Call Me Dad (2024) s01e05 Episode Script

Episode 5

You're hysterical.
-You need to respect me.
-Stop it!
I know you're ovulating.
Helle, goddammit!
-What are you doing?
-Just tell me what's wrong?
-Have you looked in my calendar?
-Have you? You have.
-No, I haven't.
-No, but I think you're ovulating.
-You been
I have a good feeling.
-It's obvious. You're yelling at me.
It's only when you're ovulating.
You're not being very loving.
This is just too much.
-I can't be arsed.
-But I want to
I thought we agreed
we wanted a baby.
Please try to understand
how hard this is for me.
I want a child with you, Viktor.
But I'm 49.
If I get pregnant,
it'll be a miracle.
That's why I'm saying maybe we
should consider fertility treatment.
Have you any idea
how hard that will be?
That's what it takes
if we want a baby, Helle.
Let's say we start the treatment.
What if I don't fall pregnant?
-Then we'll try again.
-And if I don't fall pregnant then?
I'm sure we will, sweetie.
It would help if you didn't
put pressure on me!
I don't think I am.
So it's no pressure that you want
to refurbish Emil's old cot?
-Maybe I want it more than you.
-I can't do this anymore.
-I think you should move out.
-I'm sorry, what are you saying?
-I think you should move out.
Will you please just look at me?
Do you want me to move out?
-My God!
-Good to see you.
-Want some fresh fish?
-Are they from this morning?
Yes, they're mackerel.
-This one is nice.
-I'd like four, please.
-You'll get them for 400.
-Are you serious?
-Is that because of Siv?
-It's okay to suck up a bit.
I don't normally
get that level of service.
-Maybe I should always come along.
-Please do. That would be lovely.
-Thank you.
-Have a good day.
-You too.
-Thank you.
-Wow. Is it for the starter?
And I went out crabbing last
night for the main course.
-Did you go crabbing?
-Yes. It's an invasive species.
So by catching and eating them,
you help balance nature.
I think Torben will love it.
-You do?
-Yes, definitely.
He said how much he's
looking forward to your cooking.
-And I hope you'll start at Vanvid.
I'd like to spend
more time with you.
I hope so too.
-That must be Torben.
-I have to go to work anyway.
You could pop by later tonight when
you've finished at Torben's?
-It'll probably be late.
-That's fine.
-Sure, I'd like that. Great.
-Great. See you.
-Yes. Bye.
-Good luck.
Bloody hell.
-Hi, Emil.
-Hi. What are you doing?
-I don't know what to do.
If it's about you and my mum,
I don't really want to get involved.
Are we catering for a party?
What are you doing?
Yes, that guy from Brønshøj who
wanted an October Fest.
-I told you.
No, you didn't!
I can't even do that right!
-I can't do tonight. I have a date.
-With whom?
That's nice, Emil.
I'll just do this alone. I've got
nothing better to do anyway.
Bloody hell!
Drop that for a second. Come here.
I just love her so much,
and I don't think she knows.
This is a giant own goal.
-It's just what I do.
-Take it easy.
-Take it easy.
-Won't you talk to Helle, please?
You need to talk to her.
I'll talk to her.
-You will?
-We can't have you looking so sad.
-Are you sure you can do this?
I was crying for two hours
straight at the market.
-You can't do that.
-I know.
-I'll handle this.
-Will you give my love to Helle?
-I will.
-Please tell her that I love her.
-I promise. Okay?
-Thanks, Emil.
-Cheer up.
Hi! Emil Bøgh
-Doctor Kjærgaard?
-Where did you get my address?
-I didn't.
-Then what are you doing here?
-I'm cooking for Torben Bagger.
Yes, that's right. Torben did say
that he'd hired a talented chef
to cook this evening.
-That's good.
-Funny that it turned out to be you.
Yes, very funny. Hello.
You look good. Are you well?
Thanks. I'm fine. I apologise if
I was a bit before.
I've previously had patients
who looked me up privately.
I see. That sounds unpleasant.
He had an infection,
pus coming out of both ears.
So apparently,
he didn't hear me asking him
to leave the house.
-That sounds very unpleasant.
-It was.
The secretion had a foul smell that
stayed in the carpet for weeks.
No more case history. Come in.
This house is incredible!
The kitchen is upstairs.
Okay. Thank you.
-Hi, Viko!
-Hi. I have a question.
What is that trick you normally use
if the sauce turns lumpy?
I think I'd use a stick blender
and strain it through a sieve.
Okay. That's what I thought.
I just wanted to be sure.
-Is everything all under control?
Don't come back. I'll handle this.
Okay. Say hi
to Siv from me. Bye!
What are you doing?
I'm cooking German food for your
dad. My name's Viktor. What's yours?
Are you a bit shy?
Do you want a pretzel?
Here you go.
-My name's Karl.
-Hi, Karl.
Cool name.
I want to name my son that.
Sure, guys.
What are you doing here?
We talked about that.
Upstairs. Off you go.
We were having
a talk man to man.
-We have
-What's that mess?
I'll clean it off. I'm working.
