Behind Your Touch (2023) s01e05 Episode Script

Episode 5

Please let me go.
Please let me go.
Please let me go.
Please let me go.
Please let me go.
You started it!
You punched me first!
What are you, a bunch of gangsters?
Everyone, be quiet!
This isn't a marketplace,
for crying out loud.
So just tell me how the fight started.
I told you already.
They were the ones who provoked us.
What are you talking about?
I clearly heard
that number one hit number two.
That's not what happened!
I only jumped in
- because number two made the first move!
- All right.
I see.
So tell me.
Who started it?
Raise your hands if you think
number one hit number two first.
Raise your hands if you think
it was the other way around.
What's going on?
Were you all seeing things or something?
Hey! Raise your hand.
Come on.
There you go again.
You hit me first!
No, you hit me first!
Assemblyman Cha's aide was at the office
on the day it happened.
You see the woman
with brown hair over there?
Go touch her.
Babe, you're…
Why are you back already?
Did you really not see anything?
There was something fishy
about that woman.
I told you, I didn't.
Then what about the others?
Did you see anything suspicious?
Did you?
No, I didn't.
I was in such a rush
that I couldn't actually tell
what I was seeing.
Listen, perv.
I need you to work harder, okay?
The Iron Palm Training
strengthened your hands, didn't it?
You have to keep improving your power.
I'm telling you,
there's something off about this town.
what happens now?
What do you mean?
I'm talking about the stolen document.
We'll have to catch the culprit
no matter what.
This is a very important case for me.
You develop a hunch
after being a detective for a while.
And my hunch tells me
something's up with the aide
and that woman.
I'll grill or tail them if I have to.
I don't think this is a simple theft.
Give me what you took.
Why did you do it?
It's none of your business.
Just give it to me.
I already put it back.
Mr. Cha is like a son to you.
What are you going to do?
Make some money off of it?
You'll find out later.
There's a witness,
and the police are investigating.
You'll get caught when they dig deeper.
I don't know what you're up to,
but please stop.
Move aside.
Why don't you ever listen to me?
Why did you take me in in the first place?
You should've just said
that you can't stand the sight of me
and that you don't want to live with me.
Who's there?
It's me.
What brings you here, sir?
I had something to take care of.
All right, then.
Well done.
Thank you, sis.
- Good job.
- Thank you, sis.
- You did well.
- Thank you, sis.
- Great job.
- Thank you, sis.
- Well done.
- Thank you, sis.
- Good job.
- Thank you, sis.
- Thank you for your service.
- Yes.
Thank you, sis.
What's wrong?
The hair on the front of my head
had been transplanted
from the back of my head.
You should've told me beforehand.
I wanted you to pull my hair
without hesitation.
That's why.
You must be so thoughtful
because you're a teacher.
A round of applause.
It was nothing, sis.
General MacArthur.
You like these, don't you?
Please accept my offerings
and fill me up with your divine energy.
Please help yourself.
Nearer, my God, to Thee
Nearer to…
Everyone who calls upon
The name of the Lord
Shall be saved
Everyone who calls upon…
We're over the hump.
He'll be okay.
How did you find him?
I went up the mountain at dawn to pray,
and I heard strange noises
coming from the ground.
So I dug into the dirt and found the puppy
buried alive with his mouth bound up.
What kind of a lunatic does that?
Maybe there was a reason.
I doubt it.
They probably abandoned it
because they got tired of it.
Monsters like them
need to be brought to justice.
I agree. We must catch them.
Let me touch you for a bit, okay?
You little shit.
Hey, I told you not to crap.
How many times do I have to tell you?
I'm going to teach you a lesson.
You're okay now.
You're safe.
All right.
Yes, I understand.
Okay, bye.
- Where are you going?
- To investigate Assemblyman Cha's case.
Right, they found the document.
What? Where?
It was deep inside the safe.
They apologized for making a fuss.
That doesn't make any sense.
We searched the safe so many times.
No, it doesn't.
But they said they found it.
This is an important period
for Assemblyman Cha.
I guess they don't want to
cause any trouble.
Still, we should catch the thief.
How? They haven't lost anything anymore.
- I'm going to catch the thief.
- Come on, don't be like that.
