Daily Dose of Sunshine (2023) s01e05 Episode Script

When Life Tells You to Slow Down

[somber music playing]
[music brightens]
[door opening]
Ha-yun, that you?
[music fades out]
- [humming softly]
- [Ha-yun] Mom?
[gasps] Ha-yun!
Please form a committee
and open an investigation!
[man] We don't need
to take things that far with this case.
Can't we have the kids
just apologize so they can make up?
Do you honestly think
an apology will be enough?
Schedule it as soon as possible!
And if you don't,
you'll hear from the Office of Education!
Um, Ju-yeong. Wait, listen to me Hey!
- Ha-yun!
- [teacher] Guys, no running here!
Were you waiting long? Sorry.
- [chuckles] Let's go, huh?
- [phone ringing]
Oh, just a minute.
[ringing stops]
[Ju-yeong] What is it, Mr. Oh?
I didn't send the final version?
Oh my God, forgive me.
Uh, I'll take care of it, uh
I'll go to the print store right now.
Right, sorry.
Are you going to work?
[Ju-yeong] Huh?
[poignant music fades in]
I'm leading a presentation today.
It really won't take that long, okay?
A couple hours at most.
Maybe not even that.
I'll be back soon, huh?
[woman] Ju-yeong!
I'm really sorry.
Uh, Ji-min wants to apologize.
I have nothing to say. You should go.
C'mon! Tell her you're sorry.
What you're doing right now is making
things worse. You really should go.
I'll come and talk to you later, then.
[Ha-yun sobbing]
[liquid trickling]
[music intensifies]
[music ends]
[opening theme playing]
[music ends]
[hair dryer whirring]
[cellphone ringing]
[ringing stops]
[poignant music playing]
- [child moans]
- [cellphone ringing]
[child] Mom.
- [ringing stops]
- Oh, my sweetheart.
You awake?
I have a headache.
Do I have hay fever?
- I'm not quite sure, honey.
- I think I might have a fever.
I don't wanna go to school today.
Eun-u, hey. You're okay.
- What time is it? I'm running late.
- Shouldn't she stay home today?
Like every day?
Tell your teacher if your head hurts
when you get there, okay?
Have the kids eat breakfast, and check
if Jin-u has his school supplies.
By the way,
Jin-u is falling actually behind a little,
why don't we Can we find another tutor?
She's the one that
all the other moms think is the greatest.
It's Jin-u who can't keep up.
And if you're so worried,
why don't you tutor him yourself?
You know that I would.
I just said it 'cause I was worried.
All you do is worry.
I'm the one that actually takes action.
[man sighs softly]
Whoa! Mom. Mom, Mom, Mom.
- M Mom, are you just getting here?
- Uh-huh, yes.
- I made them dinner. Pork and fried rice.
- Okay.
Try to have them eat their vegetables
because Eun-u's constipated.
- Wait, Soo-yeon?
- Yeah?
After that, can I please
go to your sister's house,
once I've sent them off?
Soo-jin called earlier today.
She told me her son could be sick.
It It It's so last minute for that.
What about my kids though?
You expect them
to just wait until I get off work?
Could your husband leave work early?
Maybe he can pick them up today?
Come on!
I'm the one who actually pays you.
My kids are the ones you should watch!
Don't speak so harshly.
I'm not going over there to just hang out.
Ugh! Had I known you'd do this,
I'd have hired a sitter!
- Whatever. Just do whatever you want!
- Uh I Soo Soo-yeon!
[soft poignant music playing]
[sighs] Ugh!
[quietly] Why'd you have to
talk to her like that?
I sent you this month's pay.
[whimsical music playing]
[cellphone pings]
[music fades out]
- [Da-eun] Oh God!
- [quirky music playing]
[Da-eun groaning]
Oh God, you've lost it!
What were you thinking, Jungda?!
Oh, no!
Ugh! C'mon, c'mon! Hurry up, please!
- [Go-yun] Ms. Jung?
- Huh? Oh, how's it going?
- Good morning.
- Right, right.
[Da-eun whimpering]
Running late?
Yeah. [whimpering]
- I see.
- Ugh!
Taxi! Ta
Oh no, Dr. Dong,
it'd take even longer to get there.
Once I get a cab, the bus will arrive.
It happens frequently. Taxi!
Ugh, I'm desperate
for anything you can help with.
[car horn squeals]
[Da-eun speaking in Korean]
[Go-yun] Taxi!
- [horn beeping]
- [Da-eun] Huh? Hey, Song Yu-chan!
[Yu-chan] Hey, Jungda!
- Running late?
- Yeah!
I'm headed that way anyways.
C'mon, hop on.
- Oh yeah?
- Yes, hurry, there, there, yeah. Hop on.
- I'm sorry, I've gotta go.
- [Yu-chan] Whoa, hey, hey, hey!
We got lane splitting on our side.
There in no time.
