Call It Love (2023) s01e05 Episode Script

Episode 5

I even let my girlfriend
cheat on me for a year.
Where's Dongjin right now?
He's out of the office.
That's why I'm asking…
Where could he have gone?
It's not like he has anywhere to go.
I moved back
to where I used to live.
I'll avoid you.
I'll explain everything.
Just pick up the phone.
Hey, I was just about to call
you, and here you are, right on time.
Soju, please.
I'm going home.
I don't feel like drinking.
how many times do I have to tell you?
A couple of sips
during a meal isn't drinking.
A drink with a meal is just
the one medicine
my pharmacy doesn't stock.
You can take that medicine
on your own.
Come on.
Who on earth drinks alone?
Why can't you?
Because it's bitter.
It's already bitter as it is,
but alone, it's unbearably so.
That tasted great.
Hey, I'll be at the noodle place.
Come quick.
Another drink?
We should all go!
-Who's leaving?
-What's up? What?
-Family needs to stick together.
-Come on!
-You can leave later.
Who's driving?
That's why we need to go quick…
Sir, leave it. I'll clean it up.
I'm sorry.
When did you find out?
When did you…
find out where Minyoung lives?
You damn bastard.
When I keep quiet about something,
it's for a reason.
You just have to make me say these things.
A wedding invitation.
From the girl I dated for seven years.
From the girl that
I had in my arms just the day before.
I received a wedding invitation
from a girl like that.
Who would I tell this to?
No one would ever forget that, hmm?
My life is…
…really pathetic.
Are you crazy?
You scared me!
What do you think you're doing?
Who said I'm trying to die?
It's nothing like that.
So why did you stupidly put up
with it for a whole year?
You should have dumped her
the second you found out!
Go and take revenge on her now,
if you have to!
At the very least, trip her or something!
You should be out to ruin them.
Why do you ruin yourself like a fool?
I'm tired.
Don't follow me.
You're bleeding.
Your hand's bleeding.
Get up.
I'll let you know when Dongjin turns up,
so go home and wait.
I'll leave when I see him.
Will you please just listen to me?
Do you think he'd want to see you?
That's true.
A darn witch.
A crazy brat.
Call me what you want. I deserve it.
I wish they all would,
but nobody ever does.
Maybe that's why
I could be so shameless and come back.
So stubborn. Seriously.
Now that you know,
can you just cuss me out?
Maybe that'll wake me up.
What for?
Cussing someone out is pointless
if they don't even understand anything.
Even with the benefit of the doubt,
Dongjin wouldn't
have been unfaithful to you,
which means it had to be you, Minyoung.
I had a basic idea about what happened.
I just pretended not to know
so I would feel less uncomfortable.
I couldn't curse at you.
I don't deserve to do that.
It's just…
Poor Dongjin is the one suffering.
How much was it?
It was 65,000 won.
You weren't really trying
to off yourself earlier, were you?
I knew it.
Wanting to die
for getting dumped by a woman?
That's just embarrassing.
You said you even
got invited to the wedding.
And you didn't do anything?
You should have gone
to the wedding and crashed it.
I would have done it dozens
of times if I were you.
So she won't have the nerve
to show up again.
How can crashing a wedding be revenge?
Say you do that. What then?
In the end,
you'll have to live with that horrible
feeling for the rest of your life.
How is that revenge?
More like digging your own grave.
Ignoring it was the right thing to do.
This is why you get stabbed in the back.
You always make yourself look easy.
You didn't even know Mr. Cha was taking
the clients behind your back,
so stop acting big.
What did you just say?
You heard me.
Ms. Sim.
It's as I said just now.
Mr. Cha is getting
all the companies behind your back,
and he said you wouldn't
be able to hold the camping fair.
You have no idea how deep
in trouble you are,
and you feel like letting him slide?
Mr. Cha is getting
all the companies behind your back,
and he said you wouldn't
be able to hold the camping fair.
You and I go way back,
so I tried my best.
But you don't do business
out of friendship.
