Cafe Minamdang (2022) s01e05 Episode Script

Episode 5

-It's the KCSI. Did someone die?
-Look over there.
-I wonder what happened.
-I'm scared.
You've got to be kidding me.
How crazy do you have to be to do this?
Three years ago, there was a murderer
who killed someone in the same way
then disappeared.
It must be Choi Yeong-seop.
Choi Yeong-seop?
The bastard who murdered a prosecutor
and disappeared?
If you find any DNA on the body,
please check if it matches
Choi Yeong-seop's,
who killed Prosecutor Han three years ago.
Yes, ma'am.
Jeez, this is insane.
Please move aside.
Could it be Gopuri again?
This is the same MO as three years ago.
Except for one thing.
But why did he throw the body away
in the sewer of all places?
I mean, it'd be much easier to bury it
on a hill somewhere.
He was probably storing
the body there temporarily.
He didn't have the time to hide the body
or had no intention to.
Either way, he must have planned
on coming back to retrieve it.
What? Really?
he's watching us from somewhere even now.
Where? Here? There?
Let's go down.
I need to find out something.
See if there's anything suspicious
around here.
-All right.
Mr. Shaman. Do you see anything?
It brings misfortune if you
run your mouth on matters like this.
Come on.
Yes. You shouldn't say something
if you can't take responsibility.
I'm very responsible
but I don't want people to think
that I'm playing a hero.
But still, you've got to
tell us something.
If anything comes to you later,
I'd be grateful if you could contact us.
Bye then.
You must be cold.
Have either of you…
ever seen this man?
He might have had
a different hairstyle or an outfit.
It's okay.
They'll give you food and new clothes
when you get to the station.
Right. Thank you.
Collect the CCTV footage in the area
starting from dawn yesterday
-and look for suspicious vehicles.
-Yes, ma'am.
This guy appears every ten minutes
at the same spot.
Look for a black van that passed this area
at about 4:30 a.m. yesterday.
70H 2163
But the car's been reported stolen.
Someone rented it using a stolen identity.
Can you find who it was?
I'll try, but don't get your hopes up.
You'd better give me that right now
unless you want to get arrested
for destroying evidence.
Oh, the dashcam?
But the owner gave it to me herself.
Does this count as destroying evidence?
It's your specialty.
Tampering with evidence and destroying it.
Well, don't you think
you're too grumpy and rude?
If you go on like this,
I'll have to take action.
That is, cooperate with you.
I'm busy, so I'll be off then.
An individual may be arrested
without a warrant
when suspected
that they might destroy any evidence.
Anyone who intentionally conceals evidence
can be fined up to seven million won
or sentenced to up to five years in jail.
You know that, don't you?
-Give it.
-Where did you hide it? Give me.
-This is sexual harassment.
- Don't you touch me!
-Where did you hide it?
Goodness, what's going on here? Let's see.
Under the streetlight. At my nine o'clock.
I've spotted a suspicious individual.
Let's call it even and put an end
to this unpleasantness, okay?
I really am busy, so bye.
How far is he going to go?
Jeez, I could just…
I wish I could just go at him.
Hey. You've got to keep a distance.
-You're tailing him, not arresting him.
We don't know if he's the mastermind
or just an accessory.
What if he's an accessory
like Choi Yeong-seop?
We must wait until Gopuri appears.
We can't lose him again.
-I know that too.
-Act like it, then.
-Do you have a visual on his face?
-Not yet.
But he's moving toward
the main road, so hold on.
Hey. What are you doing?
What? You said we were tailing him,
not arresting him.
But why is my face in your armpit?
It's disgusting.
Apologize to my armpit right now.
Did you just spit at me?
Yes, Detective Na.
Ma'am. We found a suspicious vehicle.
Only two cars were parked
by the sewers yesterday,
a delivery vehicle and a black van.
We confirmed the delivery vehicle
driver's ID. The van is a stolen vehicle.
The car was rented using a fake ID,
so I tracked the number
he used to rent the car,
and it turned out
he's near the crime scene right now.
Check if the van is around here too.
And track the phone's location
and let me know where he is. Hurry.
But they said we have to
wait for him to make a call
to obtain his precise location.
He's on the move again.
It looks like he's about to call someone.
Where should I go?
