Brown Nation (2016) s01e05 Episode Script

Art of Loving

This is the only organic vegan fusion restaurant in the city.
I'm so glad there's only one.
Hasmukh, you never try anything new.
This is delicious.
I can taste the flavor of the earth.
No, no, no, I can still see dirt on my food.
Hasmukh, this is how humans are supposed to eat.
[phone buzzes.]
-It's my lawyer.
-Don't pick that up.
Hasmukh, you need to learn to separate business from personal life.
We have to be honest with you.
Dimple came to us last week, and she's very concerned about your state of mind.
There's nothing wrong with my state of mind.
You're too stressed out.
You lost Bobby, you bought your mother-in-law lingerie.
And then you brought eggs home when Dimple asked for bread.
I'm sorry Hasmukh, I had to tell other people to put this out to you.
But they only had high fructose corn syrup white bread.
You told me specifically not to get that.
-So you brought eggs.
-We needed eggs.
That makes no sense.
We understand.
We're not blaming you.
We signed you up for "Art of Loving" and I think it will help with all of this.
-Art of what? -Art of Loving.
It's a way of life.
Haven't you noticed the change in me in the past few weeks? Hyder joined last week, look at him.
He's so spiritual.
I've achieved level two spirituality.
It's like a yellow belt in karate.
-[phone buzzes.]
-Dimple, it's my lawyer, he never calls twice, I have to get this.
Hello? Hasmukh is busy right now enjoying the company of his lovely wife and would appreciate it if you helped him separate business from personal life and call back during normal business hours.
Thank you very much.
[clicks pen rapidly.]
I have some bad news.
It's not the IRS again, is it? I'm afraid this is more of a legal matter.
Your company is being sued.
Sued? By who? Ganapati Beedi.
Ganapati Beedi? They used to sell local cigarettes, now they're branching out in to the US market with their beedi.
That's great, Alan, but what does that have to do with IT? They're suing for logo infringement.
Look, apparently they registered this logo 60 years ago.
They want a cease and desist of all public display of their logo immediately or risk a large monetary settlement.
"if you wish to resolve this without any court action, we will expect you to stop any further display of our logo in any of your internal or external communication.
Sincerely, Ganapati Beedi management team.
" Dimple, I'm being sued by a very large corporation.
Okay, Hasmukh, this is exactly what we spoke about.
You're losing it again.
I want you to sit down and relax.
How do you feel? I'm being sued, how am I supposed to feel? Hasmukh, you're only being sued, many worse things are happening in the world.
Thousands of people are infected with malaria every day.
Hundreds of people are dying of starvation.
I want you to close your eyes, relax.
And take a deep breath in.
Breathe out, now.
I signed us up for the Art of Loving course.
We're going tomorrow after work.
I'm picking you up.
There's something wrong with your computer, my oven doesn't get this hot.
It's on overdrive with all of Hasmukh's work.
Hey guys, one question.
How accurate is the love machine? It's not a machine, it's an intuitive matchmaking website.
And it's accurate enough to pique some interest from investors in Palo Alto.
We have a feeling you'll be promoted soon, Balan.
What, did Hasmukh say something? You don't have to say anything, but he told you.
He said something? Gautam and I are quitting.
-What, no.
-This will all be yours.
You know it's, it's like I'm at 100% in my professional career, but personal I am at zero.
I need to talk to someone.
-I wonder who.
We have no case.
My dadaji never copyrighted this logo.
They have full rights.
Gautam will shut down the website.
We can't have our logo anywhere publicly anymore.
Why don't we just get rid of the logo? That logo has been in our family business for the past 50 years, Matt.
My great-grandfather was one day walking through the Gir forest, suddenly a howling wind swept through the trees and a branch cracked and fell upon him.
He fell to the ground, covered in dirt and mud.
Close to death.
And it was then that an elephant rescued him.
He woke up the next day in front of his house with no memory of what had happened.
To this day, I believe that the lord Ganesh himself saved him.
It's okay, Balan.
It is a good story, sir.
I'm sorry.
It's fine.
We'll get back to work soon.
It's okay.
He's a bit sensitive.
I guess.
Namaste, everyone.
Being humans mean worrying about a lot of petty things.
Be like water.
