Criminal Code (2023) s01e05 Episode Script

Tudo Pela Família

[Gordim] Hey, Soulless! Hey, Soulless!
We're fucked!
What's to do with that boat over there?
- Stay calm. Just chill. Just chill!
- They've been following us!
[dramatic music playing]
We're fuckin' goners.
[Benício] Stop! Stop! Stop!
Afternoon, sir.
- Police! Stop now!
- [Martelo] We're just honest workers, bro.
Put the gun down.
There's no need for all this.
- [Suellen] Don't fucking move!
- Relax, everyone! We're just fishermen!
That's all, man. Take it easy.
We've got tons of fish. I'll show you.
[tense music playing]
Hit it. Just go!
Martelo's gone.
[Suellen] Yuri!
It hit the vest!
Suellen! You drive!
If they get to the woods, that's it.
[Risada] Come on! Go, go, go! Come on!
[Soulless] Fucking go!
[man grunts]
- [Suellen] Go, go, go, go!
- [Benício] Hold on!
Take this, fucking motherfuckers!
[both groaning]
[Suellen panting]
[unsettling music playing]
We lost those sons of bitches.
["Chegando de Assalto"
by Abronca playing]
[theme music playing]
[Rossi] Is everyone okay?
[Suellen] Okay.
That's good.
Seeing as you're all okay,
can somebody tell me what happened here?
Since the beginning, the investigation
pointed to them escaping by river.
This, Benício,
was a completely reckless operation
led by an undisciplined agent
who thinks he's above the Federal Police
and whose boss had directed him otherwise.
I know, sir, but what
Insubordination and the misuse
of federal resources,
along with millions in the fucking river!
You put the case at risk.
My career and your careers too.
And your own lives.
What happened here, Yuri?
- Sir, we came to
- Moreira?
The consultant who's 300 miles from
the station where he's supposed to be.
Sir, what happened here was an independent
investigation that you were unaware of
No, that's not what happened, Suellen.
Now pay attention.
I'll tell you what happened here.
You came here on a mission ordered by me
to look into Benício's theory.
You because you're the investigation lead,
Moreira because he knows the area
and was most definitely unarmed,
and Yuri because I asked him
to search the car we found in the river.
[continues on phone] The agents then came
across a convoy of suspicious individuals,
and since they couldn't
get in touch with command,
they made the decision to approach.
They were met with gunfire.
They promptly returned,
which resulted in an incredibly
successful operation.
Yeah? So, that's the official version?
With all due respect, sir,
it's not a version.
Those are the facts.
[Wladimir] And Moreira? You know he can't
work in the field. He's suspended.
Moreira was there, but he didn't
participate in the operation, sir.
He was unarmed. He had no weapon on him.
Listen up.
Offer that story with those exact details
in the official report.
Let's see if it holds up.
Yes, sir.
[groans softly]
[breathes deeply]
So how'd the job go?
Where's the money?
[man] Calm down, brother.
Your backpack's here.
The bullet went
straight through your ribs.
Who are you?
And you?
I was heading to mass on the road,
and I found you unconscious.
- This was
- [Ezequiel] I'm not here to judge.
Did you see his face?
[Ezequiel] God.
Redirecting the bullet.
Or afterwards,
when you thought you were gonna die.
[tense music playing]
I didn't see him, Pastor.
[exhales] I turned my back on God
and his powers.
let us stop judging one another."
make up your mind"
[together] "To place no stumbling block
or obstacle in your brother's way."
- Romans 14.
- Verse 13.
Brother, you should try and get some rest,
and stay for church.
[Soulless] "Heal me
in all you see needs healing."
"Heal me from whatever
might separate me from you."
"Heal my spirit."
"Heal my body. Heal my soul. Lay"
[phone buzzing]
[inhales deeply]
Hey, Bigode.
Hey, I saw on TV
the shit that went down with that job.
Fucked up, man.
But bro, is there anything left for us?
[Soulless] Honestly?
We could barely save anything.
But I know what I have to do.
[Bigode] Yeah? Because the guys trust you,
but the clock's ticking.
If we don't get this sorted out,
it's game over.
I'm gonna put you on a job
with Fantasma, yeah?
[Soulless] Yeah.
[mellow country music playing]
- [gunshot]
- Yeah, Assunção!
[all laughing]
[man] Not bad, huh,
for the capital of Paraguay?
- Asunción!
- [man] Asunción!
[men laughing]
- [man 2] Just ignore them, man.
- Well done. Hey, were your eyes open?
- [Assunção] Yeah!
- All three?
[all laughing]
Oh, wait. Honey.
