Blackshore (2024) s01e05 Episode Script

Episode 5

Carrie's still out
there, she needs us to find her.
Please just tell me where Carrie is.
Tell her I'm sorry.
It looks like there are some
human remains in there,
whoever it is has been in there
a lot longer than two days.
Charles Reid, so he's
abusing young girls since then.
Got preliminary ID on the remains,
the body belonged to Chloe Whelan.
Let's get you home.
Your father was innocent all along,
so why would he kill his own family?
You know Charlie looked me
in the eye
right before he pulled that trigger
and said he didn't kill Róisín.
I think the killer's still out there.
We, the drowned ♪
Hold our hollow-hearted ground ♪
We know not the fire in which we burn ♪
But we sing and we sing
and we sing and we sing, ♪
Oh, we, the drowned ♪
The lost and found out ♪
And in the town of
Blackwater, the body exhumed
from the lake last night has
been confirmed to be that
of Chloe Whelan, who was reported
missing from the town 20 years ago.
The car she was discovered in
belonged to deceased suspect
Charles Reid, a local restaurant
You all right?
Yeah, just too many
noises, you know the way.
How do I look?
Yeah, just Shanahan
asked to see me this morning,
so I thought I'd, you know.
Erm, listen,
I'll pick up the boys later
and maybe get a takeaway, yeah?
Have I said something?
Just, two dead women being pulled
out of the lake feels a bit
weird to be celebrating that
kind of thing with the kids.
All right.
No takeaway.
Right boys, let's go!
Come on, come on, come on.
- I call front.
- He had it yesterday!
Mark on the way
out, you on the way back.
Seatbelts on, lads.
Wake up.
Well done Garda Furlong.
You'll be thrilled to be on the
other side of this one. [CHUCKLES]
- You played a big part.
- Thanks sir.
Have they interviewed Carrie yet?
Detective Lucey's on her
way in, she'll handle it.
If you wouldn't mind collating
all the evidence for the case file.
Yeah, of course.
Thanks, sir.
Celebrated chef and local
restauranteur, Charlie Reid,
suspected of the sexual assault
of dozens of women over two decades,
dies by suicide
rather than face justice.
All right, Bill, please, I don't
think I can stomach another word.
That utter scumbag, Charlie Reid,
all those years coming in and
out of this house and to think
right under our very noses,
how could I have not seen it?
He was a sociopath, no one saw it.
The festival, how are
we going to handle this?
Should we cancel?
Sure it's already in full
swing and the launch is tonight!
Of course we have to respect the
victims and their families,
but also, we have a duty of care
to all the small business
owners in Blackwater,
who've been preparing
for this all year.
Now, we can get
through this. We have to.
- FIA: Hiya.
- Hey.
- Is that all from the case file?
- Yep.
What are these?
Jewellery retrieved
from Charlie's car.
Must have belonged to Chloe.
FIA: I'm gonna go talk to Carrie.
Look, don't put these
into storage just yet.
Looking for something in particular?
No, I just want to
look through them myself.
Hello Carrie.
My name is Detective
Inspector Fia Lucey, remember me?
I'm so, so sorry for your loss, Carrie.
Believe me, this is the last thing
I want to put you through
right now, but
before we can close this case I
need to ask you about the night
your mother went missing.
You understand that, don't you?
Do you have any other family here?
Not that I know of.
That's what started
everything going wrong
between us
in the first place.
I wanted to know things
more than she was willing to tell.
I should have just left it alone.
What makes you say that?
Before Róisín and I met, I had
little going for me,
♪no family to speak of,
been in a bit of trouble.
And so when we reconnected
it felt like this massive high,
this new beginning.
She did everything for me.
Got me a flat,
bought me clothes, gave me money.
But there's so much
I wanted to know and
she was so cagey about the past,
always dodging the questions.
Like she had to be in charge of
everything, where we met,
when we met, hiding out in that crappy
little flat the next town over.
I felt like her dirty little secret,
but at the same
time she was all I had.
That must have been
really frustrating for you.