If this goes wrong, I'll lose my job too.
How about
I get you a huge case
that will get you back to Seoul instead?
What kind of case is it?
There will be one soon.
Forget it. I'm going after the thief.
You're driving me nuts here.
No one wants to send you back to Seoul
as much as I do.
I desperately want to send you back.
Just go back to your desk and stay put.
Come on, just sit down.
I'll take care of everything. Go.
How come we're short of money?
I'm not sure.
Maybe we got robbed.
Who on earth would steal just 30,000 won?
It was 20,000 won, not 30,000 won.
You little brat.
Your brother is a cop,
and there's another cop living upstairs.
How dare you?
What brings you here, Ali?
We have a problem.
You need to go check out the boat.
Look. Did it sprout legs and run away?
Where on earth did my fish finder go?
Was it an expensive one?
You bet!
I bought the latest model!
If I had known,
I would have feasted on meat instead.
This is bad.
That punk is over the moon.
Are there no security cameras here?
Why would I have security cameras
on this tiny boat?
Who else knew
that there was a fish finder in your boat?
The whole neighborhood.
My dad bragged about it whenever he could.
Then is there anyone you're suspicious of?
No one in this neighborhood
would do such a thing.
Of course there is.
I told you from the beginning
that we shouldn't hire him.
I had a bad feeling about him
from the get-go.
He practically lives on the boat,
so how could he not have seen anything?
Who are you talking about?
Who else?
- Ali, of course.
- Come on now.
He said he went into town that day
to meet a friend.
He doesn't have any friends.
And how convenient is it
that he happened to go
meet a friend that day?
He would never do such a thing.
Is that so?
Listen, Detective.
There was also a theft
in the factory Ali used to work at.
He was the suspect back then too
and was about to be kicked out.
But this man took pity on him
and let him live on his boat.
Do you see now why I'm suspecting him?
There you go again.
Blab, blab, blab.
You're such a blabbermouth.
Stop it, all right?
Before I kick you out.
What? Kick me out?
If only I hadn't gone stargazing that day.
What is this about all of a sudden?
That's when Ok-hui was conceived.
Says the one who had so much fun
counting the stars.
I only counted up to ten.
Two, four, six, eight, ten.
What does that mean?
It's quite inappropriate,
so I'd rather not explain it myself.
I'm fed up with you now.
Is that so?
That leaves me no choice then.
Deok-hee, go up the mountain
and bring back a piece of wood this big.
What for?
He wants to carve a seal out of it.
To stamp on divorce papers.
Go and bring back some more wood.
To make her own seal?
She wants to make a casket for my dad.
will you be getting married soon?
She's asking who I want to live with.
Just pour me a drink.
"Drop dead, you pain in the butt!"
- Why, you…
- That's what she means.
I should just…
You should just what?
- What? You…
- Calm down.
Don't start a fight.
You're making a scene.
He doesn't want anyone to miss the show.
That's enough, for Pete's sake.
Let's all just have a drink.
Here. Let me pour you one.
In any case, he's our prime suspect.
He is, under the circumstances.
The case seems rather small.
It seems to be a simple theft.
This isn't a small case.
There have been
a series of fish finder thefts
in multiple places
including Museong and Jungsan.
It seems like they're working in cells.
Organized crime…
That would give me extra points, right?
You seem excited.
Goodness me.
You should learn to approach crimes
with a pure heart.
How's that even possible?
I guess it isn't.
Anyway, what's with this
random background music?
What the hell is she doing?
I think she's just off her rocker.
You have a crush on someone again,
don't you?
- Does it show?
- It does.
Seeing you play that
for the first time in forever,
I'm guessing you must be pretty serious.
Kind of.
But what are you doing here?
something I have to get back.
What is it?
Thanks, Jong-muk.
For Pete's sake.
Why are you laughing?
You're a mess. Hold this.
There you go.
- Jong-muk.
- Come here.
Ok-hui, tell Ye-bun
not to eat dinner without me.
I won't be long at the station.
No, she'll be behind bars for a year.
Tell Ye-bun to eat without her.
Where are you going?
- I have to go somewhere.
- Where?
It's about the case.
I know how to solve it, so leave it to me.