Honey, get over here. Come on over.
[man 3] Yeah, take a shot.
Show them what you did
down by the river. Do it.
[man 4] Oh, there you go!
You're gonna turn your back
on your father in his own house?
- [man 3] You're grounded, young lady!
- [man 4] Go to your room!
[men continue chatting indistinctly]
So were you scared or not
when you saw those crooks on their boat?
Fuck. I was scared of all the paperwork
we were gonna have to do later.
[Guilherme laughs]
- I'd prefer to have died.
- Nah, don't say that.
Fuck, bureaucracy's the worst.
Makes me not wanna be a cop sometimes.
[woman] Sure, go ahead.
[mellow music playing in background]
[ice clinking]
[woman] Mm-hmm.
- My hands are clean.
- [woman] Mm-hmm.
[ice clinks]
I didn't get a chance to say it,
but if it wasn't for you,
I don't know if we'd be here.
What made you come help us?
[Moreira sighs]
It doesn't matter
what idea you have about me.
I'm still a police officer.
- [phone buzzing]
- Of course.
I wasn't trying to
[Yuri sighs]
[Assunção] Oh, this is
a professional level setup!
[Suellen] This one gets the VIP treatment.
You got it?
- Hey, come here. That's my girl.
- [Suellen] You know it, professor.
Hi there. Leave some
for the rest of us, guys.
[man] Hey, hey, Inspector! Hello, sir.
- [Rossi] How you doing?
- [man] Brought the whole family?
- [Rossi] Sure did!
- Hi. Nice to meet you.
- Thanks. Nice to see you.
- [Suellen] Boss!
What an honor.
- My God!
- [Rossi] Hi. How are you?
[Suellen] Welcome! Hi there.
- Rossi! How are you doing, my friend?
- [Rossi] How's it going?
- I'm good. I'm just fine, man.
- [woman] We're happy to be here.
- This is for you. Happy birthday.
- Oh, thank you. For me?
- We hope you like it, Suellen.
- You even got a present, huh?
Guys, please make yourselves at home.
- Thank you.
- Excuse me for a moment, sweetie.
Guys, if you'd like a drink,
they're over there. Anything you'd like.
- Thanks very much.
- You want something?
This is the first time
I've seen your kids. They're adorable!
- [Fernando] Look who's here!
- [Suellen] Hello, my darling!
- [woman] How precious!
- [Suellen] Did you wake up?
- Yes, you did, my beautiful girl.
- [Rossi] Look, she's so cute.
- You see her, son? Isn't she tiny?
- [Fernando] Look at your little friend.
[woman chuckles] You wanna
hold the present or the baby?
[all chuckle]
- [baby fusses]
- [chatting continues]
[man 2] Did you all get some food already?
How's it goin'?
All that stuff we did
All that stuff you did
No one tells you how hard that is, man.
And and there's no way to have
the best possible outcome for us, bro.
Actually, this is the most common outcome.
[Yuri sniffles]
Fucking intense.
But we're together.
I'm here with you.
You want a beer?
I got one.
- Can I have a sip?
- Sure.
That's fucking warm.
I'll get you a cold one.
- Yeah, it's pretty warm.
- Come on, man! [chuckles]
- Thanks.
- No worries. I'm gonna put some music on.
[women chatting indistinctly]
[over speakers] Everybody hurts ♪
["Everybody Hurts" by R.E.M. playing]
What the
what the hell is this tacky shit?
For God's sake, man!
- Okay, okay. That's fine.
- [man] Take it off!
[Suellen] Jeez.
[hip-hop music playing over speakers]
[Benício] I'll just leave
this shit on, then.
Same as fuckin' always.
You know it's gotta be the song she wants
the way she wants.
I'm over it.
This is such a shitshow.
What goes through a cop's mind
when he knows
he's surrounded with no way out?
[Benício chuckles]
Well, nothing.
- Thinking he'll kill you.
- [chuckles]
You're Suellen's sister?
- Lieutenant Suelly.
- Lieutenant Suelly?
- Fuck!
- [both laugh]
Hey, tell me something.
- Do you live here in Foz? You do?
- I do.
- Why haven't I seen you around here?
- Because you didn't want to.
[both laugh]
[Benício] Good one!
I want to now.
- Is that so?
- Yeah.
Rock-a-bye, baby, on the treetop ♪
Where the wind blows
The cradle will rock ♪
[Benício and Suelly laughing]
[tense music playing]
[door rattling]
[Suelly moaning]
That's it, huh?
You have nothing else to say?
Why in the fuck do you have loyalty
to people who don't even care about you?