Yeah, it was.
The night your mother
went missing, what happened?
Look, I know this
is really painful for you,
but if you saw
Charlie Reid that night
that would be very
useful information for us.
The guy's dead, he killed my mum,
what's the point in going over it?
Look, I don't want to ever find
ourselves in a position where doubts
will be raised over
this case, I owe that to you.
And to your mum.
And to Chloe Whelan.
And to all the other women he hurt.
Did you see him that night?
Where did you see him Carrie?
At the hotel.
I wasn't supposed to
go there, she told me
not to come around where she worked.
All the secrecy, it was really
starting to get to me,
either she wanted me
in her life, or she didn't.
So I just showed up.
What are you doing here?
I came to visit.
- Surprise!
I said not to come to my work.
- Yeah
- I thought we'd agreed.
What, you bury me in a dingy flat,
while you're in your fancy hotel
pretending I don't exist?!
Yeah, totally agreed to that!
Are you drunk?
What's it to you?
I'm serious Carrie,
you can't stay, you have to go.
What's the matter?
Am I bringing the tone down?
Okay, that's enough!
Get a taxi.
I'll call you tomorrow, okay?
Go home.
I didn't go home.
I went back in,
I headed into the bar.
This guy shows up.
"Hey, I'm Charlie."
I'm so hurt and angry with
mum, he was just so nice to me.
It felt good to be made a fuss of.
He bought this really
expensive wine and I got
so drunk really fast and then
Everything just went black.
When I woke up
I'm in a bed, half dressed.
He's on top of me.
Next thing I know there's this
scream, she's on him like an animal,
punching him, shoving him
What have you given to her?
I think he raped me,
but I don't know for sure.
I can't remember.
Do you remember anything else?
Did anyone say anything?
She was just screaming at him.
What did she say?
- You bastard, that's my child.
- You bastard, that's my child.
You're gonna down, it's all
coming out, something like that.
I was so out of it,
I honestly can't remember.
And then he just left.
And mum called her friend
- Liam?
- Yeah.
That'd be the two calls
she made to the burner.
And the other night when you
went after Charlie, what happened?
I caught up with him in his car.
I was gonna kill him,
I don't care if you know that.
But he got the knife off
me and put me in his boot.
We were moving when I
woke up, it was all dark.
He said something about
him and Róisín making
some kind of deal years ago.
[MUFFLED:] I'm not gonna hurt
you, I just wanna talk.
That he was going
to tell me everything.
I'm opening the booth now.
You all right?
I ran away and then just hid.
He was shouting after
me, 'You've got all wrong'.
Fucking liar!
We were gonna go to
Spain together, me and mum.
Start a new life.
She tried to protect me,
I'm the reason she's dead!
We're gonna get you help Carrie.
Gather professional
support around you.
First of all you
need to see a doctor.
Will you let us arrange that for you?
Then we're gonna get you home safely.
What home?!
She was the only family I had!
I've got nothing now.
What is it?
[VOICE SHAKING:] Charlie Reid.
NIAMH: It was 2004.
I remember it because it was
the night Chloe Whelan disappeared.
There was a house party
about half an hour out of town.
Me and my friend got a
lift with this lad she knew.
Charlie was with him.
He was really nice to me.
Got me a drink.
He was a real gentleman.
He was popular, I
I guess I was flattered
his attention was on me.
We did kiss, I remember that.
But then after that
everything went black.
I woke up in a strange bed
with no memory of what had happened.
The only drink I had
was the one he gave me.
For years I tried to convince myself
that it was just a
drunken one night stand.
And even if I had the courage to
confront him, sure who'd believe me?
And then I met you.
But since they found that car with
Chloe Whelan in it, it's just
It's all coming back.
There's no question
He raped me.
Give the sexual assault
treatment unit a call,
- let them know you're on your way.
- Sure.
And stay with her for as
long as you can, yeah?
Of course.
Detective Lucey,
do you have a minute?
Right, listen up all
I just wanted to
say well done to everyone.
