Black Widows (2016) s01e05 Episode Script

Episode 5

1 I thought of something like that: "Meeting with one of the widows of the tragedy.
" We should talk about a compensation.
- How much ? - Depends on what they offer.
I have a life insurance policy.
At the last meeting with Marie, When you tried to quit, I filmed everything.
Rami wanted to give this to a lawyer.
- Can you keep it ? - Yes, certainly.
I keep it personnaly.
- Cheers.
- Cheers.
Hello! I need a glass of water.
- Ok.
- Yes.
I thought that you were dead.
- Otherwise I would never have - I just came back to look for one thing.
They don't need to know that I am alive.
- Who ? - Those who tried to kill me.
It is better if you don't know anything.
I will fix this.
And everything will be fine.
I thought that you were dead! Www.
org/font Translation of ElenitaX - Did you called the police? - They said they're busy.
Who's busy ? This is too much! - No.
- He tried to rob you.
You're really sweet, but it's not like that.
I know who he is.
I know him.
Does it has something to do with Rami ? - Rami is dead.
- Rami is dead ? Yes, he committed suicide.
Ah Who was in the basement? - It was Jesper's brother.
- The brother of Jesper ? - I am going to call the police.
- No, you don't need to do that! He broke in your basement.
If it had not been for me who knows what would have happened.
There is no danger.
He is not a violent person.
Do not call, it is a family problem.
- Ok, what has happened ? - Is it Peter ? - Did the police find out ? - No.
Tell us, then.
- I was at the cinema yesterday with Stefan.
- You were at the cinema with Stefan? We should be careful and you go to the cinema with Stefan! - We have talked about it.
- Are you bored ? I understand that he's handsome, but is he worth it ? He's a "FILF" that you want (FILF: Father Id like to fuck) thou you should not go to bed with him.
He is Becka's man.
Man and men never mind.
I would never get in bed with Becka's man.
It is not that exactly.
It is too early for a new relationship.
- Are you two lovers ? - I don't know.
- are you two lovers ? - No! Because you text "jogging" ? Tell us calmly and quietly what happened last night.
Stefan and I went home after the cinema.
We were having a good time.
Then suddenly I heard a noise.
I thought I saw a face then it disappeared I took a pair of scissors.
I'm standing there with the scissors.
Then I went in the basement.
And I saw nothing, because it was just a nightmare.
It was so real.
I really thought that there was someone in the house but Peter! Peter! What a frickin' night that we've had.
- How are you? - Good.
Karaoke Bar? What the hell happened there? You have sung like a rock star! Freddie Mercury! Yes - Can you do me a favor? - Of course - It's my wife.
Come, come.
There is no signal.
Come, let's go.
This will be a great surprise for her.
It's my wife's birthday.
Hello? What happens? Folke? Yes, she will live, yes you will live Yes you will live up to a hundred years I know you will live, I know that you will live I know that you will live up to a hundred years.
A Hooray for Ann Karolin! Applause! Hurra! Hurra! Hurra! Hurra! Hurra! You can sing; but you don't know how to write my name.
Yes, it is not my fault.
- I was wondering if - Do you like gingerbread ? - Do you like gingerbread ? - No - Her name isAnn-Karolin, not Ann-Kristin.
Lundgren's wife.
The cake will not help at all, even if it's good.
So we are going to eat it.
Here, take this.
- What should I do with this? - I can't open it.
Let's see Take a bite, then.
Yes it looks good.
This bastard is encrypted with C-bit-technology.
- Hello ? - It's Marie Martensen.
- I am the CEO of Pharmateca.
- Okay ? I have spoken in the past with Jesper that we would take over the Scandinavian transport company.
Why are you interested? We would like to keep the freight internally, and the STB is great.
- Interesting.
- I can send you an offer? It would be better if you come in our office in Copenhagen.
I have to think about it.
However don't take too much time.
We would like a clear picture of the situation.
I look forward to hearing from you.
Good Bye.
Talk to you soon.
No! It's the worst final with girls in bikini! We will now packing up all your things.
- Why ? - Insurance Money.
You have to move out.
Wasn't he worth more ? Can you buy an insurance policy on the life of a person who is dead ? No.
Do you need money? You Know who Pewdiepie is? The one who plays on YouTube.
He is an Internet's Millionaire.
Do you know what would be cool ? That girl from the video game.
What games do you play ? - Wordfeud.
- Ok, - It is not really fun.
- What else do you like? - Shoes.
- We should start a blog.
- You can make money on it? Yes if you get a lot of followers.
- A blog about shoes ? - No, something better.
Do you have a video camera? On arrangera ça.
- Hi.
Do you have a minute? What is it? Did the school call me because I gave a little green tea ? It's unbelieveable.
It is ok to let them stuff our children with sweets but a little bit of tea is too dangerous.
