Crazy Delicious (2020) s01e05 Episode Script

Carrots, Burgers and a Picnic

[chimes tinkling]
[chimes tinkling]
[birds and insects chirping]
I'm sure I saw some food round here.
[dramatic music playing]
Step inside our magical edible world,
where creative home cooks
pluck the ingredients they need
to create delicious Insta-worthy dishes.
They'll be judged
by our esteemed food gods:
soul food sensation Carla Hall,
British gourmet magician
Heston Blumenthal,
and Nordic king of fire Niklas Ekstedt.
In the garden today are Gabi,
and Elainea.
They must amaze with apples,
reinvent everyday spaghetti,
and create brunch feasts fit for the gods.
The winning cook will take home
the coveted Golden Apple.
I'm Jayde Adams,
and this is span style="style2"Crazy Delicious.
[whimsical music playing]
[Jayde] span style="style2"Three inventive cooks are here
to create magical dishes.
[Harry] I've been cooking most of my life.
I think I did a croquembouche
when I was 13.
I've had quite a scientific upbringing.
I like shapes.
I work a lot with circles,
ellipses, crescents.
I'm very into the science behind cooking.
I've watched Heston on TV for years.
So, the opportunity to actually cook
for one of my kind of food idols
is really exciting.
[Gabi] I'm from a big Italian family.
I think that's where my passion
for food has come from.
Learning to cook my first pasta sauce
with my mom
when I was about seven or eight.
It's been my life since I've been a child.
I naturally go towards sweet food.
I always like to do things
that just look crazy but taste amazing.
I like to think my flavor combinations are
a bit wacky.
Putting something together that really,
you would never ever have thought
should be on the same plate.
My son's never quite sure
what I'm going to serve him.
He has Asperger's,
and he is the most amazing man.
We talk about food
and we're inventive together.
The things I've done in my life
have been to really push myself.
So, I'm not scared of a challenge.
Not at all.
[Jayde] span style="style2"The cooks will compete
span style="style2"over three rounds.
In the first, they must create
an incredible dish
that celebrates one chosen ingredient.
[chimes tinkling]
-[drum roll]
-[harp plays]
-Hello, you three.
For the first course,
the gods have picked a fruit
and they would like you
to turn it into something tantalizing.
The apple.
Now, like everything around here,
it's perfectly in season.
So, go forth and forage.
[Jayde] span style="style2"The garden is brimming with apples
and any other ingredients
the cooks desire.
Wow, it's kale. Is that thyme?
[Jayde] span style="style2"There's olive oil trees
What a life!
[Jayde] span style="style2"edible moss,
and even a prosecco waterfall.
Mmm. Yes, mate.
[Jayde] span style="style2"The cooks can gather
span style="style2"whatever they need.
But it's up to them
to make sure the apples shine.
Oh, look, I think these are Granny Smiths.
[Harry] Take some of them as well.
One thing with the apple is
that it's always there.
-You always have it in your house
-or in your bag.
How do you get creative with an apple?
I'd like to see all of these cooks
use apples in different forms.
So, you could have raw or macerated,
for example,
or even pickled, or dried,
or caramelized, or poached.
There are so many different ways
to get the apple in,
and I think seeing how they use it
could be very telling about the cook.
Bring on the apples!
[group laughs]
Everyone got their apples?
-[Jayde] Fantastic!
You now have two hours to turn them
from Golden Delicious
into crazy delicious.
Your time starts now!
[dramatic music playing]
[Jayde] span style="style2"Each round is against the clock
span style="style2"and there's everything to cook for.
Whoever makes the best apple dish
will get a crucial extra ten minutes
for their next course.
I'm making a combination
of sweet and savory.
I'm hoping that it'll be
a surprising thing to eat,
but also a delicious one.
[Jayde] span style="style2"Flavor maverick Elainea is making
span style="style2"glazed chocolate apples
filled with frozen apple mousse
and a savory center of black pudding,
a traditional spiced blood sausage.
[dramatic music playing]
Gabi, he's coming!
I feel nervous.
Harry, distract him.
Hello, sir.
-How are you?
-I'm very well.
-Elainea. So, what are you doing?
I'm making toffee apple with a twist.
-And what's the twist?
-It's got a savory center.
-So, you like playing around with flavors?
-I love it.
Are you putting any
unexpected combinations in this?
-You are?
-Yes, I am.
-Oh, yes!
-Can you tell me, or
-Oh, you'll like it.
Can you whisper it to me
and then I'll react?
[whispers] Black pudding.
It's great.
If you pull that off, that's
Phew. That's where the pressure is.
Fair play. That's what this competition's
all about, is having enough bravery
-just to have a go.
[Jayde] span style="style2"Also taking
span style="style2"a leap of faith is Gabi.
She's hoping to wow the gods
by showcasing the apple
in a variety of ways.
