Dahaad (2023) s01e05 Episode Script

A Leave Of Absence

-Oh, no!
Someone, help him!
-Look! He's falling!
Help him up. I see his stick.
There's no telling with Mr. Sagar.
He's always in a meeting.
He comes and goes as he pleases.
Phone him.
Anything wrong?
Call him and put the phone on speaker.
The number you have dialed
is not available. Please try--
You're up, son?
Go, brush your teeth.
What do you want for breakfast?
Shall I make you a sandwich?
Mama, where's Papa?
Papa left early today.
When will he be back?
Soon. Why? What is it?
Papa didn't leave us forever, did he?
Why would he do that?
What is it?
Look, Kapish. We're having problems,
but no one will abandon you.
Not your mummy or papa.
Go, brush your teeth.
I'll get you breakfast.
I don't know what happened…
but they took her away in an ambulance.
To which hospital?
Somewhere nearby.
What's the nearest hospital?
Jaipur Hospital?
Yes. Maybe she's there.
Call me as soon as they're back.
There is no Sindoora Saini here.
Check again.
Madam, check the log yourself.
I'm not paid to hide information.
The doctor says today's test is important.
It'll confirm whether
the baby has Down syndrome.
These tests are pointless.
No one in your family has
Down-- Whatever it's called.
Neither does mine.
That doesn't mean it can never happen.
A child's life is at stake.
The test is for my peace of mind.
Can you make time to come with me?
I can't.
I'm losing sleep over this case.
Asking you was a mistake.
What are you planning?
I'm talking to you. Where are you going?
Anywhere! What do you care?
Yes, Dad. I'm coming home for a few days.
No, no. No special reason.
Can you pick me up?
I'll come out. Call me when you get here.
Why are you dragging
your family into this?
Do what you want. I don't give a damn.
If you gave a damn,
we would have no problems.
Let's run through the event.
The mocktails must start at 7:00 p.m.
The guests will arrive by 7:30.
The food counters open at 9:00.
Vandana, this is our new Banquet Manager,
Mr. Ajay Rao.
He'll be taking Jai's position.
Please make him feel at home.
Ajay, Mrs. Vandana Swarnakar
leads this team.
She'll brief you.
Nice to meet you, ma'am.
Welcome to the Palace Hotel.
Ajay, why don't you go and introduce
yourself to the staff now? OK?
Parghi sir, the hairdryer report has come.
Sir, there's an update
on the Jai Doria case.
The hairdryer was tampered with.
Looks like murder, sir.
Ask Jai's hotel colleagues
if anyone had a grudge against him.
Yes, sir.
You're Jai's boss?
I mean… you were.
Jai worked under me for three years.
You must've gotten to know him
very well in three years.
Yes. I mean, we did talk.
What kind of man was he?
At work? With other people?
Did he fight with someone,
or was anyone resentful…
No. No one ever complained about him.
He got on well with everyone.
He never even raised his voice at anyone.
I can't believe that Jai…
One minute, Surya.
Iqbal, they want you upstairs.
One minute.
Are you OK?
I can't believe it.
I keep thinking that
he might call me anytime now.
I have a request.
Please don't tell the police.
Jai told me you knew about us.
I'm married, Surya.
If the police find out,
then everyone will know.
Jai isn't here anymore.
It'll complicate everything.
Thank you.
Jai and I hung out together.
We played tennis together
3-4 times a week.
Did anyone have a grudge against Jai?
Who'd want to kill him?
Kill him? Meaning?
But it was an accident.
That's what we first thought.
Later, we discovered the hairdryer
had been tampered with.
Who'd want Jai dead?
Ring any bells?
Call us if you think of anything.
OK, sir.
Greetings, Thakur sir.
Come in.
I pray even my worst enemy
doesn't have a daughter like her!
I did everything for Rajni.
She said, "Father, I want to study."
So, I let her go to college.
But this bitch…
Is this where you kept her?
-How long was she locked for?
-Since she came back home.
We didn't let her out.
She was served all her meals here.
I wonder how she thought of it!
That's why one must never
let a girl out of the house.
Who knows where Rajni
learned her sneaky tricks!
Don't waste your time on the procedure.
She's probably run back to that boy Altaf.
We'll do our best, Thakur sir.
I'll take your leave.
Just think.
They first hit him at the wedding
in front of everyone.
Then they followed him home…
and beat him in front of his whole family.
Just because he was
sitting at their table?
No, not even that.
He was sitting at the table across theirs.
But no!
"How could a man of his caste
dare to sit in front of us?"
How can people think like that even today?