I told you not to crap.
How many times do I have to tell you?
I'm going to get you, you punk.
But I don't think he's from around here.
Hey, perv.
Stop calling me that.
Bong, I need you to work with me.
What is it now?
Get ready. We need to go.
I don't know what it is,
but help me out first this time.
I told you I'm allergic to fur.
Some lunatic buried this cutie alive
in the mountains.
I touched his butt,
and it seemed like
he'd been neglected and abused.
He was buried in the mountain
with his mouth bound up.
We need to get this bastard.
I'm all for that,
but let's solve another case first.
No. I'm not going anywhere
until we solve this.
I just need you to touch
someone's butt real quick.
I'm not touching any butts
until we solve this.
Are you serious?
Yes, I am.
If you solve this,
I'll touch all the butts you want me to
without a single complaint.
But you have to do as I say
once we catch this guy.
Of course.
First, we have to go meet someone.
- Who?
- The person who found the dog.
We need to question him.
Are you telling fortunes right now?
I'm picking out weevils.
Is anyone normal in this neighborhood?
So your life's been
full of ups and downs, hasn't it?
You don't belong here.
Yet somehow you ended up here.
You'd better hurry back to Seoul.
Are you surprised?
"How does he know all that?"
I am surprised.
Why did Detective Na tell you all that?
How did you know?
If she uses police authority
to catch her cheating husband,
I'm sure she's been here too.
He's investigating
the live burial incident.
So just tell him what you saw.
When did you find the dog?
Early this morning.
I was praying on the mountain.
Which mountain was it?
Mount Mujin, obviously.
Go on.
So I dug into the ground
and found a puppy there.
What breed?
He's a Maltese.
Why ask what we already know?
I thought it could lead us to other clues.
The puppy was buried in the ground
with his mouth bound up.
With twine?
Or shoelaces? Hoodie strings? Bag straps?
What was he bound up with?
- Twine.
- What the hell?
Just to be sure.
You're trying to catch
the one who buried the puppy, right?
I want to help.
That would be great.
Now that we're all gathered here,
it feels like we're the Avengers,
don't you think?
You're the investigator.
You're the brains.
And you're the one with the sixth sense.
What about you?
I am…
You'd be the pervert.
What he means is, I can't stand perverts.
He knows me so well because we're close.
I didn't know you two were close.
I thought you only recently met.
We somehow got close.
No, not somehow.
When we first met,
she was touching some man's--
Now, where should we begin?
From a criminal psychology perspective,
the culprit is likely an outsider
familiar with this area.
Imagine you're abandoning something.
Then you'd instinctively look for
places far away.
And the dog's mouth was bound up
to prevent it from barking
and attracting attention.
So they must have known a place
where they wouldn't get caught.
Many murderers dump the bodies
in their childhood neighborhoods
or near their parents' graves.
Places they're familiar with.
He would have driven
to come all the way here.
First, we have to find that car
and look for evidence
that could still be at the scene.
Is that so?
Then we should split into groups.
Seon-woo and I will go to the scene
and look for evidence.
You and Mr. Park
can look for the car.
Why do you get to decide the groups?
All right. Let's go.
Let's get moving.
47M 0179
83R 3252
28M 1749
87B 4529
Why the hell am I doing this?
I don't see anything out of the ordinary.
I wish all the bad people in this world
would just disappear.
Me too.
I promise I'll catch him
for your sake as well.
Why are you taking pictures?
To post on social media.
If I post them
with a picture of the puppy,
someone might recognize him.
I knew you were our brains.
And where are you going?
To the restroom.
How far did you get?
Did you find any evidence?
- What about the license number?
- Look.
Do you know how many cars
I have to look into?
Which is why you should try harder.
That kind of jerk
has to be brought to justice.
I checked the footage all night
but found nothing.
This isn't going to work.
Can't you just do something
with the puppy's butt?
The footage was cropped and blurry,
maybe because he hasn't recovered yet.
And since he was locked away
most of the time,
his vision was limited.
That's some power you've got.
But I see in color now,
instead of black and white.
Since when?
Since you took care of my hands
after Iron Palm Training.
So your power gets upgraded
the more you take care of your hands?
I guess so.
