Crash Course in Romance (2023) s01e05 Episode Script

The Secret Probability Distribution of X and Y

Can I really trust her?
She's the very opposite of discreet.
If people were to find out
I'm offering private tutoring…
Darn it. My hands are trembling.
What is he talking about
after showing up out of the blue?
I need to pull myself together.
You have to be wary
of the clever and sly sort.
Private tutoring from Choi Chi-yeol?
First of all, as for tutoring fees--
Hold on a minute.
Before we get into that,
let me get something straight first.
It's true that I'm the owner of this shop,
but don't let that lead you to believe…
that I own this entire building
or anything.
Because that's not true.
I'm renting the place cheaply
because it's so old.
And since I don't skimp on ingredients,
I'm barely breaking even.
I'm telling you all this
because we can't have a fair price lego
without you knowing--
"Lego" is a toy.
It's "negotiation."
I won't charge you anything
for my tutoring.
-Ever heard of the Private Teaching Act?
To become a paid tutor,
you must report to the authorities first.
It's illegal to get paid
without reporting.
I see. I've never heard of that.
That's a smart law
made by some smart people.
I like it.
Then what can I do for you in return?
Your job.
-My job?
-Lunch boxes.
Sell them to me again.
Twice a day.
I want my brunch to be made
and delivered to my door the same day.
And I'll pick up dinner from you
on my way home.
Of course.
But what do you mean, "sell"?
It'll be free.
-Including delivery.
I insist on paying full price.
Free food is considered
unlawful economic gain.
But still…
it'd be shameless of me
to say yes to that.
It probably would.
But I find unlawful activities detestable.
Just think of it as
taking charge of my meals.
You'll be my personal chef, so to speak.
If you insist,
-What else?
I get to schedule our classes.
On weekdays when I have one evening class,
I'll tutor her for 30 minutes after work.
Classes can be canceled
due to all-nighters.
On weekends, I'm fully booked.
As for the location…
In order to protect my privacy
and reduce travel time,
-I suggest your house.
-Sure. Deal.
I wouldn't feel comfortable
sending my girl to your place.
-What is that supposed to mean?
-I'm just saying.
Let's move on.
What else? Is there anything more?
and most importantly…
You must keep this a secret.
I have a greater influence
over the world of private education
than you can possibly imagine.
Choi Chi-yeol tutoring a student?
If word gets out,
Korea's college admissions
will turn upside down.
Your family can be an exception,
but don't even tell your closest friend.
I'll keep it a secret from Mr. Ji too.
Is that really necessary?
You still don't understand?
I have a greater influence over--
I get it. I get what you mean.
But you're really going to these lengths
just for my food?
I'm not slow or anything,
but I can't wrap my head around this.
Yes, it's for your food.
Anyway, those are my conditions, Ms. Nam…
It's Haeng-seon.
Nam Haeng-seon.
It has nothing to do
with that famous song.
Ms. Nam Haeng…
All right.
It's fine with me.
Thank you, Mr. Choi.
Do you have any leftovers from today?
Have some water.
-Step back.
-Back up.
Step back, please.
Please don't touch that.
You can't enter. Step away.
Make way for the ambulance.
-Are you in charge?
-Make way.
-You can't enter.
-Step back.
-You can't come in here.
-Don't touch that.
Are you his mother?
-Then you can't enter.
Mr. Choi? Really?
He's giving me private tutoring?
You can't believe it?
He even gave me his address
for the deliveries.
No way.
Mr. Choi will be my tutor?
And who's the one
who made the impossible possible?
-Nam Haeng-seon.
-That's right.
Calm down and eat up.
Before your uncle eats it all.
These are so sweet and juicy. So good.
Star teachers rarely offer
private tutoring.
To be exact, it's not private tutoring.
You could say
it's a form of skill exchange.
Anyway, it's top secret.
It stays between us and Mr. Choi. Got it?
Especially you, Jae-woo.
You can't tell Yeong-ju any of this, okay?
I really can't trust him. Hold on.
Hey. Look at me.
Let's pretend I'm Yeong-ju.
Didn't the star teacher
just go into your house?
What is he doing there?
-He's tutoring Hae-e.
I just told you it's a secret.
You have to deny it!
"Are you seeing things?"
"Are your eyes aging? Get a checkup!"
"You must be seeing things."
"Are your eyes aging? Get a checkup!"
There you go.