There's gonna be lots and lots
of different elements to it.
My apple sponge, tangy apple compote,
some mini toffee apples, an apple gel,
and there'll be
a nice salted caramel sauce on the side.
[Jayde] span style="style2"Inspired by
span style="style2"Snow White's poison apple,
Gabi is serving mini apple cakes
topped with apple compote
and nestled under ruby chocolate domes.
Why keep all three apples the same?
So, I've decided to make
one of the apples the poison apple.
It's gonna be authentic
with some popping candy
and really fresh, sharp apple.
-Hello, Gabi. What are you doing?
I'm gonna try and showcase
the humble apple in as many ways as I can.
What apples are you using?
I'm just gonna do Granny Smith today.
It's my favorite, I think.
-It's sharp, fresh.
-But I can also sweeten it up if needs be.
I think that's actually more interesting
to see one apple
prepared in different ways.
So, all right. Well, good luck.
[Jayde] You seem very confident.
'Cause you can't see my knees.
[group laughs]
[Jayde] span style="style2"For his dish, span style="style2"Harry's hoping
span style="style2"to impress the food gods
by combining two desserts in one.
I am making an apple crumble cake.
You can't not like apple crumble
and custard.
The idea is that when you cut into it,
it should get more green
as you go towards the center of the cake.
[Jayde] span style="style2"Harry's triple-tiered apple cake
will be surrounded by
multicolored apple slices
filled with a creme pat custard
and topped with crumble.
They look quite good.
-Hello, Harry.
[Heston] Is that hot off the press?
It is hot off the press.
It just came out of the oven.
So, what is your dish?
I guess it's almost a take
on apple crumble and custard.
As a cake.
Inside the cake
there's going to be crème pât,
-so a really thick custard.
And there's also going to be apple compote
which is
coming along, as we speak.
And I've also got a miso caramel.
Ah! I'm loving the sound of that.
What's a miso caramel?
So, it's apple caramel
-with added miso.
Oh! Smell that.
Do you mind if I just turn this on?
You can do what you want, Harry.
You boss us around.
It's very tart. Which is good--
That's the best way
for an apple to be, is tart.
[Harry] It should.
[dramatic music playing]
I just met Heston Blumenthal.
It's quite cool, isn't it? [chuckles]
I love apples.
I love the versatility of apples.
So, some of the things
that I was really hoping for,
seem to be happening.
she's doing several iterations
with Granny Smith. That, I love.
-Harry had three sponges.
[Heston] So, if he's going to layer those,
it can be really heavy.
Can I just get you hot, baby?
Elainea, I love the fact that she's doing
a surprising flavor combination.
Making the surprising delicious
is challenging,
but massively exciting.
One hour to go!
[dramatic music playing]
[Jayde]span style="style2" All three cooks are trying
span style="style2"to showcase the apple
in very different ways.
Elainea's caramelizing her apples
in butter and sugar
to give them a warm toffee apple flavor.
Come on, caramel, come on.
Don't fail me now.
[Jayde] span style="style2"While Gabi is using fresh grated
span style="style2"apple in her sponge to keep it moist.
The worst thing you can have
is a dry spongespan style="style2" that you need to, like,
have five cups of tea to wash it down.
[Jayde] span style="style2"She's also making
span style="style2"a sharp-tasting gel
by adding a thickening starch
to Granny Smith juice.
So, now I've got a really nice,
natural, thick, fresh apple gel.
So, it'll be like
a sweet and sour contrast,
which I think will be really fun
for the food gods to taste.
[whimsical music playing]
[Jayde] span style="style2"To add more height to his cake,
Harry is going
for a sturdy crème pât filling.
Getting the perfect texture is all about
using the right amount of flour.
[Jayde] What have we got here, then?
-Is this a spoon with your name on it?
-It is a spoon with my name on it.
[Jayde] It's adorable.
[Jayde] span style="style2"Elainea's on to
span style="style2"her surprise filling.
Combining her black pudding
blood sausage with caramel.
Once frozen, these balls will form
the savory center of her desserts.
I need to get a move on.
[Gabi] I'm gonna go on to melting
the chocolate now for my domes.
I'm making extras.
Just to be sure.
Hurry up, guys.
Thirty minutes to go.
The span style="style2"crème pât's looking a bit lumpy
at the moment, but we'll sieve it.
I mean-- You know what? Whatever.
I'm sure it'll be fine.
Don't have time to be sieving that.
It's what you do in the kitchen.
You improvise.
[Jayde] span style="style2"Harry's not the only one
span style="style2"having to think on their feet.
These haven't hardened
as much as I would like them to.
So, I need to form them into balls
with my hands. Plan B.
[Jayde] span style="style2"Next, Elainea's on to
span style="style2"her caramelized apple mousse.
