Cyberpunk: Edgerunners (2022) s01e05 Episode Script

All Eyez On Me

Eyes, burning a way through me ♪
Eyes, destroying so sweetly ♪
Now, there is a fire in me ♪
A fire that burns ♪
This fire is out of control ♪
I'll burn it! I'll burn it! ♪
I'll burn it! I'll burn it! ♪
Give them a whirl.
Nah, out of my price range.
Rebecca gave the nod.
They're all yours. No strings.
Still, I think I'm good.
Shit, men. Make up your mind.
You did better than I
when you collect my Sandy.
What? Little scavage of a body you knew?
They're techy mitts anyways.
Oh, Now, you're just being picky.
Got my heart set on something else.
Now, what is it then?
Wait, meaning mine?
Little big for you, don't you think?
It's nothing I can't handle.
All right then, I flatline,
they're all yours.
Give you time to bulk up,
grow into one.
Okay, fine. Hold you to it then.
Wait up, there's something
different about you.
- I can tell
- Huh?
You usually mope around,
kill the vibes
Our resident buzzkill.
I'm not.
Ain't no different from yesterday!
No, something is.
You got laid, didn't yah?
You did.
Ah, gotta work on that poker face, dawg.
- Hmm?
- Sup, Kiwi? Give me some good news.
Got zilch.
Tanaka's beefed up
his security after our last fucked up.
Tried poking holes,
but I got no-go after no-go.
Like I was saying.
Our will is be spinning until
Faraday giving us some traction.
Don't you remember baby's
first grand theft auto?
Sucker limo was his.
Why? Is that a problem?
Nah, it's nothin'
Well, look at here.
You and Tanaka's kid, classmates?
Say what?!
Kiwi, are you accusing our punk kid
to go on some stiff-ass corp school?
Bona-fide Arasaka Academy dropout.
Straight A student when he was.
How's that chume suck it all?
Guess we now know
Guess that explains why Gloria
was always strapped for heads.
You two ever hear
of a little thing privacy?
Didn't find much else
of interest on Tanaka's personal drive.
What a noise. What a trash.
- Noise like?
- XBDs in his viewing log.
Yo, hold up.
That's good leverages. I see it.
Things are no doubt
but more into gore than porn.
Some cyberpsycho purchased, too.
Suit's always thirst for the creepy shit.
Lot of BDs
tuned by someone named JK.
Yeah, Jimmy Kurosaki.
Braindance senator.
He's got a cult following.
Get's his hands on a snuff
and turns out a virtue
in 24 hours.
Piping hot fresh off the street.
Whatever JK tunes, he turns to gold.
Just don't get edits like anywhere else.
It's no wonder his fans
keep coming back for more.
Well, I'll be dumb, kid.
Didn't peg you for a superfreak.
No, I
Just helped a choom
move his stock, is all.
Cute story,
but do you know anything
that actually be useful?
- Mostly he does custom-made.
- What's that?
The spender expects exclusive
so JK tailors the dances special.
You know,
removing pain limiters and stuff?
And we care why?
For a custom edit,
Tanaka's gotta be there.
Physically present.
And probably alone.
Alone? How do you figure?
Would you bring your bodyguard
to a fetish XBD tune-in?
Got a point.
Getting pretty sharp, dawg!
No surprise now that you're a man!
A man? What do I miss?
Faraday came
through with a lead on Tanaka.
Seems our favorite suit
occasionally ditches his hustle
and usual ride for Delamain.
Going off-greed, huh?
But Delamain's air tight.
Can't hope for a lock on position
or destination.
I did some digging into custom BDs.
Mostly fat-cat buyers with deep pockets,
corpo execs, celebs, gang bosses.
JK Studios' invincible. Referral only.
If we wanna know more,
we gonna have a word with the man himself.
Yeah, but how?
We grab his skinny ass.
That will be easy,
found out he's got a reservation
at Embers day after tomorrow.
Table for one.
Pretty damn sad, huh?
And once he's all done,
we invited here for a nightcap.
Let's move.
He's on the move.
Got it.
Hey, don't tell me!