I'll be extremely careful,
so you two must cooperate.
For Hae-e's college admissions
and her bright future.
Bring it in.
can I sleep here tonight?
What's gotten into you?
You've refused to
sleep next to me for years.
Come here.
It's been such a long time.
I love this. So nice and awkward.
I don't feel awkward at all.
I really must've grown a lot.
This blanket used to be too long for me.
Yes, you've grown so much.
Time really does fly.
You didn't watch any horror movies today.
There's no thunder or lightning either.
So what is it?
Do you have something to tell me?
be honest with me.
-What do you mean?
-I mean Mr. Choi's tutoring.
Are you sure it's free?
Why would he tutor me
unless you paid him a fortune?
You didn't take out a mortgage
or anything, did you?
Did you go to a loan shark?
He'll tutor you for free
as long as I sell my food to him.
Apparently, he's a picky eater
and has trouble eating.
Wait. Are you looking down on my cooking?
No, it's not like that.
It just feels like a dream.
Just enjoy it then.
You tend to think too much.
Is it to compensate for
your thoughtless family?
Go to sleep. I'll tuck you in.
I'm going to study really hard.
This is such a rare opportunity.
Maybe life is fair after all.
Misfortune is often followed
by a stroke of luck.
Don't you agree?
She can take my classes
in private.
Did I go overboard?
Private tutoring?
What am I,
a fighter for justice?
That's not true.
This is in my best interest too.
Eating is a serious matter.
I get to eat, and she gets to study.
It'll benefit both of us.
That's right.
I'm doing the right thing.
Is this a food coma?
I need to wash up.
But I'm so sleepy.
What is it?
I'm sorry to wake you up.
But I thought you should know.
What's wrong? What happened?
Certainly not a good morning.
How could this happen?
I know.
You hear about these incidents
in this area every so often,
but at our academy building,
of all places?
Should we cancel classes?
Let's talk inside.
Hello, Reporter Seo.
Please leave out the name of our academy.
We have a business to run.
If you don't like my class, leave.
Don't bother the other students.
Damn it.
Hello, this is Detective Song I-tae
from Ganghyeon Police Station.
Is this Mr. Choi Chi-yeol?
It seems like the last class
he took yesterday was yours.
I mean the deceased Lee Young-min.
That's correct.
Did anything unusual happen?
Was he more on edge than usual?
I did tell him off for giving me attitude.
But I'm not sure what he was usually like.
I teach large classes.
-It's hard to get to know each student.
-I see.
Did you go straight home after class?
No. I stopped by a side dish shop nearby.
At that late hour?
What's the shop called?
Hey. You…
You don't have to answer that.
Thank you for your time, sir.
We'll get in touch with you
if we have more questions.
Let's go.
Classes during the break,
and now cleaning?
Our school is the worst.
What is it?
Is something bothering you?
Spit it out already.
I'm just wondering
what you're going to do.
What do you mean?
What Seo Geon-hu asked yesterday.
Are you going to say yes?
Exactly. I'd love to know too.
You haven't answered me, Hae-e.
Are you helping me or not?
With my studies.
What exactly do you want me to do?
And why me?
If you want to study, go to an academy
-or find a tutor--
-It's because
I want to test myself first.
All I've been doing is sports.
I've never really studied.
So I'm thinking of it as a little warm-up.
If I dive in headfirst,
I might disappoint my mom again.
Fine, let's do it.
I'll help you.
But you have to listen to me.
Now, pick up the trash.
Yes, ma'am.
Will you be okay?
What do you mean?
I mean Seo Geon-hu.
Why waste your time on him?
You're busy with your studies.
It's fine. He just needs a little advice.
I have more time over the break,
and I might learn by teaching him too.
But still…
I wonder what happened.
-This has never happened.
-What is it?
The academy canceled all classes today.
Did you guys hear?
At the academy yesterday…
A male student in 11th grade
jumped off a large academy building
on Nokeun-ro, Seoul, last night
and passed away.
An investigation is underway.
-After taking a class…
-My goodness. That's horrible.
Hey, look.
Isn't that The Pride Academy?
That young boy
must've been under extreme stress.
He was in the All Care Program.
All Care?
The one Hae-e had gotten into?
That hits too close to home.
I feel terrible.
How could this happen?
Anyway, why is it so hard
to have a meal with you?
It's because Ms. Jang is
competent and successful.
Mr. Lee, you're a lucky man.
Am I?