Think it could do with more nutmeg.
[Jayde] span style="style2"She folds in the cream
span style="style2"and pipes it into her apple molds.
But before she can glaze them
in chocolate, they need to set.
[dramatic music playing]
[Jayde] span style="style2"It's the moment of truth for Gabi
span style="style2"and her ruby chocolate domes.
[Gabi groans]
-[Jayde] Oh, no!
-This is why I did 12.
For that exact reason.
[Jayde] Exactly.
-You were prepared for failure.
This is worse
than sitting my driving test.
That was intense.
[Harry] Nothing as appetizing as a
slab of custard, right?
The crème pât has set.
But when it sets, it sets quite rubbery.
So, I'm just breaking it up.
Then I can pipe it.
[Gabi] Pressure's on.
It's not frozen.
Oh, the-- The crumble!
Oh, the crumble!
I'm gonna test it,
but I'm pretty certain
this is just burnt now.
No, I don't want to serve them burnt food.
[Jayde] span style="style2"With time ticking,
span style="style2"Harry starts another crumble from scratch.
And Elainea resorts to freeze-spraying
her apple mousse.
Come on, babies!
So, this is gonna be
the two normal apple sponges.
My center one is going to be
my poison apple.
And that's gonna be
with a generous layer of popping candy.
Ten minutes to go!
Ten minutes.
[exhales, whimpers]
Who needs the gym, right? Phew!
This one hasn't frozen,
and it's breaking apart.
That's not good.
It is a lumpy apple.
One minute left.
[Jayde] Quickly, quickly, quickly.
Come on!
Ten seconds!
[Harry] There we go!
Time's up! How do you like them apples?
Harry! Put your hands down!
Step away from the plates.
[Gabi] I think I've done the best I can.
[exhales sharply]
It's down to the gods now, as they say.
[whimsical music playing]
Giovanni, you and I have had
this discussion many times,
you are wearing pants.
Don't give me that stony look,
we have visitors.
[Jayde] span style="style2"It's time for the gods to decide
which of our cooks has elevated
the common apple into something heavenly,
and who will receive 
the critical ten extra minutes advantage
in the next round.
First up, it's Gabi with her apple-filled
ruby chocolate domes.
And a surprise for one of the gods.
-[Gabi] Here we go.
-[Carla] Wow!
[Niklas] That's a lot of apples.
Certainly get a wonderful smell of apples
coming through.
-I hope you enjoy it.
-One, two, three.
[suspenseful music playing]
-You had the popping candy,
-you lucky so-and-so.
-I hear you popping!
-I love this!
-[Heston] It's delicious.
It's so good in so many ways
'cause you got the chocolate,
and then you got the sourness
from the Granny Smith.
I think the success of this dish
is you have the sweetness
in the caramel here
and you're really getting
the sour apple in your jelly,
which is really great.
The range of textures,
I think I really like.
You've certainly exploited the apple
-[Carla] Mm-hmm.
-in a great way.
That's terrifying, by the way.
Let's have some more of this!
[Jayde] span style="style2"Harry's apple crumble cake has
three layers of sponge
filled with crème pâtissière,
and miso caramel.
[Carla] Wow!
So, this is my apple crumble cake.
-[Harry nervously laughs]
-Good luck.
[Niklas] Visually, it's beautiful.
-[Niklas] It's a big
-[Carla] Oh.
I make big cakes. [laughs]
-Here you go, honey.
[suspenseful music playing]
[Heston] In here, this is the miso.
[Harry] Yes, so it's a red miso caramel.
The miso flavor works so well.
The acidity from that caramel
is wonderful.
Much needed. But for me,
it's not enough
to compensate just for the sheer amount
of flour that's in here.
Generally, for me, the cake is very--
It's heavy.
When you look at the crème pâtissière,
I think that that was a missed opportunity
to use some kind of apple flavoring.
And then you would have given us
more of an apple experience.
It looks great.
Unfortunately, it doesn't taste
as amazing as it looks.
-[Elainea] How'd it go?
-[Gabi] So-so?
-[Gabi] How was it?
-Could've been better.
[Jayde] span style="style2"Next up is Elainea.
She's serving frozen toffee apple desserts
with hot caramel sauce,
and her secret savory center.
[Carla] Oh!
-[Niklas] It's beautiful!
[Niklas] So, what have you done?
I've made toffee apples with a twist.
[Heston] You got a very nice,
delicate apple crust.
If this was too thick,
it would have made the dish clumsy.
[suspenseful music playing]
So, I wonder what the core is?
I've gone straight for the core
'cause you wouldn't tell me what it was.
-Looks like a black pudding.
-Black pudding, yeah.
Black pudding with caramel.
It's pig's blood.
It makes complete sense.
It's one of those ideas that's kind of,
"Ah! Of course!"
I love the fact
that you didn't just go savory with it.