- You see a dog's memories in color?
- Yes.
I thought dogs could only see
in black and white.
Says who?
That's just common sense.
Look it up online. All the experts say so.
I heard they did an experiment in the US.
They found that dogs
can't tell colors apart.
Did they actually ask the dogs?
Dogs can see in color too.
- Come with me.
- Where are we going now?
Everything is up to my hands now.
Remember when my fingerprints were gone?
I could see things in color
and in better quality
after taking care of my hands.
No matter how good the software is,
it's no use if the hardware can't keep up.
So I'm upgrading the hardware.
All right already.
Let's get it over with and just go.
What about these colors?
They would suit your fair skin.
They're so pretty.
I'll go with this one.
This is a limited edition,
so it's a bit expensive.
That's no problem.
- Would you like to see the stones too?
- Yes, please.
They're so pretty.
This one's really pretty.
Should we put them on?
I don't think I can get stones
because of my job.
Do you want designs then?
Yes, I do.
Go ahead and pay first.
Why am I paying for this?
I'm not doing this just for myself.
This will be the foundation
of our investigations.
Don't you want to go back to Seoul?
Please begin.
All right.
You little shit.
I told you not to crap.
How many times do I have to tell you?
So? Is there a difference?
I can see very clearly.
The resolution was about 360p before.
But now, I think it's about 1080p.
What difference does that make?
Exactly. It's time for the next step.
Next step?
It's so pretty.
It goes perfectly with my nails.
Let's see.
I got thumbnails.
I can see timestamps.
Did anything else change?
It now comes with thumbnails
and in chronological order.
Then did you find out
where the culprit lives?
Maybe diamonds will do the job.
What are you, a snake oil salesman?
Snake oil?
- No, we don't need this.
- Yes, this is it.
I'll take some lutein
and vitamin D supplements as well.
- No, we don't need them.
- That "forte" something.
- This isn't what I was talking about.
- Yes, that one.
- Please put it back.
- The one that says "forte."
Vitamins, magnesium,
this one's for my joints,
and this is cartilage collagen.
This is for my brain, and this is calcium.
All these pills can cause stomachache,
so some gastrointestinal medicine.
And this--
- What's that one now?
- It prevents hair loss.
You're going to die
if you take all of that.
We have to find Tofu's owner.
It's his name.
He's white like tofu.
It became wider.
I think I found Tofu's home.
There are so many apartments.
We couldn't possibly go door to door.
- What should we do?
- We don't have to find it.
What are you doing? What if we lose him?
Follow him.
I think it's this one.
It's him.
Who are you people?
I'm from Mujin Police Station.
We need to talk.
Are you hiding something?
This is your puppy, isn't it?
What are you talking about?
I've never seen this piece of shit.
Why, you asshole.
No matter how terrible you are,
he's protecting you
just because you were his owner.
I bought him because I heard
dog videos were profitable.
But I wasn't getting enough views,
and he was costing me money.
So I got rid of him.
Anyway, I'm not keeping him.
You shouldn't have gotten a dog
if you couldn't afford it.
And you should never have abandoned it
or at least done so in a humane way.
Was all this abuse necessary?
You don't deserve to have a dog
in the first place.
Let's go, Tofu.
You're under arrest for violating
the Animal Protection Act.
You can be sentenced to
up to two years in prison
or be fined up to 20 million won…
I want to go home.
I have to go to the hospital…
- Let's go.
- Go where?
I have to work today.
It's all about give and take.
- Let's go touch some butts.
- Wait.
Can we wait another day?
If I'm not careful while touching things,
my nails could break and…
that would be better
than having my neck broken.
What is this about?
I need to know what to look for.
Touch him and see
if he stole a fish finder.
Hey, Ali.
- Everything going all right?
- Yes, everything's all right.
- Okay. Keep up the good work.
- Okay.
- Yes?
- There's gum on your butt.
- You really didn't see it?
- No.
Then what did he do in town that day?
He was at a coffee shop all day.
- With who?
- By himself.
By himself?
He said he went out to meet a friend.
He didn't meet anyone before that?
He did.
He's been meeting up
with the same man recently.
What were they saying?
I don't know.
They were speaking in their language.
It sounded like Arabic.