In particular, the excellent police
work of Detective Lucey
and Garda Furlong was key in finally
bringing this case to a close,
that has, for far too long,
overshadowed the town of Blackwater.
And, well, we're very happy
to be moving on from it today, huh?
Well done.
Listen, it's gonna be fairly quiet
here for the rest of the day,
why don't you take some time off?
We got our man.
Did we?
It's just been really bothering
me what he told me on the pier.
Charlie, he told
me he didn't kill Róisín.
He also denied it to
Carrie when she went after him.
Well. I admit it's not
a pretty victory but, erm
It's closure for a
lot of people in this town.
And whatever else your father did,
he was never guilty of Chloe Whelan.
That's true.
But why he would have killed
his own family is still a mystery.
Erm, I've got to get back to work.
I thought you said we weren't busy?
Take the win.
Have a bit of cake.
I said no comment, now get away
from the door or I'll call the guards.
Serena, it's Fia Lucey,
can I please come in?
I've already been down the station,
I've answered all your questions,
there's nothing more I can tell you.
You'd no idea?
Of course I fucking didn't!
I'm sorry.
Look, I'm not here
to doubt you Serena.
You know, I
I figured you'd be gone soon and
that I wouldn't get the chance to say
that I'm sorry for
what you're going through.
You know, I
I have some experience of
what it's like to be in your shoes.
And I just want to say that
you're entitled to your grief.
No matter what the circumstances.
That's the one thing
no one thinks about.
Well, thank you.
You're the only one to say it.
Where'll you go?
I don't know.
[CRYING:] Somewhere
I can't be found, oh God!
What he did to those women
And then he'd come
home here to me and
No, it's not your fault.
But how could I have lived with him
all these years and
not known who he was?!
You've done nothing wrong, Serena.
And you'll get through this.
You will.
What was his
relationship like with Róisín?
They were as thick
as thieves, always were.
She didn't like
it when we got together.
Like, it was an odd bond.
She had him wrapped
around her little finger.
Drugs, expensive clothes,
he got her whatever she wanted.
It doesn't make sense.
What doesn't?
That he'd kill her.
I tried to tell
your lot that and the rest.
What do you mean the rest?
That he couldn't have
been driving the car
that Chloe Whelan was found in
Charlie couldn't swim.
No, he was terrified of water.
This is DI Lucey, please
leave a message. [BEEP]
Hey, Fia, erm can we meet
somewhere private please,
I need to talk to you
about something.
Jesus, I'm so sorry Cian.
It's just between us, yeah?
Oh, yeah. Of course.
How did it come out?
Just by chance.
I was going through evidence
this morning and I came across a
birthmark in one of the photos,
I knew straight away it was her.
I swear to God I wish he was alive
again, so I could drown him
in this fucking lake myself!
You'd have an easy job.
Charlie Reid couldn't
swim, Serena just told me.
How he got out of a sinking car
and made his way to the shoreline
- is beyond me.
- Right.
Did you interview
Carrie this morning?
Charlie drugged and raped her.
- The night Róisín went missing.
She walked in on it.
So he killed Róisín to cover it up.
It's unthinkable
isn't it, the extent of it?
Two decades in a tiny place
like this and no one even knew.
Róisín knew.
Here, listen to this.
You're finally going down.
It's all coming out.
Why did she wait
till now to stop him?
Loyalty, they were close friends.
I don't know.
If I found out my close friend
was systematically
drugging and raping women,
and using my place
of business to do it,
I reckon I would have gone to the
guards the second I got wind of it.
Then again
If that close friend
did something on me
I'd be more inclined
to keep my mouth shut.
Charlie Reid is dead,
I think we should take the win.
It doesn't feel like a win.
Look, if we're gonna
send Carrie back into her life,
she needs to know that we did
everything possible
to identify her
mother's killer.
We need to be sure it was Charlie.
- Yeah!
- What?
Up until yesterday everyone thought
my father murdered Chloe Whelan
and he didn't!
We need more on Charlie,
Cian, that's all I'm saying.