That would have been,
I think, predictable.
You actually went sweet.
[Niklas] It's delicious
from the first bite.
This could be a signature dish
in a contemporary three-star restaurant,
-Well done.
-[Gabi] Are we good?
-[Harry] Yes.
Maybe if I'm being super picky,
I mean, maybe, the leaf would be edible.
-I agree.
-But you can eat apple leaves, no?
Is that an apple leaf?
[group laughs]
[spits] I don't know.
[group laughs]
[Jayde] span style="style2"One round down,
span style="style2"but still two to go.
Now the gods must decide
which cook has shown the skill
and originality to win bonus cooking time
for the next course.
-Three very different apple dishes.
I think Gabi's dish,
we saw all of her work.
She thought about texture.
She thought about flavors. Great!
And then along comes Elainea.
[Carla] Right!
It was so simple, yet so effective
with the black pudding.
It was totally left-field,
but immediately that light bulb came on.
So, Harry.
[Niklas] He will need to work hard
for his next course.
-Harry's certainly--
-Harry's gotta bring it!
Right, you lot! Let's find out
who's getting an extra ten minutes.
The gods have spoken.
And the dish
that excited them the most was
-Yes, well done!
-Thank you!
You have an extra ten minutes.
For their second course,
the gods would like you
to reinvent a family favorite.
Spaghetti Bolognese.
The cook that impresses them the least
will be sent home.
So, off you pop!
Go forth and forage.
[chimes tinkling]
[Jayde] span style="style2"For the second round,
span style="style2"the cooks must take an everyday dish
and reinvent it in a way
that the gods could never imagine.
Spaghetti Bolognese.
-Where to begin?
-I know.
For a Bolognese,
it is about cooking something
long and slow,
but they don't have that much time.
So, how are they going to get
that deep flavor?
Oh, nice, cheese.
-From the cheese cave.
-There's a cave around there.
-At what point does the reinvention
and the imagination go too far?
What happens if they did run with,
say, fruit?
[Carla] My mind is open,
but I'm still looking for
that comfort food feeling.
-Yeah, me, too.
-[Niklas] Yeah.
Have you all got your ingredients?
-[Jayde] Excellent.
Elainea, your extra time starts now!
-[Gabi] Yes!
-[Harry] Whoa!
[Elainea] Love a bit of fire.
Elainea's bringing the heat
to the kitchen.
Trying to get that burnt flavor
through it.
[Gabi] Yeah, amazing.
[Jayde]span style="style2" Elainea is using
span style="style2"her charred aubergines
in a vegetarian ragu,
served beneath a deep-fried pasta nest.
Once again, there are some surprises
in store for the gods.
I'm starting with licorice
and black currant.
I thought the licorice would be nice.
Hopefully, it'll work.
Nice earthy flavors.
The frustration watching someone else
have an extra ten minutes is
it's soul-destroying.
Gabi, Harry, your time starts now.
[Gabi groans]
Running to the fridge.
Got my oxtail.
Imagine telling an Italian they've got
to cook a Bolognese in 90 minutes!
It's a sin!
[Jayde] span style="style2"For her spin
span style="style2"on spaghetti Bolognese,
Gabi is serving a crown rack of lamb
around ziti noodles
and an oozy oxtail ragu.
[Gabi] So, I need to get my meat sealed
and get that in the pressure cooker
as soon as possible.
[dramatic music playing]
[Jayde] Hello!
It smells good down here.
-[in Italian] Good morning.
-Good morning.
And you're Italian?
-Was this hard for you?
It was a challenge because
it's so important that I do it justice
for myself and for my family.
So, how long do your oxtails need
to cook in your pressure cooker?
-I've got them on for an hour.
-Do you think you're okay with that time?
It's gonna be a lot.
You look nervous about it.
-You should be
'cause that's the slow cooking thing
that takes a while.
-Rome wasn't built in a day.
-[group laughs]
I'm feeling quite a lot of pressure
at the moment,
because it wasn't the most positive
of feedbacks last round.
[Jayde] span style="style2"Harry is supersizing his take
span style="style2"on spaghetti Bolognese
with a giant rainbow ravioli.
Inside will be mini ricotta parcels
and a rich Bolognese sauce.
It'll be a kind of classic ravioli shape
but just massive and rainbow.
-[Carla] Harry!
You have the rainbow here. Yes, you do.
[Harry] I do.
So, okay, this course is
all about your imagination.
I'm making a giant ravioli.
So, first of all, it's like gonna be
one between the three of you.
Inside the giant rainbow ravioli,
are some smaller ravioli
as well as the Bolognese sauce.
Oh, so it's like a mama ravioli
with her babies.
-Yes! It's gonna have triplets!
-Pregnant ravioli!
I mean Come on.
Think this pot's just about big enough
to cook it.