Have the wisdom of water.
Let the nature take its natural turn, right? But why look for answers elsewhere? Just look within you.
Explore within you and find that inner peace.
Before getting to that I want to share a very important thing with you.
That is my latest book called Top Secret.
The book is available in the lobby for $19.
99 during our break.
It is usually $24.
99 in Amazon, so it's actually very good deal.
I nearly had tears in my eyes, what a profound speaker.
I know, his words are so poetic, he takes these complex ideas and he makes them so easy to understand.
And the coffee's so good, too.
What brand is this, right? I need this for the house.
What do you think, Hasmukh? Are you enjoying this, or what? Oh yeah, it's very profound and moving stuff, you know? I saw you were taking notes earlier, we should compare later.
Oh yeah, sure, yeah.
Hey, Balan.
Balan, what are you doing here? I'm so sorry, Mr.
I'm--I'm here for the class.
Oh, everyone, this is my office manager, Balan.
-Hi, Balan.
-We met already, I know him really well.
Yes no.
Oh, you got the book? I just finished reading.
"We shape the clay thinking we're creating the pot, but we're actually sculpting the emptiness inside.
" Brilliant.
I need to go.
My bus is leaving soon.
-Okay, bye bye.
What a good guy.
I thought you would have fired him already.
Dimple, Balan did not steal that painting, he's the most honest employee that I have.
You were never a good judge of character.
I saw him in action, and you don't believe me? And did you see how nervous he was? Yes.
I think I saw it too.
You know there's something not quite right about that guy.
You know my friend Habib works in a detective's office? He's top notch.
I'll have him do some background checks.
See who this guy really is.
-Is everything okay? -Yeah.
You all are enjoying the session? [all.]
-It's amazing.
-The coffee -Excellent, excellent.
-So overwhelmed with joy.
Very good, very good.
Oh, you got a copy of the book.
Yeah, I did, yeah.
Well, don't keep my teachings a "top secret.
" Share it with people.
Spread the joy.
Invite them to become members.
Don't forget to like me on the Facebook.
Hasmukh, what are you doing over there? I thought we were going to spend some time together.
I'll be done in a minute.
No, you come now, the show is starting now.
Didn't the guru say to live in the now? I don't want you turning out like Mummy, with all this Art of Loving nonsense.
Papa, mommy's in the mountains of Rishikesh with a shaved head renouncing all material pleasures and possessions.
This is about practical spirituality, Art of Loving.
You have to deal with the tensions and anxieties of daily life.
That's how she started, too.
I thought we were going to spend some time together one-on-one.
[Hasmukh mutters to self.]
[in Hindi.]
Amir sent me from the office to deliver this.
[in Hindi.]
Thank you.
-Meera? -Luv? Who's that new character? Oh we didn't watch, Papa, there's going to be lots of twists and turns with him.
[in English.]
Meera, I cannot do this, you are now my boss's wife.
This is not right.
But if it's not right, then why has fate brought us here? Meera, Meera, I've stolen a lot of things from this world, but I cannot steal you.
[under breath.]
What makes a logo great? Hasmukh, three of our clients just called me and threatened to leave.
They think we're out of business since the website's down.
No, no, no, we're not out of business.
We took the website down because we want to be in business.
I-I understand that, but they think we just took their money and filed for bankruptcy.
We'll get the website up and running again really shortly, Matt.
Forget the logo.
We don't need a logo, okay? We need customers.
We can't have Shree Ganesh without Ganesh! It's a bad omen, Matt.
Listen, Matt.
My great-grandfather was walking through the Gir forest, suddenly a howling wind-- No, I'll transfer the calls to you.
You can tell them the elephant story.
It's not a story, Matt.
It's not a story.
April 4th will be my final day with Shree Ganesh computers.
Thank you for all the opportunities this company has provided me with in the past 5 years.
Sincerely, Gautam.
Okay, this is a crappy resignation letter.
You need to go out in style.
If I were you, I would march in to his office and give him a piece of mind.
Then do it, Roli.
Why do you have to wait until next month? Don't worry about me, I'll show you how to quit.
I just need to make sure this damn thing works first.
All I see is this thing heating up and making all sorts of weird noises.
-Like that.
-It's fine.