Otherwise the killer
could still be out there.
It's not the first time
that's happened in Blackwater.
Paradise isn't it?
If you didn't know any different.
- Hey.
- Hey love.
You went up to the house?!
Yeah, this morning.
I didn't want to
make a big thing of it.
Am I too late for dinner?
We were going to eat up
at the launch, will you come?
Ah, I'm a bit wrecked.
I'll make you a sandwich.
Room service.
Here listen to this.
"Standing at a fixed
point on the river's edge."
"I see you on the far
side and my heart skips."
"If I swim to you now,
would you think that too much?"
"For a moment I hesitate."
"Can I be so bold?"
"But rivers are for diving
into, and shrieking at the cold."
"So I will swim this
river and say I love you."
"For I vow to have
lived before I grow old."
From dad to mum,
six weeks before they died.
I mean, terrible poet, but
He really loved her didn't he?
He loved all of us.
All-Ireland hurling final tickets.
Aidan's birthday present.
Look at the date.
A week from the day they died.
I mean why would you
buy hurling tickets
for a son you were planning to kill?
I don't know.
I went to the barn this morning
to make comparisons
with the crime scene photos.
Ah love, I can't
Please, there's something
I can't work out Donal.
Look, there are wet clothes of dad's
hanging on that line
when I left that night.
I can see them as clearly
as I'm looking at you now.
There's even a wet patch on the
ground, look, but no sign of them.
Fia, no human being should
experience what you've gone through.
But as the nearest thing
you have to a dad,
all I want is to see you
live your life.
Don't let the past
destroy any chance of that.
Mam and dad say you're
not coming to the launch.
You're probably
sick of my opinions
But whether you like it or not,
you are the hero of the hour.
Everyone's expecting
you to be there,
the press want their photos,
you might as well give them what
they want now,
otherwise they'll
hound you for days.
Come on.
Okay, give me 10 minutes.
That's one for the album anyway.
- You okay?
-Yeah. Yeah.
Dad said you went up to the house.
Yeah, and the barn.
There are answers there,
I just need to find them.
Whatever brings you closure.
Here, stop, pull
over, just right here.
- Okay.
- Stop!
Right, jesus, Fi!
I'll just be a second, okay?
This was recovered from the lake.
You've never seen it before?
It never gets any easier does it?
The only thing I'm glad about,
is finding out it wasn't your dad.
We'd a good relationship.
He'd great respect for you.
We always assumed it was
Jack who bought her all this.
Real diamonds?!
He would never have
had that sort of money.
Charlie then, I suppose.
It's a lot for a young
chef to be splashing out on.
So it wasn't Charlie,
is that what you're saying?
I'm overthinking things.
This is the last
thing you need right now.
I'm sorry.
Chloe was a wonderful person.
I really looked up to her.
I'm so sorry for your loss.
We'll say a prayer for you.
That was Marjorie
and James Whelan's.
Wow, they've really pulled
out all the stops, haven't they?
They sure have.
Girls, I'm delighted you're here.
That we're all here
together as a family.
- Ah Niamh, God you look great.
- Thanks.
Oh, it's a
pleasure to have you here.
I love your earrings!
Thanks, they were a
birthday present from Bill.
I think we all
know what that means
That Deirdre bought them.
- Can I get a shot of you all together?
- Sure.
Oh, that's lovely,
thank you so much.
Bill, the man of the
moment, thanks for having us.
Brilliant to have you all here.
It means the world.
- It really does.
- Fia, thanks for coming.
- Bill.
9am this morning, we didn't
know if we were gonna go ahead.
In fact, I said we shut
the whole thing down but
I was convinced otherwise.
You've done a great
service to the town.
Blackwater's proud of you.
Just doing my job.
Anything we can do
for you, just let me know.
Congratulations on solving the case.
Yeah, thanks.
It's good to see you.
Can I get you anything?
Some time alone
together would be nice.
- Yeah.
- Yeah.
Or you could always
go and fuck yourself!
How desperate do you think I am!?