-[Carla] That's a very deep pot.
-[Harry] Yes.
And you have to dig it out of here.
Do you think this pot is too tall
-for that?
-I don't.
Anything can happen here though, can't it?
I like to be inventive with my flavors.
But it's nice to be
a bit more experimental.
I volunteer for a homeless charity,
so we have to use what's there.
Making use of surplus ingredients,
that's become quite natural to me,
and I think it's helped me
in terms of my cooking.
So, tell me about your nest.
-So, you're using angel hair.
-I am, yes.
And, uh
are you going to keep it crispy?
Quite crispy. I'm deep-frying it.
Are you?
So, tell me about your ragu.
The color is fantastic.
-Is there wine in there?
-There is wine and mushrooms
and the special ingredient in,
and then we've reduced black currants.
It smells amazing.
-Does it? Okay. Glad you like it.
I wish you all the best.
-[Elainea] Thank you.
-Keep surprising us.
[Jayde]span style="style2" All three cooks are feeling
span style="style2"the pressure span style="style2"to make their ragu stand out.
And Elainea isn't the only one
with special ingredients.
[Gabi] This is my secret weapon today.
It's a bone marrow.
It's just gonna add a fatty,
mellow depth of flavor.
It won't be too obvious.
This is my secret ingredient,
it's dark chocolate.
And it will, kind of,
just melt into everything.
Harry loves big things.
He said he makes big cakes.
He's making this big ravioli.
The danger of doing a big thing
is that you're putting all of your eggs
in one basket.
So, if that large ravioli
isn't cooked properly,
his entire dish just,
honestly, falls flat.
Don't work in chaos,
keep calm,
make space.
Gabi probably has
the most to lose in this course.
Generally, Italians are very set
on the way that they make things.
So, for her, to think outside of the box
is probably the hardest thing
that she's gonna have to do.
So, that brings us onto Elainea.
I'm not sure about the crispy pasta.
I don't know how that's gonna work.
Gabi's still foraging. Love that.
[Jayde] span style="style2"To get a rainbow effect,
span style="style2"Harry is fusing together
different colored strips of pasta.
His challenge now is making sure
the whole ravioli is sealed tight.
In practice, the problem has always come
when it splits when I'm cooking it.
If it doesn't stick,
there's nothing I can do at this point.
You know what? I think Carla's right.
I'm gonna do it in here.
[Jayde]span style="style2" It's the big moment
span style="style2"for Harry's ravioli.
[suspenseful music playing]
If I go home after today,
knowing that I messed up on the pasta,
I'll be really, really disappointed
in myself.
[Jayde] span style="style2"There's five minutes to go
span style="style2"and all three cooks
need every last one of them.
I'm gonna go with this
to the very last minute.
Just wanna make it rich and decadent.
[Harry] If the ravioli splits, that's it.
There's nothing I can do.
Or if I drop it.
I haven't even considered that.
[dramatic music playing]
I can't get any more of the water out
without the ravioli going.
I'm gonna slide it.
[exhales and laughs nervously]
Your little noises are great!
Whoo! [chuckles]
Thirty seconds!
Step away from your spaghetti!
Your time is up!
-[drum roll]
-[harp plays]
[Jayde] span style="style2"Harry, Elainea, and Gabi
span style="style2"must now present
their reinventions of spaghetti Bolognese
to the food gods.
After judging,
one of them will be sent home.
First is Harry
and his giant rainbow ravioli
stuffed with mini ricotta parcels
and rich beef Bolognese.
-[group] Wow!
-[Harry] There you go!
That might be
the biggest ravioli I've ever seen.
-Makes me smile.
Okay, it look good.
Let's see how it tastes.
[Carla] It portions very nice.
[suspenseful music playing]
I like your ragu. I'd make it
a little bit more peppery, tomato-y,
but I like the richness of it.
The chocolate,
just the right level of chocolate.
Spot on. You did this in a short time,
and there's still a depth.
-There is.
-I mean, like anspan style="style2" umamispan style="style2" punch.
I haven't found the babies.
Where are the babies?
[Carla] I have a baby.
Found one.
I was worried about you cooking this
-in that deep pot.
I took your advice.
I ended up doing it in the frying pan.
Know what I have to say to that?
You're welcome.
-Thank you.
-[Carla and Harry laugh]
It does have enough connection
to a spag Bol.
-Do you know what I'm missing?
-A glass of red wine.
-[Harry laughs]
-Thank you very much. Great job.
-Thank you, guys.
[Gabi] How did it go?
-[Gabi] Yes!
[Elainea] Fantastic!
I mean,
it was in a completely different league
-from his first course.
I feel like I was massively lagging
and I think I've-- I'd like to think
that I've made up ground.
[Gabi] See you on the other side!
[Jayde] span style="style2"Next up is Gabi.