I guess I am.
I saw the news this morning.
Another incident in your neighborhood.
It's so tragic.
College admissions must
seriously stress kids out.
Well, the competition is quite fierce.
Still, both of your kids
are doing amazing.
They definitely take after you two.
How's your eldest doing
at his Ivy League school?
Which school was it?
-Columbia, ma'am.
He seems to be struggling to keep up.
He whines every time we call him.
I'm sorry, but I have to get going.
I'm meeting with other moms
to discuss my youngest's academy.
I'm sorry I'm late.
I had another appointment.
Don't worry. We just got here too.
I can't believe what happened.
On the first day of the program, at that.
My heart jumped at the news.
I still feel jittery.
Same here.
He wasn't my kid,
but he was in the same program
as my daughter.
What a horrible tragedy.
But I, for one,
think canceling classes was a bad idea.
The kids were going to find out anyway
and be shocked and scared.
But no classes to go to?
It'll only make them more anxious.
They can't focus at home.
I agree with you.
If the kids are left on their own,
-they'll only be more perturbed.
their classmate just died.
Holding classes today is a bit…
What difference does it make
if they take a couple of days off?
It'd be best to pretend
as if nothing happened
and help them get back into their studies.
Then what should we do?
The academy has already announced
the class cancellations.
We'll have to ask them
to hold classes as usual.
The academy will be in shambles today.
There will be police officers too.
We'll ask them to leave,
at least during class.
I'll talk to the academy.
If I say the All Care moms
are unanimous on this,
the director will have to listen.
It seems like it really was suicide.
There are articles that confirm it.
What did the detective say?
The questioning was just a formality.
Since the boy was in my class.
You must be shaken up.
Classes are canceled, right?
I'll go home and rest.
All right.
Hello, Vice Director?
One moment, please.
Mr. Choi.
The All Care moms are demanding
we hold classes as usual.
What would you like to do?
Should I say you can't do it?
No, I'll do it.
This is life or death for the kids.
Every second counts until the CSAT.
I can't afford to waste
their precious time.
He said yes.
Keep it up.
Hello, Ms. Nam. It's us again.
-What do we have today?
So Mr. Choi said yes?
I see.
Please announce it then.
So the All Care classes
will be held as usual?
What else can they do
when the moms demand it?
Regardless of what happened,
the kids need to study.
Gosh, I can't believe them.
How can they do this?
They care more about their kids' studies
than a kid's death?
Are they even human?
I don't know what to say.
Asking for classes on a day like this?
Fine, let's say the moms
are just being selfish,
but the kids don't deserve this.
How can they study
when their classmate just died?
I feel sorry for the teachers too.
Our Mr. Choi must be distressed.
"Our Mr. Choi"?
You're being a bit excessive.
You used to hate his guts.
That's not the issue here.
We didn't even know the boy,
and we feel awful.
Gosh, damn studies.
Are you okay, Mr. Choi?
You must be very shaken up.
We can put off Hae-e's first class
until next week if you want.
I'll start tomorrow as promised.
He sure is a professional.
But how come
I'm sensing agony from his text?
What did you say?
I was just talking to myself.
We're starting
with question number 15, right?
Shall we begin?
Let's name these two angles alpha.
Since they're congruent,
these two line segments
must also be congruent.
As the question describes, AB and AC
are 3K
and 4K respectively.
Which rule applies to these two triangles?
The cosine rule, of course.
Let's see here.
That's it. One more time.
In this case, what's K?
K equals…
The cosine value would be…
seven over eight.
Let's move on.
You won't make a lot of profit
if you use such high-quality meat.
How much do you need?
Just one geun, please.
I thought it was for your customers.
It is.
But starting today,
I have to prepare a special lunch box.
My goodness.
So Nation's Best has a VIP?
No way.
A VIP would be an understatement.
He's my VVVVVIP.
My gosh!
Mr. Choi?
Were you here all night?
I went for a jog for the first time
in forever, and I'm beat.
It was a bad idea.
My body feels like jelly.
You're early, Hyo-jin.
It's Hyo-won, sir.
I always come early
when you have early classes.
This is for your CSAT repeater class.
This is for your evening class
for seniors.
-Do you need anything else?
-Right, tutoring materials.
-What did you say?
-You need what?
What materials?
-I don't need anything else.
-Oh, okay.
Is my computer connected to the printer?
Probably not.
We always do all the printing for you.