You have no idea
how deep in trouble you are,
and you feel like letting him slide?
Does it feel good to just say
whatever is on your mind?
To you, it may seem like people hold
themselves back because they're dumb.
But if you say everything
that's on your mind,
you have to watch others
get hurt by what you say.
Some people find it harder
than holding back,
so they try hard not to say anything.
This is why
you get stabbed in the back.
You always make yourself look easy.
Do you know what wizards use
to cast magic?
I don't know, a wand?
No, that's not it.
The wand is just an ornament.
The magic itself is cast through words.
Are you going to keep going?
If you don't want it,
go on minding your front teeth.
Practice makes perfect.
So instead of a wand,
I'm going to use words on Suho.
Here I go.
"You will fall in love with Haesung,
you'll fall in love with her."
"You will smile at me."
"Smile at me."
Haesung. Woojoo is making me
wait for her for over two hours.
What do you think about that?
-Trying to change the topic?
-Take a hint and stop it already.
I can't stomach that kind of stuff well.
Should I try something else?
So is Woojoo the one person
willing to eat with you?
Or do you just not have any other friends?
At this rate, you'll cry
once Woojoo starts dating someone.
Dating, my foot.
I got more chances of winning the lottery
than her scoring a date.
You do know
Woojoo and I are siblings, right?
We have the same mother.
I just have this feeling
she'll find someone before you do.
Come on.
Is it the tone?
I should raise the tone of my voice.
"Do you know
what wizards use to cast magic?"
Jun, I'm off to work.
You're not even trying to hide it now?
By the way, Woojoo made some hangover soup
and wants you to have some.
I don't need any. I didn't even drink.
That's no way to apologize.
Right. She wanted me to tell you this too.
She's cleaning up at the pharmacy
ten times to say sorry.
I'll have some soup then.
You're easy. Way too easy.
My heart wants you so much ♪
You are my honey, honey, honey… ♪
Starting the morning
with some serious energy, I see.
I'm here!
I only want you for always ♪
Oh baby, honey, honey, honey ♪
You are my honey, honey, honey ♪
I want you so desperately,
and you only… ♪
It's hot.
You are my honey, honey, honey ♪
Do you have to turn back? ♪
Darn, you startled me!
Isn't it too early to swear like that…
Yoon Jun, I'm going to kill you!
I announced I was coming in!
You're the one who didn't hear me.
Plus, I have astigmatism,
so it was all a blur to me.
So cool it and go to work, all right?
Get in here!
I'm going to count to three!
One, two, three! Get in here, now!
Look over here.
Take a good look. These are my underwear.
On average of 360 days a year,
I wear matching underwear.
I also shave my legs
whether I'm dating or not.
Even when I'm running late
and can't do my brows,
I make sure to put on body lotion.
That's the kind of woman I am.
What are you doing?
Picking up the pieces
of my shattered self-esteem.
Forget about those tattered underwears
you saw me in. Those aren't mine.
My gosh, that's what all of this is about?
Man. Seriously.
Haesung, I don't care whether you walk
around in holey underwear or bikinis.
I couldn't care any less.
It's really fine.
Why don't you care?
Because you're…
like a giraffe to me.
We don't look at a giraffe and wonder
if it's male or female, right?
Similarly, I think of you as a giraffe…
Did you not know giraffes can
take lions down with one hind kick?
Yes, ma'am. I'm sorry. Have a nice day.
Darn it.
Are you hurt? Is it broken?
Gosh, what happened to you?
I mean…
I stayed outside your place all night.
I have low blood pressure,
so I shouldn't sleep in the cold,
but I slept in the car.
Do you know what I mean?
I-I'm saying that's how sorry I am.
I wasn't trying to lie on purpose.
It just kind of came out of nowhere.
I just blurted it out at the moment.
Please believe me.
Just open the door.
I'm sorry, I really am.
Aren't you going to open the door?
Yes, okay. Sure…
Me too.
I'm sorry for cussing you out.
-Let's get going.
