Darkness: Those Who Kill (2019) s01e05 Episode Script

Afsnit 5

Mikkel? Mikkel?
You've never seen a naked
girl before?
You can look.
You can touch too. It's okay.
What are you doing?! You creep!
But, you
If you say I was out last night, I'll
say you want to fuck your sister.
Get out, Mikkel. Out!
Oh, you're so dangerous.
- Stop it!
- Shut up!
Shut up! Shut up!
I see it.
What do you see?
That she looks like Natasha.
- Good morning.
- Good morning.
- Are you sleeping in your car?
- I've moved out of my room.
- Aren't you going to reply?
- No.
Maybe she's worried.
She wants to buy me out of the house
and let her boyfriend move in.
We suspect AndersKjeldsen of the
murder of his mother, UllaKjeldsen,
and of the three women at
Erling Petersen's place.
- How sure are you of the accomplice?
- It's absolutely possible.
It explains a lot, like the severed
fingers and the careful planning.
We think the accomplice has
the hiding place.
Julie was kept alive for six months.
Kjeldsen couldn't have planned it.
Are we searching for Kjeldsen
in the press?
We're saying nothing about
the accomplice?
No, we want to stay one
step ahead with that.
What could they do with Emma Holst
if they feel pressured?
- Could they kill her?
- We've considered it. But, Louise
The accomplice is probably
strategic and clever.
When we go out with the search,
they'll probably tone it down.
I think the attention will stop them
taking more victims.
- So a search will stop them?
- Yes, I think so.
- Is the tips line open, Gitte?
- It opens after the press conference.
Thanks, everyone.
- Welcome, everyone.
- Can you take this? Good.
- Over to the press conference.
- Thank you for coming.
They've found the perpetrator
in Greve.
After the murder of
Julie and Natasha,
we're searching for AndersKjeldsen.
We believeKjeldsen is involved in
Emma Holst's disappearance.
We encourage the public to call
if they have seen or heard anything
about AndersKjeldsen.
- Are they searching for anyone else?
- No, just AndersKjeldsen.
he is powerfully built, with dark
hair and last seen in Greve.
If anyone sees him, they should not
make contact, but ring the police
on 23093267.
- Can you cover for me?
- No, I have three cars on the way in.
Sanne can relieve you in an hour.
I have to go. I don't feel well.
- We'll contact you if we need to.
- Of course.
Good bye.
- This is pointless.
- No, he's not a paedophile.
It's not children he's after.
What did Dennis say?
We've gotten a tip about a shelter in
Ishøj whereKjeldsen has been.
It fits the profile.
The homeless have to sleep somewhere.
- Have we got an address?
- Yes.
Hey, Stine.
- What are you doing here?
- The office said you were sick today.
You shouldn't have gone to my work.
- What have you done?
- I spilled paint, what do you want?
Mikkel says you haven't RSVPed.
The party is tomorrow.
You're coming, aren't you?
People will talk if you don't come.
So is that all it's about?
What other people think?
I should have figured that out.
- I'll come.
- Thank you.
- That makes me happy.
- Yeah, I'm sure it does.
See you.
- There you go.
- Thanks.
You rang because you've
seen this man?
Yes, it's him.
Are you sure? Take your time.
I'm totally certain.
It was barely a week ago.
I wanted to talk,
but he didn't tell me his name.
- Is it registered anywhere?
- No, nobody needs to register.
He's got other places, because he's
only here every other week.
Have you checked down in the harbour?
There's a boat there onshore,
behind the housing area.
- I think he lives in it.
- What kind of boat?
An old motor boat with a tarp
over it and a blue keel.
- Are you sure it's him?
- A hundred per cent.
You don't forget that look.
Come down.
It's hasn't been long
since he was here.
It's Natasha's dress.
He kept the dress for ten years.
He's been here recently
without a doubt.
Could the other victims
have been here?
I don't think so.
I don't think forensics will
find anything here.
The dress is here because the
accomplice doesn't come here.
If we set up cameras,
we'll get him if he comes back.
Fresh from the microwave.
Was the accomplice part of
the murder of Natasha?
No, Natasha is exclusively
Kjeldsen's obsession.
They probably didn't know one
another then. Look at this.