Rossi asked me to accompany
the mission
No, no, no, no, no, no!
Don't even start
with Rossi's little story. Okay, Moreira?
Listen here. I want you to get your things
and go back to São Paulo.
- But sir, I wasn't wrong.
- Stop right now.
I'll tell you what.
Go see Rossi and tell him that leaving
the case was something that you decided.
Go on!
Morning! Good morning. All good?
I got fresh bread hot out of the oven.
[Rossi] Did you run through a car wash?
- [Suellen clears throat]
- [men laugh]
- Well, I have good news and bad news.
- [Benício] Lay it on me.
The DNA that we found in the woods
from Soulless can't be used.
- [Benício tuts]
- It's compromised.
- [Suellen] Damn!
- [Benício] DNA does no fuckin' good.
Calm down. DNA appeared in the system
for a guy named Felipe Reis.
It matched two of the samples
we found at the gang's mansion.
So I've asked Assunção
to investigate it further.
[Suellen] Mm-hmm.
He's currently out on bail
for manslaughter.
He's a playboy.
Pretty boy who likes the good life.
Yesterday he checked into
a hotel in Florianópolis.
Great. Have someone go arrest him. Hmm?
Not so fast.
Fortunately for us,
he's there with three more suspects.
Our plan is to send you both in,
undercover, as husband and wife.
- Huh?
- What?
- Uh, Rossi!
- They're there with their wives.
If you're a couple,
it'll be easier to get close to them
and get DNA samples
of the rest of the gang.
But is this really necessary?
What connection does this playboy have
to the organization?
And to Soulless?
Soulless isn't the only guy
from Proguard we need to catch.
I get it. Yeah. Got it.
Arresting a bunch of playboys in a resort
gets good press, right?
This is not open for your opinion.
These are your orders
for your next mission together.
And after what went down in Loanda,
Moreira decided
to leave the investigation.
Wait. What do you mean "decided"?
- He packed up and went back to São Paulo.
- [Benício] Hold on.
The guy turns up
at the right place at the right time,
saves our asses and makes a run for it?
- Am I the only one that thinks that's odd?
- Everything about that guy is odd.
Are you still mad about me going on my own
to Loanda, or is it something else?
Look, Suellen. If this is
about your sister, I wanna say
You know what? Fuck you, Benício.
I'm trying to figure out
if we're actually a team or not.
If you're really a problematic guy,
or if you're just a fucking imbecile.
I'm actually both.
[upbeat music playing]
Nice place, huh?
[Suellen] It's beautiful.
- Good morning.
- [woman] Good morning. How are you?
- Welcome.
- [Suellen] Thanks.
Can I get the name on your reservation?
- Uh
- Uh, us both.
Suellen Dias Alves.
Benício Marinho.
And the reservation is for one room
with a double bed. Is that right?
Yeah, sure.
Uh, no. There must be some mistake.
- Are you sure that reservation is ours?
- [woman] Let me double check.
That's right.
Your reservation was booked
with one double bed.
But if you like,
it could be two twin beds instead.
No, no. I prefer to get another room.
I'll reserve another room for you here.
How would you like to pay for these?
I'll put my half on my debit card, please.
I'm not sure about his.
[Benício sighs]
- [woman] Here's your receipt.
- Thanks.
- Do you take installments?
- Yes, sir, we do.
- How about four?
- Unfortunately, sir, we can't do four.
[upbeat music playing]
[woman] Thank you.
[man] Hey, man. Let's party.
Across the pool, three o'clock. Felipe.
Cheers! That's what I'm talkin' about.
Look at those dickheads. What the fuck?
Hey, buddy! Can I get another one here?
[all cheering]
Let's go make some new friends?
[Benício] What? I don't know how.
You don't know what, Benício?
How to talk to people?
[Suellen sighs]
The longer we wait,
the longer it will take
to get back to what really interests us.
What are the chances of it working out?
Well, if you stick to the plan,
I'd say 80 percent.
And if I don't?
[hip-hop music playing]
Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah!
Come on, don't stop on my account.
Unless it's confidential,
in which case, even better.
[all laugh]
I like this chick.
Hey, can you get my husband
a caipirinha, please?
- [woman] What's your name?
- He's only fun with a few drinks in him.
- [woman 2] I know what you mean.
- I'm Flavia.
- Erik.
- [man] Erik, hey.
- [Suellen] And you?
- Cynthia.
- Felipe.
- How's it goin'?
Ah, this is gorgeous.
What's that you're drinking?
- Gin with Yeah, do you want some?
- Gin?