Choi Yeong-seop!
-I'll send you the screenshot!
Let me see.
-We have to get him.
Choi Yeong-seop…
We located the suspect.
I'm on my way now,
so keep me posted on his location.
Okay. We're on our way too.
-Where's he going?
-When should we go say hi?
This way!
The Police found him already?
It must be that grumpy detective.
Darn it.
This is Shaman Nam Han-jun of Minamdang.
-Mr. Shaman?
-You can't catch your suspect now. Wait.
How did you know we were doing that?
Mr. Nam. Hang up the phone.
Choi Yeong-seop isn't the real culprit.
Did Choi Yeong-seop do this?
He's being used by the real culprit.
He'll be meeting the culprit soon,
so wait for that moment.
What? That's Choi Yeong-seop!
Oh, really?
Damn it. We should go.
Damn it!
Get him!
Stop right there!
Gosh. He's so fast.
Stop getting in the way and get lost!
You're the one who should get lost!
Hey, wait.
-That way.
Stop right there!
-Damn it.
-Hey, get him! Hurry!
-Hey, Su-cheol. This way.
-Oh, no!
Mr. Choi, wake up. Mr. Choi!
He's still alive.
There's been a car accident.
I'm at 170 Yeonhoe-ro, Daeun-gu.
Yes. The victim's unconscious.
Yes. He's bleeding from his head.
That looks good.
-Here you go, sir.
-Thank you.
Right, sir. What happened
with that woman you were set up with?
Oh, her.
I felt bad for missing our date earlier.
So I offered her a meal on the weekend,
and she said it was fine.
Sir, you'll never
get married at this rate.
-The numerous women who work here ask me
why Mr. Cha doesn't date.
You don't have a girlfriend for a reason.
Did I do something wrong?
You're educated and have a great family.
Plus, you're good-looking
and have a great figure.
You're a dreamboat to all women here.
But none of that really matters.
The word has spread
about how obsessive you are,
and only with criminals. Jeez.
When women tell you that they're fine,
it means things are not fine at all.
When they say they don't mind,
it means they do mind a lot.
When they say they want to be alone,
it means they really
want you to be by their side.
Oh, I see.
Right, that's pretty complicated.
Finding out what the criminals
are plotting might be easier.
Excuse me.
Yes, Inspector Han.
Good to hear from you again so soon.
Inspector Han?
The man who killed my brother…
I finally caught him.
Really? You found Choi Yeong-seop?
Yes. I have to secure the evidence
and get him to confess,
but I'm so happy that I got him.
Oh. I'm so glad to hear that.
But I don't think
Choi Yeong-seop did it alone.
Someone hit him with a car and ran off,
trying to kill him.
Choi Yeong-seop has an accomplice?
It must be…
Inspector Han.
Are you all right?
I'm not hurt.
I meant your feelings.
Are you feeling all right?
Oh, well…
Inspector Han?
Oh, I'm okay.
I'll call you
as soon as things settle down.
They found Choi Yeong-seop?
He's the serial killer
who murdered Prosecutor Han, right?
I'll be out for a moment.
What? Where are you going?
You said when women
say they're fine, they're actually not.
What's he talking about?
How's Choi Yeong-seop?
He's still in surgery,
and they're not sure if he'll make it.
What about his phone? Did you find it?
Not yet.
If he abandoned it while he was
running away, we'll find it soon.
I asked to widen the search perimeter,
so let's give it time.
Hold on, sir.
I wonder what his passcode is.
Jeez, are you kidding me?
I mean, the police are right there.
This is stolen evidence.
Don't just take it out.
If you get caught, you'll be screwed.
I didn't get caught though.
Put that away right now!
You two.
-Do you think they saw it?
-We're screwed.
Come on.
It seems you've got the wrong idea
about something.
I told you not to interfere.
Are you going to take responsibility
if Choi Yeong-seop dies?
The accident wasn't my fault, was it?
If you hadn't chased after him like that,
-this wouldn't have happened.
-The real culprit was using him!
There might be an accomplice,
but that doesn't change the fact
he committed a crime three years ago.
So stop disrupting the investigation
and go home.
Why on earth do you think
Choi Yeong-seop was the one who did it?
If you'd let him run, we would have
the real culprit by now, damn it.