She's serving a crown roast of lamb
surrounding ziti noodles
and a traditional oxtail ragu.
[Gabi] Here we go.
-Thank you, Gabi.
-How elegant.
That's the royal.
-This is the royal ragu.
-[Heston] That's the crown.
Let's all get-- Oh, it's a family affair.
[Niklas grunts]
[suspenseful music playing]
I love the flavor of the ragu.
I think that's great.
It's delicious.
The flavors are really good.
It's a great ragu.
[Carla] I think that
because of the way that it's set up,
the lamb has more prominence
than the Bolognese and the pasta.
There's too much lamb. And also,
for me, the lamb's a bit overcooked.
I think the most disappointing thing was
the pasta.
It just glued together
and it got a little dense
in the bottom of it on the plate.
With that said, you can clearly cook.
'Cause there's a lot of things here
that are delicious.
It's a great idea.
Thank you very much.
You didn't let your family down
with the ragu.
No, certainly not.
How was it?
I had a really strong first course
and a not-so-strong second.
I wanna stay. I've got more left in me.
-[Gabi] Go get 'em. Go on.
-[Harry] Good luck.
[Jayde] span style="style2"Last up is Elainea,
who is hoping the gods enjoy
her surprise licorice
and black currant ragu
with deep-fried pasta.
[Carla] Okay.
I'm intrigued.
[Niklas] I wanna see what it tastes like.
[suspenseful music playing]
I'm just trying to work out
where the sourness is coming from.
It's the ingredient
that you would've had
in a sweet shop as a child.
-[Elainea] Yes.
It's licorice and mushrooms.
Licorice reduced with the black currants.
Black currant, licorice, mushrooms,
and aubergine.
Whoo! I mean
Damn, you're good!
[Niklas] Those ingredients,
I mean, I wouldn't have made that up.
So, the pasta,
this is like eating raw pasta.
-Raw dried pasta.
-Oh, right.
-This is undercooked.
-Oh, right. Okay.
I think this dish, in fact,
has really big potential.
So, what you're saying is it's crazy.
I think it's crazy.
I wouldn't call it delicious.
-Thank you so much.
-Thank you. I just need to process
what just happened there.
-[Carla] All right.
-[Niklas] Tough call.
So, this is being judged
over the two courses.
-[Niklas] Yeah.
I thought after Harry's cake,
I thought that was it, he was doomed.
And then he pulled out this great ravioli.
Gabi is such a skilled cook.
[Heston] Her apple course was really good.
And then she wrapped a little bit
of unintentionally dried pasta
around some ragu,
with a big rack of lamb
that was about
four times more than the ragu.
-And then along comes Elainea.
She puts something in front of us
that none of us could even describe.
[group laughs]
[Carla] So, which two people do you think
are gonna give us something
that's gonna be fantastic and surprising?
I know who I would choose.
I think I do now.
[suspenseful music playing]
You've all worked wonders,
but only two can cook
for the final course.
Carla, who's it gonna be?
The cooks we'd like to see more of
and Elainea.
[mouths] Thank you.
-Well done.
-Thank you.
Thank you very much.
Well done.
-Guys, good luck.
-See you soon.
-Thank you.
-Smash it. Make me proud.
-Thank you. See youse later.
Devastated. I'm gutted.
Um In the end, it was a competition.
We all came here to compete,
someone had to go home.
Feeling emotional?
-[Jayde] Are you?
You can have a cry.
We can just do it together, come on.
[Harry] I cried over the onions earlier.
It's fine.
I am feeling terrified
about the feast for the gods.
I've just got to work really hard
and just produce even more amazing food.
[Jayde] span style="style2"For the final round,
Harry and Elainea must use
all their skill and imagination
to prepare a feast like no other.
The gods' final demand is that
you reinvent a personal favorite: brunch.
Two meals in one.
Now you're talking my language.
The gods will be deciding who
the winner is based on your brunch alone.
Go forth and forage.
[Jayde] span style="style2"This is their last chance
span style="style2"to impress,
but only one can take home
the Golden Apple.
You get up late.
You've missed breakfast,
but it's too early for lunch
and you put them together.
A little bit of savory,
a little bit of sweet.
It's a weekend thing.
Brings people together.
[Elainea] These limes smell amazing.
These are great tomatoes here.
[Harry] I'm gonna come
and grab some of those.
-We wanna see the creativity and skills
-[Carla] That's right.
and executed in one big brunch feast.
-Mmm! Yummy.
-It's the nicest blossom I've ever eaten.
[Harry chuckles]
You now have four hours
until the gods munch or brunch.
Your time starts now.
[dramatic music playing]
I'm making fried dumplings.
Fried dumplings is a dish
from the Caribbean.
It's about breakfast at my mom's.
[Jayde] span style="style2"Elainea is making
span style="style2"croque-en-brunch.