That's right.
Which I appreciate.
I'm always grateful.
On that note…
Why don't you go grab some coffee?
Have a croissant too.
Take your time and eat there.
Got it. Thank you, sir!
Want to switch seats?
What are you doing?
This is how motivated I am to study.
I'm going to shadow you.
Hey, look at question number two here.
It's on circular measure or whatever.
What does this mean?
I don't understand the question.
This is pretty basic.
You know what pi is, right?
Like Wi-Pi?
You really don't know pi?
Is that something I should know?
It's no big deal.
It's fine.
Let's see here.
Pi is the ratio of the circumference
of a circle to its diameter, 3.14.
Just memorize it.
Here, look at this.
-See what it says in the parentheses?
How's the studying going?
Not great.
I'm falling asleep.
Hae-e told me to wash my face and wake up.
Let me ask you something.
Why Nam Hae-e though?
Why her?
-And not me or Su-a?
You mean the arrogant one.
I thought she was homeroom rep at first
because she's so bossy.
-You're changing the subject.
-No one's changing the subject.
Do you have a crush on Hae-e?
I do.
I see.
Answer my question.
Well, I don't know.
Maybe I have a crush on her too.
What? The case will be closed?
You didn't hear?
No obvious injuries, no sign of struggle.
And his family objects to an autopsy.
The higher-ups want to conclude
it was suicide.
Still, what's the rush?
Something's fishy.
What is it now?
That boy, Lee Young-min.
If he was going to kill himself,
why would he post a picture like this
just a few hours beforehand?
Maybe he was putting on an act.
He'd also often posted
that he hated studying and wanted to die.
That's just what all kids say.
He didn't even leave a note or anything.
Do you know what's even stranger?
Look at this.
See the wound on his forehead?
He didn't have it in the previous picture,
but here, he does.
His grandfather is an assemblyman.
He wants this case over with
to prevent any more gossip.
Just sweep it under the rug.
Is he a detective or a cleaner?
He sweeps everything under the rug.
Hey, don't be like that.
Until ten years ago,
he was known as "The Bulldozer."
He was?
Remember the middle school boy
who allegedly killed his mother?
Detective Song was convinced
that the boy was the killer
and managed to get him indicted.
Given the nature of the incident,
the boy's identity was disclosed,
and the entire nation bashed him,
even the president.
But guess what?
The Supreme Court acquitted him.
He was the one in charge of that case?
He suffered greatly afterward.
He went with his gut,
but the verdict wasn't on his side.
He was branded as the evil detective
who falsely accused a poor boy
that had lost his family.
He's become more and more
lethargic ever since.
Now he sweeps things under the rug
whenever he can.
Why isn't this working?
-See you.
-I'll have more ready by tonight.
-Namul, pollack jeon, and soybean soup.
-That'll be 17,500 won.
I'm off.
We're so busy today.
You'll be a millionaire soon.
Fingers crossed.
My stomach suddenly hurts.
I'll use the bathroom upstairs.
Sure. Make it quick.
Okay. I must've eaten
too much jeon earlier.
Today is Hae-e's first class.
But I haven't had time to clean.
And I had so many customers today.
I need to hurry up.
Hey, Yeong-ju sent me
to check if you had died…
It's clean.
Really clean.
Our house is sparkling clean!
That's it for today.
Be sure to review the questions
that I emphasized today.
Have you ever heard of "math anxiety"?
When you see math questions,
your heart starts to race
and your armpits get sweaty.
Math anxiety is purely psychological.
It has nothing to do
with your actual skills.
It only happens
because you think math is difficult.
In other words,
you're not anxious
because you're bad at math.
You have trouble thinking mathematically
because you're anxious.
Isn't life the same?
"Life is tough and painful."
"This is a living hell."
Dwelling on those fears
will really turn your life into hell.
"Life is enjoyable and wonderful."
"Tough times will pass."
If you tell yourself that,
it'll soothe your anxiety.
On that note,
let's shout, "Math is awesome!"
three times before we go.
That's too silly.
That's a terrible idea.
Math is what?
-Great work, sir.
-Great work, sir.
I loved that last bit.
It seemed to make the kids finally relax
after being tense all day.
They sure seemed tense today.
For good reason though,
considering what happened here last night.
They say kids these days
are self-absorbed,
but they're still kids.
You speak coldly,
but you do care about them a lot.
You must be hungry. I'll drive.