I'd like to order what she's having.
With everything!
[all laugh]
- Now I'm a little bit scared.
- Yeah, she's a crazy one.
[both laugh]
[Yuri] Excuse us.
[Rossi] Thanks, Firmino.
Sir, take a look at this.
I asked Maria Clara to review the evidence
of some of the older robberies
that used the same explosives
techniques as Proguard.
[Rossi] Mm-hmm. And?
Well, they had found DNA that had been
missed on some of our previous searches.
The DNA on the saw
shows up in four additional robberies
that weren't on our radar.
And five new sets of DNA
that were there for those robberies
were also at the Proguard heist.
Nice work, Yuri.
Now, look at this.
I don't know if you noticed this here,
but three of these robberies were done by
that Ghost Gang. Have you heard about it?
Uh, who?
You haven't heard of it?
[tense music playing]
[Rossi] It's an urban legend
for a few years now.
A gang that leaves no witnesses,
fingerprints, or clues at all.
It could just be a myth.
Maybe not even the same gang.
But if they were at Proguard,
that'd explain why it's taking so long
to pick up their scent.
I had no idea.
Well, there is something else.
One of the assaults was close by.
- You signed the incident report.
- I remember. Yes, of course.
- They blew up four ATMs, didn't they?
- Mm-hmm.
At the time, I didn't think it was
even them because they left a clue.
Of what?
The dynamite's batch number
wasn't intact when it was found.
That led us straight to a mining company
and to their head technician.
This one here.
- This one. Amaro.
- Hmm.
At the time,
he alleged the explosives were stolen.
The company hadn't reported the theft,
but we couldn't find
any additional proof either.
Then again, in those days, the use of DNA
was uncommon in most cases.
I'm happy to fix that.
Was there anything else?
Because I gotta get back to work.
I have to summon Mr. Amaro.
We'll need to speak to him again.
Well, now that you ask,
there is something.
Look, Yuri, if this is about Loanda,
it's no biggie.
I've sorted it out with Wladimir already.
But I imagine you've learned your lesson.
It's not about that, sir.
I've asked
if I could transfer to Brasília.
The National Bank of Genetics.
It's just more my thing.
But out of the blue?
Good luck to you.
We'll miss you very much.
Make sure you take care in Brasília, okay?
Our big fish here
are like minnow over there.
[reporter] A week after the Loanda robbery
that sent shockwaves across Brazil,
MaringáFederal Police have announced
that at this
Why are you watching that shit, huh?
That's amateur work.
What the hell, Isaac? Relax, man.
[reporter] Only one of the criminals,
who appears to be the leader of the gang,
managed to escape.
Known as Soulless, he's the mastermind
behind the Proguard robbery
"The mastermind behind Proguard."
You gotta be fuckin' kidding me!
Man, better the blame is on him
than on us. Am I right?
Am I or not?
If you weren't my brother,
I'd send you out to work with him.
- Oh, look at that. You're real funny, huh?
- Stay there.
Give me my phone.
- My phone, you jerk!
- [Isaac] Just fucking wait!
She makes up her mind
I am just saying,
I get lipo every six months,
and I get plastic surgery
because I love the anesthesia.
[all laughing]
I'm serious! Yeah, I'm serious.
Flavia, it's the best trip ever.
Oh, not at all. I've never been
brave enough to go under the knife.
You're not serious?
You've never had shit done?
A hundred percent,
that's how you were made?
I had to take out my tonsils.
[all laugh]
Hey, are you not getting in?
Oh, no. Cauã is our Doctor Bacteria.
He sterilizes that flask,
like, two times per day.
Yeah, he's like, getting in a hot tub
is like swimming in a sewer to him,
or something.
So you never exchange
bodily fluids with anyone?
Are you asking to try?
[Cynthia] Uh, hey, we've got a massage
booked in a bit. You wanna join us?
Yes. Yes, I need one of those.
Excuse me, sir? Can you get
my husband another caipirinha?
- Of course.
- [Suellen] Relax, my love, okay?
[machinery whirring in background]
[speaks Portuguese]
[man] You get me, Bigode?
We're gonna catch that rat.
We'll take the necessary precautions
and show him how crime really works.
You can leave it with me.
Hey, sup?
What's up?
- Bigode, how's it going?
- Sup, Isaac?
Your phone.
- What for, Bigode?
- [Bigode] Your fucking phone, man.
- Hurry up. I have stuff to do.
- Fucking hell, man.
[woman] Excuse us, Bigode.
[Isaac] So what's goin' on?
Soulless is on his way. Are you with us?
I don't know, man.