- Way faster than a taxi. Don't worry.
- Sorry, Dr. Dong.
- Sorry, there's only room for one.
- Get going!
- [Yu-chan] See you later. See ya!
- Let's hit it!
[motorcycle retreating]
[car horn beeps]
[car horn beeps]
[music stops]
- Oh
- [whimsical music playing]
Ms. Min.
I waited for you out front.
Did you see me?
- May I take you to dinner?
- No, I'm sorry.
[music becomes melancholy]
Uh Um, Ms. Min
[sighs] What is it now?
[music ends]
[uplifting music playing]
It's great to have a good friend like you.
Deciding to befriend you must've been
the best thing I did in my life.
- Okay, thanks!
- Hey, wait.
[whimsical music playing]
Uh your hair's a mess.
[music stops]
Ooh! Suave guy.
- See ya. [chuckles]
- Off with you. Go, go, go.
Shoo, shoo, shoo! Go on! Go!
[engine turns over]
[whimsical music playing]
"Suave guy"?
New nickname?
[music fades out]
Good morning! Huh?
[groaning softly]
Hey there. What are you doing in here?
Is something bothering you?
Oh, hello, Mediator.
[apprehensive music playing]
You can always tell me
if something's wrong.
[Seo-wan inhales]
[exhales deeply]
I think that
It seems I encountered a fate that
should have been avoided at all costs.
That fate is
Is bringing me
toward a very difficult battle.
[exhales] I understand.
You've already overcome
battles that were challenging.
I have faith you'll conquer this one too.
I sure hope so. Thank you.
I'm okay.
Thank you for your kind encouragement.
[Da-eun] Okay.
Bye, then, Mediator.
[Da-eun] See you later.
[patient grunting]
[tense music playing]
[Go-yun sighs] I don't really know
what to say
I can't help but laugh at the situation.
We might not need to fight each other,
but it's not really funny either.
And you're not giving up?
Are you?
I honestly would root for you
if only it wasn't Da-eun.
[sighs] I know, truuuuuust me.
How come you never asked her out?
[music ends]
[music restarts]
Trust me, I understand.
Some healthy competition
tends to be quite the good wake-up call.
"Can I really let this girl go?"
Cue the ill-conceived,
last-minute bid for love.
And rejection.
There goes your friendship too.
Then you might be just
forced to stand down when she says no.
I've had countless opportunities
until now, I just
[music stops]
It was just
never the right moment to do it.
Doing that at the right time
is really hard.
- [music restarts]
- [sighs]
Bro, you know
I still have the edge on you.
Da-eun and I share a history,
which you will never have.
[sighs] Yu-chan, history is nothing.
Live in the present.
I'll turn our history
into the present. Watch.
Jesus Christ.
- Wait.
- Man, that was some hardcore cringe.
Uh, never mind
about the last part I said. I'll see you.
[Soo-yeon] Upping the dose gradually, yes.
- [woman] Right.
- [Soo-yeon] Does he have trouble sleeping?
Yes, and also, he's been wetting his bed
for the last couple of nights.
- [Soo-yeon] When did that start, exactly?
- [woman] I think it started just recently.
[announcement over PA]
- [Soo-yeon] It must be because of
- Need help?
the new medication
that he started three days ago.
The urinary incontinence
may be a side effect of the medication.
- I see.
- So, I'll tell his doctor.
And suggest we put him
on a different medication.
- [woman] Okay, thanks.
- [Soo-yeon] No problem.
[mischievous music playing]
- Oh, did we get new patient gowns?
- Huh? Yeah.
[Mr. Yoon] This looks like a nice batch.
The colors came out great.
[phone rings, stops]
[Duel-re] This is Unit 53.
Yes, Ms. Kim Ji-u
has an appointment today.
Okay, then I'll switch it to 3 p.m. today.
[music ends]
- Is Ms. Jung not here
- I'm here, Ms. Park.
- [Soo-yeon] Oh, hey there.
- Good morning, ma'am.
[whispering] Thanks, Mr. Yoon.
- [ATM beeping]
- [somber music playing]
[teller] You can only
make deposits right now.
Your account is locked
from making withdrawals.
Essentially, you can't access
any money in your account.
[clears throat] But I
It's just my rent is due, and without
this account, I can't pay it at all.
I guess maybe I was unclear with you.
You are blocked
from this account entirely.
Until you pay off your loan.
- Thanks so much.
- Have a nice day.
[door lock beeps]
- [music fades out]
- What? Oh, Eu Eun-u has a fever?
[woman] Yes, seems like
she came down with something.
- I think she should go home.
- [sighs]
Oh Uh I'm so sorry, but
there's no one to pick her up right now.
Ma, Ma. Ma, here's the thing.
The kindergarten just called,
and Eun-u is sick.
Ugh, that Soo.
What could she so busy with,
making you chauffeur the kids around?
Ugh! Okay, okay, I gotta go now. I get it!