-Of course.
You're too kind.
It makes me feel even worse.
Yes. I'm coming.
I can't think right now.
What are we…
…supposed to do first?
First, let's visit the clients
and assess the situation.
By the way,
how did Sim Woojoo
come to learn about this?
I don't think Cha Youngmin told her
on his own. Did you ask her in detail?
am not the spy.
I can't say I've lived
the most righteous and pristine life…
…but I'm not so easy
that you can manipulate me
into doing something like that for money.
It's not her.
What do you mean it's not her?
I just know it's not her.
I hope not, too.
But we are not in a situation
to trust anyone right now.
It's hard enough for us as it is to make
a move thinking everyone is out to get us.
I'm just saying
Sim Woojoo can't be an exception.
Good morning.
Good morning.
Good morning.
Good morning.
Do a good job on that, please.
You need to advertise
your products, right?
I mean, if you back out so abruptly,
where would you go?
Sir. This really is…
He says it's a done deal
and there's no need to waste
any more time on that.
Then let me just ask you
one last question.
-You know Shinwoo Fair, right?
-We really don't know anything.
Something's definitely going on.
Sir, did you find out anything?
We've split up the list,
-but we've got nothing so far.
-I looked around.
There's no exhibition
listed under Shinwoo Fair.
I'll send you a new list
of clients with no down payments.
What the… Did you lock the supply room?
What? That's odd.
I saw Ms. Baek go in there earlier.
Is this Director Kang Minyoung?
Who is this?
Yes, this is Shin Sungman
from Shinwoo Fair.
Should I call back--
Someone her age sleeping this late?
At least some of us are having it easy.
Yes. Ms. Kang… Hello.
Oh, I'm sorry. I was exercising,
and the call got cut off.
Yes. Of course.
Well, you left in such a hurry yesterday,
and then I heard nothing from you,
so I thought I'd give you a call.
Well, I'm not trying
to rush you or anything.
But when do you think
you could deposit the investment funds?
Is Shinwoo Fair struggling financially?
It all looked fine on paper.
You gave me
the business plan just yesterday.
I'll review it and give you a call.
I think they're definitely working
behind our backs.
We just have to find out when and where.
We're both grown men,
so I don't want to hand-feed you,
but I'm putting these closer, okay?
Want more soft tofu stew?
The number you have
dialed is unavailable at the present.
Come with me.
I'm going to go from here.
You're not going home?
I'm just going to go.
Then, why don't you come over to my place?
What will you tell your mother?
I'll tell her you're refusing to go home
when your ex-girlfriend is the one
who moved in next door.
Our company's about to go down,
your ex-girlfriend came back,
and you broke your arm.
And if you can't even go back
to your own place, that's just too much.
Darn it.
All right.
Oh, right.
-What did you say you wanted?
-Coffee-flavored milk.
Coming up.
Let's go.
Jeez. He's so tall, like a model.
What? Where?
That man walking over there,
with the bag.
I've seen that slouched back before.
Where did I see him?
Oh, right.
Neil Armstrong.
The first man
to ever woo the moon.
CEO Neil Armstrong.
How pitiful are you?
If you're going to keep replying to me,
let's just go out.
So he's walking into a motel alone.
So what? What do you want me to do?
Hey, what's with that attitude?
I'm just asking because it's weird.
Why is he going
to a motel alone at this hour?
So why are you asking me that?
Whether he goes to a motel
or a sauna, how should I know?
And what are you doing out and about?
You should be studying.
How are you going to pass
by studying like everyone else?
You need to put in twice the effort--
Hey, Sim Jigu!
Stop staring.
You're making me.
How interesting.
You fold the rest.
Gosh, what is she pissed about now?
Maybe she knows
you quit studying for the exam.
I haven't told you
about my sisters yet, have I?
The eldest is the Hulk
and the second is a nutjob.
Which means,
if they've found out that I quit studying
for the civil service exam,
they would have shaved my head already.
Let's go inside.