You know I got my team.
I prefer to work on my own.
That's just how I do it.
You get your cut. That's it.
Hear that noise? All day, it's like this.
Doesn't bother me at all.
But your tone of voice, man.
I don't like it. Makes me think
I don't feel good about it.
Come on. What the fuck
are you talking about?
Fuck, man, you're awesome.
You're a great guy, bro.
If you came to me and said, "We're gonna
do a job together," I'd be fuckin' glad.
But not with Soulless, man.
He's not like we are with work.
He almost got caught at Proguard
and almost got caught at Loanda.
He's famous now, bro.
The cops are all over him.
[Bigode] Soulless has some stuff
to work out. You get me?
I want him to learn from you.
- Ah, fuck.
- All right?
I want him glued to your side,
and in the future,
he can do more jobs for us.
Do more jobs?
Fuck, Bigode.
I'll do those jobs, man, like always.
Why find a student to do it
when you got a master right here?
A student?
Soulless is one of us.
He's family. Our brother.
Got that? He's done things
for this organization
that some men wouldn't do
for their own mama.
You fucking kidding, bro?
Watch your behavior.
That's it.
I'm putting you on this job.
I know you're a badass.
A daredevil. Rambo.
A bit of an Einstein. Got the brains.
I wanna take you
to the next level with me, bro.
You with me?
- And the condition is, I do it with him?
- Soulless is my guarantee.
Do the job, bring back the money,
and you'll never
have to see his face again.
At the Proguard robbery,
they used a crate of explosives.
They also used an armored car
as a shield to redirect the explosion.
Obviously, they knew what they were doing.
I know a little bit about it.
I'm happy to help if I can.
Well, since you're here as a suspect now,
you can help
by offering us a sample of your DNA.
Wait. I'm a suspect?
In what way?
I'm not I'm not bound,
legally, to provide you a sample.
I have the right to say no.
You have the right, yeah.
But this is how it goes.
If you decline,
I'll be more convinced than ever
that you had a part in that heist,
and I'll investigate so thoroughly
that I'll track down
every single falsified receipt
on your tax returns from the year 2006.
But it's up to you, Amaro.
[Soulless] Hey.
Good to see you, Bigode.
Your next job's with that guy over there.
Thank you.
You can go now.
Can you hear?
I said you're free to go.
What does that cost? About 10k?
[dramatic sting]
Come again?
Or is that watch even more now?
I mean, it's beautiful.
I was thinking about getting it as a gift
for a friend of mine. I apologize.
You need some help standing up, old man?
Can I ask a question?
How long does it take
for these DNA results to come in?
- I don't know.
- So you don't know?
Or you don't wanna tell me?
- I don't like this chat very much.
- I'm not liking it either, young man.
But I am sitting here wondering
what me and you could do
to make us like this chat a lot more.
[curious music playing]
Seriously, this job
should come with hazard pay.
I'm serious, Suellen.
Listening to those guys talk about sex.
I think it took, like,
I dunno, five years
off my life expectancy. I really do.
Well, your life expectancy
is not looking that great anyway.
Right, Benício?
Lose another five years,
you could just drop dead any second now.
Yeah, yeah. No joke.
[groans softly]
I have to confess one thing.
- I was having a shitload of fun. [laughs]
- [chuckles] It suits you.
Like, Cynthia is insane.
- Uh-huh.
- Man, she drinks like a fish.
No limits whatsoever.
- I bet she's the weak link.
- Hmm.
She only got serious for a sec
when she started talking about
her kids that she has with Felipe.
At home with a nanny.
Curious, isn't it?
A person with
such a crazy life, married to a gangster.
And she's still here
worried about her kids.
Well, yeah. It must be fucking tough
to somehow try and combine
just life and work, and family with work.
I think it's impossible.
And Rossi. Remember Rossi? Huh?
- I remember Rossi.
- You know Rossi.
With his wife, and his kids
and everything, and they seem happy.
Well, sure,
but when you looked from the outside,
Fernando seemed happy too.
[Benício sighs]
When did you become
more of a skeptic than I am?
When did you think your marriage was over?
[exhales softly]
I would say it was exactly the minute
that we began to live together
in the same house.
[both laugh]
- Well, that's encouraging.
- No, it's tough, man.
I just I have this feeling, Suellen,
that the only thing I'm really
in control of in my life is my work. Huh.
And you hardly have control over that,
do you, Benício?
- Let's be honest.
- Fuck you, man. That's
- That's just factual.
- Maybe 50 percent.
- It's a hundred percent.
- Ohhhh!
Right, that's it. All organized.