We somehow convinced his family
to file a police complaint.
We said we'd go with him.
You're doing great work, Miriam.
I'm proud of you.
Thank you.
You probably don't know it.
But talking to you gives me great courage.
OK then…
I must go.
OK. Bye. Take care.
Hello, Mahesh.
I had just put in the new SIM.
We must leave tomorrow night.
Tomorrow night?
Think of the mess I'm in.
I've been in hiding for days.
I have no money.
My family is making big trouble.
If they find me,
that's the end of our marriage plans.
You'll be stuck with your family,
and I, with mine. Get it?
Do you want to marry me or not?
What do you mean? Of course, I do.
You're the only one I'll marry.
Then why overthink?
When should I leave home?
I've booked a hotel room in Jaipur.
I'll text the address to you.
Get there by 8:00. I'll leave after dark.
Why after dark?
I must be careful, silly girl.
My family may be following me.
Leave a letter for your parents,
like I told you.
So they won't worry.
And… I love you.
I'll make you the happiest woman on earth.
-Shall I hang up now?
Do you have a patient
called Sindoora Saini?
Sindoora Saini?
We have no one by that name, madam.
OK. Thank you.
-Kasera General Hospital?
I'm Sub-Inspector Anjali Bhaati,
Mandawa Police.
Do you have a patient
called Sindoora Saini?
-Sindoora Saini?
Let me check, madam.
-Yes, she's here.
That's right.
OK, thank you.
It's impossible now. She's in the ICU.
Doctor, it'll take two minutes.
It's urgent.
Normally, I would not stop you,
but she's in no condition to talk.
-What's happened to her?
-Suicide attempt.
When can I see her?
She isn't at all well. Give it a few days.
Sagar Saini?
Sub-Inspector Anjali Bhaati,
Mandawa Police.
Can I talk to you?
Go ahead, madam.
I've been in touch with Sindoora.
With Sindoora?
-What about?
-Didn't she tell you?
We wanted some information from her
about a Mandawa case. Girls committing
suicide by consuming cyanide.
You must've heard about it.
How is Sindoora involved?
A few years ago,
she was in touch with a Sadiya Sheikh.
Sadiya took her own life
by swallowing cyanide too.
Madam, forgive us.
We're worried sick as it is.
Besides, Sindoora knows nothing.
How can you be so sure?
Did she say anything?
Madam, she's unconscious.
Even when she comes round,
you can't force her to talk.
I know the law.
Talking of the law,
I can get a summons
from the magistrate's office in no time.
We don't mean to trouble you.
We just need your cooperation.
With great difficulty,
my daughter has finally moved on.
Why destroy her happiness?
A happy person does not attempt suicide.
Phone me.
Let's talk outside.
Sir, cyanide is not available
at the college.
Here are Anand Swarnakar's
leave applications.
They match the dates
when the bodies were found.
Something at last!
This isn't enough to build a case
against Anand or even arrest him.
We need proof. Solid proof.
The big question remains unanswered.
How did he convince
all those girls to take the cyanide?
Sir, I'm Surya Kumar
from the Palace Hotel.
You came here earlier today.
We talked? Jai's friend?
Yeah. The tennis guy. Well?
There's something I didn't tell you.
Vandana and Jai were having an affair.
In secret.
But we all knew about it.
Bhaati, some news just came in.
Jai was having an affair
with Vandana, Anand's wife.
Jai Doria's friend just called Sajjan.
When I questioned him,
he didn't say a word.
She's trouble.
-Fish, chicken, and veg…
A police officer is here.
She wants to talk to you.
Send her to my office.
-Vandana Swarnakar?
Sub-Inspector Anjali Bhaati,
Mandawa Police.
Tell me. How can I help you?
I'd like to ask about Jai Doria.
I've already told you people everything.
If you had, I wouldn't have
burned petrol coming here.
Now, tell me.
How well did you know Jai Doria?
We worked together for three years.
We were part of the same team,
so we knew each other well.
-Did anyone envy Jai or dislike him?
Everyone liked Jai.
Some more than others.
That's what I hear.
This hotel may be large,
but people here have small minds.
Just smile at someone,
and they jump to conclusions.
Small-minded people
aren't strangers to me.
What about your husband?
Is he narrow-minded or broad-minded?
Why bring Anand into this?
-How long have you been married?
-Eleven years.
Did your husband know
you were having an affair with Jai?
Look, I understand
this is a personal matter.
But a man is dead. So, come clean.
This is no time for secrets.
Did Anand know?
He did.
How did he find out?
I told him.