- No Donna, I didn't mean to
- No.
I'm sure you never do.
What do you take me for?
Some random, no-ho per, single mum
waiting for someone
like you to come along
and put a bit
of sparkle in their life?!
- Donna, no!
- Get your shit together.
You may be a hero to everyone
out there, but I am not your prize!
Do you understand?
Enjoy your evening.
Hello everyone. Er.
Hello, honoured friends and guests.
It is my distinct pleasure to
welcome the man who put Blackwater
on the map, Mr Bill Maguire.
Thanks sunshine.
Well, well, well, here we are.
Welcome everyone, for reasons
known to many of you we had
deep reservations about
going ahead this evening.
Not a decision we took lightly.
And I'd like to express my
gratitude to the members
of the law enforcement
community who are here tonight.
The people of Blackwater
are forever in your debt.
20 years ago, there wasn't an awful
lot going on in this little town.
Sure nearly half the real estate
outlets lay idle
and the bright young people,
like Niamh Furlong here,
were planning to abandon
the place in droves.
I stood on the bridge across the
river thinking, how can we make this
a place people flock to,
not abandon and I made a promise
that in 20 years the
name of Blackwater
Thanks sunshine.
would be recognised
all over the world.
Blackwater is a town of survival.
Thanks sunshine.
Thanks sunshine sunshine sunshine
Oh Jesus!
A glass of water there.
She's alright,
she's alright everyone.
It's just been a long
day, a long day for everyone.
Please, please
relax and enjoy yourselves.
You sure you don't
want to see a doctor?
Yeah, I'm sure.
What happened, love?
She knows.
I'm so sorry, Niamh.
It's so strange, you bury
something for 20 years
and then in the
space of a day you're
reliving every second
like it was yesterday.
Do you want to
tell us what you remember?
The morning after the party
I was lying there in the bed.
Charlie was beside me asleep.
Someone came in.
There was a musty smell,
you know, like the one
you get with wet clothes.
Did you see his face?
Wake up sunshine, wake the fuck up!
Come on, something's happened.
- What?
- Just come on, will ya?
I heard his voice.
NIAMH: Sunshine.
He called him sunshine.
All those years, all those
opportunities, all those fancy gifts,
he was just
buying my silence.
Niamh, are you sure?
Believe me, I wish I wasn't!
Fia! Listen, listen,
I know what you're thinking,
but you're gonna have
to take a beat, okay?
Yeah. Yeah, go back to your wife.
I need a word.
What is it?
I need to speak with Donal.
It's alright, love.
Now, what is so urgent that
Charlie Reid wasn't driving the
car the night Chloe Whelan drowned.
It was Bill Maguire.
He was the one having
an affair with her, not dad.
- Don't ask me how I know, I just do.
- Fia
Charlie was at a party that night,
Bill went to Charlie for help.
I have an eyewitness
that puts him at the party
and in the early hours of the morning.
- Jesus, Fia, this is
- I know.
I know.
Which is why I need your help.
I need you on the
lake with me tomorrow.
What are we looking for?
FIA: I don't know.
We'll know when we find it.
28 and a half metres.
From the shore to
where the car went in?
Here, what's that?
That was your dad's.
Best spot for trout
fishing on the whole lake!
Sure didn't I see him there
only the day before he passed.
Is that it, Fia?
Yeah, yeah.
Thanks Fergus, take her home.
So dad's fishing spot was 40
metres from where the car went in,
now you're my dad,
out fishing for trout
and you see a car shoot off the road
and land
nose first into the lake.
Next thing you see Bill Maguire
surface trying to get to the shore.
He'd be in shock, his clothes
weighing him down, what would you do?
Would you stand
there and let him drown?
- I'd go in after him!
- Exactly.
Dad saved him.
And he would have saved Chloe too
if he knew she was
there, but he didn't know.
Because Bill never told him.
My family dies within 24 hours
of Chloe Whelan going missing?
That's no coincidence.
What are you saying?
Bill Maguire
He's behind everything.
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