I'm gonna head to my room.
- All right. Okay.
- [Suellen] I'm tired.
[Benício] I'm gonna take a shower.
[Benício sighs]
- [Suellen] Get some rest, Erik.
- [chuckles]
["Paralisa" by Mc Anônimo playing]
I have cold beer! Who wants one?
["Paralisa" continues playing]
- Hey, love!
- [Benício] Yeah, baby.
- Can you take a picture of us?
- [woman] Yeah, let's do it.
You got something on your mouth.
[Suellen] I'll get it.
[Benício] Ah, cleaning up
that boy's mouth like a little baby!
[all chuckle]
And actually, that reminds me,
I need to call home.
["Paralisa" continues playing]
[knock on door]
Not a word.
Not even a word.
[Benício chuckles]
- [Suellen] Shall we?
- Yeah. Let me just finish here.
- Do you like my shirt?
- It's as tacky as I expected.
[Benício laughs]
- Did you see the message from Rossi?
- No. What'd he say?
- Matches on two new sets of DNA.
- Good.
We're only missing Cauã's,
and we're gonna get it tonight, you bet!
I'd just like to say something
for the record.
I'm pissed that I have to go
to this fucking club,
forced into it against my will.
I'm pissed about the whole thing.
Listen, there's no one else here.
You can drop the whole
annoyed husband thing, man.
Ahh! We're gonna catch
that motherfucker, Suellen.
[Suellen] Tonight is the night!
[electronic music playing, crowd whooping]
- Raimundo. This is for nine of us, okay?
- Got it.
Don't be an asshole, bro
[Cauã] Shut the fuck up. It's starting
to sound like a chicken coop in here.
- Don't fuckin' act like that bro!
- Thanks, girl.
Come on, guys. Come through.
Come on, guys. It's fine. No worries.
That's not right!
- Here you go.
- Only Brazilians like to wait in a line.
- Yeah, what are you?
- I'm in another class.
- What class is that?
- The rich one.
Come on, come on,
come on, come on, come on!
[Suellen] It's gonna be a fun night.
Right, honey?
- What the fuck is this? You let them in.
- Shut your mouth!
[electronic music playing]
We were right in the middle of it
when suddenly this guy grabs,
like, a crucifix,
a fucking locket around his neck,
and is all like, "Let us pray."
That guy is strange, man.
I never liked his energy.
Oh, just wait a minute!
- What, are you an astrologer now?
- [Cynthia] Hey guys!
[Felipe] Yeah! Let's go!
- [Cauã] Come on!
- Come on, let's dance!
What the fuck is that?
[woman] Hey, let me go!
[man] Are you scared, bro?
Are you scared, huh?
You think you're hot shit? Do you?
Hey, leave that shit alone!
[Cauã] Take this! [grunts]
[man] It's over, punk!
[electronic music continues playing]
[man] That's it! That's it!
Take that piece down!
Come here, you motherfucker!
[men grunting]
[man] The other one! Get the other one!
[bouncer] Hey! Stop it, guys!
[all yelling and shouting]
I was on the floor with six of them,
just laying into them, fucking lights out.
The entire Floripa jiujitsu team
was on the ground.
- No more squawkin' from those chickens!
- Come on! Nah, it was two at the most!
You know what? Erik surprised me hard.
- [man] Yeah!
- [Cauã] What the fuck was that?
Krav Maga? Muay Thai?
Have you seen my wife, brother?
She taught me how to wrestle.
I'd rather face those guys
than have to wrestle with your wife, man.
Yeah, she's a badass. But tell me this.
Weren't you guys scared
that the cops would come
and bust all of you,
and then the party's gonna be over, right?
Why would we be scared?
Do any of us look like robbers
who are scared of the cops?
I knocked a bunch of them out
in that fight.
You're tough, man. Fucking tough
to go in there like that. You got balls.
- Hey, where are you goin'? Hold on!
- [man] Come back!
- My wife is up there, man.
- Hold on. Chill out, Erik.
[Felipe] Chill out! Speaking of which
- [man] What?
- We set for tomorrow, yeah?
We've told our ladies we're going fishing.
You hear that, Chich?
- Got it, Montanha?
- Sure.
Hey, Erik. You feel like
joining us tomorrow?
- Sure. All good.
- [Felipe] Only bombshells.
Isn't that right, Cauã?
- [Cauã] All night long!
- Only the top!
The best of the best!
You feel me, bro? You feel it?
I'm on a short leash, man.
See you guys later, bro.
- So what did he say?
- [opens can]
Basically that Cynthia has
the income of a sales clerk
but the assets of a store owner.