Hmm? Aren't you seeing your girlfriend?
We broke up a week ago.
Oh, nice.
Then who were you texting? Your mom?
-A woman.
-Is she pretty?
-I don't know, she's old as hell.
-Let's go.
Sorry to keep you waiting.
Gosh, I had to go all the way
over to the main street.
Heeja, you like
the coffee here, don't you?
What's all this about? What do you want?
I'm telling you now,
but I don't have any money either.
-Why not?
Did you really sell my brother's house
and give your son all the money?
Why should I tell you about all that?
Don't be like that.
Heeja, if you have even a cent left,
lend it to me for just a month.
I'll pay you back with generous interest.
Someone I know invested 40 million won
and made twice that money in a month.
Goodness, do you really believe that?
I watched it happen
with my own eyes.
The rent for my salon
is late this month, too.
I'll think about it.
-Thank you, Heeja!
Don't touch me with those dirty hands
that touched the chemicals!
-Get me a wet wipe!
-Gosh, I'm sorry.
-Are you kidding me?
-Here are some tissues.
-What do I do?
Did you meet with Woojoo?
Just like her mom, she'll get something
done once she puts her mind to it.
-No, it's nothing.
Heeja, think about it
and give me a call, will you?
Hmm… Sure. I'll keep in touch.
That darn cow. I hope
you fall and break your nose.
CEO Choi is understandable,
but why isn't CEO Han coming in?
He fell down and broke his arm.
But isn't he the type to show up
for work even with a broken leg?
He comes to work on the weekends too.
-I know, right? It's pretty strange.
-Yes. It's weird.
I heard something odd. A rumor.
The Jet Camping contract
wasn't actually delayed but canceled.
I heard Mr. Cha talking on the phone
with Director Kim even yesterday.
My brother-in-law works there,
and he says it's almost certain.
Gosh, that's crazy.
What is this?
What? That's seriously nuts.
I know.
I was going to call you first,
but I've been really busy.
Honestly, this isn't right.
Putting on a fair with the same companies
a week before like some cheaters.
When did you receive this brochure?
Uh… About a month ago, I think?
Anyway, they promoted it by saying,
if we cancel our contract with you
and join their fair, they'd give us
a big discount on the booth
and promised the next fair participation
would be for free.
Is this the man who came to talk to you?
Yes, that's right.
Is everybody free for lunch?
Yes, sir.
Then let's have a team lunch today.
-Sounds good.
Ms. Sim. Why don't you join us?
Ms. Sim too?
Isn't Ms. Sim part of our team?
I mean, that's…
Come on, hurry up.
What are you waiting for? Get up.
I'm switching companies.
Why the long faces?
I mean, it's not like you're all
going to work at Best Fairs forever.
There's nothing new about moving
to a new job that offers a higher salary.
What's so surprising?
It's just so sudden.
You could have
at least given us a heads-up.
And that's why I'm treating you all
to a nice lunch.
May I ask which company?
-You'll find out eventually…
-Shinwoo Fair.
He's going to work under CEO Shin.
Yes, it's like that.
Sir, that's not right.
You know what kind of a man CEO Shin is!
I mean, I get it
if it's any other company.
But joining Shinwoo Fair means
you're blatantly out to get Best Fairs.
I'm sorry, sir.
I just think that it's wrong.
Mr. Kang.
-You're not going to last long in sales.
Take a hint.
Do you really think I'd be going alone?
I've told them about you all here,
so let's all join them together.
Best Fairs is about to go down.
The only way for it to survive is
to do well at the camping fair,
but they won't be able to hold it.
I'll bite the bullet and go first,
so follow me out when the time is right.
Do you understand what I'm saying?
What are you doing?
The lunch break is over.
I just can't tell whose side
she's on in moments like this.
I, too,
was taking my revenge.
I wanted to make lots of money,
drive a nice car,
and live in a better house.
I guess I wanted to say,
"You brought bad luck into my life."
"Now that you're gone,
I'm doing so much better."
Proving that is also revenge.