Oh hi, it's me. How's it going?
Sorry, but could you
get Eun-u from school?
She has a fever.
The thing is, she's sick,
but I don't have time
to go get her since I'm at work.
Oh! Oh my gosh, I'm so grateful.
[sighs] Right, thank you so much.
Thanks so much.
[Min-seo] Being a working mom must be hard
if it's enough to make
the great Ms. Park struggle so much.
Is eavesdropping your new thing now?
I was standing right here.
You shouldn't get the wrong idea.
By the way, isn't the stapler here?
I thought I saw it.
Your blouse looks so pretty.
Isn't it uncomfortable for you,
treating your patients in those clothes?
You should know
I have a life outside work.
I should wear pretty clothes
while I'm still young and fit.
It'd be a waste not to.
You should switch it up too for a change.
You earn enough to invest in yourself.
If you're married someday,
you'll understand
that you'd rather use the money
on your children than on clothes.
[chuckles] Is that so?
[Min-seo] Oh, there you are.
Have a good day.
[Soo-yeon] Bye.
How in the hell is she a psychiatrist?
Ms. Shin Ha-yun. I see you were diagnosed
with depression at Gusan Hospital,
and that you wanna be admitted?
Oh. Well, Gusan said
they didn't have a bed for her there
and told us to come here instead.
From the standpoint of her parent,
has she ever been
suicidal or violent at all?
No, no, no! Not at all. Uh
Well, if that's the case, then in-patient
treatment shouldn't be necessary.
Oh! That's amazing.
That's such great news.
But will she be all right though?
In-patient treatment
might spike her anxiety even higher.
I recommend regular outpatient treatment
for now, before anything else.
Thank you, doctor. Thank you so much.
Oh, I Excuse me,
I'm getting a call right now.
I thought I was. I guess not.
[poignant music playing]
So, tell me
Where were we, again?
I said I recommend outpatient treatment
to see how she feels after that.
Ah, right.
So you did. [chuckles]
Also, ma'am
did you maybe sleep poorly last night?
Ha-yun doesn't sleep
that well these days. She usually stays
Not Ha-yun. I'm talking about you.
When's the last time
you got a full night of rest?
[Ha-yun sighs, moaning gently]
[Ju-yeong] My child is sick, as you know.
I don't usually
get to spend much time with her,
so I wanted to be by her side at night.
It's the least I could do for my baby.
[Min-seo] And is anything
bothering you about your daily life?
Not really.
I wouldn't say that.
I think that it might be time to find
some treatment for you too, Ms. Ju-yeong.
The nerve of that doctor.
I'm totally fine, what the f
[cellphone ringing]
- [ringing stops]
- [Ju-yeong] Hi, honey.
Did you take the afternoon off?
Oh, you're almost home?
Uh, then could you come
to the grocery store?
I need you to take Ha-yun home.
I have to go back to work.
[Mr. Oh] The print shop
asked you to be there by 3:30.
[Ju-yeong] Keep one on hold.
I'm on my way.
[Mr. Oh] We can't reserve
one of their printers just for us.
[Ju-yeong] I'll be there soon.
Oh! Ji-min's mom!
- God, glad I ran into you.
- Oh?
[Ju-yeong] I heard it all.
The group chat about moms
whose kids won the competition?
Maybe you can talk the other moms
into letting me join the chat?
Or else everybody
will say that Ha-yun's behind
'cause I didn't do anything.
So, uh Ha-yun is okay?
- Oh, you know how it goes. She's fine.
- [man] Honey. What are you doing?
I should go.
What? Uh K, call me!
- What you doing yelling out here?
- And tell me what you're doing?
Talking to that woman while smiling?
That woman is Ji-min's mother.
Her kid is the one who bullied Ha-yun.
[suspenseful music playing]
[man] Ju-yeong!
How could I not remember?
[man] What's going on with you?
[Ju-yeong] Honey, um
I'm sorry.
Just take Ha-yun home without me.
Please, take her. [panting]
I'll be okay.
How could I?
Her child ruined my daughter.
I'm not okay.
[music intensifies]
[music intensifies]
[music fades out]
[quirky percussive music playing]
What's the matter?
If a girl
shared a kiss with you, uh,
but then she pretends nothing happened,
what would you say to that?
I'd say it's dissociation.
Well, considering the situation,
it could've been so unpleasant
that it caused temporary memory loss.
- [Min-seo] Or just a bad kiss.
- That's also true.
[spluttering] What do you guys know!
[door slams]
What's his deal?
[music ends]
[Kwang-hee] Eun-u's fever is down,
but she keeps asking for her mom.
Will you be late?
- Did you check the schedule, Ms. Park?
- [Soo-yeon] Oh, yes.
I saw I'm off the whole weekend,
so thank you. That means a lot.
You'll be working anyways.
Mothers don't ever get a break.
