Conversations with Friends 2022) s01e05 Episode Script

Episode 5


- Morning.
- Morning.
Eggs on the way.
Oh, great.
How's your head?
Uh, fine, actually. You?
What would you give
to be 21 again?
I'd rather
the hangovers, actually.
There's lots
to look forward to then.
- Can I do anything?
- Uh, no.
Just enjoy your coffee.
Have you come to help me?
To watch.
Did you sleep?
Not really.
Can't believe it's our last day.
It's probably a good thing.
What we're doing
is insanely risky.
Were you ever tempted to do
something like this before?
Why not?
Guess I didn't meet anyone.
Yeah. I don't know.
We were pretty happy
for a long time together.
At least, I thought we were.
I mean, when you're in love,
you don't really
think about these things.
And when did
you stop being in love?
I don't think I did stop.
So you're saying
you still love her?
He's there.

- Morning.
- Just in time.
Oh, I'm gonna dream
about this fruit when I'm home.
Just wait till breakfast.

Ah. Valerie says she's en route.
Oh, God.
Oh, stop. She loves you.
- Who's Valerie?
- Melissa's patron.
Thanks, Derek.
No, she's my agent.
Ah. The owner.
Ah, don't worry. She's nice.
She's funny
on a good day.
Yeah, she's a real sweetheart.

I'm just gonna bake a big fish
and do some sides.
Sounds great.
Okay, I'll make a list.
Frances, do you wanna
come with me to the market?
- Give me a hand?
- Sure.

- Hi.
- Where are you headed?
Um, we're just
going to get supplies.
Are you annoyed at me?
I thought you were
annoyed with me.
Okay, I'm a bit
annoyed with you.
Okay. Good.
It was awkward
for everyone last night.
- I'm sorry.
- I didn't mean to embarrass you.
If anything,
I was making fun of Nick.
He's clearly into you.
You know, you definitely could
hook up with him if you wanted to.
Okay, I have to go.
Hold on. I'm coming.
I've been tasked with dessert.
- We can get what you need.
- No, it's fine.
I've gotta see what's there
to get an idea.
Plus, it's probably about
to get stressful around here.
[pop music playing
over car stereo[
How are things with Melissa
and Valerie these days?
Up and down.
Melissa thinks
Valerie's lost faith in her.
Do you think that's true?
Don't know.
I certainly didn't help things.
At least you and Bobbi will
be there to defuse any tension.
Is that what we do?

I'm sorry about earlier.
I was a bit blunt.
It doesn't change the way
that I feel about you.
Which is?
Don't worry about it.
- Hi.
- Hey.
How's it all going?
Your wife's
a little on edge today.
- Oh, yes.
- Yeah, I'm keeping out of the way.
- Oh, brilliant, you're here.
- Can you throw me a lemon?
Lemons weren't on the list.
Yeah, I-I said on the way out.
Well, I didn't hear you.
Do you want me
to go back and get some?
Mm-mmm. I'll do without.
Um, is there a vase
I should put these in or
You know what?
Nick, will you help her, please?
I can do that.
She likes the stems
cut diagonal.
Why don't you rest?
It'll be fine.
Okay. Well
- Hi.
- Hey, Frances.
- How are you?
- Good.
It was kind of
- Yeah.
- This is not like a good thing.
Yeah. I think that was, uh
But I think we're
getting somewhere here.
I know.
- Hi.
- Hey.
Good sleep?
- Thanks.
- Mm-hmm.
Cheers, everyone.
This looks nice.
- Yeah.
- Give me some of that.
I'm sorry for
being a brat earlier
about the lemons.
You're forgiven.
Could you give me a hand
with something in the kitchen?
- Sure.
- Okay.
- See you later.
- See you.
I can grab it.
What were you two
talking about?
Nothing much.
He's funny.
He didn't mention you, if
that's what you were wondering.
Yeah, well, I'm pretty sure
he's in love with his wife, so
People can be in love and
have meaningful relationships.
It's not some
kind of finite resource.
Yeah, but wouldn't
it depress you
to sleep with someone
who loves someone else?
Not if they love me too.
Can we just
hide and get drunk?
I wish.
Come on.
- Taking the wine.
- Please do that.
- and I'm not quite sure.
- Yeah.
And then you have
to be really careful
'cause you'll get burned.
Oh, it's delicious.
Oh, there you are.
There she is.
- Hi.
- Hi, darling.
Good to see you.
Oh, look Oh, good grief.
What a frock.
- Thank you.
- Gorgeous.
How are you?
Good. How are you?
Oh, I've had
an absolute nightmare of a week
with this bitch writer
in New York.
It's good to be
amongst the sane.
Oh, no, you've come
to the wrong place.
which is which?
Um, I'm Frances.
Guess I'm the other one.
That's Bobbi.
Something smells good.
- Yeah, yeah.
- Shall I get you a drink?
Well, she's clearly
a complete weapon.
You've known her
about ten minutes.
Please behave.
I'll think about it.
no, but he does
look like one.
Oh, yeah.
It doesn't work.
Has everyone got a full glass?
It's gorgeous.
- Yeah.
- It looks great.
- It's beautiful.
- Oh.
Yeah, it does. Yeah.
It's amazing.
Oh, this is my copy
for you to sign.
- Give it here.
- Saying just eternal gratitude
and everlasting love,
that's fine.
Now we have to
raise a glass for this one.
It was a beast,
but we delivered it in the end.
- Amazing.
- Thank you.
- Thank you.
- Cheers.
And I couldn't have
done it without you.
Bloody right.
I see.