I need you, Ms. Sim.
Ms. Sim is going to be working
here again, starting today.
If you have a problem with that,
come see me.
Because I asked her to come back to work.
Just be yourself.
Don't let them get you down.
I trust your word that you don't let
people easily manipulate you.
Also, I don't really have a choice.
Asking and pleading with you,
is the only option I have.
Mr. Han. I'm giving you a chance
to take your revenge for sure.
Mr. Cha is trying to get his
team members to join CEO Shin's company.
The man has no conscience.
What's this? Mr. Cha has family overseas?
That's sickeningly conventional.
Why didn't she go home?
I asked her to help pack up
Mr. Cha's belongings.
I heard from Dongjin…
I mean, from CEO Han.
Anyway… Thank you.
Do I just put everything in the box?
Yes. First, start with
personal belongings.
I'll pretend my being ignored
is all in my head.
Gosh. We just need one thing
that can prove he went to the same vendor.
-Don't you think he would have deleted it?
-But still…
The folder with his family photos.
-Open that.
It's here!
I've seen him
open and close that file many times.
Ms. Sim, you hit the jackpot.
Now, we only need Dongjin to do well.
But he's never done anything
like this before, so I'm worried.
-You grind up potatoes,
-and you make it into flour.
-Sprinkle flour on the rice cake and…
-You know how we fry things?
Then you fry that powder
onto the sticky rice cake.
What brings you here, Mr. Han?
I've been waiting for you.
I had something to tell you.
Hyunsoo, go inside. Grandma's coming soon.
Go ahead.
Shall I start first?
Starting tomorrow, you no longer work
at Best Fairs, Mr. Cha.
Don't come to work.
The reason I came
all the way here is because
this would be better than
getting fired in front of your coworkers
you've worked with all these years.
We'll send your belongings by courier.
This is why you're getting
played by CEO Shin.
Being nice works at school.
Being nice out in the business world
makes you a pushover.
This is sincere advice.
So you can be more clever doing business.
Don't delude yourself.
I've been using you.
If I'd cut you out earlier,
the others could have gotten
involved with someone like CEO Shin.
I've been using you because I didn't
want them to go down the wrong path.
You know how to be blunt.
No, this is being blunt.
Does your daughter know what kind of money
is letting her study overseas?
Where are you?
Ah, this is a miracle.
I mean, how lucky can we get…
Great job, everybody. Amazing work.
Thank you so much.
Hey, why don't we go out
for a quick beer to celebrate?
I'm headed to the office.
Woojoo, come with us.
I'm meeting someone.
With who?
Okay. Let's do a raincheck, then.
You two go on ahead.
I left my wallet on my desk.
I'm going to grab that and leave.
Well, that was awkward.
Why would her wallet be on her desk
when she's never pulled it out?
Just let it go.
But I'm curious.
Let's just go.
I'm still at the office myself…
If you want, we can grab dinner together.
He's not here.
He's gone for the day.
When did he leave?
Has it been long since he left?
You just show up out of the blue
every single time.
Like you're toying with him.
-Are you talking to--
-I have to lock up.
Ms. Sim.
Are you hurt? Is it bad?
I have something to tell you.
Let's go somewhere more private.
You think we can meet
just because you want to talk?
Just leave.
It's not about me,
it's about the company.
I met CEO Shin.
I wanted to find out what he was up to.
I pretended to be an investor.
I wanted to help you.
What a nice excuse.
Yes, because it was the best one
I could come up with.
At least you're looking me in the eye
since this is about the company.
Why is everything so easy for you?
It wasn't easy.
I thought it over hundreds of times
and I barely mustered the courage to come.
I didn't come here to talk about this.
But I didn't get married.
I was alone the whole time in America.
I know. I have no shame.
But I really wanted to apologize to you.
Someone once said
that my back looks…
so bored,
and so lonely.
Think about it tens of thousands
more times, not just hundreds.
The reason why you shouldn't
show up in front of me anymore.
Let's go.
Let's go.
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