This is braised shank,
white potatoes
fried Cumberland sausage,
beetroot and a wholegrain mustard.
And the notorious brown sauce
is simmering away.
Great! And remember to
wear the hat as we agreed.
You can't be down here.
Get back upstairs!
-Right, boys!
-We want food!
-It's coming!
-Hi, Torben.
-Hi, Emil.
-I can smell it.
-I'm happy to hear that.
What will you be serving tonight?
The starter is ceviche made from
line-caught mackerel from Øresund
along with grilled cucumber
and fermented gooseberry.
It looks bloody good!
The whole menu is carbon neutral.
I care a lot about the journey
from farm to fork.
I've harvested all vegetables myself
and the crabs for the main course,
I caught myself.
That's it. That's it!
I've been working on this menu
for over a year.
-You're the first to taste it.
-So it's a world premiere.
-It is.
It looks insanely good.
-Looking forward to it.
Just one more thing: When the
food is ready, don't come down.
-Ring this bell.
Then Phillip will come.
He'll serve the food.
-That's the rule we use.
Great. Looking forward to it.
-Farm to fork. Fork to farm.
-That's it.
-Hi. Emil.
Nice to meet you.
Just ring when you're ready.
-Yes, Torben said. Understood.
-Perfect. Great.
-What did they think of the starter?
-Eh I didn't notice.
-Thank you for the meal.
-You're welcome, mate.
Do you have room for apple pie?
With sour cream?
Sit down, and I'll find it.
Do you like it?
Do you live here
alone with your dad?
Get the girls under control, boys!
Get them to strip off, Danny!
No, no, no. Why are you not in bed?
Karl was still hungry.
Nobody asked you. Get the hell out
of here and go to bed right now!
-Speak nicely to him.
-What did you say?
Speak nicely to your son.
Don't you bloody tell me how to talk
to my son in my house. Understand?
-And that was some shitty food.
-Didn't you like it?
The dog didn't even want to eat it.
The sauce is like wallpaper paste.
You will get a great review
on Facebook.
Why are you just standing there?
Go upstairs!
Why don't you listen? I don't
want to have to repeat myself!
-Speak nicely.
-Shut up, Goofy.
What are you doing? Nicky!
-Stop that.
-Yes? What's up?
That idiot just slapped me!
-Let just say you don't have to pay.
-Karl, it was just for fun.
-Now, Nicky!
I just wanted to say thanks for
a lovely meal. It was delicious.
I'm so glad to hear that.
Thank you very much.
I just remembered I got the results
from some of your tests.
They're at the clinic.
It's an incredibly
fascinating result.
In my 40 years of practising,
I've never seen anything like it.
Okay? Is that good or bad?
It's actually
Will you come and say goodbye
to Niels and Kirsten, honey?
Just a moment.
That's actually a good question.
-Bye, Peter. See you!
Let's talk about it at your
next appointment at the clinic.
Are you sure you can't reveal
-Peter, they're leaving now!
-It's a long story.
Call me Monday, and we'll talk.
-That's settled then.
-I'll call Monday.
That looks nice.
So when do you start here?
I need to sort out
some things first.
-Such as?
-Such as my catering business.
-Oh yes.
-And what to do about Viktor.
Everything's pretty complicated
right now.
-I understand. That must be hard.
-Cheers, damn it!
Do you know
what I want to do right now?
Turn that down!
Hi, it's me. I'm outside the flat,
and I can't get in.
I can see that you're in.
I need to talk to you.
It's important.
Please call me when you
hear this.
-Did I wake you?
-Did I wake you?
-No, not at all.
-I'm so tense.
Let me see.
-What do you want for your birthday?
-I can't cope with my birthday.
-I want to cancel the whole thing.
-You can't cancel your 50th. Right?
-He's really sorry.
-It was just too much.
He pushed my limits
beyond what's reasonable.
You know what, mum?
I think you need to love him
when he least deserves it.
Because that's when
he needs it the most.
Beautifully said, Tubby.
You're so wise.
You're right.
Hi, sweetie!
-Did you go for a swim?
-Hi, Viktor.
Hi, Emil.
Apparently, a wise man said the
right words to Helle yesterday.
You should love your partner
when they least deserve it. Or most?
-I'm fucking it up now.
-It's least.
That's when he needs it the most.
Wow, Emil. Thank you. You're a star.
-Thank you, sweetie.
You're welcome.
-Do we have a visitor?
Who is it?
Spit it out.
I've been thinking about us a lot.
And about me. I know I haven't
been a good girlfriend.
-But I'm finding myself again.
I've realised that
I can't live without you.
You're so good for me.
And you make me a better person.
That's why I love you so much.
Oh, God.
Come and sit down
and have something to eat.
There's also chocolate milk.
Pull up the stool. See?
You did it. Right?
-There you go.
-You're stronger than you think.
Much stronger.
-I just missed you so much.
-Strong girl.
It's so great to have you back.
I was so lonely without you.
-I'm glad to be back.
-Bunny missed you too.
Will you get the groceries for that
dish you made for Viola and me?
What was it? Something
Something with coconut milk
mixed with
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