I found a place
that's open until late and--
No, thanks. I'll eat something later.
You can go home.
They've got rave reviews.
Next time.
Make sure to eat.
Going down.
Hello, Mr. Choi!
Come in.
Come on in.
Come in.
-Hello, Mr. Choi.
This is where we live.
I've been working since early morning,
so I haven't had time to clean.
Let me show you around.
That's my room over there.
And this is my brother's room.
It used to be a utility room,
but I turned it into an extra room.
I did everything myself,
from plastering to painting,
-with help from Jae-woo and Hae-e--
-Where's her room?
It's right here.
Mr. Choi.
Would you like to drink
sikhye or sujeonggwa?
We have unsweetened juice--
-I'll have water.
-Water it is.
He won't let me finish my sentences.
He's not wearing the tiger jacket today.
It looked so cool.
My desk is too small,
so my mom set this table up.
We don't have AC.
Should I turn off the fan?
I'll do it.
Thank you.
Shall we get started?
Excuse me.
Why did you turn off the fan?
He must be hot.
That's fine. The noise bothers me.
I see. Then what should we do?
Should I fan you while you teach her?
-Look, Ms. Ho Nam-seon.
-It's Nam Haeng-seon.
Nam Haeng-seon.
I already told you not to mix them up.
Ms. Nam Haeng-seon.
Do you know what my nickname is?
I'm not sure.
King of Math?
The Trillion Won Man.
It means I create…
a value of one trillion won each year.
That equals 2.7 billion won a day,
100 million won an hour,
and 1.7 million won a minute.
And since I stepped into this house,
Ms. Nam Haeng…
"Seon" as in kind-hearted.
Ms. Nam Haeng-kind-hearted-seon,
you've been throwing meaningless questions
and useless jokes at me
for at least five minutes now.
That's 8.5 million won already.
Since this is your first time here…
All right.
I'll stop wasting your precious time
and disappear.
It's just that it might get stuffy
with the fan off.
Okay, then.
Let's solve some problems first.
Mr. Choi.
Can I ask you something?
As you just said,
a 30-minute class from you
should be worth 50 million won.
So why are you tutoring me?
My mom's lunch box costs
less than 10,000 won.
You calculate fast.
Your skills will improve quickly.
Price and value are two different things.
I value your mom's cooking
as highly as my time.
I hope you'll make this
worth my while too.
I'm going to try my absolute best,
so you should strive for results
worth more than 50 million won.
Yes, sir.
Here's a test.
Solve all the problems first.
Are you finished?
Your dinner is almost ready.
Hae-e, order some chicken.
It's Chicken Day.
-Jae-woo's busy picking out a movie.
What's Chicken Day?
Once a week, we order chicken
and watch a movie my uncle likes.
It's his favorite day.
Mr. Choi.
Do you think Hae-e will do well--
Of course. She's a bright kid.
That's a relief.
This is such a special opportunity.
By the way,
it must've been hard for you yesterday.
Even I got upset.
Both the kids and the teachers
have emotions.
How can they force you to teach?
The moms are just ridiculous.
-So is the academy--
-Listen, Ms. Nam Haeng…
I can take care of my emotions,
so you don't have to worry.
And while we're on the subject,
I find you just as hard to understand
as those moms.
How can you be so naive?
A high school senior having Chicken Day?
She'll never catch up
with the kids ahead of her.
To reap the full benefits of my tutoring,
you'll need a reality check first.
Just because I formed
a strategic partnership with you
doesn't mean we're best friends.
I find it detestable
when people cross my boundaries.
Goodbye then.
Why does he have to be so mean?
He keeps cutting me off
and calling me by the wrong name.
Had it not been for the tutoring…
Mom, I ordered honey and fried.
Come here, Haeng-seon. Let's get started.
We're watching the documentary,
The Lives of Lions.
Again? We've watched that
at least five times.
She walks on the grass
as quietly as she can
-toward her target.
Does Chicken Day
get in the way of your studies?
No. If it did, I'd stop doing it.
It's good for stress relief.
I knew it.
What does he know? Damn it.
Her target starts fleeing from her.
This is so good.
She might be naive,
but she sure knows how to cook.
This is skill exchange at its best.
This jerk's at it again.
I swear you pay more attention
to my classes than anyone else.
This is B2's son, Kalua.
He recently drove out his father
and became the new dominant tiger.
But B2 awaits another opportunity.
-Would you like to order?