Samira Khan and Rose Bojali
don't look anything like Natasha.
Julie and Emma do.
Maybe Kjeldsen didn't like the
victims in the tank,
so he took Emma and Julie.
So they have different requirements
for the victims?
We don't need to talk about it.
Send the paper for me to sign
and I'll do it.
- Now it's done.
- I'm sorry.
Yes, I've sent someone.
They rang from the karate
club in Greve.
They've caught AndersKjeldsen.
- I've sent a car.
- Tell them we're on the way too.
John Poulsen, club manager.
I'm the one who rang.
- Jan Michelsen. Where is he?
- Down here.
- That's notKjeldsen.
- Are you police?
- That idiot jumped me!
- You tried to run away.
- You fought back.
- Wouldn't you have done that?
Calm down now. How did he get here?
We found him behind the station.
He was following one of the girls.
One of the girls?
Hey. Sisse Vestergaard,
I reported Emma missing.
- She's the worst of them!
- Calm down, okay?
He was acting strange.
Who jogs in the middle of the night?
I'm training for an Ironman. I have
family and have to run at night.
- Do you want to report them?
- No, but can I leave now?
- Yes.
- Thank you.
- Can we speak somewhere?
- Yes, here.
- What are you doing?
- We just want to help the police.
We have three girls with black belts
with a man each nearby.
To tempt AndersKjeldsen?
- We have to do something.
- You're vigilantes.
It was my idea,
I take full responsibility.
This stops now, is that understood?
What are you doing to find him?
- We're doing everything we can.
- It's not enough.
- See you tomorrow.
- See you tomorrow.
Do you want to sleep on the couch?
It's just for tonight.
It's okay.
Maybe you have other people
sleep over sometimes.
Good night.
Where have you been?
You're being hunted.
The police know your name.
They found the septic tank,
and Julie.
- Okay.
- Okay?
What the fuck was Julie doing
at a quarry?
- The police were on the property.
- And?
- I had to get rid of the car.
- Did they see you?
- I don't think so.
- Where did they get your name?
- Erling I don't know.
- You're being hunted.
They know everything about your
mother and Natasha.
What do they know?
They know it was you.
You have to tell me everything.
Or things will get dangerous for us.
They've taken the dress.
The police.
There were two police on the boat.
They took the dress.
If the police have the dress,
you can't have it back.
- Sure I can.
- Don't be stupid now.
- Is the dress really worth it?
- I'll get it back.
If they find you, they find me.
You're not going anywhere.
You might be recognised.
You don't decide what I do!
Do you understand?
Do you understand?!
No Help!
Hey! What's going on?
- Let go of me!
- What are you doing?
Are you okay?
What are you doing?
Write a letter to your parents.
I'll make sure they get it.
Surely there are things you
want to tell them.
It's over soon.
There's always something left unsaid.
He tried to get her into the car but
gave up when they screamed. Coffee?
- Where's Jan?
- He and Dennis talked to the victim.
- How is she?
- She's not hurt but extremely shaken.
- Could she identify him?
- Yes.
It wasAnders Kjeldsen.
- Was he alone?
- Yes.
- I thought they'd tone it down.
- It's not your fault.
- Anders Kjeldsen is irrational.
- Yes, but I should have foreseen
- What?
- That he'd react like this.
Other murderers have reacted
the same way.
Do you think he'll try again?
Yes, and he'll probably do it soon.
What he did yesterday was impulsive.
Someone has pushed him over the edge.
He's not afraid of being arrested. We
shouldn't have put him in the press.
Should we just wait for him to
turn up in the harbour?
- We can't just wait.
- We have no choice.
- We can just use more patrols.
- We can't cover the whole area.
Louise thinks he'll do it again.
We have to use that.
Can't we set a trap,
with someone as bait?
- It's too risky.
- Not if we're nearby the whole time.
- Karlslund won't agree to it.
- What if he takes someone tonight.
Emma's friend at the karate club
will do it. We can't just wait.
We can't tell Karlslund.
It's only us who can know.
That sounds good.
I'll talk to her.
- Hey.
- Happy Birthday.
Thanks. Stine, promise me you'll
go easy on the wine today?
It's a tiepin.
Thanks for coming.