-A few weeks ago.
-And then?
Then what?
-What did he say?
-What could he say?
When a wife tells her husband,
what would he say?
Was he angry? Did he shout at you?
He cried.
He was in shock.
You told your husband
you were having an affair,
and a few days later, Jai is found
dead in suspicious circumstances.
Didn't you think it was odd?
Look, madam. I made a mistake,
but don't drag my husband into this.
Anand has nothing to do with Jai's death.
He wouldn't kill an ant,
let alone a human being.
If you're done now,
I must get back to work.
Thanks for your precious time.
If you decide you'd like
to say anything else,
call me.
-Brother? You?
-Long time since we shared a drink.
Where's Tarini?
She's gone to Sainthal to see her father.
Out of the blue?
You know Father-in-law walks with a stick?
-It broke when he was at the temple.
The poor man fell down the steps.
His hand got fractured.
Get me some water.
This is terrible.
I'm glad Tarini is with him.
She had no option.
I'm so glad you came by.
Here you go.
I wanted to talk to you about something.
Tell me, brother.
Father called.
He needs to repair the house.
We spoke yesterday.
He didn't mention it to me.
Really? He's asked me a few times now.
I'm a little broke right now.
Can you arrange for some?
I'll return it soon.
Brother, why think of me as a stranger?
Why do you want to return it?
Do you know how much Father needs?
-About 200,000.
What needs such urgent repair?
Who knows!
Father is just…
I'll arrange it. Don't worry about it.
Could you give me the cash now?
I'll be driving past his place tomorrow.
It'll save me another journey.
So much cash…
I'll have to get it from the shop.
OK. I'll finish my drink
and go and get the money.
Take your time.
Here you are.
-Shall I pour you another?
-No. Later.
Father is something!
Why didn't he ask me?
He knows it isn't easy for you.
He knows I don't have money.
So I'd end up asking you.
He can't sleep well
without humiliating me.
You know--
He's always been tough on you.
Ever since we were kids.
Pour me another drink.
One for you too.
No, brother. It's all yours.
I can't keep my eyes open!
-Only one peg does it?
-I have to be at the workshop early.
Go to sleep.
I'll finish my drink and leave.
-I wouldn't think of deserting you.
-No, go.
I'm leaving the whiskey bottle here.
-Tarini isn't here.
So, enjoy a drink tomorrow.
-Good idea!
Shall I?
See you.
No need to worry, sir.
The arrangements have been made.
Pay the rest to my man
when he gets you across the border.
Make sure you don't take
many bags with you.
Just carry enough food and water.
It's a long journey,
and men are not as tough as camels.
Bhaati sir…
I found another number
with the same pattern.
It's registered in Ambika's name.
-Why didn't you find it sooner?
-Some files got corrupted.
I was trying to restore them.
Was anyone else called from this number?
An Aarti Mehar. She lives in Tonk.
Same pattern. Long calls at night.
This number is still active.
Any calls made or messages
sent in the last 48 hours?
Nothing. The phone was
switched off 48 hours ago.
Get clearances to check Aarti Mehar's
and Ambika Seheriya's phone records.
In the meantime,
I'll go and meet Aarti Mehar.
-So, you see this bun?
I parted my hair in the middle.
You can do it on side…
You're on that phone 24/7.
Put it down! Come and help me!
Sis, just a minute.
The video is almost done.
This is how I'll do my hair
for Raju brother's wedding.
Listen. You stay here.
Hang the clothes up. I'll be right back.
Aarti Mehar?
Sub-Inspector Anjali Bhaati,
Mandawa Police.
Does Aarti Mehar live here?
Yes, madam.
But she isn't at home.
Where is she?
She's gone to the village
to see her granny.
-Who are you?
-I'm Divya.
Aarti's sister.
How can I reach her?
Her phone is switched off.
It's not switched off.
There's probably no signal there.
There's bad network in our village.
I see.
When will she be back?
As soon as she returns, I'll let her know.
Tell me something.
Does your sister have a boyfriend?
No, madam. Nothing like that.
Does she tell you everything?
She's my sister.
Who would she tell if not me?
I'll come back tomorrow. OK?
-Yes, Aarti?
Mahesh, the police were here.
-What did you say?
-What could I say? I lied.
I said I was Divya and Aarti is my sister.
I said she was away.
Did they believe you?
For now. She's gone.
I don't know what she'll do next.
Who has gone? Do you remember her name?
Anjali. Anjali Bhaati.
I'm very scared.
Luckily, I opened the door.
Do something, Aarti.
Leave for Jaipur immediately.