You didn't…
Did you let Choi Yeong-seop run,
knowing he did it?
Because the one who ran him over
is the real culprit!
-You let a criminal run away…
…to cover up your own mistake?
Goodness, Mr. Shaman! Gosh, sir.
Sir, wake up.
Are you sure she didn't find the phone?
My goodness, Mr. Shaman. Oh, no…
Ms. Han, what do you think you're doing?
He found the criminal before us
and followed him
and let him run away
knowing it was Choi Yeong-seop.
He let Choi Yeong-sup run,
knowing fully well who he was
and what he did.
Come on. That was because he was trying
to help us catch the real culprit.
Help us, my foot!
Let me ask you, why on earth do you think
Choi Yeong-seop isn't the real culprit?
-Get up--
-Goodness. What should I do?
-He's gone into shock. Come on.
Hey, I found the car
that hit Choi Yeong-seop.
-Just let it slide.
-You'd better get there before the police.
Oh, no, Mr. Shaman…
She found the van that hit him.
-Let's leave as naturally as possible.
Goodness, Mr. Shaman.
Mr. Shaman.
She punched your left cheek,
so why are you holding on to your right?
He must have been hit so hard
that he lost his senses.
-Maybe he has a concussion. Are you okay?
-It hurts.
Where's the doctor?
Right, we need to go see the doctor.
-Let's go home.
-Okay, let's go home.
I wouldn't have put up with that
if it weren't for the investigation.
I would have given her
a terrible memory to take with her.
Look at the state you're in.
Your cheek's all red.
Is it swollen?
It's red, darn it.
Detective Grumpy is ruining everything.
-Gosh, what's wrong?
-My gosh!
Did the police get there first?
Oh, god.
It's way worse than that.
Deacon Kim's coming.
-Mom's coming?
-Why though?
I don't know!
Anyway, she's on the subway.
She'll be here in 30 minutes.
Hey, we have to
get there before the police.
We'll go to the tunnel.
Try and take care of the situation.
Don't you bullshit me!
I knew you'd do that,
which is why I sent Na-dan.
He'll be there soon,
so you come and take care of Mom.
What? Na-dan?
I'm worried he'll get caught
doing something silly.
I emphatically told him
not to take his inventions,
so stop worrying
and get your butt over here right now!
If you don't, I'll…
I'll tell her everything.
Should I turn back?
-Do it. Darn it.
Mom's leaving the subway station.
She's coming up, she's…
She's out now.
She's entering the alley
where our cafe is.
She's there now.
My goodness.
We need to hurry!
Would you look at that?
The cafe is swarming with your fans.
-Hey, hurry up.
-I'm going as fast as I can.
We have to stop this.
You have to stop her.
Stop her at all costs!
You fucking assholes!
What the fuck is wrong with you?
-What have I done?
-I lost control there.
-Hey, there!
-Ms. Kim!
Turns out it's my first
and second son. Hallelujah!
You've got quite the dirty mouth.
You should've called if you were coming
so I could pick you up.
I was going to go home
after hanging out with my friends.
But they said they were going to go see
a shaman when they're church deacons.
-So I gave them a piece of my mind.
-Good for you.
Senior Deacon Kim?
You were going to see a shaman.
What are you doing here?
What about you? What are you doing here
after scolding us for idolatry?
I'm here to see my son.
My son runs Café Minamdang.
-That's where the shaman is.
A shaman?
I think there's been a misunderstanding.
Yes, right, there's been
a big misunderstanding.
My son's a Christian.
What do you mean a shaman?
This place is it.
150 Yonghae-ro, Café Minamdang.
"Thank you for your reservation."
Son, that's the right address.
What's going on?
Well, that's…
No way. No, please…
-Time out!
-Let's stop lying.
-Let's tell her everything.
All right.
Mom. I'm sorry for having lied to you.
The truth is…
Su-cheol's a shaman.
Oh, my God.
Su-cheol became a shaman?
Yes, that's right.
That's right.
Su-cheol, my goodness…
Ma'am, what do I do?
You son of a bitch.
Oh, goodness.
Oh, gosh. Thank you so much.
You're so pretty.
Thank you.
Thank you.
Where are you going? Are you nuts?
I can't. You know I can't lie.
Yes, you can. Come on.