A tower of Caribbean fried dumplings
filled with scallop and avocado,
saltfish and ackee,
and one final combination,
which could be her craziest yet.
This is smoked mackerel
and bitter chocolate.
I think they're really deep, rich flavors.
I'm really interested to see
what the judges think.
I thought they were interesting.
-Tell me what's going on.
So, this is inspired
by my childhood from Jamaica, so--
-Are you doing a twist again?
-I'm doing a twist with adding chocolate
to a smoked fish.
Which I really like.
-Is it going to be high or low?
-Quite high.
-Quite high?
Like a croquembouche.
You can dip things in.
There'll be dips that you can think,
"Oh, let's put that with that.
Oh, let's try that with that."
I must say this is brave
because doing a tower is always difficult.
-Have you done a tower like this before?
[laughs] Love it.
Fortune favors the brave.
-I can't wait to try it.
-Thank you.
For my final course,
I am making a dish called
Shakshuka Bazooka.
It's my big Jewish-themed brunch.
I learned how to make bread from my mum,
and this is actually the challah dough
that we use at home.
[Jayde] span style="style2"For his brunch feast,
span style="style2"Harry is making a giant spicy shakshuka,
savory rugelach pastries,
and honey cake martinis.
I'll have one.
My biggest worry is
the dough isn't going to rise fast enough.
Hello, Harry!
So, where did you get this idea?
Is this heritage from you?
So, the rugelach are a kind of
Eastern European Jewish pastry.
The shakshuka is very popular
in the Middle East, so in Israel--
Yeah, in Jerusalem
it's a common dish.
Yes, and honey cake is eaten
at Jewish New Year.
So, I'm making honey cake martinis
and I'm making an entire cake
which is going to be cut up
and used as a garnish.
So, your first cake was heavy.
Wasn't that great.
So, you make it light,
-make it delicious.
-Okay. Good luck.
-Thank you.
You and mespan style="style1" ♪
Stop it!
In the back of the woods ♪
Stop that!
[Jayde] What do you think?
Just looking at it like this,
they will impress us.
Because both of them have big imaginations
and they're really using that.
-And that's what we asked them to do.
[Jayde] Elainea first.
She's a wild woman.
-She's wild.
If you look at her, she's not wild,
but she's wild.
Yeah, which is great,
but will it taste good?
-Harry is the slightly not risky one.
It's risen!
There's eggs, there's tomatoes,
and he's also going for a drink.
I like the drink bit of it.
Two very different brunch feasts await us.
I'm going to head up to heaven.
Giovanni, stop getting jealous.
Need to get a move on.
-[Jayde]span style="style2" There's two hours to go
-[exhales] Right.
[Jayde] span style="style2"and Harry is feeling
span style="style2"the pressure to perfect his honey cake.
You don't have long to mix everything
and put it in the oven.
Otherwise everything collapses.
[Jayde]span style="style2" While Elainea is beginning to make
span style="style2"an adventurous smoked fish sauce
to go with her poached lobster.
Here is the smoked shrimp, and the garlic,
and tomatoes, and some white wine.
It's not to everyone's taste.
[dramatic music playing]
Spot on.
[Jayde] span style="style2"Opting for more classic flavors,
span style="style2"Harry layers garlic butter
into his rugelach dough.
It's like a croissant dough, but easier.
Just cut that in half.
-There you go, you can see--
-Look at that!
-[Harry] You can see all the layers.
-[Jayde] Oh, that's fabulous!
[Elainea The texture of the dumpling
should be quite soft and fluffy.
So, I'm now starting to make
the shakshuka.
[Jayde] span style="style2"Harry is also making
span style="style2"his own harissa chili paste
to make sure he gets the flavors
and the spicing exactly right.
[Harry] I'm going for gentle warmth.
So, you can feel that there's chili,
but it's not absolutely blitzing
your mouth.
I've got something exciting to say.
One hour left to make your bumper brunch!
Right, okay.
[sighs, vocalizes]
Terrifying! Not exciting!
I don't think these are done.
If I served undercooked dumplings,
my mother would be incredibly annoyed.
So, I'm gonna finish them off
in the oven.
[exhales, chuckles]
Is there anything for me to eat yet?
[Harry] I'm about to have a look inside
the honey cake, if you want to try some?
[dramatic music playing]
[Jayde] span style="style2"With ten minutes left
span style="style2"and the Golden Apple in their sights,
it's a race to get their brunch feast
ready for the gods.
[Elainea sighs]
Come on, baby.
[Jayde] Have the other drink in, Harry.
[Elainea] My hands are shaking.
[Jayde] Twenty seconds!
Five seconds.
It's time for brunch!
[Harry] Well done.
-[drum roll]
-[harp plays]
[Jayde] span style="style2"After four hours cooking,
span style="style2"it's time for the food gods to decide
which cook deserves the Golden Apple.