You know how important it's to purify the system of you and your children? No one actually called from the school.
Can you help me? - Yes ? - Yes.
Of course, come inside.
Come in, come in.
You know what you need? Green tea.
or chamomile tea.
I I have a secret.
You can see what happens if I'll tell you ? - You're messing with me, right? - What? No! But you can understand what will happen ? Wait - Do you know what is this? - No.
This, Rebecka, is a photo of the aura.
- It was my present for your birthday.
- I remember it.
You wanted to go shopping with the money, but instead we went outside and took a picture of the aura.
This image can be what will guide you in your life.
To tell you what kind of person you are.
Help you with the balance of your energies Recognize your strengths and your skills.
I came to ask you some advice, And what will you give me? An old shitty photo of the aura.
What am I going to do with that ? Ok.
At least you have a daughter much stronger than you.
Lisa sees things.
- Sees things? - Yes, it is true.
She saw Jesper.
Lisa does not see things.
Its her imagination.
- It's a girl who has lost her father.
- Yes, yes.
Keep lying to yourself.
Do it, if it makes you feel better.
Deny your gifts.
- Hello, do you have a minute? - Yes.
Does it goes well here? Yes.
or should I go a little bit lower ? Can I help you? Yes, I was wondering does the name "Pharmateca" rings a bell to you ? - Yes - Yes, definitively.
I have been here since the beginning, so I'm the most qualified to know that.
Alright then, what means "Pharmateca" to you? It is a small customer.
W've driven from Norway to Denmark for them a few times.
- Transport of? - Pharmaceuticals products, however it did not happen often.
Jesper and Rami took care of this.
Yes, yes.
Are you sure ? Okay, thank you.
Peter, could you help me ? You are taller than me.
You can help each other.
She is also tall.
No! I want a photo.
I will look at it all day.
Okay turn around.
Do you have the file of Pharmateca? As you can see, it's a small customer.
But the registered trademark of STB has always been synonymous of fidelity.
Customers knew we were always be of service.
Why is Peter so interested in Pharmateca? Perhaps he was interested to talk with a beautiful Swedish woman.
Wait, Johanne might arrive at any moment.
I am sure she would be happy.
I see that you don't know Johanne.
- Are you ashamed of me? - No! Why can't they know that we see each other ? You live with a friend of mine.
I assure you that I will tell them, I will tell the whole world.
It hurts! He gave me a kick right in the Only a few days after the funeral and he throws himself on my wife.
My wife.
Bang Bang, bang.
Perhaps she wanted to be comforted.
- Needed to be comforted? - Every women need consolation.
She did it with the first one that she find.
What if she is in love? - I don't think so.
It took her just a few days to fall in love with me.
I arrived with some flowers plucked from a garden and she was sold.
We must get back together.
Understood ? We can make sure it's like old times.
What do you think is better? Flowers? Jewelry? Underwear? - The truth.
- What? Jesper, the majority of women prefer the truth.
We are worth more than you think.
"We"? STB is profitable, even if it's not visible in the accounting books The appearances are deceptive, if you know what I mean.
We have some customers off books and Pharmateca is one of them.
I will tell you everything if you promise no to sell.
How much ? At least eight to ten times more that we declared officially.
You know how it worked? And would you know how to do it again? We are not like you.
We had a secure system.
Svein I am not Svein.
We are not like our men, Åsa.
We have 37 employees.
It's not my problem.
I think I know where the money in the bag was coming from.
Ok? Rami et Jesper had a side business.
STB makes much more money than I thought.
We can find someone who know what STB is worth ? And we sell it to them.
Maybe I know someone who might be interested.
A danish company.
They want to meet me in Copenhagen.
Do it, go to Copenhagen.
- I want to go with the other, mom.
- Alright, bye.
You know what, honey ? We didnt stay together today? - Just the two of us? - But, mommy No questions.
- Look there.
- No! We can go on foot.
Oh, honey Do you know "children of Bullerbyn"? They live on the farm.
What's the name of the little girl who lives there ? Her name is Lisa, like you.
She can not go very far.
Mommy, you treat me like I am 4.
Hello! - Hello! - Do you need a ride ? No, thanks you.
Do you need a ride home? There is no need, thanks.
We were leaving.
Mum's bike has a pierced wheel.
No! I will drive you back home .
Get in! - Thank you.
See you.
- I insist, come on in.
Mum, he's insisting.
- Fine.
- Well.
Welcome to "Mrs.
If you follow me I will tell you my story and share my secrets.
I should tell you all about my relationship with my friend's stepson.
Down to the smallest details.
Follow me on my blog, and share it with your friends.
- Thanks you for the ride.
- No trouble at all.
Do you want a coffee or something ? Sure thank you, I'd love to.
Oh What is this ? - "Surprise"! - What? A suprised dinner.