[chuckles] I'm not the only one
who's that busy, you know.
Thinking about how much work you do here,
I wish I could do more for you.
Then, maybe I could take
the afternoon off today?
Today? Why?
[Go-yun] Hello.
- Hi.
- Hello, Dr. Dong.
I'm here for Mr. Kim's treatment.
Have you seen him?
- Kim Seo-wan?
- [Go-yun] Mmm.
- He's Ms. Jung's patient?
- [Soo-yeon] Yes.
- Oh, Ms. Jung.
- Yes?
You told Mr. Kim
about his appointment today, right?
Yes, I did earlier.
Huh. Well, then I guess
he went to a different place.
Why? He should
just be in the waiting room.
He's not there.
[tense music playing]
[gasping] But he was here earlier
when I gave him his medication.
Did you see if Kim Seo-wan left today?
Ah, he was packing
his, uh uh, bag earlier on.
Packed a bag?
Did you notice anything off today?
He did seem
more depressed today than usual.
[Da-eun] Hey there.
What are you doing in here?
I'm concerned because of his delusions.
Round up the other staff right now, okay?
Yes, Ms. Park.
- Ms. Park!
- Yes!
[Ms. Hong] Ms. Park will be here soon.
Ms. Min, let security know what's gone on,
and search the rooms in Consultation.
Ms. Hong, please.
Look again through the whole unit, okay?
And Ms. Jung,
find Mr. Yoon and search with him.
And call me when you find him.
- Yes, Ms. Park.
- Yes, ma'am.
Ms. Song, I'll check the security camera.
I'll call his guardian before coming,
just in case.
Mr. Kim!
Kim Seo-wan!
- Mr
- Oh, sh
Hello, doctor. Have you seen a patient
with matted hair and glasses?
- He's been missing from our unit.
- I haven't.
Okay. Kim Seo-wan!
It's just me in here.
Uh, just a minute.
So sorry.
You're Mr. Kim's father?
Yes, it's Myungshin University here.
[music continues]
[gasps] Mr. Yoon! Mr. Yoon!
[Kwang-hee] You must be busy.
It's just that Eun-u won't stop crying.
Can you spare some time
for a quick video call?
[Ms. Hong] But it's raining outside.
The security cameras
cover from this area to here.
He doesn't show up
in any of the footage. I just checked.
- [Mr. Yoon] Oh, really?
- Yes.
[Mr. Yoon] All right, then.
He couldn't have gone this way
because we have
security guards from here to here.
And I even called
all of the cleaning ladies from today
they haven't seen him either.
[Da-eun sighs]
That means
this area is the only one left.
- [Deul-re] That way only goes to the roof.
- [Da-eun gasps]
You don't think Mr. Kim w
- [Ms. Hong] Ms. Jung!
- Wait, stop!
[siren wailing in distance]
[dramatic music playing]
Oh, sorry! I'm sorry, doctor, excuse me!
[music abates]
Coming through!
[music intensifies]
- Oh. Ms. Jung!
- Dr. Dong!
- You still looking?
- Uh, I need to check on the rooftop!
Oh! Where did he go?
Where is he?
Mr. Kim Seo-wan!
[music intensifies]
[music ends]
[gentle music playing]
Ms. Jung!
[Da-eun] Huh?! Kim Seo-wan!
[Da-eun groans]
How long were you here?
Sorry, I probably made you so upset.
Let's all go downstairs. I'll help you.
[gasping] I mustn't!
I I I'm out of mana right now.
- Mediator?
- Yes?
Ambrosia Can I please have a glass?
Oh, yes, just wait right here.
I'll go get it for you right away.
[poignant music playing]
[Go-yun chuckles]
You know how when we were little,
we'd whine to our moms that we were hurt,
even though it didn't
really hurt that badly at all,
and when our mom would look,
it magically wouldn't hurt anymore?
The mere fact
that our mothers acknowledged our pain
was enough to make it hurt less.
[Seo-wan] Yeah, I think so too.
Reminder that everybody, everybody,
everybody within the hospital
is here because
they're handpicked for the exact
characteristics of a nurturing mother.
If it's bad,
you have permission to get upset.
Do whatever works for you.
But, in exchange,
you tell us exactly where it hurts.
And if you do that,
your healer
will team up
with the great mediator to, uh
I will serve you
with the best service I can provide.
[music fades out]
[Seo-wan shivering]
I'm really sorry, Mediator.
You know that everything was true
that Dr. Dong told you.
You should tell us
if anything bothers you again.
That's the reason we're here,
so when you tell us that stuff,
we can help you out.
[Seo-wan] Okay, then
Then, may I
tell you about it with a bit more detail?
[sighs gently] Of course.
Now what's been bothering you?
[bells tinkling]
[apprehensive music playing]
[Go-yun humming]
This is Dr. Dong.
Oh, hi, Dr. Dong. This is Jung Da-eun.
Ms. Jung?