You're not the Jimmy Kurosaki, are yah?
Who's asking?
I knew it! I knew it was you! Totally!
Huge fan sir.
You know a ripperdoc in Arroyo
who pushes XBDs?
I part-time for them
for a while selling your stuff!
Is that right?
Can I shake your hand?
Uh, sorry
Guess I'm a little star-struck.
I have somewhere to be so if you'll
Uh, yeah my bad.
It's an honor to but
What the hell was that?!
Oh, fuck!
Maine. Maine!
- Where's David?
- Find him, quick!
Come on, Maine!
Feeling all right?
That son of a bitch pulled a fast one.
What the hell happened?
They're gone.
Who's gone?
JK took David with him, looks like.
Kiwi! You get Maine out of here.
Got it.
Don't gotta worry about me
Yeah, yeah! Be a good boy, and stay!
- Lucy! It's you and me.
- Mm-hmm.
Got him. Mile unchanged,
they're straight ahead of us.
What did that creep fire off back there?
Some kind of EMP I think.
Hit Kiwi pretty hard.
It's weird, ringed my bell too
but just for a quick minute.
Wide range and it targets neural implants.
Designed to neutralize runners clearly.
- You seem fine?
- I was out of range.
I'm more worried about David.
Specially if that dick pops the EMP again.
He won't pop shit if we zero him.
You're pissed aren't yah?
Just a little.
Ah, Christ.
It was a fucking tragic
cyberpsycho, right?
No shit, let's head out.
Already hailed MaxTac.
Hey look, another body.
Hey, don't wander off, man.
What if you run into the perp?
Relax. They're long gone.
Huh? Who's there?!
He's armed!
- No! It wasn't me
- Drop the gun!
Don't move!
- I just woke up in here
- Drop it, you fucking psycho!
Who's there?!
Hey! What happened?!
- Got a cyberpsycho!
- Raise MaxTac now!
Shots fired back here!
You bastard!
What? MaxTac?!
You fucking monster.
Wait! I didn't do it!
So what do you think?
A prim high, wasn't it?
Experiencing your own death
instead of the others.
Are you shitting me?!
Prim high?
You're a fucking psychopath
And here I thought you were a fan!
Most of them are whack jobs.
But you're a real cyberpunk, aren't you?
What is it you're after?
Attempting to ambush me like that
you've done your homework.
Seen my other works perhaps?
Say the Edgerunner series?
I have.
Seen most of your stuff.
Wow. I'm flattered!
Has it ever tickled your curiosity
wondering how I get my hands
on so many cyberpsycho scrolls?
You see, all military prototypes
come with a built-in braindance scroller.
Some folks are willing to pay through
the nose for that kind of material.
Your sandevistan,
do you know wore it originally?
James Norris, that's who.
All in all, Norris mowed down 27 people.
But there where MaxTac finally
put an end to his killing streak.
Yes. Take my word.
It's not often you find someone
who can go toe-to-toe with a Psycho Squad.
Oh, my. What a gem.
Truly one of the best I've seen
in a long while.
I have stellar expectations
for you, too.
And what a marvelous surprise
that you haven't snapped already.
Fight all you want,
the Sandy will drive you mad, eventually.
I cannot wait to capture it.
I ain't gonna go psycho! No fucking way!
A common belief that all chrome fiends
hold on to desperately.
They know they're sane
until they're not.
No, not me!
Oh, yes, you too.
Another couple of tangos
with MaxTac
and your brain will pop
like a party baloon.
No, wait.
You ain't gonna force me to watch
that BD again
No, stop!
Cut it out!
No! Stop!
Not an inch!
Hands up
Or you die.
Hmm, you got me!
How is he?
He's in a BD, I think.
- Can you get him out?
- I'm trying.
- Need a hand?
- Connot!
- David! Hey, are you okay?
- Yeah.
Aw, what a shame.
So? How might I assist you, fine people?
Not here to kill. I am still alive.
It's not off the table.
Calm down, I wish to cooperate.
Yeah, you catch on quick.
Oh, that better not be
- Armed drones!