Is Ms. Kwon Jin-gyeong in?
She usually works here
between 8 a.m. and noon.
I heard that she works in the evening now.
I see.
I want waffles prepared by her.
Can you tell me
what time she starts working?
I need to deliver this
before Yeong-ju arrives.
Why isn't Jae-woo back yet?
I told him to order the waffles
to go today.
-What's that lunch box?
Goodness, you scared me.
Why are you so early?
What about Miracle Morning Club?
Don't get me started.
Miracle Morning, my foot.
Miserable Morning is more like it.
I give up. I just can't keep up.
So why are you packing lunch?
Going on a picnic?
This is…
for Jae-woo.
He's been pestering me to pack him a lunch
so he can go on a picnic.
So demanding, isn't he?
He's my enemy, not my brother.
His latest obsession must be picnics.
Ms. Kwon's schedule changed,
so I couldn't get any waffles.
Hi, Yeong-ju.
Jae-woo, I finished packing your lunch.
-My lunch?
-Yes. Let's go.
-Why did you do that?
-You wanted to go on a picnic.
Let's go.
Yeong-ju, I have to go back to the market.
I forgot the radishes.
-Let's go.
Here, your lunch.
What's this then?
A cabbage?
This place is huge.
He must really be filthy rich.
I guess he scarfed down everything.
What an unlikable jerk.
Is he still asleep?
Oh, crap!
Oh, yes.
I know it was you. Look me in the eye.
It wasn't me, I swear.
Are you serious?
It says it was you right here.
-Be honest--
-What's wrong? What happened?
Mr. Choi, the thing is…
It seems like All Care tests have leaked.
It wasn't me.
This is driving me nuts.
Then explain.
It says here that you printed them out
yesterday morning.
Why did you print out a test
that was already covered?
I don't know. This is frustrating.
I didn't think about that.
Let me check the entrance CCTV
to see who's been here.
Yes, please do that.
I can't keep working here
after being framed as a thief.
Hold on.
Is this really necessary?
She's our family.
Can we have a word?
-My gosh.
He's so cool.
Let it slide.
They were already covered anyway.
Still, I thought you were sensitive
about your materials leaking.
I totally am!
But some things are
more important than security.
If you ask me,
our teamwork comes first, Dong-hui.
So what if a few questions leaked?
It's not nearly as important
as trust and teamwork.
-Seeing how frustrated Hyo-jin is--
-It's Hyo-won.
Yes, Hyo-won.
Maybe the printer malfunctioned.
Machines are not as perfect as we think.
They're bound to malfunction at times.
My point is…
One of us…
At least one of us needs to be flexible.
Think about how suffocated
those kids must feel.
I'm extremely strict,
and you're no more easygoing than I am.
Cut them some slack.
Give those kids a break, Dong-hui.
Fine, I understand.
-I'll let this one slide then.
-Let's do that.
Take them out to dinner later.
What was her name?
Make sure she feels better.
Be generous.
Spend at least one million won.
Come with us.
We haven't had dinner together in a while.
feeling unwell today.
You are?
My head feels heavy.
I'll go home and rest.
It's your chance to bond with the kids
while bad-mouthing me.
But please don't curse me out.
Gosh, my head.
Hello, Ms. Kwon Jin-gyeong.
Hi, it's you again.
Yes. One waffle with whipped cream
and chocolate syrup
plus a decaf iced Americano.
My sister doesn't allow me
to drink coffee at night,
but decaf is fine.
One decaf iced Americano, please.
That's right.
Here's your Americano.
Thank you.
-Your waffle is ready.
-Thank you.
I'm sorry, Ms. Kwon Jin-gyeong.
What are you doing?
I'm sorry.
You had chocolate syrup on your--
Who are you? Stop fooling around.
I'm not. She had chocolate syrup on her--
Shut up. You're a stalker, aren't you?
You look for my girlfriend
and order the same thing every day.
Who the hell are you?
The hell is your deal?
I'm Nam Jae-woo
from Nation's Best Banchan. That hurts.
-You little…
-It hurts.
-Stop it.
-You're hurting me!
Jun-u, are you okay?
Mark any difficult problems
on the worksheet.
-Thank you for today.
Here's your dinner.
What are you doing?
I'm trying not to cross your boundaries.
Hang it on the doorknob
when you're finished.
I have to reuse the containers.
Gosh, my back.
Thank you.
Get home safe.