Well done.
I don't even understand
you anymore.
It's very impressive.
How's Nick?
Yeah, he's good.
Good. I'm glad to hear it.
Looking very dashing.
Holidaying obviously suits you.
- Thank you.
- You know, Valerie,
you know that
Frances is the one
whose poem I used
in the first essay of the book.
- And Bobbi's the performer, right?
- Yeah.
I've been trying to convince
them to perform, but no joy.
That poem was a good choice.
Keep at it.
Frances isn't interested
in publishing, though.
Too grubby.
Give her time.
- So you're both at uni?
- Hmm.
Yeah, we're going
into final year.
Hmm. Nice to get away
before the fun starts.
Are you enjoying
yourselves here?
Yeah, it's great.
It's beautiful.
If you had told me 20 years ago
that I would have a place
in the former Yugoslavia,
would've laughed in your face.
Nothing like a bit of ethnic
cleansing to pep up tourism.
Oh, to be that age again.
Who is for dessert now?
Evelyn's done
something very basic,
but I've complemented it
with a gorgeous fruit salad.
- Oh, yeah.
- Hmm.
- Yes, you have, darling.
- Yes, I know.
- I'll give you a hand.
- Yes, yes, yes?
- Yes.
- Yes.
You don't have to clear up,
Fine, it's fine.
- Thank you.
- Okay, thank you.
- You're welcome.
- Mm-hmm.
I'm gonna go for a smoke.
I'll join you.
Um no, I'm alright.
You do know
it's really good, don't you?
Yeah. I mean, sometimes I do.
There was a time there where I
thought we weren't gonna make it.
I couldn't have predicted
- You know.
- How's he doing?
He's good.
He's, he's better.
Nick had a bit of
a rough time last year.
He was seriously depressed.
It's usually
pregnancies and babies
that stall the work,
not husbands.
No, but we're in
a different place.
Things are,
things are better now.
- Good.
- I'm
I'm gonna be up for the whole
publicity circus
and everything, you know.
You mustn't be held back.
Everything okay, Frances?
I mean
You're talking about
someone suffering
as if it's like a
career impediment.
Are we?
Okay. Excuse me.

Fuck everything.
What's up?
I just blew up with Valerie.
Excellent. Fuck her.
What happened?
I just can't be
with these people anymore.
Why'd you drag us here anyway?
Are you okay?
Yeah. Just a bit overwhelmed.
I know.

I'm pretty sure
that I was a soldier.
You're pretty sure
or this has been confirmed?
Everything okay?
All good. Just a long night.
I think we could
all use a drink.
- Yes.
- A real drink.
- Oh, yes.
- Perhaps a drop of brandy.
Oh, you're killing me, yes.
Frances, can you help me
with the glasses?
Yeah, sure.
Do you drink brandy?
No. Too sweet.
Did Valerie
- Yeah, she's fine.
- She just went to bed.
- She was tired.
- Oh.
I'm so sorry.
- No, listen.
- Um
So, she is a good friend,
but she's also very
important to me professionally.
- Yeah.
- And, you know,
I can't really
afford to upset her,
which is mortifying
to admit to you.
No, I-I shouldn't have even
Nick Nick and I
had a hard time last year,
and my work fell to shit.
And Valerie was-was there
for a lot of that
and had to pull me through.
You know, and it's not
that I don't want to defend him.
You know, it's just sometimes
I get so tired
of-of having to like
Yeah, obviously
we have our problems.
We're not perfect, but
I-I do love him, you know?
- I really do.
- Yeah. Of course.
There's nothing else I should
know about with Nick, is there?
No. Of Of course not.
Okay. I'm
Thank you. Um
Um, I'm sorry, Frances.
- That's Yeah.
- I can grab it.
Shall we?
- Hey.
- Hey.
- Can I come in?
- Yeah.
What happened?
I was just
in strange form all day.
Me too.
I think it all just
kind of spilled over.
Melissa seems
like a good person.
I mean, deep down.
Yeah, I think she is.
Does that make us bad people?
Not you.
- Me maybe.
- She told me she loves you.
You asked her that?
No, she just said it.
And she asked was there
anything going on between us.
Well she asked me
if there's anything
that she should know about.
What did you say?
Well, I said no.
Both of you have now told me
you love the other
in the space of a day.
I don't really know what
to do with that information.
Or what I'm doing
in the middle of it.
I don't think I thought about
the reality or
the consequences.
All of this.
Well, I did
think about it.
Just thought
it would be worth it.
What do you think now?
Or does your answer depend on
how terribly things turn out?
In a weird way,
I don't think it does.

You should go.

Walk ♪
In silence ♪
Don't walk away ♪
In silence ♪
See the danger ♪
Always danger ♪
Endless talking ♪
Life rebuilding ♪
Don't walk away ♪

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