- Bingo!
- Call them off!
- I'm afraid I can't.
Just enjoy the show.
Custom spec. Fully bulletproof.
My pride and joy.
Good luck making a dent
with your puny one-shots.
'Till I need to blow
your fucking head off!
Well, hardly the smartest thing.
It wouldn't stop them from turning
you into a bloodstain on my floor.
You better fucking pray they don't start
going open season
while I'm using you as a meat shield.
It's always smart to have a spare.
Ah! Seems you're surrounded.
Ready to throw in the towel again?
Mouthly shut! Lucy?
I'm working on it.
Need more time
- David!
- Do your thing! I'll keep them busy.
Lucy, come on!
Ooh! Mighty impressive show!
- You motherfucker!
- Hey
Okay! Okay! Surrender for real this time!
White flag!
White flag my ass!
Prepare to breathe your last
little shit stain.
Really, but I thought you have
some questions for me.
Hey, runner girl!
It takes real talent
to quick-hack so, uh quickly.
I'm willing to hear you out
but I prefer to use both ears.
Anymore tricks like that
and I'll you myself.
Of course. Pinky promise.
All right. Everyone clear on the plan now?
Aye aye, Captain.
I'll be on the hallow.
Until then, you stay put.
Keep an eye on him.
Not a second out of your sight.
I like to apologize for earlier.
Kinda surprise.
Didn't really expect you to help.
I know how Edgerunners operate.
Didn't have much of a choice now, did I?
Well, true.
Re-lived that one too, did you?
And yet you installed the Sandy anyway?
You really are unhinged, aren't you?
I'm never gonna end up
losing it like he did.
Norris was a soldier
lived and breathed cyberware.
Even he couldn't take it. Not for long.
What makes you think you're any different?
I don't know. Tough to say.
It just feels right.
Like, it's always been a part of me.
I'm built different. I just know it.
Believed yourself to be special?
Why not?
I've seen plenty of chrome jocks
go psycho over the years.
Some metal's simply not
meant to mix with meat.
Your 'ganic body, your soul,
gets pushed to the edge.
Teeters on the brink.
And it always ends one of two ways.
You either lose yourself forever
Or die. No in-between.
We will arrive
at your destination shortly.
Very good.
As requested, the record
of your ride today has been expunged.
I look forward to serving you again.
Hey, Mister Tanaka.
Come on in.
You're ahead of schedule.
It's usually months before I get word
of your next release.
Perceptive as always.
Quality scrolls are hard to come by.
But see that's exactly
what makes this one so special.
And I assumed you want
this baby tuned right away?
My son is being discharged
from the hospital tonight.
Your standard edit will do.
How about that.
So unfortunate. I'm rather proud
of how this one turned out.
A true waste to settle for a standard.
The sensitivity, the real feal
Mister Kurosaki.
My patience is running thin.
Unfortunate is right.
Yeah, would have made our job
a whole lot easier
with you chin deep with BD titties.
- And who are you?
- Don't try nothing.
The arrogance.
I really am sorry.
They have me by the balls.
Do you have any idea who I am?
Forget about your panic button.
We've got a jammer up.
A thorough plan, I see.
Not fucking now!
It is you
What a pain in the ass.
Must have caught a needle.
Wow, right in the neck too.
Stood there like a fucking god.
He's gagging out.
Sucks to be him.
Yeah, looks like he won't
be around to edit his own death scroll.
Uh, guys. Trauma Team's incoming.
Say what?
This bitch has Trauma coverage?
Yup. Flatten down and everything.
Kid, we gotta move!
Come on! Trauma finds us here
and we're dead.
They will finally feel the flames ♪
Flames that run down through my veins ♪
I will make this city burn ♪
We're not planning to return ♪
Trying so hard to be free ♪
To make you see what I see ♪
Hold on to your wishes ♪
If you can't hold on to me ♪
Forgive me for letting you down ♪
Forgive me for letting you down again ♪
I guess I'm not strong enough ♪
Right now ♪
Let you down ♪
Oh, let you down ♪
Let you down ♪
Oh, let you down ♪
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