Think of all the years
you've spent with me.
Kong Su-cheol, you can do it.
Yes, you can.
Just tell her the truth.
Just tell her why you're doing this!
-Okay. Let's tell her everything.
We'll tell her that I lied
about you becoming a shaman
and that I'm actually the shaman.
And I was wrongfully incarcerated,
and the real culprit happens to be
the serial killer who killed my friend.
Let's tell her everything.
Goodness gracious. I don't think I can.
Kong Su-cheol. You can do this. Okay?
Just focus on what we tell you.
No, I can't. I'm too nervous.
Come on.
You know I hiccup when I lie!
Then have a candy.
That will stop the hiccups.
It's been scientifically proven.
-I think so.
-You "think"?
I'll get Mom.
Come on in.
The one asking the question
should sit here in the middle.
This is marvelous.
All right. Here he comes.
He got his powers from a child's spirit.
-I see.
-A child…
No. Su-cheol doesn't want to do anything.
Spirit, sir? Well…
Why don't we talk to this lady
and ask her to get you some tasty candy?
-That's right.
-She'll get you candy.
She's too miserly. She won't buy me candy.
You're so relentless about it. Are you
going to take it all to your grave?
Goodness. He sounds just like my husband.
She had a fund she kept
with her friends for two years,
but one of them ran off with the money.
I don't think she's
the only victim though.
How dare she take off with
their hard-earned--
Get it together!
Su-cheol's scared.
That's why you can't trust anyone.
Mean ladies like that
should get owies.
Goodness, sir. You're so good.
Where can I find that crook?
I think I'm getting diabetes.
Don't worry. My big brother here
will take care of everything.
Big brother?
Well, since the spirit is still a child
so he's asking me
to give you legal counsel.
-May I?
-Yes, okay.
Right, ma'am. First, you need to stop
working at the restaurant in secret
and tell your husband what happened.
Next, gather everyone
who was scammed out of their money,
calculate the exact sum she stole,
and sue your friend for fraud.
You have a slightly higher chance
of getting her that way.
As you know, fraud cases are all…
I found it. I'll go closer.
Act natural and pass by the car
to see if anyone's there.
It's empty.
Put on your gloves, take a look at
what's inside the car, and tell me.
Just a bunch of garbage.
Are there any parking permits or receipts?
Take a look at the glove box compartment.
There isn't much here.
Hurry, the police are almost there.
Even the dashcam is missing.
What about the GPS?
No car keys either.
They're almost there.
Never mind, just run!
What? Jeez.
Take a look at the front of the car.
-I don't see anything.
Wait. What's this?
Jeez, I knew it.
Yes, ma'am. We found the car,
but the driver's gone
and the vehicle's been abandoned.
And we found a bloodstain in the trunk.
Get it tested for DNA
and tell them it's urgent.
And the suspect?
The area doesn't really have
security cameras,
so it won't be easy to ID him right away.
But we'll go over everything we can find.
Okay. Thanks, Detective Kim.
Sir, I have to go.
They found the suspect's van,
and there was a bloodstain in the trunk.
I see. If it matches with the blood
we found in the sewers,
that will make the case easier.
Well, what about you then?
Well, I'll go back to work too
then come back when Mr. Choi
regains consciousness.
We'll get him to confess together.
When Choi Yeong-seop wakes up,
I'll be able to learn
why my brother died, right?
I'm sure you will.
-That went well.
-I know, right?
-He knew everything.
All right.
Jesus can cure you if you pray to him.
Yes, ma'am. I'll do that.
You two pray for Su-cheol too.
When Moses parted the Red Sea…
Aaron did not stop praying next to him.
That's my son.
-I want a hug too.
-Hey, you wash your hair first.
Even with a mother's love,
I can't stand the smell of your hair.
I love you very much, my daughter.
I love you too.
Gosh, you better wash your hands too.
-I'll be off then.
-Have a safe trip home.
Child spirit, sir. See you again.
Call ahead the next time you come!
Mr. Nam! Su-cheol! Hye-jun!
Everyone's like that the first time.
-"I don't want to!"
-What's going on?
Leave him alone.
We've got soju and makgeolli.
He had a nice little pub set up here.
His palate is rather consistent.
We should look for a man
who bought these chips on a daily basis--
As if.