Is this Mr. Nam Jae-woo's sister?
Yes, that's me.
-This is the police.
The police?
Mom, I'll come with you.
No, stay home.
I'll call you.
Come on. Not now.
This is driving me crazy.
Thank you, Mr. Choi.
Hold on.
Wait! This!
Jae-woo, come here.
-Yes, come here.
Are you okay? Are you hurt?
Let me see.
Hang in there.
I'll get you out in no time.
Your hands…
I'll be right back.
I'm sorry.
I'm so sorry.
You must have been startled.
I should've kept a closer eye on him,
but I was too busy working.
The thing is,
my brother…
has Asperger's. He's on the spectrum.
His symptoms differ
from the typical symptoms of autism.
He can manage daily activities
with no problem,
but he struggles with social interactions.
He tends to lack awareness
of other people's emotions.
At times, he becomes
completely obsessed with certain things.
Jae-woo loves the waffles you make,
Ms. Kwon.
His name is Jae-woo, by the way.
He said your waffles were
a lot crispier and tastier
than those made by the other part-timers.
He's been visiting the cafe
to have your waffles on his morning walks.
It's been an important part of his routine
and a source of happiness.
I'm sorry.
You must have been scared.
You had good reason to get offended.
So did your boyfriend.
But he meant well.
I can vouch for that.
He's been living with me
ever since our mom passed away.
I can tell what he's thinking
just by his expression or his breathing.
I'm really sorry that you got hurt.
I'll pay for the treatment
and the dry cleaning.
If you could please…
drop the charges? I beg you.
Why let that freak go around
on his own in the first place?
What a nuisance.
Yes, you have every right to say that.
It's all my and my brother's fault.
Forget it. We can't let this slide.
I'll drop it.
I'll drop the charges.
On one condition.
I don't want him to come back
to the cafe again.
I was too startled.
Of course. Thank you so much.
You're so kind.
Thank you so much.
Thank you.
Thank you.
Are you okay, Jae-woo?
I'm hungry.
Goodness. In this situation?
You'll be the death of me.
Stop causing trouble, will you?
Why is he still here?
You haven't left?
I'm sorry for leaving this.
I was so flustered earlier.
You could've given it to me tomorrow.
What if you call me a thief again?
Gosh, let it go already.
Thank you for everything.
Jae-woo, thank him.
Goodbye, then.
Let's go.
Hello, Mr. Ji.
Are you home? Are you feeling better?
"Feeling better"? Why…
Yes, much better. I'm about to go to bed.
I'm sorry to bother you,
but the print shop just called
and said there was a problem
with one of the graphs.
I can't check the file on my phone,
so could you please check it?
Well, I'm…
Since I'm home…
All right.
I'll do it.
Okay. I just turned on my computer.
-Already? That was fast.
-Of course.
Because I'm home.
Which graph do you mean?
It's the function graph
on practice question number 27.
Now that the graph has been fixed,
can we go for another drink?
How about some wine?
Sounds good.
We can only have fancy drinks
when Mr. Choi is paying.
It's your lucky day.
Fine. I'll let Hyo-won have her way
since I mistreated her today.
Let's go to the wine bar.
-Let's go.
-Ji Dong-hui!
-Ji Dong-hui!
-Ji Dong-hui!
We're going to a wine bar!
I have a wine bar
I've been wanting to go to.
Let's go there.
I've been doing
a lot of legwork this week.
Did you look into things?
Find anything interesting?
A few things, but they're all trivial.
Come on.
Haven't we blown up trivial things before?
Just find any dirt on him.
I, Chiyeolsucks,
will come up with a juicy story.
I might be onto something huge.
Something huge? What is it?
Was it ten years ago?
Chi-yeol was Math King's
teaching assistant back then.
I heard that. It was at Tenten Academy,
which no longer exists.
That's right.
Back then, Chi-yeol was
quite close with a female student
who eventually jumped to her death.
Although it was
right after Chi-yeol got fired
for some unknown reason
by Math King, who used to have
a soft spot for him.
-He clashed with Lee Young-min too.
Connect the two and there you have it.
You're not leaving?
I have to finish writing up a report.
You need some downtime
while things are slow.
-Finish up and go home.
-Yes, sir.
-See you.
He had ramyeon,
came out, and…
He went for a smoke.
As a teenager,
he had to hide in the corner.
But this is a blind spot.
Hold on.
What's that?