Yes, could I ask where you are right now?
Uh Um I'm outside Psychiatry now.
I'll come out and meet you.
- Right now?
- Uh, yeah. Just wait one minute.
She wants to see you.
[clears throat softly]
[receptionist] Thank you.
Have a good day.
[Go-yun whistling]
[door unlocks]
- [Da-eun] Oh
- [Go-yun] Hey, Ms. Jung.
- Hey.
- How'd you get my number to call?
Um, I asked the Colorectal Unit.
Ah, I see. Is this your number?
- Yes.
- I'll save it, then.
- Uh, doctor?
- Yes, Ms. Jung?
[hesitantly] I was asked
by Mr. Kim to relay a message to you.
To me?
[chuckles] I wonder what he said.
He told me
he wants a new colorectal surgeon.
He said your fingers were too thick
and that they hurt his bottom too much.
[quirky music playing]
[bells tinkling]
[sighs softly]
[music becomes discordant]
- So you're saying this was all my fault?
- [music ends]
[wistful music playing]
- Hey there.
- Hey, Jungda.
I'm at the hospital.
I came because I have a question.
- I'm kinda busy right now.
- [keys tapping]
Uh it'll be quick.
Come to the garden on the 5th floor.
[PA] We hope you're having
a healthy and pleasant evening.
Please check in with staff
located in the patient area
[inaudible dialogue on screen]
supervisor. All staff need to screen
[man] Bring it down more.
Just a little more.
Whoa! Don't move that side. Be careful.
Yeah. Just a little more to the right.
Lower. Okay, that's good!
Let's even it out a little more.
Whoa Lower. Just a bit lower.
[Yu-chan] The only way
you can go from friends to lovers
is to ask them out.
But you still
have to get the timing right.
I like someone.
- Who?
- You know her. Jung Da-eun.
Are you being for real right now?
Mm-hmm. She's cute, right?
[fake retches] Hey!
You feeling all right?
[boy] Here!
[quietly] Jung Da-eun?
[gentle music playing]
[Yu-chan] Back then, I was too young
to know how I truly felt about her.
[sighs] Jungda's late again?
Hey, Jungda!
And by the time I figured it out,
it was already too late.
["Romantic Rendez Vous"
by AXS Music playing faintly]
[Da-eun] Hey, Songyu!
[chuckles] You actually waited.
That's rare.
Oh, I just had something for you.
[music continues]
By the time I wanted to ask her out,
we had become
too close as friends already.
- [Da-eun vocalizing]
- [weakly] Yeahhhh.
[Da-eun vocalizing]
- Hey, do this.
- This?
[both] One, two, three. One, two, three.
[both chuckle]
- [Da-eun laughs]
- [music ends]
[Yu-chan] One, two
- Damn it, I can't!
- [gasps, yelps]
- [yelps] Hey, hey, Song Yu-chaaaaan!
- Yeah! I got in!
I said if you got into Myungshin,
I'd grant you a wish. So what do you want?
[poignant music playing]
Right the wish.
[Da-eun gasps softly]
Another year. What should I get ya?
Hey, Songyu!
So, did you ask Santa for,
uh, anything good?
[Yu-chan sighs]
Buy me dinner.
Buy me dinner.
Buy me dinner. Just dinner. Buy me dinner.
Buy me dinner. Buy me dinner.
I was afraid she might not
feel the same way about me.
And then we couldn't even
remain friends after I asked her out.
[music fades out]
[poignant music playing]
- [Da-eun grunts softly]
- [music stops]
Oh, hey! When'd you get here?
Uh, just now.
I worked so hard all day,
I think relaxing made me doze off.
[gasps] Oh my God, no!
Oh, I have to wrap up!
Oh, wait. You had something
to ask me, what was it?
- It was nothing. It can wait.
- Are you sure?
- Yeah.
- I have to go, sorry.
Okay, I'll
[music reprises]
But it's fine.
Today, was just another in a long line
of missed opportunities.
- [sighs]
- [music ends]
[door lock beeps]
- [Ms. Hong] Oof, great work today.
- [Soo-yeon] Ah, you too.
- So is Eun-u feeling any better?
- I'm going to see her now.
Long day but you still
gotta go home and clock in there too.
Ms. Oh's guardian is coming tomorrow
for some paperwork.
[Ms. Hong] I'm aware.
It's the time for evaluating discharge
paperwork. So be sure it's in order.
- Good work today.
- [Da-euun Thank you. Huh?
- [Deul-re] What is it?
- Ms. Park left in her work shoes.
- [Ms. Hong] Huh?
- I didn't know she was human too.
Oh, sorry. Coming through.
Goodness, my baby.
[sighs] I owe you so much.
I'll pay you back for this later,
I promise you.
- No, no.
- [Eun-u] Mommy smell.
Oh, do I smell nice?
Oh! Seo-jun likes cake rolls, right? Here.