My gosh, you startled me.
Look at him, trying to save his own neck.
We can't catch Gopuri if we all get sick.
This address is the slums.
Could this be Gopuri's address?
Gopuri either just threw it away
or left it there on purpose.
It's a clue!
I did good, right? Didn't I?
Can I get paid for my travel expenses?
All right.
Come on, sir.
You have to include the hazard pay.
You know your rights.
I am so glad that you turned out so smart.
It must be because you're my protégé.
What's with you two?
Never mind. We need to get there
before Grumpy, so let's hurry.
No. I have to know
why you were looking at me like that.
Do you really want to know?
Hye-jun doesn't want to tell you!
Is she ill?
This is so humiliating.
Shall we begin the briefing?
Well, the DNA found in the car matched
Choi Yeong-seop's.
And the bloodstain belongs to the victim
we found in the sewers.
No DNA has been found
other than those two?
But the analysis of the cloth
covering the victim
showed traces of dye as well as blood.
And the analysis?
They said it was a common dye
and it won't be easy to track down,
but I asked them to run a detailed
analysis just in case.
I sent the victim's DNA
to the data center,
where my friend's sister's cousin works.
So I was able to get the results early…
There hasn't been a match yet.
Come on.
If he is a runaway and
his disappearance hasn't been reported,
we wouldn't be able
to identify them using their DNA.
We lost the accomplice,
so we need to find out who the victim was.
That's not good.
Mr. Choi and the hit-and-run driver…
I will now consider them an accomplice
and investigate them.
How can you be sure that they were?
We would have had the DNA
of the person who hit Choi Yeong-seop
unless someone removed it on purpose.
We didn't find anything.
So they left Choi Yeong-seop's DNA
in order to frame him.
Then we need to be open to the possibility
that he's the main culprit.
Mr. Shaman said that
the real culprit is still out there.
That prosecutor three years ago
must have had a reason
to let Choi Yeong-seop go.
That's why he was murdered.
At the hand of Choi Yeong-seop,
who he let go himself.
Yes, sir.
I'll join you.
Send me the location right away.
Prosecutor Cha says
he found Choi Yeong-seop's residence,
so I'll go check it out
and call you afterward.
I've got a bad feeling.
About what?
That cell phone…
What if we end up in the slammer?
I can't believe you just said that.
You know I've been in one.
Why do you think I held on to this phone
and let her beat me like that?
It's highly likely that the person
Choi Yeong-seop last spoke to is Gopuri.
You were beaten up by Ms. Han?
No, I didn't.
I let her hit me
because of the cell phone.
Gosh, so it happened.
Great job. Congratulations.
That compliment wasn't for me, was it?
-I bet it's Ms. Han.
You two better watch out.
Here. This way.
You're almost there. Just another block.
Put these on.
Damn it.
What? She's pretty.
I don't think this is
Choi Yeong-seop's daughter though.
That's probably the victim
we found in the sewers.
So it was him who did it?
Those aren't his.
Then did Gopuri put them here?
Yes. Because unlike Choi Yeong-seop,
Gopuri can't stand things being messy.
How creepy.
He's just like you.
I'm sure there's a clue here somewhere.
Great news. Choi Yeong-seop is conscious.
And the bad news is…
You need to hurry.
Detective Grumpy just arrived.
What are you doing there? Come on!
I think it's over there.
She'll be there in five minutes.
Su-cheol, if you were Choi Yeong-seop,
-what do you think your passcode would be?
-Come on!
That's not important right now!
Wouldn't he have thought it unfair
that he was living in squalor?
You have three minutes.
Are you crazy? What you're doing here
looks suspicious even in my eyes.
So what would a detective think?
They'll find you very suspicious.
The thing that keeps
Choi Yeong-seop going…
-Come on, let's go.
-Just a minute.
You're driving me insane here.
Come out, now.
I said wait! Damn it.
Come on.
Be quiet.
Gosh, look what you just did.
That was my last cup!
I'm sorry, sir.
I understand that you're upset,
but alcohol is a Group One carcinogen
and is a fatal substance
-that could lead to premature--
-Don't patronize me!
-I'm sorry, sir.
-Sir, please calm down.
-I'll pay for your soju.
I don't have any cash.
