Beast Tamer (2022) s01e05 Episode Script

Beast Tamer VS Hero

There are times when it feels like a dream.
When I was kicked out of the Hero's party,
I never thought I'd ever
smile like this again.
To think that these wonderful
days might continue forever
Hey, there.
Been a while, Rein.
Have you been well?
Beast Tamer
Beast Tamer VS Hero
We'll walk home this way, you two.
Hey, now.
Don't be so cold.
We were comrades once, after all.
And we're sorry about what happened.
Even if you are useless,
we could have been gentler with our phrasing.
You said you were comrades.
Am I to assume you're the Hero's party, then?
I have no business with—
A cat spirit and
I-Is that a dragonoid?
What are ultimate species doing here?
What do you think?
We're Rein's comrades.
Oh, I see
The talentless Rein has
chosen to serve you, then?
Hey, don't you dare!
Rein is our master!
That piece of trash is
training ultimate species?
You came here to ask me something, right?
We have an offer you'll find very appealing.
You're aware of the Lost Woods?
Yeah. The preliminary scouting and
preparation to take them on was my last job.
I'm afraid taking them on has proved
more difficult than anticipated.
As time passes in the Lost Woods,
the paths change,
and your destination grows more distant.
They act, as their name
suggests, like a maze.
There's only so much the
four of us can carry inside,
and we were forced to withdraw
after just one week.
Therefore, Rein,
we'd like to ask you
to help us complete them.
Well, the beasts you can
tame can easily handle
the forest exploration and
the transport of materials.
You really think I'd agree to that?
After you kicked me out
of the party like that?
You should be honored to
contribute to the Hero's party.
Don't you guys agree?
He might be useless in combat,
but I guess he has a few uses.
Surely even God would acknowledge that.
You should be grateful we're giving
your pathetic self another chance.
Rein, you heard the others.
You'll help us, won't you?
Sorry, but no.
Ask someone else.
Sorry for the wait, you two.
It's not nice to keep
beautiful girls waiting.
I don't mind one bit!
Wait a minute!
What we're doing is essential
to saving the world.
Deep in the Lost Woods lies one of the noble
relics needed to defeat the Demon King,
the Shield of Truth.
Noble relics?
Is there really
Oh, right. We forgot to pass that on.
If we can't acquire the noble relics,
we won't be able to defeat the Demon King,
and monsters will run rampant over the world.
The powerful will be able
to stand against them then,
but what of the ordinary
people in the cities?
If monsters run rampant over the world
The same fate
might befall somewhere else
Fine. I'll do it.
You should've agreed from the start.
Why does that dummy take
so long with everything?
For pity's sake.
You've wasted our valuable time.
Now, let's head elsewhere and
discuss the particulars—
Wait just one minute!
Can I help you?
I'd like to argue,
but if Rein wants to do this,
I have to let him.
But first
Apologize properly to Rein!
What a strange thing to say.
I believe I did apologize, didn't I?
That wasn't a real apology!
The fact of the matter is, you fired the man,
and now you're asking him to do you a favor.
I believe such acts call for
a more appropriate demeanor.
In other words
Grovel, if you please.
What's the problem?
Given how annoying you are, I'd much
prefer to fry you with my Breath.
But I know my master would
be angry if I went that far.
So if you'll just press those empty
heads of yours to the ground and beg,
I might be willing to spare you.
Did you say "grovel"?
You expect me to
Don't be stupid!
Me, the Hero, Arios?
You expect me to grovel
to that incompetent man?
I refuse to do anything so foolish!
He's right.
We haven't done anything wrong!
I, the great Leane,
would never be caught groveling!
It is indeed an unpleasant proposition.
Hey, Rein!
You're a negligent master!
You need to keep your pets on a tighter leash!
Yeah, pets!
I think spending too much time with
non-humans has made you crazy.
Even if they're ultimate species,
they're still not human!
What's wrong with referring to
human-looking animals as pets?!
Though, I'll admit they're good-looking
Admit it. You're keeping
them as pets, not comrades.
I get it now!
He's hot for animals!
Makes sense for a beast—
D-Damn you Rein
You hit me?
A pathetic beast tamer
struck me, the Hero?!
I'll do it again and again.
Kanade and Tania are my precious comrades.
Make a mockery of them,
and pay the price!
Pay the price, eh?
Very well
Then why don't we make things
clear once and for all?
My party and your "comrades"
Which is stronger?
So I'm up against you?
I've been hoping to cross blades
with an ultimate species lately.
I'm gonna beat you black and blue
and make you say sorry to Rein!
There's no reason I should
ever apologize to him.
The Hero's party has no need for weaklings.
Oh, really?
Then you'd better get ready!
She's fast!
There's more where that came from!
This woman
She's not just fast.
Every single blow hits like a hammer!
She's going to force me back!
What, not gonna strike back?
I guess the Hero's party
isn't as great as they say!
Don't mock me
you brat!
Take this!
Secret technique!
Hellfire and Brimstone Slash!
She deflected it?!
That strike can pulverize steel,
yet she just batted it away like a fly
What a silly guy.
You talked like it was
some big, bad technique,
so I thought it would be serious,
but I barely felt it.
What a let-down!
Since we need Rein's help,
I was holding off on killing you, but
Sorry, but I'm about to
show you all I've got.
Don't blame me if you die!
All you've got, huh?
Then, I guess I'll
Unleash about half of what I've got, maybe?
After all, if you're gonna go all-out,
I guess I ought to care a little
So if you get hurt,
it's nothing personal, okay?
She hasn't even been using
half of her strength?
It can't be true
It's impossible!
And yet if it's true
No matter what I do,
there's no way I can win!
Here I go!
Why is someone so strong
serving that pathetic, little weakling?!