Too bad.
I wish I could help,
but there's nothing I can do.
I guess I'm done.
- Oh, come on.
- You can't just leave.
Then what do you want me to do?
Leave the ring.
- Excuse me?
- Take it off.
I'm getting a refund.
- No.
- Take it off. Come here.
- This isn't fair.
- Let go.
- Let go.
- It's mine!
- No, you can't take it away.
- Let go!
I almost lost it.
Is something wrong?
I have too much going on in my head.
What happened?
I have feelings for this guy,
but he was looking all lovey-dovey
with another woman.
Is Detective Moon seeing someone?
The thing is,
that woman
is a friend of mine.
You're talking about me.
That damn mosquito.
It's not what you think.
I was just helping him catch the thief
who stole your dad's fish finder.
Don't worry.
I'll pretend he's a stranger
once this is over.
No, I'll just pretend he's a rock.
Now I can stretch my legs.
What do you want me to do with this?
At my age?
Listen, you know full well
what I had to do to find Tofu's owner.
I watched CCTV footage for 18 hours
and ran license checks for 6 hours.
That's 24 hours in total.
I get that you put in hard work, but--
If I did all that,
the least you can do is put in the effort.
It's not like I'll understand Arabic
if I study overnight.
Then ask someone who knows Arabic.
How can I do that
when I can't even mimic one word?
That's my point.
Just study until you can mimic words.
I mean…
I'm sorry.
I didn't understand what you said.
I can't even mimic the sounds.
Hello, Dr. Bong.
- Come on in.
- Hi.
Hi, Minnie.
I chose natural sciences
because I hate memorizing.
As-salamu alaikum.
I don't understand a word.
I can't do this.
- Hello?
- Why is your light off already?
He's insane.
How can you go to bed right now?
So I guess you're pretty much fluent now?
Fine! I won't sleep!
That little…
I'm exhausted.
I know what to do to feel better.
I'm already feeling better.
As-salamu alaikum.
When will I be able to understand this?
Hello, Dr. Bong.
You seem close with Ali.
What did you two talk about?
He said he couldn't live without kimchi
and that he was practically Korean now.
He came to buy ramyeon and kimchi.
I guess he's good at Korean.
Then why doesn't he just speak Korean?
We spoke in Arabic, not Korean.
You speak Arabic?
I chose to study Arabic
as my foreign language for the CSAT.
Thanks to that,
I can hold a simple conversation.
Oh, my goodness.
Then could you perhaps tutor me?
Tutor you?
If it's okay with you,
you could teach me a little bit
when you tutor Mr. Park.
I'll talk to Mr. Park about it.
Look here.
You form the present progressive tense
by adding "ing" to a verb.
It's used to talk about
an action in progress.
Let me give you an example.
Here's the word, "drink."
What would be
its present progressive form?
"Drink" becomes "drinking." That's it.
Dr. Bong.
- Yes?
- How is this pronounced?
He's told you many times already.
You're not as smart as I thought.
Have you reviewed all progressive forms?
What does "fish" mean?
Mulgogi, fish.
What does adding an "ing" make it?
It's "fishing," of course.
How do you not know that?
You should both focus on
your own material.
I'm struggling with what I need to learn,
but I understand hers perfectly.
Same here.
I've tutored countless people so far,
but you two are just…
Don't try to understand.
Just memorize it.
You want to understand first?
Just memorize.
Memorization is the way to go.
Let's take a break.
Dr. Bong.
Don't you think
he's kind of full of himself?
A little.
Listening comprehension
is key in learning foreign languages.
Listen as much as you can.
How's the studying going? Any progress?
Don't doze off.
Hey, wake up!
Should I remind you again
of what I did for you?
I can transcribe now.
Try to recall, Ye-bun.
Can you understand this?
What's this?
I wrote down what I heard.
Can you understand any of it?
I'm not sure,
but I think this word means "mom."
Is that right?
And the second word
means "ill," I think.
That's right.
What about the third one?
I think it means "surgery."
"Mom," "ill," "surgery"?
"My mom is ill and needs surgery"?
The last word is "money."
"My mom is ill and needs surgery,
so I need money"!
Detective Moon!
I found out what it means.
You did?