-Are you kidding me?
-Sir, I've got it.
Here you go.
Damn it.
I'm sorry.
He's very energetic for his age.
-Shall we go in?
When are his daughter
and wife's birthdays?
Give me a minute.
June 10th and November 9th.
You got it. What was the passcode?
The date his daughter's rapist,
Do Jun-ha, was killed.
-That's scary.
-His number is 01012344131.
We're off to the hospital.
Get the call record
and the location of that number.
And find out where he's been recently.
I think we found proof
that Choi Yeong-seop was the real culprit.
I'm even more confident
that he was just an accessory.
What is it? Do you know her?
It's Kang Eun-hye,
the girl who went missing a month ago.
The body found in the sewers is…
Damn it.
I should have looked into it better.
It's not your fault. Don't blame yourself.
I've checked the base station access log.
Choi Yeong-seop was in Hancheon
and only arrived at Seoul Station
around 9 p.m. yesterday.
Then he moved to Yeonhoe-dong
at about ten o'clock.
Ten o'clock…
That's when I was being humiliated.
So he was in the countryside all this time
and came to Seoul
on the day the body was found.
Maybe the real culprit asked him
to come help dispose of the body.
That's possible.
Anyway, we need to find
who called him to the crime scene.
Who did Choi Yeong-seop last
talk to on the phone? Can you find out?
I think it's a burner phone,
-but I'll look into it. Bye.
Well, this is a conundrum.
Sir, do you know where you are right now?
We'll take one each.
Use your head, not your body.
Your head.
I know. I heard you.
You don't want me to fight, do you?
-Use your head, okay?
-Yes, I got it.
Gosh. Well, hello there.
-Let's go.
I, too,
use my head at times.
What? What's this?
Jeez, what a piece of crap.
What on earth did you do to
make the bumper fall off?
I'm on my way.
I need to take care of something.
Hey, get me a cup of coffee
on your way back.
Yemen Mocha Mattari.
Make it drip-brewed.
I can't believe you said that
when you look like that.
I guess young police these days
just say their thoughts out loud.
See you later, sir.
How do I knock some sense into him?
"Yemen Mocha Mattari."
That's a great coffee.
Mr. Shaman. What are you doing here?
You know the spirit that haunts
Major Crimes Investigation Division Seven?
-I think it's following you around.
I'm being haunted?
You've had a series of misfortunes lately.
-You used to be the best,
so how did you end up like this?
You were covering
for your junior officer's mistake
and got demoted.
What? How did you know that?
He was transferred to the Daeun Station
six months ago,
and he hasn't caught anyone since
because they won't give him any cases.
His superiors must have it in for him.
I think they're just waiting
for him to quit.
I'm sensing an ominous aura.
It's very angry.
You have an evil spirit haunting you.
A very nasty one at that!
An evil spirit?
Evil spirit…
What did you just say?
Is that so?
I see. So it was six months ago.
Six months ago?
Something happened
six months ago, didn't it?
Is there a ghost behind me right now?
Don't you feel a chill behind you?
And don't you wake up
in the middle of the night?
Cue the cold air!
You're in danger.
There are two of them,
the evil spirit and a spirit
held back by his regrets.
So what should I do?
The evil spirit has drained your energy,
making it easier for others to haunt you.
What do I do, Mr. Shaman?
Do you need to ask?
You have to coax them into crossing over.
What else is there to do?
Then could you do the coaxing
and send them to the afterlife?
They're a bit dangerous
to just leave there,
but how shall I coax them to see them off?
-Stop. You only have 2,000 won anyway.
How did you know that?
You can't send off
two spirits with just 2,000 won.
I can use my credit card.
Wait, this one is for official duties.
Why do I have
my loyalty card here? Unbelievable.
Well, he's a very powerful shaman
and he came to talk to you, Mr. Choi.
A spirit who was murdered
is looking at you, weeping.
As if.
I'm glad to see you
still alive and kicking.
That should be enough energy
for you to talk to the dead.
Sir, let me just remind you
that you should go easy on him
since this is against protocols.
I understand exactly what you mean.
-Now leave.
You can stay if you want
another spirit haunting you.
No, it's fine. I'll just leave you to it.
Please, see them off for me. Okay?
The dead must dry their tears and
overcome their pain to reach the heavens,
but their tears never cease.