Isn't that obvious?
Because Rein is way,
way stronger than you guys!
I guess I overdid it a little!
No, it's okay!
I mean, the way he made fun
of Rein made me seriously mad!
How about you learn better, okay?
Oh? So I'll be fighting you two, will I?
I would have preferred to fight that Hero,
but I'll let Rein snatch the glory there.
You might want to watch
that attitude of yours.
How dare you speak of Arios that way?!
It's just that you two seem so easily beaten!
This wretched, little lizard
You'll be regretting those words soon enough.
We'll see about that.
Now behold my thousand-spell repertoire!
Feel the gravity of a star in your body!
Gather, cleansing light.
Gravity Burst!
Holy Flare!
Our spells disappeared?!
You two! If only you could
see the looks on your faces!
How amusing!
I thought you were going to try to beat me!
Mina, let's work together again!
There must be some cheap trick behind it.
Dragonoid or whatever she is,
the same trick won't work on me twice!
Red Crimson!
Judgment Arrow!
It'll turn out the same way each time.
What did you do?!
Material Canceler.
It analyzes a spell at the fundamental level
and hits it with an appropriate
wave of magic to cancel it out.
In other words,
your spells can't possibly work on me.
This is ridiculous!
How dare a mere lizard look
down on humans like us?!
The Hero's party fears nothing!
It has the protection of God!
Dragoon Howling!
Ignito Javelin!
Icicle Lance!
Gale Storm!
Wind Cutter!
I am the ultimate mage
with a thousand spells!
Foolish one.
Bow before the power of God!
Thousand spells? Power of God?
How ridiculous.
Rein, you know, will tame
ten thousand beasts
And some day, he may even tame God.
Wisdom of black and white, devour all!
Double Disaster!
Flame, burn and burst!
Goodness gracious.
Lost your nerve at last?
I'm no fan of stomping on the weak myself
But I'm afraid
You seem to be under the
impression you can get away
with mocking my master without consequence.
As a special gift, I'll show you true magic.
Not that pitiful advanced magic,
but the next level up, epic magic.
You have earned the wrath of God.
Such sins are eternal.
Let the power of heaven
crush your very souls.
Wh-What's going on?
What is she doing?
M-Mina look up!
How in the world do we
I offer you this fine demise.
Ultimate End.
Kindly accept it.
L-Leane! Fight back! Take her down!
L-Like hell I can!
You do it!
I can't do it, either!
I a-a-apologize!
Please, forgive us!
Oh, God! Please, God!
Aw, I was just kiddin'!
Gracious, try to have some dignity.
You shouldn't take a mere bluff so seriously.
Or perhaps I'll do it for real?
No, I don't want to upset Rein.
You should celebrate your good fortune!
It was foolish for you to turn on the Hero.
Not only did you slap away my merciful
offer to make use of a useless beast tamer,
you're actually turning on me?
I'll see to it that—
Damn you!
I was talking there!
And I don't want to hear any of it.
Is that so?
In that case
I'll put an end to this!
He's fast!
Every time I dodge, he changes his
blade's arc to drive me further back
Facing him as an enemy,
I'm forced to realize it anew
The Hero's swordplay is truly impressive!
What's wrong with you now?!
You can't put a scratch on
me if you keep running away!
The chosen Hero
He should be an unspeakably powerful foe
Why, then?
Why do I feel none of the desperation
I felt when I faced Tania?
He's the Hero, but
Is this all you've got?
He blocked my a—
Where did he get this inhuman strength?!
A mere beast tamer shouldn't be able to—
It's not just strength!
He never moved like this before!
How can you do that?!
You want to know?
This is all the power of the beast
tamer that you previously mocked.
The strength of my attacks were earned
through my contract with Kanade.
And the reason your attacks can't hit me
is because of the training I did as
a beast tamer to study my targets.
Since this battle began
No, since long ago,
I've been watching you fight.
How many steps you take before you swing,
the turn of your gaze
when going for a feint
Be quiet!
I already know your attack
patterns to some degree.
And my own strikes
are backed by the power of a cat spirit!
There's no way you can win in a fair fight.
Admit defeat, Arios.
You really are stupid!
Have you forgotten?
I have the Hero's special magic!
I'll fry you to charcoal,
you useless beast tamer!
Giga Volt!
You don't have the power to—
Mere novice magic canceled
out my lightning magic?!
A Fireball backed by Tania's magic power
is a match for even advanced magic!
I don't know what little
trick you used there,
but it won't change my advantage!
I believe Fireball and Heal are
the only spells at your disposal.
I might not be Leane's equal
But I still have a variety
of spells at my disposal!
How long can you hold me
off with that novice magic?
It certainly would be hard to hold
him off with just two novice spells.
But the way I really fight is
Can you afford to be looking away right now?
Now, let's end—
What's going on?
M-My body's numb
I believe I told you once, Arios,
that I can tame insects, as well.
This is an ahrbee.
It's a bee with a paralytic sting.
Wh-When did you
I tamed it during a free moment in the fight.
While moving around, I sent out my thoughts,
found the creature I wanted,
and forged a remote temporary contract.
How can this possibly
You were wrong when you decided
beast tamers were useless.
Now you've lost, Arios.
Now, I'm sorry to say,
but I'm still quite angry over
how you mocked Kanade and Tania.
W-Wait, please!
I may have misunderstood a few things,
but Rein!
We traveled together! We were comrades!
Weren't we? Well?!
I g-get it!
I give up!
Please, forgive me!
P-Please, spare me!
This ends.
Obviously, if I'd really
hit you, you'd be dead.
I'll let you off with that.
They say revenge is an empty pursuit,
but boy, do I feel better right now!
Kanade! Tania!
The Lost Woods
Next Time: "The Lost Woods."
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