I just saw something shiny.
What's this?
Uncle Jae-woo, are you okay?
Are you hurt?
I'm fine.
I'm sorry I made you worry, Hae-e.
Hae-e, see if there's any tofu
in the fridge.
-For Uncle Jae-woo.
Have a seat.
There's no tofu, Mom.
Will beans work too?
-Give it here.
Eat some.
This is what you eat
after being behind bars.
I don't like beans.
Eat up.
I'm not allowed to go eat
Ms. Kwon's waffles anymore, right?
But her waffles are delicious.
And I'm not a stalker.
There are a lot of nice waffle makers
on the market these days.
We could buy one.
Order it right away. I'll pay you later.
Should we go camping this Saturday?
That's a good idea.
Uncle Jae-woo loves camping.
We'll watch the campfire
and roast potatoes.
-Can we roast marshmallows too?
Sounds awesome.
Sure. Let's roast everything.
Great. Then we should get
camping equipment and a waffle maker.
Hae-e, show me.
You guys continue.
I'll go get some tofu for your uncle.
Be careful.
Hey, Hae-e.
Uncle Jae-woo is fast asleep.
You don't have to get any tofu.
Why is she drinking alone
in the middle of the night?
Nam Jae-woo.
I'll eat all the tofu for you.
She can take care of herself.
She's been on the national team.
-Stop drinking.
You've already drunk a lot.
I mean…
You came out of nowhere.
Were you waiting for me again?
Don't be absurd.
Stand up. It's late.
I can't.
I just poured this.
This one is expensive.
It was a big decision for me.
Sure, it must be chump change to you.
Because you're the Trillion Won Man!
Keep it down.
-Million Won Man? Billion Won Man?
-You're a goddamn Trillion Won Man.
-Come on.
You must be so damn happy.
-That's enough.
-You should stop.
-A goddamn--
Cut it out.
-You're a lucky bastard!
-Stop it.
Lower your voice, for God's sake.
-Come on.
Question number 22 was on nth roots,
and it was quite difficult.
-Good grief.
-It might have made you panic,
-but there's no need. Why?
Because you took Choi Chi-yeol's course.
Stop staring at your phone
and keep me company.
Where are your manners?
You keep cutting me off
and calling me
by the wrong name!
I'm mustering up every ounce of manners
I have in my body
to be sitting here in the first place!
If you're going to stay, drink with me.
Or just leave. You're spoiling my fun.
Will you leave once you empty that bottle?
I will.
Fine. Then let's get to it.
Let's empty the bottle and leave.
You're drinking for real?
-Drink up. Hurry.
-My goodness.
Drink up.
-I knew it.
-Give it here.
Drinking is more fun if you have company.
Hurry up.
Pour all of it.
How strong is this anyway?
Why is my chest burning?
It's 56 percent alcohol.
One more bottle.
-I knew it.
-One more bottle.
One more bottle.
One more…
Mr. Choi.
Mr. Choi!
My gosh.
If you can't handle alcohol,
you shouldn't have drunk.
You sobered me up.
You're heavy.
It's cold.
Mr. Choi.
It's cold.
What do I do?
Aren't you late for school?
I have to open up the shop soon.
-Good morning.
-Good morning, Mr. Choi.
How does bean sprout pollock soup
sound for breakfast?
Your delicious rice is ready.
Isn't this Mr. Choi's car?
Your pants were wet,
and I was worried you'd catch a cold.
Don't worry. Jae-woo changed your clothes.
Hae-e and I didn't see anything,
nor did we want to.
Since you're here anyway,
have breakfast with us.
I'm good.
By any chance…
did you take photos of me passed out…
Oh, my. Of course not.
What do you take me for?
-Goodbye, Mr. Choi.
He should've had breakfast before…
Mr. Choi!
His belt.
Mr. Choi!
Mr. Choi!
-You forgot your belt.
-Hold on.
-My belt.
Give me my belt.
Why did he come out of your place
in the morning scantily dressed?
I don't think this is right.
Strictly speaking, it's not even tutoring.
I think you need to see this one.
Choi Chi-yeol
basically annihilated a family.
-I'm done, Mr. Choi.
- What?
Why does Hae-e have this?
I think Sun-jae is leaking
All Care materials to Hae-e.
How can he leak those materials?
Why I was able to only stomach her food…
Why I was drawn to her…
Now I understand.
Subtitle translation by: Min-jin Kim
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