Craig of the Creek (2017) s01e05 Episode Script

Too Many Treasures

Who's gonna help
when the danger overwhelms ♪
And the mysteries
are piled high? ♪
Who's gonna be around,
never gonna let you down ♪
When you're on a wild ride?
Your friends are
always by your side ♪
It's Craig of the Creek,
he's gonna save the day ♪
It's Craig of the Creek,
he's gonna save the day ♪
It's Craig of the Creek
[ Gasps ]
[ Video game fanfare ]
[ Indistinct conversations ]
[ Video game fanfare playing ]
[ Video game fanfare ]
Craig, baby, have you
seen my scarf?
Yeah. Uh, I don't remember
where, though.
Ooh, scarf.
That's a good idea.
[ Door opens ]No, wait, Mom! Stop!
[ Crash! ]
What is all this?
They're my treasures.
I keep them in case
I need one of these.
Craig, you cannot be keeping all
of this in here.
But Granddad's got a workshop
full of stuff like this
that he uses
all the time.
Granddad filled that workshop
over the course of 70 years.
You filled
your closet in nine.
I do an exercise
with kids at school
who have too much clutter.
I look at everything they have
and ask them,
"Is this something you want,
or is this something you need?"
I need it.
You need this cup?
Oh, yeah. You never know
when you'll need to pretend
to drink something
or what-have-you.
How about this lip balm
that I pray you didn't find
in the trash can?
Sewer grate, actually.
And I need it.
You can't get rid
of any of this?
Not even this action figure
you left in the sun?
Melty Man's
been through a lot,
and I need him
just as much as he needs me.
Craig, I'm throwing away
all of this stuff
unless you get it out
of this closet.
Wait! W-Wait!
Look, it's
going in here. See?
Sweetie, if you get rid
of some things,
I think you'll find there's
a freedom to feeling lighter.
Naw. I feel great.
[ Grunts ]
Thanks, Mom.
Why is this wet?
[ Grunting ]
Hey, guys. What'sup?
[ Whoosh! ]
[ Grunts ]
What happened?
We kind of broke
the chair lift.
But -- But that's how
we get in and out
of the stump.
How are we supposed
to get down there now?
Uh, we can
fall down there?
But how would we get out?
Look, man, I don't
have all the answers!
How did this even happen?
Well, I was trying to cut
a rock in half with my sword,
and I kind of hit it
into the chair lift.
Almost broke
that rock, though.
You got anything in there
that can fix it?
This is full
of very valuable stuff.
But -- But not a wheel.
I think we need
to visit the 10 Speeds.
Together: [ Chanting ]
Do it. Do it. Do it.
Do it. Do it.
[ Shouts ]
Oh, ye-yeah!
Craig: Hey, guys.
Aw, man.
They're doing cool poses.
Uh, what's up,
You know, the usual.
Doing sick jumps and
death-defying stunts.
Well, except for me.
[ Sighs ] I got a flat.
I think I rode a hundred miles
an hour on it or something.
Or maybe it was that stick.
Yeah. We have a busted wheel
Know where
we can get a new one?
Hmm, the yard sales have been
pretty picked over lately.
There's another place
we go to sometimes --
the junkpile.
Only problem is, it's pretty
deep in the Creek.
How deep?
Past the Duck Mart.
Duck Mart's not that far.
Not that Duck Mart.
The other Duck Mart.
But that's, like, 30 backyards
past Tony Mozafari's house!
We could travel by air,
but Mortimer could only
carry two of us.
If I fix your flat tire,
would you give us a ride?
You could try, but without
a patch kit, pfft.
You know, pfft.
[ Video game music ]
There. Fixed.
Huh? Wow. You did it.
10 Speeds,
we're going to the junkpile!
Wait. Just because he solved
the problem first
means we got to help him?
We are the 10 Speeds.
Do we leave skidmarks
or do we burn rubber?!
Together: Burn rubber.
To the junkpile!
[ Rock music plays ]
You're a little safety boy,
aren't you?
Wow. You're a lot heavier
than you look.
Uh, it's mostly muscle.
Someone help me.
I've been stuck
up here for hours.
How'd you
get up there?
I don't want to say.
Were you tryin'
to kiss a squirrel?
What? No!
I mean, wait, ye -- no!
You got to get me
out of here.