House on the beach,
swanky apartment, all that shit.
Well, we knew [sniffs]
she wasn't that clean, right?
He better believe
I'll see what she's up to.
I know what to do.
If we could've just proved they were
talking about Soulless last night,
the whole trip
would've been worth it, wouldn't it?
Hmm, Suellen.
Words after my own heart.
- All right then.
- Okay.
- Check you later, Erik.
- Okay.
- You're likin' this, huh?
- [door closes]
[Ambassador] Dear friend.
Disloyalties cause chaos
and will not be accepted.
"The bread of deceit tastes sweet
to a man,
but later,
his mouth will be full of gravel."
Proverbs 20:17.
Turcão is selling stuff on the side.
Now it falls to us to take care of him.
I'll send instructions.
[phone buzzing]
[Djeison] The Organization got in touch.
They confirmed they'll get the money.
I'm putting pressure on them.
Patience, Djeison. Patience, man.
"Victory comes to those
who know when to fight
and when to wait."
[unsettling music playing]
So why all the shit, man?
The hood is because
I don't trust you with information.
The driver is because you're famous,
and around here we don't like paparazzi.
No fuckin' worm on my tail anymore.
[laughing] And away it goes.
What's your deal?
The Organization put me on this job
as another chance to walk with them
on my path. Isn't that true?
My mission is their mission.
That's the difference between me and you.
I work for no one.
Here, nobody's the boss of anybody.
We work like a family.
No backstabbing.
What are you saying?
Are you saying you're tapping out?
No, I'm in, bro.
But things are gonna be done
the way I say.
Got that?
It's not the Organization's job
or Soulless's job.
This fucking job is ours.
We good, man?
I'm good.
[Isaac] Good.
[man] That's more like it.
What do you want to drink?
- [Isaac] Get him a whiskey.
- [man] Whiskey?
- I don't drink alcohol.
- [man] Damn, he doesn't drink.
- [Isaac] Fuck. Get me one.
- [man] You got it.
- [Suellen] You by yourself too?
- [Cynthia] Yeah.
- Can I sit down?
- [Cynthia] Go ahead!
Girl, that pile of carbs
will send your blood sugar off the charts.
I know that,
but after today, I deserve it.
[Cynthia] Oh! What happened?
Everything okay?
Everything? No.
I had a horrible fight with Erik.
I know he's lying to me.
[scoffs] Men are so stupid.
It's obvious he's lying.
He gives too many details.
I agree. But hey,
at least he tries, you know?
Felipe doesn't even do that, Flavia.
He doesn't even like fishing.
- [Suellen] Mm.
- But do you know what I learned?
Some things are better left unsaid.
You know what really bugs me?
It's the hypocrisy.
Because he gets up to all kinds of shit
and acts like a saint.
And I do anything or have any fun,
and he comes at me like,
"Oh, now I'm married to an addict."
You know what I say? Fuck 'em, sister!
Oh my.
- Are you for real?
- [Cynthia] Totally. [sniffs]
If I said I needed a BMW
or a trip to the Maldives,
could you pull that
out of your purse as well?
You never know! Come on.
[tense music playing]
Ah. [sniffs]
- Your turn.
- May I?
Go for it.
Wait. I have a question.
Do you have more, to sell me some of that?
I'll pay you more than you bought it for.
Sell? No, girl, I have some.
I'll give it to you.
- No need for that.
- Sure. I mean, yeah.
[Cynthia] Of course!
Federal officer.
Drop the coke and sit.
- [Cynthia] What is this?
- Drop the coke and sit.
[dramatic music playing]
- You're arresting me?
- Drop the coke and sit down. No, not yet.
- Then what are you gonna do?
- [Suellen] Here's the deal.
The jig is up for Felipe and the guys.
You're gonna tell me
everything you know about them.
I have no idea what you're saying.
I don't think you realize what's going on.
We've caught you red-handed.
Now, you can either save yourself,
or sit there
and try to defend Felipe.
What do you think he'd do in your place?
- Personal use isn't a problem.
- [Suellen] With that amount?
With all those assets in your name?
In your mother's name?
My mother has nothing to do with this.
I have nothing to do with this.
I actually trust you.
So why are you lying?
Just to defend a guy
who's using you as a cover,
who doesn't have the decency to come up
with a good lie when he's up to no good?
If you think I'm ignorant
about their little party, you're wrong.
Five years ago,
I was in that fuckin' hotel room.
How do you think it was
that I met Felipe?
I've always known who he was.
But you, to think
I need you to listen carefully
to what I'm gonna say now.