- Oh, c'mon, you didn't have to
- Hey, don't, c'mon. Just take it, please.
- Thanks, I'll call you.
- Go on now, dear.
- Thank you.
- Get home safe. Bye-bye.
[Soo-yeon] Honey!
[softly] Let's take off your shoes.
[sighs] Honey?
- [poignant music playing]
- [Soo-yeon sighs]
[Soo-yeon] Jin-u? Jin-u!
Jin-u, hey?
Jin-u, where's Dad?
- [Jin-u] Huh?
- Dad.
He went to get Eun-u.
Please call your dad for me.
[Jin-u] Okay.
- Mom.
- Yes?
Why did you come so late today?
Sorry. The hospital
had so many sick patients today.
But I'm sick too.
Mom, I'm sick too.
And you're a nurse, aren't you?
Why won't you nurse me?
[softly] Goodnight.
I'll stay till you're sleeping, okay?
[feint beeping]
[door shuts]
[man sighs]
You could have said
you were going to go get Eun-u.
Did Jin-u eat dinner?
No, I picked him up late.
We didn't have time.
I haven't eaten yet either.
[Soo-yeon sighs softly]
That's why he keeps eating junk food
like this because you won't feed him.
You know, there's There are these
tutoring coordinators nowadays.
Uh, they can find tutors
that will cater to Jin-u's needs.
You should ask the other moms
if you don't know about this stuff.
I hear they have
group chats and everything.
Do you know what it takes
to join those group chats?
They each have to say
yes to you in order to join it.
That, and then
you take them to dinner as thanks.
And if that isn't enough,
then think about babysitting their kids
so you don't get called a leech or a user.
Hey, I'd join myself but I don't even know
if they allow dads in there.
[Soo-yeon] I'd have to check
messages all day at work.
It'd be going off every second.
If I don't answer, then I'll feel bad,
and I'd feel bad
if no one answers me either.
Well, everyone is doing it. Why can't you?
I constantly feel bad,
whether here or at work.
I'm doing my best too, you know.
So don't you dare make it more difficult.
Why say it so harshly?
[Soo-yeon] You haven't eaten?
[man] Just cook some instant noodles.
It's late already.
[music fades out]
Ma, did I wake you?
We're on tomorrow, right?
What, you can't?
Ugh, why?!
Soo-jin should've asked
from the beginning.
She knows full well
you're supposed to be covering for us.
[sighs] Forget it,
we don't ever need your help again!
[melancholy music playing]
[Ju-yeong] It feels like
a part of me is broken.
It felt as though everything I could see
was disappearing into nothingness.
Have you heard about pseudodementia?
Oh my God,
are you telling me that I have dementia?
Well, pseudodementia means fake dementia.
So, the symptoms are similar,
but it's a functional disorder
without any brain lesions.
It causes trouble
with recollection and focus.
It can start more abruptly
and progress even faster than dementia.
- How did I come down with that though?
- Depression can cause it.
Oh, no, no.
I am very far from feeling depressed.
Some people are too busy
to realize that
they have clinical depression.
Do you ever feel tired, lethargic,
trouble focusing, even if it was recently?
Well, I guess.
I I just brushed it off,
thinking I was overworked.
I thought if I rested,
it would all just resolve.
You need treatment.
Pseudodementia will mostly go away
if you decide
to get treatment for depression.
I think we should get you
checked in for inpatient care here.
But Ha-yun is sick too though.
What is she gonna do if her mom's
in a mental hospital?
But what if you can't remember Ha-yun?
[mournful music playing]
You have to get better.
Before you end up losing memories
of what matters to you most.
Look, I didn't send Eun-u
to kindergarten today
because I was
depending on you to take care of her,
so why are you suddenly working?
C'mon. You know I have to go.
They messed up,
and I have to go sort it out.
- You're really the only one who can do it?
- Something wrong with going in?
Can you stop yelling at me and just
[sighs] Can't you ask
Seo-jun's mom to take care of her?
Are you insane?
[softly] Oh, hey, it's me. How's Seo-jun?
Oh, I'm sorry.
Oh thank you. Thank you so much.
God, thank you so much.
Oh no, I I won't be that late today.
Okay, finish up quickly
so you can go get her.
- Please hurry
- Ms. Park.
An outpatient is coming in
to be admitted. Are you on it?
Hang on. I'm a little busy right now.
Someone else can help.
I'm supposed to track down nurses myself?
[Min-seo sighs]
[Soo-yeon] Ms. Kwon, you voluntarily asked
to be admitted today, right?
Uh yes.
[Soo-yeon] Okay,
let me explain things to you.
Please have a seat right here.
- And you can change into this gown.
- [phone beeping]
Here are our rules in the hospital.
This is when the doctors come by.
So, uh can I use my phone here still?
Yes, the Open Unit
allows cellphones because
Then, um,
can I make a quick call right now?
[Soo-yeon] Of course.