- For me ? - Yes, for us.
So is that why you were acting so weird ? That looks great.
What do you have planned ? - What is it? - A secret recipe.
- The table is nicely set.
- Do you like it ? - No, maybe it was a stupid idea.
- What? A suprised dinner.
- No, it was a great idea.
- I would have had to ask first.
I can't imagine a better place to eat.
- Fine.
- I feel a bit stupid.
It's amazing! We registered his wife Ann-Karolin Klasson in the program of BRP Thank you for this pleasant evening.
- Bye.
- Good night, Lisa.
It was very nice.
Right, Lisa? I don't believe that dad would like that.
- Now you are a little tired.
- I don't think so.
- Okay, see you.
- See You.
Goodnight! Why did you say those things? You're strange when you talk that way.
I want to watch the movie that dad loves.
- It's time to go to bed.
- I am not tired.
Do what your mother say.
Daddy! - Let's go, baby girl.
- It's fine, I'll take her.
Turn the TV off when you go to bed.
- Have a good trip ! - Thank you.
I wil be gone only one day.
There is something to eat in the freezer.
On top, you will find lasagna and pizza.
What's wrong? Something happened? I met someone.
- I'm spending a lot of time with her.
- That's good.
You can invite her to dinner, when I will be back.
For now, however, no visits while I am gone.
Did you checked? - Do you know how many followers I have? - No.
In three hours.
Yes, continue in this pace and you can make money in two or three years.
- Two or three years? - No one knows you.
This is why it is so slow.
So first of all, I must be famous.
or you need to sleep with a celebrity.
A king or a prince.
Or better yet, with a rich oil magnate prince.
This will help your blog.
Can you imagine if he saw you ? It's not like your were having fun, no? What choice did I have? I understand, you needed consolation after everything you have gone through.
I know that it has been difficult to live with me.
I know that you have been afraid.
It was not my intention.
I realized that.
And then I wanted to stop it.
Ramy and I took some extra night shifts.
I don't want to hear this.
Let me go.
I'm not a criminal or a murderer or anything like that.
I just wanted to earn some extra cash.
For us, for you and Lisa.
I knew it wasn't legal, but We disposed the toxic waste, we have always operate at night, and never more than half an hour.
What the hell is happening? Did you know about this? No, I didn't know about any of this; and neither do you.
I should've gone to the police but I did not understand what I was involved in.
Jesper Yes, there are a few attempts that has gone wrong.
It is thanks to these experiments that we can release the drugs two years earlier than we had anticipated.
Thousands of people have a better life thanks to us.
So you save human lives? That is bullshit! No-one should stand in the way before we complete our redemption.
Do not dare.
They kill Rami and have tried to kill me.
If I knew what was in the barrels, I would have never accepted it.
How do I know if it's true? If there is a time in your life that you have to trust me, it is now.
- Pharmateca? - Yes.
Johanne is on her way to meet the CEO of Pharmateca! - What? - She want to sell STB to them.
Pharmateca can't find out.
You are in danger.
Johanne is in danger.
You are in danger.
Lisa is in danger.
Hello! I need to speak with Johanne.
- She is not at home.
She has left.
- What? Already? Several hours ago, she is probably already there.
I have tried to call her a thousand times! - I have tried to call her too.
- Yes, but she has forgotten her phone.
Hello? I am Kira Just Bergman.
One of the three widows, yes.
It would be possible to be interviewed on live television? Absolutely possible.
- Thanks.
And a toothbrush.
- Yes.
- There is an offer for two this week.
- Tell me.
The spa offers discounts, however massages are in the morning.
- I want the spa, but only for me.
- The offer is two for the price of one.
- So it is only for couples? - Something like that.
So you think that a woman in 2016, it's worthless without a man ? No, it is not what I said.
You don't need to.
There are no men who are at the spa.
This is the oppression of free single woman.
I should have the right to at least pay half the price.
Certainly, we can find a solution.
Dad! - What happens, darling ? - I cannot sleep.
You have to.
Lie down, I'll be staying here until you fall asleep.
Lisa, did mother had a party ? - To celebrate.
- What ? - Mum, Kira and Johanne.
- Okay She is an economist, but she has never been a part of STB.
- She was married to Svein.
- She is not as stupid as him.
We must be careful.
It would be a shame if she will have to pay for her husband's mistakes.
You have commited a crime, it's a misconduct, Peter.
- Be honest.
- I am not doing that.
It is important that you keep your promise.
- Fuck! - I hate amateurs.
Should I fix this ? Pharmateca is somehow involved.
I think they killed Ramy because we were getting close.
What is it I see? Incredible! I see something you did not think could happen.
They were shocked while I was talking.
The most fun I've had in years.
Fuck! Picture this in your mind.
I can't do it Sottotitoli di Northway Fansub elodiem974/font
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