Association, money laundering,
Girl, do you have any idea
how much time you could spend in jail?
You'd even take your mother with you.
[inhales shakily]
[Suellen] Okay.
I'm not recording this conversation.
Your name is not on the police reports
if you do this now.
You better start talking
and tell me everything you know
about the heist on Proguard.
I'm waiting, Cynthia.
I met a guy one time,
at a party at Cauã's house.
His name was Turcão.
They talk about him a lot.
He's like a godfather to Cauã.
He's the one that sold them their weapons
and introduced them to that Soulless guy
who put 'em on the Paraguay job.
- [door opens]
- [Suellen] Hands on your head!
Put your hands up! Get on the ground!
Anyone else in here?
Game over, playboy.
[car doors close, sirens blare]
- Can you make the helicopter propeller?
- Uh-huh.
Look at my jet.
[boy] That's nice.
[phone chiming]
I think you and I did all right
as husband and wife. Don't you?
[Suellen chuckles]
- Oh, don't flatter yourself, Benício.
- Mm.
You couldn't even pretend
to be a good husband.
["Everybody Hurts" playing through phone]
Well, everybody hurts ♪
But sometimes ♪
That's the song from the get-together?
Yeah. You vetoed it.
Talk about a mood killer.
Yeah, I remember. This song's tacky,
depressing, blah, blah, blah.
Why did you put this song on at the party?
Have one too many?
No. I did, yeah.
But that's not the reason.
I put this song on 'cause
it's a way I can thank my true friends.
Sometimes ♪
So hold on ♪
Hold on ♪
Hold ♪
- [man] Okay, now skip one.
- [playing chords]
- I have no idea how to do this!
- [both laugh]
[dramatic sting]
- [Isaac] What's that? Damato?
- [man 2] What?
- [man 1] Let's see who this is.
- [man 2] Who's that?
[tense music playing]
- [man] Fuck!
- [Isaac] It's fucking Amaro.
What's this fuckin' car, bro?
- [man 1 laughs]
- [man 2] What the hell? [laughs]
- I hope I'm not intruding.
- [man 1] How's it going?
Hey, Gabriel.
[Gabriel] Don't worry.
We'll take care of your family, okay?
- Thanks. Mané.
- [Mané] Hey.
- Hey, Lobo.
- So how'd it go with the feds?
Hmm. They sampled my DNA.
Could have been bad.
- But I was able to make a new friend.
- What kind of friend, huh?
A young man who's anxious
to prove he can join our family.
Hey, let me ask you a question.
Guilherme, right?
When you see four-story condos
full of luxury cars,
too many watches to count,
what goes through your mind?
How do these people get the money
to buy all these things?
Think about it.
Nice one. Come on in, bro.
[Amaro] But we do have a problem.
[tense music playing]
What problem?
Now they have a record
of our previous robberies.
My DNA was found at a few of them.
Did you tell 'em something?
Absolutely not.
I wouldn't be here if I had.
I see.
Just relax, grab something to eat.
We'll think about what to do about it.
- [Amaro] Thanks, Isaac.
- Okay? Go on in.
[Amaro] What's up, guys? Hey there.
- [man] All good. How's it going?
- [Amaro] All good?
- [Benício] I hope it was worth it.
- My God!
We just got back,
and you look sad already?
- [Assunção] Okay. Send it to me.
- [Suellen] Morning.
Send it right now.
Good morning. So,
I looked into that guy Turcão,
the one Felipe's wife had mentioned.
He's been arrested three times.
Association for drug trafficking,
dealing firearms, and theft.
He owns a gas station,
but crime is how he makes his money.
I've already sent Benício his photo
and location of the gas station.
It's in Ponta Porã, Mato Grosso do Sul,
across the border
from Pedro Juan Caballero.
[phone buzzing]
[Russo] Hola, Máscara.
The time has come
for you to prove yourself.
We've got an important mission
in Ponta Porã.
We need to take out our traitor.
- Then you better head out.
- All right.
- [Suellen] Yeah, I know.
- Be careful, okay?
A guy like this in Ponta Porã
is a live wire.
- Shall we?
- [Suellen] Okay. Let's go.
[Benício] Roll out.
- [Rossi] Keep me updated.
- See you, Assunção. Thanks.
Grab whatever you want.
Don't be shy. Grab everything you need
to blow that shit up. Vamos, muchachos.
- [man 2] Let's do this.
- [Russo] Let's go.
It's time to put an end to Turcão.
[overlapping chatter]
[dramatic music playing]
[gun cocks]
[rock music playing]
[electronic music playing]
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