Hello, Mr. Oh?
What, I do?
Oh, right, I designed a new one
and wrote up the script too.
Just read off of it for the presentation.
I''m really sorry.
Please take care of this for me. Okay?
- Sorry about that.
- Don't worry.
- [phone ringing]
- Another thing
Oh, sorry. One more call.
- Sure.
- [ringing stops]
Hey, Ha-yun! Are you feeling okay?
Oh, that's great. Okay.
Oh, me?
I'm doing well.
Oh, don't worry.
You don't need to do that.
Right, just trust me.
Also, Ha-yun,
I'm gonna talk to this
tutoring coordinator over in Gangnam.
You know Un-jeong, who went
to Seoul National University, right?
Apparently, she owes it all
to this person. Yes.
Oh, her name?
Her name is Ms. Sung In-yeong.
Right, uh-huh.
So how was it?
[sighs] Did you call
the coordinator I told you about?
I don't mean
you have to start right away. [scoffs]
But you'll have to study anyway.
I think we have to restrict her calls.
All of a sudden?
It's not like
she's causing her family any harm.
And other than her frequent calls,
Kwon seems to be doing okay in the unit.
Not to mention
how one patient already reported us
for denying their communication rights.
We should restrict her.
It's starting to affect her treatment.
Take away her phone
and restrict her public phone usage.
[Ms. Hong] Yes.
"Please" and "thank you," huh?
Like "please" is so hard.
Why is my phone gone? Where is it?
Your doctor determined
that this will aid your treatment here.
Uh Do you have kids?
Yes, I do.
Then you must know
how much kids need their mother's care.
As I told you, it's time for you
to focus on yourself now.
I already am anxious enough,
and she needs
Also, at work, they can't move
my project without me there.
It's your doctor's order.
You came here on your own.
So you have to listen
to the doctor's advice. Thank you.
[Ju-yeong sighs]
She also restricted
your access to public phones.
[dialogue fades out]
[Ju-yeong] Huh? Huh?
Excuse me.
My phone is missing in here.
Oh, you gave it to me earlier on.
It's right here.
[Ju-yeong] Oh
Right, oh
I did.
I'd like for us
to give this exercise a try.
Would you write an autobiography?
[Ju-yeong] Uh, "an autobiography"?
H How though?
I don't know where to start.
Write about all the defining events
of your life so far
or a version of your life story.
They could be childhood memories,
your first love, getting a job,
marriage, anything you'd like.
I want you to think about what emotions
came up instead of how things played out.
"I felt such and such
during this event" and so on.
Write down your own emotions
in those exact moments.
Let's start with just ten pages.
You You said ten?
[grunts softly]
[somber music playing]
[scribbling continues]
[music stops]
You did so well.
Th The thing is,
uh, it was really hard when I started,
but once I got over it,
I actually thought I'd never stop.
That's great.
Could you highlight the sections covering
negative emotions in your writings?
[Ju-yeong] Negative
- It's okay if it's just slightly negative.
- [Ju-yeong] Okay.
[pen squeaking]
[tense music playing]
[page turning]
How does it feel to see all that?
there aren't many in the beginning.
A lot of them are
from after I had my child.
[Min-seo] That's right.
[Ju-yeong] Did I really
have such a difficult life?
[melancholy music playing]
[Min-seo] You must have always
put your family and work before yourself.
Because of this,
even when you had downtime,
you probably didn't know
what to do. So then,
you didn't have time to step back
and consider your own feelings.
You're right.
[Min-seo] That's when
the incident with Ha-yun happened.
You must have taken on
her difficulties as your own,
And worried that you
ruined Ha-yun's life,
and thus your own by extension.
Metacognition is what we call this.
This exercise helps you understand
your thought process
throughout all the phases of your life
and reflect on
which factors made you feel bad.
The ability to look back
on your emotions is so important.
Imagine that your feelings
also have muscles.
As we engage physically
to become healthier,
we must train our minds
for the same reason.
Emotions also get worked out?
Let's take this approach
and make all this yellow color disappear.
That should help you recover
your memory and focus.
[Soo-yeon] Hey, it's me, Jin-u's mom.
Did you get a chance
to ask the other moms in the group chat?
Oh, they said no?
Oh Oh no, it's fine.
I totally get it, I do.
Then, uh, what if I
treat all of them to a meal or something?
Yes. Yes, thank you.
Right, thank you. Bye.
- [Da-eun] Ms. Park?
- Yes?
I'm taking Ms. Na O-mi for her test.
Make sure Won-mi has lunch after that,
and you should eat something
Huh? What about you?
I heard you didn't eat breakfast.
[Soo-yeon] You go ahead.
- [Da-eun] Let me take care of things.
- [phone rings]
- You should go eat fir
- Take Ms. Na O-mi.
- [Da-eun sighs]
- Yes, psychiatry, Unit 53.
Oh, hello, doctor. Yes.