Ali's mom is ill and needs surgery,
so he needs money!
And you're smiling?
It's so sad, isn't it?
Is that why he stole the fish finder?
But it was the other guy
who mentioned money.
Hello, sir.
Don't be so formal. We're neighbors.
By the way,
I hear your mother is quite ill.
And she needs surgery.
Can you afford it?
I know you didn't do it alone.
Where are the other guys?
Now, go ahead and touch his butt.
Why don't you just go and arrest him?
I'm not here just for him.
I'm going to root them all out.
That's the man I saw in Ali's memories.
- He is?
- Yes.
Where are you going?
We should wait for backup.
There are only two of them.
That'd be a hassle.
- Move.
- What?
You know Ali, right?
You have the right to remain silent
and the right to an attorney…
One, two, three, four, five…
There's a whole lot of them.
What do we do?
- Can you run fast?
- I'm not half bad.
Listen. Run away on my count of three.
What about you?
Don't worry about me and run.
On three, all right?
Why, you…
I should have started running
before you said "one."
Look at us.
I told you we should call backup.
I clearly told you to run at three.
There's no way I could've run away
if I waited that long.
You could have escaped
when I started fighting them at three.
Am I wrong?
So that was your plan.
We may steal, but we don't harm people.
But we can't just let them go.
I'll go to jail, and you'll be deported.
Then what do you suggest?
We have to get rid of them.
Can you even understand anything?
Be quiet.
That's "water."
That's "dump."
"Water," "dump"…
They're going to dump us in the water.
My goodness.
I can understand Arabic now.
You happy?
How can you laugh in this situation?
At this rate,
we'll both end up being fish food.
Let's get out of here.
Is there a way?
We'll untie ourselves.
All cops are trained
for situations like this.
First, put your hands
behind your butt and…
Give me a second here.
I'm almost there. Don't worry.
- They're putting us on the boat.
- I can figure out that much.
What do we do?
Don't worry.
Oh, my gosh.
No! Wait!
Wait a second!
I'm sorry.
What do we do?
We're sorry.
Please let us go!
Please let us go! We're sorry!
Are you all right?
Thank you, Ali.
What are we doing back here?
Ask him how to say
"You're all dead" in Arabic.
Wait, I can speak Arabic.
I can speak Arabic now.
Is she right?
You two stay right here.
What? Detective Moon…
I'm sorry, sir.
I betrayed your kindness.
Did you
really do it?
His mother was ill,
and he couldn't afford the surgery.
You're under arrest for special larceny.
- What are you doing?
- Wait, Detective.
- You have the right to an attorney and…
- Come on.
You must be mistaken, Detective.
I never lost any fish finder.
How could anyone have stolen
something I never lost?
Did you maybe sell it to buy alcohol
and lie about losing it?
That's right.
You figured it out.
To tell you the truth,
I sold it to the junk shop
so I could buy myself a drink.
That's so typical of him.
I knew it.
We blamed Ali for no reason.
I see what you're trying to do,
but that won't make his crime go away.
- I mean…
- Wait…
Ali is a good kid.
So please let him off just this once.
Move aside, please.
He saved us, didn't he?
We owe him our lives.
And given the circumstances,
can't you just look the other way?
What circumstances?
He's still a criminal.
- What?
- Wait.
- Detective Moon.
- Detective…
- I mean…
- Come on.
Do something.
- I think I got something.
- What is it?
What's this?
What's a woman's earring doing here?
Maybe there's a corpse somewhere.
Don't say that. It's bad luck.
We have a case!
There's been a series of disappearances.
- Let's go!
- What?
- Yes, go ahead and touch me.
- What?
Your power has improved a lot.
Maybe you'll see something I missed.
I know this person.
Have you seen anyone suspicious lately?
Outsiders like you.
We're not going home until we catch him.
This investigation is going to be tricky.
What are you doing?
You can't just sit by
when people are dying.
Stay away. It's dangerous.
He just went into emergency surgery.
Who on earth did this?
Did you see anything?
We have to catch the culprit.
Let's go, Bong Bong.
Moon Jang-yeol.
We better kill him.
Detective Moon!
Subtitle translation by: Hyun-soo Cho
Ripped and synced by
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