Harry's shakshuka bazooka has eggs
baked in a rich tomato sauce
spiced with his homemade harissa,
and served with savory rugelach
and honey cake martinis.
[Carla] Wow!
[Niklas] Look at that!
-You always go for the large.
-I do.
Well, if this arrived Saturday morning,
-I would be impressed.
-I'd be happy.
You've got the rugelach.
This is so light.
The flavors are so delicate.
Flaky, all the flavors are there.
[Heston] I like the balance of the spices.
The chili in there,
for me, is a good level.
It has that ratatouille,
kind of, like, stew to it.
[Niklas] How does this drink work
with this?
I would probably eat the honey cake
and then give the martini a little stir.
This, for me, this says brunch.
I think, with a little bit of drink,
you know, you have the bread-y thing,
you have eggs.
I have to say, if you could've got
the lightness in the cake you made
-for the first course
-That'd be a good cake.
it would've been a very different cake.
I just wanted to show you
I can do it, really.
-It isn't outrageously crazy.
But I've never had a brunch
like that before.
Thank you very much.
-[Carla and Heston] Thank you.
-Thank you.
[Jayde] span style="style2"Elainea's serving a tower
of Caribbean dumplings
filled with a variety of flavors
including scallop and avocado,
salt cod and ackee,
and mackerel with chocolate.
Alongside lobster cooked
in her special smoked prawn sauce.
-Look at that!
[Carla] I think it looks really good.
I love all of the colors,
and I think it's really smart
'cause we can pick wherever we want to go.
[Carla] Let's try these.
Okay, so this is the scallop with
With the avocado, and pea,
and samphire mash.
The scallop's nicely cooked.
-And the flavor,
I like the pea and avocado marriage,
works really well.
I would have more salt.
[Niklas] The second one is the saltfish.
[Elainea] Yeah. With the ackee smash.
I find the flavors more balanced
in this one.
The fish is very flaky,
and the flavors are there.
-In a good way.
-[Heston] We've got some lobster to try.
-[Niklas] Yes.
[Niklas] Mm-mmm.
That's good.
That's really good.
This is such a perfect example
that you really can cook.
In terms of feeling
like you're traveling,
and the flavors of Jamaica,
I hear the seagulls.
[imitates seagull cawing]
-Nice seagull impression!
-I don't know if that was a seagull.
-[laughs] All right, it's time. You first.
-[Heston] Okay.
Mackerel chocolate!
[suspenseful music playing]
I'm, um
how do you say, discombobulated.
And it takes a lot
to discombobulate me.
There's some part of me saying,
"This shouldn't work."
And some part of me is saying,
"But it does."
And the two of them are just sort of
having a heated discussion.
Is it delicious?
Is it crazy?
-Well, yes.
-Yes. [laughs]
For sure.
I think the fillings are
really interesting.
The dough is overshadowing them
to a certain extent.
Because they're so heavy,
you can't eat all of these courses
-Right. Well--
-and them be that heavy.
Am I pleased I've tasted this?
-Very pleased.
-[Niklas] Thank you.
-Thank you very much.
-Elainea, thank you.
Thank you very much.
You smashed that.
[Elainea] I've done all I can.
I put forward the plate of food
I wanted to cook.
I've shown them the flavor combinations
that have been buzzing around in my head.
They liked my food,
that was the main thing.
They thought the cake was good.
That's all I could ask for,
is that the gods actually liked my food.
Okay, we've had two
very different brunches
and now we have to decide
who gets the Golden Apple.
I love Elainea's ballsiness.
The way she daringly combines flavors,
which can throw out big surprises.
But those dumplings were not dumplings.
They were hard bread balls.
Elainea does these things
that even have us
thinking about the possibility
-of putting ingredients together.
-But is it a good dish?
And then, on the other hand,
you've got Harry.
He went safe.
However, it was a brunch
I would prefer to eat.
[Niklas] So we have one dish
that's delicious
and we have one dish that's crazy.
[group sighs]
This isn't an easy one.
[thunder and lighting crackling]
[Jayde] So sorry about the dramatics.
[suspenseful music playing]
It's crunch time.
Heston, who's it gonna be?
It's been an incredibly tough decision.
You both made original
and creative brunches
that we've never tasted before.
We were split on so many factors.
However, there's only one Golden Apple.
And it goes to
[suspenseful music playing]
-Thank you.
-You're so shocked, aren't you?
-You didn't expect that, did you?
-No, not at all.
Well done.
The one thing that Harry brings is joy.
And I feel like when I taste his food,
I can taste the joy.
[Harry] I want to make people happy
when I cook,
and I guess I did, right?
There's no one I'd rather have cooked
in a kitchen with.
[Harry crying]
[dramatic music playing]
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