Ms. Park. Mr. Oh is acting out,
asking for cigarettes.
One second, please.
Call Dr. Kong and have Mr. Yoon escort him
to the seclusion room right away
- [Deul-re] Yes, ma'am.
- [Soo-yeon] Yes, doctor.
I'll call you back after I check on it.
[phone clatters]
We're so alike.
[air hissing]
[music fades out]
[Velcro rasping]
Ms. Kwon Ju-yeong,
looks like your blood pressure is normal.
"Jin-u," is that your little girl?
Uh, yes.
Trying to balance work and family is hard.
Uh I guess you're right.
Uh, well, what about
your daughter, Ms. Kwon?
She's in junior high.
Oh I'm sure she's studying a lot.
[Ju-yeong] Hmm.
Would you mind
if I asked which classes she's taking?
Well, the same ones as other kids.
She stays after school
and has a few tutors.
Uh, you were
talking to a tutor on the phone.
Do you think
you'd be able to introduce us too?
Oh, yes! I'll
I'll share her contact with you later.
[gasps] Thank you so much.
Back in the day,
I also bent over backwards
so I could get accepted
into the moms' group chat with everyone.
The moment they invited me,
I felt as if I was exonerated.
[poignant music playing]
[scoffs] I mean,
it's not like I was a bad mom,
but the group chat
was definitely my crowning achievement.
That feeling still hasn't gone away.
That how I feel right now.
I'm feeling like
not a good mother these days.
How old are your kids?
I have a third-grader
and a kindergartener.
People would say we're just
some overbearing soccer moms,
but they don't get it, do they?
Being a mom who works,
it's easy to use excuses.
So I work even harder.
But it's madness.
For my kids though,
I'm not around.
But it's not like I can just quit my job.
If I'm also making money
If I'm also making money, I could get her
a better tutor than the one she has now.
Then later on,
I don't want money to become an issue
when it's time
to support them through school.
They say moms' groups
are so important these days.
But working moms
don't have time to make connections,
and they get left out
of these communities.
Then, the kids have trouble making friends
because the moms are left out.
What if my baby
can't even make friends
because I'm left out?
It's all I'm living for really.
Working so much that I can just give her
a better life than I had.
[quavering] Don't push too much.
It's gonna be hard.
You'll give everything,
but you'll still be so hard on yourself,
for what you couldn't do.
The guilt will eat at you.
It's just so much to carry. [swallows]
You won't realize
you're starting to wither away.
[sobbing] Your life will be
covered in yellow marks.
You might not notice
the bad signs to catch your attention.
[breathing shakily]
You'll turn a blind eye
to your happiness
for your child's happiness.
You see
how can you make way for her joy
if you haven't made way for yours?
[gasps softly]
Oh. So sorry about that.
Don't say sorry.
It's okay.
You worked so hard, didn't you?
- [Min-seo] Ms. Park.
- Yes?
Please encourage Ms. Kwon
so she takes a walk every morning.
Okay, I'll ask her guardian
to accompany her in that case.
Also, Ms. Park, are you doing okay?
Yes. Why?
Why don't you write an autobiography too?
Why would I?
You look close to breaking.
- [gentle music playing]
- [clock ticking]
[book shuts]
What are you doing, Mom?
Oh I have a day off tomorrow.
- [Jin-u] Mom, are you going somewhere?
- Uh-huh.
Jin-u, once you're up tomorrow,
get ready by yourself.
You're old enough
to do that alone now, okay?
Eun-u, brush your teeth, wash up,
and get dressed once you're up.
- Then Dad will take you to kindergarten.
- So where exactly are you going right now?
You can manage one day without me, right?
Don't call me.
I won't answer It.
[man] Wait, what?
Oh, oh, Soo-jin, hi!
I wanted to let you know that Mom
can't come to your house tomorrow.
And you too. Don't call me!
[quirky music playing]
[sighs] I'm done with this.
[music stops]
- This is a hotel.
- Yeah.
- Why are we here at this hour?
- [Soo-yeon chuckles]
[Soo-yeon] Thank you so much.
Come on.
It's about time
that you and I treated ourselves a little.
- [grunting softly]
- We'll get some sun in the morning.
Take a walk and eat food
that other people prepared for a change.
There's also a great spa here.
Ma, I've been earning this money.
And, Mom
- I'm sorry.
- [whimsical music playing]
I'm grateful.
And I love you.
[music stops]
[door clattering]
I think we should talk.
[siren wailing]
- [woman] Oh my God, did you see that?
- [paramedic] Make way, please.
- [woman] What's going on?
- [paramedic] Make way!
[officer speaking inaudibly]
[paramedics talking]
- [man 1] Did you see anything?
- [man 2] Yeah.
[siren continues]
[apprehensive music playing]
[woman] I don't think he's alive.
How old is he?
[closing theme playing]
[quirky music playing]
[music ends]
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