-Yes. We can't risk it.
Leave now. I'll meet you there.
-Where are you going, child?
-To the tailor's.
What happened, brother? Need help?
I'd be very grateful.
What's all this junk inside?
It's a library.
A mobile library?
I go to remote villages
and teach children.
I give them books.
You're a great man.
Helping kids like that. Give that to me.
You're great too for helping a stranger.
You speak very well.
-Where are you from?
There's been a big trouble in Mandawa.
Didn't you hear?
More than 20 women have committed suicide.
-Swallowed cyanide.
-Strange coincidence, right?
Look, sir.
More than 20 women are dead,
and the local police are clueless.
If I catch the bastard,
I'll tear him from limb to limb.
Will you be long?
Not long now.
Thank you.
What is it?
Papa, tomorrow's the last day
to submit the consent form.
Thank you, Papa.
Did you talk to Mama?
Don't worry about her.
Leave her to me. OK?
Sometimes, your mother says
things she shouldn't say.
Don't take it to heart.
Just remember something.
I don't see a difference
between Harry and you.
A girl is no less than a boy.
You're smart. Intelligent.
You're my warrior queen.
You'll go far.
And if anyone gets in your way,
just say, "Excuse me. Side, please."
Then just slip away!
You're very cool, Papa.
But you don't look it.
Is that so?
-How does one look cool?
-I can't explain everything.
Your papa is in the police force.
I'll find out.
I have given Chanda Mausi the day off.
She's been working for weeks.
So, I thought…
What about your dinner?
I'm working the night shift. I told you.
OK. I'll manage.
Don't worry about Kapish either.
Turn the TV off on time.
Or he stays up too late.
I'll put him to bed on time.
OK. See you in the morning.
Is your homework done?
Papa, can you tie me a knot?
-Sure. Drink your milk first.
Drink it all up.
Yes, Father?
You used my name as a pretext
to take 200,000 from Shiv?
-No, Father. I didn't do any such--
-You coward! Stop lying!
Shiv called to ask
why I didn't ask him for the money…
why I troubled you.
What did you think? I wouldn't find out?
You've got it wrong.
Really? So, I have got it wrong?
I hope you die, you coward.
Using my name to cheat your brother.
I'm not cheating anyone.
Shiv misunderstood--
Where's the money?
It's with me.
I want it in my hands tomorrow.
I haven't told Shiv about your nasty lie.
But if I do, you won't be able
to face your little brother again.
Yes, I'm busy. I'll call you back.
Listen. I got into BITs.
Wow. Congratulations, Sunny.
I was on their waiting list. I was
about to cancel. Good thing I didn't.
Even fools get it right sometimes!
-When do you leave?
-Tomorrow morning.
Can we meet before I go?
Just for a bit?
OK. I'm on my way.
Where to? I woke up twice waiting for you.
Go back to sleep. I'll be late.
Overtime? Again?
Are you the only officer
in that police station?
You'll get bags under your eyes.
-Have you eaten?
-I'll eat. Get some sleep.
I'll be back as soon as the work is over.
-Go back to bed.
Go. Make me proud.
I'll miss you.
So, now? What about us?
What about us?
Don't act like we haven't
talked about it before.
No commitment worked for us.
You mean it was nothing?
It was… something.
But it'll be gone with you.
Two halves are whole at last.
What are you doing?
It's our first night.
I'm collecting memories.
Stop it.
That's enough.
Here's your stop.
The last stop.
Will you miss me?
Bye, Sunny.
Don't forget this, Bhaati sir.
It's switched off.
-Jai Hind, madam.
-Jai Hind, Bhaati sir.
-Jai Hind.
-Sajjan, try again.
-Tell me if you find anything.
She's utterly shameless!
-What is it?
-Why is she calling so late?
-Your Anjali.
It must be urgent.
Why else would she call? Give it to me.
Yes, Bhaati?
Sir, I know how he does it.
The girls didn't know it was cyanide.
They thought it was a morning-after pill.
All the girls had intercourse
hours before the time of death.
Maybe he tells them
that the pill is for safety
while it is laced with cyanide.
He then persuades them
to have the pill in the toilet.
-Once the girl goes in…
-She doesn't come out.
We'll go through
the postmortem reports again tomorrow.
I'm at the station. I'll look at them now.
Good job, Bhaati.
Thank you, sir.
I got the pill.
The pharmacist said
it might make you throw up.
There's a bus stop up ahead.
Take the pill in the toilet. OK?
Take the water with you.
-Be quick. I'm waiting.
-I'll be right back.
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