Sir, I've worked here for about five years.
Do you like me, Gautam? -Like you? -Yes, Gautam.
Do you like me? -Uh, yes.
-Thank you, Gautam.
I needed that.
I've been doing a lot of inner searching.
Looking inside, you know.
I went through my old diary.
And guess what I found.
It's your first letter to me.
I want to read it to you, if you don't mind.
"Dear Mr.
Parikh, Thank you for giving me this job when countless companies rejected me.
Together we will take Shree Ganesh Computers to the next level.
You can think of me as a little brother who will stand by you in success and failure.
I promise to make you proud.
Gautam K.
" You have made me proud, beta.
But there are forces out there testing the strength of this company.
Today, they criticize our logo, tomorrow, they will criticize our very existence.
What forces? The industry has changed, Gautam.
I need you now more than ever.
Do you remember? When we began all of this? Hm? Remember? It was just you and me sharing a single desk.
Subway foot-long sandwich.
A bag of chips.
Two straws.
Chocolate macaroon.
The good old days, Gautam.
The good old days.
Don't mind me.
I'm getting a little emotional.
Did you want something? I'll just come back later, sir.
Hey Gautam.
Nice pants.
Thank you, sir.
I've been telling you over and over again, you need more security in your office.
Listen to this.
Meera, I have stolen a lot of things from this world.
A lot.
Great, you just recorded a TV show.
Is that what that is? You know, that explains the background music.
For the last time, Hyder, Balan did not steal the painting.
Then where's the painting? I threw it out.
You threw it out? Great Hasmukh, when are you going to learn? Either tell the truth, or you tell a good lie, okay? I gotta go.
By the way, you owe me $87 for all of Habib's stuff.
Guruji, help me please, tell me, what's wrong and what's right.
My parents picked this girl, but my soulmate is someone else.
And that someone else is someone else's wife.
You know what this is? Walnut.
What is it shaped like? Like a brown spider? It's like human brain.
It is called brain food.
-It stimulates our brain cells.
What is it shaped like? Woman's womb.
That's why it is good to have eggplants when you are pregnant.
What I am trying to tell you is, the universe is giving us clues all the time.
-About food, about love, about everything.
-We have to learn to be good listeners.
You know, everything that's been happening on the TV has been happening to me.
I think it's I think it's a sign from the universe.
No, no, TV doesn't count.
Television is not the universe.
The universe is the universe.
The guru was right.
-Hm? -Look at what just magically appeared in my diary.
This is not a coincidence.
This is the rule of attraction.
Things come to you when you clear your mind.
This is great.
Dimple, I have something to tell you.
-Hm? -It's about your painting.
It wasn't stolen.
There was an accident.
It got damaged.
I threw it out.
You lied to me? I am so, so sorry.
Don't apologize to me, Hasmukh.
Apologize to yourself.
-I've already forgiven you.
-Forgive yourself.
Wow, Dimple.
I really love this change in you.
Darling, I'm going to work much harder on being a better man.
What is this, uh, thing that you're creating? These are all the things I want to attract into my life.
Papa in good health, house in the Bahamas, house in Goa with swimming pools, Range Rover, and I am a famous artist.
Wait, where am I? You need to ask yourself that question, Hasmukh.
Where are you? For every end, there is a new beginning.
And today marks a new beginning for each and every one of us.
You like it? I love it.
What is it? This is the new Shree Ganesh logo.
It's fresh, it's modern.
But best of all, it doesn't look like any other Ganesh out there, so there is no copyright infringement.
-Very smart.
So can we update the website please, so I can turn my phone back on? Already in motion, Gautam is restarting the system.
It'll take a couple of hours, all the systems rebooting, but before that, I wanted to announce something to everyone.
You're pregnant? Your wife is pregnant? [explosion.]
What the hell was that? Did you hear that? -[crackling.]
-Oh my God.
Put it out, put it out.
Oh, no.
That's good.
Douse it, douse it.
Put it out.
You're welcome.
Is everybody all right? [in Hindi.]
I have given nothing but pain to everyone who loved me, including you Meera.
[in English.]
Brought to you by Ganapati Beedi.
Full of flavor, full of life.
Ganapati Beedi? That's total bullshit, man.

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