I say we leave him.
We need to get that wheel
before dinner.
He sealed his own fate.
She's right.
We should get going.
It's not our fault
his head is that big.
Wait. I think
I have an idea.
[ Video game music plays ]
What are you doing?
No, wait! Wait!
There's a hair! Hair!
[ Screams ]
[ Blows ]
[ Sneezes ]
I gotcha, I gotcha.
[ Groans ]
Don't worry. You'll kiss
that squirrel someday.
That's not what
I was going to do to him.
Thank you so much
for saving me.
Here -- I want you
to have this.
[ Video game fanfare ]Acorns.
[ Grunts ]
I told my mom
this stuff wasn't junk,
and I was right.
Hey, kid. Sorry I wanted to
leave you in that tree
for the rest
of your life.
We're all good here!
[ Crows cawing ]
What happened here?
This is the junkpile?
[ Gasps ]
"10 Thieves."
Oh, it's a pun.
A dangerous pun!
[ Screaming ]
Sorry, but you're on your own!
Weird. Well, everyone,
find a helmet-holder.
Let's get that wheel
and get out of here.
[ Crows cawing ]
So much junk.
It's a good thing
I got a tetanus shot
'cause I'm just gonna
touch everything.
There's got to be a wheel
around here somewhere.
[ Gasps ]
It's perfect! In you go!
[ Video game music, beeping ]
Uh, maybe you should turn it
Maybe you should turn it
Hey! Maybe you should
put it back
[ Grunts ] before
I turn you clockwise.
[ Clank! ]
[ Gasping ]
He's some
sorta metal man!
Never mind! New information
has come to light!
What is in your hand?
Uh, uh, a bike wheel?
Were the helmets on spikes
not enough
to keep
you 10 Thieves away?
What are you talking about?
First, you guys take a wheel.
Then another wheel.
Then a handlebar.
Then, for some reason,
you take an ice-cream scoop.
Not sure what that was about,
but I know you took it!
I'm sorry. We didn't
know this was yours,
but now that we do, can we
please have the wheel?
No! I need them.
I'm building a train.
When I found this place,
it was just a pit
with some truck tires
in it.
I saw value in this junk
when no one else did.
This half-used notebook --
it's my cool, new journal!
And this toaster is great
forstoring my journal
with all my most
private thoughts.
Forget I told you about it.
We would never betray the
sanctity of journals
of which
we all have.
Just when I pulled these
diamonds from the rough,
that's when suddenly everyone
wants them again.
But no more!
It's time for you
to pay me back,
starting with whatever's
in that.
Throw acorns!
Things are about to get nuts.
[ Screams ]
They're useless!
[ Panting ] Aah!
Ah-ha! Ow.
Where'd he go?
Don't move or we'll --
[ Shouts ]
We got to lose some weight.
Get rid of the wheel.
I can't! I've already had
so much taken from me.
If I give up some things, will
you give up some things, also?
Do I want this
or do I need this?
I want this.
[ Groans ] I want this.
[ Groans ] I want this!
I really want this!
But that's a perfectly good
Melty Man!
And we're perfectly good boys
with lives to lead.
[ Inspirational music plays ]
Go, go, go!
[ Groans ] That was
really brave of you.
Diving off the boat?
No. Getting rid
of all your stuff.
I wouldn't do that.
You never know when
you have to move,
and your mom says you can only
take one backpack full of stuff.
Did that happen
to you?
Well, it was one backpack
and three suitcases,
but stilltake the wheel
and anything else you need.
-[ Shouts ]
-Give us back our buddy,
you fake robot!
Whoa! It's cool.
He said
we can take whatever.
Both: Really?
I take this shield then?
-Can I take these dominoes?
No! I need those.
Oh, man.
[ Dominoes clatter ]
[ Sighs ] 'kay.
Well, then, one domino.
I will make it count.
[ Door opens ]
-Welcome home, honey.
So, you were right.
I evaluated my treasures and
kept only the things I needed.
And what wasn't rotten.
Hey, my scarf.
Of course, I just ordered
another one,
so I guess I don't need it
Do I mind if I hold onto it?
I think I can use it.
[ Video game fanfare ]
It does look good.
When it's time to go to bed
Know you don't
have to feel alone ♪
'Cause I'll see you tomorrow
At the creek
Just like I drew it.
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