If anyone's upset, that would be me
and not some ghost.
That's why your daughter worries so much.
Stop that nonsense.
Your daughter,
who committed suicide, is telling me
that you didn't do it.
"My father would never kill someone.
He's been framed."
"I saw it. My father's being used."
That's what she said.
You promised her
you'd never let go of her again
on the day she got lost
at the amusement park.
Su-ji really here?
I'm sorry.
I was going to kill that bastard
and kill myself too,
but I promised him
that I would pay any price
if he killed the bastard for me.
You promised him you'd pay a price
for having him kill someone?
I'm so sorry. I really am.
I'll get the car fixed
and make sure it's in perfect condition.
That's not the problem.
How am I going to get to work?
So you're worried about going to work.
Gosh, don't worry.
You can use that car
until yours get fixed.
How's that?
I'd be happy to.
Wait. Isn't he the man
who was with Mr. Nam?
What? Don't tell me he's here.
Wait. Hold on.
You should talk it out. Let's use words.
What? Ma'am.
I'll be off then.
I wanted to get revenge with my own hands,
but it turned out
murder isn't something
you can do just because you want to.
I'm such an idiot.
But he told me
he would punish Do Jun-ha for me.
I told him I'd do anything
for the bastard's death.
When I opened my eyes,
the bastard was really dead.
Who was the person who told you that?
I never
got to see his face.
Is he the one
who called you over to the sewers?
I can't really remember his voice.
You have to. If you can't,
everyone will think you're a murderer.
And that'll make your daughter sad.
Su-ji will understand.
It was the only way to bring justice
to the bastard who killed Su-ji.
The bastard deserved to die.
You didn't have a reason to go after
Prosecutor Han Jae-jeong though.
Is Mr. Nam here
at the hospital too right now?
He's not here to see
Choi Yeong-seop, is he?
No way. Choi Yeong-seop? Nonsense.
What? Wait!
Come here!
Why did he kill Prosecutor Han?
And what about the girl
we found in the sewers?
What did that man tell you?
Did he tell you
that they also deserved to die?
If it was him who did it,
there must have been a good reason--
There's no reason behind it.
You helped the murderer
who killed an honorable prosecutor
and a young girl!
So tell me. Who's really behind this?
No, it can't be…
You know it too!
The real reason
he told you to come to the sewers.
He was going to frame you
for his crime then kill you.
You were being used!
Tell me unless you want Su-ji
to remember you as a murderer.
Who called you over?
Who killed Prosecutor Han Jae-jeong?
I have a bad feeling about this.
I'm sorry!
Ms. Han!
I tried to save Prosecutor Han…
What do you think you are doing?
Tell me, Choi Yeong-seop.
You didn't do it.
-Tell me who the real culprit is!
-Stop it!
Say it! Tell me!
Come here!
My goodness.
Mr. Choi. One, two…
-Move aside.
-Right, okay.
-Hurry up.
-How is he?
We need to hurry.
Let go of me.
I said, let go of me.
Please, let go.
There's something I need to hear
from Choi Yeong-seop!
Do you know what you just did?
The culprit almost died
before he could confess because of you.
Again, I lost the culprit because of you!
No. You're the one
who made me lose the culprit.
Choi Yeong-seop admitted it.
The culprit killed Do Jun-ha for him.
That's why he follows his orders.
Don't give me that crap.
Choi Yeong-seop is the killer.
I was the one who arrested him
at the scene three years ago.
It's not like you saw him kill someone
with your own eyes.
What about you then?
Did you see it with your own eyes?
Is that how you're so sure?
I've seen him.
The real culprit.
Subtitle translation by: Jung-in Park
Arsonists enjoy watching their work.
Especially if they committed murder.
I can't trust you
because you go around conning people
pretending to be a shaman!
Do you admit to the murder of
Prosecutor Han Jae-jeong?
I just killed him.
He won't. The killer must have
looked like a savior to Choi Yeong-seop.
So, I lie down, pretending
to be Choi Yeong-seop,
and catch Gopuri when he shows up?
You just want to prove
that Choi Yeong-seop wasn't the killer.
You said you wanted to believe me.
I'll show you that I wasn't wrong.
Ripped and resynced by YoungJedi
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