It made Mum happy.
- Aunty Stine. Look what I got.
- So beautiful!
- Isn't it Daddy's birthday?
- Grandpa gave me a present too.
Put the phone away now, Olivia.
So nice you wanted to come.
- Who's that Mikkel's talking to?
- Hanne Munk, his boss.
It's so nice to see you.
Dear brother. It's my turn to
say a few words.
I'm Mikkel's little sister.
I'd like to tell a story about
the birthday boy.
I was 16 and Mikkel was 19,
and we were home alone.
Our parents were on holiday.
I'd come home later one morning
after a party.
Mikkel didn't like that his sister
had been out all night.
- Stine
- We fought
And I think you wanted to
show me who was boss.
Maybe you just wanted to get
your own way, and you did.
You thought I'd been with lots
of guys, but I hadn't.
You were actually my first.
You raped me.
That's enough!
Come on, let's go. Come on, sweetie.
Put this in your ear.
- Have you lived here long?
- Three years.
- Like this?
- Yes, that looks good.
I'll be sitting out in the car.
You'll hear us talking in the earbud.
- You can change your mind.
- No, I'm not afraid of him.
She's okay.
She's on her way toward you, MT.
I see her.
She's on her way toward you, Dennis.
I see her.
- Keep an eye on that car, Jan.
- Copy that.
- The same make asKjeldsen's, right?
- Yes. Do you see anything, Dennis?
Yes, I see him.
He's driving into the roundabout.
Calmly now, Sisse.
He's coming back.
It's not him, Jan.
We'll give you a lift.
Don't walk around here alone.
Thanks, but I can look after myself.
Be careful.
Do you need to take a break, Sisse?
Apparently not.
- She's coming toward you now, MT.
- Copy that.
Why did you leave England?
I worked on a case.
A 16-year-old boy had forced himself
onto a 10-year-old girl.
He was from a functional family
and was good in school.
He'd never done anything like it
and never would again.
I thought he was a normal 16-year-old
who was a bit immature.
He'd just tested the boundaries
and made a mistake.
After a few conversations,
I approved his release.
I thought he'd do better at his
parents then in custody.
But the day after his release
he stabbed his parents to death
and hung himself.
That was a nice letter you
wrote to your parents.
"Dear Mum and Dad.
You should know that
I love you very much."
It's probably mutual.
"I should never have moved out
against your will.
I'm sorry we fought last time
we saw one another."
Your parents will probably find out
what happened to you.
You don't need to explain it to them.
Jan. It's been two hours.
This is going nowhere.
- We discontinue.
- Copy that.
- We'll meet outside the apartment.
- Okay.
Thank you so much for your help.
Jan and Louise will go up with you.
- Are you okay?
- I think so.
- You've got your group tomorrow, huh?
- Yes.
In five hours.
Take the car.
Go home and sleep for a bit.
I'll debrief with Sisse and
go to the station.
Emma didn't want company
to the station that night.
- I should have insisted.
- It's not your fault.
When we met, I saw her as an
innocent girl from the countryside.
She was tougher than she seemed.
You know John, from the karate club?
Sometimes he invites himself over for
coffee with new girls at the club.
He did it with Emma too,
and she was totally cool.
She invited him in.
She doesn't drink coffee,
but he got tea and then
she held a lecture about God.
That's all he got out of it.
You and Louise, are you married?
No, we just work together.
I'm in the middle of a separation.
- I should probably leave now.
- You don't have to.
- Help! Help!
- Shut up!
Give me your phone.
Give me your phone. Give it to me.
Okay. Now you ring and say
you want the dress.
- Ask them to come here with it.
- I don't know who to call. CI think the Swedish should say "den" and not "dem". I 15:4029.02.2020 - Lily Ray /I.
- Ring now!
- The dress means a lot to you.
Natasha did too.
I don't think you wanted to kill her.
I've found your mother,
so I know what you did to her.
I understand it,
after everything she did to you.
Erling said you weren't
born like this.
He knows nothing!
I'll get the dress,
or I'll kill you.
You're not the killer.
Your accomplice is.
We know you have an accomplice.
That it's him who takes the girls.
- That's not right.
- Yes, it is.
Subtitle translation by: Lily Ray
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