs
and to that dock.
And if there's one thing 200 viewings
of Saving Private Flyin' has taught me--
That Lynette has never heard
of streaming movies?
That too, but also, to evade the enemy,
we must become invisible.
[adventurous music playing]
[Pig stops oinking]
[oinking and snorting continues]
[gasps] I'm hit! I'm hit!
I'm done for!
This is the end!
[Bomb grunting]
Bomb, I never told you,
but I borrowed your underwear.
I don't wear underwear.
Neither do I!
Chuck. It's just mud.
You're right. Sorry.
I just gotta keep a lid on things
and everything will be fine.
No problem.
Come on lid, stay on.
Stay on, stay on.
Nope! Lid's coming off.
We're not gonna make it!
And now we're gonna end up pig chow.
[birds yelling]
[Stella] Ohh! The sun's coming out!
If it stops raining, everyone will
come out of the dining hall
and realize we're missing.
We gotta get back to camp now!
-[Red] Ahh!
-[pigs growling]
We'll never get past these pigs in time.
Not with that attitude.
This is all my fault.
You were trying to save me
'cause I couldn't sit still
through a movie I hate.
Now you'll all get kicked out of camp.
Or worse, eaten by mud-frenzied pigs,
and that's why--
[sighs] Couldn't even sit still
long enough to finish his speech.
[chuckles] Classic Chuck.
-How could he abandon us like this?
-Uh, that's how.
-[pigs grunting]
-Chuck! What the heck are you doing?
I got you into this mess,
so it's my job to get you out.
Chuck, no!
I am Num Chuck, ruler of the Mud Kingdom.
Kneel before me.
I think it's working.
-[Chuck screaming]
-No, they're totally gonna eat him.
Chuck, there's gotta be another way.
You gotta let him go, Bomb.
He's making the ultimate sacrifice.
Let's make it count. Come on.
[engine whirring]
[Chuck giggling]
Hey, that tickles. Hey, come on, quit it.
Forget everything I ever said about him.
He was the best friend a bird could have.
Do you think we'll ever
see his weird, goofy face again?
Maybe next summer,
because even if he gets out alive,
he's definitely
getting kicked out of camp.
Chuck. Chuck. Chuck.
Chuck. Chuck.
[all shouting]
We made it.
-Keisha. Diane.
-They're already taking attendance.
Isabella. Rufus. Red. Stella. Bomb.
Isn't there someone else
who's usually with you?
Yellow, drools a lot. Chuck!
Yeah. That's his name.
Where's he at?
Harold, let me tell you a story
about sacrifice and friendship.
The story of a total idiot
who was the best friend
a bird could ever have.
I must say, Lynette, that movie
is even better the 201st time.
Really? How many brothers
does Private Flyin' have?
-What was his favorite food?
Trick question.
He didn't have a favorite food
'cause he has no taste buds.
[gasp] Chuck, you made it.
I told you guys I got fidget feet.
Those pigs couldn't outrun me.
Although they do know where we live now.
I'm glad you got back in time.
Honestly, I can't believe
we didn't get busted today.
I know, right?
We totally got away with it.
Nothing to worry about at all.
The Dojo! It's gone!
When I find out who is responsible
they are getting
kicked out of Camp Splinterwood!
Oh, yeah, the Dojo.
Uh, Chuck, Chuck, Chuck…
[theme music playing]
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